希腊罗马神话 期末作业

“I, why, my lady, I…” 【“我,啊,夫人,我……”】
“I know you did it on purpose to protect your friends. Well, you will be sorry. 【“我知道你是故意这么做来保护你的朋友们。好吧,你会感到遗憾的。 】 Since you like to talk so much, I'll punish you with a different kind of conversation. 【既然你这么喜欢和人说话,我要用一种不同的谈话方式来教训你。】 From now on, you will never be able to speak first in a conversation at all. You will only be able to repeat what others say to you. ” 【今后,你和人谈话不得先开口,你只能重复别人对你说过的话。”】 And that is what happened. Poor Echo! She could only repeat what others said in her presence. 【这就是事情的开端。可怜的艾珂!她只能重复别人在她面前说过的话了。】
One day, she was walking through the forest, she happened upon a handsome young man. 【一天,她在森林中行走,遇到了一个漂亮的小伙子。】 He was a young hunter by the name of Narcissus and he was so good-looking that women and nymphs and even goddesses practically threw themselves at his feet. 【他叫纳西索斯,是一个年轻的猎人。纳西索斯确实十分英俊,世俗和仙 界女子,甚至女神都拜倒在他的脚下。】

Greco-RomanMythol ogy StudyGuide, part 1Part 1.1. Who are the Twelve Olympi an Gods, and what are theirpowers?Zeus. He is lord of the sky.Hera.protector of marria g e, famili ar with magic.Poseid on.God of the sea, horses, and of earthqu akesAres. He is the god of war.Athena.She is the goddes s of the city, handic rafts, and agricu lture.Apollo.He is the god of music,Artemi s. the goddes s of chasti tyHephae stus.Lame god of fire and the forge.Aphrodite.Goddes s of love, romanc e, and beauty.Demete r.Goddes s of agricu ltureHestia.Calm goddes s of home and homeli fe,Hermes. He is the god of thieves and the god of commer ce.2. Who was Promet heus? Why was he import ant to the humanrace?He was one of the Titans.Becaus e he brough t down fire to man.3. What happen ed when Pandor a's box was opened?All the painsthat mightplague mankin d such as Old Age,Labor,sickne ss.Insani ty,Vice,and Passio n flew in a cloud,stung Epimeth eusand Pandor a in everypart of theirbodies,and then attack ed the race of mortal s.4. What were the Five Ages of Man, and what happen ed afterthem?The Golden Age,the Silver Age,the Bronze Age,the Age of Heroes,the Iron Age5. What did King Midaswish for, and what proble ms did his wish bringhim?He asked that whatev er he might touchshould be change d into gold.He turned food into gold so he couldn’t eat,starvation seemed to await him.6. How does the storyof Persep honeexplai n the differ enceof the season s?7. What is Tartar us, and who is its king?Tartaru s is the deeper of the Underw orld,the prison of the Sons of the Earth.Hades is its king.Part 2.8. How did Hippom eneswin his race agains t Atalan taWith the help of Venus.9. Why did Daphne become a laurel tree?She asked h er father to change he form to protec t her from beingpursui ng.10. Why did Cupidfall in love with Psyche?Cupid was surpri sed by Psyche’s wonderful beauty that wounde d him with his own arrow,consequentl y,instea d of making Psyche fall in love with some ragged beggar,himsel f fell in love with Psyche.11. Why did Venus/Aphrod ite advise Adonis not to attack wild animal s?12. What did Hera do to Echo when she foundout that Echo was lyingto her, and what happen ed to Echo when Narcis sus died?She passed senten ce upon Echo in words.13. What was the name of the statue that Pygmal ion fell in love with?Galate a14. What object was the direct causeof the tragic end of Pyramu s and Thisbe?Part 3.15. Who was Perseu s's father?Zeus16. Why did Acrisi us put Perseu s and his mother in a coffin and throwthem into the sea?He was alarme d by an oracle which h ad told him that Perseu s wouldbe the instru m entof his death.17. Who was Medusa?She was a terrib l e monste r who had laid waste the countr y18. Why did Polydi ctessend Perseu s to kill Medusa?For an easy access to Danae.19. How did Perseu s save Androm eda from the sea monste rHe killed the sea monste r20. Why did Jasonwant the Golden Fleece?He was requir ed to attemp t what was though t to be an impossi bledeed to satisf y the demands ofa hard-hearte d taskmaster.21. What was the name of the ship the Argona uts sailed on?The Argo.22. Who were two of the Argona uts?Argos,Tiphys23. How did Medeahelp Jasonwhen he fought the crop of armedmen?She instru cted him that he should throw stones into their midst so that they wouldattack each otherrather than Jason himself.24. How did Medeaget her father's ship to stop chasin g the Argona uts?She murder ed her younge r brother Apsyrt os and cut him up into smallpieces whichshe threwover the side of the ship.Aeetes stoppe d to pick up the pieces,and so the Argo made good her escape.25. What was Hercul es famous for?He was famous for his streng th and courag e and for his legend ary adventu res.26. Why did Hercul es have to comple te twelve labors?He was told to serve Eurysth eus f or twelve yearsand win immort ality by performing the labors the king impose d upon him27. Name six of the twelve labors of Hercul esThe Nemean Lion,the Hydra,the Ceryni tian Hind,the Eryman thian Boar,the Stymph alian Birds ,the Augean Stable s28. How did Hercul es demons trate his streng th in his infanc y?29. How did Hercul es kill the Hydra?He dipped his arrows in the Hydra’s bloodor venomand so made them poison ous30. What caused the deathof Hercul es?The poison of Hydra.。

Section1:T or FSection2:ChoiceSection3:Explain idioms1. Pandora’s Box 灾难之盒含义:to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.来源:Pandora's box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a human who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster.2. The Horn of Amalthea丰饶角含义:A symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, nuts, other edibles, or wealth in some form.来源:One day, as Amalthea played with little Zeus, she accidentally broke off her horn. To make up for it and as a sign of gratitude, Zeus made the broken horn always be full of whatever its owner desired.3. The Midas/Golden Touch点石成金含义:Ability to turn everything he touched into gold. if someone has the Midas touch, everything they do is successful and makes money for them来源:Midas’s job knew no bounds and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table.4. A Procrustean Bed 强迫一致含义:When something is Procrustean, different lengths or sizes or properties are fitted to an arbitrary standard.来源: Procrustes was a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who physically attacked people by stretching them or cutting off their legs, so as to force them to fit the size of an iron bed.5. Sow the Dragon Teeth挑起纠纷含义:The dragon's teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors.来源:In Greek myth, dragon’s teeth feature prominently in the legends of the Phoenician p rince Cadmus and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece.6. Apple of Discord祸根含义: A euphemism for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.来源:The Greek goddess of discord, Eris, became disgruntled after she was excluded from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. In retaliation, she tossed a golden apple inscribed Kallisti(‘for the most beautiful one'), into the wedding party. Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Paris of Troy was appointed to select the recipient. He awarded the apple to Aphrodite, thus indirectly causing the Trojan War.7. The Heel of Achilles唯一的弱点含义:A deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially leads to downfall来源:The mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common.Thetis treated Achilles with Ambrosia, making him invulnerable. Thetis burned away his mortality in the house fire except on the heel, with which he was held.Thetis dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx, holding onto him by his heel.8. Penelope’s Web永远做不完的工作含义:The tactics of delaying sth on purpose; the task that can never be finished来源:Penelope is the wife of Odysseus who was called to fight in the Trojan War. She waits twenty years for the final return of her husband .In order to put off remarriage, She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, one of twelve unfaithful serving women, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors.9. Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷含义:Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom expresses the meaning of "having to choose between two evils".来源: Scylla was rationalized as a rock shoal (described as a six-headed sea monster) on the Italian side of the strait and Charybdis was a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily. They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors; avoiding Charybdis meant passing too close to Scylla and vice versa. According to Homer, Odysseus was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool.10. Necklace of Harmonia不祥之物含义:Necklace of Harmonia brought great misfortune to all of its wearers or owners.来源:Aphrodite bore a daughter, Harmonia, from Ares' seed. Harmonia married Cadmus, the founder of Thebes. Upon hearing of the royal engagement, Hephaestus presented Harmonia with an exquisite necklace as a wedding gift. The necklace was made by Hephaestus' own hand and was cursed to bring disaster to any who wore it.13. A Sisyphean Task含义:Endlessly laborious or futile来源:Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men. He was condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top.15. Give a cake to Cerberus含义:bribe来源:Cerberus is a watchdog at the gates of Tartarus. He would let the souls in but not out. However he could be bribed with a honey cake on occasion or with sweet music.Section4:Explain in English the meaning of following terms. 15% (5)1. Anthropomorphism神人同形同性In Greek myth, the gods and goddesses are not only personifications of the forces of the universe, they are seen as being s much like common men and women. The term for this is “Anthropomorphism”, meaning “in the form of a human being.”2. The Five Ages of Men五个时代The Golden Age; the Silver Age; the Bronze Age; the Heroic Age; the Iron Age3. Tartarus 地狱The deeper region, where the Titans had been imprisoned(Tartarus itself formed a dismal picture, it had gates of bronze guarded by Cerberus, surrounded by fire, encased by triple wall, and within, the wailing and cries of those being punished. It is the underworld zone of eternal torment, where the greatest sinners have been punished for their wrong doing.)4. The Elysian Field 天堂领域The paradise for the Greeks5. The Asphodel Field 充满游魂的地方A field inhabited by wandering souls6. Styx 冥河A river in Hades across which Charon ferried the souls of the dead.7.Hubris 过分骄傲Overbearing pride or presumption.8. Satyr森林之神,好色的人Satyrs are a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus .In myths they are often associated with pipe-playing9. Maenad 酒神的女祭司,异常激动的女人Often the maenads were portrayed as inspired by him into a state of ecstatic frenzy, through a combination of dancing and drunken intoxication. In this state, they would lose all self-control.10. Narcissism 自恋Narcissus is a man who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.11. Harpy鹰身女妖Half woman, half bird ;vicious winged monster; often depicted as a bird with the head of a woman12. Xenia好客Xenia is the Greek concept of hospitality, or generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home.酒神节(in ancient Greece) festivals of the god Dionysus, an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus羊皮盾(宙斯及其女儿雅典娜所持的帝盾)A shield hold by Athena.Under one’s aegis means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.15. Metamorphosis 变形,变质A person or thing develops and changes into something completely different.( 变形 a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft.)半人半神A less important god, especially one who is half god and half human.人首马身的动物,半人马A creature with the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.( In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.)Deucalion FloodAphrodite's magic girdle was a golden girdle that caused men and gods to fall hopelessly in love with her.( Zeus visited Arcadia and Thessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .He decided to clear the earth of them all.Without hesitation he released the rainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidon to help.Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire human race disappeared in the unheard of flood,all but two poor Thessalians .)Section5:Essay questions 15 %( 3)Unit 1: Examples of mythological accounts explaining the explainable.Uranus lay upon Gaia and made love to her without stop. (The interplay between rain and soil that makes plants come to life and grow.)Human Beings fashioned from clayGods and heroes descending into the Underground in the west and emerging in the East. ( Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.)Persephone lived three months in the Underground with her husband and returned to live with her mother Demeter for the rest of year. (The return of spring after winter.)Eros, equipped with his sharp and blunt arrows, brings about many tragedies of human love. (Freud’s theory about love or sex as the most fundamental drive from humans.)Unit 2: Similarities between “the first woman” in th e Greek(Pandora) and Christian creation myth(Eve)Eve was the instigator of tbe whole affair, for through her beauty and her wiles she seduced Adam to taste of the forbidden fruit."Woman is like an apple, lovely without, rotten within."Eve was lured by the snake. Pandora was driven by her curiosity. Their behaviors caused evil and plagues to human-beings.Unit 3: Reasons that ancient Greeks tend to depict Zeus as a promiscuous man, an unfaithful husbandZeus’ fatal Weaknesses: an uncontrollable lust for sexual driveThis shows the anthropomorphism. The ancient emperors usually had many lovers, so the Greeks depict Zeus as a promiscuous man. This also shows the ancient Greeks’ imagination for a man. Reproduction is blessing.Unit 4: Symbolic meaning of Olive Tree in the Greek story and Holy BibleWhen Poseidon and Athena disputed as to which of them should give the name to the capital of Attica, the gods decided, that it should receive its name from him who should bestow upon man the most useful gift. Poseidon then created the horse, and Athena called forth the olive tree, for which the honor was conferred on her. The olive branch in Bible appears in the story of Noah’s ark. When the water receded, a dove flied with an olive branch in its mouse. In the Greek story, OliveTree means peace and wealth. In the Holy Bible , Olive Tree appeared after the flood ,so it represents peace.Unit 5:Differences between Athena and AresAres: thirst for the “hand to hand combat” and the “frenzy of battle and bloodshed”Athena: “war for the purposes of justice”, “peaceful settlements” "war at a distance", “strategic planning of war”What are the distinctive features of Dionysus as a religious festivalThe Dionysia was a large religious festival in ancient Athens in honor of Dionysus.The central event was the performance of tragedies and comedies.Dionysus was a god, mirroring the innate wildness of humanity which Athenians abhorred and tried to control. The Dionysia was a time to let out their inhibitions through highly emotional tragedies or irreverent comedies. People dressed like Satyrs and Maenads. Some men dressed as women and women as men.The Dionysia was also marked by an element of role-reversal and boundary-crossing: lower class citizens could mock the upper class; or women could insult their male relatives.What are the Apollonian and Dionysian elements in music style and human psycheMusic Human psycheApollo Golden lyre, with clear Self-control, moderation,Unit 6Interpretation of the Furies ’, Apollo ’s and Athena ’s judgment on Orestes ’ matricide.( See the scripts in PPT for Unit 6)Orestes is being hounded and terrorized by the Furies for the blood crime of matricide. Orestes killed his mother Clytemnestra, who murdered his father Agamemnon.(背景)Furies: holiness of motherhood, reminiscent of matriarchies; tribal laws = an eye for eye Apollo: laws of males-dominated societyAthena: representing the voice of womanhood to deny mother ’s role as the creator.In the tales of Callisto being transformed into a bear, and Acteon being transformed into a stag, what common theme does the “transformation ” revealAncient Greeks were sober and contemplative. They explore the mystery of human identify and human destiny.1) Transformation from human to non- human which indicates the loss of human identifies.2) Inescapable destiny of “the Hunter being hunted ”Unit 7 (rational) melodies, evoking feelings of harmony and serenitymental balanceDionysus (irrational)Tambourine, with furious and erratic rhythms, expressing passionateand impulsive nature. Spontaneous and instinctiveemotions; self-indulgence,excessHow do you interpret the landscape imagery in the story of Narcissus (See PPT for session 7)Landscape imagery:"There was a clear fountain, with water like silver, to which the shepherds never drove their flocks. Nor did the mountain goats resort to it, nor any of the beasts of the forest; neither was it defaced with fallen leaves or branches; but the grass grew fresh around it, and the rocks sheltered it from the sun.His tears fell into the water and disturbed the image.The "stillness" of clear fountain suggests Narcissus' insusceptibility to the lust of the world. While his tears disturbed the image, his lust of eyes had "deflowered" him, taking away his virginity - a pure soul and a peaceful mind.Interpretation of how Cupid (Eros) falls in love with Psyche. (See the scripts in PPT for unit 7)The erotic love (Eros) and the spiritual love (Psyche) belong together in an inseparable union. The symbolic mean ing of “the union of Cupid (Eros) and Psyche” is "animating spirit".In Venus's garden there are two fountains: one with sweet water, the other one with bitter. Cupid fills two vases with each and then goes to Psyche's bedchamber where she is sleeping. Cupid proceeds to let a few drops from the bitter fountain water fall on her lips, then touches her side with his pointed the touch of the arrow, Psyche wakes up, opens her eyes, and seems to be gazing straight at Cupid who is invisible. This startles Cupid enough that he ends up wounding himself. Cupid immediately sets out to repair the damage he has done to Psyche, and pours a few drops of the sweet water in her hair.Interpretation of ancient Greeks’ attitudes toward immortality in the love story of Tithonus and EosAncient Greeks against immortal youth. They thought that a man shouldn't desire in any way to vary from the kindly race of men, or pass beyond the goal of ordinance.Unit 8&91 Why is Perseus regarded as a perfect heroPerseus was the most perfect Greek hero in myths. He was the only Greek hero who maintained supportive relationship with women throughout his career.In his pursuit of glory, he exhibited both courage and wisdom. In killing Medusa, he outwitted the monster by his shrewdness and tricks rather than mere courage and strength.He was favored by gods when he was alive and after his death, he was transformed into a constellation.2 What is Greeks’ conception of Hero as the story of Heracles/Jason reveals. Hercules is Greece's greatest heroes in myth, is the embodiment of strength, courage and wisdom. Jason :youthful confidence and the spirit of adventurecourage to come alone to capture a kingdomleader of a group of heroesvaliance to fight enormous evils and conquer monsterssuccess in accomplishing the impossible3 What is Greeks’ conception of destiny as the story of Oedipus revealsIt reflects the contradiction between human will and fate, hero of courage, integrity, kindness, courage to take responsibility.Highlight the complex relationship between necessity and contingency, the fate of the "uncertainty" and "frustrated". Describes the fate predominates in Western myth point of view. The riddle of the Sphinx is a symbol of human self-understanding and self-discovery for the first time, began the era of human philosophy.It is also the ancient Greece formation of new moral concepts, expressing the painful memories of humanity from barbarism to civilization.Unit 101 Please interpret the bird imagery in Odysseus’ speech树上坐着一窝小鸟,一窝嗷嗷待哺的麻雀,鸟巢筑在树端的枝桠上,叶片下,雏鸟嗦嗦发抖,一窝八只,连同生养它们的母亲,一共九只。

