( 1 e x i c o g r a mma r ) / ( 形式) 、 以及 音 系 层 ( p h o n o l o —
g Y ) / ( 词句) 。这 三 个 层 次 之 间 的关 系象 征 和 被 象 征、 或 者 说体现 ( r e a l i z a t i o n ) 和被 体现 的关 系 。具 体
颜 小 娜
( 浙江万里学 院 基 础学 院 , 浙江 宁波 3 1 5评价理论基础上对语 法隐喻在 英语语 篇 中的评 价功 能进行 了研 究 , 尤其 是对语 法 隐喻 的两种 主要表 现形
式—— 名词化和动词化在不 同语篇类型 中的评价是 否有 不同的表 现进行 了研 究 。 [ 关键词]评价 资源; 语法隐喻 ; 名词化 ; 动词化 [ 中图分类号]H3 1 3 [ 文献标识码]A [ 文章编 号] 1 6 7 4 — 2 2 7 3 ( 2 0 1 3 J O 1 — 0 0 9 4 — 0 4
Ha l l i d a y 认为语 法隐 喻产生 涉及 以下 三个步 骤 : ( 1 ) 选择过程 ( p r o c e s s ) 类型 , 即从 物质 、 心理、 关系、 言 语、 行为 和存 在六种 过程 中选择其 一 ; ( 2 ) 选择 体 现过
( 1 )Ha l l i d a y ( 1 9 8 5 / 1 9 9 4 : 3 4 2 ) : 语 法 隐喻 从 根 本 上说 是语法 形 式 发生 的改 变 , 尽 管 也 经 常 导致 词
( 4 )Ha l l i d a y ( 2 0 0 4 : x i v ) : 语 言 隐喻 是语 法 范 畴
的交 叉耦 合 。 近年 来 研究 语 法 隐 喻 的文 章 不 少 , 但 是从 语 篇
对认知起 推动作 用 的是其 深藏 在 我们认 知体 系 中 的
晰原 则要 求语 言 的表 达要 清 晰。这 两条 原则 时常会 发 生抵触 , 相互 制 约 。在 很 多情况 下 , 果语 言表 会 如 达太简 单 , 篇 的 明 晰度 就 会 降低 ; 如果 对 每 件 语 而
产 生 了体 现 意 义 的一 致 式 和 隐 喻 式 。 ( 金娜 娜 等 ,
20) 04 在认 知主 义 看 来 ,语 言不 是 一 个 自足 的认 知 “
程或修辞语 ,而 是 以名 词 形式 体 现 的参 与 者 。 ( ” 胡
壮麟 ,96 4 人 际隐 喻 主要 的语 言表现 形式 则是 以 19 :) 小句表达本 应 由副 词表 达 的语 气 与情 态 意 义 , 即将
如从表 达序 列 向小 句 复合 体 或 向小 句 的转换 。 ( 严
世清 ,0 3 20 )
也发生在语 法层 面 。在 语 法 层 面 上 , 当语法 形 式 或 语法 范畴发 生转 换 时 , 这种 范 畴 的转 换 就是 语 法 隐 喻。换言 之 , 语法 隐喻 是 指 表达 相 同意 义 的语 法 范
山 东 外语 教 学
S adn oe nLnug eci or l hnogFri agaeTahn Jun g g a
20 O 9年 第 4期 ( 第 11期 ) 总 3
英 语 语 法 隐 喻 的 认 知 理 据 及 语 篇 功 能*
张 法科 ,邵 新光
( 南 大 学 外 国语 学院 , 东 济 南 20 2 ) 济 山 50 2
人际意 义 以命 题 形 式 表 达 出来 。2 O世 纪 9 O年代 ,
H ldy 19 :4 对 语法 隐喻进 行 了重新 归类 , 归 aia(96 4 ) l 共
1. 语法化隐喻的研究
2. 语法类型隐喻的研究
3. 语法结构隐喻的研究
1.《别相信任何人》中的人际语法隐喻对比分析及其功能探析 [J], 李柏年
2.人际语法隐喻在英语写作教学中的应用 [J], 门博良
3.《疯狂动物城》中身份构建的人际语法隐喻探析 [J], 王庆鹏;谢竞贤
4.《爱玛》中的人际语法隐喻 [J], 程中芳
5.从人际语法隐喻看《简·爱》中的深层会话含义 [J], 李艳
MING RI FENG SHANG287社 会 视 野文|周 雪系统功能语言学中的语法隐喻理论的发展摘要:“语法隐喻”这一概念是由韩礼德在1976年首次提出的,提出以来语法隐喻成为语言学界的研究热点。
根据功能语法,语言分三个层次:语义层,词汇语法层和音系层,三个层次之间的关系是“实现”的关系,在实现的过程中出现了非一致性的实现关系,即跨域转换(Cro“S一domain transference),产生出语法隐喻现象。
浅谈功能语言学中的人际语法隐喻程晓龙(武汉理工大学外国语学院湖北·武汉430070)中图分类号:H04文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7894(2013)29-0074-02作者简介:程晓龙(1989-),男,湖北武汉人,研究生,研究方向为外国语言学及应用语言学。
关键词人际功能人际语法隐喻情态隐喻语气隐喻A Brief Discussionon Interpersonal Metaphor in Func 原tional Linguistics //Cheng Xiaolong Abstract There are three metafunctions in Functional Linguis-tics:ideational metafuction;interpersonal metafunctioan;textual metafunction.Different metafuctions have two different realiza-tions:congruent form and metaphorical form.Therefore,there kinds of metaphors exist in Functional Linguistics:ideational metaphor;interpersonal metaphor;textual metaphor.Interper-sonal metaphor can be divided into metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality.This paper starts with a concise introduc-tion of interpersonal metafuction and then focuses on the metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality.Key words interpersonal function;interpersonal metaphor;metaphor of mood;metaphor of modality 1人际功能简介韩礼德(Halliday,1994)认为语言具有表达说话者身份、地位、态度、动机和他对事物的推断、判断和评价功能,这就是人际功能。
