老友记 六人行 第六季第十三集经典笔记

The One With Rachel’s SisterTeleplay by: Sherry Bilsing & Ellen PlummerStory by: Seth KurlandTranscribed by: Eric Aasen613 瑞秋的妹妹在咖啡馆打工的乔伊,为漂亮的mm们提供免费餐饮服务,以求同她们约会。
瑞秋为怕罗斯和吉儿有染而恐慌不已,她殚精竭虑,结果反倒促使吉儿约会罗斯.6.13 The One With Rachel's SisterJoey gives all the pretty female customers free stuff at the coffee house, in order to get dates with them.Monica is sick and won't admit it.She tries to get Chandler interested in sex, but he's put off(v.使厌恶) by her illness.Rachel's sister, Jill, shows up because she's been financially cut off and has to try to make it on her own.Rachel's worried that there's something developing between Ross and Jill, but somehow ends up actually encouraging Jill to ask Ross out.[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is giving Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, and Ross their bills.]Joey: Okay Rach, that muffin and espresso, $4.50. Ross, double latte, $2.75. Chandler, coffee and a scone, $4.25. And Pheebs, herbal tea, $1.25. So, all together that’s (pauses to figure the total) $12.75.espressodouble latte 加厚拿铁scone英式司康烤饼/Scone与美式饼干极其类似——不要将其与英联邦国家中的饼干混淆,美国人管那种饼干叫作“曲奇”(cookie)。
老友记friends剧本学习笔记附mp3 第一季5 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent

The One With the East German Laundry DetergentWritten by Jeff Greenstein & Jeff StraussTranscribed by Mindy Mattingly PhillipsMinor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein.105 洗衣服钱德和菲比同一天晚上决定和自己的情人——分别是珍妮丝和唐尼分手。
瑞秋为首次洗衣而兴奋不已,向罗斯献香吻一个[Scene: Central Perk, all six are there.]Monica: Would you let it go? It's not that big a deal.Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned 就我个人而言, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right?maneuver n.<法>策略,巧计,花招/bam n.vt.欺骗, 哄骗, 迷惑/sleeve n.袖子老友们关系实在太融洽了,在一起侃大山什么都敢掏心,这一次聊天不知怎么就撤到了互相揭男人女人的短上来了,Ross 先开头,他觉得女人们能像变戏法一样地把bra 从衣服的袖子里拿出来真是太神奇了, maneuver 这个词源自法语,本意是“体力劳动”,在英语中作名词时是“策略、巧计、花招”的意思,在这里表示一种很巧妙的动作或手法。

【Season1Index】Episode101:TheOneWhereMonicaGetsANewRoommate(Pilot) Episode102:TheOneWithTheSonogramAtTheEndEpisode103:TheOneWithTheThumbEpisode104:TheOneWithGeorgeStephanopoulosEpisode105:TheOneWithTheEastGermanLaundryDetergentEpisode106:TheOneWithTheButtEpisode107:TheOneWithTheBlackoutEpisode108:TheOneWhereNanaDiesTwiceEpisode109:TheOneWhereUnderdogGetsAwayEpisode110:TheOneWithTheMonkeyEpisode111:TheOneWithMrs.BingEpisode113:TheOneWithTheBoobiesEpisode117:TheOneWithTwoParts,Part2Episode118:TheOneWithAllThePokerEpisode119:TheOneWhereTheMonkeyGetsAwayEpisode120:TheOneWithTheEvilOrthodontistEpisode121:TheOneWithTheFakeMonicaEpisode122:TheOneWithTheIckFactorEpisode123:TheOneWithTheBirthEpisode124:TheOneWhereRachelFindsOut【101】TheOneWhereMonicaGetsaNewRoommateantique’sNO.1TheOneWhereMonicaGetsaNewRoommate发现了一个用Friends"TheOne****",后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是的意思,有时候甚至简写成TOW,第一集是试播(Pilot)卡和调酒师(WineGuy)保罗约会,IceCream这一集绝对是整个Friedns的基石,所谓"幼兽"Joey(嘿嘿,"商贩"Chandler,Phoebe….1.这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思2.这段话是不是很熟悉呀?对,《大话西游》里面一开始孙猴意思不用我解释了吧,这里Ross用来形容妻子Carol 是Lesbian3.Ross:这句话很实用,意思是为什么你们总是提起那件事呢?因为Joey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事儿,Ross非常恼火,于是冒出这样一句,我们平常生活中也可以用一下。
老友记 六人行 第十季第十六集经典笔记

