1.General Provisions一般规定Contract 合同Contract Agreement 合同协议书1。
6Letter of Acceptance 中标函1。
3 (a. 业主对承包商正式接受函,签字;b.双方商定的其他内容,双方签字)Letter of Tender 投标函(承包商的报价函)Specification 规范Drawings 图纸Schedules 明细表Tender 投标书(a。
投标者填写的各类明细表,投标保函等)Appendix to Tender 投标函附录Bill of Quantities 工程量表Daywork Schedule 计日工表Parties and Persons 合同双方和人员Engineer 工程师(natural/legal)(监理)DAB 争端裁决委员会(投标函附录列出)FIDIC 国际咨询工程联合会(International Federation of Consulting Engineers)Dates 日期Tests 检验Periods 期间Completion 竣工Base Date 基准日期(提交投标书截止日期之前的第28天当天;与调价有关) Commencement Date 开工日期(工程师通知开工的日期)Time for Completion 竣工日期(指时间段,从开工日期开始计算)Tests on Completion 竣工检验Taking—over Certificate 接收证书(证明工程按照合同实质竣工,进入缺陷通知期)Tests after Completion 竣工后检验Defects Notification Period 缺陷通知期维修期Performance Certificate 履约证书Money and Payments 款项和支付Accepted Contract Amount 中标合同金额(中标的承包商的投标价格,名义合同价格)Contract Prise 合同价格(a. b。
FIDIC红皮书_ 中英文对照
Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils1.1 测量方法12.2 Method of Measurement除非合同中另有规定,无论当地惯例如何:Except as otherwise stated in the Contract and notwithstanding local practice:(a) 测量应该是测量每部分永久工程的实际净值,以及(a) measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of each item of the Permanent Works, and(b) 测量方法应符合工程量表或其他适用报表。
(b) the method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill of Quantities or other applicable Schedules.1.2 估价12.3 Evaluation除非合同中另有规定,工程师应通过对每一项工作的估价,根据第3.5款【决定】,商定或决定合同价格。
Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree ordetermine the Contract Price by evaluating each item of work, applyingthe measurement agreed or determined in accordance with the above Sub-Clauses 12.1 and 12.2 and the appropriate rate or price for the item.对每一项工作,该项合适的费率或价格应该是合同中对此项工作规定的费率或价格,或者如果没有该项,则为对其类似工作所规定的费率或价格。
Con diti ons of Con tract for Con srtuct ion for Build ing and Engin eeri ng Works Desig ned by the Employer由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(新红皮书) 1999 年9月,FIDIC 标准合同条件编者注:《施工合同条件》(新红皮书) 的全称是:由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(Con diti ons of Con tract for Con structi on for Buildi ng and Engin eeri ng Works Desig nedby the Employer ); 该文件推荐用于有雇主或其代表 ---------- 工程师设计的建筑或工程项目,主要用于单价合同。
在这种合同形式下,通常由工程师负责监理,由承包商按照雇主提供的设计施工,但也可以包含由承包商设计的土木、机械、电气和构筑物的某些部分施工合同条件( Condition of Contract for Construction ,简称新红皮书” 新红皮书与原红皮书相对应,但其名称改变后合同的适用范围更大。
该合同主要用于由业主设计的或由咨询工程师设计的房屋建筑工程( Building Works ) 和土木工程( Engineering Works ) 。
目录1 一般规定General Provisi ons工程师 the engin eer 定义 Definitions 解军释 Interpretation 通讯联络 Communications 法律和语言 Law and Language 文件的优先次序 Priority of docume nts 合同协议书 Con tract Agreeme nt 转让 Assignment 文件的保管和提供 Care and Supply of docume nts 拖延的图纸或指示 Delayed Drawings or In struct ions 雇主使用承包商的文件 Employer's Use of Con tractor's docume nts 承包商使用雇主的文件 Co ntractor's Use of Employer's docume nts 保密事项 Con fide ntial Details 遵守法律 Complianee with Laws 共同的与各自的责任 Joi nt and Several Liability 雇主 THE EMPLOYER 进入现场的权利 Right of Access to the Site 许可、执照和批准 Permits, Lice nces or Approval 雇主的人员 Employer's Personnel 雇主的资金安排 Employer's Finan cial Arran geme nts 雇主的索赔 Employer's Claims工程师的职责和权力En gi neer's Duties and Authority工程师的授权 Delegation by the En gi neer 工程师的指示 In structi ons of the Engin eer 工程师的撤换 Replaceme nt of the Engin eer 决定 Determ in ati ons 承包商 The Con tractor 承包商的一般义务 Con tractor's Ge neral Obligatio ns 履约保证 Performanee Security 承包商的代表 Con tractor's Represe ntative 分包商 subc on tractors 分包合同利益的转让 Assig nment of Ben efit of Subc on tract 合作 Co-operation 放线 Setting Out 安全措施 Safety Procedures 质量保证 Quality Assuranee 现场数据 Site Data 接受的合同款额的完备性 Sufficie ncy of the Accepted Con tract Amou nt 不可预见的外界条件 Un foreseeable Physical Co nditio ns 道路通行权和设施 Rights of Way and Facilities 避免干扰 Avoidanee of Interferenee 进场路线 Access Route货物的运输Tran sport of Goods环境保护 Protection of the environment 电、水、气 Electricity, Water and Gas 雇主的设备和免费提供的材料 Employer's Equipme nt and Free-Issue Material 进度报告 Progress Reports 现场保安 Security of the Site 承包商的现场工作 Co ntractor's Operatio ns on Site 化石 Fossils 扌旨定分包商 Nomin ated Subc on tractors 指定分包商的定义 Defin iti on of "nomin ated Subc on tractor 对指定的反对 Objectio n to Nomin ati on 对指定分包商的支付 Payme nts to nomin ated Subc on tractors 支付的证据 Evidenee of Payments 职员和劳工 Staff and Labour 职员和劳工的雇用 En gageme nt of Staff and Labour 工资标准和劳动条件 Rates of Wages and Co nditio ns of Labour 为他人提供服务的人员 Perso ns in the Service of Employer 劳动法 Labour Laws 工作时间 Working hours 为职员和劳工提供的设施 Health and Safety 健康和安全 Health and Safety 承包商的监督 Con tractor's Superi