
直到你那蔚蓝的春天妹妹呀 对梦乡中的大地把号角吹响, 叫羊群般的花苞把大气吸饮, 又让山野充满了色彩和芳香。 狂野的精灵,你正在四处巡行, 既拉朽摧枯又保护。哦,你听!
让我像森林一样做你的诗琴, 哪怕我的叶像森林的叶凋落! 这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音 你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括。 但愿你这刚烈的精神我也有! 但愿一往无前的你也就是我! 请把我已死的思想扫出宇宙, 就像你为催新生把落叶扫除! 而且凭着我这一诗歌的经咒 把我的话语传遍这人间各处
一处树林中,并基本上在那里写成。那 一天狂风骤起,它温暖又爽人,收尽了 将倾泻为秋雨的氤氲水汽。不出我所料, 到了日落时分,暴风雨开始了,起先夹 有冰雹,还伴有阿尔卑斯山以南地区所 特有的声势浩大的雷鸣电闪
“唐璜”号从莱杭度海返回勒瑞奇途中遇风 暴,舟覆,雪莱以及同船的两人无一幸免。 按托斯卡纳当地法律规定,任何海上漂来的 物体都必须付之一炬,雪莱的遗体由他生前 的好友拜伦及特列劳尼以希腊式的仪式来安 排火化,他们将乳香抹在尸体上,在火中洒 盐。次年1月,雪莱的骨灰被带回罗马,葬于 一处他生前认为最理想的安息场所。
sigh ---- it breathes no more on me; 我叹息, 不再向我吐露气息; Its mute and uncomplaining lot 它静默无声 无所怨尤的命运, Is such as mine should be. 正和我应得的那 样一种无异。

