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莱昂纳多•达•芬奇(Lanonardo da Vinci,1452-1519)作为文艺复兴时期太才艺术家和多才多艺、全面发展的人的代表,是一个不可企及的典范。但是对他的英文评价要怎么写呢?下面是小编为大家带来评价范文,相信对你会有帮助的。


The 20th century is the harvest period of the study of Western Renaissance. There are three types of scholars play a major role, they are historians, philosophers and literary critics. And Leonardo da Vinci is one of the more successful people, he has more, a wider field of fantasy. He is profound in his thought and learned. He explored all the mysteries of nature and life with an unending spirit of exploration. He took art and science, reason and emotion, form and spirit together, inherited and carried forward the humanism and realism of the predecessors Techniques, to advance to an unprecedented level of art, for the development of natural science has made tremendous contributions.

His most famous works are: "Mona Lisa" "Last Supper" "The Virgin among the Rocks" "Santa Ana and the Virgin and Child" and so on.

"Mona Lisa" before and after the drawing of four years. It is said that the model is the Florentine people, just baby, to relieve her pain and reveal a natural smile, Leonardo asked people to play music for her. Her smile is the people talked about the topic, sometimes it seems very serious and sometimes very gentle; sometimes slightly sad and sometimes ridiculed.Mona Lisa's right hand is more known as the "history of the most beautiful hand." The "Last Supper" is drawn on the walls of the Gracie

Church.Leonardo da Vinci changed his predecessor to draw the "Last Supper" around the table layout, so that all the characters seat in a row outward, and Jesus Christ in the middle.

Leonardo da Vinci's works of art not only reflect things like a mirror, but also to guide the creation of thinking, observation and selection from the nature of the United States to be part of the performance. The "Last Supper", "The Virgin of the Rocks" and the portrait "Mona Lisa" are the three masterpieces of his life. These works are Leonardo da Vinci treasures for the treasures of the treasures left in the world, is the art of European vault stone. It was said that during his youth, he helped a teacher draw a little angel in a painting called "John Baptism for Christ." The result was that it exceeded all the other characters the teacher had painted. The teacher has been some well-known ashamed, then no longer studied painting, only to engage in sculpture.

He was also the father of a helicopter, a Renaissance genius that could have preceded the Wright brothers to create a history of human flight.

He is a master of science, is a master of art, or the spirit of the Renaissance representative. Leonardo da Vinci is a well-deserved "Renaissance of the most perfect representative."


The Last Supper, the most important story in Christian mythology, has traditionally been painted for painters. In the more detailed history of Western art, a full list of dozens of famous "Last Supper".

Lanonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) is an unattainable example of Renaissance artists and talented and well-rounded people. His greatness is that he has been a prophet like to look forward to the future, for the further development of art and science tireless