The One With Rachel's Going AwayParty1016 瑞秋的欢送派对瑞秋收拾好行装、将飞往巴黎。
10.16 The One With Rachel's Going Away PartyRachel finishes preparations to go to Paris.Monica and Chandler pack up their apartment with the gang's help.While packing, Chandler finds a pair of fur-lined handcuffs and has trouble tracking down their owner.During a going away party for Rachel, she says individual goodbyes to everyone except Ross;he's upset and confronts her, leading to a passionate kiss.Erica goes into labor.[Scene: Joey's place. Rachel and Joey are talking]Joey: All right, all right, all right, let's play one more time, ok? And remember, if I win you do not move to Paris.Rachel: Ok! Can't believe I'm risking this again, but you're on! All right Joe, you remember the rules! Heads I win, tails you lose.Joey: Just flip!Rachel (she flips the coin): Ha, tails!Joey: Damnit!(Chandler and Monica enter the room)Chandler: Hey!Joey: Hey!Chandler: So we thought we'd throw you little going away party around seven.Rachel: Oh, that sounds good!Monica: Hey, Rach, you're leaving tomorrow, shouldn't you be packing?Rachel: It's all done!Monica: Oh, yeah, right! And after I took a shower this morning I just threw my towel on the floor! Oh God, it hurts to even joke about it.Rachel: I know... Honey, seriously, I did it all. The luggage that I'm taking is in the bedroom, this is Emma's Paris stuff, these are the boxes that I'm having shipped, and that's the sandwich that I made for the plane...Monica: Ok, so you've done some good work! (pause) What about your carry-ons?carry-on n.手提行李Rachel: Oh, well. Everything that I need (she takes her bag) is in here and my travel documents are on the counter organized in the order that I will be needing them.Monica: Oh my God! I have nothing left to teach you! (they hug)Chandler: Where's your passport?Rachel: It should be right next to my plane ticket.Chandler: Well, it's not.Rachel: What? Maybe I put it in here (she opens her bag). Oh, oh, it's not in there! Oh, no! I must have packed it in one of these boxes!Monica: Here, let me help you. (they both start opening boxes)Rachel: Shoot. Oh, I can't believe I did this!Chandler(to Joey): At what point did it stop being funny that I took her passport?OPENING CREIDTS[Scene: Monica's apartment. Monica and Erica are talking about the baby, and Monica is rubbing Erica's tummy.]Monica: Oh, wow, can you believe you're like three weeks away?Erica: I know.Monica: You don't mind me touching your belly, do you?Erica: No, I don't mind you touching my belly, but right now your hand is kind of blocking the part where the baby is gonna come out.(She takes her hand off Erica. Ross enters the room)Ross: Hey!Erica: Hi.Ross: Hey Erica, welcome back to town! (pause) Wow, look how big you've gotten.Erica: That's because I'm pregnant!Ross: Right, no, I understand.Erica: Oh, ok. I'm just always afraid that people think I'm just fat with big breasts.Ross: No, no, I knew (he stares at her breasts).Monica (to Ross): Okay, well, stop staring at them.Ross: She brought them up! (pause) I didn't realize you were coming back so soon!Erica: Hey, well, in a couple of weeks I won't be able to travel.Monica: Yeah, and I wanted her to get to know the doctors and get settled into the hotel.get settled into 习惯于…Ross: Hotel? Why isn't she staying with you guys?Monica: Because we're moving in a couple of days and it just didn't make sense.Erica: Plus hotels are fun! My room has this little fridge full of free snacks!free snack n.免费零食Ross: Erica, those things aren't free. In fact they have one of the highest mark-ups of any consumer product...markup n.涨价Monica: Ross! She's giving us her baby. She can eat you if she wants.Erica (standing up): I'll be right back.Ross: Oh man, I can't believe you guys are leaving this place.Monica: Oh, I know. I know. Hey, you know, you can take it if you want! The lease is still in Nana's name.lease n.租约Ross: No, no. This will always be your place. It would be too sad. Plus, how much a month does it cost to feed Joey?Monica: Yeah, it takes two incomes.Ross: Hey, is Chandler here? We talked about catching a movie.Chandler: Oh, no. He doesn't have time for that. But if you want, you can go help him and Joey pack up the guest room.pack up v.整理把…打包/guest room n.客房Ross: Mhm, (he balance things) packing - sexy cheerleader comedy.balance vt.权衡比较[eg: The judge balanced the contention of both parties]Monica: Mhm, helpful brother - creepy loner at teen movie.loner n.不合群的人/teen n.(13-19岁的)青少年(Ross takes the tape roll she's handing him and walks to the guest room while mocking Monica's voice)tape roll n.打包带[Scene: Guest room. Joey has his head wrapped in bubble wrap and Chandler is punching him. Ross enters the room.]bubble wrapRoss: What are you guys doing?Joey: Try it, I can't feel a thing! (Ross starts punching him too) Monica (enters the room): Are, are you kidding? This is packing? Chandler: We're taking a break!Monica: From?Chandler: Jumping on the bed?Monica: All right, Rachel's party is in a couple of hours and there's a lot to do. Now, Ross, you got Geller blood, you're in charge of these yahoos!yahoo n.粗鲁的人乡下人Ross: You got it! (Monica leaves, Ross closes the door). All right, she's right, we gotta get serious. (He grabs a bag of styrofoam peanuts) Let's put styrofoam peanuts down his pants and kick him!styrofoam n.聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料styrofoam peanutChandler: No, no, no, guys. She's right. We should get to work. I'll take stuff out of the closet, Joey you pack 'em and Ross you re-pack whatever Joey packs.repack v.重新打包/closet n.壁橱(Joey takes the bubble wrap off his head)Joey: You guys hear a ringing?ringing n.响声Chandler: (holding a pair of furry handcuffs) What the hell is this?furry handcuffJoey: Hey! Handcuffs! And fur line, nice! I didn't know you guys had it in ya!Ross: Chandler, you don't have a sister so you can't understand how much this bums me out.bum out使不爽使恼怒[eg:Her weird hairdo really bummed her boyfriend out]Chandler: I didn't know Monica had these!Joey: Mhm, maybe she used them with another boyfriend. Maybe Richard!Chandler: Why would she use them with Richard and not me? I can be kinky!I once did a naked dance for her... with scarves!kinky <口>怪癖的稍微变态的/scarf n.围巾Ross: Bumming hard, guys, bumming hard.[Scene: Monica's apartment. Phoebe and Ross enter the room.]Phoebe: Hey!Monica: Hey! Where's Mike?Phoebe: Oh, he has a gig. I kinda like being married to a rock star, you know. My husband has a gig.gig <口>(爵士乐、摇滚乐等)演奏公演[eg: The band played a final gig before splitting up]Ross: Yeah? Yeah, where is it?Phoebe: Oh, he's playing organ for a children's roller-skating party.organ n.管风琴风琴[eg: The organ played as the bride came down the aisle]/roller skating n.滑旱冰Ross: Rock on!Phoebe: (watching the food on the table) Wow, this is quite a spread! (pause) What is all this stuff?spead n.<口>盛宴Monica: Well, I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food that I don't want to move to the new house with me! So, enjoy: smoked oyster casserole with a breakfast cereal crust, kidney beans in their own juices, and for dessert, a questionable orange.use up v.用完/smoked adj.熏制的/casserole n.砂锅菜/crust n.硬皮面包皮/kidney bean n.菜豆四季豆/juice n.(水果)汁/dessert n.餐后甜点/questionable adj.可疑的smoked oysterbreakfast cerealkidney beanJoey: (entering the room) Hey.Chandler: Hey.Ross: Hey, where's Rach?Joey: Oh, she's putting Emma down, she'll be over in a second. Ross: Great.Joey: Now it just hit her that she's leaving and she's kind of emotional so no one say anything to set her off, ok?hit vt.(精神上)打击伤...的感情[eg:The death of her son has hit her hard]/set sb off v.使某人开始引发[eg: His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day]Monica: Yeah.(Rachel enters the room)Everybody: Hey Rach, hey you.Ross: Here she is!Rachel: (crying)Hi you guys!Joey: What did I just say?Rachel: No, no, no. It's ok. I'm gonna be fine.Monica: Come here, I'll make you a drink.Ross: Oh, man! I can't believe she's actually leaving. How am I gonna say goodbye to Rachel?Chandler: I know, she's been such a big part of my life. And it feels like when Melrose Place got cancelled. (Ross and Joey looks puzzled) I mean... oh, forget it. I miss Melrose Place!get cancelled <美口>(剧集)被砍/Melrose Place is an American primetime soap opera that ran between 1992 and 1999, created by Darren Star for the FOX network. Originally a spinoff(n.电视剧续集) of Beverly Hills 90210, though not featuring any permanent cast members crossing over, teenager Kelly Taylor pursues the hunky(<俚>优秀的) melodramatic(adj.情节剧的) carpenter(n.木匠) Jake Hanson, but she returns to her zip code after Jake goes to extreme measures to convince her they are from different worlds. The show struggled in its first season with low ratings, unlike its predecessor, whichwas at its height of fame at the time. However, with the arrival of more interesting characters and over-the-top(adj.过多的) storylines(n.故事情节), ratings increased. Melrose Place is set in a small apartment courtyard complex in the West Hollywood district of Los Angeles, where several young individuals reside, each with their own dreams and drives. The show's popularity led to a rash of similar nighttime serials about sexy, powerful women, such as Models, Inc., Savannah, Pacific Palisades(n.木栅), Central Park West and Sex and the City, which featured former Melrose Place cast member Kristin Davis. However, during its seventh and final season, the fact that the creators could air a whole pilot on Heather Locklear's salary alone, warranted(v.使…有正当理由) cancellation. In late 2004 the network SOAPnet began repeating the show and seasons 1 and 2 are currently available on DVD, and the third season is set to arrive in November.Joey (to Ross): You know, I had a chance to stop her too!Ross: Yeah?Joey: Who loses 57 coin tosses in a row? Head she wins, tails I lose. (he stops and starts realizing something) Wait a minute...in a row adv.连续Chandler: Yes, Joe?Joey: I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning!dry cleaning n.干洗(衣物)Phoebe (to Rachel): You doing ok?Rachel: Well, I've been better.Phoebe: Uh-hmm.Rachel: You guys are gonna come and visit me, right?Phoebe: Yes! You know, in six months the Statute of Limitations runs out and I can travel internationally again!statute n.<书>成文法法规[eg:Working hours are limited by statute]/statute of limitation n.法定时效/run out v.完成Rachel: I'm gonna miss you so much.Phoebe: I know.Rachel: You know what? Uhm, I have some goodbye stuff that I wanted to say to each of you and I was gonna save it until the end of the night, but come here (they go into the guest room).Ross: Hey, what do you think they're doing in there?Joey: Huh, if I had to guess I'd say Rachel is putting on the bubble wrap and Phoebe is doing the punching.[Scene: Guest room. Rachel and Phoebe are sitting on the bed.]Rachel: Oh, Pheebs, I don't even know where to start.Phoebe: Ok well, before you do, I know we weren't supposed to get you going-away presents, (she takes something out from her pocket) but I do have something for you.Rachel: Oh, oh. (she's holding the present, a transparent bag with a white stick in it). What is this?stick n.棍棒Phoebe: It's a cotton swab with a bit of my saliva on it, so that if they perfect the cloning process while you are over there, you can use the DNA to create your own Pheebs!swab n.医用海绵药签/sliva n.唾液/perfect vt.使完美做完[eg: She went to France to perfect her French]cotton swabRachel: I'm gonna throw this away, but thank you so much for the gesture!gesture n.姿态表示[eg: We hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of friendship][Scene: Monica's apartment. The living room.]Monica: Chandler? I was just in our bedroom and I found these (she holds the furry handcuffs) on my pillow.Chandler: Oh, yes. I decided to leave these out for you in case Richard stops by and you wanna engage on a little light bondage and moustache play!engage on v.开始/bondage n.奴役束缚/a little light=a little bit/light n.(数量程度)少量的轻微的[eg: There was a light rain falling]Monica: What are you talking about? These aren't mine.Chandler: Oh yeah, right! Good luck getting another scarf dance from me!Monica: That would be a terrible punishment. But, I'm serious, I've never seen these before.Chandler: Really? Then what are they doing in our guestroom?Monica: Rachel used to live in that room.Chandler: Rachel... with handcuffs! Interesting! (he looks excited)Monica: Joey's bare ass!bare adj.裸的光秃秃的[eg: The child was bare to the waist]Chandler: (he doesn't look excited anymore) Well played.(Phoebe and Rachel enter the living room.)Rachel: I love you Phoebe.Phoebe: I love you too. (they hug) Please don't... Don't turn into... you know... French bitch! (they hug again)turn into v.变成Rachel: All right. Well, if I gonna do this, I'd better keep going.Phoebe: Ok.Rachel: Ok. Monica?Monica: Yeah?Rachel: Can you come here with me for a minute?Monica: Sure.Phoebe: (to Monica) Are you wearing waterproof mascara?waterproof adj.防水的/mascara n.染眉毛膏染睫毛膏waterproof mascara n.防水型睫毛膏Monica: No.Phoebe: Oh, you're so screwed. (Monica goes into the guest room)Ross: (to Phoebe) Hey. What was that all about?Phoebe: She's gonna say goodbye to each of us individually.Ross: Are you kidding? Oh my God...Phoebe: Yeah, I know, it's gonna be even worse for you... God... Ross, get ready to do some serious crying.Ross: Oh, man, I'm not going to be able to handle this.(pause) Now I know how my students feel at the end of each year. And why they act out by giving me such bad evaluations.act out v.把...付诸行动[eg: They are determined to act out their ideal]/evaluation n.评价估算[eg:I attempted an honest evaluation of my own life][Scene: The guest bedroom. Rachel and Monica are talking to each other.]Rachel: Mon... Okay... I've gotta... just say what it is I'm gonna say... None of the amazing things that have happened to me in the last ten years, would have happened if it wasn't for you. No-one has been more like a sister to me...Monica: I know what you mean. You're like a sister to me too.Rachel: (starts crying and speaking at the same time, making it almost impossible to understand what she's saying) I wouldn't know what I'm gonna do without you...Monica: (having the same problem) You're the best friend I ever had.Rachel: (says something that cannot be understood)Monica: What?Rachel: I... I... I... see you everyday(again saying something that cannot be understood)Monica: That is so sweet. (they hug)[Scene: Back to the living room. Monica and Rachel enter and hug each other. The guys see this.]Ross: (to Joey) Oh no, she took down Monica... And I'm the crier in the family. Oh God! I could be next. Maybe she won't talk with me if it looks like we're deep in converstation. Oh, so that thing you said about the thing. It really made me think about that other thing.crier n.哭泣者Chandler: Uh, Rach?Ross: Well it's okay. Chandler is talking to her.Joey: I really made you think about that thing uh?Chandler: (to Rachel) Uh, Rach... I think I have something that belongs to you. (shows her the cuffs)Rachel: (laughs) Oh, I'm sure gonna miss pretending to laugh at your weird jokes that I don't get.Chandler: No, no, no... They're really yours. We... found them in your old room.Rachel: Well, these aren't mine. Maybe Monica used to use them with...Chandler: Don't say Richard! Well, if they're not Monica's and they're not yours, then whose are they?Rachel: Well, I think you're forgetting the kinkiest former resident of that room.Chandler: Pheebs!Phoebe: (from the other side of the room) Yeah!Chandler: I think these are yours.Phoebe: These are not mine... Look how flimsy they are, come on! Good God! You try to hang a guy from a water pipe with these, they'll snap like a piece of licorice.flimsy adj.脆弱的易损坏的轻薄的[eg: She felt cold in her flimsy dress]/water pipe n.水管licorice n.(由甘草根熬成的)甘草精Rachel: (to Chandler) Can I talk to you alone for a minute?Chandler: Sure. (to Phoebe) You don't really handcuff guys to water pipes do you?Phoebe: Where do you think Mike really is? (she giggles, Chandler looks aghast)aghast adj.吓呆的惊骇的[eg: She was aghast at the thought of marrying the cruel man][Scene: The guest bedroom. Chandler and Rachel.]Rachel: Oh honey...Chandler: Let me just say something... Because once we get into this, I'm gonna get all uncomfortable and probably make some stupid joke... I just want to say that I... I love you... And, I'm gonna miss you. And I'm so sad that you're leaving.Rachel: (all mushy) Oh, you know what? Let's not say anything else. I love you. (they hug)mushy adj.感伤的Chandler: Ooh, not so tight... (blows raspberry, and the hug ends) I'm sorry, just give me one more chance.raspberry <俚>(表示轻蔑嘲弄等的)呸声咂舌声[eg: His victory was announced to a chorus of raspberries]Rachel: Okay. Oh...(Chandler blows raspberry again)Rachel: Oh!Chandler: I'm sor... Just go. Just go. I can't, I can't.[Scene: Monica's living room. We look outside to the balcony where Rachel is saying goodbye to Joey.]Monica: (to Ross) So, I guess you're next. You're ready?Ross: I don't think so.Chandler: Oh, you're definitely not. I haven't cried like that in years.Monica: You cried yesterday at the six o'clock news.Chandler: That old woman was being scammed by her mechanic.scam v.n.<美俚>阴谋骗局[eg: Their scam was selling fake Chinese medicine to old people]/mechanic n.机械工修理工技工[eg:There is not a mechanic or technician who hasn't had this problem]Ross: God! I can't believe she saved me for last. (looking out to the balcony) Why are they taking so long?Phoebe: I don't know. But, God, Joey seems to be handling it suprisingly well.(Rachel and Joey hug, and Rachel turns to enter the apartment through the side window again. At that moment Joey tries to climb over the edge of the balcony.)All: No, no, no, no!(Rachel rushes back and pulls Joey back onto the balcony, and takes him inside.)Ross: Okay, here we go...Rachel: Oh... (holding Ross's shoulder) Well...Ross: Yeah...Rachel: I think I'm gonna take off. (pats Ross on his back, but he looks very surprised)Ross: Huh?Rachel: Oh, you guys. This was an amazing night. Thank you so much. I love you. Good night.(She leaves the apartment and they all stare at Ross)Ross: What? I don't get a goodbye?Joey: (still very emotional) Lucky bastard![Scene: Monica's apartment continued... Phoebe, Chandler, Monica and Joey are sitting down and Ross is pacing up and down.]pace up and down v.走来走去(尤指由于烦躁焦虑等)Ross: Unbelievable. She says goodbye to everyone but me.Monica: Well, maybe she thought that with all of your history it could be, you know, implicit.implicit adj.不言明的含蓄的[eg: Her silence gave implicit consent]Ross: Well, it needs to be plicit.explicit adj.清楚的明确的[eg: The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine]Joey: All right, let's think about this. I mean, there's got to be an explanation. Uh... did you do anything to make her mad?Ross: No, I don't think so.Phoebe: You know, maybe she was just really spent from our talk. It was pretty intense.intense adj.强烈的Monica: Yeah. Mine too.Chandler: Mine was a humdingerhumdinger n.<口> Something that is extraordinary[eg: My new sportscar is a real humdinger]Ross: (annoyed) O-kay... I mean, don't I deserve anything? I mean, a few tears, a cursory hug? (Joey gives Ross a hug) NOT FROM YOU! (Joey lets go)cursory adj.匆忙的粗略的Phoebe: Ross, if you're this upset, you should go and talk to her.Monica: And say what? "You owe me a goodbye", I mean, he's got more pride than that.Ross: THE HELL I DO!(Ross takes big steps leaving for Joey and Rachel's apartment, where Rachel is going through her papers.)leave for v.到…去Ross: I don't get a goodbye?Rachel: What?Ross: (talking agitated and angry) Everyone gets a goodbye but me? What have I got to do to get a goodbye, huh? Be best friends with you? Uh, go out with you? Have a baby with you? Oh wait a minute, wait a minute, I did all those things.Rachel: Ross...Ross: Oh no, maybe it's me, I'm just not giving you enough credit. Uh, I mean it is difficult to say goodbye to five people. Uh, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, good... (makes choking noises) It's physically impossible. You know what? After all we've been through, I can't believe this is how you want to leave things between us. Have a, have a good time in Paris. (He leaves the apartment. Rachel looks kind of desperate.)credit n.荣誉赞扬功劳[eg:The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborator]/give sb.credit for sth v.因为…而肯定某人的功劳[eg:The police was given credit for keeping the public services running smoothly]/desperate adj. 绝望的[eg:Hewas desperate when he lost all his money][Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment. The others are still there.] Monica: I hope Ross isn't too upset.Joey: I'm sure he's not more bummed out than I am.Phoebe: Tell me about it.tell me about it<俚>A way of saying you agree with someone.可不是嘛[eg:Tom: Man, what a rough day.Tim: Tell me about it]Chandler: Well, you can't say we don't know how to throw a party. Phoebe: All right, I think I'm gonna head out.Monica: Uh, where do you think you're going?Phoebe: I thought I was going home to go to bed, but I'm sensing there's something less fun for me to do here.Monica: We're moving in a couple of days and we've got a lot of packing to do. It would be great if you guys could pitch in.pitch in v.通力合作协力[eg:They all pitched in and finished the work within two hours]Chandler: Joey and I can finish up in the guest room.finish up v.完成…工作Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, good idea. (he mimes hitting his head with his fist)Monica: Oh no! You and Phoebe are gonna help me in here.Chandler: (to Joey) You couldn't be cool. (he goes to the guest bedroom)Monica: Okay, we're gonna start in the kitchen. Plates get put into plate protectors and stacked ten to a box. The silverware gets bundled in rubber bands and then bubble wrapped. Got it?start in<口>开始动手/stack vt.把...叠成堆[eg: Mother is stacking the plates in the kitchen]/silverware n.银器银餐具/bundle vt.捆把...扎成一包[eg:He bundled the back numbers]/rubber band n.橡皮圈plate protectorPhoebe and Joey: Yeah.Monica: Good! Now I need you to be careful and efficient. And remember, if I am harsh with you, it is only because you are doing it wrong.harsh adj.严厉的[eg:He had no harsh words or even criticism]Chandler: Hey Mon, I think I figured out whose handcuffs they are. Monica: You did? How?Chandler: Well, I was cleaning out the closet and I found some picturesof them... being used.Monica: Oh my God! Let me see. (they all look at the pictures)Joey: Who's that dirty old lady?dirty adj.猥亵的下流的[eg:They were drinking and telling dirty jokes]Chandler: Monica's grandmother.Monica: Nana liked it rough!rough adv.粗暴地[eg: Do not treat a naughty child rough](Erica, the pregnant girl, enters)Erica: Hi!All: Hey!Joey: Come on here, have a seat.Phoebe: How was your night?Erica: Oh, it was okay. I went to a movie with my cousin and then out for dinner. We went to this place that had... Ooh... (she looks likes she is in pain, holding her belly) Hoo... ooh... Anyway, they had these really amazing cheeseburgers.cheeseburger n.夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治Monica: Erica, are you okay?Erica: Yeah, you know, maybe I ate too much. I keep getting these stomachaches. They come and go like every few minutes.stomachache n.胃痛肚子痛Monica: Oh my God!Chandler: Relax! We just get her some antacids.antacid n.解酸剂抗酸剂Monica: She doesn't have a stomachache, she's in labor.labor n.分娩阵痛[eg: The woman is in labor]Chandler: Oh my God!Phoebe: Yeah, you got to get to the hospital.Monica: All right, Chandler get the coats. Erica let's go. Phoebe and Joey, keep packing! Oh my God we're gonna have a baby. All right. We're gonna have a baby! OH MY GOD, WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY! Oh God, oh God, I got to sit down, I got to sit down. Ooh! (she's hyper-ventilating)ventilate v.<医>使吸收氧气/hyper-ventilate = over-breathe 一下气喘不过来Chandler: Honey, it's gonna be okay.Erica: You can do this. Just breathe.Monica: Okay, okay... Okay, I feel a little better.Erica: (in pain) Ooh! Are you sure?Monica: Oh... Yes, I'm sure. Oh honey, let's go. Okay bye everyone.(there's a lot of supportive cheers from all. Erica, Monica and Chandler leave.)Joey: Chandler, wait, wait, wait...Chandler: What?Joey: If you get a second, find out where she got that cheeseburger. [Scene: Ross's apartment. Rachel bursts in.]Rachel: You really think I didn't say goodbye to you because I don't care? Ross: That's what it seemed like.Rachel: I cannot believe that after ten years, you do not know one thing about me.Ross: Fine, then why didn't you say something?Rachel: Because it is too damn hard Ross. I can't even begin to explain to you how much I'm gonna miss you. When I think about not seeing you every day, it makes me not want to go... Okay, so if you think that I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me. So there, all right, there's your goodbye... Oh!Ross: Rach!Rachel: What?Ross: You keep, you keep... You can't...Rachel: WHAT?(Ross walks over to her and starts to kiss her passionately. After a while Rachel backs out. She thinks a while and starts kissing him back.)back out v.停止不干CLOSING CREDITS[Scene: Chandler and Monica's apartment.]Joey: A little more.Phoebe: Okay. (she starts to stuff styrofoam peanuts down the front of Joey's pants.)Joey: A little more, a little more. (she stuffs some more down his pants and Joey's assesses the how many there already are in there.) A little more... All right. Okay, all right, let's do this.assess v.对...进行估价评估[eg: It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation]Phoebe: All right, ready?Joey: Yeah. All right, now give me your best shot.Phoebe: All right, here it goes...(she knees him in the crotch. He jumps up a bit)Joey: (in pain) Doesn't work... (he falls down on on his knees with his head on the floor)THE END。

