

CITI GCG MA笔试 群面 HR面分享

CITI GCG MA笔试 群面 HR面分享

CITI GCG MA笔试+群面+HR面分享很可惜昨天发邮件给June去enquiry进程得知HR面挂了恍然若失虽然早在结束的时候就因为那个致命的问题已经预料到了这个结果可毕竟是Citi 曾经让我站在伦敦canary wharf那座大楼里敬仰的Citi 就算现在处境不佳可依旧会是很多人心中的dream offer写些东西吧因为似乎现在MA的招聘进程还在如火如荼的进行中希望能给后来人一些参考 投Citi是机缘凑巧在水木上看到了招聘信息试着给那邮箱发了封没想到四天后便得到了邀请正如June在面试中所说Citi对专业看得真的不重关键还是在个人素质 10月22号笔试25分钟30道题的纯numerical貌似是比较老式的SHL类型比那些online test怪异一些比如有些什么计算时差或者面积的题不过难度差不多甚至要低一点刚开始因为怕时间不够所以做得很快结果hr提醒说还有10分钟的时候我已经只剩下6道题了慢慢悠悠的做完感觉不错一周后收到邮件说笔试过了后来群面中hr提到笔试淘汰率在60%左右给大家一个参考11月4日去group discussion 那天其实状态特别不好因为前一天晚上居然失眠(我发誓不是因为兴奋or紧张我这人就是会间歇性失眠)而且还有点感冒所以早上起来冲了个澡试图抖擞一下精神同组一共十个人有一个人没来人大居多北大清华当然也不能少还有北航北邮的兄弟都是在投行实习过的剩下的还有我和另外一个女生一个ox一个lse 算是高价海带= =讨论的case就是那个经典的yourciti 关于给citi客户的新进员工提供理财服务的项目根据一个以及一些相关的报表需要得出是否应该投资+有哪些risk和measurement的建议因为之前在网上查到过这个case 当时就决定因为我完全没有经管背景所以生拉硬拽也要把人分成两组然后我去那个不需要计算的喷组所以当30分钟看材料一堆人都在噼里啪啦的按计算器时我在按照一个比较经典的框架列风险和对策后来发现我身边的清华小伙虽然算了很多最后却还是加入了我们风险组这样之前的计算就有浪费时间之嫌所以碰到这种有多个问题且问题之间没有任何关联的小组讨论最好自己还是能专攻一点英文群面其实最重要的就是英语表达口语表达得好你就能把自己的思路说出来就能说出话口语表达不好你就算满腹的精妙点子也是说不出来甚至插不上嘴在九个人顺利分成两组之后我们这组四个人里明显清华小伙的口语处于劣势虽然我们很鼓励的几次让他说但他不成句的英语还是注定了没有办法晋级所以在群面前一定要有相当的觉悟如何练就自己能够脱口而出自己脑子里的想法这个很重要讨论完毕后有presentation 一共十分钟我们分成了两个组于是时间平分我们组四个人决定每人各说一部分这样比较公平其实一分多钟说不了什么可我觉得这个时候更重要的是一种姿态你做汇报时应该有的姿态citi的群面和pwc的群面中因为都是英文presentation 所以看到有一直盯着白板的同学有一直盯着手里笔记的同学还有一直盯着桌子某个缝隙的同学也许用中文演讲大家都可以很自然的进行眼神交流顾及自己的礼仪仪态可一换到英文似乎所有的大脑神经都用在想下一个单词上了这样的presentation是不可能让hr满意的当时群面一结束大言不惭地说我就知道自己应该过了倒不是我有多自负但还是那句话英文群面不同于中文什么团队合作什么领导艺术统统地不用管口语练好了你自然能带领大家进行讨论自然能让hr看到你话语中的闪光点 一周后给citi写了封邮件小催促了一下于是接到了hr面通知11月12日和June一对一发现同一层里还有笔试和群面的兄弟姐妹们甚感亲切开始一切都很好先问简历上的东西再问对这个行业的认识说到对管理和沟通有一定了解June突然很有感慨地说你们这些大学生都这么说。



