

航海英语 含答案

航海英语 含答案

1.In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain,you should ___ B ___.A.sluice the line B.surge the line C.stopper the line D.slip the line2.It takes about 12 seconds to reverse ______ full speed ahead ______ full speed astern.CA.at,to B.to,from C.from,to D.at,from3.El Abbasa (Sweet Water) Canal ______ from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismailia.CA.extend B.extending C.extends D.are extending4.An accident came ______ my mind when I saw the broken case.CA.in B.on C.to D.with5.The stevedores have already stowed the porcelain ware ______ up to the deckhead.BA.loosely B.closely C.heavily D.strongly6.My ship sailed ______ port of Shanghai,bound ______ Rotterdam.AA.from,for B.for,on C.on,at D.at,from7. A VESSEL,OTHER THAN A RESCUE UNIT,DESIGNA TED TO CO-ORDINATE SURFACE SEARCH ANDRESCUE OPERATION WITHIN A SPECIFIED AREA is known as ______.BA.salving vessel B.Co-ordinator surface searchC.MERSAR D.the vessel being salved8.AN APPOINTMENT BETWEEN VESSELS NORMALL Y MADE ON RADIO TO MEET IN A CERTAIN AREAOR POSITION defines ______.BA.Bona fide B.Rendez-vous C.Prima facie D.Action in personam9. A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines______.AA.Restricted area B.Closed area C.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place10.Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction, whichkeep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect against a build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as ______.DA.frames B.shell plates C.bilge plates D.cargo batten11.Molded depth is measured from the ______.AA.inside of the shell B.outside of the shellC.top of the center vertical keel D.top of the garboard stake12.Manila lines in which the strands are right-hand laid ______.AA.should be coiled in a clockwise directionB.should be coiled in a counterclockwise directionC.may be coiled either clockwise or counterclockwiseD.should never be coiled13. A hygrometer is a device used for determining ______.DA.the absolute temperature B.atmospheric pressureC.wind velocity D.relative humidity14.My ship is equipped ______ automatic hatch covers.AA.with B.by C.on D.in15.What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to last? CA.10 minutes B.20 minutes C.30 minutes D.90 minutes16.Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to ______.AA.start the engine in cold weather B.aid in helping personnel breatheC.prime the sprinkler system D.prime the air supply17.You notice smoke coming from an open laundry room doorway.After activating the fire alarm, which of the followingwould you do FIRST? AA.Attempt to determine what is burning.B.Acquire the nearest life jacket.C.Break out the nearest fire hose.D.Wait for the fire team to arrive and assist as directed.18.If the survival craft is not loaded to full capacity,the personnel should be ______.CA.loaded more on the port side forwardB.loaded equally on both sides with more forwardC.loaded equally on both sides with more aftD.allowed to sit anywhere19.Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ______.BA.ballast B.reserve buoyancy C.displacement D.rolling periods20.The two most effective generating forces of surface ocean currents are ______.BA.temperature and salinity differences in the waterB.wind and density differences in the waterC.water depth and underwater topographyD.rotation of the Earth and continental interference21.GM cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of inclination because ______.AA.M is not fixed at large angles B.there is no M at large anglesC.G is not fixed at large angles D.there is no G at large angles22.The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the _______.AA.height of tide B.charted depth C.actual water depth D.range of tide23.Galvanizing would be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for ______.BA.cargo runners B.stays C.topping lifts D.All of the above24.You notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel.You should FIRST ______.AA.stop fueling B.notify the senior deck officerC.notify the terminal superintendent D.determine whether your vessel is the source25.For cargoes ______ grain meals,coal,ventilation is needed to prevent them ______ spontaneous combustion.DA.i.e./of B.for instance/away C.for example/off D.such as/from26.When visibility is 10 nautical miles,we say that visibility is ______.BA.very good B.good C.poor D.moderate27.In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error.which of the following is the way to correct theerror?______.DA.Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctlyB.Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean pageC.Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctlyD.Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly28.There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse.BA.ample B.sufficient C.enormous D.incredible29.We ______ at anchor in the roadstead till the evening.AA.have to ride B.have to get C.have to put D.have to make30.It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ______.AA.avoid any swing in a restricted space B.shelter the ship from strong windsC.prevent to touch with other vessels D.make a convenience of cargo discharging31.Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere,generally mud and sand,in this water area.Vessel may have ______.BA.good towing ground B.good holding groundC.good grabbing ground D.good dragging ground32.The pilot said he ______ our vessel directly to the berth.DA.will take B.took C.is taking D.would take33.Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored towhat side of the unit? ______.AA.Upwind B.Downwind C.Crosswind D.Downcurrent34.Pilot ladder is ______ on port side.BA.equipped B.rigged C.put on D.put off35.The fishing boat upset and sank to the ______ of the sea.CA.base B.under part C.bottom D.down place36.When within the entrance,the vessel should ______ Surf islet.CA.navigate B.arrive at C.steer for D.maneuver for37.For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.CA.watch B.look for C.see D.regard38.When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind ______.BA.Gale B.Storm C.Hurricane D.Typhoon39.This notice will ______ you of the problem.CA.use to remind B.use to tell C.serve to remind D.be served to talk40.By plotting the analysis messages on weather charts,we are able to ______.BA.prevent any possible accident at seaB.prepare a reasonable forecast of the wind and weatherC.help the mariner to fix a accurate ship's positionD.aid the salvage of a ship in peril41.It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days.BA.frightening B.threatening C.scattering D.warning42.Wind direction may be determined by observing all of the following EXCEPT ______.DA.low clouds B.waves C.whitecaps D.swells43.Bearings are true reckoned ______ in Admiralty Charts.AA.clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees B.clockwise from 359 to 000 degreesC.anti-clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees D.anti-clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees44.Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep theircharts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______.AA.Weekly Editions B.Quarterly Editions C.Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions45. A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______.DA.longitude line B.isogonic lines C.latitude line D.line of position46.Mean high water is the average height of ______.DA.the higher high waters B.the lower high watersC.the lower of the two daily tides D.all high waters47.On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector.The red sector______.BA.indicates the limits of the navigable channel B.indicates a danger areaC.is used to identify the characteristics of the light D.serves no significant purpose48.Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1.DA.fixed to B.needed for C.pushed to D.drawn to49.Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ______.AA.Admiralty Notices to Mariners B.Mariner's HandbookC.Catalogue D.Sailing Directions50.Which statement is true of the Uniform Lateral System of Buoyage?DA.It employs top marksB.Lighted buoys have the same shape as unlighted buoysC.The numbering or lettering of fairway buoys is optionalD.All of the above51.Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in ______.AA.capital letters B.italics C.boldface print D.underlined letters52. A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northern Hemisphere(北半球), this wouldindicate that it will ______.DA.shift in a clockwise manner B.decrease in velocityC.continue blowing from the same direction D.shift in a counterclockwise manner53.The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they areassessed to be ______.BA.temporary B.permanent C.occasional D.steady54.______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.DA.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with55.The Pilotage-quarantine anchorage,______ between Damen Dao and Qingshan Dao,is defined by the lines ______the given points.BA.situated/connected B.situated/connectingC.situating/connected D.situating/connecting56.On no account can they cut it _______ it be fouled.CA.would B.shall C.should D.do57. A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of ______.AA.fixed objects on shore B.buoys at a distanceC.buoys close by D.All of the above58.In order to insure that the racon signal is visible on your 3 cm radar,the ______.DA.10 cm radar should be placed on standby or turned offB.gain control should be turned to maximumC.radar should be stabilized,head upD.rain clutter control should be off but,if necessary,may be on low59.You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard.You have 3 radar targets bearing 090° relative atranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 miles.In this case,the unwanted echoes are called ______.AA.multiple echoes B.spoking C.indirect echoes D.side-lobe echoes60.______ 20 targets can be tracked at one time.When maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions(捕获) are possible.AA.As many as B.So many as C.As much as D.As more as61.The system will accept a harbor map which is incorrect,therefore the operator must exercise caution in harborselection.BA.be considered B.be prudent C.be bold enough D.be carelessness62.Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______.AA.no notice B.one day's notice C.a week's notice D.thirty days notice63. A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for ______.BA.the Sun B.the Moon C.Venus D.None of the above64.Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by_______.Da)A.compass error B.true headingb)C.variation D.deviation65.Deviation is caused by ______.CA.changes in the earth's magnetic fieldB.nearby magnetic land masses or mineral depositsC.magnetic influence inherent to that particular vesselD.the magnetic lines of force not coinciding with the lines of longitude66.Your vessel is at anchor in fog while in international waters.The fog signal of another vessel,apparently underway,has been steadily growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist.In addition to the normal fog signal,what signal may be used to indicate the presence of your vessel?______.BA.The danger signal;five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistleB.Three blasts on the whistle;one short,one prolonged and one shortC.Three blasts on the whistle;one prolonged followed by two shortD.No special signal other than the normal fog signal67. A vessel trawling would display ______.CA.a black ball B.a basket C.a double cone,point to point D.none of the above68.Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except ______.CA.in a crossing situation B.in a meeting situationC.when they are the overtaking vessel D.on the inland waters of the PR China69.You ______ in the wrong position obstructing other traffic.You must heave up your anchor.AA.have anchored B.have placed your anchorC.have moored your anchor D.have maintained your anchor70.The strongest of the natural fiber ropes is______.CA.Nylon B.Dacron C.Manila D.Sisal71.On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown.DA.equipment's B.tools C.apparatus D.aids72.The ship can leave the port ______ the joint inspection.BA.before B.after C.at D.from73.They ______ in the Engine Room in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.BA.carried out B.carried on C.carried off D.carried forward74.You are kindly ______ to issue the landing permits to the crew.CA.request B.requesting C.requested D.be request75.Aircraft made forced ______ near position 23 o 32'N,110 o 13'E.BA.striking B.landing C.grounding D.stranding76. A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines______.AA.Restricted area B.Closed area C.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place77.The following ______ is a standard phrase.CA.You may enter fairway B.You should enter fairwayC.ANSWER.It is permitted to enter fairway D.You could enter fairway78.Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction, whichkeep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect againsta build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as _______.DA.frames B.shell plates C.bilge plates D.cargo batten79.Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry?BA.Bale cubic B.Deadweight C.Gross tonnage D.Net tonnage80.______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel. CA.True position B.True meridian C.True course D.True bearing81. A sheave is a ______.AA.grooved wheel in a block B.line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deckC.partial load of grain D.seaman's knife82.The wire ropes and blocks,or pulleys,on a ship are called ______.CA.the apparatus B.equipment C.riggings D.fittings83.All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft's ______. AA. boarding and operating proceduresB. maintenance scheduleC. navigational systemsD. fuel consumption rates84.If a fire-fighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would ______.CA.order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pumpB.