[语法隐喻与认知概念隐喻之比较] 概念语法隐喻
《[语法隐喻与认知概念隐喻之比较] 概念语法隐喻》摘要:本文分别从系统功能语法的角度和认知语言学的角度对隐喻进行了比较,比较隐喻是一种语言现象,我们可以在语言发展的规律中发现隐喻的作用,从系统功能语言学来看,语法隐喻有修辞、语言学、认知和社会等功能(束定芳,2000)摘要: 本文分别从系统功能语法的角度和认知语言学的角度对隐喻进行了比较。
关键词: 隐喻认知语言学系统功能语法比较隐喻是一种语言现象,我们可以在语言发展的规律中发现隐喻的作用。
系统功能语言学将语言看作是一个多层次的系统(a system of systems),即语义层、词汇语法层(lexicogrammar)、语音层,而且从下至上是一种体现关系。
普遍 存 在 ,区 别 在 于实 现 方 式 不 同 。英 语 具 有 构 词形 态 ,常 常可 以通 过各 种 方 式 添 加 词 缀 隐 喻 化为 名 词 ;汉 语 是通 过 改变 句 法功 能来 实 现 ,词本 身形 式 没 有 发 生 任何 变 化 ,这 与英 语 属 屈 折 语 而汉 语 属 孤立 语 相 一 致 另外 ,名 词 化 隐 喻 在 英 汉 语 中 的实 现 方式
象 在 汉 语 中 的存 在 性 ,朱 永 生 、 严 世 清n3 据 J 根
Hal a “ ld y 每一 门语 言 的历史 大 多 是一 个 非 隐喻化 i
的概 念功 能是 由语 言 的及 物性 系统 体现 的 。 系统功 能语 法理 论 的语义 功能模 式认为 ,语言 有概念 功能 、 际功能 和语 篇功 能三 大纯理功能 。 人 其 中反 映人 类 各种 经验 的概念 功 能是 由 一 种描述 小句 的语法体 系 —— 及 物性 系统来 体 现 。及 物性系统将 人 类 的经 验世 界构建 为一系列 可操 作的过 程 ,每 一 个过 程又包 括过 程本 身 ,与过 程相关 的参 与者 以及
中国古代 的某些 作 品 ,并分 析 了一 些汉语 科技语 篇 后 提 出 : “ 法 隐 喻 也 是 汉 语 中普 遍 存 在 的现 语
象 ”_1 词化 隐喻便 是其 中重 要 的一 部分 。但他 ,_ 2 J 名
们及 之后 的学者并未 对汉语 中的名词 化隐 喻现象做
进一 步的讨论 ,自然也 没做 英汉 对 比的探 讨 。据对 文献调 查 ,只有 若干篇 有关英 汉人 际意义 以及语 气 隐喻 的对 比分析 文献 。本文将 以系 统功能 语法理 论 体系为理 论基 础 和对 比描述 的框 架 ,系统对 比英 汉 语 中名词化 隐喻现象 在表 现形式 和语 篇功 能两个 方 面所 体现 出的共性 和个性 ,并尝 试从认 知角度 和句
1.语法隐喻理论Halliday( 1985)将语法隐喻分为概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻两种,概念语法隐喻主要的表现形式是以名词形式表达本应由动词和形容词表达的过程或性状;[1]人际语法隐喻主要的语言表现形式则是以小句表达本应由副词表达的语气与情态意义,即将人际意义以命题形式表达出来。
研究生论丛2005年5月湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Journal of X iangtan U n i versity(Ph ilosophy and Soc i a l Sc i ences)V o.l29M ay,2005谈三种隐喻观的比较)))修辞隐喻、认知隐喻和语法隐喻姚婵莉(湘潭大学外国语学院,湖南湘潭411105)一、引言近几年来,隐喻研究的浪潮已经波及到中国,国内一些主要外语类学术刊物刊登了许多介绍国外研究成果的文章,甚至有人开始着手创建隐喻学(束定芳,1996)。
L akoff&Johnson扩展了隐喻概念的内涵,赋予隐喻新的诠释和评价,提出了隐喻的认知理论。
亚里斯多德对隐喻的定义是:隐喻通过把属于别的事物的词给予另一个事物而构成,或从/属0到/种0,或从/种0到/属0,或从/种0到/种0,或通过类比(A risto tl e,P oetics: 1457b)。
译文As is known, ever since Aristotle people have been interested in and doing a lot of research on metaphor, but most of the studies of metaphor have been mainly concerned with metaphor in its rhetorical sense. Though some linguists have realized the metaphorical nature of grammar, research on grammatical metaphor (GM) is rare. It was with the systemic-functionalists that the conscious study of GM started. Yet, studies on GM are far from being enough. It is found that there is certain relationship between GM and point of view. Therefore, the dissertation ventures to make some exploration on the relationship between GM and point of view. Following the introduction, the second chapter presents some systemic-functionalists' different views and treatments of GM. It was Halliday's idea of GM that marked the beginning of the theoretical study on GM. Ever since then, quite a lot of systemic-functionalists, namely, Ravelli, Martin, Mattiessen and Goatly, have taken up the topic and made their contributions to it, which are of great importance to the study of GM. Based on Halliday's treatment of GM as transferred realizations in the lexicogrammar and other researchers'approaches, GM is regarded as an incongruent realization