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BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary 1) It was already a [wreck] when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one.
been written for you.
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary 1) They gave up their efforts to look for survivors (幸存者) after determining that all the people in the sunken ship had died. (abandon) Efforts [to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been
[The Depression Days were difficult, but he felt bad turning away a person who had come to him for help.] 4. What happened over the next few days? [Mr. Crawford was busy at the factory, and Tony went on working in his garden.]
University, California.
Complete the following statements according to what you have heard.
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Pre-Listening - Listening Practice 1. According to Dr. Hertz, to his grandparents the American Dream first meant getting out of [poverty] later it comes to mean the chance for [poverty]; [their children to succeed]. succeed] 2. In Dr. Hertz's opinion, [the American government] wants people to American government] believe in the American Dream because it tends to use the American
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary
6) Successful businessmen today are likely to be young, aggressive (有进 取心的), and well-educated. [Above all] they are willing to take risks to all],
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension 11. How did he make his dream come true? [By such values and principles as vision, determination, self-control, optimism,and integrity.] 12. Why did Mr. Crawford compare Tony with the greatest American industrialists?
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension
5. How did Tony get his job at the factory? [He asked Mr. Crawford for it.] 6. How did Tony become a skilled worker later? And how did Mr. and Mrs. Crawford feel about it?
achieve success.
7) During those difficult years, the family lived almost entirely on a [diet]
of cabbages.
8) What are we going to [do with] the food left over from the party? 9) We [checked on] Tom's age by getting his birth record. 10) We'll go out as soon as I've [cleaned up] the kitchen.
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary
11) For women lawyers in the United States, their [weekly] earnings are on the average much less than those of male lawyers. 12) I won't get involved in a deal like this — it's against all my [principles]. [principles]
[He was a good worker, and then took a pay cut to become an apprentice.
Finally he learned a trade. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford thought it to be a satisfactory ending.] Now switch roles. 7. Why did Tony come to see Mr. Crawford again a year or two later?
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary
2. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has
2. How did Mr. Crawford get to know Tony?
[Tony came to his driveway to offer to mow the lawn.]
3. Why did Mr. Crawford feel unhappy after he talked with Tony?
determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died / to look for
2) With great patience, the clerk showed the elderly lady how to check
the [balance] in her bank account on an ATM (自动出纳机).
3) If you look out of the window on the left side of the bus, you'll see that
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension Was Mr. Crawford of help this time? How? [Tony wanted to buy a house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.] house. Mr. Crawford helped him get a bank loan.]
[Yes. He sponsored his childhood friend to move to America. The latter thought he was a millionaire.] 10. What was Tony's lifelong dream? [Owning a farm.]
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Pre-Listening - Listening Practice
What you are about to hear is an interview with Dr. Lee Hertz, the director of a scientific laboratory in Stanford
Dream to keep most of its population working and spending their money
so as to [support the capitalist system] system]. 3. Dr. Hertz says the American Dream is in[one's head] [one's head]because one wants to live as well as or better than others. It is in[one's [one' pocket]because one has to keep on spending money so as to have the s pocket] things other people have.
we're now [approaching] the Tower of London. 4) There'll certainly be some problems, but nothing that you can't [handle]. [handle] 5) People who [discard] litter in the streets should be fined heavily.
you have finished, the teacher may want to put some of
the questions to you for a check.
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension 1. Where did Tony come from? [From a rocky farm in Italy.]
[Because they reached success by the same route and by the same values
and principles.]
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Language Focus - Vocabulary
1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.
BOOK 1 - Unit 4 - Text A - Comprehension
1. One of you asks the first six questions and the other answers. Starting from question 7, change roles. When
8. How did Tony feel about selling his house? Why did he feel that way?
[He felt happy, because he earned $8,000 and bought a farm.]
9. Did Tony do a good job of running his farm? Give examples.