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19. Illness indisposes a man for enjoyment. 疾病使人不想娱乐。 人病了就没有心情娱乐了。 20. The young man came so frequently to the lady’s house that he was regarded as the lover of the mistress. 那个年轻人是如此地经常来这个太太家里以至于别人 都以为他是女主人的情人。 那个年轻人经常来这个太太家里,结果别人都以为他 是女主人的情人。
13. Some photos are worth mentioning both for their technical excellence and interesting content. 14. Dick, with the best of characters and handwritings, was able to find another job very soon. 15. The thought that she would be separated from husband for a long time saddened Mrs. Brown. 16. The government forbad the military to “kill” the vessel, a relatively easy task. 17. My father was not wrong in judging me too young to manage business of importance. 18. His excellence at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition free college. 19. Illness indisposes a man for enjoyment. 20. The young man came so frequently to the lady’s house that he was regarded as the lover of the mistress.
21. One more sight of it turned one’s mind. 只要多看它一眼,人们就会动心。 22. She is going to spend the summer holidays in Qingdao, where she has some relatives. 她准备到青岛过暑假,她在那里有一些亲戚。 23. One herdsman, who looks after 800 sheep at most, earns about 600 yuan a year. 一个牧民最多照看八百只羊,一年约挣六百元。 24. The longest glacier so far discovered in China, the Karagul, which is 34 kilometers in length, is located in the northwest of Xinjiang. 卡拉古尔冰川位于新疆的西北部,长34公里,是我国到 目前为止发现的最长的冰川。
16. The government forbad the military to “kill” the vessel, a relatively easy task. 政府禁止军方“击毁”这艘潜艇,一项相当容易的任务。 政府禁止军方“击毁”这艘潜艇,虽然要击毁它其实是 挺容易的。 17. My father was not wrong in judging me too young to manage business of importance. 我父亲在判断我太年轻不能处理重要的事情方面没有错。 我父亲认为我太年轻,办不了大事。这一点他没看错。 18. His excellence at high school enabled him to enroll at the first-rate college. 他在高中的优秀使他进入了那所一流的大学。 他在高中时表现优秀,这使他进入了那所一流的大学。
5. Bad weather prevented us from going camping last weekend. 上周末坏天气阻止了我们去野营。 上周末天气不好,我们没能去野营。 6. His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down for a rest. 他的疲惫和不断增加的热气使他决定坐下来休息。 他疲惫不堪,天气又越来越热。他只好坐下来休息一会。 7. His appointment to the position is still under determination. 对于他的那个职位的任命还在决定之下。 是否任命他担任那个职位,还有待进一步的决定。 8. His failure to observe the traffic regulations resulted in a serious accident. 他在遵守交通规则上的失败导致了一起严重的交通事故。 他不遵守交通规则,导致了一起严重的交通事故。
13. Some photos are worth mentioning both for their technical excellence and interesting content. 有些照片因为它们技术的出色和有趣的内容值得一提。 有些照片技术高超,内容有趣,值得一提。 14. Dick, with the best of characters and handwritings, was able to find another job very soon. 迪克有很好的性格和书法,很快就找到了另一份工作。 迪克性格很好,又写得一手好字,很快就找到了另一份 工作。 15. The thought that she would be separated from husband for a long time saddened Mrs. Brown. 要跟丈夫分开很长时间的想法使布朗夫人很难过。 一想到要跟丈夫分开很长时间,布朗夫人就很难过。
21. One more sight of it turned one’s mind. 22. She is going to spend the summer holidays in Qingdao, where she has some relatives. ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้3. One herdsman, who looks after 800 sheep at most, earns about 600 yuan a year. 24. The longest glacier so far discovered in China, the Karagul, which is 34 kilometers in length, is located in the northwest of Xinjiang. 25. I wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before. 26. The slopes here, bare six years ago, are now covered with three million fruit trees. 27. Xiaoyan, normally a timid girl, is arguing heatedly with them now. 28. There is a bewildering variety of electronic dictionaries now available to the students.
第四章 句法翻译
• 断句的意思就是断开句子。即在翻译时把原 文的一个句子拆成两个或几个句子,尤其是 对于较长的一个句子,常常要译成两句或更 多的句子。也叫“分译”或“拆译” 。
1. The cold weather kept everyone indoors. 寒冷的天气使每个人都留在屋里。 天气很冷,大家都只好呆在屋里。 2. His weak chest predisposes him to winter colds. 他虚弱的肺部使他冬天容易得感冒。 他肺部虚弱,冬天容易感冒。 3. The natural result of his indulgence in computer is his failure in exams. 他沉迷于电脑的自然结果是他考试的不及格。 他整天沉迷于电脑,结果当然是考试不及格。 4. The scarcity of good actors in this city is astounding. 这个城市好演员的缺乏性是令人吃惊的。 令人吃惊的是,这个城市缺乏优秀演员。
5. Bad weather prevented us from going camping last weekend. 6. His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down for a rest. 7. His appointment to the position is still under determination. 8. His failure to observe the traffic regulations resulted in a serious accident. 9. The idea grew with him as he grew into manhood. 10. Age incapacitated him for war. 11. His attitude did not incline me to help him. 12. The concession he made to the weather was to wear a jacket when he went outdoors.
25. I wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before. 我头三年写了四本书,这是以前没有过的纪录。 26. The slopes here, bare six years ago, are now covered with three million fruit trees. 这里的山坡六年前还是光秃秃的,现在却种上了三百 万棵果树。 27. Xiaoyan, normally a timid girl, is arguing heatedly with them now. 小燕平常是个腼腆的女孩,现在也热烈地和他们辩论。 28. There is a bewildering variety of electronic dictionaries now available to the students. 现在可供给学生用的电子字典种类繁多,令人眼花缭 乱。
9. The idea grew with him as he grew into manhood. 当他长大成人的时候他的想法也随着他长大了。 他长大了,他的想法也成熟了。 10. Age incapacitated him for war. 年龄使他不能参加战争了。 他老了,不能打仗了。 11.His attitude did not incline me to help him. 他的态度没有使我想帮他。 看到他这种态度,我都不想帮他了。 12. The concession he made to the weather was to wear a jacket when he went outdoors. 他对天气的让步就是出门的时候穿了件夹克。 面对这样的天气,他只好穿了件夹克出门。