
一、with结构的构成它是由介词with或without+复合结构构成,复合结构作介词with 或without的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词。
With结构构成方式如下:1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词;2. with或without-名词/代词+副词;3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语;4. with或without-名词/代词+动词不定式;5. with或without-名词/代词+分词。
下面分别举例:1、She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold. (with+ 名词+ 形容词,作伴随状语)2、With the meal over ,we all went home. (with+ 名词+ 副词,作时间状语)3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm 。
(with+ 名词+ 介词短语,作伴随状语。
)The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me. (with+ 名词+ 不定式,作伴随状语)He could not finish it without me to help him. (without+代词+不定式,作条件状语)5、She fell asleep with the light burning. (with+ 名词+ 现在分词,作伴随状语)Without anything left in the cupboard ,she went out to get something to eat. (without+ 代词+ 过去分词,作为原因状语)二、with结构的用法在句子中with结构多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件(详见上述例句)。

二. with复合结构作状语 1. 表示伴随状况
She left the office with tears in her eyes. 她眼里含着泪,离开了办公室。
He was covered with a national flag with his face exposed.
4. 表示条件
I’d like to see the new film with time permitting.
We will have an outing tomorrow with weather fine.
5. 表示结果
The battle ended with the enemy defeated.
1. With the boy________us the way, we got there easily.
√ A. showed B. showing C. to show D. show
2. With everything________, she made her way home.
• 3. 表示时间
• The children began to watch TV with the homework done.
• 孩子们完成作业以后开始看电 视。
• The meeting was over with the problem settled.
• 问题解决以后,会议结束了。
The teacher came in with a book in his hand.

With结构构成方式如下:1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词;2. with或without-名词/代词+副词;3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语;4. with或without-名词/代词+动词不定式;5. with或without-名词/代词+分词。
下面分别举例:1、She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,作伴随状语)2、With the meal over ,we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm。
)The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me.(with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语)He could not finish it without me to help him.(without+代词+不定式,作条件状语)5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词,作伴随状语)Without anything left in the cupboard,shewent out to get something to eat.(without+代词+过去分词,作为原因状语)二、with结构的用法在句子中with结构多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件(详见上述例句)。

With结构构成方式如下:1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词;2. with或without-名词/代词+副词;3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语;4. with或without-名词/代词+动词不定式;5. with或without-名词/代词+分词。
下面分别举例:1、She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,作伴随状语)2、With the meal over ,we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm。
)The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me.(with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语)He could not finish it without me to help him.(without+代词+不定式,作条件状语)5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词,作伴随状语)Without anything left in the cupboard,she went out to get something to eat.(without+代词+过去分词,作为原因状语)二、with结构的用法在句子中with结构多数充当状语,表示行为方式,伴随情况、时间、原因或条件(详见上述例句)。

以下是一些常见的with的复合结构用法:1. With + 名词:表示伴随状态或特征With + 名词:表示伴随状态或特征- He walked down the street with a smile on his face.(他带着微笑走在街上。
)- She entered the room with confidence.(她带着自信走进房间。
)2. With + 过去分词:表示伴随的行为或状况With + 过去分词:表示伴随的行为或状况- She sat on the bench with her legs crossed.(她双腿交叉坐在长椅上。
)- The bookshelf was filled with books.(书架上摆满了书。
)3. With + 动名词:表示伴随的行为或方式With + 动名词:表示伴随的行为或方式- He opened the door with a loud bang.(他用巨大的声音打开了门。
)- She walked into the room with a graceful glide.(她优雅地滑入房间。
)4. With + 代词/名词 + 不定式:表示带有某种感情或态度的伴随With + 代词/名词 + 不定式:表示带有某种感情或态度的伴随- She listened to her friend's story with great interest.(她满怀兴趣地听朋友的故事。
)- He accepted the challenge with a determination to succeed.(他带着成功的决心接受了挑战。
)5. With + 比较级 + 不定式:表示伴随着某种程度的变化With + 比较级 + 不定式:表示伴随着某种程度的变化- The car went faster and faster, with the wind blowing through her hair.(车子越来越快,风吹拂着她的头发。

一、 with的用法1. with -名词/代词+形容词;e.g. She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,作伴随状语)2. with-名词/代词+副词;e.g. With the meal over ,we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)3. with-名词/代词+介词短语e.g. The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm。
)4. with-名词/代词 +动词不定式;e.g. He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child tosay he was kind to me.(with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语)5. with -名词/代词 +分词。
e.g. she fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词,作伴随状语)二、the way的用法2. 在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。
由此我们得到the way后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way +that-从句2) the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句例如:The way(in which ,that) these comrades look at problems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法不对。
The way(that ,in which)you’re doing it is completely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。
I liked the way she organized the meeting.。