of meanings involving transference of grammatical units from onegrammatical domain to another, and it is divided into three kinds: ideational GM, interpersonal GM and textual GM. Then, the dissertation turns to the research of point of view in the third chapter. Point of view is derived from stylistic criticism and defined as "the psychological perspective through which a story is told (Fowler, 1986: 112)". Simpson transferred the concept of point of view to linguistics and identified four important categories: spatial and temporal point of view, ideological point of view and psychological point of view. This dissertation specifically focuses on the angel and attitude people hold as they encode the world. GM may go into existence when point of view is not in accordance with the usual logical sequence on the grammatical level people have to look at the world. And point of view can determine grammatical variation in a discourse through the employment of metaphorical realization. Since ideational metaphor and nterpersonal metaphor are correlated to point of view closely, the following two chapters deal with it respectively. By ideational metaphor, especially by nominalization, it is likely to package information, create special texture, achieve discoursal and stylistic effects, and show ideological trends; the employment of the two types of interpersonal metaphor, metaphors of mood and metaphors of modality, resultes from viewpoints of making semantic prediction, achieving some special effects and reveal subjectiveor objective trends. So, it can be concluded that the two applications of ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor is greatly due to all these patterns of viewpoints, thus proving that point of view can be realized by grammatical metaphor.。
这样的隐喻被Lakoff 和Johnson 等称为概念隐喻。
概念隐喻在英语中通常用大写字母表示, 如LIFE IS A JOURNEY 和HAPPY IS UP。
这里的LIFE 和HAPPY 称为目标域( target domain) ,JOURNEY 和UP 称为始发域(source domain) ,IS 被看作是“经验集的简化,隐喻以它为基础,因此,这三者之间的关系就是建立在经验基础之上的由始发域向目标域的映射。
We are comparing different ways o the same meaning.Congruent expression and incongruent(metaphorical) expression常规隐喻、死隐喻与新隐喻Lakoff 所说的概念隐喻通常只指常规隐喻(conventional metaphors ) , 而不是死隐喻( deadmetaphors) 、新隐喻(novel metaphors) 。
常规隐喻指那些建构我们文化的普遍概念系统,并且反映在日常语言中的隐喻,它们才是我们真正赖以生存的隐喻;死隐喻是指那些特有的、孤立的、无系统性的隐喻表达式,如山脚、葱头和桌腿,它们虽是隐喻家族中的成员,但根本不与其他成员来往,更没有在我们的语言和思维中被系统地使用(虽然有的临时可以被激活) ,因此,它们不是我们赖以生存的隐喻。
“ 剩余成分” , 它包 括谓语词 、 补语 和修 饰语 。
1 . 2情 态 系 统
情态 隐喻和语 气隐喻。 关 键 词 人 际 功 能 人 际语 法 隐喻
t i o n a l Li n g u i s t i c s/ / C h e n g Xi a o l o n g
me t a p h o r ;i n t e pe r r s o n a l me t a p h o r ;t e x t u a l me t a p h o r .I n t e r p e r - s o n a l me t a p h o r c a n b e d i v i d e d i n t o me t a p h o r o f mo o d a n d me t a p h o r o f mo d a l i t y . T h i s p a p e r s t a r t s wi t h a c o n c i s e i n t r o d u c — t i o n o f i n t e pe r r s o n a l me t a f u c t i o n a n d t h e n f o c u s e s o n t h e me t a p h o r o f mo o d a n d me t a p h o r o f mo d a l i t y .