2011-12 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Part One1. Consider the following verbs from Tohono O’odham, a Native American Languagebelonging to the Uto-Aztecan family, and answer questions A and B.Tohono O’odham English translationSingular1.ñeok speaks2.him walks3.dagkon wipes4.helwuin is sliding5.’ul sticks outPlural1.ñeñeok we/you/they speak2.hihim we/you/they walk3.dadagkon we/you/they wipe4.hehelwuin we/you/they are sliding5.’u’ul we/you/they stick outQuestionsA.Describe, as precisely as you can, how the plural verbs are formed from thesingular verbs. (What must be done to a singular form in order to convert it into a plural form?)B.What is the name of the morphological process illustrated in the data?2. Examine the following data from French and answer questions A-D. (Assume that/e/~/ɛ/, /ö/~/ɔ/, and /o/~/ɔ/ form three pairs of allophones, i.e., 音位变体).French words English translation1./bote/ beauté beauty2./bɛl/ belle beautiful3./pö/ peu small amount4./pɔr/ peur fear5./mo/ mot word6./mɔr/ mort deathQuestionsA.In what environment do /e/, /ö/, and /o/ occur?B.In what environment do /ɛ/, /ɔ/, and /ɔ/ occur?C.According to the following chart, what single feature distinguishes /e/, /ö/, and /o/from /ɛ/, /ɔ/, and /ɔ/?________________________________________________e ɛö ɔo ɔBack – – – – + +Round – – + + + +Tense + – + – + –D.The word bête ‘beast’ is pronounced [bɛt]. What role do you think the symbols ^is playing here? (Hint: Note that the final orthographic e is not pronounced. Also, an alternative spelling in an earlier stage of French was bette.)3. Show the internal structure of each of the phrases below by means of labeledbracketing or a tree diagram:A. the student with blue eyesB. that girl at the dance party last weekC. a student of EnglishPart TwoAnswer one of the questions below in either English or Chinese:1. Question 1(a)In the English sentence ‘Mary said Kitty liked herself’, what does ‘herself’ referto? What syntactic category does ‘herself’ belong to?(b)Think about your own native language. Does it also contain words such as‘herself’? If yes, what are they? In what ways are they similar to or differentfrom English in terms of what they actually refer to in a sentence? Provideexamples to justify your answers.2. Question 2Compare and contrast the following types of SLA analysis. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them? Illustrate your answers with examples.a)Contrastive analysisb)Error analysisc)Interlanguage analysisPart ThreeChoose one of the following questions and write a one-page essay in response to the questions. Please use English, as much as you can, to answer the question. Please quote the name of the author(s) whose work(s) you refer to in your answer to observe academic honesty.(1)What are the differences between children's first language acquisition and adult'ssecond language acquisition? Please identify and elaborate three major differences from cognitive, environmental, and affective points of view.(2)Reflect on language reform in China since 1949. Discuss the achievements andshortcomings in one aspect of the reform (such as the popularization of Putonghua, the promotion of Pinyin, or the simplification of the Chinese characters).(3)Discuss examples of reciprocal and non-reciprocal use of address terms anddiscuss their significance in the particular culture involved.(4)Discuss the importance of phonological awareness in vocabulary acquisition withreference to the structure of the human memory. What are the components of the working memory? How does each of these components function in vocabulary acquisition, and how does the working memory interact with the long-term memory?。