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forwardC.attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut downD.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back85. A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel.You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ______.BA.blows the fire back toward the vessel B.comes over the bowC.comes over the stern D.comes over either beam86. A person who sees someone fall overboard should first ______. AA.call for help and keep the individual in sightB.run to the radio room to send an emergency messageC.immediately jump in the water to assist the individualD.go to the bridge to report captain87.Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ______.BA.ballast B.reserve buoyancy C.displacement D.rolling periods88.How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom? AA.With arm extended and fingers closed,point thumb downwardB.With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontalcirclesC.Extend arm with the palm down,and hold this position rigidlyD.With hands clasped in front of your body89.How many dry-powder extinguishers has your ship exactly been ______.BA.produced B.provided with C.supplied by D.met with90.All the cargo holds must be ______ cleaned out ______ meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.DA.such/that B.so/that C.such/to D.so/as to91.Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______.CA.faking B.flemishing down C.mousing D.worming92.As oil pipe line connections were broken,______ quantity of oil was caused to spill onto thewharf and into the dock water.CA.a not knowing B.an unknowing C.an unknown D.a not known93.The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______.DA.local agent B.watchman C.docker D.foreman94.All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the______.BA.deck logbook B.official logbookC.compass record book D.chronometer error book95.In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error.which of the following is the way tocorrect the error?DA.Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctlyB.Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean pageC.Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctlyD.Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly96. A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______.BA.group occulting B.composite group flashingC.Morse letter A D.quick flashing97.You’d better ______ your course to port to avoid collision.BA.to alter B.alter C.altering D.altered98.Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere,generally mud and sand,in this water area.Vessel may have______.BA.good towing ground B.good holding groundC.good grabbing ground D.good dragging ground99. A check rope is ______. CA.a safety line attached to a man working over the sideB.used to measure water depthC.used to slow the headway of a bargeD.used to measure the overhead height of a bridge100.The approach to the roads and harbor from the ______ entails no difficulty.C A.eastern B.easterly C.eastward D.eastwards1 You will find information about the duration of slack water in the_A_.A. Tidal Current TablesB. Tide TablesC. American Practical NavigatorD. Sailing Directions2 When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year,where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found? AA. Light ListB. Notice to MarinersC. On the chartD. Coast Pilot3. A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ___A___.A. circle of equal altitudeB. parallel of declinationC. parallel of altitudeD. vertical circle4. In very high latitudes, the most practical chart projection is the_D_.A. MercatorB. gnomonicC. azimuthalD. Lambert conformal5. Place names used on board ships should be those ___D___.A. specified by international authoritiesB. specified by national authoritiesC. on standard mapD. on the chart or Sailing Directions in use6. Charted depth is the ___B___.A. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus theheight of tideB. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottomC. average height of water over a specified period of timeD. average height of all low waters at a place7. The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ___D___ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.A. frequentB. so frequentC. frequent thatD. so frequent that8. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids tonavigation to be suspended with ___A___.A. no noticeB. one day's noticeC. a week's noticeD. thirty (30) days notice9 Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of thebeacons shown on this chart are not to be __C____.A. consideredB. insuredC. relied uponD. suspected10 All entries in Logbook,___A___ made,must not be erased or amended.A. onceB. whetherC. previousD. just11 The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log ___D___.A. the names of all persons on boardB. only the names of the crew members on boardC. only the names of passengers on boardD. information on emergency training drills12 The vessel was drifted off from her ___A___ due to strong wind.A. courseB. trackC. directionD. trend13 If you do not wear goggles and helmet,your chances of being __C____will be greater.A. beatenB. damagedC. hurtD. stricken14 With regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity appliances not fitted with a remote operation control or alarm system, what must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook? BA. The time required to close the appliancesB. The reason for opening or closing each applianceC. The name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliancesD. The fact that the hull indicators functioned or not15 The fire-protected lifeboats are found__C_.A. being satisfiedB. satisfyingC. satisfactoryD. satisfied16 You are on watch and the Pilot has the conn. The Master has temporarily gone below.The Pilot orders a course change, which you are certain, will put he vessel into imminentdanger. Your first action should be to_A_.A. countermand the order and immediately notify the MasterB. make an appropriate entry in the deck log concerning the Pilot’s orderC. immediately call the Master and wait further orders from himD. immediately sound a short ring on the general alarm17 How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974?__D____.A. 4 operatorsB. 3 operatorsC. 2 operatorsD. 1 operator18 In ___C___ convention,a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall bedeemed as a passenger ship.A. COSCOB. STCWC. SOLASD. MARPOL19 During fueling,all doors,hatches,and ports ___D___.A. to windward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be closedB. to leeward should be opened and the ones to windward should be closedC. should be openedD. should be closed20 The person on a ship who is responsible for maintaining the engine spaces in clean and sanitary condition is the __B__.A. Master, or person in chargeB. Chief Engineer, or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is requiredC. Senior mechanic, or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designatedD. Senior electrician, or electrician on duty if no senior electrician designated21 LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called ___D___.A. broaching the anchorB. shifting the anchorC. walking the anchorD. weighing the anchor22 If you shorten the scope of anchor cable,your anchor's holding power ___A___.A. decreasesB. increasesC. remains the sameD. has no relation to the scope23 A spring line is a ___C___.A. any wire rope used for mooringB. a fire-warpC. a mooring line running diagonally to the keelD. a mooring line perpendicular to the keel24 V essel towing with the current shall __C_ tow more than two boats and they must betowed alongside.A. at timesB. at any timeC. at no timeD. at moment25 If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line,the most appropriate actionto alleviate the condition is to __D____.A. change courseB. slow downC. heave toD. adjust tow line length26 You are heading in a northerly direction when you come across an easterly current.Your vessel will __A__.A. be pushed to starboardB. be pushed to portC. decrease in engine speedD. remain on course27 V essels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one ___A___from the other.A. can be observed visuallyB. can be observed by radarC. can be located on the radarD. can be heard.28 Which vessel is underway according to the Rules? BA. a vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoyB. a purse seiner hauling her netsC. a pilot vessel at anchorD. a vessel which has run aground29 Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed ___A___ the prevailing circumstances and conditions.A. appropriate toB. used byC. liable toD. adaptation to30 Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should betaken to avoid collision? ___C___.A. The first vessel to sight the other should give way.B. The vessel making the slower speed should give way.C. Both vessels should alter course to starboard.D. Both vessels should alter course to port.31 An anchored vessel on pilotage duty must show which light(s) at night? DA. A sternlight onlyB. Anchor lights onlyC. A white light over a red light onlyD. A white light over a red light and anchor lig32 The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are _AA. untrueB. impossibleC. suspectfulD. unimportant33 You should plot your dead reckoning position __A__A. form every fix or running fixB. from every estimated positionC. every three minutes in pilotage watersD. only in pilotage waters34 During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ___D___.A. west in west longitude and east in east longitudeB. east in west longitude and west in east longitudeC. westD. east35 The meaning of ‘ebb tide’ is that ___A___.A. tide is falling from high water to low waterB. tide is rising from low water to high waterC. tide is reaching to a highest levelD. tide is reaching to a lowest level36 When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is called the __C__.A. RiseB. RangeC. SlackD. Spring37 The mean draft of a ship is the draft __B__A. midway between the forward and aft draft marksB. at the center of flotationC. at the load lineD. at the center of buoyancy38 A semisubmersible which will not remain upright and will assume a list eitherto port or starboard is likely to have ___B___.A. a large TCGB. a negative GMC. excessive ballastD. insufficient deck lo39 If the metacentric height is large,a floating vessel will ___C___.A. be tenderB. have a slow and easy motionC. be stiffD. have a tendency to yaw40 The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of ___C___.A. working hoursB. gangsC. idle timeD. weight per set41 The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ___B___.A. experience from practiceB. various types of cargoesC. different types of shipsD. personal abilities42 The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows _C_A. the name of the crane operatorB. an entry each time the crane is usedC. date and result of each rated load testD. the time of day of the test43 The forward draft of your ship is 27'-11 and the after draft is 29'-03. The draftamidships is 28'-05. Your vessel is ___A___.A. hoggedB. saggedC. listedD. trimmed by the head44 We’ll adopt the mechanical tallying method __D__.A. soon or lateB. soon or laterC. sooner or lateD. sooner or later45 Figure of cargo short-landed in ___A___.A. disputeB. argueC. debateD. discuss46 As a general rule,tally clerks should make their tallying ___B___.A. in warehousesB. on deckC. ashoreD. in the tallyroom47 Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain __A____ slowly southmoderate or good.A. spreadingB. proceedingC. bounding forD. going to48 LOW AT 34N 135E ESL Y SLWL Y INTST NC.This description is most likelyto be under the heading of ___B___.A. GL WNGB. GEN SYNC. STM WNGD. T Y WNG49 Fog is most commonly associated with a(n) ___A___.A. warm front at nightB. low pressure areaC. anticycloneD. lack of frontal activity50 Cumulonimbus clouds are most likely to accompany a(n) ___B___.A. high pressure systemB. cold frontC. warm frontD. occluded front51 The fog produced by warm moist air passing over a cold surface is called ___D___.A. conduction fogB. radiation fogC. frontal fogD. advection fog52 A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FORSAFETY REASONS defines ___A___.A. Restricted areaB. Closed areaC. Prohibited placeD. Forbidden place53 For an upright vessel,draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ___A___.A. waterlineB. freeboard deckC. plimsoll markD. amidships section54 Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the ___B___.A. bulkwarkB. deck lineC. gunwale barD. sheer strake55 The required portable radio apparatus on an international voyage must be stowed in__C_.A. the Master’s quartersB. the ship’s officeC. the radio room, bridge, or protected locationD. an unlocked cabinet next to the station bill56 In comparison to electric power,hydraulic power for jacking systems has the advantage of ___A___.A. better control capabilitiesB. less maintenance and repairC. fewer personnel needed during jackingD. less preload needed57 Limit switches are used on which davits? BA. Sheath-screw davitsB. Gravity davitsC. Radial davitsD. Quadrantal davits58 Which ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarterssituation will develop with a target vessel? B。