The One Where It All Began (Pilot) 六人行第1季第01集莫妮卡的新室友1.So does he have a hump and a hairpiece?hump:n.驼背,圆形隆起物,土墩,肿块,碰撞,恼火v.使隆起,碰撞,敲击成圆丘形,弓起。
I have got the hump over what he say to me.我为他对我说的话而感到恼火。
That gives me the hump.那使我心烦。
A cat often humps its back.猫常弓起背部。
I dont enjoy humping heavy furniture around all day.一天到晚扛重家具我可受不了。
2. I don't want her to go through what I did with Carl. 我只是不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙3. naked:adj.裸体的,无掩饰的,明白的,无覆盖的She was such a prude that she was even embarrassed by the sight of naked children.她正经得出了格,甚至见了赤身露体的孩子也难为情。
We can't see microscopic creature with naked eyes.我们不能用肉眼看到微生物。
Germs are invisible to the naked eye.细菌用肉眼看不见。
4. I feel like someone pulled my intestine out of my mouth.. 我就感觉好像某人伸手进我的喉咙, 抓住我的小肠,从我的嘴里拉出来Intestine:n.肠adj.国内的,内部的5. Stop cleansing my aura. cleansing n.净化(垃圾) adj.清洁用的动词cleanse的现在分词A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described byAristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience.情绪的净化或象征性清洗,尤指遗憾和恐惧,亚里土多德把他描述为悲剧对观众情绪的影响The act or an instance of cleansing or purifying.净化洗涤或净化的行为或情况aura:n.气氛,氛围,气味,光环,[医]先兆She always seems to have an aura of happiness about her.她好像总是喜气洋洋的。
Friends(老友记)详细笔记【301】The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy

【301】The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy ●Princess Leia Organa is a fictional character in the Star Wars星球大战franchise['fræn(t)ʃaɪz]●fantasy['fæntəsi]A fantasy is a pleasant situation or event that you think aboutand that you want to happen, especially one that is unlikely to happen. 幻想●wink atsb:to connive[kə'naɪv] at; disregard 使眼色; 假装看不见;对某人放电●Tupelo Honey L The Way We Were,Who's The Boss:老友们在谈论哪首歌曲是最浪漫的。
罗斯说是爱尔兰民谣歌手范·莫里森(Van Morrison)的《土波罗蜜(Tupelo Honey)》,而瑞秋则说是影片《往日情怀》当中那首同名主题曲《往日情怀(The Way We Were)》。
菲比则提到了埃尔顿·约翰曾经为九十年代早期红过的电视连续剧《妙管家(Who's The Boss)》中的演员托尼·丹泽(Tony Danza)写过一首歌,众人惊问,那是什么歌曲?菲比就唱了起来:“抱紧我,托尼·丹泽(Hold me close, Tony Danza)。
”原来,这完全是菲比把歌词听错了,埃尔顿·约翰确实写过一首叫做《飞燕舞者(Tiny Dancer)》的歌,里面的歌词有一句是:“抱紧我,飞燕舞者(Hold me close,Tiny Dancer)。
”Elton John艾尔顿·约翰:Sir Elton HerculesJohn CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight, 25 March1947) is an English composer and singer, who accompanieshimself on the piano.In his five-decade career Elton Johnhas sold more than 300 million records, making him one ofnounced he was bisexual in 1976 and has been openly gaysince 1988.大家所熟悉的动画片《狮子王》 The Lion King中的Can You Feel the Love Tonight(《今夜爱无限》)就是由Elton John创作的。

The One With Two Parts, part 1Written by: Marta Kauffman and David Crane.Transcribed by: Tennant Stuart and Mindy Mattingly.116 双胞胎两部曲(一)德和乔伊碰到了菲比的孪生姐姐乌苏拉;乔伊和她约会,这可惹恼了和姐姐关系僵持的菲比。
电视剧《为你疯狂》中的简米和弗蓝在Central Perk中亮相,还把菲比错当成乌苏拉。
[Scene: Rift’s Restaurant, as seen in Mad About You, Joey and Chandler are there.]Chandler: This is unbelievable. It’s been like a half an hour. If this was a cartoon, you’d be looking like a ham火腿 right about now.(Ursula Buffay, Phoebe’s identical twin sister, is waiting on tables in her inimitable manner.)identical adj.同一的, 同样的/identical twin n.[生]全等双生,同卵双生/wait on v.服侍, 招待,拜访, 焦急地等待/inimitable adj.不能模仿的,无与伦比的Joey: There’s the waitress. Excuse me, Miss. Hello, Miss?(Ursula spins around looking puzzled, quite unable to tell where the sound is coming from.)spin around向四周旋转Chandler: It’s Phoebe! Hi!(Ursula notices Joey waving his hand, and comes over走过来.)Ursula: Hi. Okay, will that be all就这样?Chandler: Wait, wait! Wh-what are you doing here?Ursula: Yeah, um, I was over there, then you said, "Excuse me, hello Miss," so now I’m here.Joey: No, no...how come you are working here?Ursula: Right, yeah, ’cause its close to where I live, and the aprons 围裙 are really cute.Chandler: Can we start over?可以重来一遍吗?Ursula: Yeah. Okay great. I’m gonna be over here. (She wanders away.)Chandler & Joey: No, no, no!Opening Credits[Scene: A wintry February day in New York City, snowplows are clearing the streets. Inside Central Perk, all three girls are paying court to Ross.]wintry adj.象冬季的, 寒冷的, 冬天的, 冷淡的/snowplow n.雪犁, 扫雪机/pay court to追求(女人)to追问Ross: I don’t know whether he’s testing me, or just acting out, but my monkey is out of control. But, he keeps erasing the messages on my machine, "supposedly" by accident.act out v.将...付诸行动to发泄情绪/supposedly adv.想像上, 按照推测/"supposedly" by accident:应该是个意外Rachel: No, yeah, I’ve done that.Ross: And then, like three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over到处 the crossword.in a row adv.成一排, 连续Rachel: I’ve never done that.(Outside in the street, Joey and Chandler arrive, to peer(vt.凝视,窥视) through the window at Phoebe, by bending down to look underneath the shop’s sign—a large steaming(adj.冒着热气的) cup of coffee.)Chandler: All right, now look at her and tell me she doesn’t look exactly like her sister.Joey: I’m sayin’ I see a difference.Chandler: They’re twins!Joey: I don’t care. Phoebe’s Phoebe. Ursula’s... hot!(Joey and Chandler come indoors.)Chandler: You know that thing, when you and I talk to each other about things?Joey: Yeah.Chandler: Let’s not do that any more.(They hang up[把……挂起来]their coats and scarves, then approach their friends on the main sofa.)scarves n.领带, (长)桌巾, 丝巾All: Hey guys! Hey!Joey: Hey Pheebs, guess who we saw today.Phoebe: Ooh, ooh, fun! Okay... um, Liam Neeson.Joey: Nope.Phoebe: Morly Safer.Liam Neeson,Morly Safer:钱德勒和乔伊巧遇了菲比的孪生姐姐厄苏拉,他们回到咖啡馆,问菲比你知道我们今天碰到了谁?菲比连续说了两个人名,分别是利亚姆·内森(Liam Neeson)——主演《辛德勒的名单》和《星球大战前传之魅影危机》的著名演员——和莫利·塞弗(Morly Safer),美国《六十分钟》电视节目的著名记者。
老友记 笔记