2012-13 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Section OneAnswer all the questions in this section.Question 1Analyze the following data and decide if [s] and [z] are allophones of the same phoneme or belong to different phonemes.Look at the following data involving allomorphic variation:i.lokanta ‘a restaurant’lokantada ‘in/at a restaurant’ii.kapɯ‘a door’kapɯda ‘in/at a door’iii.randevu ‘an appointment’randevuda ‘in/at an appointment’iv.baʃ‘a head’baʃta ‘in/at a head’v.kitap ‘a book’kitapta ‘in/at a book’vi.koltuk ‘an armchair’koltukta ‘in/at an armchair’vii.taraf ‘a side’tarafta ‘in/at a side’(note: ɯ is a high back unrounded vowel)(a) What kind of morphological means does this language employ to express themeaning ‘in/at’?(b) What are the allomorphs of this morpheme?(c) Describe their distribution in the data.(d) What phonological process is involved in such distribution?Question 3What are the possible meanings of ‘unlearnable’ and ‘undoable’? Draw tree diagrams to explain their possible meanings.John drew two structures for the sentence “The technician will fix it tomorrow.”Professor Huang considered Structure A to be the right structure. Please give reasons why Structure A is better than Structure B.Question 5The sentence ‘The student hit the teacher with a ruler’is ambiguous. Illustrate the meaning differences with tree diagrams and appropriate linguistic labels.Explain the difference in use between think of and think about. Look at the concordance lines provided below, taken from a corpus of informal spoken conversation. Are there any generalizations that can be made that would help a learner know when to use think of and when to use think about?THINK OFstank. Then, as he was trying to think of something to say to her (allyes, wedding presents. We must think of something. You probably don’t racking my brains for three hours to think of something, I simply cannot lasta second catastrophe. I tried to think of something to say myself, but myoffered frills. Nicandra tried to think of something pleasing to say: only you were here, then we could think of something to do. “Christopher groaning quietly, perhaps trying to think of something that summed up what let said nothing. He had tried to think of something to say, but the onlylunch?’ ‘Ah me, the young! You think of nothing but your stomachs.sympathy and collusion. But I can think of nothing to say. Perdie says,she tried to speak, but she could think of nothing, and her mother, shiftinganything so familiar, and he could think of nothing on earth to say. Itman in the word.’ ‘As he could think of nothing else, Martin repeatedBut try as she might, she could think of nothing to say like that, fiercelistening. ‘Can we ourselves think of nothing that needs to be done?‘what an idiot I was not to think of it before! You all right Elfie?…no, wait a minute, come to think of it you’re finding. hmm.or him, on other occasions, come to think of it. We’ve been aware of each happened to those kids. And come to think of it, Hamelin’s rats and children like that five years ago, come to think of it, or even ten. It’s thewash his feet, he had seen, come to think of it, the moon not too remote fromprobably cheaper than Selina, come to think of it, what with the hotel mark could have. I didn’t happen to think of it then. ‘And when did youher pregnant. Better not even to think of it. Just go on hating him,and done with. Don’t let us ever think of it again. My family always ‘H ow nice. What did you think of it?’ Patrice held her breath,THINK ABOUTYou wouldn’t just think about it it’s just gone isn’t it Well that’s a good way, if you think about it he’s got, he’s got fourmore, I mean they can wear, if you think about it they were suits in the When you think about it, yeah he was So what ‘It seems easier that way when you think about it dunnit? Mm it’s a lot be does that come from? Oh when you think about it Pledge, why do they call wasn’t the money really when you think about it because at end of day, more. I mean they can wear if you think about it they wear suits in the week! And why, they won’t need to think about it, they can talk you out of penetrating at lasers. ‘We might think about that, ‘I say at last.I’ll h ave to start and think about that train, Dwight.see it. That’s the way I like to think about that sort of place. It’s another way, but I don’t want to think about that for a while. ‘Timothyget eight to twenty-five. Now think about that. The district attorneySection TwoAnswer one of the questions in either English or Chinese:Question 1Pennington & Richards (1986: 219) remarked: ‘Pronunciation forms a natural link to other aspects of language use, such as listening, vocabulary, and grammar.’ Discuss the role of pronunciation plays in second language acquisition. How important do you think it is for L2 learners to acquire good pronunciation skills at the initial phase of their language acquisition? To facilitate your work, you may choose one of the following aspects and discuss in depth your understanding of the issues involved:a.vocabulary buildingb.speech intelligibilityc.phonological processes in readingd.general speech processingYou may discuss other related issues as well.(Reference: Pennington, M. C., & Richards, J. C. (1986). Pronunciation revisited. TESOL Quarterly, 20(2), 207-225.)Question 2Evaluate the following sentences produced by a learner of Chinese. Correct the sentences if they are ungrammatical, and justify your analysis with detailed explanation, showing your understanding of the Chinese grammar.1)来北京前,我不对北京熟悉。








1)香港大学:只有Master of journalism,设立在新闻及传媒研究中心下面。


2)香港中文大学:有MA in global communication, MA in journalism, MSc in new media,MSSc in advertising, MSSc in corporate communication,设立在新闻与传播学院。


3)香港城市大学:有MA in communication and new media, MA in Integrated Communication Marketing, MA in media cultures, Master of fine arts in creative media。


4)香港浸会大学:有MA in communication, MA international journalism studies, MSSc in media management, Master of fine arts in film, TV, digital media,设立在传理学院之下。








