
2012翻译期末考试试题一.词语(10分)1)换汤不换药(意译)A change in form but not in essence2)物美价廉Economical and good或nice and inexpensive3)事实胜于雄辩Actions speak louder then words.4)不问青红皂白Without forethought5)有志者,事竟成Where there is a will, there is a way.二.句子(20分)1)我们不得不零零星星的去偿付。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs.2)她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非。
She often tells tales among the neighbors.3)动物没有水不能生存,植物没有水也不能生长。
Animals cannot live without water, neither can plants grow.4)中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。
The Chinese government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries。
The Brown daughters had never challenged their mothers authority in these matters。
She opened the window to let fresh air in。
One breakthrough in the high-tech field will promote the growth of several industries。

英语专业期末考试翻译试题5,汉译英In recent years, there has been a growing demand for English-language proficiency among students majoring in English. As a result, the final translation exam for English majors has become an important assessment of their language skills. This article aims to provide an overview of the fifth translation question in the English major final exam, focusing on translating from Chinese to English.The translation task requires candidates to accurately and fluently translate a given Chinese paragraph into English. It is essential for students to demonstrate their mastery of both languages, as well as their ability to understand and convey the meaning of the original text in a clear and coherent manner.To successfully complete this translation task, candidates should employ various translation techniques, such as literal translation, free translation, substitution, and adaptation. They should also pay close attention to context, cultural nuances, and overall coherence of the translation. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain proper grammar, vocabulary usage, and sentence structure throughout the translation.When translating from Chinese to English, it is important to remember that English is a language with its own unique structure and idiomatic expressions. Literal translations may often result in awkward or nonsensical phrases, so it is crucial to find the most suitable equivalent expression in English that conveys the same meaning as the original Chinese text.Moreover, candidates should be mindful of idiomatic expressions and collocations in both languages. It is important to choose appropriate vocabulary and collocations that accurately convey the intended meaning in the context of the original paragraph.For example, if the original Chinese paragraph describes a traditional Chinese festival, candidates should take into account cultural references and use English terms that are commonly understood by English speakers. This will help ensure that the translation is not only accurate but also accessible to the target audience.In addition to linguistic proficiency, candidates should also demonstrate their ability to effectively convey the tone and style of the original text. Whether the original text is formal, informal, academic, or literary, the translation should reflect the appropriate tone and style in English.To better prepare for the translation task, candidates can practice by translating various types of texts, such as news articles, literary works, academic papers, and business documents. This will help them become more familiar with different writing styles and vocabulary in both languages.In conclusion, the translation question in the English major final exam requires students to accurately and fluently translate a given Chinese paragraph into English. To succeed in this task, candidates should employ various translation techniques, maintain proper grammar and vocabulary usage, and pay attention to cultural nuances and the overall coherence of the translation. Through practice and exposure to different text types, students can improve their translation skills and effectively convey the meaning and style of the original text.。

可以说,可以说,中国有一套完整的影响了中国几千年的思想体系,而这套体系最重要的组成部分就是孔子(Confucius )、孟子(Mencius )开创的儒家思想(Confucianism )和老子(Laozi )、庄子(Zhuangzi )开创的道家思想(Taoism )以及中国特色的佛学思想(Buddhism )。
The Chinese people pay more attention to the harmonious relation between human beings and nature.“Nature and man are one”is a familiar statement in traditional Chinese ideology. Much emphasis is laid upon the moral cultivation and temper refinement as well as the spiritual enlightenment on the part of the individual rather than upon the logic reasonning.For thousands of years,China,so to speak,has been under the influence of a holistic system of thoughts,which is largely composed of Confucianism initiated by Confucius and Mencius,Taoism initiated by Laozi and Zhuangzi,as well as Buddhish with Chinese characteristics,among which Confucianism played a fundamental role in shaping China. (二)关汉卿是元代成就最高、影响最大的剧作家,他一生写了60多部杂剧(zaju ),现存的还有18部,大多表现了下层妇女的苦难和斗争。

