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School code: 10128

No. : 20171100158 Inner Mongolia University of Technology

S u b j e c t:R o a d T r a f f i c A c c i d e n t P r e v e n t i o n r e p o r t

N a m e:Y u n l o n g Z h a o

C o l l e g e:C o l l e g e o f e n e r g y a n d p o w e r e n g i n e e r i n g major :Vehicle utilization engineering

No. : 20171100158

Guidance teacher :Mei Li professor



The invention of automobile changed people's way of travel, but road traffic accidents came into being, which made people unable to travel safely. Therefore, how to effectively prevent the occurrence of road traffic accidents has become the focus of research in various countries.

This paper first discusses the research status of road traffic accident prevention at home and abroad, and then analyzes the specific content and methods. According to the actual situation of road traffic safety in our country, the paper analyzes and reorganizes the traffic safety management mode in order to learn advanced experience from several countries that have done better work on road traffic accident prevention. The risk factors of road traffic system (including human, vehicle, road and road environment) are identified systematically and comprehensively, so as to adopt targeted prevention methods.

Finally, the factors affecting the safe running of the road traffic system, the effective management is the key to prevent road traffic accident, ensure the operation stable and coordinated transportation system, in order to fundamentally curb the occurrence of traffic accidents.

Key words: road traffic accident; accident theory; traffic control; prevention

Chapter 1 Theory of road traffic accident prevention 2.1 An overview of road accident

2.1.1Definition of road traffic accident

Despite the serious traffic accident harm to people already have a clear understanding, but because of the world culture and national conditions and the traffic laws and regulations of the different definition of road traffic accidents are not the same.

In the Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations, their definition of road traffic accident: occurred in or from the development of traffic roads or streets, involving at least one movement of the vehicle, causing one or more fatalities or injuries.

In the United States, they define road traffic accident as unexpected or dangerous or harmful events occurring on the road by vehicles or other traffic objects. These dangerous or harmful events interfere with the traffic behavior, its reason is often because of the combination caused by unsafe acts or unsafe conditions or two persons caused by, or is caused by a series of unsafe acts or a series of unsafe conditions.

In our country, according to the 2003 enactment of the People's Republic of China road traffic safety law the provisions of article 119th, the definition of road traffic accident due to the vehicle on the road, caused by fault or accident casualties or property losses in the event.

2.1.2 The theory of responsibility identification for road traffic accident

In many cases, the traffic management departments of the public security organs usually classify the traffic accident liability according to the party's fault. Type of responsibility includes all the responsibility, the main responsibility, equal responsibility, a secondary responsibility and no liability, according to the size of the degree of fault to determine their bear what responsibility is mainly responsible for the administrative responsibility and criminal responsibility of the two class of .

The occurrence of traffic accident is caused by the fault or illegal behavior of one of the parties, while the other party is not responsible for the accident, and the fault party assumes full responsibility for the accident. For example, the reverse driving, drunk
