---Introduction:Dear Students,We are conducting a survey to gather valuable insights about your experiences, preferences, and suggestions regarding various aspects of our educational environment. Your participation is highly appreciated and will greatly contribute to improving our services and facilities. This questionnaire should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used for internal purposes only. Thank you for your time and cooperation.---Personal Information:1. Name:2. Age:3. Gender:- Male- Female- Non-binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say4. Year of Study:- Freshman- Sophomore- Junior- Senior- Graduate Student- Other (Please specify)5. Major:6. Program:- Undergraduate- Graduate- Professional---Academic Experience:7. How would you rate your overall academic experience at our institution?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Poor- Very Poor8. What are the main challenges you face in your academic studies?- Difficulty with course material- Time management- Financial constraints- Access to resources- Other (Please specify)9. How satisfied are you with the quality of teaching in your courses?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied10. How would you rate the availability and accessibility of academic support services (e.g., tutoring, counseling, career services)?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Poor- Very Poor---Campus Life and Facilities:11. How satisfied are you with the quality and variety of food options on campus?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied12. How would you rate the cleanliness and maintenance of campus buildings and facilities?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Very Poor13. How satisfied are you with the availability and accessibility of libraries and study spaces?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied14. Do you have any suggestions for improving campus life and facilities?---Technology and Resources:15. How satisfied are you with the quality and reliability of the university's IT infrastructure?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied16. How would you rate the availability and accessibility of online learning resources?- Excellent- Good- Fair- Very Poor17. Do you believe that the university provides adequate technology support for students?---Student Engagement and Activities:18. How satisfied are you with the opportunities for student engagement and involvement in campus activities?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfied19. What types of campus activities do you find most engaging or beneficial?- Academic clubs and organizations- Cultural events- Sports and fitness- Volunteering and community service- Other (Please specify)20. Are there any specific areas where you would like to see more student engagement opportunities?---General Feedback:21. What do you like most about our institution?22. What do you think we could improve upon?23. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?---Thank You:We sincerely appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey. Your feedback is。
甄别问题1.您知道以下哪些品牌的去屑洗发水?A 采乐B 雨洁C 海飞丝D 康王E 清扬F 夏士莲2.您或您的亲戚朋友是否从事过与市场调查相关的工作?A 是(对不起麻烦您啦→终止访问)B 否3.您或您的亲戚朋友是否从事过与海飞丝或清扬相关的工作?A 是(对不起麻烦您啦→终止访问)B 否4.您近三个月是否做过洗发水调查问卷?A 是(对不起麻烦您啦→终止访问)B 否洗发水市场调查问卷您好!我们是来自重庆交通大学人文学院广告专业的学生,我们现在正在做一个关于洗发水差异化的市场调查,此次调查仅作为课外小组作业,我们保证不会泄露您的相关信息,否则,我们将会承担相应的法律责任。
期间可能会耽误您宝贵的几分钟时间,尽请见谅!感谢您的支持与配合!A1.提到去屑产品您首先想到哪个?()A 采乐B 雨洁C 海飞丝D 康王E 清扬F 夏士莲2. 您认为下列哪一个代言人更符合去屑洗发水的形象?()A 小S B胡歌 C蔡依林 D 王力宏 E Rain F C罗 G 梁朝伟 H姚晨3. 您觉得以下两种口号哪个更能表现出洗发水屑的特色?()A “去屑0烦恼”B “无屑可击”C “去屑实力派,一开始就有效”4.56.- 1 - / 2- 1 - / 2B 123.4C1.您的性别()A男 B 女2.您的年龄段()A 16-20B 21-30 C31-45 D 46及46以上3.您的工作是?4. 您的家庭月收入是()A 2000以下B 2000—5000C 5000—8000D 8000以上5. 您的家庭人口总数是()A 1人B 2人C 3人D 4人及4人以上访问时间:2011年月日再次感谢您参与这次问卷调查!- 1 - / 2- 1 - / 2。
一·请您如实填写以下问题:1·您的性别————------2·您的年龄------------------3·生活费状况--------------二·请您在自己满意的答案上打“√”1·您现在使用的洗发水品牌潘婷()飘柔()海飞丝()雨洁()沙宣()施华蔻()好迪()力士()蒂花之秀()拉芳()伊卡璐()夏士莲()霸王()柏丽丝()欧莱雅()资生堂()清扬()其他()————2·您对现在使用的洗发水满意么?()非常满意()比较满意()一般()比较不满意(转至第四题)()非常不满意(转至第四题)3·您对现在使用洗发水满意的原因()包装好看()价格合理()解决了我当前头发问题()香味持久4·您对现在使用洗发水不满意的原因()包装简陋()价格不合理()解决不了我当前的头发问题()香味不持久5·您购买洗发水先考虑哪个因素()品牌()功能()价格()明星代言()其他————6·您对于现在使用洗发水的价格定位()20-25()26-30()31-35()35以上7·您通常选择何种规格洗发水()小包装瓶()正规包装瓶(200ml~400ml)()大包装瓶(400ml以上)8·您通常在哪里购买洗发水()超市()批发()网购()专卖店()其他————9·您更换洗发水的频率()只用一种()根据发质而定()偶尔更换()经常更换()其他————10·您更换洗发水的原因()不适合自己发质()广告效应()愿意尝试新品种()其他————11·您不更换洗发水的原因()适合自己发质()对于品牌的忠诚()不喜欢尝试新品种()其他————12您对你使用的洗发水有哪些建议?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------感谢您对我们此次问卷的支持,祝愿您心想事成!文案编辑词条B 添加义项 ?文案,原指放书的桌子,后来指在桌子上写字的人。
英文版 调查问卷
![英文版 调查问卷](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3a9aa81680203d8ce2f2453.png)