航海英语154翻译[1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals答案:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bands答案:A根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoys答案:D下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboats答案:C全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored答案:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined to答案:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。



航海英语154[1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signalsKey:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bandsKey:A根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoysKey:D下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboatsKey:C全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactoredKey:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined toKey:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。



航海英语附加700题[1]______20 targets can be tracked at one time.When maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions(捕获) are possible.A.As many as B.So many as C.As much as D.As more as[2]______amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of LightsC.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[3]______are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of SignalsC.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[4]______cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one ton.A.At B.For C.On D.About[5]______chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with[6]______chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with[7]______day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.A.From B.By C.On D.With[8]______get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.A.You’d better B.You would better C.You at least D.You at most[9]______is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.A.Barometer B.Thermometer C.Chronometer D.Speedometer[10]______is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water resistance,thus allowing an increase in speed when the ships is in ballast.A.Bulbous bow B.Ellipse bowC.Cyclical projection D.Gnomonic projection[11]______is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron ore.A.Angle of loll B.Angle of inclination C.Angle of repose D.Angle of list[12]______is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A.Evaporation B.Dispersion C.Emulsification D.Drifting[13]______is one of four uprights comprising a cell in a containership into which a container fits exactly.These uprights hold the container in position.A.stanchion B.shore C.cellular double-bottom D.Ceil guide[14]______is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a shippasses from salt water to fresh water,or vice versa,whilst floating at the loaded draft.A.TPC B.The Fresh Water Allowance C.Parallel sinking of the ship D.UKC[15]______is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship's course and the distance being those indicated by log.A.Dead reckoning B.Dead weightC.Dead slow ahead D.Dead slow astern[16]______is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance.A.Safe speed B.Economic speedC.Proper speed D.Navigation speed[17]______is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chain.A.A mooring winch B.A windlassC.A deck crane D.A lifeboat engine[18]______means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.A.Great Circle B.Position Line C.Rhumb line D.True Bearing[19]______of a radar is governed by the horizontal beam width of the scanner which depends to a great extent on its physical size.A.Range discrimination B.Bearing discriminationC.Echo discrimination D.Target discrimination[20]______of the following conditions will cause a vessel's bottom to be subjected to tension stresses.A.Concentration of weight aftB.Concentration of weight forwardC.Concentration of weight amidshipsD.Concentration of weight at both ends of the vessel[21]______of the following need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?A.The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigated.B.The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated.C.The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a portD.The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months[22]______port anchor,one shackle in water.A.Throw B.Heave in C.Cut off D.Let go[23]______published in England amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of LightsC.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[24]______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel.A.True position B.True meridian C.True course D.True bearing[25]______the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.A.Attached herewith are B.Attached is herewithC.Attached are hereby D.Hereby are attached[26]______Two degree on starboard.A.What rudder B.How heading C.Are you on your course D.How answer[27]______water is the water to keep the ship’s stability.A.Bilge B.Ballast C.Slop D.Sanitary[28]______will reduce the visibility.A.dust B.sea water C.land sand D.wind[29]______Yokohama,We'll also call at some other Japanese ports.A.Beside B.Besides C.Except D.Excepting[30]“Full speed ahead”and “Full speed astern”are______given by the officers or the pilots.A.sailing orders B.speed ordersC.wheel orders D.telegraph orders[31]12HOURS STORM W ARNING V ALID FROM 1103990700 UTC.From this phrase,the warning is expected to be valid from______.A.0700 UTC MAR 11,1999 B.0700 UTC NOV 03,1999C.0700 UTC,1103 UTC D.11,39,07 UTC[32]A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a______.A.bight block B.gin block C.heel block D.snatch block[33]A bowline is used to______.A.join lines of equal size B.form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a lineC.be a stopper D.keep a line from fraying[34]A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of______.A.group occulting B.composite group flashing C.Morse letter A D.quick flashing[35]A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n)______.A.white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheresB.occulting green light and may be letteredC.yellow light and will be numberedD.continuous quick white light and may be numbered[36]A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the______.A.north side of the mark B.west side of the markC.east side of the mark D.south side of the mark[37]A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat must______.A.be the first individual to board the craft B.drain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craftC.have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat D.All of the above[38]A chain stripper is used to______.A.prevent chain from clinging to the wildcatB.clean the marine debris from the chainC.flake chain from a boat's chain lockerD.clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection[39]A channel is stated as having a controlling depth of 38 feet.Which statement is TRUE?A.At least 80% of the channel is cleared to the charted depth.B.At least 50% of the channel is cleared to the charted depth.C.100% of the channel depth is clear to 38 feet.D.The sides of the channel conform to at least 50% of the controlling depth.[40]A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a______.A.first edition B.new edition C.revised edition D.reprint[41]A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a______.A.sailing chart B.general chart C.coast chart D.harbor chart[42]A check rope is______.A.a safety line attached to a man working over the sideB.used to measure water depthC.used to slow the headway of a bargeD.used to measure the overhead height of a bridge[43]A chock is a______.A.deck fitting used to secure mooring lines B.casting fitted at the side of a weatherdeck,used as a fairleadC.sharp block of wood used to support hygroscopic cargo D.smoke pipe for the galley stove[44]A cloud sequence of cirrus,cirrostratus,and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually signifies the approach of a(n)______.A.occluded front B.stationary front C.warm front D.cold front[45]A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n)______.A.bearing circle B.pelorus C.bearing bar D.alidade[46]A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for______.A.the Sun B.the MoonC.Venus D.None of the above[47]A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of the right foot.Which is NOT an acceptable first aid measure?A.Rub the toes briskly.B.Elevate the foot slightly.C.Rewarm rapidly.D.Give aspirin or other medication for pain if necessary.[48]A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n)______.A.tornado B.anticyclone C.occluded cyclone or occluded front D.polar cyclone[49]A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns,is called a______.A.bitt B.bollard C.capstan D.cleat[50]A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines______.A.Restricted area B.Closed areaC.Prohibited placed D.Forbidden place[51]A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines______.A.Restricted area B.Closed areaC.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place[52]A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the______.A.detachable link B.stud linkC.Kenter link D.connecting link[53]A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the______.A.velocity of the current B.bottom characteristicsC.depth of the water D.speed over the ground[54]A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground______.A.at all times B.in the bottom return modeC.in the volume reverberation mode D.only when there is no current[55]A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel.You should maneuver your vessel so the wind______.A.blows the fire back toward the vessel B.comes over the bowC.comes over the stern D.comes over either beam[56]A fire is discovered in the forepeak of a vessel at sea.The wind is from ahead at 35knots.You should______.A.remain on course and hold speedB.change course and put the stern to the windC.change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD.remain on course but slack the speed[57]A fire starts on your vessel while refueling.You should FIRST______.A.stop the ventilation B.sound the general alarmC.determine the source of the fire D.attempt to extinguish the fire[58]A fireman’s outfit shall consist of______.I.Protective clothingII.a VHF set III.Boots and gloves of electrically non-conducting material IV.An electric safety lamp (hand lantern)V.An axeA.I,II,III,IV B.I,II,IV,V C.II,III,IV,V D.I,III,IV,V[59]A foam-type portable fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in______.A.solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber B.flammable liquidsC.a piece of electrical equipment D.combustible metallic solids[60]A frontal thunderstorm is caused by______.A.pronounced local heatingB.wind being pushed up a mountainC.a warm air mass rising over a cold air massD.an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air[61]A galley grease fire on the stove may be extinguished using______.A.water B.foam C.the range hood extinguishing system D.fire dampers[62]A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)______.A.cyclone B.anticyclone C.cold front D.occluded front[63]A green pillar light-buoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the red conical light-buoy close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to______.A.a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB.a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC.either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD.neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced[64]A GROUP OF CREW MEMBERS TRAINED FOR FIGHTING FLOODING IN THE VESSEL are known as______.A.Fire party B.Deck cadetsC.Research team D.Damage control team[65]A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position.You could expect all of the following EXCEPT______.A.higher than normal swells B.high winds C.winds veering from south,through west,to northwest D.light showers[66]A hygrometer is a device used for determining______.A.the absolute temperature B.atmospheric pressureC.wind velocity D.relative humidity[67]A journal kept by the officer of the watch in which day to day happenings are recorded regarding the deck department is the______.A.cargo record book B.deck rough logC.bell book D.Official Logbook[68]A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted______.A.redB.yellowC.with red and white vertical stripesD.with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy[69]A life line must be connected to the life raft______.A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around[70]A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a______.A.longitude line B.isogonic linesC.latitude line D.line of position[71]A load line of a ship is assigned by the______.A.Minerals Management ServiceB.Department of EnergyC.Corps of EngineersD.A recognized classification society approved[72]A lookout can leave his station______.A.at the end of the watchB.at any timeC.only when properly relievedD.15 minutes before the end of the watch[73]A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is known as______.A.Way point B.Receiving point C.Reporting point D.Closest Point[74]A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is know as______.A.Way point B.Receiving point C.Reporting point D.Closest Point[75]A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a______.A.charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB.charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC.graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD.graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid[76]A pattern according to which vessels and / or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a______.A.Research pattern B.Research modeC.Search pattern D.Search and rescue mode[77]A person who sees someone fall overboard should first______.A.call for help and keep the individual in sight B.run to the radio room to send an emergency messageC.immediately jump in the water to assist the individual D.go to the bridge to report captain[78]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n)______.A.dead reckoning position B.estimated positionC.fix D.None of the above[79]A protective suit which reduces the body heat-loss of a person wearing it in cold water is called______.A.water suit B.diving suit C.immersion suit D.swimming suit[80]A qualified deck officer should be______the watch.A.in charge of B.arranged C.decided to D.the depth of[81]A radar set produces radio waves and then gives them out in the space by means of its______.A.height of waves B.antenna C.high frequency D.radio X-ray[82]A radio medical advice service______ships of all nationalities and no charge is made for this service.A.is available to B.is available forC.are available to D.are available for[83]A relative bearing is always measured from______.A.true north B.magnetic northC.the vessel's beam D.the vessel's head[84]A ROUND THROUGH THE VESSEL CARRIED OUT BY A CREW MEMBER OF THE W ATCH AT CERTAIN INTERV ALS SO THAT AN OUTBREAK OF FIRE MAY BE PROMPTL Y DETECTED defines______.A.Fire patrol B.Fire control C.Smoke detection D.Fire drill[85]A safe pilot transfer operation relies on greatly the following except______.A.lighting at night time B.the number of the crewmembersC.lifebuoy with self-igniting light D.VHF communication with bridge[86]A sea with height 2.5 –4.0m is termed as______according to the sea and swell scale.A.slight sea B.Moderate sea C.Rough sea D.High sea[87]A security level,for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as______.A.Security level 1 B.Security level 2C.Security level 3 D.Security level 4[88]A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n)______.A.upper front aloft B.cyclone C.occluded front D.cold front[89]A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as______.A.a companion way B.tween-decksC.stairs D.Any of the above are acceptable[90]A sheave is a______.A.grooved wheel in a block B.line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck C.partial load of grain D.seaman's knife[91]A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo.This is done in order to obtain a(n)______.A.clean Bill of Lading B.order Bill of LadingC.straight Bill of Lading D.through Bill of Lading[92]A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)______.A.running fix B.fixC.estimated position D.assumed position[93]A solution to overcome tripping defects is an arrangement of special plates on either side of the flukes,designed to set them in the correct tripping position.These special plates are called______.A.trippers B.stocks C.stabilizers D.palms[94]A spring line leads______.A.fore and aft from the ship's side B.to the dock at a right angle to the vesselC.through the bull nose or chock at the bow D.through the chock at the stern[95]A stay is______.A.standing rigging B.a downhaul C.a halyard D.a jib[96]A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored.For its safety you should put______.A.more slack in the mooring lines B.a strain on the mooring linesC.chafing gear on the mooring lines D.grease on the mooring lines[97]A synthetic mooring line is being heaved on a capstan.There is moderate strain on the line.The line begins to slip.Which of the following should be done?①Stop the capstan and take extra turns.②Have more than one seaman keep a substantial strain on the line and continue heaving easy.A.①only B.②onlyC.Both ①and ②D.Neither ①nor ②[98]A tanker is cargo ship constructed or______for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature.A.adapted B.adopted C.damp D.dump[99]A tide is called diurnal when______.A.only one high and one low water occur during a lunar dayB.the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usualC.the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apartD.two high tides occur during a lunar day[100]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a______.A.fix B.line of position C.relative bearing D.range[101]A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel______.A.by a tow line ahead of the vessel B.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vessel D.on the vessel's quarter[102]A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you______.A.reverse port engine,apply right rudderB.reverse port engine,rudder amidshipsC.reverse starboard engine,apply right rudderD.reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships[103]A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move______.A.in a straight line B.to port C.from side to side D.to starboard[104]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a______.A.Polluter B.Emitter C.Spiller D.Oiler[105]A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of______following a traffic lane.(1).a power______driven vessel (2).a sailing vessel (3).any vessel (4).a vessel of less than 20 metres in lengthA.(1) B.(1) & (2) C.(3) D.(4)[106]A vessel moored with two anchors,sometimes,at an exposed roadstead to______.A.aid turning the shipB.obtain a fine bearingC.increase ship swings to wind or tideD.lighten the stress of anchor chains[107]A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall______.A.avoid crossing the channel at right anglesB.not overtake any vessels within the channelC.keep as near as safe and practicable to the limit of the channel on her starboard side D.when nearing a bend in the channel,sound a long blast of the whistle[108]A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which______.A.through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the RulesB.from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the RulesC.due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules D.has lost steering and is unable to maneuver[109]A vessel trawling would display______.A.a black ball B.a basketC.a double cone,point to point D.none of the above[110]A VESSEL,OTHER THAN A RESCUE UNIT,DESIGNA TED TO CO-ORDINATE SURFACE SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION WITHIN A SPECIFIED AREA is known as______.A.salving vessel B.Co-ordinator surface searchC.MERSAR D.the vessel being salved[111]A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of______.A.fixed objects on shore B.buoys at a distanceC.buoys close by D.All of the above[112]A vessel's quarter is that section which is______.A.abeam B.dead asternC.just aft of the bow D.on either side of the stern[113]A warm air mass is characterized by______.A.stability B.instabilityC.gusty winds D.good visibility[114]A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northern Hemisphere(北半球),this would indicate that it will______.A.shift in a clockwise manner B.decrease in velocityC.continue blowing from the same direction D.shift in a counterclockwise manner[115]A wind vane on a moving vessel shows______.A.dead reckoning wind direction B.true wind directionC.relative wind direction D.estimated wind direction[116]Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to______.A.start the engine in cold weather B.aid in helping personnel breatheC.prime the sprinkler system D.prime the air supply[117]According to the customs of this port,the work of opening and closing hatch covers is done by______.A.the ship's officers B.the foreman from the shore C.the ship's hands D.the tally man[118]Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published______.A.every day B.every week C.every month D.every year[119]Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in______.A.Weekly Editions B.Quarterly EditionsC.Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions[120]Admiralty Sailing Directions published in England are kept up to date by______.A.corrections B.publications C.supplements D.alterations[121]After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure______.A.drops,and the temperature drops B.drops,and the temperature risesC.rises,and the temperature drops D.rises,and the temperature rises[122]After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will______.A.pass through the body with little absorbed by the system B.help to prevent fatigueC.help to prevent seasickness D.quench thirst for only 2 hours[123]After casting off moorings at a mooring buoy in calm weather,you should______.A.go full ahead on the engine(s)B.back away a few lengths to clear the buoy and then go ahead on the enginesC.go half ahead on the engines and put the rudder hard rightD.go half ahead on the engines and pass upstream of the buoy[124]AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means______.A.After boarding the pilot B.After the pilot leaving the shipC.After the pilot going on board D.After taking the pilot[125]After each reading of an oxygen indicator,the instrument should be purged with______.A.CO2 B.fresh air C.the tested compartment's air D.water[126]Aircraft made forced______near position 23 o 32'N,110 o 13'E.A.striking B.landing C.grounding D.stranding[127]All accidents and damage to ship,equipment or personnel,must be______in the vessel deck log.A.entered into B.entered C.entered with D.entered in[128]All dunnage planks and mats must be sent on board______commencement of loading.A.prior to B.during C.in the period of D.afterwards[129]All echo-sounders can measure the______.A.actual depth of waterB.actual depth of water below keelC.average depth from waterline to hard bottomD.average depth of water to soft bottom[130]All electrical appliances aboard a vessel should be grounded to______.A.prevent them from falling when the vessel rollsB.protect personnel from electrical shockC.increase their operating efficiencyD.prevent unauthorized personnel from operating them[131]All events relating to navigation,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in______.A.Logbook B.Bell BookC.Oil Record Book D.Compass Error Book[132]All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT______.A.A vessel trawling B.A vessel trollingC.A vessel setting nets D.A vessel tending lines[133]All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the______.A.deck logbook B.official logbookC.compass record book D.chronometer error book[134]ALL PASSENGERS OF DECK NO.2 ARE REQUESTED TO FOLLOW THE CREW MEMBERS WHO WILL ESCORT YOU TO YOUR ASSEMBL Y STATIONS.From this sentence you can concluded that the vessel is in______.A.immediate danger to collide with another vessel B.a situation in which more passengers will embark on board C.berth and ready to disembark her passengers D.distress[135]All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being______.A.carried by hand to a fire B.carried or rolled to a fireC.recharged in the field D.used on class 'B' fires[136]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)______.A.Mercator projection B.polyconic projectionC.orthographic projection D.gnomonic projection[137]All the cargo holds must be______cleaned out______meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.A.such/that B.so/that C.such/to D.so/as to[138]All the crewmembers shall be at the station as required by the muster list when in fire-fighting drill______minutes after hearing the alarm,and the duty engineer shall be able to make the fire pumps available with______minutes.A.2/5 B.2/3 C.3/2 D.2/2[139]All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept______commencement of loading.A.cleanly/during B.clear/meanwhile C.clean/between D.clean/prior to[140]All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft's______.A.boarding and operating procedures B.maintenance scheduleC.navigational systems D.fuel consumption rates[141]All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode,which means that______.A.only one person may talk at a time B.only two persons may talk at the same timeC.the radio only transmits D.the radio only receives[142]Allow me to put______some evidence for your further consideration.A.up B.on C.into D.forward[143]Altocumulus clouds are defined as______.A.high clouds B.middle cloudsC.low clouds D.vertical development clouds[144]An accident came______my mind when I saw the broken case.A.in B.on C.to D.with[145]An air mass is termed warm if______.A.it is above 70°FB.the ground over which it moves is cooler than the airC.it originated in a high pressure areaD.it originated in a low pressure area[146]AN APPOINTMENT BETWEEN VESSELS NORMALL Y MADE ON RADIO TO MEET IN A CERTAIN AREA OR POSITION defines______.A.Bona fide B.Rendez-vousC.Prima facie D.Action in personam[147]An emergency sea anchor may be constructed by using______.A.a boat bucket B.an air tank filled with waterC.an oar and canvas weighted down D.All of the above [148]An example of a messenger is a______.。