1. 他们正在商讨新的营销策略。
(5分)2. 这家公司一直致力于环保事业。
(5分)3. 这个项目的目标是增加市场份额。
(5分)4. 他们通过采取积极措施来解决这个问题。
(5分)5. 你能给我解释一下这个单词的意思吗?(5分)答案:1. They are discussing new marketing strategies.2. This company has always been committed to environmental causes.3. The goal of this project is to increase market share.4. They are addressing this issue by taking proactive measures.5. Could you explain the meaning of this word to me?第二部分:英译中(共50分)请将以下英文句子翻译成中文。
1. The company plans to expand its operations in Asia.(5分)2. The deadline for submitting the report is next Friday.(5分)3. Our team won the championship for the third consecutive year.(5分)4. The government is implementing new policies to stimulate economic growth.(5分)5. The CEO delivered a inspiring speech at the conference.(5分)答案:1. 公司计划在亚洲扩大业务。

英汉笔译期末考试题及答案一、词汇翻译(每题1分,共10分)1. 请将下列英语单词翻译成中文:- Innovation- Sustainability- Infrastructure- Collaboration- Resilience2. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 创新- 可持续性- 基础设施- 合作- 弹性二、句子翻译(每题3分,共15分)1. The rapid development of technology has transformed our daily lives.2. 随着经济全球化的深入发展,国际交流日益频繁。
3. 环境保护已成为全球关注的焦点。
4. 他致力于推动教育改革,提高教育质量。
5. 这个项目的成功依赖于团队成员的共同努力。
三、段落翻译(每题5分,共30分)1. 翻译以下英文段落到中文:"The concept of a smart city is becoming increasingly popular. It involves the use of information and communicationtechnologies to enhance the quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs, resource consumption and enhance sustainability."2. 翻译以下中文段落到英文:"随着互联网技术的飞速发展,电子商务已经成为现代经济的重要组成部分。
"四、短文翻译(每题10分,共40分)1. 翻译以下英文短文到中文:"In recent years, the rise of social media has had a profound impact on society. It has changed the way we communicate, share information, and interact with each other. The accessibility and immediacy of social media platforms have made it easier for people to stay connected, regardless of their physical location."2. 翻译以下中文短文到英文:"随着中国在国际舞台上的日益崛起,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语。

2012翻译期末考试试题一.词语(10分)眼不见心不烦Out of sight, out of mind三思而后行Look before you leap物以类聚人以群分Birds of a feather flock together天下无不散之筵席All good things must come to an end欲速则不达Haste makes waste二.句子(20分)1 只有冷静,才能成功。
Success depends on calm minds.2 第一次见面,司徒乔给我的印象就极好。
The first meeting with Situ Qiao made a wonderful impression on me.3 动物没有水不能生存,职务没有水也不能生长。
Animals can't live without water,neither can plants ground.4 英雄造事实,时势造英雄。
Hero creates the times, the times produce their heroes.5 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。
The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder.6 专家们认为这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起的。
The experts believed that the epidemic disease was caused by either air pollution or food contamination.7 我们不得不零零星星的偿讨。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs.8 三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的地方溜达。
Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.9 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。

2012翻译期末考试试题一.词语(10分)1)换汤不换药(意译)A change in form but not in essence2)物美价廉Economical and good或nice and inexpensive3)事实胜于雄辩Actions speak louder then words.4)不问青红皂白Without forethought5)有志者,事竟成Where there is a will, there is a way.二.句子(20分)1)我们不得不零零星星的去偿付。
We have to pay in dribs and drabs.2)她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非。
She often tells tales among the neighbors.3)动物没有水不能生存,植物没有水也不能生长。
Animals cannot live without water, neither can plants grow.4)中国政府承诺不对无核国家使用核武器。
The Chinese government undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries。
The Brown daughters had never challenged their mothers authority in these matters。
She opened the window to let fresh air in。
One breakthrough in the high-tech field will promote the growth of several industries。

(1)雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile(2)好好先生 yes-man(3)一寸光阴一寸金 an inch of time is an inch of gold(4)西部大开发 western development(5)破产 have/wear a green bonnet二..翻译下列句子。
Humor is the crystallization of wit, knowledge, and resourcefulness. It is also indispensable to our work, study ,family ,society ,and life in general.(2) 她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福。
It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world—that to show love is no less happiness than to be loved.(3)中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
(邓小平)China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words.(4) 月光如水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。
Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream.(5)专家们认为,这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起。