College stud ents’ extra-curricular activities satisfaction questionnaireMy dear classmate:Hello! Thank you for the support and cooperation of this survey. This survey, is to understand the yuexiu institute of foreign students in spare time, weekends, and holidays participated in various entertainment project and your idea of a university for entertainment, build more for college students' favorite entertainment project constructive reference. We will accept modestly your valuable opinions and Suggestions, thank you for your cooperation!Your basic information: gender _____ age _____ grade _____ (example: freshman grade)1. You usually amateur entertainment? What are those? (a multiple choice)A shoppingB play computerC reading novelsD societies activitiesE KTV singsF Mountain climbingG other _______2. You think the usual spare time?A manyB okC almost no smallD rarely3. How many hours a day for leisure activities outside except studying?A 1-2 hoursB 2-4 hoursC 5-7 hoursD more4. You peacetime all together for entertainment and who? (a multiple choice)A roommateB classmateC male (female) friendD through channels friends5. Why do you for recreation?Study pressure relief B make life enrichment, increaseC for dating.D other6. If school held once every month of large activities, you will actively participate in?A willB mayC must not go7. You hope school held the type of activity? (a multiple choice)A Educational classesB Public classC interaction of public friendD pure entertainment8. You hope school peripheral what entertainment equipment increased? (a multiple choice)A. rink B bars and leisure places such as C gym club (club)D parkE chessF travel agencyG other _____Thank you again for your cooperation and hope that you study progress, smile every day!。
感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:()男()女2. 您的年龄:()18岁以下()18-25岁()26-35岁()36-45岁()46-55岁()56岁以上3. 您的职业:()学生()企业员工()公务员()自由职业者()其他(请注明):__________4. 您所在的城市:__________二、对(调查主题)的看法5. 您对(调查主题)的整体满意度如何?()非常满意()满意()一般()不满意()非常不满意6. 您认为(调查主题)在哪些方面做得较好?()请选择:()服务质量()价格()服务态度()服务效率()其他(请注明):__________7. 您认为(调查主题)在哪些方面需要改进?()请选择:()服务质量()价格()服务态度()服务效率()其他(请注明):__________8. 您认为(调查主题)与您的生活或工作有何关联?()非常相关()相关()一般()不太相关()不相关三、对(调查主题)的需求9. 您对(调查主题)有哪些具体需求?()请选择:()增加产品种类()提升服务质量()降低价格()提高服务效率()其他(请注明):__________10. 您希望(调查主题)在哪些方面进行创新?()请选择:()技术创新()服务模式创新()营销策略创新()其他(请注明):__________四、其他意见与建议11. 您对(调查主题)还有什么其他意见或建议?__________再次感谢您的参与!祝您生活愉快!调查问卷(英文版)Dear Participant,Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. This questionnaire aims to understand your views and needs regarding the (topic of survey), so that we can better improve our services and enhance satisfaction. This questionnaire is conducted anonymously, and all information is only used for statistical analysis. Please feel free to fill it out. Thank you for your support and cooperation!I. Basic Information1. Gender:( ) Male( ) Female2. Age:( ) Under 18( ) 18-25( ) 26-35( ) 36-45( ) 46-55( ) Over 563. Occupation:( ) Student( ) Company Employee( ) Civil Servant( ) Freelancer( ) Other (please specify): __________4. City:__________II. Views on the (Topic of Survey)5. How satisfied are you with the overall (topic of survey)?( ) Very satisfied( ) Satisfied( ) Average( ) Dissatisfied( ) Very dissatisfied6. In your opinion, what aspects of the (topic of survey) are doing well? ( ) Please select:( ) Service quality(。
Students' Consumption QuestionnaireHello:I organized the survey in order to understand some cases about college students’ consumption. Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionnaire carefully. Thank you for your support !The basic situation:1.Gender: A. Male B. Female ( )2.Grade: A.Freshman B.sophomore C.Junior D.Senior ( )3. Institute: ______________ Professional: _________________Multiple-choice questions:1.Your family economic circumstances: ( )A. RichB. GeneralC. Not good2.Monthly consumption amount: ( )A 500B 500-1000C 1000-1500D .Higher than 15003.The main source of your living expenses: ( ) (Multiple choice)A. Parents’ giveB. Work-studyC.ScholarshipD. Do part-time job F.Others4.Your monthly expenses mainly used on what aspects: () (Multiple choice)A. FoodB. Transportation, communicationsC. Clothes, jewelry, cosmeticsD. Study costs (books printing and copying)E. Internet consumer entertainment, communicationF. Internet consumptionG. LoveH. Others5.Your monthly phone charges: ( )A .50 B. 50-100 C .100-150 D .More than 1506.Your monthly spend of learning (including stationery, books, photocopying): ( )A.less than 50B.50-100C.100-150D.More than 1507.On what you are keen on, will you spend lots of money because of can’t control yourself:( )A. AlwaysB. SometimesC. NeverD. Others8.When you are a consumer, what factor do you consider most : ( )A. Whether the money is enoughB. The usefulness of goodsmodity gradeD. Others9.Your Consumption patterns: ( )A. Better to save more moneyB. Well planned before spending moneyC. Don’t care spend how much moneyD.Others10.When you want to buy something, but don’t have enough money, you will: ( )A. Turn to parents for moneyB. Save money by yourselfC. To borrow money from classmates, friendsD. Give up buying11.For the following general propensity to consume, you are inclined to agree with what: ( )A. Mainly affordableB. Both affordable and high standardC. The pursuit of high standards as far as possibleD. It all depends12.Do you have billing habits on spending: ( )A. All expenditures are recordedB. Some relatively large expenditures are recordedC.Seldom do this recordD. Never do this13.What do you think of your financial ability: ( )A.Poor, don’t have spending plansB. In generalC.Have strong financial capacity14.15.When you get a period of time the cost of living, you basically have what arrangements: ( )A. Save part of the money first, the rest of the as this period with the cost of livingB. Do a budget of this period,completes the consumption planC. Go to buy or want to buy what they want immediatelyD. No arrangement, it all depends15.In terms of the overall situation, how you look at the surrounding classmates the current consumption situation: ( )A. Is too highB. More in line with actualC. LowD.Others。
---IntroductionDear [Customer Name],Thank you for choosing [Company Name] as your preferred [product/service provider]. We value your business and are committed to providing the best possible experience. To help us improve our services and better meet your needs, we kindly request your feedback through this customer satisfaction survey. Your responses are confidential and will be used solely for internal analysis and improvement purposes. We appreciate your time and valuable input.---Section 1: General Information1. Customer Information- Full Name:- Email Address:- Contact Number:- Purchase Date:- Product/Service Type:2. Demographics- Age Group:- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+- Gender:- Male- Female- Non-Binary/Third Gender- Prefer not to say3. Frequency of Purchase- How often do you purchase [product/service] from [Company Name]? - Daily- Weekly- Monthly- Quarterly- Annually- Rarely---Section 2: Product/Service Quality4. Overall Satisfaction- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our[product/service]?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied5. Product/Service Features- Please rate the following features of our [product/service]:- Quality: __________- Reliability: __________- Performance: __________- Durability: __________- User-Friendly: __________6. Value for Money- Do you feel that the [product/service] offers good value for its price?- Yes- No- Neutral---Section 3: Customer Service7. Service Experience- How satisfied are you with the level of customer service you received?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied8. Communication- How would you rate the clarity and helpfulness of our communication?- 1 - Very Poor- 2 - Poor- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Good- 5 - Very Good9. Resolution of Issues- How satisfied are you with the resolution of any issues or concerns you may have had?- 1 - Very Dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very Satisfied---Section 4: Additional Feedback10. Recommendation- Would you recommend our [product/service] to others?- Yes- No- Neutral11. Additional Comments- Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you may have regarding our [product/service] or customer service.---Closing RemarksThank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we are dedicated to continuously improving our services to better serve you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Company Name][Company Contact Information]。
E x a m p l e Q u e s t i o n n a i r e英文调查问卷本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.MarchExample QuestionnaireFollowing these simple rules can help you make a questionnaire that is easier for people to complete.1.Try to keep the questionnaire on one sheet: this will help you, and the persongiving the answers.2.Phrase the questions as you would say them if talking naturally to someone.3.Keep a count of peoples answers alongside the question using tally marks:count up after exercise.A quick example of using tally marks to count answers:10. Do you think other people would use the service?YesNoHere is an example of a full questionnaire using our simple rules: Questionnaire –Current Facilities & Preferences1. Do you use fast-food services in the areaYesNo2. Which fast-food services do you use (if