雪莱的英语诗歌范文雪莱的英语诗歌导语:珀西·比希·雪莱(英文原名:Percy ByssheShelley,公元1792年8月4日—公元1822年7月8日),英国著名作家、浪漫主义诗人,被认为是历史上最出色的英语诗人之一。
Eulogizing the natural poet, you used to cry,When you see things past, they never return:The brightness of childhood, youth, friendship andfirst love,It all fades away like a dream.I know that too. But there is a loss,You know, but I feel sorry for you:You are like a lone star, its light shines through.A boat, in the waves of winter night;Thou hast also been a haven of stone,Standing in the sea of blind strife;In the midst of glorious affliction, you have sung,Give your song to the truth and the only god. & –Now that you have forsaken these, I mourn for you,Compared with before and after, there are two people.Go to! The moors of the moon are so dark,The clouds have swallowed up the last afterglow of dusk: Go to! The night wind will soon gather the night mist,The silver light of heaven will be darkened by midnight.Don't stay! Time has passed! Everything was Shouting:Go to! Don't make your lover sad with your parting tears;She is so cold and dull that her eyes dare not beg you, Responsibility and laziness are all about being alone.Go, go! To thy lonely home,And the tears of pain upon thy desolate hearth,You can look at the shadows and wander,To weave melancholy and joy into one's heart.On your head will be the fallen leaves of the fallen trees,The flowers and dew of spring will twinkle at your feet: Not your heart, but the present, must be cold and desolate,Then, midnight and the morning light, you and the quiet can confluence.The midnight gloom also had its turn:Or the wind is tired, or the middle of the moon,The raging, restless sea will always cease;Those who exercise, toil, or mourn, will rest.And you will rest in the grave. & – But at the moment, And when you are enchanted with the house, the garden, and the wilderness,Oh, how can your memory, remorse, and thought escape.That charming smile, the music?Music, when the curl of the sound is gone,Still reeling from memory; & –Flower, when the sweet violets fade,Still in the soul.Roses, when her flowers are gone,To make a brocade bed for her loved ones;The same is true for your thoughts.Love falls asleep on the pillow.Oh, my dear Mary, how well you can be here,You, and your bright, bright brown eyes,Your sweet words, like birds,To the lonely and melancholy panion of the ivy.The whistle of love,The sweetest and most beautiful voice of the day!And your show … & …More than the azure sky of Italy.Dear Mary, e to me,I lost my health when you were far away;You are to me, my dear,Like the evening to the stars of the west,Like the sunset toward the full moon.Oh dear Mary, I wish you were here,The echoes of the old castle whisper: Here! Throughout the &;One of theHope, in the young heart,Can't withstand years of torture!The rose of love has a secret thorn,It weles the premises of the bud,It's always chilly.The teenager said: These purple flowers belong to me.But the flowers grow angry and withered.The secondHow precious is the gift of illusion,But only when it was granted,Sweet is the rose of the day,But it was transplanted to the ground,It weles the opening,But the slaves on the ground crushed the petals,It is in bloom, and in a moment it is apoptosis.A thirdTime cannot destroy love,But a little love will spoil the flower of love,Even though it is in the shade of fantasy,It will also suddenly fade and catch you off guard.Time cannot destroy love,But a little love will destroy love,It will destroy the shrine that sparkles with its red glow.The spring always flows to the river,The river flows into the sea again,The light wind of the sky always melts.A sweet feeling;What is there in the world?Everything is governed by nature.All must melt into a spirit.Why do you and I differ?You see the mountains kissing the sky, Waves hug each other;You have seen flowers not to one another: The sister scorned the brother?The sun hugs the earth,The moon kissed the sea waves:But what good is this kiss?If you wouldn't kiss me?One of theYou are a beautiful woman of land and sea. Seldom as beautiful as you;Like the right clothes, the imagination, Here are your gentle limbs:With the leap of life in it,Your limbs are always moving and shining. The secondYour deep eyes are a pair of stars. Shining with flame, tender and glittering,To see the wisest of all mad;The wind that incites fire is a delight.And the thought of life, like the currents of the sea,It USES your heart as a pillow.A thirdIf the face is painted by your eyes.As long as you hear your sharp music;Well, don't be surprised: every time you talk.When I'm crazy, my heart beats.Of the fourLike the waves awakened by the whirlwind,Like the dew from the morning wind,Like the bird that hears the thunder,Elephants are creatures that are shocked and speechless.I feel the invisible spirit, my heart.Like all this, when your heart is near.Tell me the stars, your wings of light.Lift up in the flight of thy flame,In which cave in the night.Did you fold your wings?Tell me, moon, you are pale and weak,On the way to heaven,Where do you want to be in the day or night?To be serene?Weary wind, you drift,Like a guest banished from the world,You can have a secret nest.On the tree or on the waves?You hurried into the graveYou hurried into the grave! What are you looking for? With your restless will and active mind,And an aimless mind for earthly service?Oh, your warm heart, the hope of pale.All the beautiful scenery, so jump!And your curious spirit, conjecture.Where does life e from? Where are we going?You need to know what people don't know. & –Alas, what do you want, so hasty.Walking through the green and lovely path,Avoid joy, and avoid sorrow, only one meaning. Seeking shelter in the dark cave of death?Heart, mind and thought! What is itWhere do you expect to inherit the catabs?。

介绍雪莱英文作文英文:Shelley is one of the most influential poets in English literature. He was born in 1792 and died in 1822, but his works continue to inspire and resonate with readers today. His poetry often reflects his revolutionary and radical views, as well as his fascination with nature and the human experience.One of Shelley's most famous works is "Ode to the West Wind," which I find particularly moving. In this poem, Shelley uses the image of the wind to symbolize the power of nature and the potential for change and renewal. The language and imagery in this poem are so vivid and powerful that it's hard not to be swept away by it.Shelley's poem "To a Skylark" is another favorite of mine. The way he captures the beauty and freedom of the skylark's song is truly breathtaking. It's a reminder ofthe transcendent power of art and the natural world.I also admire Shelley's courage in expressing his political and social views in his poetry. He was a passionate advocate for social justice and equality, andhis poems often reflect his deep concern for the sufferingof others.Shelley's life was tragically cut short, but his legacy lives on through his poetry. His words continue to inspire and challenge readers to think deeply about the worldaround them.中文:雪莱是英国文学中最具影响力的诗人之一。