ntendence承包商的人员和设备的记录 Records of Con tractor's Personnel and Equipme nt 妨碍治安的行为 Disorderly Con duct 永久设备、材料和工艺 Pla nt Materials and Workma nship 实施方式 Manner of Execution 样本 Samples检查 Inspection检验 Testing拒收 Rejection补救工作 Remedial Work对永久设备和材料的拥有权 Own ership of Pla nt and Materials矿区使用费 Royalties 开工、延误和暂停 Comme nceme nt. Delays and Susn 工程的开工 Commencement of Works 竣工时间 Time for Completion 进度计划 Programme 竣工时间的延长 Exte nsion of Time for Completio n 由公共当局引起的延误 Delays Caused by Authorities 进展速度 Rate of Progress误期损害赔偿费 Delay Damages 工程暂停 Susn of Work 6.106.1177.17.27.3暂停引起的后果暂停时对永久设备和材料的支付8.11 持续的暂停 ProIon ged Sus n 8.12 复工 Resumption of Work Tests On Completi on Con tractor's Obligati ons 竣工检验 承包商的义务 9.1 延误的检验 9.2 重新检验 9.3 未能通过竣工检验 9.4 雇主的接收 10 对工程和区段的接收 10.1 对部分工程的接收 10.2 对竣工检验的干扰 10.3 地表需要恢复原状 10.4 缺陷责任 11 完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷 11.1 Delayed Tests Retest ing Failure to Pass Tests on completi on Employer ' Taking Over Taking Over of the Works and Secti ons Taking Over of parts of the Works In terfere nee with Tests on Completio n Surfaces Requiri ng Rein stateme nt Defects Liability Completio n of Outsta nding Work and Remedy ing Defects 修补缺陷的费用 11.2 缺陷通知期的延长 Exte nsio n of Defects Notification Period 11.3 11.4 未能补救缺陷Failure to Remedy 。
FIDIC(99版红皮书 中英文)由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件 第1部分
Conditions of Contract for Consrtuction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(新红皮书)1999年9月,FIDIC标准合同条件编者注:《施工合同条件》(新红皮书)的全称是:由业主设计的房屋和工程施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer);该文件推荐用于有雇主或其代表——工程师设计的建筑或工程项目,主要用于单价合同。
在这种合同形式下,通常由工程师负责监理,由承包商按照雇主提供的设计施工,但也可以包含由承包商设计的土木、机械、电气和构筑物的某些部分. 施工合同条件(Condition of Contract for Construction,简称“新红皮书”)新红皮书与原红皮书相对应,但其名称改变后合同的适用范围更大。
该合同主要用于由业主设计的或由咨询工程师设计的房屋建筑工程(Building Works)和土木工程(Engineering Works)。
目录1 一般规定General Provisions1.1 定义Definitions1.2 解释Interpretation1.3 通讯联络Communications1.4 法律和语言Law and Language1.5 文件的优先次序Priority of documents1.6 合同协议书Contract Agreement1.7 转让Assignment1.8 文件的保管和提供Care and Supply of documents1.9 拖延的图纸或指示Delayed Drawings or Instructions1.10 雇主使用承包商的文件Employer's Use of Contractor's documents1.11 承包商使用雇主的文件Contractor's Use of Employer's documents1.12 保密事项Confidential Details1.13 遵守法律Compliance with Laws1.14 共同的与各自的责任Joint and Several Liability2 雇主THE EMPLOYER2.1 进入现场的权利Right of Access to the Site2.2 许可、执照和批准Permits, Licences or Approval2.3 雇主的人员Employer's Personnel2.4 雇主的资金安排Employer's Financial Arrangements2.5 雇主的索赔Employer's Claims3 工程师the engineer3.1 工程师的职责和权力Engineer's Duties and Authority3.2 工程师的授权Delegation by the Engineer3.3 工程师的指示Instructions of the Engineer3.4 工程师的撤换Replacement of the Engineer3.5 决定Determinations4 承包商The Contractor4.1 承包商的一般义务Contractor's General Obligations4.2 履约保证Performance Security4.3 承包商的代表Contractor's Representative4.4 分包商subcontractors4.5 分包合同利益的转让Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract4.6 合作Co-operation4.7 放线Setting Out4.8 安全措施Safety Procedures4.9 质量保证Quality Assurance4.10 现场数据Site Data4.11 接受的合同款额的完备性Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount4.12 不可预见的外界条件Unforeseeable Physical Conditions4.13 道路通行权和设施Rights of Way and Facilities4.14 避免干扰Avoidance of Interference4.15 进场路线Access Route4.16 货物的运输Transport of Goods4.17 承包商的设备Contractor's Equipment4.18 环境保护Protection of the environment4.19 电、水、气Electricity, Water and Gas4.20 雇主的设备和免费提供的材料Employer's Equipment and Free-Issue Material 4.21 进度报告Progress Reports4.22 现场保安Security of the Site4.23 承包商的现场工作Contractor's Operations on Site4.24 化石Fossils5 指定分包商Nominated Subcontractors5.1 指定分包商的定义Definition of "nominated Subcontractor5.2 对指定的反对Objection to Nomination5.3 对指定分包商的支付Payments to nominated Subcontractors5.4 支付的证据Evidence of Payments6 职员和劳工Staff and Labour6.1 职员和劳工的雇用Engagement of Staff and Labour6.2 工资标准和劳动条件Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour6.3 为他人提供服务的人员Persons in the Service of Employer6.4 劳动法Labour Laws6.5 工作时间Working hours6.6 为职员和劳工提供的设施Health and Safety6.7 健康和安全Health and Safety6.8 承包商的监督Contractor's Superintendence6.9 承包商的人员Contractor's Personnel6.10 承包商的人员和设备的记录Records of Contractor's Personnel and Equipment6.11 妨碍治安的行为Disorderly Conduct7 永久设备、材料和工艺Plant Materials and Workmanship7.1 实施方式Manner of Execution7.2 样本Samples7.3 检查Inspection7.4 检验Testing7.5 拒收Rejection7.6 补救工作Remedial Work7.7 对永久设备和材料的拥有权Ownership of Plant and Materials7.8 矿区使用费Royalties8 开工、延误和暂停Commencement, Delays and Susn8.1 