The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot)the pilot:美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集试播101 试播瑞秋在教堂抛弃未婚夫巴利、逃婚到莫妮卡处。
罗斯自高中起即爱慕瑞秋,此刻死灰复燃,提议和她约会,瑞秋答应了1.01 PilotRachel leaves Barry at the alter and moves in with Monica.Monica goes on a date with Paul the wine guy, who turns out to be less than sincere. Ross is depressed about his failed marriage.Joey compares women to ice cream.Everyone watches Spanish soaps.Ross reveals his high school crush on Rachel.[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.]Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him!go out with <俚>约会Chandler: So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?hump n.驼背/hairpiece n.false hair;wig n.假发Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk?(They all stare, bemused.)bemused: puzzled adj.困惑的发呆的Phoebe: Just 'cause I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh!Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex.Chandler: Sounds like a date to me.(Time Lapse)lapse v.(时间)流逝Chandler:Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally…naked.cafeteria n.自助食堂/naked adj.赤裸的All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream.Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there. Joey: Instead of...?Chandler: That's right.Joey: Never had that dream.Phoebe: No.Chandler:All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring,and it turns out it's my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me!all of a sudden adv.突然之间地/weird adj.离奇的,古怪的/(Time Lapse, Ross has entered.)Ross: (mortified) Hi.mortified adj.受羞辱的窘迫的/mortify v.使感屈辱使失面子使羞愧[eg:The teacher was mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question]Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...intestine n.肠Chandler: Cookie?Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.Joey: Ohh.Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.Ross: Thanks.Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)pluck v.拔去(鸡鸭等)毛扯拉[eg:He plucked the letter from her hands]/pluck at:To remove abruptly(adv.唐突地) or forcibly(adv.强制地)Ross:No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.aura:a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source n.气氛灵气光环[eg: the place had an aura of mystery]/当时的场景是Ross进来跟大家诉说他的不幸婚姻,倒了霉运的他周身象是鬼神附身一般。

1.aural [au·ral || 'ɔːrəl] adj. 耳的; 听到的; 听觉的#气味的122. be murky 继续痛苦吧murky [murk·y || 'mɜrkɪ /'mɜːkɪ] adj. 黑暗的; 阴郁的33.strip joint脱衣舞俱乐部[strip dʒɔint]44.Sweet 'n' Lo最有名的代糖品牌,现在在英文中可直接用Sweet 'n' Lo 表示代糖55.tuna n. 鲔, 金枪鱼; 金枪仙人掌66.metaphor [met·a·phor || 'metəfɔr /'metəfə,'metəfɔː]n. 隐喻; 象征7.buzz him in 让他进来buzz 门铃788.shred 撕碎99. steer clear of you离你远一点10 horny性欲旺盛的人101111.matrimony [mat·ri·mo·ny || 'mætrɪməʊnɪ /-mənɪ]n. 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 夫妇关系1212 wow,the gal really turns me on使某人兴奋1313.freak out 就是表达焦躁害怕不安等情绪的意思1414. You got screwed你受骗了1515. It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是"很残酷"1616. have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情1717. on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情1818. walk out on someone: 将someone抛弃1919.spell it out: explain it20. crash: 动词,临时在哪儿凑合一觉202121. De-caff是不含咖啡因的咖啡2222 hang out here,呆在这2323 hanger是衣架2424 go for 选择2525.I take credit for Paul. 我给Paul打保票2626. .in bound of holy matrimony,就是结为夫妇,在神圣婚姻的约束,范围内2727.paranoid [par·a·noid || 'pærənɔɪd]n. 偏执狂患者adj. 多疑的2828.fluff [flʌf]n. 软毛; 绒毛; 柔毛v. 使起毛; 念错; 抖松; 起毛; 出错; 变松2929.orthodontist ['ɔrθə'dɑntɪst /'ɔːθə'dɒn-]n. 正牙医生; 牙齿矫正医师3030.以后碰到别人好像闷闷不乐的时候,你就可以上前来上一句Do you have any issues?31. stomp是用脚踏的意思313232. shoot for”是争取、得到或完成的意思3333. Steer是驾驶掌舵的意思341.how could I forget?”,我怎么能忘记呢?打死我也不会忘记的。
老友记 笔记【213】The One After the Superbow2