I had to go to bed with nothing to do. 我没有事可做,只好睡觉。
4. with+宾语+ 介词短语 The teacher came in with a book in his hand. 老师进来了,手里拿着本书。
They have finished the peace talks with the agreements reached.
1.With the boy _l_e_a_d_in_g____the way,we found he house easily. (lead)
• 3. 表示时间
• The children began to watch TV with the homework done.
• 孩子们完成作业以后开始看电 视。
• The meeting was over with the problem settled.
• 问题解决以后,会议结束了。
4. 表示条件
一、with复合结构: “with+宾语+宾语补足语” 此结构在句中常作状语,可位于句首或句尾,
常作时间、原因、方式、伴随状语,亦可作后置 定语。 二、 with复合结构的构成 1. with+宾语+adj.(adj.表状态)
He used to sleep with all the windows open. 他过去常常开着窗子睡觉。
(小男孩已领过路) 2.With the boy _t_o_l_e_a_d_______the way,we

1. with语句的基本用法with语句是Python中一种资源管理工具,用于简化打开文件、访问数据库等操作。
基本语法如下:with 资源 as 变量:使用资源进行操作2. 使用with语句的复合结构在实际应用中,我们经常需要同时使用多个资源,这时可以使用with语句的复合结构,以提高代码的可读性和简洁性。
2.1 多个资源打开使用with语句的复合结构,可以同时打开多个资源,在退出时自动关闭这些资源。
例如,同时打开文件和数据库连接:with open('file.txt', 'r') as file, connect('database') as db:使用文件和数据库进行操作2.2 自定义资源管理器我们也可以自定义资源管理器,实现一些特定的操作。
例如,自定义一个数据库连接管理器:class DatabaseConnection:def __enter__(self):self.connect()def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):self.disconnect()def connect(self):连接数据库的操作def disconnect(self):断开数据库连接的操作with DatabaseConnection() as db:使用数据库进行操作通过自定义资源管理器,我们可以在进入和退出时执行一些特定操作,如连接和断开数据库。
3. 注意事项使用with语句的复合结构时,需要注意以下几点:- 确保资源定义的顺序和使用的顺序一致,避免出现错误的使用情况。
- 每个资源都需要实现__enter__()和__exit__()方法,以确保正确的资源管理。
- 需要确保资源在退出时被正确地关闭或释放,以避免资源泄漏。
with 的复合结构小结

with的复合结构即with+宾语+宾语补足语1、 with + n/pron + done( 其中n/pron与done是动宾关系)With everything bought, I went home.买好东西,我就回家了。
With my homework done, I went out to play basketball.做好了作业,我出去打篮球了。
2.with + n/pron + doing. (其中n/pron 与 doing是主谓关系)With many people surrounding him, he felt really upset.这么多人围着他,他真的感觉很紧张。
With all of you helping me, I finished my work in advance. 有你们帮我,我已经提前完成任务了。
3、with + n/pron + to do(其中to do 表将来)With so much work to do, I have to stay behind after work. 有这么多工作要做,我只好留下来加班。
With lots of problems to solve, I feel restless.有这么多问题需要解决,我感到坐立不安。
4、with + n/pron + adv.(其中adv.表示其前面n/pron的状态) With all the lights on, he left the room.房间里的灯都开着他就走了。
With his computer off, he wanted to deal with his papers tomorrow.已经关了电脑,他决定明天处理这些文件。
5、with + n/pron + prep.phrase(介词短语表状态)With a book in his hand, our teacher came in.老师手里拿着书走进来。

the farmers were able to increase their XXX.Summary of "With" Compound Structures UsageThe "with + compound structure" is also known as the "with structure" and is used to express a state or provide background n in a sentence。
It is often used as an adverbial phrase to indicate panying。
or n。
The specific structures are as follows:1.With + XXX phraseHe slept with his head on his arm.The man came in with a whip in his hand.2.With + noun + adjective (emphasizing the XXX)With the weather so close and stuffy。
it will probably rain soon.He used to sleep with the windows open.3.With + noun + adverbWith John away。
we have more room.The square looks more beautiful than ever with all the XXX.4.With + noun + past participle (emphasizing that the noun is the receiver of the past participle n or the n has already happened) With this problem solved。