me t a f u n c t i o n .D i f f e r e n t me t a f u e t i o n s h a v e t w o d i f f e r e n t r e a l i z a —
t i o ns :c o n g r u e nt f o r m a nd me t a p ho r i c a l f o r m. Th e r e f o r e ,t h e r e ki n ds o f me t a ph o r s e x i s t i n Fu nc io t na l L i n g ui s t i c s :i d e a t i o na l
隐 喻 作 为 比较 普 遍 的 语 言 现 象, 一 直 为 学 者 们 关 注 。2 O 世纪7 0 年 代 ,欧 美 学 术 思 潮 中 出 现 了隐 喻研 究 热 。在 隐 喻 研 究 热 潮 中 , 人 们 往 往 把 隐 喻 归 结 为 一 种 词 汇 现 象 ,隐 喻 的 讨 论 总 离 不 开 词 汇 的 隐 喻 。韩 礼 德 从 语 法 的视 角 去 研 究隐喻 , 在《 功能语法导论} ( Ha U l — d a y 1 9 8 5 )最 后 一 章 提 出 了 语 法
致式 ( C o n g r u e n t f o r m ) 和 与 现 实 偏 离 的 隐 喻 式 ( t h e t r a n s —
f e r r e d / m e t a p h o r i c a l f o r m ) ,隐 喻 是
从 功 能 的视 角 , 隐 喻 也 可 体 现 为
运作过程 ,而不是词 汇与世 界的 语 义 映 现 的 关 系 了 。 系 统 功 能 语 法确认 了语 言 的三大 纯 理功 能 :
概 念功 能 、 人 际功 能 、 语 篇功 能 。
喻的作用 。从青少 年语 言发育 的 角 度 证 明语 法 隐 喻 存 在 于 人 的 语 言 能力 的 高 级 发 展 阶 段 。 2 . 语 法 隐 喻 的定 义
关键词 : 语 法 隐 喻 问题
质 疑
语 法隐 喻是 系统 功能语 言学
的 主 要 问题 之 一 。 隐 喻 本 指 词 汇
对 隐 喻 研 究 的 空 白 ,开 拓 了 隐 喻 研 究 从 语 义 到 词 汇 语 法 的研 究 途
所 涉 及 的词 义 或 语 义 的 引 申 。语 法隐喻可 以理解 为隐喻从词 汇领 域 向语法领 域 的延 伸 。语 法隐喻 更 多 的 应 该 是 语 法 系 统 内 的 一 种
到了20 世纪下半叶,随着认知语言学的兴起,隐喻被认为是人们认知世界的方式。
莱考夫和约翰逊在《我们所赖以生存的隐喻》(Metaphors we live by)一书中指出:“隐喻无所不在,在我们的语言中、思想中。
” [1]1 按照莱考夫等人的理解,语言使用中的隐喻只是一种表层现象,真正起作用的是深藏在我们概念系统中的隐喻概念(metaphorical concepts),例如:英语文化中的深层隐喻(conceptual metaphor):Argument is war, Time is money 等导致了一系列英语语言使用中的隐喻现象:He shot down all of my arguments. I’ve never won an argument with him. You’re wasting my time. How do you spend your time these days? 理查兹(Richards)也认为:隐喻是人类“语言无所不在的原理(the omnipresent principle of language)”。
关键词:英文抒情诗语法隐喻文体功能中图分类号:h03 文献标识码:a抒情诗不仅是诗歌的精华,更是文学的精髓。
其中,一致式和隐喻式是语法隐喻的两个核心概念:一致式是指言辞的典型非标记性模式,或接近外部世界事物的状态;隐喻式就是意义表达的“非自然形式”,是语义层和词汇语法层之间的重新映射(halliday & matthiessen,2004)。
例如:(a)they arrived at the summit on the fifth day.(b)the fifth day saw them at the summit.在这组句子中,(a)句为一致式的表达形式,(b)句为隐喻式的表达形式。
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Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, Miriam Taverniers and Louise J. Ravelli (2003) Grammatical Metaphor: Views from systemic functional linguistics. Amsterdam / Philadephia: John Benjamins. Pp. 453.Reviewed by Asunción VillamilSince the 1980s, lexical metaphor has received a great deal of attention in linguistics, especially since the breakthrough of Lakoff and Johnson’s Metaphors we live by (1980). Metaphor was shown to be ubiquitous and not only a feature of crafted literary language. The interest in metaphor spread from cognitive linguistics to functional trends, resulting in Halliday’s proposal of the notion of grammatical metaphor. While other schools focus on lexical aspects, Systemic Functional Linguistics focuses on the grammatical dimension and socio-functional aspects. The result of this interest is a rich body of research to which this volume contributes.The book is a compilation of articles devoted to the study of grammatical metaphor from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). It represents the contribution of several distinguished scholars to present the current state of grammatical metaphor theory and its more relevant fields for further research, as well as the history and definitions of grammatical metaphor and problematic issues in the study of lexico-grammatical metaphor. It consists of a preface by J.R. Martin (pp. 1–3), an introductory chapter by one of the editors, and five main parts: Grammatical metaphor: Clarification and application (Part I., p. 35), Development of metaphor in children (Part II, p. 149), Interpersonal metaphor: Enactment and positioning (Part III, p. 221), ‘Metaphor’ in grammar and in other modes of meaning (Part IV, p. 309) and Metaphor in metalinguistic perspectives (Part V, p. 367).The book opens with an introductory chapter by Miriam Taverniers (“Grammatical metaphor in SFL: A historiography of the introduction and initial study of the concept”, pp. 5–33) that offers a historiographic perspective on the origins and early developments of the term ‘grammatical metaphor’. In a very concise and clear way the author includes a description of the term, the different types of metaphors and ‘congruent’ and ‘non-congruent’ realizations, all of them key concepts for approaching grammatical metaphor from the point of view of SFL. This provides a valuable help for those readers who are not familiar with the basic tenets of grammatical metaphor theory, while it increases their eagerness to know more about recent definitions and the evolution of the theory.SKY Journal of Linguistics 18 (2005), 407–416A SUNCIÓN V ILLAMIL408The next articles address the questions raised in the previous chapter by offering a deeper analysis of the concept of grammatical metaphor together with some of its applications. It is centred on nominalization, considered by Halliday the typical and most abundant example of grammatical metaphor (Halliday 1994:352). The first article by Louise J. Ravelli (“Renewal of connection: Integrating theory and practice in an understanding of grammatical metaphor”, pp. 37–64) gives an insight into the improvements which the theory of grammatical metaphor has received from the practical use of the concept, such as the inclusion of new types of metaphors. She provides some practical and revealing applications of metaphor in the teaching of academic writing