The One After the Superbow2213 超级杯后(第二集)大伙陪着马赛尔拍电影。
2.13 The One After the Superbowl, Pt. IIThe gang spends time on Marcel's movie set.Ross has a hard time getting time or attention from Marcel.Chandler bumps into Susie Moss, a girl he knew in the fourth grade, whom he embarrased by lifting her skirt during the class play.She comes on really strong but it turns out to be an elaborate scheme to get backat him.Monica and Rachel see Jean-Claude Van Damme;when Rachel tries to get him interested in Monica, he asks Rachel out instead, causing a rift(n.不和) between the roommates.Joey gets a small part in the movie but doesn't perform too well.[Scene: The next time at the movie set.]Security Guard: Excuse me folks, this is a...folk n.各位Joey: Closed set. We know but we're friends with the monkey.Ross:Good morning. Hey pal, look who I brought. It's your old friend Harry Elefante.pal n.兄弟Joey: Woah, dude, burn.burn<俚> An exclamatory(adj.惊叹的) response, generally used by a third party after someone has just received an insult[eg:She said you had a small penis? Oh, BURN!]Ross: I don't get it, he seemed so happy to see me yesterday.Trainer:Hey don't take it personal, he's under a lot of pressure, ya know, starring in a movie and all.don’t take it personal不要放在心上/star v.出演Rachel: Now just how big of a star is Marcel?Trainer: In human terms, I'd say Cybill Sheperd.in human terms adv.按照人类的标准/Cybill Lynne Shepherd (born February 18, 1950) is a American actress, singer and former fashion model.Her best known roles include starring as Jacy in The Last Picture Show, Maddie Hayes in Moonlighting, as Cybill Sheridan in Cybill, as Betsy in Taxi Driver and as Phyllis Kroll in The L Word.Chandler: (to guys wearing yellow isolation suits) So, are you guys in the movie, or are you just really paranoid?isolation suit n.隔离服Director’s Assistant:Hey Sal, Jerry wants to know if the monkey's ready for the subway set?set n.拍电影的一场戏Joey: Excuse me. Jerry is the director, which one's he?Director’s Assistant: The one in the director's chair.Joey: Gotcha. Phoebs, walk with me.Phoebe: OK. How come I'm walking with you?Joey: Well, we're just goin' over here so that we can get away from the horrible flesh eating virus, for the love of God, woman, listen to me. Is he lookin', is he lookin'?get away from v.逃离/flesh n.肉体Opening Creidts[Scene:At the movie set.]Susie: We've got a problem.Director’s Assistant: Tell me.Susie:I can't do Chris's makeup. She refuses to acknowledge that she has a moustasche.makeup n.化妆/moustache n.小胡子/Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an American actress and former fashion model. She became well known during the early 1990s after starring in the romantic comedy Pretty Woman opposite Richard Gere, which grossed $463 million worldwide. She won the Best Actress Academy Award in 2000 for her critically acclaimed turn as the title character in Erin Brockovich and earned Oscar nominations as Best Supporting Actress for Steel Magnolias (1989) and Best Actress for Pretty Woman (1990). Her films, which also include romantic comedies such as My Best Friend's Wedding, Mystic Pizza, Notting Hill, Runaway Bride, and crime films such as The Pelican Brief and Ocean's Eleven, have collectively earned box office receipts(n.收入) of over $2 billion, making her the most successful actress in terms of box office receipts.Director’s Assistant: Is it bad?Susie: It looks like one of her eyebrows fell down. Now unless someone convinces her to let me bleach it, Jean-Claude Van Damme is gonna be making out with Gabe Kaplan.eyebrow n.眉毛/convince sb to do sth v.说服某人做某事/bleach v.漂白/Jean-Claude Van Damme (born Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg 18 October 1960(1960-10-18)) is a Belgian martial artist and actor who is best known for martial arts and action movies, the most successful being Bloodsport and Kickboxer. His Belgian background and his physique(n.体格) furnished(vt.提供) him the nickname The Muscles from Brussels.Gabriel "Gabe" Kaplan (born March 31, 1944) is an American comedian, actor and professional poker player. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He is best known for his role as Gabriel "Gabe" Kotter in the 1970s sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter, but he has become more visible in recent years in relation to the popularity of poker, especially the "No-Limit Texas Hold-'Em" type, particularly as co-host and joint commentator(n.评论员), with A.J. Benza, on High Stakes Poker on GSN.Director’s Assistant: I'll talk to her.Susie: I hate actors.Chandler:(to an extra in fatigues) Nice camouflage man, for a minute there I almost didn't see ya.extra n.拍电影的临时演员/fatigues n.(士兵干杂役时穿的)工作服/camouflage n.伪装掩饰[eg: They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage]Susie: Excuse me.Is your name Chandler?Chandler: Yes, yes it is.Susie: Chandler Bing?Chandler: Do you know me or are you just really good at this game?Susie: I'm Susie Moss. Fourth grade, glasses, I used to carry around a box of animal crackers like a purse.animal crackers n.做成动物形状的饼干/carry around v.随身携带/purse n.手提包Chandler: Susie Moss, right, yeah, wow, you look. . . great job growing up.Susie:It's nice to see you're not still wearing that denim cap with all the little mirrors on it.denim n.牛仔布/cap n.帽子Chandler: Oh, right, well yeah, I graduated fourth grade and realized I wasn't a pimp.pimp n.男妓Susie: Remember the class play? You pulled up my skirt and the entire auditorium saw my underpants.pull up v.掀起/skirt n.裙子/auditorium n.会堂礼堂/underpants n.内裤Chandler:Yes, back then, I used humor as a defense mechanism. Thank God I don't do that anymore.back then adv.那时候/denfense mechanism n.防卫机制[Scene: Monica and Rachel walking through the set]Monica: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.Rachel: What what what?Monica:Jean-Claude Van Damme. I didn't know he was in this movie, he is so hot.Rachel: You think?Monica:The muscles from Brussels, wham bam Van Damme, did you see Timecop?Timecop is a 1994 science fiction thriller film directed by Peter Hyams. Dark Horse published a comic book series of the same name.The film stars Jean-Claude Van Damme, Ron Silver, Bruce McGill and Mia Sara. It is set in the future (2004) where time travel is possible. Van Damme plays a Time Enforcement Agent, part of a specialized police organization. He is conflicted, because he knows it is possible to prevent his wife's death, but his job as a Time Enforcement Agent prevents him from acting on such a prevention.Rachel: No, was he any good in it?Monica: Rachel, he like, totally changed time.Rachel: Wow, so why don't you go talk to him?Monica: Oh, yeah.Rachel:What, so you go over there, you tell him you think he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?Monica: He could hear me.Rachel: OK, I'm doin' it for ya.Monica: Oh Rachel don't, don't you dare, don't. Tell him I cook.Rachel: Excuse me. Hi.Van Damme: Hi.Rachel:This is gonna sound kinda goofy but my friend over there, who cooks by the way, she thinks you're cute.goofy adj.silly愚笨的Van Damme: You don't think I'm cute?Rachel: I don't know, do you think you're cute? Ok, we're kinda gettin'off the track here.I was supposed to come here and tell you my friend thinks you're cute. So what should I tell her?get off the track v. deviate from(v.偏离) the main pointVan Damme: You can tell her I think her friend is cute.[Scene:back to Chandler and Susie,a voice in the background calls for makeup]]Susie: Oh that's me, I gotta go.Chandler: Oh OK.Susie:So listen, how many times am I gonna have to touch you on the arm before you ask me on a date.Chandler:Well, let's try one more... there you go, say Ernie's, 8 o'clock.Susie: I'll be there, and who knows, if things go well, maybe this time I'll get to see your underwear.Chandler: No one was around to hear that?[back to Rachel and Monica]Monica: So what'd he say?Rachel:Agh, what a jerk. I kept talking about you and he kept asking me out. I mean, naturally, you know, I said no.naturally adv.当然地[eg: Naturally you will want to discuss it with your wife]Monica: Well, thanks anyway.Rachel:He just kept asking, and asking, and asking, and asking, and asking.Monica: Rachel if you, if you want to go out with him, you can. Sounds like a big jerk to me but if that's what you want to do...Rachel: Jean-Claude she said yes, I'll see you tonight. Thank you.[Scene: Central Perk. Joey and the girls are sitting at the couches.]Rachel:And then Jean-Claude took me to that place Crossroads and that's where we hung out with Drew Barrymore.crossroad n.十字路口/Drew Barrymore (born February 22, 1975) is an American actress and film producer. She is the youngest member of the Barrymore family of American actors. She began acting when she was eleven months old. Barrymore made her screen debut in Altered States in 1980. Afterwards, she starred in her breakout role in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(n.外星人). She quickly became one of Hollywood's most recognized child actresses, going on to establish herself in mainly comic roles.Joey:Oh man, she's so smokin, she has got the greatest set of... no guys around.smoking adj.<俚> hotRachel: Does anybody need anything?Monica:Oh, I'll have an espresso. Oh acutally, I'll get it. If I ask you to, you'll probably end up drinking it yourself.espresso n.(用蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡/end up doing v.最终会Rachel: That is so unfair.Phoebe: I know. Oh, like you would drink her coffee after what you did to her with Van Damme.Ross:Hey Joey I have to cancel racketball for tonight, that was Marcel's trainer. He's gonna let me have him for a couple of hours.Joey: You're blowin' me off for a monkey?blow sb off v.放弃与某人的约会Ross: Hey, we can reschedule for Saturday.reschedule vt.重新安排...的时间Joey: Yeah, unless you hook up with a bunch of pigeons.hook up with v.搭上/a bunch of pigeons n.一票鸽子Chandler: Hey, stick a fork in me, I am done.done adj.熟了Phoebe: Stick a fork what?Chandler: Like, when you're cooking a steak.Phoebe: Oh, Ok, I don't eat meat.Chandler: Well then, how do you know when vegetables are done?Phoebe: Well you know, you just, you eat them and you can tell. Chandler: Ok, then, eat me, I'm done.Chandler:I've met the perfect woman. Ok, we're sitting on her couch, we're fooling around, and then suddenly she turns to me and says, 'Do you ever want to do it in an elevator?'fool around v.make out亲热Monica: What did you say?Chandler:I believe my exact words were, 'Flaignen sten'. I mean I didn't know what to say, how do you know if you wanna do it on an elevator? Phoebe: Oh, you just know.[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Susie are making out on the couch.]Susie: Oh, shoot, we gotta go, got a reservation in 30 minutes.Chandler:Oh no no no no, no no no, you see, what I had planned shouldn't take more than two three minutes tops.Susie: Oh, 200 seconds of passion. We gotta go.Susie: But here's an idea, have you ever worn women's underwear?Chandler: Well, yes, actually, but they were my Aunt Edna's, and there were three of us in there.Susie:Well I was thinking it would be kind of sexy if you wore mine tonight, at dinner.Chandler: You want me to wear your panties?Susie: Could ya?Chandler: Well, if I was wearing your underwear,then what would you be wearing? You're swell.swell <口>很棒的一流的[eg:Our boy is doing swell at college][Scene: Ross's apartment. Ross is setting up for his time with Marcel. Joey is there.]Ross: Ok, got the music, got the dinner. Oh and check it out, I made Marcel's favorite dish, bananacake.Joey: Oooh.Ross: With mealworms.mealworm n.粉虱Joey: Candles. What do you think gonna happen here tonight?Ross:Hello. Oh hi, are you on your way over.. Oh. No, no, I understand, a monkey's gotta work. No, it's no big deal, it's not like I had anything special planned. Yeah Ok. Ok, bye.it's no big deal这没什么大不了[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Rachel are upset with each other. Phoebe is mediating.]mediate v.仲裁调停Phoebe: Ok, Rachel, why don't you start talking first.Rachel:Alright, I feel that this is totally unjustified. She gave me thegreen light, I did nothing but... Do you think I can't see you in the TV set?unjustified adj.不正当的完全没有道理的Phoebe: Alright Monica, if there is something that you would like to share...Monica: Ya know, you had no right to go out with him.Rachel: That is the most ridiculous.Monica:You sold me out.sell out v.背叛出卖Rachel: I did not sell you out.Monica: Yes you did. Absolutely.Rachel: Would you let me talk. (flicks Monica on the forehead)flick v.to strike lightly with a quick sharp motionMonica: Did you just flick me?Rachel: Ok, well, you wouldn't let me finish and I was just...(Monica flicks her back) Ow. That hurt.Monica: Quit flicking.Rachel: Ow, you stop flicking.Monica: You flicked me first.(They keep flicking each other. This turns into slapping each other. This leads to wrestling on the floor. All the while Phoebe is saying "Happy thoughts". Eventually Phoebe gets fed up.)slap v.拍掌击/wrestling/all the while adv.一直始终/fed up v.to be tired sated(adj.厌腻的),or disgusted beyond endurancePhoebe: OK, now I'm gonna kick some ass.(Phoebe grabs each of them by an ear)Monica & Rachel: Ow. Ow. Ow.Phoebe: Alright, now I will let go if you both stop.let go v.放开Rachel:Oh, what do you, you want me to stop seeing him, is that what you want?Monica: Uh-huh.Rachel: You want me to just call him up and tell him that you're seeing him instead? That's what you want?Monica: OK.Rachel: Oh that's what you want.Monica: Yes.Rachel: Fine.Monica: Fine.Phoebe:There we go.You know what, if we were in prison, you guys would be like my bitches.[Scene: A fancy restraunt. Joey, Ross, Chandler, Susie, and the Director's Assistant are there.]Ross: Thanks for letting me tag along tonight you guys.tag along v.follow another's lead especially in going from one place to another尾随Joey: Forget about it.Susie: How you doin there,squirmy?squirmy adj.扭曲的蠕动的[eg: The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kids]Chandler: I'm hangin in... and a little out.Joey:So, assistant to the director. That's a really exciting job, I mean,you must have a ton of cool responsibilities.Director's Assistant: I have nothing to do with casting.have nothing to do with v.与...无关/casting n.选角Joey: So what're you guys gonna eat?Susie:How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth and licking you all over?Chandler:Because I went to an all boys high school and God is making up for it.make up for v.补偿Susie: I want you right here, right now.Chandler:Right now, right here. Don't ya think we're in kind of a public plaaaa (Susie grabs him under the table)They do have the shrimp.shrimp n.虾Susie: Meet me in the bathroom.Chandler: I'm going to the bathroom now.[Scene: In the bathroom. Susie and Chandler are kissing. She backs into a stall.]stall n. a small compartment(厕所里的)隔间Susie: C'mon.Chandler: I can't believe we're doing this.Susie: Alright mister, let's see those panties.panties n.内裤Chandler: Alrighty.Susie: Ooh. Ooh. But ya know what would be even sexier?Chandler: What?Susie: If you didn't have your shirt tucked into them.tuck into v.藏进塞进Chandler: Oh.Susie:Alright. Now I would like to see you wearing nothing but them. Take your clothes off.Chandler:Ok, but I hope you realize this means we're gonna miss hearing about the specials.special n.(菜单上的)特色菜[eg: Thursday's special was steak]Susie: C'mon hurry, hurry.Chandler:Hey, do you want this done quick, or do you want this done right?Susie: Alright, turn around. Time to see you from behind.Chandler: OK.(She turns him facing the toilet and sneaks out of the stall and gathers up his clothes)sneak out of v.偷偷地逃/gather up v.收集起Susie: Oh, somebody's been doing his buns of steel video.buns n.(人的)臀部屁股/buns of steel n.a famous exercise training video to help people get fitChandler: Well, you want me to clench anything, or... Susie? Susie.clench v.夹紧Susie: This is for the fourth grade.Chandler: What do you mean?Susie:What do I mean. What do you mean what do I mean? I mean underpants, mister, that's what I mean.Chandler: What, what's what you mean?Susie:My skirt, you lifted, kids laughing. I was Susie Underpants 'till I was 18.lift v.掀起Chandler:That was in the fourth grade. How could you still be upset about that?Susie:Well, why don't you call me in 20 years and tell me if you're still upset about this.Chandler:Alright, I hope you realize you're not getting these underpants back.[Scene: Monica and Van Damme are walking down the street.]Monica:I can't believe this, just like 2 weeks ago I was watching Sudden Death, now I'm on a date with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Can you beat up that guy? Can you beat up that guy?beat up v.痛打/Sudden Death is a 1995 action movie, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. The film's story was written by Karen Elise Baldwin, the wife of then-Penguins owner, Howard Baldwin. It also features Dorian Harewood and Raymond J. Barry, and is directed by Peter Hyams. It has been rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. The film was shot during the 1994–95 NHL lockout(n.停工). The film also was the first appearance of, Iceburgh, the Penguins mascot. In the movie, Iceburgh's costume was worn by one of the villains and was referred to as "Icey" instead of "Iceburgh".Van Damme: Sure.Monica: This is so wild. I gotta admit, I was kinda surprised that you agreed to go on a blind date.a blind date n.从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会Van Damme: Normally, I would not do it.normally adv.通常情况下Monica: Well, what made you make the exception for me?make the exception v.破例Van Damme:'Cause Rachel told me you were dying to have a threesome with me and Drew Barrymore. By the way, Drew has some groundrules and...be dying to v.非常渴望/threesomen n.3P/groundrules n. A basic rule of procedure or behavior规矩底线[Scene: Back at Monica and Rachel's apartment. They are now fighting about what Rachel told Van Damme.]Monica: Say you're sorry.Rachel: No.Monica: Say it.Rachel: No.Monica: Rachel, you say you're sorry or your sweater gets it.Rachel:Ok, Ok, that is my favorite sweater, that is my third date sweater.Monica: Say you're sorry.Rachel: Ok, you wanna play? OK, let's play, let's play. (She grabs a jar of tomato sauce and Monica's purse)jar n.广口瓶/purse n.女式包Monica: What're you gonna do?Rachel: You give me back my sweater or it's handbag marinara.marinara n.(意大利烹饪用的含西红柿大蒜洋葱等调制成的)海员式沙司Monica: You don't have the guts.guts n.勇气胆量Rachel: Oh yeah. Well, at least I wasn't too chicken to tell some guy I thought he was cute.chicken adj.timid cowardly胆小的(Monica pulls a thread on Rachel's sweater and Rachel dumps the tomato sauce in Monica's purse)thread n.(一段)线Phoebe: Oh alright, stop, stop the madness. This is crazy. Who can even remember why this even started in the first place?(Monica and Rachel start yelling at the same time)Phoebe:Yes that's right. But still, I... look at your purse, look at your sweater, look at yourselves.Monica: I'll help you fix your sweater.fix v.修补Rachel: I'll help you throw out your purse.Monica: I'm sorry that I made you stop seeing him.Rachel: Well, I'm sorry I went out with him when I knew you liked him.Monica: I'm sorry that I borrowed your glovesglove n.手套[Scene: Back at the restroom at Marcel's. Chandler is still in the stall, Joey comes in to go to the bathroom.]restroom n.厕所(Joey starts whistling, Joey finishes the tune. Chandler whistles again.)whistle v.吹口哨/tune n.曲调Chandler: Joey?Joey: Ma?Chandler: Joey!Joey:Chandler? What're you still doin' here, I thought you guys took off.take off v.to start off or away离开Chandler: Oh, no no no, she took off with my clothes.Joey: Are you naked in there?Chandler: Not exactly... I'm wearin panties.Joey: Huh, you always wear panties?panties n. a woman's or child's undergarment(n.内衣) covering the lower trunk(n.主干) and made with closed crotch(n.胯部),usually used in plural (女用)内裤Chandler: No, no, this is the first time.Joey:Wow, talk about your bad luck, I mean, the first time you try panties and someone walks off with your clothes.walk off with v.偷走带走Chandler: I was not trying them out, Susie asked me to wear them. Joey: Well, let me see.Chandler: No. I'm not letting you or anybody else see, ever.Joey: Alright, alright.(climbs up in the next stall and looks over at Chandler) Woah, someone's flossing.floss is a form of female underwear so narrow as to effectively remove deposits(n.堆积物) from within surrounding(adj.周围的 crevices(n.裂缝). Similar to dental flossas used in the act of orthodontic hygiene(正牙卫生).Ross: Joey, some people don't like that.Joey: Chandler's wearing panties.Ross: What? Let me see. (climbs up in the other adjoining stall)adjoining adj.邻接的隔壁的Chandler: No, no, you don't have to see.Ross: Hi Tushie.tushie <俚> the buttocksChandler: Alright, one of you give me your underpants.Joey: Can't help you, I'm not wearing any.Chandler: How can you not be wearing any underwear?Joey: Oh, I'm gettin' heat from the guy in the hot pink thong.thong n. A garment(n.衣服) for the lower body that exposes the buttocks, consisting of a narrow strip(n.条) of fabric(n.织物) that passes between the thighs(n.大腿) supported by a waistband(n.腰带).Chandler:Alright look Ross I'll give you 50 dollars for your underpants.All: Hi.(Back at the table. Joey and Ross return. Shortly, Chandler comes out, holding the stall door in front of him, and leaves.)[Scene: Central Perk. Ross, Phoebe, and Chandler are sitting.]Chandler: Hey Phoebs, can I have the milk after you?Phoebe: I'm almost done with it, keep your panties on.Joey: Hey, hey, and I'm in the movie.Ross: What happened?Joey: One of the virus victims called in sick, so Cathy recommended me and boom, I'm dying on the gurney. Oh Ross, Marcel just finished his last scene if you want to go down there and say goodbye.call in sick v.打电话请病假/gurney n.(医院里推送病人用的)轮床Ross:Oh, that's OK, I mean, he's probably got parties to go to and stuff. But he's moved on. Hey, that's the way it goes right?Phoebe: Oh my God.Ross: What?("Looks Like We Made It" starts playing and we enter a whole sequence of Marcel and Ross having fun in the city.)a sequence of adj.一连串[Scene: City street. Whole gang is there seeing off Marcel. Marcel is driven off in a limo]limo n.豪华轿车Phoebe: You know, I think I want to write a song about all this.Rachel: Oh yeah.Phoebe:Yeah. Oh, except one of the strings on my guitar is broken. Hey, Chandler, can I borrow your G-string?G-string n.a strip of cloth passed between the legs and supported by a waist cord that is worn especially by striptease(n.脱衣舞) dancersChandler: How long you been waitin' to say that?Phoebe: About 20 minutes.Closing Credits[Scene: Filming a scene from the movie. Joey is dying on a gurney, Van Damme is looking over him.]Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.dying adj.垂死的Director: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.Director: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.Joey: MommyDirector: Cut.Van Damme: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dead. (the guys pulls the blanket over Joey)END。
老友记 六人行 第二季第二十三集经典笔记