航海英语附加题[1]___A___20 targets can be tracked at one time.When maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions(捕获) are possible.A.As many as B.So many as C.As much as D.As more as[2]___A___amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of LightsC.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[3]___D___are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of SignalsC.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[4]___B___cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one ton.A.At B.For C.On D.About[5]__D____chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A.To consideer B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with[6]__D____chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.A.To consider B.To check C.To examine D.To agree with[7]__B____day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mast.A.From B.By C.On D.With[8]___A___get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning.A.Y ou’d better B.Y ou would better C.Y ou at least D.Y ou at most[9]__A____is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure.A.Barometer B.Thermometer C.Chronometer D.Speedometer[10]__A____is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water resistance,thus allowing an increase in speed when the ships is in ballast.A.Bulbous bow B.Ellipse bowC.Cyclical projection D.Gnomonic projection[11]__C____is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron ore.A.Angle of loll B.Angle of inclination C.Angle of repose D.Angle of list[12]__D____is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.A.Evaporation B.Dispersion C.Emulsification D.Drifting[13]___D___is one of four uprights comprising a cell in a containership into which a container fits exactly.These uprights hold the container in position.A.stanchion B.shore C.cellular double-bottom D.Ceil guide[14]__B____is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water,or vice versa,whilst floating at the loaded draft.A.TPC B.The Fresh Water Allowance C.Parallel sinking of the ship D.UKC [15]__A____is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applyingthe last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship's course and the distance being those indicated by log.A.Dead reckoning B.Dead weightC.Dead slow ahead D.Dead slow astern[16]___A___is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance.A.Safe speed B.Economic speedC.Proper speed D.Navigation speed[17]___B___is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chain.A.A mooring winch B.A windlassC.A deck crane D.A lifeboat engine[18]__C____means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.A.Great Circle B.Position Line C.Rhumb line D.True Bearing[19]___B___of a radar is governed by the horizontal beam width of the scanner which depends to a great extent on its physical size.A.Range discrimination B.Bearing discriminationC.Echo discrimination D.Target discrimination[20]___C___of the following conditions will cause a vessel's bottom to be subjected to tension stresses.A.Concentration of weight aftB.Concentration of weight forwardC.Concentration of weight amidshipsD.Concentration of weight at both ends of the vessel[21]___A___of the following need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?A.The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigated.B.The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated.C.The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a portD.The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months[22]___D___port anchor,one shackle in water.A.Throw B.Heave in C.Cut off D.Let go[23]__A____published in England amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of LightsC.Admiralty List of Signals D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners[24]___C___refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel.A.True position B.True meridian C.True course D.True bearing[25]___A___the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.A.Attached herewith are B.Attached is herewithC.Attached are hereby D.Hereby are attached[26]___A___Two degree on starboard.A.What rudder B.How heading C.Are you on your course D.How answer [27]__B____water is the water to keep the ship’s stability.A.Bilge B.Ballast C.Slop D.Sanitary[28]__A____will reduce the visibility.A.dust B.sea water C.land sand D.wind[29]___B___Y okohama,We'll also call at some other Japanese ports.A.Beside B.Besides C.Except D.Excepting[30]“Full speed ahead”and “Full speed astern”are___D___given by the officers or the pilots.A.sailing orders B.speed ordersC.wheel orders D.telegraph orders[31]12HOURS STORM W ARNING V ALID FROM 1103990700 UTC.From this phrase,the warning is expected to be valid from___A___.A.0700 UTC MAR 11,1999 B.0700 UTC NOV 03,1999C.0700 UTC,1103 UTC D.11,39,07 UTC[32]A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a__D____.A.bight block B.gin block C.heel block D.snatch block[33]A bowline is used to___B___.A.join lines of equal size B.form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a lineC.be a stopper D.keep a line from fraying[34]A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of___B___.A.group occulting B.composite group flashing C.Morse letter A D.quick flashing [35]A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n)__A____.A.white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheresB.occulting green light and may be letteredC.yellow light and will be numberedD.continuous quick white light and may be numbered[36]A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the__A____.A.north side of the mark B.west side of the markC.east side of the mark D.south side of the mark[37]A certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat must__C____.A.be the first individual to board the craft B.drain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craft C.have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat D.All of the above [38]A chain stripper is used to__A____.A.prevent chain from clinging to the wildcatB.clean the marine debris from the chainC.flake chain from a boat's chain lockerD.clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection[39]A channel is stated as having a controlling depth of 38 feet.Which statement is TRUE?---C-- A.At least 80% of the channel is cleared to the charted depth.B.At least 50% of the channel is cleared to the charted depth.C.100% of the channel depth is clear to 38 feet.D.The sides of the channel conform to at least 50% of the controlling depth.[40]A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a___B___.A.first edition B.new edition C.revised edition D.reprint[41]A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a___B___.A.sailing chart B.general chart C.coast chart D.harbor chart[42]A check rope is__C____.A.a safety line attached to a man working over the sideB.used to measure water depthC.used to slow the headway of a bargeD.used to measure the overhead height of a bridge[43]A chock is a___B___.A.deck fitting used to secure mooring lines B.casting fitted at the side of a weatherdeck,used as a fairleadC.sharp block of wood used to support hygroscopic cargo D.smoke pipe for the galley stove[44]A cloud sequence of cirrus,cirrostratus,and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually signifies the approach of a(n)___C___.A.occluded front B.stationary front C.warm front D.cold front[45]A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n)___B___.A.bearing circle B.pelorus C.bearing bar D.alidade[46]A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for___B___.A.the Sun B.the MoonC.V enus D.None of the above[47]A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of the right foot.Which is NOT an acceptable first aid measure?---A---A.Rub the toes briskly.B.Elevate the foot slightly.C.Rewarm rapidly.D.Give aspirin or other medication for pain if necessary.[48]A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n)___C___.A.tornado B.anticyclone C.occluded cyclone or occluded front D.polar cyclone [49]A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns,is called a___D___.A.bitt B.bollard C.capstan D.cleat[50]A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines___A___.A.Restricted area B.Closed areaC.Prohibited placed D.Forbidden place[51]A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines__A____.A.Restricted area B.Closed areaC.Prohibited place D.Forbidden place[52]A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the___B___.A.detachable link B.stud linkC.Kenter link D.connecting link[53]A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the___D___.A.velocity of the current B.bottom characteristicsC.depth of the water D.speed over the ground[54]A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground__B____.A.at all times B.in the bottom return modeC.in the volume reverberation mode D.only when there is no current[55]A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel.Y ou should maneuver your vessel so the wind___B___.A.blows the fire back toward the vessel B.comes over the bow C.comes over the stern D.comes over either beam[56]A fire is discovered in the forepeak of a vessel at sea.The wind is from ahead at 35 knots.Y ou should___B___.A.remain on course and hold speedB.change course and put the stern to the windC.change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD.remain on course but slack the speed[57]A fire starts on your vessel while refueling.Y ou should FIRST___B___.A.stop the ventilation B.sound the general alarmC.determine the source of the fire D.attempt to extinguish the fire[58]A fireman’s outfit shall consist of___D___.I.Protective clothing I I. a VHF setIII.Boots and gloves of electrically non-conducting material IV.An electric safety lamp (hand lantern) V.An axeA.I,II,III,IV B.I,II,IV,V C.II,III,IV,V D.I,III,IV,V[59]A foam-type portable fire extinguisher would be most useful in combating a fire in___B___.A.solid materials such as wood or bales of fiber B.flammable liquids C.a piece of electrical equipment D.combustible metallic solids[60]A frontal thunderstorm is caused by___C___.A.pronounced local heatingB.wind being pushed up a mountainC.a warm air mass rising over a cold air massD.an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air[61]A galley grease fire on the stove may be extinguished using___C___.A.water B.foam C.the range hood extinguishing system D.fire dampers[62]A generally circular low pressure area is called a(n)___A___.A.cyclone B.anticyclone C.cold front D.occluded front[63]A green pillar light-buoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the red conical light-buoy close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to___A___.A.a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB.a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC.either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD.neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced[64]A GROUP OF CREW MEMBERS TRAINED FOR FIGHTING FLOODING IN THE VESSEL are known as___D___.A.Fire party B.Deck cadetsC.Research team D.Damage control team[65]A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your position.Y ou could expect all of the following EXCEPT__D____.A.higher than normal swells B.high winds C.winds veering from south,through west,to northwest D.light showers[66]A hygrometer is a device used for determining___D___.A.the absolute temperature B.atmospheric pressureC.wind velocity D.relative humidity[67]A journal kept by the officer of the watch in which day to day happenings are recorded regarding the deck department is the___B___.A.cargo record book B.deck rough logC.bell book D.Official Logbook[68]A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted___A___.A.redB.yellowC.with red and white vertical stripesD.with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy[69]A life line must be connected to the life raft__D____.A.at the bow B.at the stern C.in the middle D.all around[70]A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a___D___.A.longitude line B.isogonic linesC.latitude line D.line of position[71]A load line of a ship is assigned by the___D___.A.Minerals Management ServiceB.Department of EnergyC.Corps of EngineersD.A recognized classification society approved[72]A lookout can leave his station___C___.A.at the end of the watchB.at any timeC.only when properly relievedD.15 minutes before the end of the watch[73]A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is known as___B___.A.Way point B.Receiving point C.Reporting point D.Closest Point[74]A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is know as__B____.A.Way point B.Receiving point C.Reporting point D.Closest Point[75]A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a___B___.A.charted