文献检索作业1)选取作家:Persy Bysshe Shelley(波西•比希•雪莱)检索题目:雪莱及其主要作品研究2)雪莱生平资料简介Percy Bysshe Shelley(4 August 1792 –8 July 1822; pronounced was one of the major English Romantic poets and is critically regarded among the finest lyric poets in the English language. Shelley was famous for his association with John Keats and Lord Byron. The novelist Mary Shelley was his second wife.He is most famous for such classic anthology verse works as Ozymandias, Ode to the West Wind, To a Skylark, and The Masque of Anarchy, which are among the most popular and critically acclaimed poems in the English language. His major works, however, are long visionary poems which included Queen Mab, Alastor, The Revolt of Islam, Adonaïs, and the unfinished work The Triumph of Life. The Cenci (1819) and Prometheus Unbound (1820) were dramatic plays in five and four acts respectively. Although he has typically been figured as a "reluctant dramatist" he was passionate about the theatre, and his plays continue to be performed today。

雪莱生平(1792-1822)Percy Bysshe Shelley was born in 1792, into a wealthy Sussexfamily .The young Shelley entered Eton, a prestigious school for boys, at the age of twelve. While he was there, he discovered the works of a philosopher named William Godwin, in which he became a fervent believer; the young man wholeheartedly embraced the ideals of liberty and equality espoused by the French Revolution. Entering Oxford in 1810, Shelley was expelled the following spring for his part in authoring a pamphlet entitled The Necessity of Atheism.At the age of nineteen, Shelley eloped with Harriet Westbrook, the sixteen-year-old daughter of a tavern keeper. Not long after, he promptly fell in love with Godwin's daughter Mary Wollstonecraft, whom he was eventually able to marry. In 1816, the Shelleys traveled to Switzerland to meet Lord Byron.Then the two men became close friends. After a time, they formed a circle of English expatriates in Pisa.In 1822, Shelley drowned while sailing in a storm off the Italian coast. He was not yet thirty years old.Shelley belongs to the younger generation of English Romantic poets, the generation that came to prominence while William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge were settling into middle age. Where the older generation was marked by simple ideals and a reverence for nature, the poets of the younger generation (which also included John Keats and the infamous Lord Byron) came to be known for their sensuous aestheticism, their explorations of intense passions, their political radicalism, and their tragically short lives.Shelley died when he was twenty-nine, Byron when he was thirty-six, and Keats when he was only twenty-six years old. To an extent, the intensity of feeling emphasized by Romanticism meant that the movement was always associated with youth, and because Byron, Keats, and Shelley died young (and never had the opportunity to sink into conservatism and complacency as Wordsworth did), they have attained iconic status as the representative tragic Romantic artists. Shelley's life and his poetry certainly support such an understanding, but it is important not to indulge in stereotypes to the extent that they obscure a poet's individual character. Shelley's joy, his magnanimity, his faith in humanity, and his optimism are unique among the Romantics; his expression of those feelings makes him one of the early nineteenth century's most significant writers in English.雪莱,(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792~1822)英国著名民主诗人。

致玛丽(To Mary,1818) 伊斯兰的反叛(The Revolt of Islam,1818) 西风颂(Ode To The West Wind,1819)饥饿的母亲(A Starving Mother,1819) 罗萨林和海伦(Rosalind and Helen,1819) 含羞草(The Sensitive Plant,1820) 云(The Cloud,1820) 致云雀(To A Skylark,1820) 自由颂(Ode To Liberty,1820) 解放的普罗米修斯(Prometheus Unbound,1820) 阿多尼(Adonais,1821) 一盏破碎的明灯(Lines,1822)
Died at an Early Age
The Shelleys moved restlessly from place to place, and they suffered financial problems. The strain of constant travelling told on his health. On July 8,1822, to welcome his friend, he sailed to Leghorn. During the stormy return voyage, his small yacht sank and Shelley drowned with Edward Williams. The bodies were cremated on the shore, and Shelley's ashes were buried next to Keats in the Protestant cemetery in Rome.
About his education