3、普罗米修斯是一个为了人类文明而受到宙斯残酷迫害的英雄,被马克思称为“ ”。
6、埃斯库罗斯被誉为古希腊的“ ”,其代表作是《普罗米修斯》三部曲中的第一部《》。
7、贺拉斯在他的文学论著《诗艺》中提出了“ ”这一原则。
10、欧里庇得斯被称为“ ”,他擅长以妇女命运为题材,刻画她们的心理,《》是其中最著名的一部。
中期的罗马文学成就最高,是罗马文学的“ ”。
关于英雄的传说有建立十二件大功的的故事和关于取金羊毛的___________的故事,希腊神话中的盗火给人类,被马克思称为“ ”。

希腊罗马神话复习一.单选(课文)10分二.判断(课文)10分三.表格(默写)20分四.名词解释(课后)20分 C1 : It relates to Delphi.It means ambiguous.1.delphic: It relates to Olympian Gods.It means that some one is like a god,especially by being 2.Olypian calm and not concerned about ordinary things. martial: It relates to Mars.It means something connected with war and fighting.3. : It relates to Nemesis.It means a punishment that is deserved and cannot be avoided.4.nemesis :I t relates to Titans.It means something big ,strong and powerful.5.titanicC2 :It relates to Juno.It means someone is elegant and beautiful like Juno.1.Junoesqueeyed.Argus2-:It relates to Argus.It means someone is watchful and alert.3.satyr/satyriasis:It relates to Satyr.It means someone that has an abnormally intense sexual desire in men.4.mercurial:It relates to Mercury.It means having feelings that change suddenly and without warning.C41.chaotic:It relates to Chaos.It means messy and disorder.2.Pandora's box:It relates to Pandora. It means the root of troubles.3.Promethean:It relates to Prometheus.It means a person who resembles Prometheus.1.Dionysiac:It relates to Dionysus.It means Sensuality, debauchery, and revelry.C71.Midas'/ass's ears:It relates to Midas.It means A secret that cannot be hid.It also menas someoneis shallow and uninformed.2.Midas/the golden touch:It relates to Midas.It means touching a stone and turning it into gold.3.cut the Gordian knot:It relates to Alexander.It means solving a complex problem with a bold strike.C81.cereal:It relates to Ceres.It means grains.2.aureole:It relates to Aurora.It means a bright circle of light.C91.Charon's boat/ferry:It relates to Charon.It means some one is going to die.2.cross the Styx:It means some one is going to die.C121.gain/reap/win(one's)laurels: It relates to Daphne. It means gaining one's honors.2.Look to one's laurels:It relates to Daphne.It means to work hard in order not to lose the achievement.3.rest/repose/retire/sit(back)on one's laurels: It relates to Daphne.It means to satisfy with whatyou have achieved and stop trying.4.a Noble/poet laureate:It relates to Daphne.It means to be a noble price winner.C131.cupidity: It relates to Cupid.It means a very strong desire for something.2.erotic:It relates to Eros.It means sexual excitement.C141.Aphrodite's girdle:It relates to Aphrodite.It means unlimited female sexuality.2.adonis:It relates to Adonis.It means some one is a handsome young man.C161.Narcissism:It relates to Narcissus.It means the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.C171.Pygmalion effect:It relates to Pygmalion. It is a phenomenon in which the greater theexpectation placed upon people ,the better they perform.C181.atlantean:It relates to Atalanta. It means strong ,powerful and gigantic.2.Mount one's Pegasus: It relates to Pegasus.It means to write a poem.3.a chimera in one's brain: It relates to Perseus.It means the fantasy in one's mind.C201.the choice of Heracles: It relates to Heracles.It means some one is in a dilemma.2.Cleanse the Augean Stable:It relates to Augeas.It means to remove something totally.3.Herculean effort:It relates to Hercules.It means great effort.C211.sow dragon's teeth: It means to provoke war by spreading dispute;or cultivate warriors or monster.2.a Cadmean/Pyrrhic victory:It relates to Cadmus.It means a victory that comes at a great cost.C221.sphinx riddle:It relates to Sphinx.It means a puzzle which is very difficult to solve.C241.the apple of discord: It means the root of the trouble and any subject of possible of contention or disagreement.2.Achilles'heel:It relates to Achilles.It means a weak point in something that is otherwise perfect.3.hector: It relates to Hector.It means to intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.4.Achilles and Patroclus:It relates to Achilles and Patroclus.It means male friendship, a heroic friendship.5.Fight like a Trojan:It means to fight with great determination.6.Sulky like Achilles in his tent: It relates to Achilles.It means sulky.7.a Trojan horse:It means the hidden danger.8.Myrmidon: It means a faithful follower who carries out orders without question.9.Helen of Trojan:It relates to Helen.It means the root of war; a beauty who ruins her country;a terrible disaster brought by somebody or something you like best.10.Greek gift:It means a gift with evil purpose of the enemy; a gift to murder.五.简答题20分C11.What did the ancient Greeks know about their world?The Greeks believed the earth to be flat and circular,their own country occupying the middle ofit,the central point being either Mount Olympus,The earth is divided into two equal parts by theSea.Around the earth flowed the River Ocean.2.To which place were mortals favored by the gods taken when they died? The Aethiopians.3.How did Zeus divide the rule of the world with his brother?Zeus's portion was the heavens,Poseidon's the ocean and Hades's the realms of the dead.4.How was Venus married off to Vulcan?Jupiter gave her to Vulcan, in gratitude for the service he had rendered in forging thunderbolts.5.How did the Fates mete out human destiny?The three goddesses were assigned distinct task:Clotho spun the “thread”of human fate,Lachesis dispensed it and Atropos cut it.C21.What was Zeus' usual way of hiding his scandals?He raised a cloud to hide some of his doings that would not bear the light and He turned the girlinto an animal.2.How did the musical instrument “panpipe” come into being?Pan fell in love with A nymph called Syrinx,who was a faithful worshipper of Artemis.He chasedher to the bank of river .With the water nymph's help,Syrinx was turned into reeds.Pan was so sadand he made an instrument with the reeds,which called Syrinx.And that is the panpipe.3.How can you account for Zeus's promiscuity?The promiscuity of Zeus serves more than entertaining purposes.It is out of political purpose.Menhave a powerful ability to reproduce in order to reproduce more offspring, . For most of the peoplein the world flows his blood, is one of the methods can have more faithful follows.And thenumber of the faithful follows decide whether his regime is firm.C41.What was the direct cause of Prometheus' obtaining fire for man?When Epimetheus created man ,he had nothing left for him.2.What attitude toward women is shown through the story of Pandora?The story shows the ancient Greeks thought women were inferior and affiliated to men,and theywere the root evil and trouble.3.Which age of man applies to our own age?Please elaborate.I think we are in the Iron Age.People work day and night and man's character is morecomplex,though mixed with kindness, but more evil.Human wants to rule everything.People nolonger trust each other.Married people do not love each other.V ows are regarded as dust.Kindnessand justice are no longer seen as the norm of conduct, but merely violence.How is the first woman often described as a “lovely evil”?How does she compare with Eve 4. in the Book of Genesis?Pandora is described as a “lovely evil”because she was the most beautiful and sweetestwoman,but she opened box and made many evil things free.Both Pandora and Eve are beauties.They are also described as the root of troubles to take theblame for the male society.But they were created out of different purpose.Pandora was created asthe cost of Prometheus stealing the fire for man.She symbolizes a great temptation and human misery.Eve is inferior and affiliated to the man and just like a slave and she was created to helpman.Why did Zeus try to withhold fire from human beings?5.Because fire is a symbol for technology and civilization.civilized. & and wild raw & cooked A basic distinction in mythbetween portions.finest sacrificial theft of the As a revenge for Prometheus' earlierZe humiliation ofsacrifice impracticable. The makes Zeus the division of the By withholding fire,m whichfrom mankind, withoutextreme measure of withholding fire us promptedhim to take the animals.thanlittle more an would soonbeC6 1.What led to Bacchus' wanderings?around waswandering brew wine. He Bacchus invented howto plant grapes and drinking.of the joy kind of knowledgeto bring people and spreadthisC7 1.How did Midas acquire the power of turning everything to gold? entertaining hospitably, Slilenus,and treated himBacchus's MidasBecause rescued teacher,himfortendaysandnightswithanunceasingroundofjollity.Inreturn,Bacchusgavehimthepower of turning everything to gold.C81.What made Hades fall in love with Proserpine?As signs of womanly beauty began to shine along side her childlike innocence, the adolescent goddess Persephone unwittingly attracted the attention of the Greek god Hades.2.Why was Venus displeased with Athena,Diana,and Proserpine?Because she thought all of them looked down upon the power of her and her son.3.What prevented Proserpine's freedom from the Underworld?Three pomegranate.4.From what aspects can the Demeter myth be interpreted?Change of seasonsC91.Where are the different ghosts conveyed in the underworld?The evil ghosts will be sent to Tartarus.The virtuous ghosts will be sent to Elysium.2.Describe the difference between Elysium and Tartarus and the situation of their respectiveinhabitants?Elysium ,ruled over by Cronus, lies near Hades' dominions.It s a happy land of perpetualday,without cold or snow,where games,music,and revels never cease,and where the inhabitantsmay elect to be reborn on earth whenever they please.In Greek mythology ,Tartarus is a deep chasm surrounded by three heavy curtain and three bronze doors.In Roman mythology,it is a vast river of lava.It is a painful place in where the Furieslive.Inhabitants in it suffer a lot.C111.How were Atalanta and her husband changed into lions?They forgot to pay due honor to Venus and the goddess was provoked attheir ingratitude.She caused them to give offence to Cybele.Cybele tookfrom them their human form and turned them into animals of charactersresembling their own.C121.what was the cause of Apollo's love for Daphne?Cupid's golden arrow struck Apollo's heart.2.What did Peneus mean by “ Your face will forbid it”?He meant Daphne's wish would not come true because of her beautiful face.C131.What did the oracle of Apollo say about Psyche's future husband?He said her future husband awaited he on the top of the mountain and he was a monster whomneither gods nor men could resist.2.What tempted Psyche to open the box she was bringing back to Venus?A longing desire to put the beauty on her cheeks to become more beautiful.3.What is the significance of the union of Cupid and Psyche?Love itself is really a happy and painful pursuit of the process,and the process of love must be upsand downs.C141.Why did Venus advise Adonis against attacking wild animals? Because the wild animals were dangerous and she didn't want to lose her beloved Adonis.2.What did Venus do to commemorate her ill-fated lover?She changed his blood into short-loved flowers and its blossom open when the wind blows.C151.What aspect does this story show about love?The miserable and beautiful aspect of love.C161.What incurred Juno's anger towards Echos?Her talk that contrived to detain Juno till Zeus and the nymphs madetheir escape.2.What was Juno's punishment for her?No power to speak first.C181.What was the cause of Perseus's adventures?Polydectes wanted an easy access to Danae and got rid of Perseus.So he sent Perseus to kill Medusa.2.How was Medusa killed?Perseus borrowed the shield from Minerva and winged shoes from Hermes,approached Medusa while she slept. He was guided by her image reflection in the bright shield and cut off her head.C191.How did the Argonauts pass through the Clashing Rocks?They went along the passage found by the dove they sent out and passed the Clashing Rocks safely.2.What made Medea kill her own children?The fury with jealousy and the thought to punish Jason further.C201.How did Heracles demonstrate his prowess in his infancy?He strangled two snakes which Zeus' jealous wife Hera had sent to attack him.2.What incident motivated the Labors of Heracles?He was told by the Delphic Oracle to serve Eurystheus for 12 years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him.3.What does the last labor of Heracles symbolize?C211.What was the cause of Cadmus' adventures?Because his sister was carried away by Zeus,and his father commandedhim to go in search of his sister.C221.How did he kill his own s father?In order to avoid killing his father and married his mother of, he escaped from the Collins, on the way, he killed his father by accident.2.What do you know about the Sphinx riddle?Sphinx riddle is often used to describe the problems which are complex, mysterious and hard to understand.C241.Who presented the apple of discord and for what purpose?Eris was angry because she had been left out of the feast. She threw among the guest the apple of discord inscribed “for the fairest”to make an issue between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.2.Why was Paris as a baby left in the wilderness to die?Because when her mother Hecuba was pregnant, she dreamed she was giving birth to a torch from which streamed hissing serpents and it would bring unfortunate and disasters to the kingdom.3.Why were the former suitors of Helen willing to help Menelaus in the war of reclaiming hiswife from Troy?Because Helen's father Tyndareus made all the suitors swear an oath to come to the aid of her husband if she should ever be abducted.4.What's behind the reluctance of Odysseus and Achilles to join in the expedition?Their love to their families.5.What dose the argument between Agamemnon and Achilles show about their character?It showed Agamemnon was stubborn while Achilles was honest and strong-minded.6.What brought Achilles back to the battlefield?His reconciliation with Achilles and his pride and glory.7.Why was Achilles so barbaric in his treatment of Hector's corpse?Because he was so angry with what Hector had done.pare the values in the story with those that people hold today.Tow what extent aredignity, honor,glory,fame,and revenge still important?六.问答题20分1.Make a comparison between Dionysus and Apollo from their attributes, mottoes and spirits.MusicHuman psycheSelf-control, moderation, mental Golden lyre, with clear melodies, Apollobalanceevoking feelings of harmony and(rational) serenitySpontaneous and instinctive Dionysus Tambourine, with furious andemotions; self-indulgence,erratic rhythms, expressing(irrational)passionate and impulsive nature. excess2.What do you think is love ?Explain your opinion with the mythologies.(期中论文)C203.What heroic qualities dos Heracles possess?How does he differ from the other heroes likeJason and Perseus?C224.Do you believe in fate? To what degree are we in control of our own life?。