record of atmospheric temperature over timeB.charted record of atmospheric pressure over timeC.graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphereD.graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid[76]A pattern according to which vessels and / or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a___C___.A.Research pattern B.Research modeC.Search pattern D.Search and rescue mode[77]A person who sees someone fall overboard should first___A___.A.call for help and keep the individual in sight B.run to the radio room to send an emergency messageC.immediately jump in the water to assist the individual D.go to the bridge to report captain[78]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n)___B___.A.dead reckoning position B.estimated positionC.fix D.None of the above[79]A protective suit which reduces the body heat-loss of a person wearing it in cold water is called__C____.A.water suit B.diving suit C.immersion suit D.swimming suit[80]A qualified deck officer should be___A___the watch.A.in charge of B.arranged C.decided to D.the depth of[81]A radar set produces radio waves and then gives them out in the space by means of its__B____.A.height of waves B.antenna C.high frequency D.radio X-ray[82]A radio medical advice service__B____ships of all nationalities and no charge is made for this service.A.is available to B.is available forC.are available to D.are available for[83]A relative bearing is always measured from___D___.A.true north B.magnetic northC.the vessel's beam D.the vessel's head[84]A ROUND THROUGH THE VESSEL CARRIED OUT BY A CREW MEMBER OF THE WA TCH A T CERTAIN INTERV ALS SO THA T AN OUTBREAK OF FIRE MAY BE PROMPTLY DETECTED defines___A___.A.Fire patrol B.Fire control C.Smoke detection D.Fire drill[85]A safe pilot transfer operation relies on greatly the following except__B____.A.lighting at night time B.the number of the crewmembersC.lifebuoy with self-igniting light D.VHF communication with bridge[86]A sea with height 2.5 –4.0m is termed as___C___according to the sea and swell scale.A.slight sea B.Moderate sea C.Rough sea D.High sea[87]A security level,for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as___B___.A.Security level 1 B.Security level 2C.Security level 3 D.Security level 4[88]A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n)___D___.A.upper front aloft B.cyclone C.occluded front D.cold front[89]A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as___A___.A.a companion way B.tween-decksC.stairs D.Any of the above are acceptable[90]A sheave is a__A____.A.grooved wheel in a block B.line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck C.partial load of grain D.seaman's knife[91]A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo.This is done in order to obtain a(n)___A___.A.clean Bill of Lading B.order Bill of LadingC.straight Bill of Lading D.through Bill of Lading[92]A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)___C___.A.running fix B.fixC.estimated position D.assumed position[93]A solution to overcome tripping defects is an arrangement of special plates on either side of the flukes,designed to set them in the correct tripping position.These special plates are called___D___.A.trippers B.stocks C.stabilizers D.palms[94]A spring line leads__A____.A.fore and aft from the ship's side B.to the dock at a right angle to the vesselC.through the bull nose or chock at the bow D.through the chock at the stern[95]A stay is___A___.A.standing rigging B.a downhaul C.a halyard D.a jib[96]A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored.For its safety you should put__C____.A.more slack in the mooring lines B.a strain on the mooring linesC.chafing gear on the mooring lines D.grease on the mooring lines[97]A synthetic mooring line is being heaved on a capstan.There is moderate strain on the line.The line begins to slip.Which of the following should be done?①Stop the capstan and take extra turns.②Have more than one seaman keep a substantial strain on the line and continue heaving easy.--A--A.①only B.②onlyC.Both ①and ②D.Neither ①nor ②[98]A tanker is cargo ship constructed or__A____for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature.A.adapted B.adopted C.damp D.dump[99]A tide is called diurnal when___A___.A.only one high and one low water occur during a lunar dayB.the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usualC.the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apartD.two high tides occur during a lunar day[100]A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a___B___.A.fix B.line of position C.relative bearing D.range[101]A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel__C____.A.by a tow line ahead of the vessel B.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vessel D.on the vessel's quarter [102]A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you__C____.A.reverse port engine,apply right rudderB.reverse port engine,rudder amidshipsC.reverse starboard engine,apply right rudderD.reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships[103]A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move___B___.A.in a straight line B.to port C.from side to side D.to starboard[104]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a___A___.A.Polluter B.Emitter C.Spiller D.Oiler[105]A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of___C___following a traffic lane.(1).a power______driven vessel (2).a sailing vessel (3).any vessel (4).a vessel of less than 20 metres in lengthA.(1) B.(1) & (2) C.(3) D.(4)[106]A vessel moored with two anchors,sometimes,at an exposed roadstead to__D____.A.aid turning the shipB.obtain a fine bearingC.increase ship swings to wind or tideD.lighten the stress of anchor chains[107]A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall__C____.A.avoid crossing the channel at right anglesB.not overtake any vessels within the channelC.keep as near as safe and practicable to the limit of the channel on her starboard sideD.when nearing a bend in the channel,sound a long blast of the whistle[108]A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver is one which___B___.A.through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the RulesB.from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the RulesC.due to adverse weather conditions is unable to maneuver as required by the RulesD.has lost steering and is unable to maneuver[109]A vessel trawling would display___C___.A.a black ball B.a basketC.a double cone,point to point D.none of the above[110]A VESSEL,OTHER THAN A RESCUE UNIT,DESIGNA TED TO CO-ORDINA TESURFACE SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERA TION WITHIN A SPECIFIED AREA is known as___B___.A.salving vessel B.Co-ordinator surface searchC.MERSAR D.the vessel being salved[111]A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of___A___.A.fixed objects on shore B.buoys at a distanceC.buoys close by D.All of the above[112]A vessel's quarter is that section which is___D___.A.abeam B.dead asternC.just aft of the bow D.on either side of the stern[113]A warm air mass is characterized by___A___.A.stability B.instabilityC.gusty winds D.good visibility[114]A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northern Hemisphere(北半球),this would indicate that it will___D___.A.shift in a clockwise manner B.decrease in velocityC.continue blowing from the same direction D.shift in a counterclockwise manner[115]A wind vane on a moving vessel shows__C____.A.dead reckoning wind direction B.true wind directionC.relative wind direction D.estimated wind direction[116]Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to__A____.A.start the engine in cold weather B.aid in helping personnel breatheC.prime the sprinkler system D.prime the air supply[117]According to the customs of this port,the work of opening and closing hatch covers is done by___C___.A.the ship's officers B.the foreman from the shore C.the ship's hands D.the tally man [118]Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published__B____.A.every day B.every week C.every month D.every year[119]Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in__A____.A.Weekly Editions B.Quarterly EditionsC.Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions[120]Admiralty Sailing Directions published in England are kept up to date by__C____.A.corrections B.publications C.supplements D.alterations[121]After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure___C___.A.drops,and the temperature drops B.drops,and thetemperature risesC.rises,and the temperature drops D.rises,and the temperature rises[122]After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will___A___.A.pass through the body with little absorbed by the system B.help to prevent fatigue C.help to prevent seasickness D.quench thirst for only 2 hours[123]After casting off moorings at a mooring buoy in calm weather,you should___B___.A.go full ahead on the engine(s)B.back away a few lengths to clear the buoy and then go ahead on the enginesC.go half ahead on the engines and put the rudder hard rightD.go half ahead on the engines and pass upstream of the buoy[124]AFTER DROPPING THE PILOT means___B___.A.After boarding the pilot B.After the pilot leaving the shipC.After the pilot going on board D.After taking the pilot[125]After each reading of an oxygen indicator,the instrument should be purged with___B___.A.CO2 B.fresh air C.the tested compartment's air D.water[126]Aircraft made forced___B___near position 23 o 32'N,110 o 13'E.A.striking B.landing C.grounding D.stranding[127]All accidents and damage to ship,equipment or personnel,must be__B____in the vessel deck log.A.entered into B.entered C.entered with D.entered in[128]All dunnage planks and mats must be sent on board___A___commencement of loading.A.prior to B.during C.in the period of D.afterwards[129]All echo-sounders can measure the___B___.A.actual depth of waterB.actual depth of water below keelC.average depth from waterline to hard bottomD.average depth of water to soft bottom[130]All electrical appliances aboard a vessel should be grounded to___B___.A.prevent them from falling when the vessel rollsB.protect personnel from electrical shockC.increase their operating efficiencyD.prevent unauthorized personnel from operating them[131]All events relating to navigation,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in___A___.A.Logbook B.Bell BookC.Oil Record Book D.Compass Error Book[132]All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT___B___.A.A vessel trawling B.A vessel trollingC.A vessel setting nets D.A vessel tending lines[133]All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the__B____.A.deck logbook B.official logbookC.compass record book D.chronometer error book[134]ALL PASSENGERS OF DECK NO. 2 ARE REQUESTED TO FOLLOW THE CREW MEMBERS WHO WILL ESCORT YOU TO YOUR ASSEMBLY STA TIONS.From this sentence you can concluded that the vessel is in___B___.A.immediate danger to collide with another vessel B.a situation in which more passengers will embark on board C.berth and ready to disembark her passengers D.distress[135]All portable fire extinguishers must be capable of being___A___.A.carried by hand to a fire B.carried or rolled to a fireC.recharged in the field D.used on class 'B' fires[136]All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)___D___.A.Mercator projection B.polyconic projectionC.orthographic projection D.gnomonic projection[137]All the cargo holds must be___D___cleaned out______meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor.A.such/that B.so/that C.such/to D.so/as to[138]All the crewmembers shall be at the station as required by the muster list when in fire-fighting drill___A___minutes after hearing the alarm,and the duty engineer shall be able to make the fire pumps available with______minutes.A.2/5 B.2/3 C.3/2 D.2/2[139]All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept__D____commencement of loading.A.cleanly/during B.clear/meanwhile C.clean/between D.clean/prior to [140]All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft's___A___.A.boarding and operating procedures B.maintenance schedule C.navigational systems D.fuel consumption rates[141]All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode,which means that___A___.A.only one person may talk at a time B.only two persons may talk at the same timeC.the radio only transmits D.the radio only receives[142]Allow me to put___D___some evidence for your further consideration.A.up B.on C.into D.forward[143]Altocumulus clouds are defined as___B___.A.high clouds B.middle cloudsC.low clouds D.vertical development clouds[144]An accident came__C____my mind when I saw the broken case.。