The Irishman`s Song , 《爱尔兰人之歌》 War,《战争》 The Devil`s Walk,《魔鬼出行》 Queen Mab,《麦布女王》 Marianne`s Dream,《玛丽安妮的梦》 To The Lord Chancellor,《致大法官》 Ozymandias,《奥西曼迭斯》 The Past,《逝》 On A Faded Violet,《一朵枯萎的紫罗兰》 Invocation To Misery,《召苦难》
• In 1814, Shelley abandoned Harriet( now pregnant with their son Charles). • He ran away to Switzerland with Mary(16) and her stepsister Claire along. The three sailed to Europe, and made their way across France to Switzerland on foot, reading many books.
A second marriage
• After Harriet Shelley's suicide in 1816, Shelley and Mary officially married.
• The following year Shelley and Mary left England and settled in Italy.
• The 19-year-old Shelley eloped(私奔) to Scotland with the 16-year-old Harriet Westbrook, a pupil at the same boarding school as Shelley„s sister. • He was increasingly unhappy in his marriage to Harriet. Shelley accused Harriet of having married him for his money. He admired more intellectual female companionship, he began spending more time away from home, among other things, studying Italian and visiting the home and bookshop of William Godwin.

作者简介珀西·比希·雪莱(英文原名:Percy Bysshe Shelley,公元1792年8月4日—公元1822年7月8日),英国浪漫主义民主诗人、作家,第一位社会主义诗人、小说家、哲学家、散文随笔和政论作家、改革家、柏拉图主义者和理想主义者,受空想社会主义思想影响颇深。
雪莱是英国文学史上有才华的抒情诗人之一,被誉为“诗人中的诗人”,与乔治·戈登·拜伦并称为英国浪漫主义诗歌的“双子星座”雪莱诗歌代表作抒情诗年份名称英文名1809年《爱尔兰人之歌》The Irishman`s Song1810年《战争》War《维克多与凯齐尔诗钞》1811年《玛格丽特·尼克尔斯遗稿》1812年《魔鬼出行》The Devil`s Walk1814年《写在布雷克耐尔》Stanza,written at Bracknell《无题——1814年4月》Stanzas——April,1814 《致哈莉特》To Harriet《致玛丽伍尔斯顿克拉夫特葛德文》To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin1815年《无常》Mutabilty 《死亡》On Death《夏日黄昏墓园》 A Summer Evening Churchyard《无题》Lines1816年《日落》The Sunset 《赞智力美》Hymn to Intellectual Beauty《勃朗峰》Mount Blanc《一个共和主义者有感于波拿巴的倾覆》Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte1817年《玛丽安妮的梦》Marianne's Dream 《致歌唱的康斯坦西亚》To Constantia,Singing《致大法官》To the Lord Chancellor《给威廉雪莱》To William Shelley《无题》Lines《死亡》Death《撒旦挣脱了锁链》Fragment:Satan broken loose《给狱中归来的朋友》Fragment: To a Friend relased from Prison《奥西曼迭斯》Ozymandias1818年《致尼罗》To the Nile 《逝》The Past《一朵枯萎的紫罗兰》On a Faded Violet《尤根尼亚山中抒情》Lines written among the Euganean Hills《召苦难》Invocation to Misery《无题》Stanzas written in Dejection,near Naples《十四行:无题》Sonnet 《致玛丽》To Mary1819年《给英格兰人的歌》Song to the Man of England《新国歌》 A New National Anthem 《颂歌》An Ode《苍天颂》Ode to Heaven《西风颂》Ode to the West Wind 《告诫》An Exhoratation《印度小夜曲》The Indian Serenade 《爱的哲学》Love's Philosophy 《1819年的英国》England in 1819《饥饿的母亲》 A Starving Mother1820年《含羞草》The Sensitive Plant《云》The Cloud《致云雀》To a Skylark《阿波罗之歌》Hymn of Apollo《潘之歌》Hymn of Pan《两个精灵:一则寓言》The two Spirits:An Allegory《秋:挽歌》Autumn: A Dirge《十四行》Sonnet《久远的往昔》Time Long Past1821年《年岁的挽歌》Dirge for the Year 《时间》Time《无题》Lines《阿拉伯歌词仿作》Frim the Arabic:An Imitation《歌》Song《无常》Mutability《闻拿破仑死有感》Lines written on hearing the News of the Death of Mapoleon《十四行:政治的伟Sonnet:Political Greatness《哀济慈》Fragment on Keats《十四行:致拜伦》Sonnet ti Byron《音乐》Music《致爱德华威廉斯》To Edward Williams《忆》Remembrance《哀歌》 A Lament1822年《女催眠师语病人》The Magnetic Ladyto her Patient 《致珍妮:回忆》To Jane :The Recollection《写在勒瑞奇海湾》Lines written in the Bay of Lerici《一盏破碎的明灯》Lines《我们重逢和分别时不同》Lines:We meet not as we parted诗剧年份名称英文1819年《解放了的普罗米修斯》Prometheus Unbound《倩契》The Cenci1820年《暴虐的俄狄浦斯》Oedipus Tyrannus, or Swellfoot the tyrant. Atragedy in two acts1821年《希腊》Hellas1822年《查理一世》长诗年份名称英文名1813年《麦布女王》Queen Mab 1815年《阿拉斯特》(或《孤独的精灵》)1817年《莱昂和西丝娜》(或《黄金城的革命:预见于十九世纪的一场幻景》)1818年《罗萨林和海伦》Rosalind and Helen《伊斯兰的反叛》The Revolt of Islam 《朱利安和马达洛》1819年《暴政的假面游行》The Mask of Anarchy《彼得·贝尔第三》1820年《心之灵》Epipsychidion 《致玛利亚·吉斯伯恩》《阿特拉斯的女巫》1821年《阿童尼(阿多尼)》Adonais1822年《生命的凯旋》最经典的是《解放了的普罗米修斯》、《西风颂》、《致云雀》、《云》附诗一首《西风颂》是雪莱“三大颂”诗歌中的一首,写于1819年。