考试形式为闭卷笔试,考试时间一般为 3 小时。









Question 2
Look at the following data from an African language.
nilipata ‘I got’
nilikipata ‘I got it’
nilipiga ‘I hit’
ulipiga ‘you hit’
walikipiga ‘they hit it’
B. [Answer this question in either English or Chinese]
What is morphology? Discuss any three major morphological differences
between Mandarin Chinese and English.
Section One
Answer all the questions in this section.
Question 1
Study the vowel systems of the following two languages.
Language A
Language B
Discuss two major differences between the phonological systems of Language A and
Language B based on the vowel charts.
2022-23 CUHK Recruitment Test



























2012-13 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Section OneAnswer all the questions in this section.Question 1Examine the following words from Zogue, a language spoken in Mexico.(1)What is the Zoque morpheme indicating the past tense?(2)What is the Zoque morpheme meaning ‘he’ or ‘it’?(3)List the allomorphs of each of the verb stem morphemes, along with theirmeanings.(4)What conditions the appearance of these allomorphs? What phonologicalprocess is applying?Question 2Examine the following words from Spanish. Determine if [s] and [z] in this language are allophones of the same phoneme or if they belong to different phonemes. If they are allophones of the same phoneme, write a phonological rule for their realization and name the rule. If they belong to different phonemes, give the evidence.Question 3Use tree diagram(s) to represent the possible structure(s) of the following sentence: The teacher of the boy and the girl will come.Question 4Are there any errors in the following sentences? Correct them if you find any and explain your correction.i.那个时候我不知不觉地喜欢汉语和中国。















2012-13 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName ________________________________Email ________________________________Phone _______________________________University ____________________________City __________________________ProvinceSection OneAnswer all the questions in this section.Question 1Examine the following words from Michoacan Aztec, a language of Mexico. 1. [nokali] 6my house 52. [mopelo] "your dog 53. [nokalimes] "my houses 94. [mopelomes] “your dogs'5. [mokali] "your house ,6. [ikwahmili] “his comfield ,7. [ikali]“his house ,& [nokwahmili] 6my cornfield 99. [nopelo] "my dog'10. [mokwahmili]“your comfield ,(1) Fill in the blanks with the corresponding Michoacan morphemes: _______ house _______ dog _______ cornfield _______ plural marker(2) What does [ipelo] mean?(3)How would you say 'his cornfields' in Michoacan?________ my _________ your ________ hisQuestion 2Daga is a language spoken in Papua New Guinea. Determine if [s] and [t] in this language are allophones of the same phoneme or if they belong to different phonemes.If they are allophones of the same phoneme, write a phonological rule for their realization and name the rule. If they belong to different phonemes, give the evidence・jamosivin I am licking urase holetopen hit jamotain they will licksinao drum use thereasi grunt wagat holidaytave old anet we should gosimura whisper siuran saltsenao shout otu littletuian I killQuestion 3It is well-known that sentences such as 黃經理喜歡飲紅酒的卜屬may causedifficulty in parsing.(a)How do we call this kind of sentences in linguistics?(b)With appropriate linguistic concepts, discuss why this kind of sentences may causedifficulty in parsing.(c)Draw tree diagrams to further explain the difficulty.Question 4Table 1 shows some authentic data sample taken from an English corpus (i.e. language database).a.Based on the given data, state three common types of complements of the verb“admit". one advantage of this corpus-based approach to the study of verbalcomplements ・Table L Actual,and although I talked the empirical linguis — linguisism ・ I mustrm not coming home ・[unclear] the girl said, [pause] I must puttinga [unclear] into pigeons! Yeah, you've got toer, he turned round er [pause] he was very polite [pause] I mustand one [unclear] in Christian names I always think. I mustBill which my amendments seeks to seeks to change [pause] both are I say there Fm not tax paying ・ Yes, I must an-・ I know. and and he saystoo [pause] he had losomething we can all support. Councillor [gap:name] 11 had toto be absolutely sure ・ Now I would be the first to and they are part of an evolutionary heritage ・ Now ,IYeah ・ Till they gave it back ・ And no one dare Wilson, I doubt if he did, I mean everybody would him under the table! But the, er Bernard you must lot better when I was having it done [unclear]・ I must it.Mr [gap:name]・ Thank you Chairman. I have to 'Why? Because all of us are suckers, whether we being accused of a crime I didn ,t commit, cos I,she's a Lance Corporal now as well [pause] and I mustgets in. Probably go out again! No, I must Fd never expected having lo find a job, I must've got funny [unclear]・ Yeah, yeah [unclear]・ I mustfre really at background level, and not very helpful I mustin them ・ They do Okay. stump me. I must1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25He didn f t know anything about this [pause] [unclear] and he had to1 Occurrence of "admit” in a corpusadmit Chairman, I think it would be useful if the language wasadmit I [pause] [unclear] but they rang every day and every night. Johnny [pause] admit its the best pigeon outfit! Right! Better than otheradmit[pause] kept his cool [pause] and Well cos had to be didn't headmit on every form Fve put the two [unclear] and I thoughtadmit on the face of it entirely incomprehensible・ Wishing My Lords toadmit tha-・that's a possibility but er Ba ba ba ba baadmit that he's lazy. Who Neil? Neil [pause] yeah [pause] and headmit that Fm slightly lost in that one A [pause] now ends asadmit that I Fm not a judge as accountant, Fmadmit that it can't be, it can't have come aboutadmit that it was on floor cos she'd think they^ putadmit that these were important figures obviously, but the question is,admit the best one of all was the, the full works ofadmit though it looked lovely, Fll say that. I onlyadmit to being somewhat encouraged by er some of the comments that have admit to reading the Reader's Digest or not, Knowing what happensadmit to things I do. Eh? Bollocks! I didn'tadmit well I, I didn't think she'd ev— , sheadmit your hair is [pause] looking a lot thicker and healthier・ We have admit,because the year before I took School Certificate I had gotadmit,he did say this! This [pause] [unclear] . But now,admit,I think it had been better if they'd moved itadmit,in terms of getting the quality of the river improved,admit• They really do throw me [unclear] Right so [pause] A quick sortSection TwoAnswer one of the questions in either English or Chinese:Question 1Nowadays there are a lot of multimedia products (e.g. DVDs, VCDs) that aim at boosting the English of young children. From what you know about language acquisition theories, discuss whether and to what extent these products are effective in the acquisition of English as a first or second language・Question 2Discuss the role of conversation in LI acquisition.Section ThreeChoose one of the following questions and write a one-page essay in response to the question・ Please follow the style of academic discourse, and conventions for citation and reference (if any). Please use English only・Question 1Reflect on a linguistics book that you have read. Name its title, its author(s), and its publisher. Discuss one most interesting point and one puzzle it brings to you. Question 2Which dialect do you speak? Focus on one interesting feature of this dialect and discuss in depth how this feature differs from a similar feature in Putonghua.。


