and explores possible future developments. The revealing examples are the most remarkable contribution of the article.The need to re-evaluate theoretical postulates is addressed by Liesbet Heyvaert in her chapter “Nominalization as grammatical metaphor: On the need for a radically systemic and metafunctional approach” (pp. 65–99). The article presents the concepts of ‘enation’ (the relationship between structures which have the same configuration) and ‘agnation’ (the relationship of a nominalization and its non-nominal equivalent), the latter already used in SFL. The author argues that a combined used of both terms would be a source of improvement for the theory of nominalization. The convincing theoretical discussion is exemplified through nominalizations construed by -ing and –er suffixes. Moreover, she advocates a study of the interpersonal component, since the focus has so far been placed on ideational metaphors.The article by Jorge Arús Hita (“Ambiguity in grammatical metaphor: One more reason why the distinction transitive/ergative pays off”, pp. 101–126) is also devoted to nominalization but it accounts for the differences in the nominalization of ergative and transitive clauses, with a special focus on ambiguous clauses. Ambiguity (transitive) and vagueness (ergative) are shown to be key factors in these two types of nominalizations, among other features. This hypothesis is again put to the test of a corpus analysis, in this case examples gathered from newspaper headlines. Apart from the theoretical relevance of the paper, the application of these findings and the analysis of examples to second language learning and teaching are undeniable. If the previous article defended the importance of agnates, this study illustrates a practical application of thisB OOK R EVIEWS409 notion (a nominalization from an ergative clause is not equivalent to that from a transitive sentence).Nominalization is also discussed in David Banks’ article (“The evolution of grammatical metaphor in scientific writing”, pp. 127–147), which explores the origins of this device in scientific writing. Despite being a common feature of scientific style nowadays, it has not always been so pervasive, as becomes evident from the contrasts of articles from different periods since the beginnings of modern science in the 17th century. Apart from variation in time, scientific writing also involved typological variety. Different scientific branches, namely, biological and physical sciences, present dissimilar characteristics in their use of nominalization, especially at their beginning, due to their different pace of development. It is also taken into account how the context may have influenced the differences in the increased use of nominalizations between various branches of science. In all cases, scientific style displays an evolution towards an increased used of nominalizations.The second part of the volume takes a radically different standpoint and concentrates on the acquisition of metaphor, from preschool children to early adolescence. The first article of this series (“The use of a metaphorical mode of meaning in early language development”, by Clare Painter, pp. 151–167) is a longitudinal study of the evolution of ideational metaphor in two children. Children are reported to use lexical metaphor but also grammatical metaphor, as in the use of nominal expressions instead of a whole sentence. At an early stage of development the use of metaphor is restricted to one-word structures and the only metaphors appearing are dead metaphors copied from adult language. The earliest metaphor reported is the use of postmodifiers within the nominal group. Further examples are reported in metalanguage and abstract domains such as time. The examples show that children at very early stages (preschool years) already explore the meaning potential of a limited but existing class of grammatical metaphors. This is pushed further by exposure to written language. Although quite a number of examples are introduced as illustration, it would have been interesting to present them more exhaustively and in a more structured way for clarification.Preschool children are also the target of Jane Torr and Alyson Simpson (“The emergence of grammatical metaphor: Literacy-oriented expressions in the everyday speech of young children”, pp. 169–183). TheirA SUNCIÓN V ILLAMIL410longitudinal study of five children examines the expressions used by children in their exchanges with caregivers. The data is composed of spontaneous spoken language at home and is restricted to interpersonal metaphor, since no productive forms of ideational metaphor are found before five years. Metaphors are organized according to the age of the children and the result is that interpersonal metaphors become more elaborated with time, as systems of mood and transitivity expand, and are especially developed in the preschool years, particularly when children ask for goods and services. This development is related to literacy development: if children’s ability to employ these linguistic resources (which are literacy-oriented expressions) is fostered, they build on a path to a successful academic development.Beverly Derewianka discusses another longitudinal study of two children (“Grammatical metaphor in the transition to