工程的开工Commencement of Works8.2 竣工时间Time for Completion8.3 进度计划Programme8.4 竣工时间的延长Extension of Time for Completion8.5 由公共当局引起的延误Delays Caused by Authorities8.6 进展速度Rate of Progress8.7 误期损害赔偿费Delay Damages8.8 工程暂停Susn of Work8.9 暂停引起的后果8.10 暂停时对永久设备和材料的支付8.11 持续的暂停Prolonged Susn8.12 复工Resumption of Work9 竣工检验Tests On Completion9.1 承包商的义务Contractor's Obligations9.2 延误的检验Delayed Tests9.3 重新检验Retesting9.4 未能通过竣工检验Failure to Pass Tests on completion10 雇主的接收Employer’s Taking Over10.1 对工程和区段的接收Taking Over of the Works and Sections10.2 对部分工程的接收Taking Over of parts of the Works10.3 对竣工检验的干扰Interference with Tests on Completion10.4 地表需要恢复原状Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement11 缺陷责任Defects Liability11.1 完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects 11.2 修补缺陷的费用11.3 缺陷通知期的延长Extension of Defects Notification Period11.4 未能补救缺陷Failure to Remedy Defects11.5 清除有缺陷的部分工程Removal of Defective Work11.6 进一步的检验Further Tests11.7 进入权Right of Access11.8 承包商的检查Contractor to Search11.9 履约证书Performance Certificate11.10 未履行的义务Unfulfilled Obligations11.11 现场的清理Clearance of Site12 测量和估价Measurement and Evaluation12.1 需测量的工程Works to be Measured12.2 测量方法Method of Measurement12.3 估价Evaluation12.4 省略Omissions13 变更和调整V ariations and Adjustments13.1 有权变更Right to Vary13.2 价值工程value Engineering13.3 变更程序Variation Procedure13.4 以适用的货币支付Payment in Applicable Currencies13.5 暂定金额Provisional Sums13.6 计日工Daywork13.7 法规变化引起的调整Adjustments for changes in Lesgislation13.8 费用变化引起的调整Adjustments for Changes in the Cost14.合同价格和支付Contractor price and Payment14.1 合同价格The contractor Price14.2 预付款Advance Payment14.3 期中支付证书的申请Application for Interim Payment Certificates 14.4 支付表Schedule of Payments14.5 用于永久工程的永久设备和材料Plant and Materials14.6 期中支付证书的颁发Issue of Interim Payment Certificates14.7 支付Payment14.8 延误的支付Delayed Payment14.9 保留金的支付Payment of Retention money14.10 竣工报表Statement of Completion14.11 申请最终支付证书Application for Final Payment Certificate 14.12 结清单Discharge14.13 最终支付证书的颁发Issue of Final Payment Certificate14.14 雇主责任的终止Cessation of Employer’s Liability14.15 支付的货币Currencies of Payment15.雇主提出终止Termination by Employer15.1 通知改正Notice to Correct15.2 雇主提出终止Termination by Employer15.3 终止日期时的估价15.4 终止后的支付Payment after Termination15.5 雇主终止合同的权力Suspens on and Termination by Contractor 16.承包商提出暂停和终止Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work 16.1 承包商有权暂停工作Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work 16.2 承包商提出终止Termination by Contractor16.3 停止工作及承包商的设备的撤离Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor's Equipment16.4 终止时的支付Payment on Termination17.风险和责任Risk and Responsibility17.1 保障Indemnities17.2 承包商对工程的照管Contractor's Care of the Works17.3 雇主的风险Employer's Risks17.4 雇主的风险造成的后果Consequences of Employer’s rirks17.5 知识产权和工业产权Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights17.6 责任限度Limitation of Liability18.保险Insurance18.1 有关保险的总体要求General Requirements for insurances18.2 工程和承包商的设备的保险Insurance for Works and Contractor’s equipment18.3 人员伤亡和财产损害的保险Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage under to Property18.4 承包商的人员的保险Insurance for Contracto r’s Personnel19.不可抗力Force Majeure19.1 不可抗力的定义Defination of Force Majeure19.2 不可抗力的通知Notice of Force Majeure19.3 减少延误的责任Duty to Minimise Delay19.4 不可抗力引起的后果Consequences of Force Majeure19.5 不可抗力对分包商的影响Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor19.6 可选择的终止、支付和返回Optional Termination, Payment and Release 19.7 根据法律解除履约Release from Performance under the Law20.索赔、争端和仲裁Claim, Disputes and Arbitration20.1 承包商的索赔Contractor's Claims20.2 争端裁决委员会的委任Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board20.3 未能同意争端裁决委员会的委任Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board 20.4 获得争端裁决委员会的决定Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board's Decision 20.5 友好解决Amicable both Settlement20.6 仲裁Arbitration20.7 未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board's Decision20.8 争端裁决委员会的委任期满Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board's Appointment附件争端裁决协议书的通用条件48General Conditions of Dispute Adjudication Agreement通用条件General Conditions1. 一般规定General Provisions1.1 定义Definitions在包括专用条件和本通用条件的合同条件(“本合同条件”)中,以下措辞和用语的含义如下所述。
新版《菲迪克( FIDIC )合同条件和指南》及其声威讲解素有工程合同“圣经”之称的菲迪克条款,继 2002 年在机械工业初版社初版了 4 本最新版《菲迪克( FIDIC)合同条件》中英文比较本后,众望已久的新版《菲迪克( FIDIC)合同指南》中英文比较本也于今年 6 月正式初版。
新版《菲迪克( FIDIC)合同条件》拥有以下突出特点:一、继承几十年经验,全面改进。
菲迪克认为,这次改版,不是原来几本合同条件的校正版,而是崭新版本,所以称为 1999 年初版。