any)a) Kebabb) Sandwichesc) Hotdogd) Pizzae) Hamburgerf) Fish & Chipsg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) None3. What type of fast food do you prefera) Hamburgerb) Pizzac) Hotdogd) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) Sandwichesg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) None4. What type of fast-food services are in the area?a) Hotdogb) Hamburgerc) Pizzad) Fish & Chipse) Kebabf) Sandwichesg) Other (Chinese, Indian, Italian…)h) NoneCustomer Trends5. What else do you buy when purchasing fast food’a) carbonated (fizzy) drinksb) coffee, teac) Other6. What time of day do you eat fast-food?a) Before 11amb) Between 11am and 2pmc) Between 2pm and 6pmd) Between 6pm and 10pme) After 10pm7. How often do you use fast-food services?a)Once a weekb) Twice a weekc) Once a monthd) Once a yeare) OtherNeed for & Access to Product/Service8. How much are you prepared to pay for fast-food?a) Less than £1b) Between £1 – £3c) Over £39. Would you buy from my new stall?YesNo10. Do you think other people would use the service?YesNo11. How far do you live from the stall?a) Less than half-a-mileb) Half-a-mile to two-milesc) Over two-miles12. How often do you pass the stall(货摊)a) Every dayb) Twice a weekc) Once a weekd) Once every two-weekse) Once a monthf) Less frequentg) Usually, never13. Yo ur age group (Enter‘M’ for male, and‘F’for female)a) Up to 18b) Between 18 and 30c) Between 30 and 50d) Over 50。
大学生洗发水市场调查问卷第1题:您的性别? A.男 B.女第2题:您所在的年级? A.大一 B.大二第3题:您的月消费额大概是:A.300元以下B.300—600元 C.600—800元D.800元以上第4题:当说到洗发水时,您首先想到的牌子?A、海飞丝B、潘婷C、飘柔D舒蕾E、清扬F、夏士莲G、力士H、其他第5题:您现在使用的洗发水品牌为?A、海飞丝B、潘婷C、飘柔D、舒蕾E、清扬F、夏士莲G、力士H、其他第6题:您喜爱的洗发水品牌是(可多选)A、海飞丝B、潘婷C、飘柔D、舒蕾E、清扬F、夏士莲G、力士H、其他第7题:您购买洗发水时最先考虑哪个因素?A.价格B.品牌C.包装D.功能E.其他第8题:您选择洗发水的主要目的是什么?A.去头屑B.柔顺头发C.止痒D.焗油E.其他第9题:您能够接受的洗发水购买价格为?(注:规格为200ml的包装)A、10元以下B、11-30元C、31-50元D、50元以上第10题:你一般购买洗发水的频率?A、半个月之内一次B、半个月~一个月一次C、一个月~两个月一次D、两个月以上第11题:您获知洗发水的途径是?A、网站B、电视广告C、他人介绍D、到卖处自主选择E、其他第12题:您购买洗发水的场所是?A、专卖店B、超市/商场C、杂货店D、网购E、其他第13题:您对目前使用的洗发水满意度是?A.、很满意B、.满意C、一般D.、不满意第14题:如果您对现在使用的洗发水满意,您是否会继续购买同样的产品?A.、会B、不会C.、不确定第15题:当一个全新牌子产品面市,您会不会购买尝试?A、.会B、.不会C.、不确定第16题:购买一个从未使用过的洗发水时,您往往更注重产品的?A.、价格B.、品牌C、.包装D、.功能E、其他第17题:您通常选择哪种规格的洗发水?A小样试用包B迷你旅行装C小瓶个人装D大瓶个人装E家庭装F不确定小组成员:。
感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别是?A. 男B. 女2. 您的年龄段是?A. 18岁以下B. 18-25岁C. 26-35岁D. 36-45岁E. 46-55岁F. 55岁以上3. 您的职业是?A. 学生B. 企事业单位员工C. 自由职业者D. 个体户E. 其他二、洗发水使用习惯4. 您平均每周洗头的次数是多少?B. 3-4次C. 5-6次D. 7次以上5. 您通常使用什么类型的洗发水?A. 清洁型B. 滋养型C. 去屑型D. 保湿型E. 柔顺型F. 其他6. 您在选择洗发水时,最注重哪些因素?(多选)A. 品牌知名度B. 价格C. 产品功效D. 包装设计E. 朋友推荐F. 广告宣传G. 其他三、洗发水满意度7. 您目前使用的洗发水品牌是?_______________8. 您对目前使用的洗发水的满意度如何?B. 满意C. 一般D. 不满意E. 非常不满意9. 您认为目前使用的洗发水在以下方面表现如何?(多选)A. 清洁效果B. 滋养效果C. 去屑效果D. 保湿效果E. 柔顺效果F. 其他10. 您认为目前使用的洗发水在以下方面存在哪些不足?(多选)A. 清洁效果B. 滋养效果C. 去屑效果D. 保湿效果E. 柔顺效果F. 包装设计G. 价格H. 其他四、洗发水购买行为11. 您通常在什么渠道购买洗发水?B. 专卖店C. 网络平台D. 其他12. 您购买洗发水时,最关注的促销方式是?A. 现场打折B. 赠品C. 家庭套装D. 抽奖活动E. 其他13. 您购买洗发水时,通常选择的价位是多少?A. 20元以下B. 20-40元C. 40-60元D. 60元以上五、其他14. 您认为洗发水的广告给您留下印象的是?A. 产品功效B. 品牌形象C. 主人公的气质D. 广告创意E. 其他15. 您喜欢看洗发水的广告吗?B. 一般C. 不喜欢16. 您信任广告宣传的效果吗?A. 相信B. 不太。
Helpful hints for completing this questionnaire•The questionnaire should be completed by any resident aged 18 or over living at this address.•Please read each question carefully and tick a box to indicate your answer.•In most cases you will only have to tick one box but please read the questions carefully as sometimes you will need to tick more than one box.•Answer the next question unless asked otherwise.•Once you have finished please take a minute to check you have answered all the questions that you should have answered.•The survey consists of 7 pages and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.•If you have any queries about the questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact Miller Associates on 023 8081 2329•Once you have completed the questionnaire please return in the pre-addressed envelope supplied by 24 September 2008. You do not need to add a stamp•If you cannot find or did not receive the pre-addressed envelope please send to Miller Associates, Freepost (S) 4120), TOTTON, Southampton, SO40 7EW (you do not need to add a stamp) or call 023 8081 23291. Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in makingsomewhere a good place to live? Pick tick up to FIVE boxes only in the left column below2. And thinking about your local neighbourhood (within 15-20 minutes walking distance of where youlive), which of the things below, if any, do you think most need improving? Please tick up to FIVE boxes in the right column below3. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this neighbourhood as a place to live? Please tickone box only4. How strongly do you feel you belong to your local neighbourhood? Please tick one box only5. Would you say your local neighbourhood is a place you enjoy living in? Please tick one box only6a. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local neighbourhood is a safe place to live? Please tick one box onlyb. To what extent do you agree or disagree that Basingstoke town centre is a safe place? Please tick one box onlyc.To what extent do you agree or disagree that other parts of the borough are safe places generally? Please7. Thinking about your local neighbourhood , how much of a problem do you think are……. Please tickone box per row8. Generally how safe do you feel in the following situations? Please tick one box per row9. If you do not feel safe in any of these situations, why do you say this? Please write in below10. Most of us worry at some time or other about being a victim of crime. How worried are you abouteach of the following……….? Please tick one box per row11a. Of the following, who do you think contributes significantly to improving the safety of living in this area? Please tick as many as applyb. And who do you think makes the prime contribution to improving the safety of living in this area?12a. In order for patrols in this area to be most effective in tackling crime (e.g. burglary, assault), which of the following do you feel it is most important for them to have? Tick as many as apply12b. In order for patrols in this area to be most effective tin tackling anti social behaviour (e.g. groups on the streets, vandalism, noise), which of the following do you think it is most important for them to have? Tick as many as apply12c. And which two do you think it is most important to have? Please tick two only13. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local neighbourhood is a place where peoplefrom different backgrounds get on well together? Please tick one box only14. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following groups in your local neighbourhood areable to get the services and support they need? Please tick one box per row15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? Please tick one box per row16. Thinking about your local community facilities (e.g. village hall, community centre), how satisfied areyou with each of the following? Please tick one box per row17. In the last twelve months have you given unpaid help to any groups, clubs or organisations in any ofthe following ways? Please tick as many as apply18. To what extent do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your localneighbourhood (within 15 to 20 minutes walking distance)? Please tick one box only19. If you want to change something in your local neighbourhood or have an idea about making the areaa better place to live in, what are you most likely to do about it? Please tick one box only20. In the last twelve months have you………? Please tick as many as apply21. And in the last twelve months have you taken part in a consultation about local services or problemsin your area in any of the following ways? Please tick as many as apply22. How well informed do you feel about each of the following? Please tick one box per row23. Are you male or female? Please tick one box only24. What was your age on your last birthday? Please write in below25.How long have your household been living in their current accommodation? Please tick one box only26. How long have you/your household been living in this area?27. In which of these ways does your household occupy your current accommodation?28. Which of the following do you regard as your local neighbourhood? Please tick one box only29. How many adults aged 18 or over are living here? Please tick one box only30. Which of these activities best describes what you are doing at present? Please tick one box only31. Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? (Long standing illness means anythingthat has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time) Please tick one box only32. Does this illness or disability limit your activities in any way? Please tick one box only33. To which of these groups do you consider you belong? Please tick one only34. Which of the following areas of the borough do you live in? Please tick one only35. Please write in your postcode below?36. Do you have any other comments to make about the content of this questionnaire or your localneighbourhood? Please write in below37. Would you be interested in signing up to become involved in future consultations about local decisions and services? This would involve completing questionnaires sent to you by post about three or four times a year as part of a resid ents’ panel. If so, please provide the following information.