2013-14 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Section OneAnswer all the questions in this section.Question 1Focus on [s] and [t] in the following set of data from Daga‘I am licking [jamosivin] ‘they will lick’[jamotain] ‘grunt’[asi] ‘we should go’[anet]‘shout’[senao] ‘hole’[urase]‘drum’[sinao] ‘holiday’[wagat]‘whisper’[simura] ‘little’[otu]‘hit’[topen] ‘there’[use]‘old’[tave] ‘salt’[siuran]‘I kill’[tuian](1)Describe the distribution of [s] and [t].(2)What type of distribution do they represent?(3)Determine their phonemic status.i.If they belong to different phonemes, justify your answer.ii.If they belong to the same phoneme, give the name of thephonological process involved.Compare these Italian and Spanish cognates:Italian SpanishSpagna [spa.ɲa] España [ɛɲa] ‘Spain’stato [] estado [ɛ] ‘state’scuola [skʊɔ.la] escuela [ɛs.kʊ] ‘school’signore [si.ɲ] señor [se.ɲor] ‘mister’schiavo [skɪa.vo] esclavo [ɛs.kla.vo] ‘slave’blasfema [] blasfemia [blas.fe.mɪa] ‘blasphemy’tragico [tra.ʤi.ko] tragico [tra.hi.ko] ‘tragic’How do you account for the organization of the syllable structure in these two languages?Consider the following data from Samoan[manao] ‘he wishes’[mananao] ‘they wish’[matua] ‘he is old’[matutua] ‘they are old’[malosi] ‘he is strong’[malolosi] ‘they are strong’[punou] ‘he bends’[punonou] ‘they bend’[atamaki] ‘he is wise’[atamamaki] ‘they are wise’[savali] ‘he travels’[pepese] ‘they sing’[laga] ‘he weaves’1.What is the Samoan word for:a.they weaveb.they travelc.he sings2.Formulate a morphological rule that states how to form the plural verb formfrom the singular verb form.Question 4In the English sentences (a)—(c), all the relative pronouns are preceded by a preposition (underlined). However, relative pronouns in (d) and (e) are not preceded by a preposition. Explain why prepositions are inserted before the relative pronoun in (a)—(c) but not in (d) and (e).(a) That is the officer to who John was talking yesterday.(b) The police have surrounded the house in which the robbers are hiding.(c) John has been working on a secret project about which I know nothing.(d) That is the singer who John hates.(e) John used to work for a company which sold computer accessoriesSection TwoAnswer one of the questions in either English or Chinese:Question 1以下每對句子的語義相同嗎?他們的句法結構相同嗎?用擴展法分析比較每對句子在句法結構上的異同。