B.Ship's speed
C.Speed of current
D.Water temperatureand density
[18]What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuarywhere alayer of fresh water lies
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中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 4 页
A.the retro-reflective tapes
C.theflashing bands
D.theanti-flashing bands
[3]Which oneof thefollowing is not required on survival crafts?
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中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 3 页
A.totalenclosed lifeboats
B.totally enclosing lifeboats
C.totally enclosed lifeboats
D.totalencloseing lifeboats
[5]The fire-protected lifeboatsarefound_____________.



1. What is the main purpose of dunnage __B______.垫舱料的作用是()A.To act as ballast for light vessels 作为空船的压载水B.To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo 为货物提供通风及排水C.To secure the tarpaulins in place固定帆布D.To support weakened bulkheads 支撑强度减轻的舱壁2 The extinguishing agent most effective for combating wood fires is __A__扑灭木材火灾最有效的灭火材料是A.Water 水B.Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳C.Foam 泡沫D.Dry chemical 干粉3. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?什么会影响回声探测仪的精度?A.Sea bottomB.Ship's speedC.Speed of currentD.Water temperature and density答案:D4 Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?关于GPS的使用,下列哪一项是不正确的?A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defence's controlC.DGPS is more accurate than GPSD.GPS can provide a real-time position under any conditionA.GPS是今天最精确的全球系统。



【单选1】All oil spills must be reported to the ______.A.MOC ministration of communicationB.MSA OF CHINAC. local fire departmentD. local police 【单选2】Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by ______.A.coverB.showerC.towerD.power【单选3】The collision bulkhead is located ______.A.on the bridge deckB.at the stern of the shipC.as the first watertight bulkhead aheadD.between the passenger and cargo areas【单选4】The charts sold are of ______.A.the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correctionB.brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writingC.newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable pricesD.the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale【单选5】______ is not contained in the NM Weekly.A.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsB.Supplement to Guide to Port EntryC.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsD.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals【单选6】Which document will describe lifesaving equipment located aboard your vessel?A.Muster ListB.Certificate of InspectionC.Forecastle CardD.Clearance Papers限制通讯工作) 【单选7】While proceeding towards a distress site you hear the message PRU-DONCE(over the radiotelephone. Which action should you take?A.Advise the sender of your course,speed,position,and ETA at the distress sitee that frequency only for restricted working communicat ionsC.Shift your radio guard to the working frequency that will be indicated in the messageD.Resume base course and speed because the distress is terminated【单选8】Which statement about stowing spare hose is TRUE?A.Fold the hose so that the male coupling is about 4 feet from the female coupling,then roll it upB.Roll the hose starting at the female endC.Roll the hose starting at the male endD.Fold the hose into lengths about 6 feet long and then lash the folds together【单选9】What is the primary purpose for Digital Selective Calling (DSC)?A.DSC is to be used for transmitting and receiving distress alerts to and from other ships or coast radio stations via radioB.This aids SAR authorities in tracking a vessel's position by satelliteC.DSC provides reception of weather and navigational warnings plus search and rescue informationD.DSC provides low-cost,routine communications for the vessel operator【单选10】The fire-protected lifeboats are found ______.A.satisfiedB.being satisfiedC.satisfactoryD.to satisfy?【单选11】After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. The list caused by a flooded leg means your vessel has a(n) ______.A.decrease in the GZ (righting arm)B.less chance of deck edge immersionC.negative GM (metacentric height)D.increase in the waterplane and the metacentric height【单选12】In practice,it is usual for the ship to be loaded ______ to improve the vessel's movement through the water.A.a balance between two sidesB.at the same draught between fore and aftC.a little deeper forwardD.a little deeper aft【单选13】What is NOT a form used by ice support services to disseminate information? 什么是未被冰原支持服务被用来传播信息的形式 A.Ice Bulletins B.Ice Outlooks C.Ice Analyses D.Ice Forecasts 【单选14】In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain,you should ______.A.stopper the lineB.surge the lineC.sluice the lineD.slip the line【单选15】Which radiotelephone signal indicates receipt of a distress message?A.SOS acknowledgedB.Romeo,romeo,romeoC.Mayday rogerD.Roger wilco【单选16】When fighting a fire in a space containing an IMO class 1 hazardous cargo, the most effective fire fighting procedure is to ______.e high-expansion foamB.activate the fixed CO2 firefighting systeme water from fire hoses or a sprinkler systemD.shut down the ventilation and exclude all air to smother the fire【单选17】In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______.A.changes direction violently and erraticallyB.changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc.C.remains constant in direction and speedD.changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,et c.【单选18】When using an ARPA,what should you consider in order to evaluate the information displayed?A.The target vessel's generated course and speed are based solely on radar inputsB.Navigational constraints may require a target vessel to change courseC.You cannot determine if a small target has been lost due to sea returnD.The trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a course that will clear all targets【单选19】The movement of water away from the shore or downstream is called a(n) ______.A.reversing currentB.ebb currentC.flood currentD.slack current【单选20】How many GMDSS radio operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974?A.2 operatorsB.1 operatorC.4 operatorsD.3 operators【单选21】The ship's tanks most effective for trimming are the ______.A.settlersB.peaksC.domesticsD.deeps【单选22】First aid means ______.A.setting of broken bonesB.emergency treatment at the scene of the injuryC.medical treatment of accidentD.dosage of medications【单选23】An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a ______.A.signal indicating a course changeB.distress signalC.signal of asking to communicate with another vesselD.signal indicating danger【单选24】All electrical appliances aboard a vessel should be grounded to ______.A.prevent them from falling when the vessel rollsB.increase their operating efficiencyC.protect personnel from electrical shockD.prevent unauthorized personnel from operating them 【单选25】It would be possible that part of the cargo got ______ as great change in the weather during the voyage caused heavy ______ in the hold.A.dampness/sweaterB.wetness/dewC.damp/waterD.wet/condensation【单选26】Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?A.NoB.Yes, alwaysC.Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hoursD.Not if you measure for toxic gases【单选27】When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision?A.When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collisionB.When collision is imminentC.The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take actionD.When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other【单选28】Which of the following is the most useful factor for predicting weather?A.The present reading of the barometerB.The difference in the barometric readings within the past 24 hoursC.The rate and direction of change of barometric readingsD.The previous reading of the barometerCommunications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse code. The traditional method of signaling from one ship to another is by using flags. There are different colored flags for each letter of the alphabet. There are also pennant-shaped flags for numbers, and a long pennant, known as an answering or code pennant. Three other flags, which are burgee-shaped, are known as substitutes. These show that the flat or pennant is being repeated. Besides standing for a letter of the alphabet, each flag, when hoisted along, has another meaning. For example, the 'W' flag also means: 'I require medical assistance'. Flags can also be hoisted in combinations of two, three or four. Siren, whistle, bell or other sound signals can be used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen.(1)An Aldis lamp is used for ______.A.sending flag signalsB.sending sound signalsC.transmitting Morse codeD.flashing flags(2)Burgee-shaped flags are used as substitutes to show ______.A.'I requiring medical assistance'B.'repeating'C.'answering'D.'code' pennant(3)Communications over relatively short distances may be made by ______.A.Morse CodeB.Either visual or sound signalsC.sound signalsD.visual signals(4)______ are used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen.A.SubstitutesB.The ship's siren, whistle or bellC.Visual signalsD.Pennant-shaped flagsThe official original data (S57 data) of the electronic nautical chart is usually supplied on CD-ROM or,in case of updates, via digital telephone or satellite communication system. This original data is also called electronic nautical chart (ENC).The chat database is organized in cells that cover the entire earth's surface without overlapping. The cells store all nautical chat objects as well as objects created only during the operation of the system, such as waypoints and leg lines, notes, positions of own ship and of other vessels, etc.The data in the System Electronic Nautical Chart (SENC) is generated from the original data of the ENC. The Enc has to be kept unaltered in order to be able to reconstruct the SENC data if this is unintentionally damaged or destroyed. In SENC, the chart data is stored in a proprietary file format designed by the ECDIS manufacturer for speed and reliability.The S57 data represents a specific kind of attributed vector data. The kind of data (object description with geometry and geographical position) requires an efficient kind of storage. For compactness and speed, vector data is the optimal solution in contrast to the voluminous raster data.(1)Which of the following is correct statement?A.ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Charts and it may be changed by ECDIS manufacturerfor speed and reliabilityB.The database of an Electronic Nautical Chart System is compacter and the speed of the system is faster if those use voluminous dataC.ENC is a kind of voluminous raster data while the SENC is a kind of vector dataD.SENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Charts and it may be changed by ECDIS manufacturer for speed and reliability(2)The passage implies ______.A.ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical ChartB.The vector data is the optimal solution for ECDISC.SENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical ChartD.SENC may be designed with different representation purposes by different ECDIS manufacturers(3)Which of the following is Not Correct as to the ENC and SENC?A.The ENC can be reconstructed from the SENCB.The ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical ChartC.The SENC is generated form the S-57D.The SENC can be reconstructed from the S-57①CD-ROM②Digital(4)The passage indicates that the update of the S-57 can be done via ______.telephone③Satellite communication system④Floppy DiskA.②③B.①~④C.②~④D.①~③【单选29】You are offloading garbage to another ship. Your records must identify that ship by name and show her ______.A.official numberB.MasterC.next port-of-callD.home port【单选30】The master shall be ______ the marine environment when taking collision-avoiding action.A.aware of B.in charge of C.interested in D.clear of【单选31】What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?A.AIS is not as accurate as ARPAB.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidanceC.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situationD.AIS is more accurate than ARPA【单选32】While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take? 指该频只供求救的船只,对答的救援机构或协助救援的船只使用,其他一般通讯暂停使用,直至宣布Seelonce feenee(Silence finit,法文:静默-完结)。