Section1:T or FSection2:ChoiceSection3:Explain idioms•1、Pandora’s Box 灾难之盒含义:to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone、来源:Pandora's box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a human who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster、•2、The Horn of Amalthea丰饶角含义:A symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, nuts, other edibles, or wealth in some form、来源:One day, as Amalthea played with little Zeus, she accidentally broke off her horn、To make up for it and as a sign of gratitude, Zeus made the broken horn always be full of whatever its owner desired、•3、The Midas/Golden Touch点石成金含义:Ability to turn everything he touched into gold、if someone has the Midas touch, everything they do is successful and makes money for them来源:Midas’s job knew no bounds and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table、•4、A Procrustean Bed 强迫一致含义:When something is Procrustean, different lengths or sizes or properties are fitted to an arbitrary standard、来源: Procrustes was a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who physically attacked people by stretching them or cutting off their legs, so as to force them to fit the size of an iron bed、•5、Sow the Dragon Teeth挑起纠纷含义:The dragon's teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors、来源:In Greek myth, dragon’s teeth feature prominentl y in the legends of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece、•6、Apple of Discord祸根含义: A euphemism for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute、来源:The Greek goddess of discord, Eris, became disgruntled after she was excluded from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis、In retaliation, she tossed a golden apple inscribed Kallisti(‘for the most beautiful one'), into the wedding party、Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite、Paris of Troy was appointed to select the recipient、He awarded the apple to Aphrodite, thus indirectly causing the Trojan War、•7、The Heel of Achilles唯一的弱点含义:A deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially leads to downfall来源:The mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common、Thetis treated Achilles with Ambrosia, making him invulnerable、Thetis burned away his mortality in the house fire except on the heel, with which he was held、Thetis dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx, holding onto him by his heel、•8、Penelope’s Web永远做不完的工作含义:The tactics of delaying sth on purpose; the task that can never be finished来源:Penelope is the wife of Odysseus who was called to fight in the Trojan War、She waits twenty years for the final return of her husband 、In order to put off remarriage, She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished、Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, one of twelve unfaithful serving women, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors、•9、Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷含义:Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom expresses the meaning of "having to choose between two evils"、来源: Scylla was rationalized as a rock shoal (described as a six-headed sea monster) on the Italian side of the strait and Charybdis was a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily、They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors; avoiding Charybdis meant passing too close to Scylla and vice versa、According to Homer, Odysseus was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool、•10、Necklace of Harmonia不祥之物含义:Necklace of Harmonia brought great misfortune to all of its wearers or owners、来源:Aphrodite bore a daughter, Harmonia, from Ares' seed、Harmonia married Cadmus, the founder of Thebes、Upon hearing of the royal engagement, Hephaestus presented Harmonia with an exquisitenecklace as a wedding gift、The necklace was made by Hephaestus' own hand and was cursed to bring disaster to any who wore it、•13、A Sisyphean Task含义:Endlessly laborious or futile来源:Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men、He was condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top、•15、Give a cake to Cerberus含义:bribe来源:Cerberus is a watchdog at the gates of Tartarus、He would let the souls in but not out、However he could be bribed with a honey cake on occasion or with sweet music、Section4:Explain in English the meaning of following terms、15% (5)•1、Anthropomorphism神人同形同性In Greek myth, the gods and goddesses are not only personifications of the forces of the universe, they are seen as beings much like common men and women、The te rm for this is “Anthropomorphism”, meaning “in the form of a human being、”•2、The Five Ages of Men五个时代The Golden Age; the Silver Age; the Bronze Age; the Heroic Age; the Iron Age•3、Tartarus 地狱The deeper region, where the Titans had been imprisoned(Tartarus itself formed a dismal picture, it had gates of bronze guarded by Cerberus, surrounded by fire, encased by triple wall, and within, the wailing and cries of those being punished、It is the underworld zone of eternal torment, where the greatest sinners have been punished for their wrong doing、)•4、The Elysian Field 天堂领域The paradise for the Greeks•5、The Asphodel Field 充满游魂的地方A field inhabited by wandering souls•6、Styx 冥河A river in Hades across which Charon ferried the souls of the dead、•7、Hubris 过分骄傲Overbearing pride or presumption、•8、Satyr森林之神,好色的人Satyrs are a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus 、In myths they are often associated with pipe-playing•9、Maenad 酒神的女祭司,异常激动的女人Often the maenads were portrayed as inspired by him into a state of ecstatic frenzy, through a combination of dancing and drunken intoxication、In this state, they would lose all self-control、•10、Narcissism 自恋Narcissus is a man who was renowned for his beauty、He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him、Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image、Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died、•11、Harpy鹰身女妖Half woman, half bird ;vicious winged monster; often depicted as a bird with the head of a woman•12、Xenia好客Xenia is the Greek concept of hospitality, or generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home、•13、Dionysia 酒神节(in ancient Greece) festivals of the god Dionysus, an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus•14、Aegis 羊皮盾(宙斯及其女儿雅典娜所持的帝盾)A shield hold by Athena、Under one’s aegis means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source、15、Metamorphosis 变形,变质A person or thing develops and changes into something completely different、( 变形a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft、)•16、Demigod 半人半神A less important god, especially one who is half god and half human、•17、Centaur 人首马身的动物,半人马A creature with the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse、( In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse、)•18、The Deucalion FloodAphrodite's magic girdle was a golden girdle that caused men and gods to fall hopelessly in love with her、( Zeus visited Arcadia and Thessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .He decided to clear the earth of them all.Without hesitation he released the rainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidon to help.Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean, and the entire human race disappeared in the unheard of flood,all but two poor Thessalians .)Section5:Essay questions 15 %( 3)•Unit 1: Examples of mythological accounts explaining the explainable、Uranus lay upon Gaia and made love to her without stop、(The interplay between rain and soil that makes plants come to life and grow、)Human Beings fashioned from clayGods and heroes descending into the Underground in the west and emerging in the East、( Sun rises in the East and sets in the West、)Persephone lived three months in the Underground with her husband and returned to live with her mother Demeter for the rest of year、(The return of spring after winter、)Eros, equipped with his sharp and blunt arrows, brings about many tragedies of human love、(Freud’s theory about love or sex as the most fundamental drive from humans、)•Unit 2: Similarities between “the first woman” i n the Greek(Pandora) and Christian creation myth(Eve)Eve was the instigator of tbe whole affair, for through her beauty and her wiles she seduced Adam to taste of the forbidden fruit、"Woman is like an apple, lovely without, rotten within、"Eve was lured by the snake、Pandora was driven by her curiosity、Their behaviors caused evil and plagues to human-beings、•Unit 3: Reasons that ancient Greeks tend to depict Zeus as a promiscuous man, an unfaithful husband?Zeus’ fatal Weaknesses: an uncontrollable lus t for sexual driveThis shows the anthropomorphism、The ancient emperors usually had many lovers, so the Greeks depict Zeus as a promiscuous man、This also shows the ancient Greeks’ imagination for a man、Reproduction is blessing、•Unit 4: Symbolic meaning of Olive Tree in the Greek story and Holy BibleWhen Poseidon and Athena disputed as to which of them should give the name to the capital of Attica, the gods decided, that it should receive its name from him who should bestow upon man the most useful gift、Poseidon then created the horse, and Athena called forth the olive tree, for which the honor was conferred on her、The olive branch in Bible appears in the story of Noah’s ark、When the water receded, a dove flied with an olive branch in its mouse、In the Greek story, Olive Tree means peace and wealth、In the Holy Bible , Olive Tree appeared after the flood ,so it represents peace、•Unit 5:•Differences between Athena and AresAres: thirst for the “hand to hand combat” and the “frenzy of battle and bloodshed”Athena: “war for the purposes of justice”, “peaceful settlements” "war at a distance", “strategic planning of war”•What are the distinctive features of Dionysus as a religious festival?The Dionysia was a large religious festival in ancient Athens in honor of Dionysus、The central event was the performance of tragedies and comedies、Dionysus was a god, mirroring the innate wildness of humanity which Athenians abhorred and tried to control、The Dionysia was a time to let out their inhibitions through highly emotional tragedies or irreverent comedies、People dressed like Satyrs and Maenads、Some men dressed as women and women as men、The Dionysia was also marked by an element of role-reversal and boundary-crossing: lower class citizens could mock the upper class; or women could insult their male relatives、•What are the Apollonian and Dionysian elements in music style and human psyche?•Unit 6•Interpretation of the Furies’, Apollo’s and Athena’s judgment on Orestes’ matricide、( See the scripts in PPT for Unit 6)Orestes is being hounded and terrorized by the Furies for the blood crime of matricide、Orestes killed his mother Clytemnestra, who murdered his father Agamemnon、(背景)Furies: holiness of motherhood, reminiscent of matriarchies; tribal laws = an eye for eyeApollo: laws of males-dominated societyAthena: representing the voice of womanhood to deny mother’s role as the creator、•In the tales of Callisto being transformed into a bear, and Acteon being transformed into a stag, what common theme does the “transformation” reveal?Ancient Greeks were sober and contemplative、They explore the mystery of human identify and human destiny、1) Transformation from human to non- human which indicates the loss of human identifies、2) Inescapable destiny of “the Hunter being hunted”•Unit 7•How do you interpret the landscape imagery in the story of Narcissus? (See PPT for session 7)Landscape imagery:"There was a clear fountain, with water like silver, to which the shepherds never drove their flocks、Nor did the mountain goats resort to it, nor any of the beasts of the forest; neither was it defaced with fallen leaves or branches; but the grass grew fresh around it, and the rocks sheltered it from the sun、His tears fell into the water and disturbed the image、The "stillness" of clear fountain suggests Narcissus' insusceptibility to the lust of the world、While his tears disturbed the image, his lust of eyes had "deflowered" him, taking away his virginity - a pure soul and a peaceful mind、•Interpretation of how Cupid (Eros) falls in love with Psyche、(See the scripts in PPT for unit 7)The erotic love (Eros) and the spiritual love (Psyche) belong together in an inseparable union、The symbol ic meaning of “the union of Cupid (Eros) and Psyche” is "animating spirit"、In Venus's garden there are two fountains: one with sweet water, the other one with bitter、Cupid fills two vases with each and then goes to Psyche's bedchamber where she is sleeping、Cupid proceeds to leta few drops from the bitter fountain water fall on her lips, then touches her side with his pointed arrow、Feeling the touch of the arrow, Psyche wakes up, opens her eyes, and seems to be gazing straight at Cupid who is invisible、This startles Cupid enough that he ends up wounding himself、Cupid immediately sets out to repair the damage he has done to Psyche, and pours a few drops of the sweet water in her hair、•Interpretation of ancient Greeks’ attitudes toward immortality in the love story of Tithonus and EosAncient Greeks against immortal youth、They thought that a man shouldn't desire in any way to vary from the kindly race of men, or pass beyond the goal of ordinance、•Unit 8&9• 1 Why is Perseus regarded as a perfect hero?Perseus was the most perfect Greek hero in myths、He was the only Greek hero who maintained supportive relationship with women throughout his career、In his pursuit of glory, he exhibited both courage and wisdom、In killing Medusa, he outwitted the monster by his shrewdness and tricks rather than mere courage and strength、He was favored by gods when he was alive and after his death, he was transformed into a constellation、• 2 What is Greeks’ conception of Hero as the story of Heracles/Jason reveals、Hercules is Greece's greatest heroes in myth, is the embodiment of strength, courage and wisdom、Jason :youthful confidence and the spirit of adventurecourage to come alone to capture a kingdomleader of a group of heroesvaliance to fight enormous evils and conquer monsterssuccess in accomplishing the impossible• 3 What is Greeks’ conception of destiny as the story of Oedipus reveals?It reflects the contradiction between human will and fate, hero of courage, integrity, kindness, courage to take responsibility、Highlight the complex relationship between necessity and contingency, the fate of the "uncertainty" and "frustrated"、Describes the fate predominates in Western myth point of view、The riddle of the Sphinx is a symbol of human self-understanding and self-discovery for the first time, began the era of human philosophy、It is also the ancient Greece formation of new moral concepts, expressing the painful memories of humanity from barbarism to civilization、•Unit 10• 1 Please interpret the bird imagery i n Odysseus’ speech树上坐着一窝小鸟,一窝嗷嗷待哺的麻雀,鸟巢筑在树端的枝桠上,叶片下,雏鸟嗦嗦发抖,一窝八只,连同生养它们的母亲,一共九只。