with 复合结构用法归纳with的复合结构是高中阶段英语语法的一个难点,也是高考英语试题的一个考察热点。
1.w ith+宾语+介词短语(介词短语表示宾语所处的状态)(1)She left the office with tears in her eyes.(2)The teacher came in with a book in his hand.2.with+宾语+形容词(形容词表示宾语的特性和状态)(1)He used to sleep with the window open.(2)When he is eating, he doesn’t speak with his month full of food.3.with+宾语+副词(副词表示宾语所处的状态)(1)With John away, we’ve got more room.(2)Our city looks more beautiful than ever with all the lights on.4.with+宾语+现在分词(现在分词表示宾语正在进行的动作或主动的动作)(1)He lay there with his eyes looking at the sky.(2)She fell asleep with the light burning.5.with+宾语+过去分词(过去分词和宾语构成动宾关系,且宾语是动作的承受者)(1)The thief was brought in with his hands tied back.(2)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.6. with+宾语+动词不定式(动词不定式表示主动或将来的动作)(1)I can’t go out with all these dishes to wash.(2)With all these mouths to feed, he did’t know what to do.7.with+宾语+名词(名词表示宾语是什么)(1)He dug a deep hole with a spade his tool.(2)Lu Xun fought against the enemy with a pen his only weapon.二、with复合结构的用法:with复合结构主要用了来说明附带情况或具体细节,在句中用作状语,表示条件、原因、时间、方式或伴随情况等,可以和相应的状语从句转换。

例句: With machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops.于所有的工作都是由机器进行,他们将很快收完庄稼。
(原因状语)2.with复合结构可以作定语例句: Anyone with its eyes in his head can see it' s exactly like a rope.任何一个头上长着眼睛的人都能看出它完全像一条绳子。
如:(1)with+宾语+形容词He often sleeps with the windows open.他常开着窗睡觉。
Don’t speak with your mouth full.不要满嘴巴食物说话。
(2)with+宾语+副词He stood before his teacher with his head down.他低着头站在老师面前。
一、with结构的构成1.with+宾语(名词或代词)+n.He cut the paper with a ruler his knife.他用尺当刀子裁开了纸。
The man fought against the thief__________________________.那男子以木棍作武器同盗贼搏斗。
2.with+宾语(名词或代词)+adj.He used to sleep with the window open. (表示伴随情况)他过去经常开着窗户睡觉。
The children were making a snowman,__________________________________.孩子们正在做雪人,双手冻得通红。
(结果状语)3.with+宾语(名词或代词)+adv.The little boy ran along the street with nothing on.小男孩沿街跑着,什么也没穿。
(方式状语)He fell asleep _______________________________.他睡着了,灯还亮着。
(伴随状语)4.with+宾语(名词或代词)+prep.The farmer went to the field with a spade on his shoulder.这位农民肩扛铁锨下田干活了。
Jack walked into the classroom __________________________________杰克手里拿着几本书,走进了教室。
(表示伴随) (hand)5.with+宾语(名词或代词)+V-ingShe felt nervous with the whole class staring at her.由于全班都盯着她看,她感到紧张。

with复合结构的用法归纳with复合结构的用法归纳如下:1.With + 名词 + 介词短语(1) He was asleep with his head on his arm.(2) The man came in with a whip in his hand.在书面语中。
上句也可以说成:The man came in, whip in hand. 2.with + 名词 + 形容词(强调名词的特性或状态)(1)With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it 'll rain presently. 天气这么闷热,十之八九要下雨。
(2)He used to sleep with the windows open.3. With + 名词 + 副词(1)With John away, we抳e got more room. 约翰走了,我们的地方大了一些。
(2)The square looks more beautiful than ever with all the light on.4. With + 名词 + -ed 分词(强调名词是 -ed分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生)(1)With this problem solved, neopenicillin 1 is now in regular production. 随着这个问题的解决,新霉素一号现在已正式生产。
(2)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 5. with + 名词 + -ing分词(强调名词是 -ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作,状态正在进行)(1)I won抰 be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.(2)He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him.(3)With the field leveled and irrigation channels controlling the volume of water(水量), no such problem arose again.6. with + 名词 + to do (不定式动作尚未发生)(1)So in the afternoon, with nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops. 由于下午无事可做,我就去书店转了转。

