

口译 演讲技巧PPT幻灯片课件

口译 演讲技巧PPT幻灯片课件
四川师范大学外国语学院 How public speaking skills are related to
Interpreting? I. Vocal manner II. physical performance
• 语速与音量(speed and volume)

v. facial expression 面部表情 译员表情应该从容自信、亲切热情,面带微笑; 应该自然真实,不可夸张,矫揉造作。
Extra Bonus
microphone manner 译员嘴巴应该跟麦保持一定距离,把握适当的音量, 防止出现起爆杂音,不能对麦喘粗气、吸鼻子、咳 嗽或大声翻阅资料等。
Unit 9 Public Speaking Skills
四川师范大学外国语学院 Why public speaking skills are necessary in
In the process of Interpreting, interpreters are doing, to be frank, a kind of public speaking activity, therefore, the right public speaking skills are necessary and helpful for interpreters to complete the tasks.



By ways:
单向口译 ( one-way interpretation ) 双向口译 ( two-way interpretat导游口译 ( guide interpretation ) 礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation ) 宣传口译 ( information interpretation ) 会议口译 ( conference interpretation ) 谈判口译 ( negotiation interpretation )
It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83).
Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act.
Lecture Two:An Overview (cont’d)
Teaching Objective
By getting students familiar with the theories and background knowledge and the basic skills of interpreting , this course aims to facilitate the students with interpreting procedure and basic skills and
Q: Dear Michael, who taught you how to play golf and do you still use a coach?



or her capacity for approproiate responses will greater intellectual development.
实践尝试翻译 (4’)
(4) People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the 各组总结观点 (2’) police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.
Teaching Approaches
➢Teaching Theories 学生为主体,老师为主导
开放式、探究式教学 平等、协作精神
严谨而求 实的
Teaching style
平等而和谐的 探索方式
➢Teaching Methods

学 三位一体化 做
合作学习 教学法
Look carefully the sentences and conclude
• 尝试翻译实践
their characteristic and attempt to translation
(1) Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.



英语口译(二级)精讲班第1讲讲义001 二级口译实务考试介绍Lecture 11、二级口译实务考试介绍英语口译二级考试分《口译综合能力》和《口译实务》测试两部分,旨在检测应试者的口译实践能力是否达到专业译员水平。











具体说来,应试者应具备良好的语言知识(Linguistic Knowledge)、语言外的知识(Extra-Linguistic Knowledge)以及分析能力(Analysis)。




3、口译技巧介绍口译技巧( Interpretation Techniques) 根据口译步骤(信息接收—信息储存—信息处理—信息输出)为基础,总结出以下技巧:(2)思维理解1—逻辑分析;(3)思维理解2—信息视觉;(4)思维理解3 —将认知信息纳入理解轨道(5)记忆机制1—瞬时记忆、短时记忆、长时记忆;(6)记忆机制2-记忆训练方法;(7)笔记方法1—记什么?(8)笔记方法2—怎么记?(9)数字口译1—单纯数字口译(10)数字口译2—数字与信息相结合(11)习语的口译;(12)模糊信息处理技巧;(13) 口译中的文化差异;(14) 口译中的句法转换;(15) 语境因素处理技巧;(16) 临场应变技巧。


Jean Jin English Translation Dep. CISISU
Types of Interpreting
Types of Interpreting
Language Competence Verbal Idioms动词成语 Nonverbal idioms非动词成语 英语SVOC(主+谓+宾+补)句型的口译 英语SVOO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)句型的口译 Attributive Clause 英语定语从句的口译 Adverbial Clause英语状语从句的口译 * Passive voice英语被动语态的口译 * Negation英语否定的口译 口译中的词类选择 多/同/近义词的口译 名词修饰语的口译 较简单的汉语句子的口译 较复杂的汉语句子的口译 时态的口译 虚拟语气的口译 感情色彩的口译
China Aptnd Interpreters
翻译专业资格(水平)考试 (人保部) NAETI
◦ National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters
◦ 全国外语翻译证书考试 (教育部)
Topics Ceremonial Speech Tourism Culture Education Sports Health and Fitness Conference and Exhibition Social Focus Energy and Environment Reform and Opening-up Economy and Trade Finance Business Management Science and Technology Info-tech International Relations



Scenic Spots/ Tourist Attractions
• 名胜古迹 • scenic spots and historical sites • 名山大川 • famous mountains and great rivers • 承德避暑山庄 • Chengde Summer Resorts • 敦煌莫高窟 • the Dunhuang Mogao Grottos • 秦始皇陵 • Qinshihuang's Mausoleum • 兵马俑 • terra-cotta soliders and horses • 布达拉宫 • Potala Palace • 亭、台、楼、塔 • pavilion、terrace、tower、pagoda
Famous Hotels Hilton Shengri-La Radison Portman-Ritz Sheraton Intercontinental Hotel Crowne Plaza Marriott International Holiday Inn Westin Hotel Ramada Jin Jiang International
• The multi store model is a classic model of memory. It is sometimes called the modal model or the dual process model.
• The multi store model (Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968) describes memory in terms of information flowing through a system.