Greco-Roman Mythology Study Guide, part 1Part 1.1. Who are the Twelve Olympian Gods, and what are their powers?Zeus. He is lord of the sky.Hera.protector of marriage, familiar with magic.Poseidon.God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakesAres. He is the god of war.Athena.She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture.Apollo.He is the god of music,Artemis. the goddess of chastityme god of fire and the forge.Aphrodite.Goddess of love, romance, and beauty.Demeter.Goddess of agricultureHestia.Calm goddess of home and homelife,Hermes. He is the god of thieves and the god of commerce.2. Who was Prometheus? Why was he important to the human race?He was one of the Titans.Because he brought down fire to man.3. What happened when Pandora's box was opened?All the pains that might plague mankind such as Old Age,Labor ,sickness.Insanity,Vice,and Passion flew in a cloud,stung Epimetheus and Pandora in every part of their bodies,and then attacked the race of mortals.4. What were the Five Ages of Man, and what happened after them?The Golden Age,the Silver Age,the Bronze Age,the Age of Heroes,the Iron Age5. What did King Midas wish for, and what problems did his wish bring him?He asked that whatever he might touch should be changed into gold.He turned food into gold so he couldn’t eat,starvation seemed to await him.6. How does the story of Persephone explain the difference of the seasons?7. What is Tartarus, and who is its king?Tartarus is the deeper of the Underworld,the prison of the Sons of the Earth.Hades is its king.Part 2.8. How did Hippomenes win his race against AtalantaWith the help of Venus.9. Why did Daphne become a laurel tree?She asked her father to change he form to protect her from being pursuing.10. Why did Cupid fall in love with Psyche?Cupid was surprised by Psyche’s wonderful beauty that wounded him with his ownarrow,consequently,instead of making Psyche fall in love with some ragged beggar,himself fell in love with Psyche.11. Why did Venus/Aphrodite advise Adonis not to attack wild animals?12. What did Hera do to Echo when she found out that Echo was lying to her, and what happened to Echo when Narcissus died?She passed sentence upon Echo in words.13. What was the name of the statue that Pygmalion fell in love with?Galatea14. What object was the direct cause of the tragic end of Pyramus and Thisbe?Part 3.15. Who was Perseus's father?Zeus16. Why did Acrisius put Perseus and his mother in a coffin and throw them into the sea?He was alarmed by an oracle which had told him that Perseus would be the instrument of his death.17. Who was Medusa?She was a terrible monster who had laid waste the country18. Why did Polydictes send Perseus to kill Medusa?For an easy access to Danae.19. How did Perseus save Andromeda from the sea monsterHe killed the sea monster20. Why did Jason want the Golden Fleece?He was required to attempt what was thought to be an impossible deed to satisfy the demands of a hard-hearted taskmaster.21. What was the name of the ship the Argonauts sailed on?The Argo.22. Who were two of the Argonauts?Argos,Tiphys23. How did Medea help Jason when he fought the crop of armed men?She instructed him that he should throw stones into their midst so that they would attack each other rather than Jason himself.24. How did Medea get her father's ship to stop chasing the Argonauts?She murdered her younger brother Apsyrtos and cut him up into small pieces which she threw over the side of the ship.Aeetes stopped to pick up the pieces,and so the Argo made good her escape.25. What was Hercules famous for?He was famous for his strength and courage and for his legendary adventures.26. Why did Hercules have to complete twelve labors?He was told to serve Eurystheus for twelve years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him27. Name six of the twelve labors of HerculesThe Nemean Lion,the Hydra,the Cerynitian Hind,the Erymanthian Boar,the Stymphalian Birds,the Augean Stables28. How did Hercules demonstrate his strength in his infancy?29. How did Hercules kill the Hydra?He dipped his arrows in the Hydra’s blood or venom and so made them poisonous30. What caused the death of Hercules?The poison of Hydra.。