The One With the Chicken Pox Originally written by Brown Mandell.Transcribed by Joshua Hodge.223 出水痘菲比的海军恋人莱恩(反斗神鹰查理辛)来探望她,要呆两个星期;他们本计划好好玩玩,不想菲比出水痘,并且传染给了莱恩。
[Scene: Central Perk. Rachel, Monica, Joey, and Chandler are there.][Rachel brings a muffin to Chandler and Monica who are sitting on the couch.]muffin n.松饼RACHEL: Ok, Chandler, Mon, there's only one bananna nut muffin left.[Rachel holds the tray between them. Chandler grabs the muffin before Monica can.]MONICA: Oh, I ordered mine first.CHANDLER: Yeah, but I'm, I'm so much faster...MONICA: Give it to me.CHANDLER: No.MONICA: Give it to me.CHANDLER: Ok, you can have it. [He licks it and offers it to her.]MONICA: [She grabs the coffee cup on the table and licks the rim.] There you go, enjoy your coffee.CHANDLER: That was there when I got here那杯不是我的. [Takes a bite of his muffin.]PHOEBE: [enters] Hey you guys, you will never guess who's coming to New York.MONICA: [Chandler tries to come back with a smart-ass remark but can't swallow the muffin.] Quick, Phoebe, tell us before he can swallow. come back with努力说出/[Chandler tries to come back with a smart-ass remark but can't swallow the muffin.]: smart-ass means someone who is always trying to seem cleverer than everyone else in a way(在某种程度上) that is annoyingPHOEBE: Oh ok, Ryan, that guy I went out with, who's in the Navy海军. [Chandler is visibly upset]RACHEL: You went out with a guy in the Navy?PHOEBE: Yeah, I met him when I was playing guitar in Washington Square Park. Ryan threw in salt water taffy 'cause he didn't have any change. taffy(=toffee) 太妃糖,乳脂糖/salt water taffy盐水太妃糖/change n.零钱JOEY: Hey, is that when you wrote salt water taffy man?PHOEBE: No. No, he is my submaring guy. He resurfaces like every couple years and we have the most amazing three days together. Only this time he's coming for two weeks. Two whole weeks, which means yay. submarine n.潜水艇/resurface vi.(潜水艇)浮上水面RACHEL: So wait, this guy goes down for like two years at a time?at a time adv.每次, 在某时[Once again, Chandler has a bite in his mouth and can't come back恢复.] MONICA: That'll teach you to lick my muffin谁叫你舔我的松饼.ROSS: [enters] Hiii.JOEY: Oh no, what happened?ROSS: Well, I just spoke to Carol. Ben's got the chicken pox.chicken pox n.<医>水痘ALL: Oh no.ROSS: Yeah, so if you haven't already had it,chances are you're gonna get it.chances are……(放在句首)有可能RACHEL: Well I've had it.JOEY: Yeah, I've had it.MONICA: Had it.CHANDLER: Had it.PHOEBE: Well, I've never had it, I feel so left out我感觉被遗弃了.[Sees a red bump(n.肿块) on her arm.] Oh look!OPENING TITLES[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are in her bedroom.]MONICA: Honey, you made the bed again. I told you, you don't have to do that. This isn't camp.make the bed铺床RICHARD: Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for. Ok, I am going to take a shower and today I will be singing Jim Crochee's Leroy Brown.panty n.女内裤/panty raid内裤大袭击/uncalled for adj.不必要的,不适当的,没有理由的/Ooh, then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for: panty raid is a raid on a women's dormitory by college men usually to obtain panties as trophies; uncalled for means unjustified, improper[He walks out of the bedroom and Monica starts to remake the bed.]RICHARD: Monica... [He re-enters the bedroom and Monica jumps on the bed, trying to cover it.] Hey Mon, I have a question. Is Leroy the baddest man in the whole damn town or the fattest man in the whole damn town?Bad Bad Leroy Brown:理查德在洗澡时哼的歌,但他搞不清楚究竟是bad bad Leroy brown(坏怀的勒罗伊·布朗)还是fat fat Leroy Brown(胖胖的勒罗伊·布朗),莫尼卡告诉他是前者。
PDF老友记剧本+笔记【107】The One With the Blackout

The One With the Blackout107停电纽约全城停电。
1.07The One With the BlackoutNew York City is blacked out(due to a mishap[n.灾祸]on Mad About You).Chandler is trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre.The rest of the gang hangs out at Monica and Rachel's apartment.Ugly Naked Guy lights a bunch of candles and has a slight accident.While trying to share his feelings with Rachel,Ross is attacked by a cat. While searching for the cat's owner,Rachel and Phoebe meet"the Weird Man",known in later episodes as Mr.Heckles.He tries to claim the cat,but it obviously isn't his.The cat turns out to belong to Paolo,an Italian hunk who lives in the building and doesn't speak much English.[Scene:Central Perk,Rachel is introducing Phoebe,who is playing her guitar for the crowd.]Rachel:Everybody?Shh,shhh.Uhhh...Central Perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay.present vt.引见上演(applause)Phoebe:Hi.Um,I want to start with a song that's about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is really all about.OK,here we go.(plays a chord,then the lights go out)OK,thank you very much.chord n.和音/go out v.熄灭[Scene:The ATM vestibule of a bank,Chandler is inside.The lights go out,and he realizes he is trapped inside.]ATM n.Automatic Teller Machine自动取款机/vestibule n.门廊前厅[eg:I have to ask David to wait in the vestibule]Chandler:Oh,great.This is just...(Chandler sees that there is a gorgeous model inside the vestibule with him.He makes a gesture of quiet exuberance.)exuberance n.生气勃勃的行动/quiet exuberance n.暗喜/Jill Goodacre Connick(born March 29,1965in Lubbock,Texas)is a fashion model who appeared extensively in the1990s Victoria's Secret catalogs.After directing one of his music videos in1992,Goodacre married Harry Connick,Jr.,in1994.She is the daughter of real estate broker William Goodacre of Boulder,CO and Glenna N.Goodacre,a native of Lubbock,Texas,who resides in Santa Fe,New Mexico.Her mother is now married to Dallas attorney Michael Lee"Mike" Schmidt.She has three daughters with Connick:Georgia Tatom(born April17,1996),Sarah Kate(September12,1997),and Charlotte(born June26,2002).Opening Credits[Scene:Monica and Rachel's,Monica is on the phone with her mother.Phoebe, Rachel,and Ross are there.]Rachel:Wow,this is so cool,you guys.The entire city is blacked out!black out v.停电Monica:Mom says it's all of Manhattan,parts of Brooklyn and Queens,and they have no idea when it's coming back on.Rachel:Wow,you guys,this is big.Monica:(into phone)Pants and a sweater?Why,mom?Who am I gonna meet in a blackout?Power company guys?Eligible looters?Could we talk about this later?OK.(hangs up)power company n.电力公司/looter n.打劫者/eligible adj.(尤指婚姻等)合适的合意的[eg:Helen married an eligible bachelor]Phoebe:Can I borrow the phone?I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma.(to Monica)What's my number?(Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.)Phoebe:Well,I never call me.[Scene:ATM vestibule,Jill Goodacre is on the cellular phone.]cellular phone n.手机Chandler:Oh my God,it's that Victoria's Secret model.Something... something Goodacre.Victoria's Secret is an American retailer of high quality lingerie and beauty products.It is the largest brand and a segment of publicly traded Limited Brands with sales surpassing $5billion and an operating income(n.营业收入)of US$1billion in2006.Victoria's Secret is well known for its fashion shows and catalogues,which feature top fashion models such as Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrosio.Jill:(on phone)Hi Mom,it's Jill.Chandler:She's right,it's Jill.Jill Goodacre.Oh my God.I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!(pause)Is it a vestibule?Maybe it's an atrium.Oh,yeah,that is the part to focus on,you idiot!vestibule n.前厅/atrium n.中厅Jill:(on phone)Yeah,I'm fine.I'm just stuck at the bank,in an ATM vestibule.Chandler:Jill says vestibule...I'm going with vestibule.Jill:(on phone)I'm fine.No,I'm not alone...I don't know,some guy.Chandler:Oh!Some guy.Some guy.'Hey Jill,I saw you with some guy last night.Yes,he was some guy.(Chandler strides proudly across the vestibule and Jill stares at him.)stride v.大步行走[Scene:Monica's apartment,Joey enters with a menorah,the candles lit.]menorah n.(犹太教)七/九灯的烛台Joey:Hi everyone.Ross:And officiating at tonight's blackout,is Rabbi Tribbiani.officiate v.主持(宗教仪式)/rabbi n.拉比(犹太人的学者)Joey:Well,Chandler's old roomate was Jewish,and these are the only candles we have,so...Happy Chanukah,everyone.Jewish adj.犹太族的/Chanukah n.光明节(犹太人一纪念节日)/光明节与九座烛台:光明节为期八天,约在每年十二月初,是为了纪念当初犹太祖先夺回耶路撒冷圣殿,当时在圣殿献灯的灯油,原本只能燃烧一天,最后却燃烧了八天的奇迹。