Ode to the West Wind
ild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!
《爱尔兰人之歌》(The Irishman`s Song,1809) 《战争》(War,1810) 《魔鬼出行》(The Devil`s Walk,1812) 《麦布女王》(Queen Mab,1813) 《一个共和主义者有感于波拿巴的倾覆》(Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte,1816) 《玛丽安妮的梦》(Marianne`s` Dream,1817) 《致大法官》(To The Lord Chancellor,1817) 《奥西曼迭斯》(Ozymandias,1817) 《逝》(The Past,1818) 《一朵枯萎的紫罗兰》(On A Faded Violet,1818) 《召苦难》(Invocation To Misery,1818) 《致玛丽》(To Mary,1818) 《伊斯兰的反叛》(The Revolt of Islam,1818) 《1819年的英国》(England in 1819,1819)

Revolutionary spirit. Wish to destroy the old and build up a new.
If winter comes, can spring be far behind
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Brief Introduction
Shelley was one of the major English Romantic poets and is critically regarded as among the finest lyric poets in the English language. He was famous for his association with John Keats and Lord Byron. The novelist Mary Shelley was his second wife. In1810,Shelley went to the Oxford University full of plans for changing the system of societ y, but in 1811, he was expelled from the college for publishing The Necessity Of Atheism, and he lost a valuable education in Oxford.
Former residence
Four months after being expelled, the 19year-old Shelley eloped to Scotland with the 16-year-old schoolgirl Harriet Westbrook to get married and spent the following two years traveling in England and Ireland, distributing pamphlets and speaking against political injustice. In 1813 Shelley published his first important poem, the atheistic Queen Mab. Sadly, Harriet killed herself in Wales in 1816.

英国诗人雪莱的著名诗歌分享珀西·比希·雪莱(英文原名:Percy Bysshe Shelley,公元1792年8月4日—公元1822年7月8日),英国浪漫主义民主诗人、作家,第一位社会主义诗人、小说家、哲学家、散文随笔和政论作家、改革家、柏拉图主义者和理想主义者,下面小编给大家带来关于雪莱的著名诗歌,方便大家学习。

Harriet Westbrook
Eloped with 16year-old Harriet Westbrook and married her in 1811
first important poem, Queen Mab, privately printed in 1813. 1814, Shelley divorced with Harriet Westbrook and left for France with Mary Godwin.
burned Bysshe· Shelley-COR CORDIUM. 雪莱—众人之心 One of the best artists of us all. ---William Wordsworth
Without exception the best and least seifishman I ever knew. ---Gorge Gordon Byron
Percy· Bysshe· Shelley (1792.8—1822.7)
Once I belonged to azrael , but the future will belongs to me. 过去属于死神, 未来属于你自己。
Life and Career
on 4 August 1792 his early education at home.
dramatic power as shown in the rapidity of his lines. abounds in personification and metaphor and other figures of speech.