希腊罗马神话复习一.单项选择〔课文〕10分二.判断〔课文〕10分三.表格〔默写〕20分四.名词解释〔课后〕20分C11.delphic: It relates to Delphi.It means ambiguous.2.Olypian: It relates to Olympian Gods.It means that some one is like a god,especially by being calm and not concerned about ordinary things.3.martial: It relates to Mars.It means something connected with war and fighting.4.nemesis: It relates to Nemesis.It means a punishment that is deserved and cannot be avoided.5.titanic:I t relates to Titans.It means something big ,strong and powerful.C21.Junoesque:It relates to Juno.It means someone is elegant and beautiful like Juno.2.Argus-eyed:It relates to Argus.It means someone is watchful and alert.3.satyr/satyriasis:It relates to Satyr.It means someone that has an abnormally intense sexual desire in men.4.mercurial:It relates to Mercury.It means having feelings that change suddenly and without warning.C41.chaotic:It relates to Chaos.It means messy and disorder.2.Pandora’s box:It relates to Pandora. It means the root of troubles.3.Promethean:It relates to Prometheus.It means a person who resembles Prometheus.C61.Dionysiac:It relates to Dionysus.It means Sensuality, debauchery, and revelry.C71.Midas’/ass’s ears:It relates to Midas.It means A secret that cannot be hid.It also menas someone is shallow and uninformed.2.Midas/the golden touch:It relates to Midas.It means touching a stone and turning it into gold.3.cut the Gordian knot:It relates to Alexander.It means solving a complex problem with a bold strike.C81.cereal:It relates to Ceres.It means grains.2.aureole:It relates to Aurora.It means a bright circle of light.C91.Charon’s boat/ferry:It relates to Charon.It means some one is going to die.2.cross the Styx:It means some one is going to die.C121.gain/reap/win〔one’s〕laurels: It relates to Daphne. It means gaining one’s honors.2.Look to one’s laurels:It relates to Daphne.It means to work hard in order not to lose the achievement.3.rest/repose/retire/sit(back)on one’s laurels: It relates to Daphne.It means to satisfy with what you have achieved and stop trying.4.a Noble/poet laureate:It relates to Daphne.It means to be a noble price winner.C131.cupidity: It relates to Cupid.It means a very strong desire for something.2.erotic:It relates to Eros.It means sexual excitement.C141.Aphrodite’s girdle:It relates to Aphrodite.It means unlimited female sexuality.2.adonis:It relates to Adonis.It means some one is a handsome young man.C161.Narcissism:It relates to Narcissus.It means the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.C171.Pygmalion effect:It relates to Pygmalion. It is a phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people ,the better they perform.C181.atlantean:It relates to Atalanta. It means strong ,powerful and gigantic.2.Mount one’s Pegasus: It relates to Pegasus.It means to write a poem.3.a chimera in one’s brain: It relates to Perseus.It means the fantasy in one’s mind.C201.the choice of Heracles: It relates to Heracles.It means some one is in a dilemma.2.Cleanse the Augean Stable:It relates to Augeas.It means to remove something totally.3.Herculean effort:It relates to Hercules.It means great effort.C211.sow dragon’s teeth: It means to provoke war by spreading dispute;or cultivate warriors or monster.2.a Cadmean/Pyrrhic victory:It relates to Cadmus.It means a victory that comes at a great cost.C221.sphinx riddle:It relates to Sphinx.It means a puzzle which is very difficult to solve.C241.the apple of discord: It means the root of the trouble and any subject of possible of contention or disagreement.2.Achilles’heel:It relates to Achilles.It means a weak point in something that is otherwise perfect.3.hector: It relates to Hector.It means to intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.4.Achilles and Patroclus:It relates to Achilles and Patroclus.It means male friendship, a heroic friendship.5.Fight like a Trojan:It means to fight with great determination.6.Sulky like Achilles in his tent: It relates to Achilles.It means sulky.7.a Trojan horse:It means the hidden danger.8.Myrmidon: It means a faithful follower who carries out orders without question.9.Helen of Trojan:It relates to Helen.It means the root of war; a beauty who ruins her country;a terrible disaster brought by somebody or something you like best.10.Greek gift:It means a gift with evil purpose of the enemy; a gift to murder.五.简答题20分1.What did the ancient Greeks know about their world?The Greeks believed the earth to be flat and circular,their own country occupying the middle of it,the central point being either Mount Olympus,The earth is divided into two equal parts by the Sea.Around the earth flowed the River Ocean.2.To which place were mortals favored by the gods taken when they died?The Aethiopians.3.How did Zeus divide the rule of the world with his brother?Zeus’s portion was the heavens,Poseidon’s the ocean and Hades’s the realms of the dead.4.How was Venus married off to Vulcan?Jupiter gave her to Vulcan, in gratitude for the service he had rendered in forging thunderbolts.5.How did the Fates mete out human destiny?The three goddesses were assigned distinct task:Clotho spun the “thread” of human fate,Lachesis dispensed it and Atropos cut it.C21.What was Zeus’ usual way of hiding his scandals?He raised a cloud to hide some of his doings that would not bear the light and He turned the girl into an animal.2.How did the musical instrument “panpipe” come into being?Pan fell in love with A nymph called Syrinx,who was a faithful worshipper of Artemis.He chased her to the bank of river .With the water nymph’s help,Syrinx was turned into reeds.Pan was so sad and he made an instrument with the reeds,which called Syrinx.And that is the panpipe.3.How can you account for Zeus’s promiscuity?en have a powerful ability to reproduce in order to reproduce more offspring, . For most of the people in the world flows his blood, is one of the methods can have more faithful follows.And the number of the faithful follows decide whether his regime is firm.C41.What was the direct cause of Prometheus’ obtaining fire for man?When Epimetheus created man ,he had nothing left for him.2.What attitude toward women is shown through the story of Pandora?The story shows the ancient Greeks thought women were inferior and affiliated to men,and they were the root evil and trouble.3.Which age of man applies to our own age?Please elaborate.I think we are in the Iron Age.People work day and night and man’s character is more complex,though mixed with kindness, but more evil.Human wants to rule everything.People no longer trust each other.Married people do not love each other.Vows are regarded as dust.Kindness and justice are no longer seen as the norm of conduct, but merely violence.4.How is the first woman often described as a “lovely evil”?How does she compare with Eve in the Book of Genesis?Pandora is described as a “lovely evil” because she was the most beautiful and sweetest woman,but she opened box and made many evil things free.Both Pandora and Eve are beauties.They are also described as the root of troubles to take the blame for the male society.But they were created out of different purpose.Pandora was created as the cost of Prometheus stealing the fire for man.She symbolizes a great temptation and human misery.Eve is inferior and affiliated to the man and just like a slave and she was created to help man.5.Why did Zeus try to withhold fire from human beings?Because fire is a symbol for technology and civilization.A basic distinction in myth between raw&cooked and wild&civilized.As a revenge for Prometheus'earlier theft of the finest sacrificial portions.By withholding fire,Zeus makes the division of the sacrifice impracticable.The humiliation of Ze us prompted him to take the extreme measure of withholding fire from mankind,without which m an would soon be little more than animals.C61.What led to Bacchus’ wanderings?Bacchus invented how to plant grapes and brew wine.He was wandering aroundand spread this kind of knowledge to bring people the joy of drinking.C71.How did Midas acquire the power of turning everything to gold?Because Midas rescued Bacchus’s teacher,Slilenus,and treated him hospitably,entertaininghim for ten days and nights with an unceasing round of jollity.In return,Bacchus gave him thepower of turning everything to gold.C81.What made Hades fall in love with Proserpine?As signs of womanly beauty began to shine along side her childlike innocence,the adolescent god dess Persephone unwittingly attracted the attention of the Greek god Hades.2.Why was Venus displeased with Athena,Diana,and Proserpine?Because she thought all of them looked down upon the power of her and her son.3.What prevented Proserpine’s freedom from the Underworld?Three pomegranate.4.From what aspects can the Demeter myth be interpreted?Change of seasonsC91.Where are the different ghosts conveyed in the underworld?The evil ghosts will be sent to Tartarus.The virtuous ghosts will be sent to Elysium.2.Describe the difference between Elysium and Tartarus and the situation of their respective inhabitants?Elysium ,ruled over by Cronus, lies near Hades’ dominions.It s a happy land of perpetualday,without cold or snow,where games,music,and revels never cease,and where the inhabitants may elect to be reborn on earth whenever they please.In Greek mythology ,Tartarus is a deep chasm surrounded by three heavy curtain and three bronze doors.In Roman mythology,it is a vast river of lava.It is a painful place in where the Furies live.Inhabitants in it suffer a lot.C111.How were Atalanta and her husband changed into lions?They forgot to pay due honor to Venus and the goddess was provoked attheir ingratitude.She caused them to give offence to Cybele.Cybele tookfrom them their human form and turned them into animals of charactersresembling their own.C121.what was the cause of Apollo’s love for Daphne?Cupid’s golden arrow struck Apollo’s heart.2.What did Peneus mean by “ Your face will forbid it”?He meant Daphne’s wish would not come true because of her beautiful face.C131.What did the oracle of Apollo say about Psyche’s future husband?He said her future husband awaited he on the top of the mountain and he was a monster whom neither gods nor men could resist.2.What tempted Psyche to open the box she was bringing back to Venus?A longing desire to put the beauty on her cheeks to become more beautiful.3.What is the significance of the union of Cupid and Psyche?Love itself is really a happy and painful pursuit of the process,and the process of love must be ups and downs.C141.Why did Venus advise Adonis against attacking wild animals?Because the wild animals were dangerous and she didn’t want to lose her beloved Adonis.2.What did Venus do to commemorate her ill-fated lover?She changed his blood into short-loved flowers and its blossom open when the wind blows.C151.What aspect does this story show about love?The miserable and beautiful aspect of love.C161.What incurred Juno’s anger towards Echos?Her talk that contrived to detain Juno till Zeus and the nymphs madetheir escape.2.What was Juno’s punishment for her?No power to speak first.C181.What was the cause of Perseus’s adventures?Polydectes wanted an easy access to Danae and got rid of Perseus.So he sent Perseus to kill Medusa.2.How was Medusa killed?Perseus borrowed the shield from Minerva and winged shoes from Hermes,approached Medusa while she slept. He was guided by her image reflection in the bright shield and cut off her head.C191.How did the Argonauts pass through the Clashing Rocks?They went along the passage found by the dove they sent out and passed the Clashing Rocks safely.2.What made Medea kill her own children?The fury with jealousy and the thought to punish Jason further.C201.How did Heracles demonstrate his prowess in his infancy?He strangled two snakes which Zeus’ jealous wife Hera had sent to attack him.2.What incident motivated the Labors of Heracles?He was told by the Delphic Oracle to serve Eurystheus for 12 years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him.3.What does the last labor of Heracles symbolize?C211.What was the cause of Cadmus’ adventures?Because his sister was carried away by Zeus,and his father commandedhim to go in search of his sister.C221.How did he kill his own s father?In order to avoid killing his father and married his mother of,he escaped from the Collins,on the way,he killed his father by accident.2.What do you know about the Sphinx riddle?Sphinx riddle is often used to describe the problems which are complex,mysterious and hard to understand.C241.Who presented the apple of discord and for what purpose?Eris was angry because she had been left out of the feast. She threw among the guest the apple of discord inscribed “for the fairest” to make an issue between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.2.Why was Paris as a baby left in the wilderness to die?Because when her mother Hecuba was pregnant, she dreamed she was giving birth to a torch from which streamed hissing serpents and it would bring unfortunate and disasters to the kingdom.3.Why were the former suitors of Helen willing to help Menelaus in the war of reclaiming his wife from Troy?Because Helen’s father Tyndareus made all the suitors swear an oath to come to the aid of her husband if she should ever be abducted.4.What’s behind the reluctance of Odysseus and Achilles to join in the expedition?Their love to their families.5.What dose the argument between Agamemnon and Achilles show about their character?It showed Agamemnon was stubborn while Achilles was honest and strong-minded.6.What brought Achilles back to the battlefield?His reconciliation with Achilles and his pride and glory.7.Why was Achilles so barbaric in his treatment of Hector’s corpse?Because he was so angry with what Hector had done.pare the values in the story with those that people hold today.Tow what extent are dignity, honor,glory,fame,and revenge still important?六.问答题20分1.Make a comparison between Dionysus and Apollo from their attributes, mottoes and spirits.2.What do you think is love ?Explain your opinion with the mythologies.(期中论文〕C203.What heroic qualities dos Heracles possess?How does he differ from the other heroes like Jason and Perseus?C224.Do you believe in fate? To what degree are we in control of our own life?。

希腊罗马神话1. 恩底弥翁是位风度翩翩的青年牧羊人,他在小亚细亚的拉特摩斯山牧羊。
2. 纳西瑟斯是河神刻菲索斯与仙女莱里奥普所生,是一个容貌俊美的少年,虽然有许多少女爱慕他,他均不为所动,他漫不经心的走过最迷人的少女身边,无论她怎么吸引他的注意,他都不理不睬。
” 这实在很难受,尤其是爱可也跟别的女孩子一样,爱上了纳西瑟斯。

献) 10、《春》 波提切利 1482年。左手边的男子、三位白衣女子、中间的
女子、上方的婴儿、右三、右二、最右边的分别是? 答案:赫尔墨斯、美惠三女神、爱神维纳斯Venus、丘比
1、神相继创造了哪4代人?古代诗人赫西俄德称我们这个时代为? 答案:黄金时代、白银时代、青铜时代,半神英雄;黑铁时代。 2、这四代人死后分别会成为?
答案:天空中的保护神、地面上的魔鬼、降入地下的冥府、极乐岛的居 民。
3、宙斯将残暴的阿卡迪亚国王吕卡翁变成了什么动物? 答案:土狼
4、卡得摩斯受父王之命寻找欧罗巴,却始终找不到,他不敢回故乡, 只要请求哪位神灵赐神谕告诉他何处安身? 答案:太阳神阿波罗
5、神谕中,卡得摩斯将跟随一头母牛,在它停下休息的地方建一座城 市,这座城市的名字叫? 答案:底比斯
6、到达目的地,卡得摩斯命随从去古老森林里寻找活水祭拜神灵,却 遭遇了什么怪物的阻挡? 答案:毒龙
4、宙斯决定用什么灾难铲除青铜时代的人类? 答案:大洪水
答案:父子 7、这幅作品的名称与作者是? 答案:《大洪水》 米开朗基罗 1510 8、传说维纳斯(阿佛洛狄忒)的父母是谁? 答案:宙斯和大海女神之一狄俄涅
1、创造第一批人类的神是? 答案:普罗米修斯Prometheus(肉 体)+雅典娜Athene(灵魂)
2、宙斯为希腊神话最高的主神,主宰一切天象,尤其是? 答案:闪 电