2、《生产设备和设计 - 施工合同条件》(新黄皮书),适用于承包商负责设备采买、设计和施工,咨询工程师监理,总数价格承包,但不可以预示条件和物价变动可以调价,是一种业主控制很多的总承包合同格式。
3、《设计采买施工( EPC)/交钥匙工程合同条件》(银皮书),适用于承包商肩负全部设计、采买和施工,直到投产运行;合同价格总数包干,除不可以抗力条件外,其他风险都由承包商肩负;业主只派代表管理,只重最后成就,对工程介入很少。
Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils通用条件General Conditions1.一般规定General Provisions1.1 定义Definitions在包括专用条件和本通用条件的合同条件(“本合同条件”)中,以下措辞和用语的含义如下所述。
In the Conditions of Contract ("these Conditions"), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.1.1.1 合同1.1.1 The Contract1.1.1.1“合同(Contract)”指合同协议书、中标函、投标函、本合同条件、规范、图纸、资料表、以及在合同协议书或中标函中列明的其它进一步的文件(如有时)。 "Contract" means the Contract Agreement, the Letter of Acceptance, the Letter of Tender, these Conditions, the Specification, the Drawings, the Schedules, and the further documents (if any) which are listed in the Contract Agreement or in the Letter of Acceptance.“合同协议书(Contract Agreement)”指第1.6款【合同协议】中所说明的合同协议(如有时)。
Conditions of Contract for Construction建筑施工合同条件For Building and Engineering Works Designed by theEmployer雇主负责设计的建筑和工程合同General Conditions一般条件1. General Provisions一般规定...................1.1 Definitions定义......................1.1.1 The Contract合同.......................1.1.2 Parties and Persons各方和人员(当事人和人员)1.1.3 Dates, Tests, Periods and Completion日期、试验、期限和竣工1.1.4 Money and Payments款项和付款1.1.5 Works and Goods工程和货物...................1.1.6 Other Definitions其他定义.................1.2 Interpretation解释.....................1.3 Communications信息交流.....................1.4 Law and Language法律和语言...................1.5 Priority of Documents文件优先次序..............1.6 Contract Agreement合同协议书..................1.7 Assignment权益转让..................1.8 Care and Supply of Documents文件的照管和提供(管理)....1.9 Delayed Drawings or Instructions延误的图纸或指示..........1.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents雇主使用的承包商的文件...................................................................1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents承包商使用的雇主的文件.................................................................1.12 Confidential Details保密事项..................1.13 Compliance with Laws遵守法律....................1.14 Joint and Several Liability连带责任................2 The Employer雇主.........................2.1 Right of Access to the Site现场进入权利.............2.2 Permits, Licences or Approvals许可、执照或批准..........2.3 Employer’s Personnel雇主人员...................2.4 Empl oyer’s Financial Arrangements雇主资金的安排...........2.5 Employer’s Claims雇主的索赔.................3. The Engineer工程师......................3.1 Engineer’s Duties and Authority工程师的任务和权力......3.2 Delegation by the Engineer工程师的付托(授权)......3.3 Instructions of the Engineer工程师的指示............3.4 Replacement of the Engineer工程师的替换..............3.5 Determinations确定.......................4. The Contractor承包商....................4.1 Contractor’s General Obligations承包商的一般义务........4.2 Performance Security履约担保...................4.3 Contractor’s Representative承包商的代表............4.4 Subcontractors分承包商...................4.5 Assignment of Benefit of Subcontract分包商合同权益的转让....4.6 Co-operation合作......................4.7 Setting Out放线......................4.8 Safety Procedures安全程序..................4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities道路通行权和设施........4.14 Avoidance of Interference避免干扰.................4.15 Access Route进场通路....................4.16 Transport of Goods货物运输...................4.17 Contractor’s Equipment承包商设备...............4.18 Protection of the Environment环境保护.................4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气.............4.20 Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material雇主的设备和免费的材料...............................................................4.21 Progress Reports进度报告...................4.22 Security of the Site现场保安(安全).......4.23 Contractor’s Operations on Site承包商的现场作业(工作).....................................................................4.24 Fossils化石......................5. Nominated Subcontractors指定的分包商..............5.1 Definition of “nominated Subcontractor”5.2 Objection to Nomination指定的分承包商的定义反对指定..........................5.3 Payments to nominated Subcontractors指定分承包商的付款.......5.4 Evidence of Payments付款证据..................6. Staff and Labour员工(工作人员和劳务人员).....................................................................6.1 Engagement of Staff and Labour员工的雇佣..............6.2 Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour工资的标准和劳动条件...6.3 Persons in the Service of Employer为雇主服务的人员........6.4 Labour Laws劳动法.....................6.5 Working