翻译课期末考试题及答案一、词汇翻译(共20分,每题2分)1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 翻译:translation- 词典:dictionary- 语境:context- 直译:literal translation- 意译:free translation2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Interpreter:口译员- Connotation:内涵- Equivalence:等效- Idiom:成语- Collocation:搭配二、句子翻译(共30分,每题6分)1. 他不仅是一位杰出的科学家,还是一位伟大的思想家。
- He is not only an outstanding scientist but also a great thinker.2. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
- With the development of technology, our lives are becoming more and more convenient.3. 我们应该尊重每个人的选择,无论他们的决定是什么。
- We should respect everyone's choices, no matter what their decisions are.4. 她的微笑如同阳光一般温暖人心。
- Her smile is as warm as the sunshine.5. 这个项目的成功关键在于团队成员之间的良好沟通。
- The key to the success of this project lies in the good communication among team members.三、段落翻译(共30分,每题10分)1. 翻译以下段落:在当今社会,信息技术的发展日新月异,它极大地改变了我们的生活方式。

菏泽学院外国语系06级英语专业08-09学年第一学期 《英汉互译》试卷(A )(110分钟)Ⅰ. Compare the fourversions marked A, B, C, and D provided for each sentence carefully.Choose the best version from the fourchoices and blacken the corresponding item on the Answer Sheet. (30 points in all, 2points for each)1. She came to see him almost every day for six astonishing weeks.A.她几乎每天都来看他,先后持续了令人吃惊的六个星期。
2. She blurred the ink on the letter withher tears.A. 他的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不系别:_____________ 年级:____________:____________________ 姓名:_______________ 学号:清。
B. 他的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。
C. 他的眼泪把信上的字句弄得模糊不清。
D. 他的眼泪把信上的话语弄得模糊不清。
3. All plays are alike to me just as all music is alike to tony.A. 所有的戏剧对于我就像所有的音乐对托尼一样。
B. 正如托尼喜欢所有的音乐一样,我也非常喜欢所有的戏剧。
C. 我对戏剧就像托尼对音乐一样,非常欣赏。
D. 托尼不会欣赏音乐,同样我也不会欣赏戏剧。
4. We often say that there are no places left on the earth where the foot of man has not trodden.A. 我们常说地球上没有没留下人类脚步的地方。

题目一:英译汉原文:"In the pursuit of knowledge, every individual is an explorer, and the more we learn, the more we realize how much we do not know."参考答案:在追求知识的过程中,每个人都是探险者,我们学得越多,就越意识到我们不知道的有多少。
”参考答案:China has a long history and a rich culture, among which calligraphy is an important component of Chinese culture.题目三:英译汉(科技领域)原文:"The advent of quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the field of cryptography, offering new ways to secure data against the ever-growing threats of cyber-attacks."参考答案:量子计算的出现有可能彻底改变密码学领域,为数据安全提供新的方法,以抵御日益增长的网络攻击威胁。
”参考答案:Once a contract is signed, both parties should abide by the terms of the contract. Any breach of contract by either party should bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.题目五:口译练习(商务谈判场景)情景描述:一位中国企业家与外国投资者进行商务谈判,讨论合作事宜。
英语专业期末翻译考试试题(1) 汉译英

2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.覆水难收___________________________________________________________ 2.指鹿为马___________________________________________________________ 3. 爱屋及乌___________________________________________________________ 4条条道路通罗马___________________________________________________________ 5有钱能使鬼推磨___________________________________________________________ ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1.我年轻的日子已经一去不返。
___________________________________________________________ 2.你别狗咬吕洞宾——不识好人心。
___________________________________________________________ 3.世界上只有海水取之不尽,用之不竭。
___________________________________________________________ 4.我们是新雇员,得注意自己的一举一动。
___________________________________________________________ 5.人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水一样。

UNIT 11.在有些人眼里,毕加索(Picasso)的绘画显得十分荒谬。
In the eyes of some people, Picasso’s paintings would seem rather foolish. 2.他们利润增长,部分的原因是由于采用了新的市场策略。
The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.3.那个男人告诉妻子把药放在最上面的搁架上,这样孩子们就够不着了。
The man told his wife to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that it would be beyond the children’s reach.4.有钱不一定幸福。
Happiness doesn’t always go with money.5.那辆小汽车从我买来以后尽给我添麻烦。
That car has given me nothing but trouble ever since I bought it.UNIT 21.自今年夏初起,海尔公司(Haier)展开了空调促销的广告大战。
Since the beginning of this summer, Haier has waged a massive ad campaign to promote its air-conditioner sales.2.玛丽的父母不同意她去美国,因此她最终能否实现自己的愿望尚不可知。
Mary’s parents frown on the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.3.罗斯明白约翰源源不断的来信,连同无数的玫瑰花,目的是为了赢得她的心。