希腊罗马神话复习一.单选(课文)10分二.判断(课文)10分三.表格(默写)20分四.名词解释(课后)20分C11.delphic: It relates to Delphi.It means ambiguous.2.Olypian: It relates to Olympian Gods.It means that some one is like agod,especially by being calm and not concerned about ordinary things.3.martial: It relates to Mars.It means something connected with war and fighting.4.nemesis: It relates to Nemesis.It means a punishment that is deserved and cannot be avoided.5.titanic:I t relates to Titans.It means something big ,strong and powerful.C21.Junoesque:It relates to Juno.It means someone is elegant and beautiful like Juno.2.Argus-eyed:It relates to Argus.It means someone is watchful and alert.3.satyr/satyriasis:It relates to Satyr.It means someone that has an abnormally intense sexual desire in men.4.mercurial:It relates to Mercury.It means having feelings that change suddenly and without warning.C41.chaotic:It relates to Chaos.It means messy and disorder.2.Pandora’s box:It relates to Pandora. It means the root of troubles.3.Promethean:It relates to Prometheus.It means a person who resembles Prometheus.C61.Dionysiac:It relates to Dionysus.It means Sensuality, debauchery, and revelry.C71.Midas’/ass’s ears:It relates to Midas.It means A secret that cannot be hid.It also menas someone is shallow and uninformed.2.Midas/the golden touch:It relates to Midas.It means touching a stone and turning it into gold.3.cut the Gordian knot:It relates to Alexander.It means solving a complex problem with a bold strike.C81.cereal:It relates to Ceres.It means grains.2.aureole:It relates to Aurora.It means a bright circle of light.1.Charon’s boat/ferry:It relates to Charon.It means some one is going to die.2.cross the Styx:It means some one is going to die.C121.gain/reap/win(one’s)laurels: It relates to Daphne. It means gaining one’s honors.2.Look to one’s laurels:It relates to Daphne.It means to work hard in order not to lose the achievement.3.rest/repose/retire/sit(back)on one’s laurels: It relates to Daphne.It means to satisfy with what you have achieved and stop trying.4.a Noble/poet laureate:It relates to Daphne.It means to be a noble price winner.C131.cupidity: It relates to Cupid.It means a very strong desire for something.2.erotic:It relates to Eros.It means sexual excitement.C141.Aphrodite’s girdle:It relates to Aphrodite.It means unlimited female sexuality.2.adonis:It relates to Adonis.It means some one is a handsome young man.C161.Narcissism:It relates to Narcissus.It means the habit of always thinking about yourself and admiring yourself.C171.Pygmalion effect:It relates to Pygmalion. It is a phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people ,the better they perform.C181.atlantean:It relates to Atalanta. It means strong ,powerful and gigantic.2.Mount one’s Pegasus: It relates to Pegasus.It means to write a poem.3.a chimera in one’s brain: It relates to Perseus.It means the fantasy in one’s mind.C201.the choice of Heracles: It relates to Heracles.It means some one is in a dilemma.2.Cleanse the Augean Stable:It relates to Augeas.It means to remove something totally.3.Herculean effort:It relates to Hercules.It means great effort.C211.sow dragon’s teeth: It means to provoke war by spreading dispute;or cultivate warriors or monster.2.a Cadmean/Pyrrhic victory:It relates to Cadmus.It means a victory that comes ata great cost.C221.sphinx riddle:It relates to Sphinx.It means a puzzle which is very difficult to solve.C241.the apple of discord: It means the root of the trouble and any subject of possible of contention or disagreement.2.Achilles’heel:It relates to Achilles.It means a weak point in something that is otherwise perfect.3.hector: It relates to Hector.It means tointimidate or dominate in a blustering way.4.Achilles and Patroclus:It relates to Achilles and Patroclus.It means male friendship, a heroic friendship.5.Fight like a Trojan:It means to fight with great determination.6.Sulky like Achilles in his tent: It relates to Achilles.It means sulky.7.a Trojan horse:It means the hidden danger.8.Myrmidon: It means a faithful follower who carries out orders without question.9.Helen of Trojan:It relates to Helen.It means the root of war; a beauty who ruins her country;a terrible disaster brought by somebody or something you like best.10.Greek gift:It means a gift with evil purpose of the enemy; a gift to murder.五.简答题20分C11.What did the ancient Greeks know about their world?The Greeks believed the earth to be flat and circular,their own country occupying the middle of it,the central point being either Mount Olympus,The earth is divided into two equal parts by the Sea.Around the earth flowed the River Ocean.2.To which place were mortals favored by the gods taken when they died?The Aethiopians.3.How did Zeus divide the rule of the world with his brother?Zeus’s portion was the heavens,Poseidon’s the ocean and Hades’s the realms of the dead.4.How was Venus married off to Vulcan?Jupiter gave her to Vulcan, in gratitude for the service he had rendered in forging thunderbolts.5.How did the Fates mete out human destiny?The three goddesses were assigned distinct task:Clotho spun the “thread”of human fate,Lachesis dispensed it and Atropos cut it.C21.What was Zeus’usual way of hiding his scandals?He raised a cloud to hide some of his doings that would not bear the light and He turned the girl into an animal.2.How did the musical instrument “panpipe”come into being?Pan fell in love with A nymph called Syrinx,who was a faithful worshipper of Artemis.He chased her to the bank of river .With the water nymph’s help,Syrinx was turned into reeds.Pan was so sad and he made an instrument with the reeds,which called Syrinx.And that is the panpipe.3.How can you account for Zeus’s promiscuity?The promiscuity of Zeus serves more than entertaining purposes.It is out of politicalpurpose.Men have a powerful ability to reproduce in order to reproduce more offspring, . For most of the people in the world flows his blood, is one of the methods can have more faithful follows.And the number of the faithful follows decide whether his regime is firm.C41.What was the direct cause of Prometheus’obtaining fire for man?When Epimetheus created man ,he had nothing left for him.2.What attitude toward women is shown through the story of Pandora?The story shows the ancient Greeks thought women were inferior and affiliated to men,and they were the root evil and trouble.3.Which age of man applies to our own age?Please elaborate.I think we are in the Iron Age.People work day and night and man’s character is more complex,though mixed with kindness, but more evil.Human wants to rule everything.People no longer trust each other.Married people do not love each other.Vows are regarded as dust.Kindness and justice are no longer seen as the norm of conduct, but merely violence.4.How is the first woman often described as a “lovely evil”?How does she compare with Eve in the Book of Genesis?Pandora is described as a “lovely evil”because she was the most beautiful and sweetest woman,but she opened box and made many evil things free.Both Pandora and Eve are beauties.They are also described as the root of troubles to take the blame for the male society.But they were created out of different purpose.Pandora was created as the cost of Prometheus stealing the fire for man.She symbolizes a great temptation and human misery.Eve is inferior and affiliated to the man and just like a slave and she was created to help man.5.Why did Zeus try to withhold fire from human beings?Because fire is a symbol for technology and civilization.A basic distinction in myth between raw & cooked and wild & civilized.As a revenge for Prometheus' earlier theft of the finest sacrificial portions.By withholding fire, Zeus makes the division of the sacrifice impracticable. The hu miliation of Zeus prompted him to take the extreme measure of withholding fire fr om mankind, without which man would soon be little more than animals.C61.What led to Bacchus’wanderings?Bacchus invented how to plant grapes and brew wine. He was wandering around and spread this kind of knowledge to bring people the joy of drinking.C71.How did Midas acquire the power of turning everything to gold?Because Midas rescued Bacchus’s teacher, Slilenus, and treated him hospitably, e ntertaininghim for ten days and nights with an unceasing round of jollity. In return, Bacchus g ave him thepower of turning everything to gold.C81.What made Hades fall in love with Proserpine?As signs of womanly beauty began to shine along side her childlike innocence, the adolescent goddess Persephone unwittingly attracted the attention of the Greek god Hades.2.Why was Venus displeased with Athena,Diana,and Proserpine?Because she thought all of them looked down upon the power of her and her son.3.What prevented Proserpine’s freedom from the Underworld?Three pomegranate.4.From what aspects can the Demeter myth be interpreted?Change of seasonsC91.Where are the different ghosts conveyed in the underworld?The evil ghosts will be sent to Tartarus.The virtuous ghosts will be sent to Elysium.2.Describe the difference between Elysium and Tartarus and the situation of their respective inhabitants?Elysium ,ruled over by Cronus, lies near Hades’dominions.It s a happy land of perpetual day,without cold or snow,where games,music,and revels never cease,and where the inhabitants may elect to be reborn on earth whenever they please.In Greek mythology ,T artarus is a deep chasm surrounded by three heavy curtain and three bronze doors.In Roman mythology,it is a vast river of lava.It is a painful place in where the Furies live.Inhabitants in it suffer a lot.C111.How were Atalanta and her husband changed into lions?They forgot to pay due honor to Venus and the goddess was provoked attheir ingratitude.She caused them to give offence to Cybele.Cybele tookfrom them their human form and turned them into animals of characters resembling their own.C121.what was the cause of Apollo’s love for Daphne?Cupid’s golden arrow struck Apollo’s heart.2.What did Peneus mean by “Your face will forbid it”?He meant Daphne’s wish would not come true because of her beautiful face.C131.What did the oracle of Apollo say about Psyche’s future husband?He said her future husband awaited he on the top of the mountain and he was a monster whom neither gods nor men could resist.2.What tempted Psyche to open the box she was bringing back to Venus?A longing desire to put the beauty on her cheeks to become more beautiful.3.What is the significance of the union of Cupid and Psyche?Love itself is really a happy and painful pursuit of the process,and the process of love must be ups and downs.C141.Why did Venus advise Adonis against attacking wild animals?Because the wild animals were dangerous and she didn’t want to lose her beloved Adonis.2.What did Venus do to commemorate her ill-fated lover?She changed his blood into short-loved flowers and its blossom open when the wind blows.C151.What aspect does this story show about love?The miserable and beautiful aspect of love.C161.What incurred Juno’s anger towards Echos?Her talk that contrived to detain Juno till Zeus and the nymphs made their escape.2.What was Juno’s punishment for her?No power to speak first.C181.What was the cause of Perseus’s adventures?Polydectes wanted an easy access to Danae and got rid of Perseus.So he sent Perseus to kill Medusa.2.How was Medusa killed?Perseus borrowed the shield from Minerva and winged shoes from Hermes,approached Medusa while she slept. He was guided by her image reflection in the bright shield and cut off her head.C191.How did the Argonauts pass through the Clashing Rocks?They went along the passage found by the dove they sent out and passed the Clashing Rocks safely.2.What made Medea kill her own children?The fury with jealousy and the thought to punish Jason further.C201.How did Heracles demonstrate his prowess in his infancy?He strangled two snakes which Zeus’jealous wife Hera had sent to attack him.2.What incident motivated the Labors of Heracles?He was told by the Delphic Oracle to serve Eurystheus for 12 years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him.3.What does the last labor of Heracles symbolize?C211.What was the cause of Cadmus’adventures?Because his sister was carried away by Zeus,and his father commandedhim to go in search of his sister.C221.How did he kill his own s father?In order to avoid killing his father and married his mother of, he escaped from the Collins, on the way, he killed his father by accident.2.What do you know about the Sphinx riddle?Sphinx riddle is often used to describe the problems which are complex, mysteriou s and hard tounderstand.C241.Who presented the apple of discord and for what purpose?Eris was angry because she had been left out of the feast. She threw among the guest the apple of discord inscribed “for the fairest”to make an issue between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.2.Why was Paris as a baby left in the wilderness to die?Because when her mother Hecuba was pregnant, she dreamed she was giving birth to a torch from which streamed hissing serpents and it would bring unfortunate and disasters to the kingdom.3.Why were the former suitors of Helen willing to help Menelaus in the war of reclaiming his wife from Troy?Because Helen’s father Tyndareus made all the suitors swear an oath to come to the aid of her husband if she should ever be abducted.4.What’s behind the reluctance of Odysseus and Achilles to join in the expedition?Their love to their families.5.What dose the argument between Agamemnon and Achilles show about their character?It showed Agamemnon was stubborn while Achilles was honest andstrong-minded.6.What brought Achilles back to the battlefield?His reconciliation with Achilles and his pride and glory.7.Why was Achilles so barbaric in his treatment of Hector’s corpse?Because he was so angry with what Hector had done.pare the values in the story with those that people hold today.Tow what extent are dignity, honor,glory,fame,and revenge still important?六.问答题20分1.Make a comparison between Dionysus and Apollo from their attributes, mottoes and spirits.2.What do you think is love ?Explain your opinion with the mythologies.(期中论文)C203.What heroic qualities dos Heracles possess?How does he differ from the other heroes like Jason and Perseus?C224.Do you believe in fate? To what degree are we in control of our own life?。

1、古希腊“悲剧之父”是()A、埃斯库罗斯B、欧里庇德斯C、荷马D、索福克勒斯答案【A 】2、古希腊人对特洛伊战争的起因所做的神话性解释是()A、潘多拉的诅咒B、不和的金苹果C、诸神争当神王D、诸神争当雅典城的保护神答案【B 】3、【多选题】希腊神话中的英雄传说故事主要有()A、赫刺克勒斯的十二大功B、伊阿宋取金羊毛C、珀尔修斯取美杜萨的头D、忒修斯杀死米诺斯牛E、“提坦之战”答案【ABCD 】4、下列对希腊神话特点的描述不正确的一项是()A、希腊神话中的神是高度人格化的,有着和人的形象和性格、喜怒哀乐等;B、希腊神话体现出浓郁的神话主义色彩;C、希腊神话的文化背景是乐观主义,充满了追求光明。
答案【B 】5、填空题。
这里出现了欧洲最早的海洋文明_ 。
答案古希腊;欧;雅典;爱琴海文明7、下列哪位神是太阳神并且主管光明、青春、音乐神?(D)A.宙斯B.雅典娜C.阿尔忒弥斯D.阿波罗答案【 D 】8、希腊神话中的智慧女神是?A. 阿芙洛狄忒B.雅典娜C. 赫拉D.维纳斯答案【 B 】9、古希腊悲剧中,于无知中犯了杀父娶母罪行的英雄是()A、伊阿宋B、俄狄浦斯C、赫拉克勒斯D、赫克托耳答案【 B 】10、根据下列内容要求,完成填空选项。
(1)是雷电神是天后(2)是海洋神是农神(3)是太阳神是战神(4)是女战神是爱神A、得墨忒耳B、波塞东C、雅典娜D、赫尔墨斯E、阿波罗F、阿佛洛狄忒G、宙斯H、阿瑞斯I、赫拉答案(1)G ;I (2)B ;A(3)E ;H (4)C ;F。

希腊神话希腊神话考试卷模拟考试题.docx 《希腊神话》考试时间:120分钟考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪⾏为,确保考试结果公正。
1、hero 英雄()2、hercules task()3、Achilles ’heel ()4、Gordian knot()5、Titan 泰坦()姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线-------------------------6、Pandora潘多拉()7、Medusa美杜莎()8、Phaethon法厄同()9、Muses(缪斯)()10、Pan(潘)()11、Titan(泰坦)()12、Zephyrus(泽费罗斯)()13、Atlas()14、Ceres()15、Cronos()16、Eros(厄洛斯)()17、Hygeia()18、下列对希腊神话特点的描述不正确的⼀项是()()A.希腊神话中的神是⾼度⼈格化的,有着和⼈的形象和性格、喜怒哀乐等;B.希腊神话体现出浓郁的神话主义⾊彩;C.希腊神话的⽂化背景是乐观主义,充满了追求光明。

希腊罗马神话复习___ some of the most well-known figures in ___.Aphrodite。
known as Venus in Roman mythology。
is the goddess of ___。
While the Romans also associated her with gardens and fields。
her primary role was as the ___.Apollo。
who was associated with the sun in Roman mythology。
was the god of prophecy。
___ and arrow。
and ___ see the ___.Ares was the Greek god of war。
while his Roman counterpart was Mars。
Ares was known for his love of battle and lence。
and was ___ was similarly associated with war and was often depicted in armor.Artemis。
known as Diana in Roman mythology。
was the goddess of the hunt (and later。
the moon)。
She was a skilled archer and was ___.Athena。
also known as Minerva。
was the goddess of wisdom。
arts and crafts。
and war。
She was a helper to heroes and was often ___.Cronus。
who was associated with agriculture in Roman mythology。