2010-11 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Section 1 Answer all the questions in this section.(1) SpanishQuestionsA.When do the voiced stops [b], [d] and [ɡ] occur?B.When do the voiced fricatives [β], [ð] and [ɣ] occur?C.Given the distribution of the voiced stops versus the voiced fricatives described in youranswers to questions to A and B, decide which sounds ( [b], [d], [ɡ] or [β], [ð], [ɣ]) are basic and which are derived.(2)IsletaConsider the following data from Isleta, a dialect of Southern Tiwa, a native American language spoken in New Mexico, and answer the questions that follow.a.[temiban] ‘I went’ d. [mimiaj] ‘he was going’b.[amiban] ‘you went’ e. [tewanban] ‘I came’c.[temiwe] ‘I am going’ f. [tewanhi] ‘I will come’1.List the morphemes corresponding to the following English translations:________ ‘I’________ ‘go’________ (present progressive)________ ‘you’________ ‘come’________ (past progressive)________ ‘he’________ (past) ________ (future)2.What sort of affixes are the subject morphemes?3.What sort of affixes are the tense morphemes?4.What is the order of morphemes in Isleta?5.How would you say each of the following in Isleta?∙He went.∙I will go.∙You were coming.(3) English1.Decide whether the underlined NPs (noun phrases) in the following two sentences havethe same structure. Justify your analysis and draw tree diagrams for each of the NPs to show the similarities or differences.a.This is [my husband George]NPb.This is [Professor Lee]NP2.Decide if each of the underlined words is an adjective or a noun. Justify your analysis anddraw tree diagrams for each of the NPs to show the similarities or differences.a.[an old English dictionary]NPb.[a characteristically English response]NPSection 2 Answer one of the questions in this section in either English or ChineseQuestion 1:The following two passages were written by two learners of English: a native speaker of French, and a native speaker of Chinese. Both passages are descriptions of a cartoon film. Please read the texts carefully and analyze the grammar errors made by the learners. In particular, identify the errors and categorize them into error types. Which type(s) of error is/are common to both learners? Which type(s) of error is/are unique to one speaker? Please try to describe and explain the possible source of each type of error.Passage A (by a native speaker of French):During a sunny day, a cowboy go in the desert with his horse. he has a big hat. His horse eat a flour. In the same time, Santa Clause go in a city to give some surprises. He has a red costume and a red packet of surprises. You have three robbers in the mountain who sees Santa Clause with a king of glaces that it permitted us to see at a long distance. Every robbers have a horse. They go in the way of Santa Clause, not Santa Clause but his pocket of surprises. After they will go in a city and they go in a saloon. […]Passage B (by a native speaker of Chinese):This year Christmas comes soon! Santa Claus ride a one horse open sleigh to sent present for children. On the back of his body has big packet. Santa Claus no way and no body help, so only a way give them, then three robbers ride their horse dashing through the town. There have saloon, they go to drink some beer and open the big packent. They plays toys in the Bar. They meet a cow boy in the saloon.Question 2:a. 請討論“語素” (morpheme)、“詞” (word) 和“詞組” (word group/phrase)之間的差別。