(每题2分,共10分)1. figure out - 弄清楚,理解2. go over - 检查,复习3. pick up - 捡起,学会4. set up - 设立,组建5. run out of - 用完,耗尽二、将下列中文短语翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 引起注意 - attract attention2. 坚持不懈 - persevere3. 习惯于 - be accustomed to4. 取得进展 - make progress5. 与...保持联系 - keep in touch with三、将下列句子翻译成中文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. She has been studying English for five years. - 她已经学习英语五年了。
2. They will arrive at the airport at 10 o'clock. - 他们将于十点钟到达机场。
3. My brother is interested in playing basketball. - 我兄弟对打篮球很感兴趣。
4. We need to buy some vegetables for dinner. - 我们需要买些蔬菜来做晚餐。
5. I can't find my keys. Have you seen them? - 我找不到我的钥匙了,你看见了吗?四、将下列句子翻译成英文。
(每题2分,共10分)1. 你昨天去哪里了?- Where did you go yesterday?2. 这本书是我的,不是你的。
- This book is mine, not yours.3. 我妈妈正在做饭。
- My mother is cooking.4. 你明天几点起床?- What time will you get up tomorrow?5. 我们需要更多的时间来完成这个项目。

2012翻译期末考试试题一.词语(10分)1..事实胜于雄辩Actions speak louder then words.2.有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go.3,Kill two birds with one stone一石双鸟。
4.One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏5Forbidden fruit is sweet禁果格外香。
二.句子(20分)11 我们还没有来得及把话讲完,接线员就把我们挂断了。
The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.12 有了盼头,会觉得太阳每天都是新的。
To a person cherishing hopes every morning rises a new sun. Eevn if it is a fantasy or an illusion, so it shows a ray of hope it still urges you on in pursuit of that little sparkle without letup.13 我愿和故乡的人,以及普天下的福建侨民,一同在精神和物质文明方面,把故乡建设的更美好。
I hope that together with all the people in my hometown as well as all overseas Chinese from Fujian, I can do my bit to make a still better place of my ancestral home, both materially and culturally.14 人有失错,马有漏蹄。

2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题班级___姓名___学号___ⅠTranslate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.安居乐业___________________________________________________________ 2.科教兴国战略___________________________________________________________ 3.为人师表___________________________________________________________ 4.严谨笃学___________________________________________________________ 5.回顾过去,展望未来___________________________________________________________Ⅱ:Translate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1.一路上吃了半斤炒栗子,睡了一会儿觉,就到了北京。
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2.你这是在班门弄斧。
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.环境保护运动在会议中缺乏有力的支持者。
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4.这些技术以往都是父子相传。

2011--2012学年翻译理论与实践期末考试题班级___姓名___学号___Ⅰ、Translate the following phases into English(2point*5=10point) 1.一寸光阴一寸金__________________________________________________________ 2.归心似箭__________________________________________________________ 3.熟能生巧__________________________________________________________ 4.如鱼得水__________________________________________________________ 5.涸泽而渔__________________________________________________________ ⅡTranslate the following sentences into English(5point*6=30point) 1. 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. 正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. 这家飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放解放区人民的心。