Hours工作时间..................6.6 Facilities for Staff and Labour为员工提供的设施.....6.7 Health and Safety健康和安全...............6.8 Contractor’s Superintendence承包商的监督............6.9 Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员..............6.10 Records of Contractor’s Personnel and Equipment承包商人员和设备的纪录.............................................................6.11 Disorderly Conduct无序的行为...............7. Plant, Material and Workmanship生产设备、材料和工艺......7.1 Manner of Execution实施的方法................7.2 Samples样品.......................7.3 Inspection检验...................7.4 Testing试验.....................7.5 Rejection拒收....................7.6 Remedial Work修补工作(补救工作).......7.7 Ownership of Plant and Materials生产设备和材料的所有权..7.8 Royalties 土地(矿区)使用费........8 Commencement, Delays and Suspension开始、延误和暂停(延期、中止).....................................................................8.1 Commencement of Works工程的开工..................8.2 Time for Completion竣工时间.................8.3 Programme进度计划...................8.4 Extension of Time for Completion竣工时间的延长.........8.5 Delays Caused by Authorities当局造成的延误..........8.6 Rate of Progress工程进度................8.7 Delay Damages误期损害赔偿金(延期).....8.8 Suspension of Work暂时停工(工程中止).....8.11 Prolonged Suspension8.12 Resumption of Work复工(工程的重新的开始).......9 Tests on Completion竣工试验.....................9.1 Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务..............9.2 Delayed Tests延误的试验...................9.3 Retesting重新试验....................9.4 Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣工试验.........10 Employer’s Taking Over雇主的接收................10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections工程和分项工程的接收....10.2 Taking Over of Parts of the Works部分工程的接收..........10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion对竣工试验的干扰......10.4 Surfaces Requiring Reinstatement需要复原的地表..........11 Defects Liability缺陷责任...............11.1 Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷.........................................................11.2 Cost of Remedying Defects修补缺陷的费用...........11.3 Extension of Defects Notification Period缺陷通知期限的延长..11.4 Failure to Remedy Defects未能修缺陷...............11.5 Removal of Defective Work移出有缺陷的工程.........11.6 Further Tests进一步试验..............11.7 Right of Access进入权..................11.8 Contractor to Search承包商调查..............11.9 Performance Certificate履约证书...............11.10 Unfulfilled Obligations未履行的义务.........11.11 Clearance of Site现场清理...............12. Measurement and Evaluation测量和估价...............12.1 Works to be Measured需测量的工程............12.2. Method of Measurement测量方法.................12.3 Evaluation估价..................12.4 Omissions删减....................13. Variation and Adjustments变更和调整............13.1 Right to Vary变更权.................13.2 Value Engineering价值工程................13.3 Variation Procedure变更程序...............13.4 Payment in Applicable Currencies以适用货币支付(可采用的支付的货币).......................................................13.5 Provisional Sums暂列金额(临时金额)...13.6 Daywork计日工作................13.7 Adjustment for Changes in Legislation因法律改变的调整....13.8 Adjustments for Changes in Cost因费用改变的调整.....14. Contract Price and Payment合同价格(价款)和支付.....................................................................14.1 The Contract Price合同价格(价款)......14.2 Advance Payment预付款..................14.3 Application for Interim Payment Certificates期中付款证书的申请(申请期中付款凭证)..............................................14.4 Schedule of Payments付款计划表(付款时间表).....................................................................14.5 Plant and Materials intended for the Works拟用于工程的生产设备和材料(预定用于工程的生产设备和材料).............................14.6 Issue of Interim Payment Certificates期中付款证书的颁发(颁发期中付款证明).................................................14.7 Payment付款....................14.8 Delayed Payment延误付款(延期付款)...14.9 Payment of Retention Money保留金的支付..........14.10 Statement at Completion竣工报表.............14.11 Application for Final Payment Certificate最终付款证书的申请(申请最终付款凭证)...............................................14.12 Discharge结清证明..............14.13 Issue of Final Payment Certificate最终付款证书的颁发(颁发最终付款证书)...............................................14.14 Cessation of Employer’s Liability雇主责任的终止...14.15 Currencies of Payment支付的货币...........15 Termination by Employer由雇主终止............15.1 Notice to Correct通知改正(改正通知).....................................................................15.2 Termination by Employer由雇主终止............15.3 Valuation of Date of Termination终止日期时的估价...15.4 Payment after Termination终止后的付款.........15.5 Employer’s Entitlement to Termination雇主终止的权利....