中职教育-英语(基础模块)上册第十章 Unit10:We should take a vacation.ppt
![中职教育-英语(基础模块)上册第十章 Unit10:We should take a vacation.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5982aa1b4daa58da1114a4c.png)
vacation .
英语(基础模块)目录页Fra bibliotekCONTENTS PAGE
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warm up Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation Reading and Writing
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
A second honeymoon
Bob : What’s wrong ,Nancy ? Are you tired ? Nancy : Yes . You know , we’re working too hard . We should take a vacation . Bob : Why don’t we drive to Arizona and visit the Grand Canyon ? We could also take a boat
Who do you usually go with? ______a. Family . ______b. Friends. ______c . Alone .
Which do you prefer? ______a. go shopping and sightseeing. ______b. relax by beach and swim . ______c . Enjoy outdoor activities like
We wish you a great trip !
高教版英语1(高职高专版)(第三版)课件unit 10
![高教版英语1(高职高专版)(第三版)课件unit 10](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4466c5527cd184254b3535c8.png)
Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice
Integrated Skills Development
Dialogue A
Could You Give Me Some Advice?
(Mr. Liu is a tour guide. Now he is giving some shopping advice to Bill, one of his foreign guests.)
Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice
Integrated Skills Development Lead-in
Do you know it? Some popular shopping places
A hypermarket is a very big supermarket. The layout of it allows you to wander around at leisure, comparing different models. If you do need any help in making your choice, there will be a shop assistant to give you information and advice.
Integrated Skills Development Lead-in
Do you know it? Some popular shopping places
A flea market
A flea market is a market usually in a street, where old or used goods are sold. It’s like a collection of yard sales. In winter it is usually indoors, but outdoors in summer, maybe in a field or a parking lot. Even in a church hall.
不知是谁家的窗口,飘来一阵阵悠扬的笛子声响,似远又近,在我脑海里盘旋。雨停了,笛声飘荡在烟雨中,楼下的日本早樱静静地飘飞着如蝴蝶般的花瓣,此刻,宁静悠远, 无奈我的文笔已经无法描述这种独特的美,这是大自然馈赠之美,这是江南独特的雨烟之美。
2020年5月16日早上六点多,我和社区五十多名党员和群众代表,一起踏上了前往河南省安阳市林州红旗渠的大巴。这是社区居委和党委为感谢春节以来到五四青年节期间, 一直坚守在抗击新冠病毒疫情防控卡点的义务值班人员,而举办的一次参观游览活动。也是让社区的党员和代表通过参观游览,身临其境地感受“红旗渠精神”,接受廉政教育、 爱国主义教育的有益活动。
站在窗口,浮想联翩,人生看似漫长,但也只是像樱花那般七日之久。生命仿佛是一幅镶嵌在岁月里的画,在诗意的唯美意境里,守望一个初春里的雨烟,浓淡暗影,疏落有 致。
早就听说红旗渠是林县人民为解决吃水问题,在极其艰苦的条件下,在县委书记的带领下,逢山开凿洞、遇沟架桥、自力更生劈开太行山引漳入林,被称为“中国的水长 城”“世界第八奇迹”的“对红旗渠有一些了解。只是从未身临其境感受红旗渠的壮观。
(2)I wonder what they’ll think of your yellow hair ? 我不知道他们会怎么想你的黄发。 I wonder --- 我想知道---,我不知道---,我怀疑--试练:(翻译) I wonder (怀疑)if they know. (根据所给汉语完成句子) 我不知道他们在哪。(wonder)(中译英)
(1) run a restaurant 经营一家饭店
run : v. 跑,奔;逃跑;办;经营,开动 例: He run downstairs to meet her . 他跑下楼去迎接他。
He runs a study class every summer vacation . 每个暑假他都办个
完成P168 练习
听说B 三、课堂探究
1. 问题探究
(1)听对话B,完成相关练习。 (2) 翻译下列词组 最后 in the end _______________ 向老师求助 ask his teacher for help _________________
Make Your Choice!