英汉互译期末试题及答案一、词汇翻译(每题2分,共20分)1. 翻译下列单词或短语成中文:- Environment- Sustainable development- Artificial intelligence- Multiculturalism- Economic crisis2. 翻译下列单词或短语成英文:- 环境保护- 可持续发展- 人工智能- 多元文化- 经济危机二、句子翻译(每题5分,共30分)3. 将下列句子翻译成中文:- "The rapid advancement of technology has significantly changed the way we live and work."- "Education is a crucial factor in determining the future success of a nation."- "Cultural exchange programs promote mutual understanding and friendship among different countries."4. 将下列句子翻译成英文:- “全球化导致了不同文化之间的交流与融合。
”- “环境污染已经成为全球性的问题,需要国际社会的共同努力来解决。
”- “随着经济的发展,人们对健康和生活质量的关注日益增加。
”三、段落翻译(每题10分,共40分)5. 将下列段落翻译成中文:"In recent years, the concept of a 'smart city' has gained popularity worldwide. A smart city utilizes information and communication technology to enhance the efficiency of urban services, reduce resource consumption, and improve thequality of life for its residents. The integration of various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, and artificial intelligence plays a vital role in achieving the goals of a smart city."6. 将下列段落翻译成英文:“随着互联网的普及,网络语言已经成为年轻人交流的重要组成部分。
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(1)雪中送炭 help a lame dog over a stile(2)好好先生 yes-man(3)一寸光阴一寸金 an inch of time is an inch of gold(4)西部大开发 western development(5)破产 have/wear a green bonnet二..翻译下列句子。
Humor is the crystallization of wit, knowledge, and resourcefulness. It is also indispensable to our work, study ,family ,society ,and life in general.(2) 她使我知道人间的温暖;她使我知道爱与被爱的幸福。
It was to her that I owed my awareness of the fact that there is warmth in the world—that to show love is no less happiness than to be loved.(3)中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
(邓小平)China can be counted on. Among other things, first, it upholds principles and second, it honors its words.(4) 月光如水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。
Moonlight cascaded like water over the locus leaves and flowers, and a light blue mist floating up from the pool made them seem washed in milk or caught in a gauzy dream.(5)专家们认为,这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起。
The experts believed that the epidemic disease was caused by either air pollution or food contamination.(6)凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
(A man cannot be known by his looks, nor can the sea be measured with bushel basket.)(7)人民军队离不开人民,就像鱼儿离不开水。
(The people is to the people’s army what water is to fish.)(8)可秋天又有什么可伤感的呢秋天不是成熟的季节吗(But why gloomy about autumn Isn’t it the season of maturity)(9)晚上我们从中国大使馆回旅馆的时候,天已经完全黑了。
(In the evening, it was already dark when we were on our way to the hotel from the Chinese embassy.)(10)这家飞机该有多大重量啊!它载着解放区人民的心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。
(What a heavy load this airplane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country.)三、翻译下列段落1有一只乌鸦不好看,但特别聪明,智慧过人。
Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water. because the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks , then flies away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.2近几年来,父亲和我都是东奔西走,家中光景是一日不如一日。
In recent years ,both father and I have been living an unsettled life , and the circumstance of our family going from bad to worse . Father left home to seek a livelihood when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own . To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The sad state of affairs of the family drove him to utter despair , and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent . That is why even mere domestic trivialities often provoked his anger , and he become less and less nice with me . However , the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me . He keeps thinking about my son and me .四、翻译下面一篇短文我从十二岁那年起就永远离开了学校,并且找到了第一份全职工作,是在一家食品杂货店里当伙计。
Near a big rock there is a bottle. Some water is in the bottle. A crow is hot and thirsty. He comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is very long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. After a while, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck. The crow drinks the water. He is very happy.When I reached the age of twelve I left the school forever and got my first fulltime job as a grocer’s boy. I spent my days carrying heavy loads, but I enjoy it. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal, for I could never stomach speaking to my “betters” with the deference my employer thought I should assume.But the limit was reached one Tuesday ---my half holiday. On my way home on that day I used to carry a large basket of provision to the home of my employer’s sister-in-law. As her house was on my way home I never objected to this.On this particular Tuesday, however , just as we were putting the shutters up, a load of smoked hams was delivered at the shop. “Wait a minute, ”said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up.I waited in growing impatience to get on my way, not for one minute but for quitea considerable time. It was nearly half-past two when the boss finished. He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to deliver it to a customer who had it on order.This meant going a long way out of my road home, so I looked up and said to the boss:”Do you know I finish at two on Tuesday ”I have never seen a man look more astonished than he did then. “What do you mean ” he gasped. I told him I meant that I would deliver the groceries as usual, but not the ham.He look at me as if I were some unusual king of insect and burst into a storm of abuse. But I stood firm. He gave me up as hopeless and tried new tactics. “Go out and get another boy, ” he yelled at a shop-assistant.“Are you going to deliver them or not ” the boss turned to me and asked in a threatening tone. I repeated what I said before. “Then, out of here, ”he shouted. So I got out.This was the first time I had serious trouble with an employer。