航海英语补充考题2. Treatment of frostbite includes_________.A. rubbing affected area briskly to restore circulationB. wrapping area tightly in warm clothsC. warming exposed parts rapidlyD. rubbing affected area with ice or snow冻伤的处理包括让外露的身体部分快速回暖。

3. You must shift a weight from the upper tween deck to the lower hold. This shift will _______.A. decrease the metacentric heightB. increase the rolling periodC. make the vessel stifferD. make the vessel more tender你必须移动重物从二层甲板到底层舱,这移动会让船舶稳性变大。

12. What is the MINIMUM distance a vessel, subject to the requirements of Annex V to MARPOL 73/78, must be located from nearest land to legally discharge paper trash?A. 5 nautical milesB. 25 nautical milesC. 10 nautical milesD. 12 nautical miles根据marpol公约,船舶离最近陆地合法排放纸屑进海的最短距离是12海里。

22 What should you avoid when receiving work order?A. MisunderstandingsB. Wasting time on having procedures explainedC. Having other people help you with your workD. Swearing当收到工作指令时避免误解。



航海英语补充第一章航海基本知识18. Merchant vessels can operate in three basic ways. But is not one of them.A. linersB. voyage charterC. time charterD. general carrierD 商船以三种基本方式运营,但是下列哪一个不是。

杂货船第三章海上通信10.In telex abbreviations, CFM and INFM refer to_____ and ___ respectively.A. confirm, informB. confide, inflowC. conform, infuseD. confessed, inflameA. 在电传缩写中,CFM 和INFM分别指的是什么。

确认和通知(1847题)19.How do you read? I read you with signal strength one.________A. poorB. badC. fairD. goodB 你收听我的信号怎样?我收听你的信号强度为一很差(483题)37.I read you________A. goodB. gooderC. goodlyD. goodestA 我收听你的信号好(317题)How do you read? I read you four. ________A. excellentB. badC. fairD. goodD 你收听我的信号怎样?我收听你的信号强度为四好(484题)38.How do you read? I read you___________A. excellentB. very fineC. perfectD. very clearA 你收听我的信号怎样?我收听你的信号很好(485题)第四章航行技术69. A vessel is listed when it isA. down by the headB. down by the sternC. inclined due to off-center weightD. in clined due to windC 船舶横倾是指由于重量偏离中心导致的倾斜70. An object is said to be on beam or abeam, if its bearing is approximately from the course being steered.A. 45 degressB. 135 degressC. 90 degreesD. 315 degreesC 如果一个物标的方位与所驶航向大约成几度角,它就被称为正横90°71. My drafts are 5m and 6m aft.A. foreB. advanceC. beforeD. beforehandA 船首吃水5米,船尾吃水6米。



航海英语三副题库Navigating the open seas requires a solid understanding of maritime English, as communication is key to ensuring the safety and efficiency of a voyage. As a third officer on a ship, you will be responsible for a range of tasks that require clear and effective communication with the rest of the crew. To help you prepare for this important role, we have compiled a comprehensive list of questions and answers that cover various aspects of maritime English. 。

1. What is the correct way to report the position of a vessel?When reporting the position of a vessel, it is important to use the correct maritime English terminology. For example, you should use the terms "latitude" and "longitude" to specify the exact location of the vessel. Additionally, you should include information about the course and speed of the vessel, as well as any other relevant details that may be important for navigation.2. How do you communicate with other ships in the vicinity?When communicating with other ships in the vicinity, it is important to use clear and concise language to avoid any confusion. You should use standard maritime English phrases such as "This is [name of your vessel]" to identify yourself, and "Over" to indicate that you have finished speaking. Additionally, you should use the International Code of Signals to communicate important information such as distress signals or requests for assistance.3. What is the correct procedure for conducting a safety drill?Safety drills are an important part of maritime operations, and it is essential to communicate effectively during these exercises. As a third officer, you may be responsible for coordinating the drill and ensuring that all crew members understand their roles and responsibilities. You should use clear and simple language to give instructions, and be prepared to answer any questions that may arise during the drill.4. How do you report a navigational hazard to the captain?If you encounter a navigational hazard while on duty, it is important to report it to the captain as soon as possible. You should use precise and descriptive language to explain the nature of the hazard, as well as its location and potential impact on the vessel. It is also important to provide any relevant information that may help the captain make an informed decision about how to proceed.5. What is the proper way to respond to a distress signal?If you receive a distress signal from another vessel, it is important to respond promptly and effectively. You should use the correct maritime English phrases to acknowledge the distress signal and offer assistance if needed. Additionally, you should follow the established procedures for responding to distress signals, including notifying the captain and coordinating a response with the rest of the crew.By mastering the art of maritime English communication, you will be better equipped to handle the challenges and responsibilities of being a third officer on a ship. Remember to practice your language skills regularly and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in maritime communication techniques. With dedication and hard work, you can become a skilled and effective communicator in the world of seafaring.。



[63] A “figure eight”knot is used to ______.A. be a stopperB. shorten a lineC. join lines of equal sizeD. keep a line from passing through a sheaveKEY: D八字结通常用于一条绳穿过滑车。

[64] A “Mediterranean moor”should be used when ______.A. anchoring in the MediterraneanB. docking stern to a berthC. docking bow to a berthD. anchoring in a strong currentKEY: B地中海系泊应该被用,当尾部靠泊时。

[65]A band or collar on top end of a boom to which the topping lift, midships guy, and outboard guys are secured, is called the ______.A. collar bandB. guy bandC. pad eye collarD. spider bandKEY: D在钓竿顶端的箍或凸缘,千斤索、中稳索、边稳索系固处,被称为桅箍。

[66] A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a ______.A. high pressure systemB. low pressure systemC. high dew pointD. low dew pointKEY: B气压计显示气压下降,表示低气压临近。

[67] A block and tackle is rove to advantage. This means that the ______.A. blocks have been overhauledB. hauling parts of two tackles are attachedC. hauling part leads through the movable blockD. hauling part leads through the standing blockKEY: C滑轮组有利于移动,这意思是动力端穿过动滑轮。



航海英语补充习题1.____is casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A。

The funnel B。

The messroom C。

The galley D。

The satellite antenna 烟囱是用做机器排气管的罩子。

答案:A2.____is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection。


The funnel B.The messroom C。

The galley D.The satellite antenna卫星天线是包在塑料穹顶内以做天气保护。

答案:D3.____is where delicious food is cooked.A。

The funnel B。

The messroom C。

The galley D。

The satellite antenna 厨房是美食烹饪之所。

答案:C4.____is where the crew eat their meals.A。

The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley D。

The satellite antenna餐厅是船员用餐之地。


____is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thruster D。

The propeller锚是用将船泊于海床以保持静止。

答案:B6.____is a round—shaped underwater part in the front of the ship.The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A。



2023三副航海英语考试1. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"船只报文"?A. VTMB. VOBC. BRMD. VNF2. 在航海英语中,以下哪个短语代表"航行结束"?A. DRAWING UPB. MAKING PORTC. PUTTING TO SEAD. RETURNING HOME3. 在航海中,以下哪个字母代表"指示船舶行动的信号"?A. XB. YC. ZD. W4. 在航海英语中,以下哪个缩写代表"全球海上遇险和安全系统"?A. GMDSSB. GPSC. GISD. GNI5. 在航海中,以下哪个术语代表"船只的锚地"?A. BERTHB. PIERC. HARBORD. ANCHORAGE6. 在航海英语中,以下哪个缩写代表"船员名单"?A. CREW LISTB. PASSENGER LISTC. SHIPPING LISTD. CARGO LIST7. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"国际海上人命安全公约"?A. SOLASB. ILOC. IMOD. MARPOL8. 在航海英语中,以下哪个短语代表"停止所有引擎"?A. ALL STOPB. FULL STANDBYC. PROCEED TO SEAD. ALL AHEAD9. 在航海中,以下哪个缩写代表"国际海事组织"?A. IMOB. ILOC. UNESCAPD. UNDP。



航海英语补充习题1.____is casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna烟囱是用做机器排气管的罩子。

答案:A2.____is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna卫星天线是包在塑料穹顶内以做天气保护。