2013-14 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName __________________________Email __________________________Phone __________________________University __________________________City __________________________Province __________________________Section OneAnswer all the questions in this section.Question 1Focus on [s] and [t] in the following set of data from Daga‘I am licking [jamosivin] ‘they will lick’[jamotain] ‘grunt’[asi] ‘we should go’[anet]‘shout’[senao] ‘hole’[urase]‘drum’[sinao] ‘holiday’[wagat]‘whisper’[simura] ‘little’[otu]‘hit’[topen] ‘there’[use]‘old’[tave] ‘salt’[siuran]‘I kill’[tuian](1)Describe the distribution of [s] and [t].(2)What type of distribution do they represent?(3)Determine their phonemic status.i.If they belong to different phonemes, justify your answer.ii.If they belong to the same phoneme, give the name of thephonological process involved.Compare these Italian and Spanish cognates:Italian SpanishSpagna [spa.ɲa] España [ɛɲa] ‘Spain’stato [] estado [ɛ] ‘state’scuola [skʊɔ.la] escuela [ɛs.kʊ] ‘school’signore [si.ɲ] señor [se.ɲor] ‘mister’schiavo [skɪa.vo] esclavo [ɛs.kla.vo] ‘slave’blasfema [] blasfemia [blas.fe.mɪa] ‘blasphemy’tragico [tra.ʤi.ko] tragico [tra.hi.ko] ‘tragic’How do you account for the organization of the syllable structure in these two languages?Consider the following data from Samoan[manao] ‘he wishes’[mananao] ‘they wish’[matua] ‘he is old’[matutua] ‘they are old’[malosi] ‘he is strong’[malolosi] ‘they are strong’[punou] ‘he bends’[punonou] ‘they bend’[atamaki] ‘he is wise’[atamamaki] ‘they are wise’[savali] ‘he travels’[pepese] ‘they sing’[laga] ‘he weaves’1.What is the Samoan word for:a.they weaveb.they travelc.he sings2.Formulate a morphological rule that states how to form the plural verb formfrom the singular verb form.Question 4In the English sentences (a)—(c), all the relative pronouns are preceded by a preposition (underlined). However, relative pronouns in (d) and (e) are not preceded by a preposition. Explain why prepositions are inserted before the relative pronoun in (a)—(c) but not in (d) and (e).(a) That is the officer to who John was talking yesterday.(b) The police have surrounded the house in which the robbers are hiding.(c) John has been working on a secret project about which I know nothing.(d) That is the singer who John hates.(e) John used to work for a company which sold computer accessoriesSection TwoAnswer one of the questions in either English or Chinese:Question 1以下每對句子的語義相同嗎?他們的句法結構相同嗎?用擴展法分析比較每對句子在句法結構上的異同。



2023年香港中文大学(深圳)教师招聘考试笔试题库及答案(满分100分时间120分钟)姓名:________________ 准考证号:_______________一、单选题(每题只有一个正确答案,答错、不答或多答均不得分)1.社会主义宏观经济调控的对象是()。




A.通报B.通知C.请示- 1 -D.报告【答案】:B5.春秋霸主中,属于长江流域的诸侯国有()。





2011-12 CUHK Recruitment TestMA in LinguisticsMA in Chinese Linguistics and Language AcquisitionName _______________________ ________Email _________________________ ______Phone ____________________________ ___University _______________________________City ________________________ _______Province______________________ __ _Part One Answer all the questions in this section.(1) General questionsCircle all the answers which you consider to be correct.1. Which of the following statements do you think is accurate about the study ofLinguistics?a. Linguistics studies the nature of language.b. Linguistics is the learning of languages.c. Linguistics studies how different languages relate to and inform each other andwhy.d. Linguistics studies how language changes over time, how its speakers come tolearn it, and how speakers affect its development.e.Linguistics studies humans’ cognitive abilities, perception, and o rgans ofspeech production.2. Which of the following statements about language do you consider will be inaccord with linguistic theory?a. Only highly advanced and sophisticated cultures have complex language.b. Children come to speak a language by imitation and memorization.c. Languages don’t change as long as they are taught properly.d. The sound structure of words follows rules; it is not based on their meaning.e. Language is human instinct; it is a human cognitive ability.3. Which of the following statements about Chinese is accurate?a.Chinese is a member of the Sino-Tibetan family.b.Chinese is largely an analytic language.c.Chinese makes use of inflections.d.Chinese has many regional varieties knows as dialects.e.Chinese is a tonal language.(2) Phonology (Turkish)1. Are [n] and [m] contrastive in Turkish? Please explain your answer with examples.2. In which environment does [ŋ] occur? Does [ŋ] contrast with [n] or [m]? Explainyour answer with examples.3. What phonological process affects the distribution of [ŋ]?(3) Morphology (Tagalog)hanap look for sulat writehinanap was looked for sinulat was writtenhumahanap is looking for sumusulat is writinghinahanap is being looked for sinusulat is being writtenbasag break tawag callbinasag was broken tinawag was calledbumabasag is breaking tumatawag is callingbinabasag is being broken tinatawag is being called1.Identify all the morphemes; and exemplify all the morphological processes.(4) Syntax (English)Use a constituency test to demonstrate whether or not the underlined elements in the following sentences are constituents.a.There is a rumor that he saw it circulating.b.The rumor that he saw it is circulating.c.That he saw it is just a rumor.d.It is a rumor that he saw it circulating.Part 2 Answer one of the questions below in either English or Chinese:Question 1:It is often claimed that language is one of the things that make humans different from animals. What is so special about human language? In what ways is it different from the communication systems of animals? Support your answers with concrete examples.Question 2:分析下列句子,指出這類句子的語法特點,以及這四句之間的語法異同:1.不站住就開槍了。


