adolescence”, pp. 185–219). The research is based on the analysis of written production, with some spoken examples, in contrast to the two previous articles which were limited to oral production. Drawing on previous taxonomies, an analysis of the written production is carried out, from precursors of grammatical metaphor, like devices to play with interstratal relationships, to protometaphors and finally examples akin to those of the adult system. The author provides a detailed analysis and classification of examples, in addition to a very careful and systematic organization and discussion of data. The classification allows the reader to see which types of metaphors are developed earlier. Different motivations are suggested for the use of the metaphor in each case. The earliest examples are explained in terms of ‘trailer strategies’, where the child ventures beyond his current ability to test the potential of the system. A dramatic increase in the use of metaphor is found to take place around age nine, also due to the influence of context, especially teacher encouragement as well as the nature of the writing tasks that the child is required to master at school. It is also revealed that although grammatical metaphor is typical from written mode, much of the experimentation is carried out at the spoken level, where there is not such a strong commitment as in the written text.Leaving aside metaphor development, the next part aims at interpersonal metaphor and defends the view that metaphorical devices constitute a continuum. The first chapter by Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen (“Lexical metaphor and interpersonal meaning”, pp. 223–255) surveys the contrast between grammatical and lexical metaphor.B OOK R EVIEWS411 Lexical metaphor has not been given too much emphasis in Systemic Functional Linguistics, as it does get in cognitive linguistics, but Simon-Vanderbergen claims that the dichotomy between both is artificial, since metaphors are used in larger configurations which include both lexical and grammatical shifts. To illustrate her point she analyses thoroughly a selection of metaphorical expressions of verbal processes from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1978, 1987). The connection of these grammatical metaphors with lexical aspects is highlighted before passing on to examine the advantages of that integrated analysis. She categorises the different types of interpersonal meanings that they convey (judgement, appreciation, graduation, etc). Apart from the dictionary data, she looks more closely at the actual use of the expressions barge into (a conversation), fabricate (a story), plunge into (a description) and dish out (advice). This analysis supports the thesis that the motivating force behind the creation of lexicogrammatical metaphors is primarily the speaker’s attitude towards the judgement of the speech event, that is, an interpersonal motivation. She concludes that lexicogrammatical metaphor can be conveniently studied in Systemic Functional Linguistics, since what were traditionally regarded as lexical metaphors can be related to basic conceptualizations of verbal processes.The discovery of further examples of interpersonal metaphors is the objective of “The elided participant: Presenting an uncommonsense view of the researcher’s role” (pp. 257–278), by Geoff Thompson. Thompson aims at pointing out strategies for eliding world participants (participants assumed to participate in the physical or mental event or state) in the clause. The participant under investigation is limited to that acting as “researcher”. Drawing from a corpus of university books and academic papers he explores the following strategies: nominalization, passivization, elision of the Senser, indexing the participant and metonymy. Discussion and conclusion sections are compared but no differences are visible. Motivations for elisions are argued to be complex, including, among others, conforming to research style conventions, impersonalising a sad event or offering controversial views. Thompson also discusses the process that the metaphor undergoes in order to be recognized by the reader and the status of the strategies commented as grammatical metaphor, as some of them are fundamentally different. He is inclined to consider them examples of grammatical metaphor but he emphasizes that the concept of metaphor hasA SUNCIÓN V ILLAMIL412fuzzy borders, so that some of these strategies might belong to the periphery cases.The purpose of the following article (“Imperative readings of grammatical metaphor: A study of congruency in the imperative” by Inger Lassen, pp. 279–308) is to discuss the nature of the imperative in grammatical metaphor theory. The imperative has often been presented as a congruent realization of instructions, as well as warnings, recommendations and other speech acts. However, the author questions whether the imperative is always congruent. In order to answer this question, she first reviews and contrasts exhaustively the meanings of lexical and grammatical metaphor by applying Halliday’s theory, alongside indirect speech acts and literal utterances as presented in Searle’s Speech Act Theory. An experiment is conducted to test the status of the imperative, selecting some non-specialist native speakers to react to