大学英语语法 之coordination教学提纲

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A coordinate construction is a sequence of semantically-related grammatical units that are similar in form, equal in rank of structure, identical in function and are connected by coordinators.
She is not only beautiful but (also) kind. She is interested not only in music but (also) in art. Not only can she dance, but she can (also) sing.
Other coordinators
Mary is a nurse, her brother is a doctor, and her parents are both famous writers.
Coordinating devices
1. Coordinators 2. Some punctuation marks.
4. Semicolon (分号) = comma +conjunction(连词) (and, so, but)
conjunctive adverbs :accordingly, furthermore, hence, however, nevertheless, therefore, etc
He is a man of principle ; we all respect him.
(3) coordination of clauses Diana plays the piano, an来自百度文库 Sandy ( plays) the violin. The children can go with us or they can stay at home.
(4) compound sentence
Both Peter and Mary work hard. He is not kind but cruel. He succeeded both because he was intelligent and because he worked hard.
Use of “not only …but also structure”
= He is a man of principle, so we all respect him He is a photographer ; quite often he travels abroad to take pictures.
❖ … rather than...
He is happy rather than sad. He rather than I is interested in music.= He instead of me is interested in music. (He not I, is interested in music.) He failed because he was lazy rather than because he was not intelligent.
❖ as well as... He came here to learn English as well as to know more about life. I love her because she is intelligent as well as because she is considerate.
Punctuation marks
1. Comma(逗号) the difference in repeating use of commas and coordinators He said that he had no money, that he had no friends to count on, and that he expected me to help him.
2. Dash (破折号) He is versatile — he masters five different languages and plays the piano very well.
3. Colon (冒号) He has finally made his goal known to us : he wants to be a scientist.
Formation of coordinate constructions
(1) coordination of words sing and dance; good but expensive
(2) coordination of phrases Peter ate the fruit and drank the beer. You must take the course and pass the examination.
Subject-verb concord
Both he and I are happy about it. Either he or I am wrong. Neither you nor he is to blame. Not he but I am to be responsible for it. Not only they but also John has passed the exam. Is not only he but also I wrong ?
❖ and→ both ... and… ; or → either... or , neither... Nor; but → not ... but ; not only... but also(=not merely ... but also ; not just... but also ; not only... but...as well)