Unit 10 Make Your Choice!(建议6课时)
Part 1 Listening and Speaking
Part 2 Reading and Writing
Part 3 Language in Use
Part 4 Real Life Skills
听说A 三、课堂探究
1. 问题探究
(1) It’s a little bright ,isn’t it ? 颜色有点淡,是吗?这是一句反
在卡点工作的这些天,感动加泪水,愤怒加理解,都会成为他难忘的记忆。2月15日,王守琦执勤上岗从凌晨2:00开始,虽然累、困、冷,但是责任两个字,人民生命的安全不能当儿戏,他还是咬 牙挺过来了,那时只盼着所有通过关卡的人都能健康,安全,顺利回到家。就在当时,有拒登记者,而且还出言不逊,并且透露自己也是工作人员,有通行证,但是没带身份证,劝导王守琦所有在卡点
人性化,他所在的工作人员也让在其家里的人找到身份证,拍照,微信上传即可,但是此人拒绝配合,扬言:不让过,就在卡点待着……时间就这样一分一秒地过去……战场就是战场,也许他的仁慈会让 整个奋战在全洮南所有工作卡点的兄弟姐妹们的战斗功亏一篑。他总是在心底默念:洮南,加油!自己,加油!大约僵持了40分钟,此人终于将身份证传至微信中,登记通过。望着这位夜行人,王守琦 如是说:“惟愿他理解我们的做法,惟愿疫情消退,惟愿洮南再无卡点。”马可波罗电话
高教版中职英语(基础模块 第1册)Unit 10《How can I improve my english》ppt课件1
![高教版中职英语(基础模块 第1册)Unit 10《How can I improve my english》ppt课件1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4a0273415901020206409c20.png)
3. LisDteinaalnodgtuicek.
Caller’s problem
Prof Learning’s Advice
□ Poor at listening. □ Can’t understand every
word. □ Poor at pronunciation. □ Can’t remember the new
Yang Fan: OK. I’ll try. Thanks a lot.
6. Practice and act.
I’m not very good at ... I can’t ... I’m poor at ... I find it difficult to ... Can you give me ...
11. Discuss and choose.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________
your problem? Yang Fan : I’m a steward. I need to serve many foreign passengers on my
plane, but sometimes I can’t understand them. What can I do? Prof Learning: Well, you may ask them to repeat.
职高英语提高版第一册UNIT 10 READING A 课件
![职高英语提高版第一册UNIT 10 READING A 课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e1fab4db5022aaea998f0f54.png)
3. Learning the text:
(1)Reading the text
(1)Answer the following questions:
1In which country do people celebrate Christmas? 2What will Santa Claus do on Christmas Eve? 3What are kids eager to do on the morning of Christmas? 4Who give the gifts to the kids actually? 5What will people be busy with before Christmas?
6. be filled with
The bottle is filled with water. His eyes were filled with tears. The room is filled with smoke. The big box is filled with books.
去北方的城市独自旅行,只坐火车,不紧不慢的那种,沿途有大把的时间挥霍。看列车一点点穿过城市,穿过集镇,穿过乡村,穿过荒原,更远处有零落散开的土山,高高低低,在进入某个隧道口 的时候,对面正好迎来另一列火车,速度很快,你甚至来不及看清对面车窗趴着的到底是男孩还是女孩。这一刻,你刚好驶进黑暗,而有人正迎来光明。
若是我,我想我不会像鲸鱼那样,在慢慢地等待中一点点地腐烂,若是我,我希望让我的身躯在泥土里快一些腐烂,相信我不是为了花开得多么的鲜艳,也不是为了土地变得多么肥沃,更不是为了 隆起一座高的山,我不为供养,不为怀念,只是为了这爱能够再次得到延续,为了让所有的生命贫瘠而不再贫穷。325游戏平台
心底执意要去某一个地方,迷恋的情怀,让你突然拥有无比的勇气。天空阴郁,偶尔有阳光从云层中钻出来,淡淡地洒在被白雪覆盖的街道上,有些耀眼——是的,你确定这里刚刚经历一场大雪, 它纷纷扬扬落下时,也许会钻进一个人的衣领,也许也落在一个人的睫毛,也许是某个人的心底或者一个孩子的掌心也未可知。如此,一瞬间你会摒弃掉所有情绪——你在抵达之前设想过的无数场景:物 是人非,萍水相逢或者各奔东西。而此刻,只有你自己,站在白雪之间,只剩呼吸和时间。
共2页: 上一页12下一页