获得巨大利益:have reaped tremendous benefits from 加快:speed up 突飞猛进:be surging ahead 大幅度增加:substantially increase sth. …不断增多:a growing array of … 进一步扩大:continued/ further expansion of
• 这些给两国人民带来了实实在在的利益:…, delivering real benefits to the two peoples.
• 网络和信息安全问题带来的负面影响:the negative impacts that may arise from insecure networks and information (Unit 4/P.81)
要求 • …is designed to旨在
• Grow • Thrive • Steadfastly
• Gracious invitation • Gracious support and hospitality • A war-torn and destitute country
提出/ 倡导/坚持/主张…
…point out that … …raise the idea of … …propose to… …advocate… …believe… …hold(held) that…
• 中国人早就提出“民为邦本,本固邦宁”。(Unit 2) • 中国人始终秉承“强不执弱,富不侮贫”,主张“协和万
• “数字生活”报告表明,人类生活与技术日益融合,虚拟 身份得以建立:The “digital life” report shows that human lives increasingly entwined with technology enabling virtual identy to be constructed. (Unit 2)

Lecture Two翻译课件

Lecture Two翻译课件

Differences in Ways of Thinking between Chinese and English
• 1. Integrity and Synthetic in Chinese vs Individuality and Analytic in English. • 搞得我心乱如麻。It made me upset. • 热得我满头大汗。The heat makes me sweat. • 只见她一身珠光宝气,绰约宜人。 • She showed up in a graceful manner, gleaning with jewelry. • 黑漆漆的,不知是日是夜。 • Pitch dark. I don’t know whether it is day or night. • 他省吃俭用,辛勤劳作,攒下了一笔钱。 • Thrift and diligence make him roll up a fortune.
• “A culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy particular geographic areas.” (D. Brown, 1978) • “Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes.” (R. Kohls, 1979) • “The culture of every society is unique, containing combinations of norms and values that are found nowhere else.” (I. Robertson, 1981)



3.Types of interpreting(口译分类)
同声传译:simultaneous interpreting 简称 SI
交替传译:consecutive interpreting 简称CI也称连续口译/传译、即席口译/传译、逐步
how to behave professionally
Course Structure
An introduction to the definition, characteristics, modes and
process of professional interpreting, and requirements for
1. Keyword identification
2. Keyword reduction
Ⅱ. Skills practice (40 min)
1. 2.2 Indentifying keywords
2. 2.3 Reducing xercises (80 min)
For self-study
Tentative Schedule
Time Allotment: 1 semester(72 periods, 4 periods every week)


audience’s reactions; allow space for applause, laughter, or interruptions.
Prepare a speech for 2’, based on one of the following topics: 1. The way(s) to convey our patriotism 2. To be single, or to find a lover on campus? 3. My career planning 4. Tomorrow is another day
The nature of “being on the spot” can add to the pressure of the interpreter.
Good interpreters MUST at the same time be good public speakers.
Public Speaking
Logic in expressing coherence, logic
Structure of An Informative Speech
Beginning – What you’re going to say Middle – Say it!
End – What you have said
Example Analysis
An art or a skill? Example analysis
Elements in PS
Voice control: volume, rate, pause, articulation, pitch, variance
Control of manners : posture, gesture, eye contact, appearance and behaviour

《口译》课件--Lecture 2--熊萍萍

《口译》课件--Lecture 2--熊萍萍

Interpreting techniques (1)
Greeting at the Airport: useful expressions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am…, the interpreter. Excuse me. I haven’t had the honor of knowing you. It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us. Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person. We are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. It is delightful to have such an enthusiastic group of people taking part in our project. We appreciate very much that you have come to visit our city in spite of the long and tiring journey. How was your journey? I hope you will enjoy your stay here. I would like to introduce you to/ I would like you to meet…
S (subject) + V (verb) + O (object)
• e.g. The citizens of our two countries have gradually learned more about each other”.