由承包商暂停和终止(承包16.1 Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work承包商暂停工程的权利..16.2 Termination by Contractor由承包商终止(由承包商决定的终止)...........................................................16.3 Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment停止工作和承包商设备的撤离(工作停止和承包商设备的撤离)...................16.4 Payment on Termination终止时的付款..............17 Risk and Responsibility风险和职责(风险和责任)....17.1 Indemnities保障........................17.2 Contractor’s Care of the Works承包商对工程的照顾........17.3 Employer’s Risks雇主的风险..................17.4 Consequences of Employer’s Risks雇主风险的后果.............................18 Insurance18.1 General Requirements for Insurances有关保险的一般要求(保险的一般要求)...........................................................18.2 Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment工程和承包商生产设备的保险...........................................................18.3 Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property人身伤害和财产损害的保险.................................................18.4 Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员的保险........19 Force Majeure不可抗力....................19.1 Definition of Force Majeure不可抗力的定义..........19.2 Notice of Force Majeure不可抗力的通知...........19.3 Duty to Minimise Delay将延误减至最小的义务19.4 Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果19.5 Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor不可抗力影响分承包商19.6 Optional Termination, Payment and Release自主选择终止、付款和解除19.7 Release from Performance under the Law根据法律解除履约20 Claim, Disputes and Arbitration索赔、争端和仲裁20.1 Contractor’s Claims承包商的索赔20.2 Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board争端裁决委员会的任命20.3 Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board对争端裁决委员会未取得一致20.4 Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Deci sion取得争端裁决委员会的决定20.5 Amicable Settlement友好解决20.6 Arbitration仲裁20.7 Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定20.8 Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment争端裁决委员会任命期满APPENDIX 附录General conditions of dispute adjudication agreement 争端裁决协议书的一般条件Index of sub-clauses 条款索引1 General Provisions一般规定1.1 Definitions定义In the Conditions of Contract (“these Conditions”), which include Particular Conditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporations and other legal entities, except where thec requires otherwise.在合同条件下(这些条件,“本条件”),包括特殊条件和一般条件,以下的文字和表达将采用这种规定的意思。
引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:●施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
●永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
●EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
●合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract)推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
FIDIC新红皮书全文FIDIC施工合同条件(1999年第一版)用于业主设计的房屋建筑或工程通用条件专用条件编制指南争端裁决协议书格式投标函、合同协议书格式周可荣刘雯万彩芸王健译说明:因时间较紧,本译稿未经仔细校对,仅供引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:●施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
●永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
●EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract) 推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
Modifications to Special Terms and Conditions of FIDIC Contract双方经友好协商,对FIDIC红皮书合同专用条款做如下修改:The amendments to the particular conditions of FIDIC red book is, through friendly consultations by the parties to this agreement, made and concluded as follows:1、 Modification to Article [Appendix to the Letter of Tender]对1.1.1.9[投标函附录]的修改Appendix to the Letter of Tender refers to the documents named as Appendix to the Letter of Tender in accordance with requirements in the general conditions and the Contractor shall submit the document to the Owner's satisfactory when required by the Employer.投标函附录指依据通用条款需要提供的名为投标函附录的文件,承包商须在业主要求时提供本文件,并令业主满意。
2、Modification to Article [The Site] 对1.1.6.7[现场]的修改The Site refers to the *****Island of the Republic of Indonesia现场是指印度尼西亚共和国****岛。
3、Modification to Article [The Engineer] in the general conditions of the ContractThe Engineer refers to the Employer's representative.对通用合同条款1.1.2.4[工程师]的修改,工程师,即为业主代表。
引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:施工合同条件(Co nditio ns of Con tract for Co nstructio n)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表一工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
永久设备和设计一建造合同条件(Co nditio ns of Co ntract for Pla nt and Desig n-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