(PLEASE NOTE: For prize draw entry there is no need to provide your name and address as the unique identifier on this questionnaire allows us to link it to the address of the person completing the questionnaire –this is the only way in which we link the questionnaire to your address. You only need to give us your contact details if you wish to sign up for the residents’ panel.)Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/OtherFirst name _______________________Surname _______________________Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postcode ____________E-mail ___________________________Daytime telephone number ___________In complying with the Data Protection Act 1998 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council confirms that it will process personal data gathered from this form only for the purposes relating to the ongoing Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and partner consultations.。
Introduction:Thank you for taking the time to complete this customer satisfaction survey. Your feedback is crucial for us to improve our services and ensure your continued satisfaction. This survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used solely for improving our service quality.Personal Information:1. Name (Optional): _______________2. Email Address (Optional): _______________3. Age: _______________4. Gender:- Male- Female- Other- Prefer not to sayProduct/Service Experience:5. How did you find out about our product/service? (Select all that apply)- Online search- Word of mouth- Social media- Advertisement- Other (Please specify): _______________6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our product/service?- 1 - Very dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very satisfied7. What product/service did you use?- _______________8. How long have you been using our product/service?- Less than 1 month- 1-3 months- 3-6 months- 6-12 months- More than 1 yearQuality of Product/Service:9. How would you rate the quality of our product/service? - 1 - Poor- 2 - Fair- 3 - Good- 4 - Very good- 5 - Excellent10. Were the product specifications clear and accurate? - Yes- No11. Did the product/service meet your expectations?- Yes- No12. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of ourproduct/service?- Durability: _______________- Performance: _______________- Design: _______________- Reliability: _______________13. Have you encountered any issues or defects with the product/service? If yes, please describe: _______________Customer Service:14. How satisfied are you with our customer service?- 1 - Very dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very satisfied15. How would you rate the helpfulness of our customer service team?- 1 - Not helpful- 2 - Somewhat helpful- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Very helpful- 5 - Extremely helpful16. How satisfied are you with the response time of our customer service?- 1 - Very dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very satisfied17. Would you recommend our product/service to others? Why or why not? _______________Overall Experience:18. How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our company?- 1 - Very dissatisfied- 2 - Dissatisfied- 3 - Neutral- 4 - Satisfied- 5 - Very satisfied19. What improvements, if any, would you suggest for our product/service?_______________20. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with our company? _______________Closing Remarks:Thank you once again for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us continue to provide the best possible experience for our customers.[Submit Survey]。
New Product QuestionnaireDear consumer:This questionnaire is a study on our product -- Portable Power Pack. Please help us better understand your needs by completing the survey below. Your opinion is extremely important in evaluating our product. Thank you for your time and input.1. Your gender? A) Male B) Female2. Your age?A) Under 18 B) 18--24 C) 25--34 D) 35--44 E) 45--54 F) 55 or above3. What is your employment status?A) Employed Full-Time B) Employed Part-Time C) StudentD) Unemployed E) Retired F) Prefer not to answerIf you were employed, what is your occupation?A) Doctor B) Professor C) Lawyer D) EngineerE) Government official F) Police officer G) Other_____4. Which of the following is your range of income?A) Under $2,000 B) $2,000--$2,999 C) $3,000--$3,999 D) $4,000--$4,999E) $5,000--$5,999 F) $6,000 or more G) Prefer not to answer5. What is the highest level of education you received?A) High school o r less B) Trade or vocational schoolC) Attended some college D) Undergraduate college degreeE) Graduate degree F) Other_____6. Which of the following electronic products do you have?Choose more than one answer if applicable.A) MP3 B) MP4 C) Cell phoneD) Camera E) Recreational machines F) Portable