第七章 口译技巧PPT课件

第七章 口译技巧PPT课件
b. 时效性:口译笔记只是备一时之需、应一时之急, 它具有很强的时效性;笔记只用于口译那一时刻,口 译任务一结束,它将失去它的使用价值和保存价值。 因此,它的记录方法和记录目的与一般的课堂笔记和 会议笔记不同。
► c. 简洁性:正是由于口译笔记的时效性和特殊性,一般说 来,口译笔记不必详尽,只要求记重点、要点和难译点。另 外可借助一些速记符号灵活来进行记录。笔记所起的作用仅 仅是记忆的激发手段,在笔记的提醒下,译员还需凭大脑的 记忆,回忆、扩充,使之成为完整的译文。
► w (world):世界
p (peace):和平
r (repetition):重复
► 张大,表示“吃惊”)
► :害怕,恐惧,恐慌(scared , ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rightened, panic ) (两只眼睛张 大,表示“恐惧”)
► :担心,顾虑,焦虑(worry, care, anxious ) (符号表示皱眉 头)
► :听说,据说,众所周知(it is said that, maybe you’ve heard of, as we all
strengthen, etc.) ► ↓ :下降, 减少, 恶化, 裁减 (drop to, reduce,
deteriorate, cut down ) ► → :导致,输出,派遣, 进入, 结论 (result in, export
to, send to, enter, draw a conclusion) ► :来自,源于,追溯至, 进口,收到 (come from,


Chapter 2 Tourism
Skill focus: Memory Training Skill-related Exercises(1)、(2)、(3)
Topic Focus: Tourism Background Information
Sentence Interpreting Dialogue Interpreting Passage Interpreting
• Directional – north/south & east/west; front/back; left/right; bottom/up or top/down, etc.
• Transial words or phrases used to indicate qualitative change over time
• Component (part/whole) – classification by category or concept
• Relevance— topic sentence or supporting sentences
• Experienced interpreters often mentally repeat what the speaker has said previously while still listening to the on-going speech or interpreting consecutively so as to link all the points together.
Interpreter’s Memory
• Long-term Memory • Short-term Memory (Working
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It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 2019:83). Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act.


Q: Dear Michael, who taught you how to play golf and do you still use a coach? A: A lot of people helped teach me—mostly my buddies at the UNC while I was in school.I occasionally use a PRO to advise me on improving --but no one regular. I've come to realize that I'm just a "hack"--so now I am enjoying just playing without a lot of coaching.

Differences between interpretation and translation

the difference in the medium the difference in the time limit The key skill of a very good translator is the ability to write well,professional translators almost always work in only one direction, translating only into their native language ,using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries on the spot.
英语口译教程 Lecture Two:An Overview (cont’d)
Teaching Objective

By getting students familiar with the theories and background knowledge and the basic skills of interpreting , this course aims to facilitate the students with interpreting procedure and basic skills and strategies ,such as :memory training、note-taking、 oral presentation and public speaking skills etc., to arise students’ awareness of current affairs and background knowledge, to cultivate their ability of discourse analysis , logical thinking ,cross-cultural communication and interpretation both from English to Chinese and vise versa .
Types of interpreting

By forms:

交替口译 ( alternating interpretation ) 接续口译 ( consecutive interpretation ) 同声传译 ( simultaneous interpretation ) 耳语口译 ( whispering interpretation ) 视阅口译 ( sight interpretation )

By ways:

单向口译 ( one-way interpretation ) 双向口译 ( two-way interpretation )

By contents:

导游口译 ( guide interpretation ) 礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation ) 宣传口译 ( information interpretation ) 会议口译 ( conference interpretation ) 谈判口译 ( negotiation interpretation )

问:亲爱的迈克尔,谁教你打高尔夫球,你现 在还有教练吗? 答:有许多人教过我—多数是我在北卡 罗来纳大学时的老同学.偶尔会请个职业 教练帮帮我,但不经常.我已经渐渐认识到 我不过是随便玩玩而已.所以现在更不想 要教练,就自己玩.


Q: Women in the United States generally live longer than men. But in recent years that gap has been narrowing a bit. How has that affected the life insurance business? A: It is not narrowing that much, thank goodness We are still outliving men, we are still. We have quite a gap on them, still about 7-8 years. The only reason it’s narrowing is women are doing things to themselves that they shouldn’t be doing , like smoking ,and all those bad habits that men have had for many years. But it is not narrowing for other reasons.
Interpretation: An Overview

口译定义:definition “口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或 读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另 一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际 行为,是人类在跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖 的一种基本的语言交际工具。”( 教材P5) 口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口头翻 译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 2019:82)