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2015-16 CUHK Recruitment Test
MA in Linguistics
MA in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition
Name __________________________
Email __________________________
Phone __________________________
University __________________________
City __________________________
Province __________________________
Section One
Answer all the questions in this section.
Question 1
The following data are from Aguacatec, an indigenous language of Guatemala.
Examine the distribution of the voiced and voiceless liquids ([l], [r], [l] and [r]).
Determine if they are allophones of separate phonemes or allophones of the
same phoneme. What is your evidence?
a.[l munʧ] ‘lemon’j. [ʧerkʃ] ‘scissors’
b.[teʧl] ‘sign’k. [ploh] ‘useless’
c.[r meril] ‘hope’l. [seluʔ] ‘your substitute’
d.[wempl] ‘my ribs’m. [hobil] ‘knife’
e.[bnol] ‘maker’n. [lab] ‘ghost’
f.[jol] ‘word’o. [teruʔ] ‘now’
g.[tsontr] ‘against’p. [balk] ‘brother-in-law’
h.[ʔuʔpl] ‘firecrackers’q. [qloʔ] ‘perhaps’
i.[bibl] ‘Bible’r. [l benuʔ] ‘you go’
Question 2
Identify the morphological constituents and their meanings in the following
Tzutujil verbs. Tzutujil is a Mayan language spoken in Guatemala. (A note on Tzutujil spelling: x is pronounced [ʃ], and 7 is pronounced [ʔ].)
a.xinwari ‘I slept’g. xoqeeli ‘we left’
b.neeli ‘he or she leaves’h. ninwari ‘I sleep’
c.ne7eeli ‘they leave’i. xixwari ‘you(pl) slept’
d.nixwari ‘you(pl) sleep’j. xe7eeli ‘they left’
e.xateeli ‘you(sg) left’k. xwari ‘he or she slept’
f.natwari ‘you(sg) sleep’
How would you say ‘I left’, ‘he or she sleeps’, ‘we sleep’?
Question 3
Consider (1), (2) and the conversation below.
(1) Peter will write a letter.
(2) The picture on the wall is awesome.
Professor Li: Why do we generally refer to “write a letter” and “on the wall” as VP and PP respectively?
John: We call “write a letter” a VP because the string has a verb in it. Similarly,
“on the wall” is a PP because it has a preposition in it.
Do you agree with John? Why (not)?
Section Two
Discuss one of the topics below in either English or Chinese:
The following opinions are popular but they do not necessarily reflect our current understanding of language acquisition. Explain why we have reasons to believe otherwise.
Question 1
Bilingualism is for smart kids only.
Question 2
Babies live in their own little worlds and do not communicate with adults before they can speak.
Section Three
Choose one of the following questions and write a one-page essay in response to the question. Please follow the style of academic discourse, and conventions for citation and reference (if any). Please use English only.
Question 1
Language endangerment and language revitalization are gaining more attention in the field of linguistics in recent decades. Discuss the possible factors that may lead to language extinction and what revitalization strategies one may adopt to revert this process. Cite examples from your own country if possible to support your answers?
Question 2
Discuss the role of input and interaction in second language acquisition. What
kind of input is most helpful? How might interaction help language learning?
What are the implications for teaching? Be specific.
--End of Paper--。
