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Unit1 Passage 1 基础篇

Students: Stand up. Miss Brown: Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, Miss Brown. Miss Brown: Sit down, please.

Miss Brown: Open your books, boys and girls. Students: All right.

Miss Bro wn: Don‟t talk, Mike.Mike: Yes, Miss Brown.

Miss Brown: Can you sing the song ABC, Su Hai?

Su Hai: Yes, I can. …A,B,C, D…‟.Miss Brown: Yes, you‟re right.

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的在括号内写T,不相符的在括号内写F。( ) 1. It‟s in the afternoon.( ) 2. They are in the classroom.

( ) 3. Mike can sing the song. ( ) 4. Miss Smith is a PE teacher.

Unit1 Passage 2 提高篇

Mrs. Black: Come in, Amy. Mrs. Black: Close the door, please.

Mrs. Black: This bedroom's not very clean. Amy: What can I do, Mum?

Mrs. Black: Open the window and clean the desk.

Mrs. Black: Put the clothes in the box and clean the floor.

Amy: All right. Mrs. Black: Good girl.

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的在括号内写T,不相符的在括号内写F。( ) 1. The room is very clean. ( ) 2. Mrs Black cleans the room.

( ) 3. Amy put the clothes on the desk. ( ) 4. Amy is a good girl.

Unit2 Passage 1 基础篇

Sue: How are you, Jack? Jack: Fine, thank you. And you?

Sue: I‟m fine, too. Let‟s go to the cinema.Jack: OK.

Sue: Don‟t eat hot dogs in the cinema.Jack: OK. Can I have some water?

Sue: Sure. And don‟t talk too much. We‟re in the cinema now.Jack: OK.


( ) 1. Sue and Jack go to the . A. zoo B. cinema C. park

( ) 2. Jack would like to eat_______ in the cinema.

A. pie

B. hamburger

C. hot dog

( ) 3. Jack drinks some . A. water B. juice C. milk

Unit2 Passage 2 提高篇

Miss Brown: Good morning, class. Students: Good morning, Miss Brown.

Miss Brown: Sit down, please. Miss Brown: Let‟s sing the song.

Students: All right.(Mike is shouting.)

Miss Brown: Do n‟t shout, Mike. We are in the classroom.

Mike: Yes, Miss Brown. But someone put a spider on my desk.

Miss Brown: Who? Joe: It‟s me. Sorry.


Liu Tao: Good morning, Yang Ling. Yang Ling: Good morning, Liu Tao.

Liu Tao: Look, there‟s a bag over there.Yang Ling: Is that your bag?

Liu Tao: No, my bag is in the classroom.

Yang Ling: Let‟s have a look. Oh, it‟s Su Hai‟s.

Liu Tao: Let‟s give it to her.Yang Ling: OK. Let‟s go.

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的在括号内写T,不相符的在括号内写F。( ) 1. It‟s in the morning.( ) 2. There is a pencil over there.

( ) 3. The bag is Liu Tao‟s. ( ) 4. Liu Tao‟s bag is in the library.

Unit3 Passage 2 提高篇

Betty: (Knocking at the door) Helen: Who is it?

Betty: It‟s me, Betty. (Helen opens the door.)

Helen: Oh, it‟s you, Betty. I‟m happy to see you.

Betty: Hi, Helen. Glad to see you, too. I find a bag here. Is this your bag?

Helen: No, but it‟s my mum‟s. Thank you.Betty: Not at all.

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的在括号内写T,不相符的在括号内写F。( ) 1. Betty is knocking at the door. ( ) 2. Helen‟s mum opens the door.

( ) 3. This is Helen‟s home.( ) 4. The bag is Helen‟s.

Uni4 Passage 1 基础篇

Amy: Sam, Let‟s go to school.

Sam: OK. Let‟s go. But where‟s my pencil-box? I can‟t find it.

Amy: What colour is your pencil-box? Sam: Purple and white.

Amy: Look! It‟s over there, on the desk.Sam: Thank you.

阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的在括号内写T,不相符的在括号内写F。( ) 1. Sam and Tom go to school. ( ) 2. Sam can‟t find the pencil-box.

( ) 3. Sam has a blue and white pencil-box.( ) 4. The pencil-box is on the desk.

Unit4 Passage 2 提高篇

Mr Green: Whose shirt is that? Is this your shirt, David?

David: No, sir. It's not my shirt. This is my shirt. My shirt's blue.

Mr Green: Is this shirt Tim's? David: Perhaps it is, sir. Tim's shirt's white.

Mr Green: Tim! Tim: Yes, sir?

Mr Green: Is this your shirt? Tim: Yes, sir.

Mr Green: Here you are. Tim: Thank you, sir.


( ) 1. Mr Green find a ______. A. skirt B. sweater C. shirt

( ) 2. David‟s shirt is ______. A. blue B. white C. red

( ) 3. The white shirt is ______. A.Mr Green‟s B. Tim‟s C. David‟s