答案:D3.____is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna厨房是美食烹饪之所。

答案:C4.____is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna餐厅是船员用餐之地。

答案:B5.____is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller锚是用将船泊于海床以保持静止。

答案:B6.____is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship.The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller球鼻首是船前部的水下圆形部分,目的是减小水的摩擦力以便船舶更容易运动。



驾驶英语标准化题库第一部分:日常用语C 1. When a foreigner meets you for the first timeand says “ How do you do ? ” to you ,you shouldsay _____ .A. How are you ?B. Fine , thank you . And you ?C. How do you do ?D. Glad to see you .B 2. If you lost your way to the port, you should asksome one “ Excuse me, _________ ?”A. I d like a cup of tea .B. could you tell me the way to the portC. what' the timeD. is it May 4 thD3. ------- N ice to meet you.A. How do you do?B. Who are you ?C. How are you ?D. Nice to meet you,too.答案:D (1分题)4. Somebody does you a favor , you should sayA. Here you are .B. Thanks a lot .C. That' all right .D. That 'right .答案:B (1分题)5. At the department store, you want to know theprice of the coat , you should say ______A. Tell me the way , please .B. Do you know the time ?C. How much is it ?D. Wait a mome nt ,please. 答案:C (1分题)6. --- Mrs. Mary , I'd like to introduce myChinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a newcomer.A. All right .B. Never mi nd .C. Please to meet you.D. I'm wrong .答案:C (1分题)7. If a passer asked you the way , and you reallydon'tknow , what 'the best answe _____A. I don 'tknow .B. Oh , that sright .C. No , n ever mind .D. I m sorry . I m a stranger here myself . 答案:D (1分题)8. You are now in the department store . You wantto buy something . When a shop assistanee says to you“Can I help you ? ” , you should say ____A. Yes , you can .B. No , you can't.C. I m looking for a coat for myself.D. It has nothing to do with you .答案:C (1分题)9. You have n't feeli ng well , and you are see ing thedoctor ,you should tell the doctor ______A. I ' like have a look at the hats .B. I m sorry .C. Could you give me your n ame?D. I'm afraid I had a bad cold.答案:D (1分题)10. If you want to buy something . You should goto the _____A. bank .B. supermarket .C. post office.D. customs.答案:B (1分题)11. Take the _____ block on right and then askaga in.A. 2B. twoC. twiceD . 2 nd答案:D (1分题)12. _____________ is it ? Fifty dollar s.A . How manyB . How muchC . How longD . How often答案:B (1分题)13. (B)Tur n and go ahead for about 10 20 Let's enter the transit loungeminu tes.departure.A. back A . forB. round B . withC. again C . toD. off D . from答案:B (1分题)答案:A (1分题)14. Go ahead un til you see a tree .A. straightB .lineC. to 第二部分D. for 答案:A (1分题)词汇15 . Let me you to the deck .21.船长A. show A. officerB . look B. engin eerC . aronnd C capta inD . for D. bosun答案:A (1分题)答案:C(分题)16 . He' II for chief officer to meet you 22.二副in a while . A. sec ond officerA . take B. capta inB . arra nge C. chief officerC . go D. chief engin eerD. show 答案:A(分题)答案:B (1分题)23.三副17 . Let' s to the saloon, shall we? A. chief officerA . take B. sec ond officerB . arra nge C. third officerC . go D. chief engin eerD. show 答案:C (1分题)答案:C (1分题)24.大副18 . Good morning . sir . A. chief officerMay I help you? B. first mateA. How are you? C. A+BB. Good after noon . D. chief engin eerC. 1 'm fine. 答案:C (1分题)D. Good morning. 25.驾驶台答案:D (1分题) A. engine room19. Do you have any flight on the morning B.deckof ? C. cab inA. October the sec ond D. bridgeB. October two 答案:D (1分题)C. in October 26.车钟D. July four A. course 答案:A (1分题) B. telegraph and wait :常用A. 助航设备B. 深度指示器C. 火警指示器D. 操舵指示器答案:A(1分题)35. _______ Speed A. 航向 B. 航线 C. 船位 D. 航速答案:D (1分题)36. _______ chart A. 分罗经 B. 记录器 C. 海图 D. 倾斜仪答案:C (1分题)37. _______ PSC A. 私人物品 B. 港口国监督 C. 人身安全 D. 一水答案:B (1分题)38. ___________ lighthouse A. 灯塔 B. 舷梯 C. 车钟 D. 雷达答案:A(1分题)39. _______ flag A. 船钟 B. 旗帜 C. 物品 D. 证件 答案:B (1分题)40. _______ wharfA. 船坞B. 港口国C. 码头D. 仓库答案:C (1分题)第三部分:船舶口令41 .留心操舵。



航海英语154题[1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals答案:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bands答案:A根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoys答案:D下面哪一个不是救生筏上要求配备的---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboats答案:C全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored答案:C防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined to答案:B我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。



航海英语补充题2.The phrase when built in the certificate of vessel’s nationality definitely means ______. A. When was your vessel built?B. At what times is your vessel building?C. When is your vessel built?D. At when time you built your vessel.KEY:A 在船舶的国籍证书中短语 when built 明确的意义是你船于何时建造 4.An exle of a modern anchor which has a stock is a(n) ______.A. articulated anchorB. Flipper Delta anchorC. Baldt anchorD. Danforth anchorKEY:D . 现代锚中丹福斯锚是有杆锚。

5.A band or collar on the top end of a boom to which the topping lift, midships guy, outboard and guys are secured,is called the ______.A. collar bandB. guy bandC. pad eye collarD. spider bandKEY:D . 一个结在吊杆顶端的末端,千斤索、中稳索、边稳索系固处,被叫做蜘蛛结 6.A chart with a natural scale of 1:160,000 is classified as a ______. A.sailing chartB.general chart C.coast chart D.harbor chart KEY:B 海图的比例尺为 1:160,000 是总图。



航海英语补充习题1.----is a caing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antennaA 烟囱是用做机器排气管的罩子。

2.-----is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite anternnaD 卫星天线是包在塑料穹顶以作天气保护。

3.-----is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite anternnaC厨房是美食烹饪之所。

4.------is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite anternnaB餐厅是船员用餐之地。

5.------is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it sationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propellerB锚是用将船泊于海床以保持静止。

6.--------is a roud-shaped underwater part in the front ofthe ship.The purpose is to cre-ate less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propellerA球鼻首是船前部的水下圆形部分。

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航海英语补充习题a caing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.funnelmessroomgalleysatellite antennaA 烟囱是用做机器排气管的罩子。

housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.funnelmessroomgalleysatellite anternnaD 卫星天线是包在塑料穹顶内以作天气保护。

where delicious food is cooked.funnelmessroomgalleysatellite anternnaC厨房是美食烹饪之所。

where the crew eat their meals.funnelmessroomgalleysatellite anternnaB餐厅是船员用餐之地。

used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it sationary.bulbous bowanchorbow thrusterpropellerB锚是用将船泊于海床以保持静止。

a roud-shaped underwater part in the front of thepurpose is to cre-ate less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.bulbous bowanchorbow thrusterpropellerA球鼻首是船前部的水下圆形部分。


7------is placed in the front of the ship under the water,which eases berthing or ma-noeuvering sideways at slow speed.bulbous bowanchorbow thursterpropellerC首推器位于船的前部水下,其使船舶更容易靠泊或低速时侧向操纵。

man in charge of a ship is responsible for theship ,her cargo and the safety of the crew.OifficerofficerOifficerD掌管船舶的人是船长。


the head of the Deck Department.Chief OfficerSecond officerThird OfficerA 大副是甲板部的头。

is the signfor-------stationexitstationboatC 这是集合的标志(图一)。

should always wear-------when working on deck.suitsA甲板上工作时,你应当一直穿/戴安全头盔。

of the ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft.overallperpendicularbreadthA 总长是从船舶前后最末端量取的船舶长度。

13..---------is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular.perpendicularbreadthC 船中是从船舶前后柱间的中点。

at the midship section and taken from outside of the ship’s side shell plating on one side to the outside of ship’side shell plating on the other side.overallperpendicularbreadthD 最大宽度是在船舶中部量取的、从船舶的一舷船壳板外缘量至另一舷船壳板外缘。

at midship section and taken from inside the ship’s shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell on the other side.breadthbreadthB 型宽是在船舶中部量取的、从船舶的一舷船壳板内缘量至另一舷船壳板内缘。

taken from the lower most point of the keel to the summer loadline.draftdraftdepthD,Molded depthA 最大吃水是从龙骨的最低点量至夏季载重线。

measured from the baseline to the summer loadline at the midship section.draftdraftdepthdepthB 型吃水是在船舯、从基线量至夏季载重线。

the depth of the vessel at ship’s side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel.draftdraftdepthdepthC 最大深度是沿船边由上甲板量至龙骨的最低点的船舶深度。

from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ship’s side amidships.draftdraftdepthdepthD 型深是在船舯、从基线量至上甲板顶部。

at the top is -----It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edgs in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.deck linedisclineload lineA 正顶端的是甲板线。


below the deckline is a circle whose outside diameter is is called the --------deck linedisclineload lineB 垂直于甲板线下方是一外径为300毫米圆环。


22..A horizontal the 450-mm long and 25 mm widecuts through the loadline is called the ------- deck likeB. plimssoll diselineload lineC 450毫米长、25毫米宽的水平线切过载重圈。


a ship is in tropical zone and in seawater of density 1025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked--------B 当船舶在热带且海水密度为1025,她不能载重超过标志有T(热带)线的边缘。

a ship is in summer zone and in seawater of density1025,.she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked--------.A 当船舶在夏季且海水密度为1025,她不能载重超过标志有S(夏季)线的上边缘。

a ship in winter zone and in seawater of density1025,she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked------C 当船舶在冬季且海水密度为1025,她不能载重超过标志有W(冬季)线的上边缘。

the density of water is 1000, fresh water and in summer zone a ship may load to the upper edge of the line marked-------.D 当水密度为1000,例如淡水且在夏季区域,船舶不能载重超过标志有F(淡水)线的上边缘。

foremost part of the upper deck is called the--------tanksA 上甲板的是前端的部分称为首楼。

the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel.tanksB 二层舱甲板是在上甲板和船内底之间的中间甲板。

to a hold can be obtained throuth-----------tanksC 进入货舱可以通过小舱口。

formost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the------.tanksD 船舶的最前端和最后端的舱室是尖舱。

strength and strong space for fule,lubricating oil,fresh water,salt(ballast)water and potable water.double bottomcofferdamnavigating bridgesuperstructureA 双层底提供强度和燃料、滑油、淡水、海水(压载水)及饮用水的储存空间。

and transverse separtions between the tanks,which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other ,are called------bottomsbridgeB 舱室间底纵向和横向分隔,其用于防止液体由一双层底漏向另一双层底,称为隔离舱。

the wheelhouse with the control station,the chartroom where charts,pilot books and publications are kept,and the radio room.doube bottomcofferdamnavigating bridgesuperstuctureC 航行驾驶台包括有控制台的驾驶室,存放海图、航行指南及出版物的海图室以及无线电室。