EPC交钥匙项目合同条件(Co nditi ons of Co ntract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract)推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
FIDIC红皮书 (中文)
8.1 工程的开工 8.2 竣工时间 8.3 进度计划 8.4 竣工时间的延长 8.5 由公共当局引起的延误 8.6 进展速度 8.7 误期损害赔偿费 8.8 工程暂停 8.9 暂停引起的后果 8.10 暂停时对永久设备和材料的支付 8.11 持续的暂停 8.12 复工
9 竣工检验 ...........................................................................................22
4.11 接受的合同款额的完备性 4.12 不可预见的外界条件 4.13 道路通行权和设施 4.14 避免干扰 4.15 进场路线 4.16 货物的运输 4.17 承包商的设备 4.18 环境保护 4.19 电、水、气 4.20 雇主的设备和免费提供的材料 4.21 进度报告 4.22 现场保安 4.23 承包商的现场工作 4.24 化石
9.1 承包商的义务 9.2 延误的检验 9.3 重新检验 9.4 未能通过竣工检验
10 雇主的接收 .....................................................................................23
10.1 对工程和区段的接收 10.2 对部分工程的接收 10.3 对竣工检验的干扰 10.4 地表需要恢复原状
建议在国际范围内招标时使用上述格式作为合同基础。在某些国家和地区,特别是 当合同条件用于其国内合同时,可能需要对这些格式进行一些改动。FIDIC 是按照以英 语为官方语言的情况编写的。
在编写本施工合同条件的过程中我们认识到,有许多条款是普遍适用的,但也有一 些条款必须根据特定合同的具体情况予以变动。因此,我们将那些对大多数(并非全部) 合同都适用的条款编入了通用条件中,以方便使用者将其纳入合同文件。
引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract)推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
FIDIC 条款中英文对照全文
Section IV. Part I. General Conditions of Contract 1 仅供内部使用和参考读前说明为了方便大家在工程上对国际咨询工程师联合会编写出版的《土木工程施工国际招标合同第一部分-通用条件》(以下简称FIDIC合同条件) 的使用,本人根据中国航空工业出版社出版发行的本条件的应用指南,已将其第四版发行的内容整理成英汉对照的电子版本。
周彦松 2004年8月29日于金边FOREWORD前言 (补充译文)The terms of the Fourth Edition of the Conditions of Contract for Works ofCivil Engineering Construction have been prepared by the FédérationInternationale des Ingénieurs Conseils (FIDIC) and are recommended forgeneral use for the purpose of construction of such works where tenders areinvited on an intemational basis. The Conditions, subject to minormodifications, are also suitable for use on domestic contracts.土木工程施工合同条件的第四版已由国际咨询工程师联合会(以下简称为FIDIC)起草完成,并被推荐为以国际性招标为主的同类工程施工的通用条件,如果稍加修改,也适用于国内的招标合同。
引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract)推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
Modifications to Special Terms and Conditions of FIDIC Contract双方经友好协商,对FIDIC红皮书合同专用条款做如下修改:The amendments to the particular conditions of FIDIC red book is, through friendly consultations by the parties to this agreement, made and concluded as follows:1、 Modification to Article [Appendix to the Letter of Tender]对1.1.1.9[投标函附录]的修改Appendix to the Letter of Tender refers to the documents named as Appendix to the Letter of Tender in accordance with requirements in the general conditions and the Contractor shall submit the document to the Owner's satisfactory when required by the Employer.投标函附录指依据通用条款需要提供的名为投标函附录的文件,承包商须在业主要求时提供本文件,并令业主满意。
2、Modification to Article [The Site] 对1.1.6.7[现场]的修改The Site refers to the *****Island of the Republic of Indonesia现场是指印度尼西亚共和国****岛。
3、Modification to Article [The Engineer] in the general conditions of the ContractThe Engineer refers to the Employer's representative.对通用合同条款1.1.2.4[工程师]的修改,工程师,即为业主代表。
F I D I C新红皮书全文 Prepared on 24 November 2020FIDIC施工合同条件(1999年第一版)用于业主设计的房屋建筑或工程通用条件专用条件编制指南争端裁决协议书格式投标函、合同协议书格式周可荣刘雯万彩芸王健译说明:因时间较紧,本译稿未经仔细校对,仅供培训班使用,请勿复印传播。
引言国际咨询工程师联合会(FIDIC)现于1999年出版下列四份新的合同标准格式的第一版:●施工合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Construction)推荐用于由雇主设计的、或由其代表—工程师设计的房屋建筑或工程(building or engineering works)。
●永久设备和设计—建造合同条件(Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build)推荐用于电力和/或机械设备的提供,以及房屋建筑或工程的设计和实施。
●EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件(Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects)适用于在交钥匙的基础上进行的工厂或其它类似设施的加工或能源设备的提供、或基础设施项目和其它类型的开发项目的实施,这种合同条件所适用的项目(i)对最终价格和施工时间的确定性要求较高,(ii)承包商完全负责项目的设计和施工,雇主基本不参与工作。
●合同的简短格式(Short Form of Contract)推荐用于价值相对较低的建筑或工程。
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1.1 测量方法12.2 Method of Measurement除非合同中另有规定,无论当地惯例如何:Except as otherwise stated in the Contract and notwithstanding local practice:(a) 测量应该是测量每部分永久工程的实际净值,以及(a) measurement shall be made of the net actual quantity of each item of the Permanent Works, and(b) 测量方法应符合工程量表或其他适用报表。
(b) the method of measurement shall be in accordance with the Bill of Quantities or other applicable Schedules.1.2 估价12.3 Evaluation除非合同中另有规定,工程师应通过对每一项工作的估价,根据第3.5款【决定】,商定或决定合同价格。
Except as otherwise stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine the Contract Price by evaluating each item of work, applying the measurement agreed or determined in accordance with the above Sub-Clauses 12.1 and 12.2 and the appropriate rate or price for the item.对每一项工作,该项合适的费率或价格应该是合同中对此项工作规定的费率或价格,或者如果没有该项,则为对其类似工作所规定的费率或价格。