向来钦佩古人的智慧,尤其是汉字的发明。道路一词尤为深奥,让人遐想。这不仅因为道路与我们休戚相关,更蕴含着难窥其底的哲理。解道离不开解路。“因为路是有形的道,是形而下的道。而 道,是无形的路,是形而上的路”。你看,不论是形而上还是形而下,道与路终将我们引向一个哲学的高度,让我们在享受与道路有关的便捷、发达、交融、文明等一切的同时,产生出许多别样的情愫 来。真人转盘技巧
鲁迅先生曾说过,世上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。路,是我们一步一步踏踏实实走过的痕迹,从天地混沌到高度文明,人类的用脚步征服自然,创造奇迹。路作为人类文明进程的标志, 在历史上不断演绎着自身的姿彩。
汽车载着我们由武乡县城出发,一路向东,初行一段旧式公路,在故县五村驶入太行一号旅游公路,在老百姓眼中,这就是家门口的高速路。当然,也是我回家的路。车子行驶在路上,感觉不到任 何颠簸,虽然弯多,但视线还算好,比以往回家的速度快了很多。母亲常讲,以前姥爷去县城办事都是步行,有时还会挑、扛、背很多东西,从家到县城,30多公里的路,往返一趟需要一整天。我十分 佩服姥爷的耐力。实际上,经历了抗日战争的伤痛,交通在阵痛中来不及恢复,老百姓何尝不是和姥爷一样到哪儿都是两条腿一双脚地去跋涉,顶多有个牛、马车,这都是条件好的人家才能享受的。在 新石器时代,我国就有记载使役牛、马为人类运输而形成的驮运道,之后,人类又发明了车轮,制造了车辆。至秦始皇统一中国后,修建驰道网,俗话说“条条大路通罗马”,说的就是罗马因道路网发 达而极度繁华,成为称霸世界的帝国,而秦始皇的驰道网是可以与罗马道路相媲美的。西汉时期,丝绸之路的开辟对世界文明的发展和人类的进步作出了不朽的贡献。时至今日,一带一路仍然创造着古 代丝绸之路的辉煌,各国思想文化不断碰撞连接,多元文明不断传承交融,缔造了和而不同的价值取向,人类文明进入空前繁荣。由此我相信,没有任何孤立的文明可以富有长久的生命力,只有开放包 容不同国度的灿烂文化才能创造出永久的奇迹。而道路,正是连接文化与文明的纽带,是人类辉煌永续的传送带。
职高一年级英语电子课本职业学校目前使用的英语教材属于中等职业教育国家规划教材.我们正使用第一册给高一的学生上课.这个教材的编排是一话题为线索的.一共由10个单元组成.主题分别是:Unit one Large Cities, Unit 2 Housing, Unit 3, Camping, Unit 4 Families ,Unit 5 Keeping fit, Revision, Unit 6 Getting Around, Unit 7 Classes, Unit 8 Hobbies, Unit 9 Success, Unit 10 Famous People. 每个单元分别有以下部分组成: 1.warm-up, 2 listening, 3 speaking, 4 Comprehensive English, 5 Reading for interest, 6 Writing. 整个教材的编排基本上考虑到语言的实用性,所以以话题为主线编排.每个单元都由听说读写4大部分组成,甚至还安排了课外阅读文章,编写思路和结构是非常合理的.但是存在一个使用操作性的问题.问题如下:1.内容过于简单,2练习太少,4.课时安排不足,经常会有赶进度的感觉.出现了赶鸭子上架的问题,重量而忽略了质.另外还有根据我们的经验学生的英语程度会因专业不同而差异性比较大.就我现在所带的班级来说一个是商务英语班级,另一个物流班.两个班级的英语程度相差非常大.商务英语班的期中考试平均分为80.37分, 而物流班只有50.24分.学生英语程度不一样,学习兴趣浓度也不一样,学习习惯,学习能力等等都相差太大.给教学带来了很大的困难.增加了备课难度,作业安排以及对学生的要求就有所变化.需要非常合理地设计不同的教学活动和教学目标要求,甚至教学评价方法和标准都要有不同的方案.对教材的应用也要根据学生的水平而有所变化.这些都对教学带来很大的挑战,老师理论上需要准备不同的教案才能合理上好各班级的课.工作量安排的不平均,常常导致我们有心无力.我们年轻老师在闲聊的时候也会讨论到这样的问题:适当地给商务英语班增加一些课外的内容去满足她们的学习要求,不然她们会有'吃不饱' 的感觉.可是我们老师又往往力不从心,实在是任务太多无法做到,实在是很惭愧.90年代出生的学生跟以往的学生又有着明显的变化,他们更加有主见,更需要有更多的视觉感受,需要互动来调节课堂气氛,他们似乎更加需要愉快的气氛去学习.而且她们要有足够的针对性练习去巩固所学到的知识,否则他们会忘得很快.千万不要奢望她们课后自己会去复习,我们的学生中能复习的实在少之又少.在每一节课需要准备几个关于词汇和阅读方面的练习去检查他们的学习效果.而且也反复地练习才能加强他们的记忆,巩固所学知识.而我们的教材偏偏在练习这方面有很大的欠缺,我们需要花大量的时间在开学前提前把各科的单元练习准备好,否则商英班的同学练习太少对重点句型掌握就不牢了.还有一点很重要的就是,帮助学生设定目标.目标是动力源泉,有目标就开始计划,有了计划才能提高效率,全面发展.学生有了目标以后,很多都不知道如何可以实现目标,所以还需要给学生进行学习方法辅导,帮助学生提高自己的学习效率,学生学习成绩提高就会有学习满足感,满足感将成为他们持续学习的动力.。
(2)I wonder what they’ll think of your yellow hair ? 我不知道他们会怎么想你的黄发。 I wonder --- 我想知道---,我不知道---,我怀疑--试练:(翻译) I wonder (怀疑)if they know. (根据所给汉语完成句子) 我不知道他们在哪。(wonder)(中译英)
You have no classes tomorrow , do you / have you ? Have a little more coffee , will you / won’t you ? Let’s meet at the station ,shall we ? They had a good time yesterday , didn’t they? Beautiful day , isn’t it ?