some extracts from professional texts, providing co-operative and non-co-operative responses, without the aid of context or background knowledge. The author analyses the ways in which the co-operative principle is flouted in the responses as well as the difficulties in suggesting non-co-operative replies; the latter are taken to be congruent since there is coincidence of form and function. The results of this sample, although limited, lead the author to look upon the imperative on a cline of metaphoricity, with lexical metaphor at the one end and grammatical metaphor at the other. The imperative is therefore claimed to be used both for metaphorical and congruent purposes.Part IV enters a riskier and more challenging field, extending metaphor to modes of meaning other than grammar. The first suggestion by Robert Veltman is the extension of the analogy of grammatical metaphor to phonological metaphor (“Phonological metaphor”, pp. 311–335). Abundant theoretical arguments are presented concerning the nature of semiotic systems, sounds and intonation, focus, attitude, iconicity and arbitrariness, in order to argue that sounds can perform metaphorical realizations, including interpersonal and textual meanings. Furthermore, Veltman introduces a divergence from Halliday’s approach to the treatment of interpersonal metaphor: Halliday argues that interpersonal metaphor is implicitly concise and inexplicit in contrast with the explicit and transparent congruent form; however, Veltman argues that metaphorical realizations are more concise and inexplicit. Evidence is drawn from the analysis of the intonation patterns of a selection of BBC programmes. The recorded utterances are argued to be agnate with a set of (hypothetical)B OOK R EVIEWS413 more complex utterances with an unmarked intonation pattern. The metaphorical recorded utterance is simpler than the possible agnates, in that it expresses far more economically the attitudinal and propositional information transmitted.The following article is the first to introduce the relationship between metaphor and semiosis, which constitutes the main topic of the last articles of the volume. This last part is concerned with the most abstract field of analysis so far, focusing on metalinguistics. Kay O’Halloran (“Intersemiosis in mathematics and science: Grammatical metaphor and semiotic metaphor”, pp. 337–365) discusses the interaction between mathematical symbolism and visual display and the development of grammatical metaphor in scientific writing. Like David Banks’ article, O’Halloran takes several examples from early research papers by Newton and Descartes, among others. From the basis of a Hallidayan description of scientific language metaphor, he compares the potential of language to configure processes and participants in comparison to mathematical symbolism. Mathematical symbolism is shown to express configurations of participants and processes as well as change and covariation; these areas being conveyed by symbolism, language evolved to provide causal explanations. Visual representation also comes into play, as it allows for the occurrence of semiotic metaphor, with a mapping from the congruent visual representation to linguistic construal. Thus, the author argues that the co-evolution of these semiotic resources - linguistic, symbolic and visual - leads to a shift in language from the concrete, in terms of entities and cause-effect explanations, to metaphorical language.Patrick Goethals deals with the nature of language and how different trends in linguistics regard communication in “The conduit metaphor and the analysis of meaning: Peircean semiotics, cognitive grammar and systemic functional grammar” (pp. 369–389). He examines how Peircean semiotics, Cognitive Grammar (CG) and Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) tackle the CONDUIT METAPHOR and its view of communication, which suggests that linguistic meaning is restricted to building up a message that is transferred in a context which does not relate to representational meaning. The article explores the way how these different paradigms include the interactive and performative aspect of meaning which is ignored by the CONDUIT METAPHOR. After a basic description of each school and a lucid and clearly-structured comparison betweenA SUNCIÓN V ILLAMIL414them, the author concludes that the three of them avoid the restrictions of the CONDUIT METAPHOR by including the interactive component, even though they present several discrepancies in their approach. The most basic difference lies in the fact that Peircean semiotics makes the most exhaustive categorization of ways of relating the utterance to the context, distinguishing tense and illocutionary force. This distinction is based on the contrast between indexical and symbolic signs: indexical signs identify the illocutionary force or the performative value of an utterance and indicate that there is a speech act taking place, operating on the performative level, whereas symbolic sings (as tense) build up propositional content and therefore work on the content level. In contrast, CG and SFG subsume them under the same category, within the grounding of the utterance and the mood component, respectively. Goethals defends the contrast between these two types of grounding and suggests that the differences between the three schools stem from different concerns about meaning.Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and cognitivism are again contrasted in the following article (“Grammatical metaphor as a cognitive construct”, pp. 391–415). Randalm Holme looks at the possibility of combining systemic and cognitive accounts of metaphor through the example of metaphors that express cause-and-effect. Both descriptions give different emphasis to the description of the same phenomenon: while in SFL the focus lies on the structures that arise from interaction and social context, Cognitive Linguistics studies how properties of cognition affect those structures. In this sense they can be regarded as complementary, inasmuch as they provide different perspectives of analysis: more general and related to cognition vs. more concrete and related to the context of communication. In a search for a path common to both schools, it is suggested that the SFL notion of congruency can be regarded as a metalinguistic device to explain metaphorical meaning and not as an example of a natural use of language, since metaphor is argued to be natural to the mind. Moreover, the author proposes that SFL can cover some weaknesses of cognitive analysis, for instance how a given conceptual metaphor comes to take a given textual form. SFL concepts of genre and register can show how context may affect the preference of one metaphor over another.The last article by Robin Melrose (“‘Having things both ways’: Grammatical metaphor in a systemic-functional model of language”, pp. 417–442) discusses nominalization and its dual nature. It takes as a startingB OOK R EVIEWS415 point Halliday’s description of its features as field- or wave-like: nominalization in discourse functions as a thing but it is also a textual strategy (wave-like). This function as a textual strategy is extended by Melrose to further purposes: nominalization is claimed to be a powerful device to condense information about the context of situation and of culture. For example, nominalization can be used as a way of showing that you have mastered a discipline or that the reader and writer belong to the same social group. In order to account for these extended functions, SFL views on semantics, genre and ideology are taken into consideration. Abundant theoretical evidence and references are presented to support these claims, together with practical analyses of some extracts from a piece of academic writing. The author stresses the fact that nominalization is an open and dynamic device, between the topological and typological poles.After summarizing the main points of the papers of which the volume consists, let us now turn to some concluding evaluative remarks. The volume will prove of special interest for researchers within the field of metaphor studies, either from systemic linguistics or other trends, as it offers a wide and updated view of the area. Not only does it offer a review of past research in metaphor, but it also opens a way for new and stimulating paths of investigation, especially in the last sections of the volume. The book is notable not just because it provides a rich amount of theoretical background, but also because of the excellent corpus studies which serve as the perfect counterpart for more theoretical approaches. Another significant aspect is the possibilities of communication and cooperation with other frameworks which are discovered throughout the book. This is especially relevant in the case of cognitive accounts (cf. Holme 2003: 391–415 or Simon-Vandenbergen 2003: 223–255). However, most of the articles are restricted to the application of the systemic approach to metaphor, which can prove satisfying but less innovative than the inclusion of other trends. Similarly, nominalization and ideational metaphors are the subject of many of the papers, which demonstrates the weight of early proposals by Halliday. The reader may found the originality of those articles that depart from these central topics more appealing. Especially rewarding are those articles which, like Veltman’s (2003: 311-335), bring about controversial modifications of some theoretical aspects. Furthermore, some of the introductions of the articles are somewhat repetitive, as most of them make references to the same theoreticalA SUNCIÓN V ILLAMIL416background, but it should be remembered that this is due to the independent nature of each of the articles, common in compilations.The above critical remarks are not meant to question in any way the overall quality of the book. On the whole, this work represents a valuable contribution to the advance of the research in grammatical metaphor and a comprehensive overview of the field. It is an extremely worthy attempt at condensing in a unitary compilation the large amount of research that has been and is currently being carried out in metaphor studies.ReferencesHalliday, M.A.K. (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar. 2nd Edition. London: Edward Arnold.Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson (1980) Metaphors we live by. Chicago / London: The University of Chicago Press.Contact information:Asunción Villamil TouriñoEscuela Oficial de Idiomas de Las RozasCamino del Caño 2, 28230 Madrid. Spaine-mail: asunvt@yahoo.es。