但是在下列情况下,对这一项工作规定新的费率或价格将是合适的:For each item of work, the appropriate rate or price for the item shall be the rate or price specified for such item in the Contract or, if there is no such item, specified for similar work. However, a new rate or price shall be appropriate for an item of work if:(a) (i) 如果此项工作实际测量的工程量比工程量表或其他报表中规定的工程量的变动大于10%;(i)the measured quantity of the item is changed by ore than 10% from the quantity of this item in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule,(ii) 工程量的变更与对该项工作规定的具体费率的乘积超过了接受的合同款额的0.01%;(ii) This change in quantity multiplied by such specified rate for this item exceeds 0.01 % of the Accepted Contract Amount,(iii) 由此工程量的变更直接造成该项工作每单位工程量费用的变动超过1%;以及(iii) this change in quantity directly changes the Cost per unit quantity of this item by more than 1 %, and(iv) 这项工作不是合同中规定的“固定费率项目”;(iv) this item is not specified in the Contract as a "fixed rate item"; or(b) (i) 此工作是根据第13款【变更与调整】的指示进行的;(i) the work is instructed under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments],(ii) 合同中对此项工作未规定费率或价格;且(ii) no rate or price is specified in the Contract for this item, and(iii) 由于该项工作与合同中的任何工作没有类似的性质或不在类似的条件下进行,故没有一个规定的费率或价格适用。
(iii) no specified rate or price is appropriate because the item of work is not每种新的费率或价格是对合同中相关费率或价格在考虑到上述(a)、(b)段所描述的适用的事件以后作出的合理调整。
Each new rate or price shall be derived from any relevant rates or prices in the Contract, with reasonable adjustments to take account of the matters described in sub-paragraph (a) and/or (b), as applicable. If no rates or prices are relevant for the derivation of a new rate or price, it shall be derived from the reasonable Cost of executing the work, together with reasonable profit, taking account of any other relevant matters.在商定或决定了一合适的费率或价格之前,工程师还应为期中支付证书决定一临时费率或价格。
Until such time as an appropriate rate or price is agreed or determined, the Engineer shall determine a provisional rate or price for the purposes of Interim Payment Certificates.1.3 省略12.4 Omissions当对任何工作的省略构成部分(或全部)变更且对其价值未达成一致时,如果:Whenever the omission of any work forms part (or all) of a Variation, the value of which has not been agreed, if:(a) 承包商将招致(或已经招致)一笔费用,这笔费用应被视为是如果工作未被省略时,在构成部分接受的合同款额的一笔金额中所包含的;(a) the Contractor will incur (or has incurred) cost which, if the work had not been omitted, would have been deemed to be covered by a sum forming part of the Accepted Contract Amount;(b) 该工作的省略将导致(或已经导致)这笔金额不构成部分合同价格;并且(b) the omission of the work will result (or has resulted) in this sum not forming part of the Contract Price; and(c) 这笔费用并不被认为包含在任何替代工作的估价之中,(c) this cost is not deemed to be included in the evaluation of any substituted work;承包商应随即向工程师发出通知,并附具体的证明资料。
then the Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer accordingly, with supporting particulars. Upon receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine this cost, which shall be included in the Contract Price.2.变更和调整Variations and Adjustments2.1 有权变更13.1 Right to Vary在颁发工程接收证书前的任何时间,工程师可通过发布指示或以要求承包商递交建议书的方式,提出变更。
Variations may be initiated by the Engineer at any time prior to issuing the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works, either by an instruction or by a request for the Contractor to submit a proposal.承包商应执行每项变更并受每项变更的约束,除非承包商马上通知工程师(并附具体的证明资料)并说明承包商无法得到变更所需的货物。
The Contractor shall execute and be bound by each Variation, unless the Contractor promptly gives notice to the Engineer stating (with supporting particulars) that the Contractor cannot readily obtain the Goods required for the Variation. Upon receiving this notice, the Engineer shall cancel, confirm or vary the instruction.每项变更可包括:Each Variation may include:(a) 对合同中任何工作的工程量的改变(此类改变并不一定必然构成变更);(a) changes to the quantities of any item of work included in the Contract (however, such changes do not necessarily constitute a Variation),(b) 任何工作质量或其他特性上的变更;(b) changes to the quality and other characteristics of any item of work,(c) 工程任何部分标高、位置和(或)尺寸上的改变;(c) changes to the levels, positions and/or dimensions of any part of the Works,(d) 省略任何工作,除非它已被他人完成;(d) omission of any work unless it is to be carried out by others,(e) 永久工程所必需的任何附加工作、永久设备、材料或服务,包括任何联合竣工检验、钻孔和其他检验以及勘察工作,或(e) any additional work, Plant, Materials or services necessary for the Permanent Works, including any associated Tests on Completion, boreholes and other testing and exploratory work, or(f) 工程的实施顺序或时间安排的改变。