经营餐厅 visit great places for free 免费参观好地方 run a restaurant _____________ ______________
再三 毕业后 over and over again ________________ after graduation ______________
The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。 Hard work does not agree with him. 艰苦的工作对他不适宜。
What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。 比较: agree on ---,表示双方就某件事取得一致意见,达成共识
中职教育-英语(基础模块)上册第十章:Unit 10 We shuould take a vacation.ppt
![中职教育-英语(基础模块)上册第十章:Unit 10 We shuould take a vacation.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e966c703a0116c175e0e484f.png)
What time of year do you usually go on vacation ? ______a. Around national holidays. ______b. In summer. ______c . Anytime . It doesn’t matter .
Which do you prefer when you arrive in a new place ? ______a. Stay in a pre-booked hotel ? ______b. Go to the tourist office to try and find a hotel. ______c . Choose an interesting area and walk around
1.“ will + 动词原形”
I will be 16 next year .
He will go to the park tomorrow . 明天他要去公园。(将来发生的动作)
这周末我要带着孩子去动物园。 他一年后就要毕业了。 等一会儿,我马上就来。
The sport meet takes place next week . We have no classes tomorrow . When she comes , I’ll tell her about it .
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-- uses a cash register
a salesperson -- sells
occupation skills
In a hospital
a nurse’s aide 助手
-- helps nurse
occupation skills
a dental assistant 牙医的 助手
a job application
an interview
Learn some irregular nouns
child — children man — men woman — women foot — feet tooth — teeth
C. Listen to the speakers. Circle the letter of
3. Finish the exercise 1 on p223. 4. Finish the exercise 2 on p223 if you can.
1. I like my job at Smith company. I _g_r_ee_t_ all visitors who come to the c_o_m__pa_n_y. I like _w_o_r_k_in_g_ with people and _ta_l_ki_n_g_ with people.
Unit 10
Skills and experience
a driver a nurse’s aide
a plumber a painter a telephone
techniciairdresser a receptionist a salesperson a child care worker a dental assistant
application / interview
1. Copy the words 3 times and translate 1 time.
2. Complete the chart on p121, add your own skills and occupations, or use the pictures.
-- helps dentists
occupation skills
in a company
a truck driver -- drives a truck
a plumber -- fixes toilets and sinks
a telephone technician a receptionist -- installs telephones -- greets visitors
the occupations.
1.○a. a receptionist 2.○a. a plumber 3.○a. a nurse’s aide
4. a. a painter
b. a telephone technician b. a child care worker b. a dishwasher
I do many things everyday. I make _b_e_ds_.
I bring __ju_i_ce__ and _w_a_te_r_ to the patients. I check the patients and talk to their __fa_m_i_li_es__. 4. I love my job at Mary’s Hair Care. I _w_a_s_h_ and cut __ha_i_r_. I always work on Saturdays because my _cu_s_t_o_m_e_r_s work during the week.
○b. a hairdresser
D. Choose words. Write the words on the line.
1. Your __i_n_t_e_rv_i_e_w____ with Mr. Smith is at 11:00.
interview / application
Please be on time. 2. In order to apply for a job here, you need to fill out this job
A nurse’s aide helps nurse
A plumber fixes toilets and sinks
A painter paint houses
A telephone technician
installs telephones
A dishwasher washes dishes
A cashier uses a cash register
2. People _c_a_ll__ me when they have _p_r_o_b_le_m_s_ with a _s_in_k_ or _to_i_le_t_. I always have a lot of work because everybody needs working
sinks and toilets. 3. I work at Children Hospital. I help the _n_u_r_s_es_.
Where do they work? in a store__7_,_1_0_______ in a hospital__2_,_1_2____ in a company_1_, _3,_5_,_9__ others_4_,_6_, _8,_1_1_______
In a store
a cashier
A hairdresser cuts hair
A receptionist greets visitors
A salesperson sells
A child care worker takes care of children
A dental assistant helps dentists
How can we get a job?
a hair dresser -- cuts hair
a child care worker -- takes care of children
a painter -- paint houses
a dishwasher -- washes dishes
A driver drives a truck