DVD7. Do you have business trips or travels frequently? A) Yes B) No8. When you were on a trip, have you ever had the experience that you needed an emergency battery charge? A) Yes B) NoIf "yes", how did you solve this problem?9. If there is a product, Portable Power Pack that can charge your battery anytime and anywhere without an electrical outlet. Would you need it?A) Definitely B) Probably C) Not sure D) Probably not E) Definitely not10. How much are you willing to pay for the product?A) Under $20 B) $20--$49 C) $50--$99 D) $100 or more11. When choose the product which one is the most important for you?Please select the options below to order. The first one will be the option you concern most.A) Function B) Appearance C) Price D) Practicability E) SecurityF) After Service G) Environment friendly H) Other (Please be specific)12. Have you ever used or heard similar product before? A) Yes B) NoIf you answer “NO” go to question 14.13a. From which medium did you come to know about the product?A) Internet B) Newspaper/Magazine C) TelevisionD) Radio E) Outdoor advertising F) Other13b. What is the brand of the product?13c. How long have you used or heard that product?A) Less than 6 months B) 6 months or longerC) 1 year or longer D) Over 3 years E) Never used13d. What aspects about this product do you like most?Please select the options below to order. The first one will be the option you concern most.A) Function B) Appearance C) Price D) Practicability E) SecurityF) After Service G) Environment friendly H) Other (Please be specific) _____13f. Would you recommend the product to colleagues or contacts within your industry?A) Yes B)No C) Not sure14. May we send you more information about our products in the future?A) Yes B) NoIf “Yes”, what is your Phone number/E-mail address?15. What suggestions do you have to improve our product/service?Thank you for your time and valuable input.Date:We take pride in providing you with the highest standards ofQUALITY, CONVENIENCE, SERVICE and VALUE.。
消费着洗发水消费行为调查问卷表问卷编号__________您好,希望借用您的一点时间,帮助我们完成这份调查问卷,希望你如实填写我们将保守你的隐私,谢谢您的配合和帮助!1您的性别_____A 男B 女2您的年龄_____A≤16岁B16岁~22岁 C 23岁~30岁D 31岁~45岁E≥46岁3您的个人月收入_____A≤1000 B.1001 ~2000 C2001~ 3500 D3501 ~5000 E ≥50014您当前正在使用的洗发水品牌_____A潘婷B飘柔C海飞丝D沙宣E力士F清扬G 拉芳H好迪I其他_____ 5您接受此品牌的途径(多选) _____A电视广告B网络C商场海报D报纸杂志E超市促销及营业员推荐F亲朋推荐G其他___.6您平均多久使用洗发水一次_____A.每天B.每隔一天C.每隔两天D.一周1~2次E.一周一次7您选择洗发水优先考虑哪个因素价格_____A品牌B功效C明星D促销8您一般选择哪种价位的洗发水_____A≤10元 B 11元~25元 C 26元~35元D36元~ 50元E≥50元9您选择洗发水的主要目的是*_____A 去屑止痒B柔顺C去油D止痒修复防止分叉E护理保湿F其他_____10您喜欢洗发水的颜色是什么_____A 乳白色B绿色C黑色D黄色E其他_____11您喜欢的洗发水味道_____A水果味B清香味C 牛奶味D花香味E中药味F其他_____12您一般会在哪里购买洗发水(多选) _____A小区超市B大型商场C日用品专卖店D药店E其他_____13您选择以上地方购买的原因(多选) _____A便利B便宜C质量与保障D服务态度好E其他14您觉得产品外型设计对购买的影响如何_____A有决定作用B影响很大C影响不大D没有影响15.您认为洗发水的广告给您留下印象的是_____宣扬的效果代言明星的形象画面的质量无印象16请问您多久购买一次洗发水_____一月一次两月一次三月一次超过三个月一次17您觉得广告对您的选购有帮助吗_____A非常有帮助 B有帮助 C无所谓 D没什么帮助18您更换洗发水的频率A从来不换B一两个月一次C半年一年D一年以上19尝试新出的洗发水品牌的因素A派送的小包装B广告宣传C味道D容量E促销让利F他人推荐G其他_____谢谢您接受我们的调查,我们将为您保守您的隐私,祝福您工作顺利,身体健康!再次谢谢您的支持!!!调查日期201 _年__月____日调查员信息__________。
洗发水调查问卷_strongeagle2012-08-23 10:08调查背景:洗发水是个人护理用品中最大的一类产品,现在洗发水已由开始的高档消费品变成普通日用消费品。
经济管理学院08级2010年4月16日1您的性别是加载中...内容加载失败,点击此处重试加载全文男 B女1. 您的年龄是A.15-20岁B.21-30岁 C31-40岁 D40岁以上3.您的职业是A.学生 B教师 C白领 D工人 E其他(请注明)4您的月收入为:A.1000元以下B.1001-2000元C.2001-3000元 D3001-4000元E4001-6000元F.6001元以上6.您的洗头频率为?A.每天一次B.两天一次 C三天一次 D超过三天一次7..您最近一次购买洗发水是在什么时候?A、过去一周B、一周之前 C、一个月前 D、两三个月前8,您购买洗发水的频率A半个月 B一个月 C两个月 D三个月 E不确定9您多久用完一瓶200ml装洗发水?A .半个月至一个月 B一个月至两个月 C两个月至三个月 D三个月以上 E不确定10.经常去哪里买?A商场或超市B专卖店C药店D理发店或美容院E其他(请注明)11.您所能接受的洗发水价格范围为?A 10元以下B10-20元C20-30元 D30元以上12.您更换洗发水品牌的时间?A低于一个月 B一个月一次 C一到三个月 D三个月以上 E从来不换13.您更换洗发水的原因是?(可多选)A出现不适B想尝试新产品C功能需求D没有什么原因E其他(请注明)14.您正在使用的洗发水是以下哪个品牌?A飘柔 B海飞丝 C潘婷 D 沙宣 E 伊卡璐 F夏士莲 G轻扬 H资生堂 I力士 J霸王K其他(请注明)15.您购买的规格为?A200ml B 400ml C600ml D600ml以上16.您觉得使用效果如何?A非常好 B 好 C一般 D不好17.您会继续使用吗?A会 B不会18.您最常用的洗发水品牌是?(可多选)A飘柔 B海飞丝 C潘婷 D 沙宣 E 伊卡璐 F夏士莲 G轻扬 H资生堂 I力士 J霸王K其他(请注明)19.您选择洗发水的主要目的是?(可多选)A去屑 B清爽去油 C营养 D修复 E焗油滋润 F柔顺弹性 G其他(请注明)20.在过去的一年里您用过哪些类型的?(可多选)A柔顺性 B滋润型 C清爽型 D防脱发 E焗油型 F黑发型 G止痒型 H直发、烫发 I其他(请注明)21.您最喜欢哪种香味的洗发水? A草本植物 B花香 C水果 D牛奶 E中草药 F无明显香味 G其他(请注明)22.您最喜欢的洗发水颜色是? A乳白色 B绿色 C蓝色 D粉色 E黄色 F其他(请注明) 23.您最喜爱的洗发水瓶盖方式是? A滑盖B螺旋盖 C翻盖 D按盖 E 其他(请注明)24.您在用洗发水的同时会用护发素吗?A是 B否 C偶尔 D无所谓25.您在购买洗发水前会参考哪些渠道的意见和建议?(可多选)A 电视广告 B家人朋友介绍 C超市促销 D报纸杂志 E 商场海报 F 导购推荐D网络 F其他26.您通常购买洗发水会考虑的因素有哪些?(可多选)A价格 B质量功效 C 包装 D香味 E品牌 F广告,明星代言 G 促销活动 H购买方便 I其他27.以下洗发水促销方式中,最能吸引您的是? A有赠品 B现场打折C抽奖活动D有护发素配套28,您觉得洗发水广告对您的购买影响力大吗? A很大 B一般 C很少 D没有29.您觉得一般什么样的洗发水广告会比较吸引您? A介绍性能 B 温情故事 C其他(请注明)30.如果市场推出洗发水新产品,您希望它的功能为? A去屑 B清爽去油 C营养 D修复 E焗油滋润 F柔顺弹性G其他(请注明)31如果市场推出洗发水系列新产品,您希望它为哪种香味的洗发水? A草本植物 B花香 C水果 D牛奶 E中草药 F无明显香味G其他(请注明)。