William Wordsworth曾称其为“One of the best artists of us all”,同时期的拜伦称其为“Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew”,更被誉为诗人中的诗人。

介绍雪莱生平的英语作文Percy Bysshe Shelley, a luminary of Romanticism, was born in 1792 in Sussex, England, and his life was as tumultuous as the tempestuous seas that inspired his poetry. Raised in an aristocratic family, Shelley was destined for a life of privilege, but his rebellious spirit and radical ideas sethim on a divergent path. At Eton College, he was alreadyknown for his inquisitive nature and defiance of authority, traits that would define his life.His education at Oxford University was short-lived, as he was expelled for writing a pamphlet advocating atheism, abold move that marked the beginning of his life as an outcast from polite society. Shelley's marriage to Harriet Westbrook was fraught with emotional turmoil, and their relationshipwas a source of both personal and public scandal.As a poet, Shelley was a visionary, crafting verses that celebrated the beauty of nature and the power of the human spirit. His works, such as "Ode to the West Wind" and "Prometheus Unbound," are testaments to his belief in the transformative potential of the individual and the collective. Shelley's life was a continuous quest for freedom and truth, often expressed through his passionate advocacy for political and social reform.Tragically, his life was cut short in 1822 when, at the age of 29, he drowned in a boating accident off the coast ofItaly, leaving behind a legacy of poetry that continues to inspire and challenge readers. Shelley's life was a testament to the indomitable spirit of a man who, despite facing numerous adversities, left an indelible mark on the literary world with his incandescent imagination and unwavering commitment to the ideals of liberty and justice.。
诗人雪莱介绍英文版Percy Bysshe Shelley

• Unhappy in his nearly three-year-old marriage, Shelley often left his wife and child alone.
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 - 1822)
Category: English Literature Born: August 4, 1792 Field Place near Horsham, Sussex, England Died: July 8, 1822
Viareggio, Italy
— and his wife, a landowner
• Received his early education at home
• In 1802, he entered the Syon House Academy • In 1804, Shelley entered Eton College (subjected to an almost
• the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through the poet-prophet figure
西风已经成了一种象征,它是一种无处不在的宇宙精神, 一种打破旧世界,追求新世界的西风精神。诗人以西风自 喻,表达了自己对生活的信念和向旧世界宣战的决心。
daily mob torment) 几乎每天受到暴徒折磨 • On 10th April 1810, he was educated at Oxford University
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“One of the best artists of us all ” ----William Wordsworth
“Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew .” ---Byron
early education at home, tutored by Reverend Evan Edwards of nearby Warnham. 1802, Syon House Academy of Brentford 1804, Shelley entered Eton College
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<<The Irishman’s song >> <<War >> << Queen mab >> << the sensitive plant >> <<On A Fade violet >>
Ode to the west wind
Look at the high blue sky kissing peaks, Wave and the wave phase hold embracing
The death
His influence
You see mountains in the blue sky kissing, Waves also embrace each other; Who have seen the flowers to each other not to be: Contempt for the brothers and sisters? Sun hugging the earth, Hyperion in the moonlight kissed: What good these kissing, If you refuse to kiss me?
On 10 April 1810, he matriculated at University College, Oxford
Former residence
Major works
<<To the Lord Chancellor >> <<The Cencil >>
<<Prometheus unbound >>
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Born:4 August 1792 Field Place, Horsham, England Died:8 July 1822 (aged 29) Viareggio, Grand Duchy of Tuscany Occupation:Poet, dramatist, essayist, novelist Literary movement:Romanticism