FRIENDS-901学习笔记(老友记学习笔记)FRIENDS-901学习笔记901 The One Where No One Proposes◆难词:1、nursery 托儿所;影片中指的是“育儿室”hospital room for newborns: a room in a hospitalwhere newborns stay and are cared for by the nursing staff andpediatricians prior to going home。
另:nurseryman 苗圃工,nursery school(kindergarten) 幼儿园2、lounge 侯机室、(旅馆、俱乐部)休息室3、Gameboy 任天堂的掌上游戏机4、Foreplay 性爱前的前奏5、Janitor 看门人6、Nipple 乳头,在电影中反复出现的tit也是一个意思,不过nipple较为文雅一点。
此外,胸部叫breast,俗称boobs/doubles, 更粗俗的叫knockers, 字面上看就是撞击你眼球的东西。
7、Goodie! (俗)好呀!◆难句1、He pulled a quarter out of my ear!本句要结合上下文理解。
上文Ross的老爸说他一直在练习变魔术,于是Chandler就说“他从我耳朵里面变了个硬币出来!”Quarter:A coin equals to one fourth of the dollar of the United Statesand Canada.二角五分硬币相当于四分之一美元和加元的硬币北美的硬币币值有nickel 五分,dime 一角,quarter 25美分2、If you clear things up with Rachel 如果你把事情和瑞秋讲清楚3、I like to think of myself as the puppet master of the group.Puppet:牵线木偶;这句话Phoeby意思是说她想作为6个人里面掌握大局,安排事情的那个人,就好象掌握木偶线的木偶戏表演者一样。

The One Where Rachel Finds OutWritten by: Chris BrownTranscribed by: Dan Silverstein124 瑞秋恍然大悟乔伊为赚钱去捐精,但当他和新女友——一个果篮制造商——日益情浓,事情变得有点麻烦。
[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is showing pictures of his new baby boy, Ben, to the group.]Ross: And here's little Ben nodding off打盹...Monica: Awww, look at Aunt Monica's little boy!Phoebe: Oh, look, he's got Ross's haircut!haircut n.理发,发型Rachel: Oh, let me see! (grabs picture) Oh, God, is he just the sweetest thing? You must just want to kiss him all over!(Ross is practically drooling over Rachel at this point.)practically adv实际上地/drool v.滴口水,垂涎/drool over过分地表示兴奋/at this point此时Ross: (quietly) That would be nice.(Chandler, annoyed with Ross's fawning, makes a 'pfft' noise.)fawn n.幼鹿adj.浅黄褐色v.奉承,讨好/fawning adj.奉承的Rachel: Pardon?Chandler:Nothing, just a little extra air in my mouth. Pffft. Pffffffft. (walks over to where Joey is seated)(Joey is looking at his check.)Joey: Hey, Chan, can you help me out here? I promise I'll pay you back.Chandler:Oh, yeah, right, OK... inlcuding the waffles威化饼干 last week, you now owe me... 17 jillion dollars.jillion n.<美俚> 巨量adj.很多的, 大量的/17 jillion dollars不知道多少钱了Joey: I will, really. I'll pay you back this time.Chandler: (sigh)... And where's this money coming from? (gives money to Joey)Joey: Well... I'm helping out down at the N.Y.U. Med School with some... research.N.Y. U :乔伊说他在帮助纽约大学(N.Y.U)的医学院进行“科研”项目。

FRIENDS-901学习笔记901 The One Where No One Proposes◆难词:1、nursery 托儿所;影片中指的是“育儿室”hospital room for newborns: a room in a hospitalwhere newborns stay and are cared for by the nursing staff andpediatricians prior to going home。
另:nurseryman 苗圃工,nursery school(kindergarten) 幼儿园2、lounge 侯机室、(旅馆、俱乐部)休息室3、Gameboy 任天堂的掌上游戏机4、Foreplay 性爱前的前奏5、Janitor 看门人6、Nipple 乳头,在电影中反复出现的tit也是一个意思,不过nipple较为文雅一点。
此外,胸部叫breast,俗称boobs/doubles, 更粗俗的叫knockers, 字面上看就是撞击你眼球的东西。
7、Goodie! (俗)好呀!◆难句1、He pulled a quarter out of my ear!本句要结合上下文理解。
上文Ross的老爸说他一直在练习变魔术,于是Chandler就说“他从我耳朵里面变了个硬币出来!”Quarter:A coin equals to one fourth of the dollar of the United Statesand Canada.二角五分硬币相当于四分之一美元和加元的硬币北美的硬币币值有nickel 五分,dime 一角,quarter 25美分2、If you clear things up with Rachel 如果你把事情和瑞秋讲清楚3、I like to think of myself as the puppet master of the group.Puppet:牵线木偶;这句话Phoeby意思是说她想作为6个人里面掌握大局,安排事情的那个人,就好象掌握木偶线的木偶戏表演者一样。
老友记 六人行 第二季第五集经典笔记