洗发水调查问卷英文版Wash hair products market survey questionnaireHow do you do! Thank you for your precious time with the participating in our survey. In order to understand the shampoo of the market of the products, need you sincere and real help answer, your every patient for me is the greatest support! (this questionnaire need not fill in your name, and ensure that your answer secret).1. Your gender is ( )A, male B, female2. Now if you work ( )A, is B, not3. Where do you usually buy shampoo ( )A, supermarket B, large department storeC, shampoo thing franchisesD, individual businesses4. Do you know how many brand of shampoo ( )A, well B, general C, don't know5. Can you tell me what you use to wash hair products that you love the most popular brand of ( ) (choose more) A, float softB, Lux C, Head and Shoulders D, pan ting E, SlekF, Clairol G, ShaXuan H, Dove I, ba wang J, other ( )6. You know what is through the way to use the shampoo you after washing effect ( ) (choose more)A, magazine B, advertising C, introduction of the sales staff D, networkE, friends and relatives introduced7. Excuse me wash hair products of which to attract you tobuy ( )A, after washing effect B, price C, packaging D, capacity E, fragrance8. Would you buy will consider the following shampoo in what factors ( ) (can be pr ocessed in multipleA, import/jointventure brandB, priceC, goes to the dandruffD, relieving itchingE, product smell goodF, rich foamG clean the hairH, after use hair lusterI, packaging unique9. Would you most will buy what price of shampoo ( )A, expensiveB, price moderateC, cheap10. Would you a recent purchase shampoo is in when ( )A, A few days ago B, the past weekC, a month ago D, two or three months ago11. Would you buy a recent what brand of shampoo? ( )A, float soft B, Lux C, Head and Shoulders D, pan ting E, Slek F, Clairol G, ShaXuan H, Dove I, ba wang J, other ( )12. Would you a recent purchase of shampoo is how much capacity ( ) A, 100 ml B, 200 ml C, 400 ml D, 600 ml E, other13. Would you to you today use shampoo are satisfied ( )A, very satisfied with B, more satisfied with theC, general D, not satisfied with14. Would you in the coming year to the shampoo attitudewhat? ( ) A, will continue to use the original products B, will try new productsC, other ( )15. Would you use to you now the shampoo of the suggestion is?Thank you for you can cooperate with!。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Wash hair products market survey questionnaire
How do you do! Thank you for your precious time with the participating in our survey. In order to understand the shampoo of the market of the products, need you sincere and real help answer, your every patient for me is the greatest support! (this questionnaire need not fill in your name, and ensure that your answer secret).
1. Your gender is ( )
A, male B, female
2. Now if you work ( )
A, is B, not
3. Where do you usually buy shampoo ( )
A, supermarket B, large department store
C, shampoo thing franchises
D, individual businesses
4. Do you know how many brand of shampoo ( )
A, well B, general C, don't know
5. Can you tell me what you use to wash hair products that you love the most popular brand of ( ) (choose more)
A, float soft
B, Lux C, Head and Shoulders D, pan ting E, Slek
F, Clairol G, ShaXuan H, Dove I, ba wang J, other ( )
6. You know what is through the way to use the shampoo you after washing effect ( ) (choose more)
A, magazine B, advertising C, introduction of the sales staff D, network
E, friends and relatives introduced
7. Excuse me wash hair products of which to attract you to buy ( )
A, after washing effect B, price C, packaging D, capacity E, fragrance
8. Would you buy will consider the following shampoo in what factors ( ) (can be pr ocessed in multiple
A, import/jointventure brand
B, price
C, goes to the dandruff
D, relieving itching
E, product smell good
F, rich foam
G clean the hair
H, after use hair luster
I, packaging unique
9. Would you most will buy what price of shampoo ( )
A, expensive
B, price moderate
C, cheap
10. Would you a recent purchase shampoo is in when ( )
A, A few days ago B, the past week
C, a month ago D, two or three months ago
11. Would you buy a recent what brand of shampoo? ( )
A, float soft B, Lux C, Head and Shoulders D, pan ting E, Slek F, Clairol G, ShaXuan H, Dove I, ba wang J, other ( )
12. Would you a recent purchase of shampoo is how much capacity ( ) A, 100 ml B, 200 ml C, 400 ml D, 600 ml E, other
13. Would you to you today use shampoo are satisfied ( )
A, very satisfied with B, more satisfied with the
C, general D, not satisfied with
14. Would you in the coming year to the shampoo attitude what? ( ) A, will continue to use the original products B, will try new products
C, other ( )
15. Would you use to you now the shampoo of the suggestion is?
Thank you for you can cooperate with!。