A Mid-term Examination inGreek and Roman MythologyName:__________ Class:_________ Score:_________I. Match the gods/goddesses and their roles in mythology. (10%)( ) 1. Diana A. goddess of grain( ) 2. Poseidon B. goddess of hunting, the moon( ) 3. Hades C. god of the sea( ) 4. Hera D. queen of Olympus; goddess of marriageand childbirth( ) 5. Ceres E. goddess of arts and crafts and defensivewar; goddess of wisdom( ) 6. Athena F. goddess of beauty and sexual desire ( ) 7. Aphrodite G.. god of war( ) 8. Mars H. metal smith of the gods( ) 9. Hermes I. ruler of the Underworld; lord of the dead( ) 10. Hephaestus J. Zeus’messenger, guardian of travelers,merchants and thievesK. one of the Fates who determine thelength of each mortal’s lifeII. Choose a word/phrase from the following list to fill in each of the blanks with, changing their forms if necessary. (20%)1.The report presented by the scientist to the government was extremely _______ - no one could understand it.2.He was ________ by her beauty, but lacked the courage to speak to her.3.Another round of negotiations were conducted on the Middle East under the _______ of the UN.4.Seeing the ________ expression on his father’s face, the boy immediately knew what was awaiting him.5.While the president was casually chatting with his supporters, his body-guards were _______, looking for any single sign of danger.6.The scientist spent all his life researching the ____________ of his hometown.7.Showing disrespect to gods according to many cultures is to invite ______.8.The young man had about him a(n) _______ of youth and health.9. When the theater caught fire, there was a great______.10. The desk was a ______ of papers and unopened letters.III. Multiple Choice Questions (10%)( )1. The Iliad and the Odyssey were both written by _______.A. VirgilB. OvidC. HesiodD. Homer( )2. Many transformation stories can be found in _________, a collection of poems written by ____.A. Metamorphosis; OvidB. Theogony, HesiodC. Persians, AeschylusD. Aeneid, Virgil( )3.The spinners of the thread of human destiny were __________.A. the MusesB. the GracesC. the FatesD. the Furies( )4.Zeus changed Io a _______ hide her from Hera.A. bearB. heiferC. snakeD. bull( )5.Leda and the Swan was supposedly painted by __________.A. Peter Paul RubensB. Gustave MoreauC. Sandro BotticelliD. Leonardo da Vinci( )6.Pandora replaced the lid of her box, with only one thing left at the bottom - _______.A. warB. famineC. hopeD. disease( )7.Arachne was a _____, who was punished by ______.A. hunter; DianaB. titan; ZeusC. weaver; MinervaD. king; Hera( )8.When we say someone has Midas’ ears, we are commenting on his ________.A. wealthB. poor judgmentC. prideD. avarice( )9.The gods who ruled the heavens, the ocean and the Underworld, respectively, were ______.A. Jupiter, Pluto and SaturnB. Jupiter, Apollo and Neptune D. Jupiter, Neptune andPluto( )10.If you throw a sop to Cerberus, you are trying to _______.A. kill someoneB. bribe someoneC. avoid being killed by someoneD. enjoy a blissful afterlife.IV. Read each literary excerpt carefully and do the following: (a) underline all the mythological allusions, and (b) explain their meanings according to the context of the excerpt. (20%)1. We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia. (Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, 1847)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2.There was, as I have said, a Minerva fully armed. (Marilynne Robinson, Mother Country, 1889) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________3.Trinity College had undertaken the Sisyphean task of repairing all of its historic Front Square.(John Brady, A Stone of the Heart, 1988)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________4.Antoine and Francoise with their children, but without ever knowing why, joined the refugees for the sake of their vision of elysium and because of Don Emmanuel ’s enthusiasm. (Louis De Berni res, The War of Don Emmanuel ’s Nether Parts , 1990)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________5.It was hard to imagine H.E. sniffing after some other country woman, or being discovered mounting one of the milking girls. H.E., even when he was twenty-seven, would not have made a credible farmyard satyr. (Thomas Keneally, The Playmaker , 1987)____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________V . Look at the following paintings and tell briefly the mythological stories depicted therein. (20%)1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________3. ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________VI. Essay question: (A) choose ONE from the list of questions and answer the question you’ve chosen, and (B) tell what you have learned from this course. You should write at least 150 words. (20%)1.What is the significance of the story of Proserpine?2.What are the different character traits between Apollo and Bacchus?3.What is the relationship between hubris and nemesis (cite at least one mythological story as an example)?4.What aspect does the Pandora myth show about the ancient Greek society?Your question:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。

I. Multiple Choice. (10 points)1.The Roman name of Aphrodite is___.A. MinervaB. VenusC. JunoD. Vulcan2. ___ did not involve in the Apple of Discord, which finally caused the Trojan War.A. MinervaB. VenusC. JunoD. Vulcan3. ___was the mother of Persephone, who is often shown carrying a sheaf of grain.A. MinervaB. VenusC. DemeterD. Artemis4. Hera was not___.A. jealousB. vindictiveC. uprightD. envious5. ___ was the mother of Helen, who came from an egg.A. IoB. LedaC. HeraD. Semele6. ___ was finally punished by Diana by changing him into a stag, who was aninvader of her privacy.A. EndymionB. OrionC. PsycheD. Actaeon7. ___ was considered a perpetual sleeper for love.A. EndymionB. OrionC. PsycheD. Actaeon8. With the help of ___, Telemachus was able to avoid the ambush by the suitors andmeet his father.A. ArtemisB. ApolloC. AthenaD. Zeus9. It was with the help of ___ that Hector killed Patroclus.A. ArtemisB. ApolloC. AthenaD. Zeus10. Of the twelve labors done by Heracules, which was not acknowledged byEurystheus?A. Nemean LionB. the Erymanthian BoarC. Cretan BullD. Augeas’ StablesII. Filling in the blanks. (10 points)1.___ was the virgin goddess of the hunt.2.After defeating Cronus, Zeus and his brothers, ___ and ___, divided up thecreation, the former of whom received the sea as his domain, and the latter got the Underworld.3.Paris gave the Apple of Discord to ___, who had promised him the world’smost beautiful woman.4.In the Trojan War, it was the Greek warrior ___ that killed Hector, and ___revenged his brother by shooting an arrow into his fatal heel.5.___ was considered the wisest Titan, while ___ was thought a stupid one.6.___, the god of wine, the Roman name of which is ___, represents not only theintoxicating power of wine, but its social and beneficent influences likewise. III. Explain the following idioms according to what you have learned in the mythology. (20 points)1.Pandora’s Box2.Herculean Efforts3.Achilles’ Heel4.Apple of DiscordIV.Answer the following questions. (40 points)1.What do you know about Prometheus in mythology? Talk about his mainexploits to man and also his affairs with gods.2.Talk about the Trojan War in mythology, including the background, the cause,turning points, the results, etc.3.According to the mythology, how do we have the “sun-flower”? And what doyou learn from the story?4.What does Echo mean and talk about her story in mythology.哈尔滨工程大学试卷1 / 25.Of the Greek heroes, Odysseus and Heracules, who do you prefer? Talk abouthis exploits and what you learn from him.。

1、创造第一批人类的神是?答案:普罗米修斯Prometheus(肉体)+雅典娜Athene(灵魂)2、宙斯为希腊神话最高的主神,主宰一切天象,尤其是?答案:闪电3、宙斯答应保护人类,但没有给人类最重要的一样东西是?答案:火4、普罗米修斯在哪里巧妙的取得了这样东西?答案:太阳车5、由宙斯下令,众神合造的少女“潘多拉”,这个名字的意义为?答案:拥有一切天赋的女人6、潘多拉Pandora的盒子有各种各样的灾难,但盒子底还深藏唯一一件美好的东西是?答案:希望(飞出来前,被关在盒子里)7、以工艺著称的火神赫淮斯托斯铸造了潘多拉身体,他有两个仆人外号克拉托斯和皮亚,他们名字的意义是?答案:强力和暴力8、这两个仆人将普陀米修斯锁在哪座山的悬崖上?答案:高加索山Caucasus Mountains9、赫拉克勒斯Heracles解救了普罗米修斯,但为了不违抗父亲宙斯的规定,不得不把谁作为替身?答案:半人马喀戎Chiron(自愿奉献)10、《春》波提切利 1482年。
3、宙斯将残暴的阿卡迪亚国王吕卡翁变成了什么动物?答案:土狼4、宙斯决定用什么灾难铲除青铜时代的人类?答案:大洪水5、丢卡利翁和妻子皮拉根据神的指引,用什么材料重新创造了人类?答案:石块6、普罗米修斯Prometheus与丢卡利翁Deucalio的关系是?答案:父子7、这幅作品的名称与作者是?答案:《大洪水》米开朗基罗 15108、传说维纳斯(阿佛洛狄忒)的父母是谁?答案:宙斯和大海女神之一狄俄涅1、宙斯Zeus的妻子赫拉Hera是主管____和____的女神。

Greco-Roman Mythology Study Guide, part 1Part 1.1. Who are the Twelve Olympian Gods, and what are their powers?Zeus. He is lord of the sky.Hera.protector of marriage, familiar with magic.Poseidon.God of the sea, horses, and of earthquakesAres. He is the god of war.Athena.She is the goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture.Apollo.He is the god of music,Artemis. the goddess of chastityme god of fire and the forge.Aphrodite.Goddess of love, romance, and beauty.Demeter.Goddess of agricultureHestia.Calm goddess of home and homelife,Hermes. He is the god of thieves and the god of commerce.2. Who was Prometheus? Why was he important to the human race?He was one of the Titans.Because he brought down fire to man.3. What happened when Pandora's box was opened?All the pains that might plague mankind such as Old Age,Labor ,sickness.Insanity,Vice,and Passion flew in a cloud,stung Epimetheus and Pandora in every part of their bodies,and then attacked the race of mortals.4. What were the Five Ages of Man, and what happened after them?The Golden Age,the Silver Age,the Bronze Age,the Age of Heroes,the Iron Age5. What did King Midas wish for, and what problems did his wish bring him?He asked that whatever he might touch should be changed into gold.He turned food into gold so he couldn’’t eat,starvation seemed to await him.he couldn6. How does the story of Persephone explain the difference of the seasons?7. What is Tartarus, and who is its king?Tartarus is the deeper of the Underworld,the prison of the Sons of the Earth.Hades is its king.Part 2.8. How did Hippomenes win his race against AtalantaWith the help of Venus.9. Why did Daphne become a laurel tree?She asked her father to change he form to protect her from being pursuing.10. Why did Cupid fall in love with Psyche?Cupid was surprised by Psyche Cupid was surprised by Psyche’’s wonderful beauty that wounded him with his own arrow,consequently,instead of making Psyche fall in love with some ragged beggar,himself fell in love with Psyche.11. Why did Venus/Aphrodite advise Adonis not to attack wild animals?12. What did Hera do to Echo when she found out that Echo was lying to her, and what happened to Echo when Narcissus died?She passed sentence upon Echo in words.13. What was the name of the statue that Pygmalion fell in love with?Galatea14. What object was the direct cause of the tragic end of Pyramus and Thisbe?Part 3.15. Who was Perseus's father? Zeus16. Why did Acrisius put Perseus and his mother in a coffin and throw them into the sea? He was alarmed by an oracle which had told him that Perseus would be the instrument of his death.17. Who was Medusa?She was a terrible monster who had laid waste the country18. Why did Polydictes send Perseus to kill Medusa?For an easy access to Danae.19. How did Perseus save Andromeda from the sea monsterHe killed the sea monster20. Why did Jason want the Golden Fleece?He was required to attempt what was thought to be an impossible deed to satisfy the demands of a hard-hearted taskmaster.21. What was the name of the ship the Argonauts sailed on?The Argo.22. Who were two of the Argonauts?Argos,Tiphys23. How did Medea help Jason when he fought the crop of armed men?She instructed him that he should throw stones into their midst so that they would attack each other rather than Jason himself.24. How did Medea get her father's ship to stop chasing the Argonauts?She murdered her younger brother Apsyrtos and cut him up into small pieces which she threw over the side of the ship.Aeetes stopped to pick up the pieces,and so the Argo made good her escape.25. What was Hercules famous for?He was famous for his strength and courage and for his legendary adventures.26. Why did Hercules have to complete twelve labors?He was told to serve Eurystheus for twelve years and win immortality by performing the labors the king imposed upon him27. Name six of the twelve labors of HerculesThe Nemean Lion,the Hydra,the Cerynitian Hind,the Erymanthian Boar,the Stymphalian Birds,the Augean Stables28. How did Hercules demonstrate his strength in his infancy?29. How did Hercules kill the Hydra?He dipped his arrows in the Hydra’’s blood or venom and so made them poisonousHe dipped his arrows in the Hydra30. What caused the death of Hercules?The poison of Hydra.。