比如说,“他过去常常开着窗户睡觉”,就可以说“He used to sleep with the window open.”。
比如说,“她妈妈坐在椅子上,头低着”,就可以说“Her mother sat on the chair with her head down.”。
比如说,“他站在那里,眼睛盯着地面”,就可以说“He stood there with his eyes staring at the ground.”。
比如说,“有那么多张嘴要去喂,他不知道怎么办”,就可以说“With all these mouths to feed, he didn't know what to do.”。
这里头的to feed就是不定式,表示将来要发生的动作。
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With 复合结构用法小结“With + 复合结构”又称为“with结构”,在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随,方式,原因,条件等状语。
具体结构如下:1. With + 名词 + 介词短语•(1) He was asleep with his head on his arm. •(2) The man came in with a whip in his hand. •在书面语中。
上句也可以说成:The man came in, whip in hand.2.with + 名词 + 形容词(强调名词的特性或状态)•(1)With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it'll rain presently.天气这么闷热,十之八九要下雨。
•(2)He used to sleep with the windows open.3. With + 名词 + 副词•(1)With John away, we've got more room. 约翰走了,我们的地方大了一些。
•(2)The square looks more beautiful than ever with all the light on. 4. With + 名词 + -ed 分词(强调名词是 -ed分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生)•(1)With this problem solved, neopenicillin 1 is now in regular production.随着这个问题的解决,新霉素一号现在已正式生产。
•(2)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.5. with + 名词 + -ing分词(强调名词是 -ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作,状态正在进行)•(1)I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. •(2)He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him. •(3)With the field leveled and irrigation channels controlling the volume of water(水量), no such problem arose again.6. with + 名词 + to do (不定式动作尚未发生)•(1)So in the afternoon, with nothing to do, I went on a round of the bookshops.由于下午无事可做,我就去书店转了转。
•(2)I can't go out with all these dishes to wash.一、 with结构的构成它是由介词with或without+复合结构构成,复合结构作介词with或without 的复合宾语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词充当,第二部分补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词。
With结构构成方式如下:1. with或without-名词/代词+形容词;2. with或without-名词/代词+副词;3. with或without-名词/代词+介词短语;4. with或without-名词/代词 +动词不定式;5. with或without-名词/代词 +分词。
下面分别举例:1、 She came into the room,with her nose red because of cold.(with+名词+形容词,作伴随状语)2、 With the meal over , we all went home.(with+名词+副词,作时间状语)3、The master was walking up and down with the ruler under his arm。
) The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.4、He lay in the dark empty house,with not a man ,woman or child to say he was kind to me.(with+名词+不定式,作伴随状语) He could not finish it without me to help him.(without+代词 +不定式,作条件状语)5、She fell asleep with the light burning.(with+名词+现在分词,作伴随状语) Without anything left in the with结构是许多英语复合结构中最常用的一种。
例如:like eating the mooncakes with eggs.space the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe with a few patches of land sticking out above the water.little boy with two of his front teeth missing ran into the house.三、 with结构的特点1. with结构由介词with或without+复合结构构成。
例如: With him taken care of,we felt quite relieved.(欣慰)→(He was taken good care of.)She fell asleep with the light burning. →(The light was burning.)With her hair gone,there cou ld be no use for them. →(Her hair was gone.)2. 在with结构中,第一部分为人称代词时,则该用宾格代词。
例如: He could not finish it without me to help him.四、几点说明:1. with结构在句子中的位置: with 结构在句中作状语,表示时间、条件、原因时一般放在句子前面,并用逗号与句子分开;表示方式和伴随状况时一般放在句子后面,不用逗号分开。
2. with结构作状语时,不定式、现在分词、和过去分词的区别:在with结构中,不定式、现在分词作宾补,表示主动,但是不定式表示将要发生的动作,而现在分词表示正在发生或发生了的动作;过去分词表示被动或完成。
例如: With the boy leading the way,we found he house easily.(小男孩已领过路)With the boy to lead the way,we will find the house easily tomorrow.(小男孩明天将领路)He lay on the bed with the bedroom door shut.(寝室被关着)3. with结构与一般的with短语的区别: with结构具有上述功能和特点,而\"介词with+名词或代词(组)\"组成的一般的with短语在句子中可以作定语和状语。
4. with结构与独立主格结构的关系: with结构属于独立主格结构,但在结构上,with结构由介词with或without引导,名词前有冠词、形容词、所有格代词或其它词类所修饰,结构较松散;而独立主格结构没有with或without引导,结构严密,名词前可用可不用修饰语。
例如:There were rows of white houses with trees in front of them.(\"with+复合宾语\"结构,在句中作定语)A strong man working a whole day could not jump this high.(名词+现在分词构成的独立主格结构,作主语)The boy said,turning to the man,his eyes opened wide and his hand raised.(独立主格结构,表示伴随状况或行为方式,作状语)Then last night,I followed him here,and climbed in,sword in hand.(名词+介词短语构成的独立主格结构,作状语,表示伴随情况) board, she went out to get something to eat.(without+代词+过去分词,作为原因状语)。