有关古希腊罗马神话考试的一些问答题How would you describe the character of Oedipus? What character traits are dominant in his personality?Oedipus is a complex character.confident, valiant and courageous to answer the riddle of the Sphinx despite her threat ofdeathintelligent to solve the riddlecompassionate to have saved Thebes in the past and pledge to save it againefficient in governing, wise to be revered by his subjectsstrong moral sensefilled with pridea hero-on-a-questa king-as-sacrificial-scapegoat替罪羊—He wants to rid Thebes of the plague, but fate and the gods have other things in store for him. His exile rescues Thebes. Thus, Oedipus is “sacrificed” on the “altar”.What role did oracles play in Ancient Greece, in Oedipus fate?Oracles were very important to Greeks and became part of Greek life.1. Greeks sought approval of gods, often at Delphic oracle, where prophet spoke gods’will.2. Greeks considered oracles of the gods as right judges of characters.When all of the prophecies come true, it appears that one of Sophocles’aims is to justifythe powers of the gods and prophets.To what should Jason’s success be ascribed ?His perseverance & braveryA team of talented helpersThe best equipment,the ArgoHelp from godsMedea’s magic powerDo you think Jason is a hero? Why or why not?youthful confidence and the spirit of adventurecourage to come alone to capture a kingdomleader of a group of heroesvaliance to fight enormous evils and conquer monsterssuccess in accomplishing the impossibleHow do you feel toward Narcissus?This story explains two phenomena in nature. What are these phenomena, and how are they explained?Echoes: what people hear across empty spaces.Narcissus: a very handsome flower whose head bends towards the water.—— They reveal the importance of natural imagery in Greek myths. Beauty and nature rule the imagination.What are the two kinds of “lovesickness”explored in the story? What is moral of the story of Echo and Narcissus on love?Echo’s unrequited love and Narcissus’s perverted love. Narcissus loves simply a reflection; Echo loves someone who cannot love another.The Moral:Don’t fall in love with yourself. Direct your love toward someone real.Don’t love w rongly. Unless we are loved, we fade to nothingness.What is the theme of the story of Echo and Narcissus?The effects of romantic love and self-love can be devastating.Excessive pride.Unrequited love.Vengeance.Male abuse of females.give a sop to Cerberus:bribe to make peace with a potential source of danger or problems ?It would be a crime to give a sop to Cerberus.行贿是犯罪行为。
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Section1:T or FSection2:ChoiceSection3:Explain idioms• 1. Pandora’s Box 灾难之盒含义:to open Pandora's box means to create evil that cannot be undone.来源:Pandora's box involves a mythological story in which the a box was given to a human who was warned never to open the box, but his curiosity made him open it resulting in a disaster.• 2. The Horn of Amalthea丰饶角含义:A symbol of abundance and nourishment, commonly a large horn-shaped container overflowing with produce, flowers, nuts, other edibles, or wealth in some form.来源:One day, as Amalthea played with little Zeus, she accidentally broke off her horn. To make up for it and as a sign of gratitude, Zeus made the broken horn always be full of whatever its owner desired.• 3. The Midas/Golden Touch点石成金含义:Ability to turn everything he touched into gold. if someone has the Midas touch, everything they do is successful and makes money for them来源:Mi das’s job knew no bounds and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table.• 4. A Procrustean Bed 强迫一致含义:When something is Procrustean, different lengths or sizes or properties are fitted to an arbitrary standard.来源:Procrustes was a rogue smith and bandit from Attica who physically attacked people by stretching them or cutting off their legs, so as to force them to fit the size of an iron bed.• 5. Sow the Dragon Teeth挑起纠纷含义:The dragon's teeth, once planted, would grow into fully armed warriors.来源:In Greek myth, dragon’s teeth feature prominently in the legends of the Phoenician prince Cadmus and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece.• 6. Apple of Discord祸根含义:A euphemism for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.来源:The Greek goddess of discord, Eris, became disgruntled after she was excluded from the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. In retaliation, she tossed a golden apple inscribed Kallisti(‘for the most beautiful one'), into the wedding party. Three goddesses claimed the apple: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Paris of Troy was appointed to select the recipient. He awarded the apple to Aphrodite, thus indirectly causing the Trojan War.•7. The Heel of Achilles唯一的弱点含义:A deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, that can actually or potentially leads to downfall来源:The mythological origin refers to a physical vulnerability, metaphorical references to other attributes or qualities that can lead to downfall are common.Thetis treated Achilles with Ambrosia, making him invulnerable. Thetis burned away his mortality in the house fire except on the heel, with which he was held.Thetis dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx, holding onto him by his heel.•8. Penelope’s Web永远做不完的工作含义:The tactics of delaying sth on purpose; the task that can never be finished来源:Penelope is the wife of Odysseus who was called to fight in the Trojan War. She waits twenty years for the final return of her husband .In order to put off remarriage, She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Every night for three years, she undoes part of the shroud, until Melantho, one of twelve unfaithful serving women, discovers her chicanery and reveals it to the suitors.•9. Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷含义:Being between Scylla and Charybdis is an idiom expresses the meaning of "having to choose between two evils".来源:Scylla was rationalized as a rock shoal (described as a six-headed sea monster) on the Italian side of the strait and Charybdis was a whirlpool off the coast of Sicily. They were regarded as a sea hazard located close enough to each other that they posed an inescapable threat to passing sailors; avoiding Charybdis meant passing too close to Scylla and vice versa. According to Homer, Odysseus was forced to choose which monster to confront while passing through the strait; he opted to pass by Scylla and lose only a few sailors, rather than risk the loss of his entire ship in the whirlpool.•10. Necklace of Harmonia不祥之物含义:Necklace of Harmonia brought great misfortune to all of its wearers or owners.来源:Aphrodite bore a daughter, Harmonia, from Ares' seed. Harmonia married Cadmus, the founder of Thebes. Upon hearing of the royal engagement, Hephaestus presented Harmonia with an exquisitenecklace as a wedding gift. The necklace was made by Hephaestus' own hand and was cursed to bring disaster to any who wore it.•13. A Sisyphean Task含义:Endlessly laborious or futile来源:Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men. He was condemned forever to roll a huge stone up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again on nearing the top.•15. Give a cake to Cerberus含义:bribe来源:Cerberus is a watchdog at the gates of Tartarus. He would let the souls in but not out. However he could be bribed with a honey cake on occasion or with sweet music.Section4:Explain in English the meaning of following terms. 15% (5)• 1. Anthropomorphism神人同形同性In Greek myth, the gods and goddesses are not only personifications of the forces of the universe, they are seen as beings much like common men and women. The term for this is “Anthropomorphism”, meaning “in the form of a human being.”• 2. The Five Ages of Men五个时代The Golden Age; the Silver Age; the Bronze Age; the Heroic Age; the Iron Age• 3. Tartarus 地狱The deeper region, where the Titans had been imprisoned(Tartarus itself formed a dismal picture, it had gates of bronze guarded by Cerberus, surrounded by fire, encased by triple wall, and within, the wailing and cries of those being punished. It is the underworld zone of eternal torment, where the greatest sinners have been punished for their wrong doing.)• 4. The Elysian Field 天堂领域The paradise for the Greeks• 5. The Asphodel Field 充满游魂的地方A field inhabited by wandering souls• 6. Styx 冥河A river in Hades across which Charon ferried the souls of the dead.•7.Hubris 过分骄傲Overbearing pride or presumption.•8. Satyr森林之神,好色的人Satyrs are a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus .In myths they are often associated with pipe-playing•9. Maenad 酒神的女祭司,异常激动的女人Often the maenads were portrayed as inspired by him into a state of ecstatic frenzy, through a combination of dancing and drunken intoxication. In this state, they would lose all self-control.•10. Narcissism 自恋Narcissus is a man who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis saw this and attracted Narcissus to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died.•11. Harpy鹰身女妖Half woman, half bird ;vicious winged monster; often depicted as a bird with the head of a woman•12. Xenia好客Xenia is the Greek concept of hospitality, or generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home.•13.Dionysia 酒神节(in ancient Greece) festivals of the god Dionysus, an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus•14.Aegis 羊皮盾(宙斯及其女儿雅典娜所持的帝盾)A shield hold by Athena.Under one’s aegis means doing something under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent source.15. Metamorphosis 变形,变质A person or thing develops and changes into something completely different.( 变形a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft.)•16.Demigod 半人半神A less important god, especially one who is half god and half human.•17.Centaur 人首马身的动物,半人马A creature with the head, arms, and chest of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.( In classical mythology, a centaur is a creature with the head, arms, and body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.)•18.The Deucalion FloodAphrodite's magic girdle was a golden girdle that caused men and gods to fall hopelessly in love with her.( Zeus visited Arcadia and Thessaly,and disliked the deadly wrongs of men .He decided to clear the earth of them all.Without hesitation he released the rainy south wind and called upon the heartless Poseidon to help.Soon the whole world sank in a vast ocean,and the entire human race disappeared in the unheard of flood,all but two poor Thessalians .)Section5:Essay questions 15 %( 3)•Unit 1: Examples of mythological accounts explaining the explainable.Uranus lay upon Gaia and made love to her without stop. (The interplay between rain and soil that makes plants come to life and grow.)Human Beings fashioned from clayGods and heroes descending into the Underground in the west and emerging in the East. ( Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.)Persephone lived three months in the Underground with her husband and returned to live with her mother Demeter for the rest of year. (The return of spring after winter.)Eros, equipped with his sharp and blunt arrows, brings about many tragedies of human love. (Freud’s theory about love or sex as the most fundamental drive from humans.)•Unit 2: Similarities between “the first woman” in the Greek(Pandora) and Christian creation myth(Eve)Eve was the instigator of tbe whole affair, for through her beauty and her wiles she seduced Adam to taste of the forbidden fruit."Woman is like an apple, lovely without, rotten within."Eve was lured by the snake. Pandora was driven by her curiosity. Their behaviors caused evil and plagues to human-beings.•Unit 3: Reasons that ancient Greeks tend to depict Zeus as a promiscuous man, an unfaithful husband?Zeus’ fatal Weaknesses: an uncontrollable lust for sexual driveThis shows the anthropomorphism. The ancient emperors usually had many lovers, so the Greeks depict Zeus as a promiscuous man. This also shows the ancient Greeks’ imagination for a man. Reproduction is blessing.•Unit 4: Symbolic meaning of Olive Tree in the Greek story and Holy BibleWhen Poseidon and Athena disputed as to which of them should give the name to the capital of Attica, the gods decided, that it should receive its name from him who should bestow upon man the most useful gift. Poseidon then created the horse, and Athena called forth the olive tree, for which the honor was conferred on her. The olive branch in Bible appears in the story of Noah’s ark. When the water receded, a dove flied with an olive branch in its mouse. In the Greek story, Olive Tree means peace and wealth. In the Holy Bible , Olive Tree appeared after the flood ,so it represents peace.•Unit 5:•Differences between Athena and AresAres: thirst for the “hand to hand combat” and the “frenzy of battle and bloodshed”Athena: “war for the purposes of justice”, “peaceful settlements” "war at a distance", “strategic planning of war”•What are the distinctive features of Dionysus as a religious festival?The Dionysia was a large religious festival in ancient Athens in honor of Dionysus.The central event was the performance of tragedies and comedies.Dionysus was a god, mirroring the innate wildness of humanity which Athenians abhorred and tried to control. The Dionysia was a time to let out their inhibitions through highly emotional tragedies or irreverent comedies. People dressed like Satyrs and Maenads. Some men dressed as women and women as men.The Dionysia was also marked by an element of role-reversal and boundary-crossing: lower class citizens could mock the upper class; or women could insult their male relatives.•What are the Apollonian and Dionysian elements in music style and human psyche?•Unit 6•Interpretation of the Furies’, Apollo’s and Athena’s judgment on Orestes’matricide.( See the scripts in PPT for Unit 6)Orestes is being hounded and terrorized by the Furies for the blood crime of matricide. Orestes killed his mother Clytemnestra, who murdered his father Agamemnon.(背景)Furies: holiness of motherhood, reminiscent of matriarchies; tribal laws = an eye for eyeApollo: laws of males-dominated societyAthena: representing the voice of womanhood to deny mother’s role as the creator.•In the tales of Callisto being transformed into a bear, and Acteon being transformed into a stag, what common theme does the “transformation” reveal?Ancient Greeks were sober and contemplative. They explore the mystery of human identify and human destiny.1) Transformation from human to non- human which indicates the loss of human identifies.2) Inescapable destiny of “the Hunter being hunted”•Unit 7•How do you interpret the landscape imagery in the story of Narcissus? (See PPT for session 7)Landscape imagery:"There was a clear fountain, with water like silver, to which the shepherds never drove their flocks. Nor did the mountain goats resort to it, nor any of the beasts of the forest; neither was it defaced with fallen leaves or branches; but the grass grew fresh around it, and the rocks sheltered it from the sun.His tears fell into the water and disturbed the image.The "stillness" of clear fountain suggests Narcissus' insusceptibility to the lust of the world. While his tears disturbed the image, his lust of eyes had "deflowered" him, taking away his virginity - a pure soul and a peaceful mind.•Interpretation of how Cupid (Eros) falls in love with Psyche. (See the scripts in PPT for unit 7)The erotic love (Eros) and the spiritual love (Psyche) belong together in an inseparable union. The symbolic meaning of “the union of Cupid (Eros) and Psyche” is "animating spirit".In Venus's garden there are two fountains: one with sweet water, the other one with bitter. Cupid fills two vases with each and then goes to Psyche's bedchamber where she is sleeping. Cupid proceeds to let a fewdrops from the bitter fountain water fall on her lips, then touches her side with his pointed arrow.Feeling the touch of the arrow, Psyche wakes up, opens her eyes, and seems to be gazing straight at Cupid who is invisible. This startles Cupid enough that he ends up wounding himself. Cupid immediately sets out to repair the damage he has done to Psyche, and pours a few drops of the sweet water in her hair.•Interpretation of ancient Greeks’ attitudes toward immortality in the love story of Tithonus and EosAncient Greeks against immortal youth. They thought that a man shouldn't desire in any way to vary from the kindly race of men, or pass beyond the goal of ordinance.•Unit 8&9• 1 Why is Perseus regarded as a perfect hero?Perseus was the most perfect Greek hero in myths. He was the only Greek hero who maintained supportive relationship with women throughout his career.In his pursuit of glory, he exhibited both courage and wisdom. In killing Medusa, he outwitted the monster by his shrewdness and tricks rather than mere courage and strength.He was favored by gods when he was alive and after his death, he was transformed into a constellation.• 2 What is Greeks’ conception of Hero as the story of Heracles/Jason reveals.Hercules is Greece's greatest heroes in myth, is the embodiment of strength, courage and wisdom. Jason :youthful confidence and the spirit of adventurecourage to come alone to capture a kingdom ?leader of a group of heroes ?valiance to fight enormous evils and conquer monsterssuccess in accomplishing the impossible• 3 What is Greeks’ conception of destiny as t he story of Oedipus reveals?It reflects the contradiction between human will and fate, hero of courage, integrity, kindness, courage to take responsibility.Highlight the complex relationship between necessity and contingency, the fate of the "uncertainty" and "frustrated". Describes the fate predominates in Western myth point of view.The riddle of the Sphinx is a symbol of human self-understanding and self-discovery for the first time, began the era of human philosophy.It is also the ancient Greece formation of new moral concepts, expressing the painful memories of humanity from barbarism to civilization.•Unit 10• 1 Please interpret the bird imagery in Odysseus’ speech树上坐着一窝小鸟,一窝嗷嗷待哺的麻雀,鸟巢筑在树端的枝桠上,叶片下,雏鸟嗦嗦发抖,一窝八只,连同生养它们的母亲,一共九只。