The One With Five Steaks and anEggplantsteak n.牛排/eggplant n.茄子Originally written by Chris BrownTranscribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [mmatting@]Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein.205 五块牛排和一根茄子一个叫洁德的邦德大腿女郎打电话到钱德的公寓,找什么鲍勃。
于是莫妮卡, 钱德和罗斯承担费用,买了六张演唱会门票,邀请他们同乐。
[Scene: At Chandler and Joey's. Ross and Chandler are there. Ross is watching Spanish midgets wrestling.]midget n.侏儒/wrestling n.[体]摔跤ROSS: Man, I sure miss Julie.CHANDLER: Spanish midgets. Spanish midgets wrestling. Julie. Ok, yes, I see how you got there. (phone rings)ROSS: You ever figure out想过,领会到 what that thing's for?CHANDLER: No, see, I'm trying this new screening thing. You know, I figure 想,认为 if I'm always answering the phone, people'll think I don't have a life. My god, Rodrigo never gets pinned.screen v.a.遮蔽,掩护b.检查,测试,审查c.放映/pin n.大头针 vt.钉住, 别住, 阻止, 扣牢, 止住, 牵制/My god, Rodrigo never gets pinned: get pinned means lose a fall from in wrestling ; Rodrigo is a famous player in MMA(Mixed Martial Arts,综合格斗)(MACHINE--JOEY'S VOICE): Here comes the beep嘟嘟响, you know what to do.JADE: Hello, I'm looking for Bob. This is Jane. I don't know if you're still at this number仍在用这个号码, but I was just thinking about us, and how great it was, and, well, I know it's been three years, but, I was kinda hoping we could hook up again. I barely had t he nerve to make this call, so you know what I did?hook up v.以钩钩住/hook up again v.<美俚>破镜重圆,终归于好/nerve n.神经, 胆量, 勇气, 叶脉vt.鼓起勇气/I barely had the nerve to make this call: ASSURANCE, BOLDNESSCHANDLER: What?JADE: I got a little drunk...and naked.CHANDLER: Bob here.CHANDLER: (on phone) What've you been up to你近来如何?JADE: Oh, you know, the usual, teaching aerobics, partying way(adv.) too much疯狂地去聚会. Oh, and in case you were wondering如果你想知道的话, those are my legs on the new James Bond poster.aerobic adj.有氧的/aerobic n.有氧运动,增氧运动CHANDLER: Can you hold on a moment? I have another call. (to Ross) I love her.ROSS: I know.CHANDLER: I'm back.JADE: So, are we gonna get together or what?CHANDLER: Um, absolutely当然可以. Uh, how 'bout tomorrow afternoon? Do you know uh, Central Perk in the Village, say, five-ish5点钟?JADE: Great, I'll see you then.CHANDLER: Ok. Ok. Having a phone has finally paid off.pay off v.还清(债务等)付清, 报复, 赢利to 物有所值ROSS: Even though you do do a good Bob impression即使你装BOB装得再像, I'm thinkin' when she sees you tomorow, she's probably gonna realize, "hey, you're not Bob."CHANDLER: I'm hoping that when Bob doesn't show up, she will seek comfort in the open arms of the wry stranger at the next table.wry adj.a.嘲笑的,揶揄的(a wry smile)b.扭歪的,歪斜的(a wry face鬼脸)/I’m hoping that when Bob doesn’t show up, she will seek comfort in the open arms of the wry stranger at the next table: humorously sarcastic or mockingROSS: Oh my god. You are pure evil邪恶到家.CHANDLER: Ok, pure evil,horny(adj.欲火焚身,饥渴的)and alone. I've done this.(At Monica and Rachel's)ROSS: (on phone) Yeah, yeah, everybody's here. Hey, everybody, say hi to Julie in New Mexico.New Mexico n.美国新墨西哥州ALL: Hi, Julie!RACHEL: (sarcastically) Hi, Julie.CHANDLER: Ok, while Ross is on the phone, everybody owes me 62 bucks for 交62美元给我 his birthday.PHOEBE: Um, is, is there any chance that you're rounding up? You know, like from, like 20?round up a.集拢(round up cattle)b.把(数字)调高为整数/Is there any chance that you ‘re rounding up: if you round up a figure(n.数字) or total, you change it by increasing it to the nearest whole number(n.整数)CHANDLER: Hey, come on, we got the gift, the concert, and the cake.JOEY: Do we need a cake?CHANDLER: Look guys, I know it's a little steep.steep adj.陡峭的,<非正>过高的,过分的(steep prices)/I know it’s a little steep: extremely or excessively high priceRACHEL: Yeah, whoosh!CHANDLER: But it's Ross.PHOEBE: It's Ross.JOEY: All right.CHANDLER: I'll see you guys later, I gotta go...do a thing.ROSS: Ok, sweetheart, I'll call you later tonight. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey, you're not really gonna go through with this完成这件事, are you?CHANDLER: You know, I think I might just我非做不可.RACHEL: So uh, what are you guys doing for dinner tonight?JOEY: Well I guess I gotta start savin' up for Ross's birthday, so I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies.save up for为……而存钱/dust n.灰尘/eat dust buunies相当于中国人的俚语:喝西北风/Well I guess I gotta start saving up for Ross’s birthday, so I guess I’ll just stay home and eat dust bunnies:Clumps(n.土块) of dust, usually found on the floor on the periphery(n.外围) of a roomPHOEBE: Can you believe how much this is gonna cost?RACHEL: Do you guys ever get the feeling that um, Chandler and those guys just don't get that we don't make as much money as they do?JOEY: Yes! Yeah, it's like they're always saying "let's go here, let's go there". Like we can afford to支付得起 go here and there.PHOEBE: Yes, yes, and it's, and we always have to go to, you know, someplace nice, you know? God, and it's not like we can say anything about it, 'cause, like this birthday thing, it's for Ross.JOEY: For Ross.RACHEL: For Ross, Ross, Ross.MONICA: (enters) Oh my god.RACHEL: Hey.JOEY: Hi.RACHEL: What?MONICA: I'm at work, ordinary day, you know, chop chop chop, sauti, sauti, sauti. All of a sudden, Leon, the manager, calls me into his office. It turns out they fired the head lunch chef午餐总厨, and guess who got the job.chop v.劈,砍,剁/I’m at work, ordinary day, you know, chop, chop, sauti, sauti:sauti=sauté, fry(v.煎,油炸) briefly(adv.短暂地) over high heatJOEY: If it's not you, this is a horrible story.MONICA: Fortunately, it is me. And, they made me head of purchasing采购总监, thank you very much. Anyway, I just ran into撞上, 偶遇 Ross and Chandler downstairs, and they think we should go out and celebrate. You know, someplace nice.JOEY: Yeah, someplace nice. (to Phoebe and Rachel) How much do you think I can get for my kidney肾? (at Central Perk)ROSS: I'm tellin' you. You can't do this.CHANDLER: Oh, come on. I can never get a girl like that with conventional methods.conventional adj.常规的ROSS: That doesn't matter. She wanted to call Bob. Hey, for all we know, Bob is who she was meant to有意,打算 be with. You may be destroying two people's chance for happiness.CHANDLER: We don't know Bob, ok? We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.ROSS: Go over there and tell that woman the truth.CHANDLER: All right.ROSS: Go.CHANDLER: Hi.JADE: Hi.CHANDLER: Listen, I have to, uh, um, I have to, I have to confess something.confess v.承认, 坦白, 忏悔JADE: Yes什么事?CHANDLER: Whoever stood you up放你鸽子 is a jerk混蛋.JADE: How did you--?CHANDLER: I don't know. I just had this weird sense. You know, but that's me. I'm weird and sensitive. Tissue面纸?JADE: Thanks.CHANDLER: No, you keep the pack整包. I'm all cried out哭干了,哭完了today.(At Somplace Nice)ROSS: Ok, ok, here is to my sister, the newly-appointed新任命的 head lunch chef--MONICA: Who is also in charge of purchasing.ROSS: Newly appointed head lunch chef who is also in charge of purchasing--MONICA: Who has her own little desk when Roland's not there.ROSS: Uh, lunch chef, purchasing, own little desk when Roland's not there. Here's to my little sister--MONICA: Oh, wait, and I got a beeper寻呼机!JOEY: Cool.PHOEBE: Let's see!ROSS: That's fine, I'll just wait!MONICA: Oh, sorry.JOEY: Sorry, sorry.ROSS: Monica!(glasses clinking)clink n.叮当响/clinking adj.叮当响的, 无可比拟的, 无上的adv.极好的WAITER: Are we ready to order?RACHEL: Oh, you know what, we haven't even looked yet.WAITER: Well, when you do, just let me know. I'll be right(=just就在) over there on the edge of my seat.be on the edge of my seat <俚>翘首相盼,引颈期盼PHOEBE: Wow, look at these prices.RACHEL: Yeah, these are pretty ch-ching.These are pretty ch-ching: Ch-ching is a sound like a cash register (n.<美>收银机, 现金出纳机)drawer opening up, it means change, coin, a relatively small amount of moneyJOEY: What are these, like famous chickens?CHANDLER: Hey, sorry I'm late. Congratulations, Mon. (to Ross) I'm not sorry I'm late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade?ROSS: Well, pretty incredible according to the message she left you on my machine. Hey, Chandler, why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?CHANDLER: Oh, see, I had to tell her that my number was your number, because I couldn't tell her that my number was my number because she thinks that my number is Bob's number.ROSS: Hey, tell me again, what do I do when Mr. Roper calls?roper n.制绳者, <美>用索套捕牲口的牧人,诱人进入赌场者.这里暗指Chandler是引诱美人入他圈套者WAITER: Do I dare ask?MONICA: Yes, I will start with the carpaccio, and then I'll have the grilled prawns.carpaccio n.(配有调味汁的) 意式生牛肉片, 白汁红肉/grilled adj.烤的/ prawn n.[动]对虾, 明虾, 大虾ROSS: That sounds great. Same for me.WAITER: And for the gentleman?JOEY: Yeah, I'll have the Thai(n.泰国的) chicken pizza. But, hey, look, if I get it without the nuts and leeks(n.韭葱) and stuff, is it cheaper?WAITER: You'd think, wouldn't you你是那么想的吗? Miss?RACHEL: Ok, I will have the uh, (whispers轻声说) side salad伴碟沙拉.WAITER: (whispers) And what will that be on the side of?on the side of站在...一边, 赞助.这里是问side salad伴碟沙拉到底是要伴在哪个主菜旁边RACHEL: Uh, I don't know. Why don't you put it right here next to my water?WAITER: And for you?PHOEBE: Um, I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber(n.黄瓜) soup, and, um, take care保重.CHANDLER: I will have the uh, Cajun catfish.Cajun n.移居美国路易斯安纳州的法人后裔/catfish n.鲶鱼/I will have the Cajun catfish: Cajun is a Louisianan descended from Acadian immigrants from Nova Scotia[新斯科舍(加拿大省名)]; catfish is Any of numerous scale less, chiefly freshwater(淡水) fishes of the order Siluriformes, characteristically havingwhiskerlike(鳃须) barbells(n.触须白鱼之类) extending from the upper jaw(上颌). Also called regionally bullhead(n.大头鱼), mud cat. CatfishWAITER: Anything else?CHANDLER: Yes, how 'bout a verse of(一首)Killing Me Softly. You're gonna sneeze on(对……打喷嚏) my fish, aren't you?ROSS: (using calculator计算器) Plus tip, divided by six. Ok, everyone owes欠to交 28 bucks.RACHEL: Um, everyone?ROSS: Oh, you're right, I'm sorry.ROSS: Monica's big night, she shouldn't pay.MONICA: Oh, thank you!ROSS: So five of us is, $33.50 apiece每个人.PHOEBE: No, huh uh, no way, I'm sorry, not gonna happen.CHANDLER: Whoa, whoa, prom(n.正式舞会to毕业舞会) night flashback(n.急转, 闪回, 倒叙 to 重演)PHOEBE: I'm sorry, Monica, I'm really happy you got promoted, but cold cucumber mush冰黄瓜糊 for thirty-something(三十多岁的人to三十多) bucks? No! Rachel just had that, that, that salad, and, and Joey with his like teeny pizza! It's just...mush n.软块, 多情, 碎冰/I’m really happy you got promoted, but cold cucumber mush for thirty- something bucks:cornmeal[<美>(粗磨)玉米粉] boiled in waterROSS: Ok, Pheebs! How 'bout we'll each just pay for what we had. It's no big deal.PHOEBE: Not for you.MONICA: All right, what's goin' on?RACHEL: Ok, look you guys, I really don't want to get into(陷入to谈论) this right now. I think it'll just make everyone uncomfortable.PHOEBE: Fine. All right, fine.JOEY: Yeah.CHANDLER: You can tell us.ROSS: Hello, it's us, all right? It'll be fine.JOEY: Ok, um, uh, we three feel like, that uh(keep coughing and just be on thorns), sometimes you guys don't get that uh, we don't have as much money as you.thorn n.刺,棘/be on thorns如坐针毡,焦虑不安MONICA: Ok.CHANDLER: We can talk about that.PHOEBE: Well, then...Let's.ROSS: I, I just never think of money as an issue.RACHEL: That's 'cause you have it.ROSS: That's a good point.CHANDLER: So um, how come you guys haven't talked about this before?JOEY: 'Cause it's always somethin', you know, like Monica's new job, or the whole Ross's birthday hoopla.hoopla n.喧闹, 投环套物游戏/You know, like Monica’s new job, or the whole Ross’s birthday hoopla: exciting noise and activity in celebration of an eventROSS: Wha--? Whoa, hey, I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative--there's gonna be a hoopla?RACHEL: Basically, there's the thing, and then there's the stuff after the thing.MONICA: If it makes anybody feel better, then we can just forget the thing, and we'll just do the gift.ROSS: G-gift? The thing's not the gift?CHANDLER: No, the thing was, we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish.Hootie and the Blowfish:老友中比较富有的三个人邀请大家去看“猫头鹰(owl)叫和河豚鱼(Hootie and the Blowfish)”的演出。

Friends学习笔记0120(2009-12-04 20:58:37)转载▼标签:friends六人行老友记英格丽·褒曼娱乐分类:Friends学习笔记:第一季出场人物Mindy - one of Rachel's best friends, also Rachel's ex-fiancée's fiancée扮演者Jennifer Grey,曾经与Johnny Depp和Matthew Broderick(Sarah Jessica Parker的老公)订婚。
Danielle - Chandler's date典故Chandler: I can't believe you would actually say that. I would much rather be Mr. Peanut than Mr. Salty?Joey: No way! Mr. Salty is a sailor, all right? He's got to be, like, the toughest snack there is.Ross: I don't know, you don't wanna mess with corn nuts. They're crazy. ...Joey: All right, I'll give you this, Mr. Peanut is a better dresser. I mean he's got the monocle, he's got the top hat...Mr. Peanut是Kraft(卡夫)旗下Planters品牌的卡通形象,戴单片眼镜和礼帽。
Planters 是意大利移民Amedeo Obici于1906年创立的品牌,生产坚果及相关食品。

《老友记》第一季学习笔记Episode 102 : The One With The Sonogram At The End上集说道Rach和Ross分别经历了感情镇痛,这一集开始,Ross得知前妻Carol有了身孕,被迫同Carol的同志伴侣Susan一起,陪Carol参加助产训练班。
Ross和Rachel同病相怜,Rachel 把戒指还给Barry, 结果发现,Barry不仅没有寻死觅活,反而过的很开心,原来他已经和Rachel的伴娘Mindy好上了。
)1.Rachel: Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 几个好朋友在一起聊性的话题,Monica说男人不懂接吻的重要性,Joey根本不屑一顾,于是Rachel 说了这样一句话,意思是:初吻可以让你明白一切。
呵呵,是不是想起自己的初吻了?2.Chandler: Yeah, I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know? I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through before Pink Floyd comes out. Chandler也发表了自己的观点,他说接吻很大程度上像是序幕(an opening act),像是你听Pink Floyd的音乐会之前不得不忍受的笑星们的表演一样。
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【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommateantique’sNO.1 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate补充介绍一下Friends的官方站点,Url是/friends, 如果有什么纠纷,相信那里是最权威的地方查阅了,另外,在世博英语发现了一个用Friends学习英语的系列,大家也可以去那里看看。
记得刚开始看时,有个问题总是让我困惑,即为什么每一集(episode)的名字都叫做"The One ****",后来总算搞清楚了,原来它是the one with... 或者the one where,或者the one which...的意思,有时候甚至简写成TOW,呵呵,怎么样,明白了么?OK,让我们进入正题。
莫妮卡和调酒师(Wine Guy)保罗约会,此君伪装成离婚后一蹶不振的苦命人,靠博取同情来骗女人上床。
乔伊安慰他说,女性的种类与Ice Cream一样多,离婚未尝不是好事。
这一集绝对是整个Friedns的基石,所谓pilot就是如果播的不好,立马cancel的那种,所以无论剧情语言还有表演都非常精彩,这一集里面六个人都露面了,我立马就喜欢上了一脸坏笑的"幼兽"Joey(嘿嘿,一看就是我这种类型嘛),憨憨厚厚的Ross, 未经世事的Rach, 直爽坦白的"商贩"Chandler,成熟而又略带神经质的Monica,以及童趣无邪的Phoebe….以下是我觉得有意思的一些词句,一一讲解。
1. Chandler :So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思是:他有驼背么?有假发的驼子?2. Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck..这段话是不是很熟悉呀?对,《大话西游》里面一开始孙猴子发狠就是这样子讲的哦,不知道是谁抄袭谁,意思不用我解释了吧,这里Ross用来形容妻子Carol是Lesbian并同他离婚后的心情。
3. Ross:Why does everyone keep fixating on that?这句话很实用,意思是为什么你们总是提起那件事呢?因为Joey又提到了Ross妻子Carol是lesbian的事儿,Ross非常恼火,于是冒出这样一句,我们平常生活中也可以用一下。
Remember:fixate on sth.4. Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones! "Strip joint"是脱衣舞场的意思,Joey意思是Ross现在虽然很受伤,但是正好恢复单身,可以去脱衣舞场去, "have some hormones"直译就是你要有一些男性荷尔蒙呀,翻译过来就是你该去(脱衣舞场)找乐子去。
5. Rachel: I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. 这句话里面有三个词组需要解释,第一个是turn on,也就是打开的意思,比如turn on the radio,这里是指让某人更兴奋激动的意思,想一想,平时在路上走,这时候有个sexy美女路过,你就可以说:wow,the gal really turns me on.第二个是freak out,这个词组很重要,几乎在每集都能听到,频率高的吓人,看来口语中很实用,在论坛上我看到以下几种解释,觉得不错,a.have an extreme reaction to sth b.act abnormally (under the influence of drugs) c.make sb feel extreme plaesure or unease,也就是表达焦躁害怕不安等情绪的意思。
第三个词组是Gravy Boat,这是一个调味汁瓶酱油瓶,常常下面还垫着一个小碟子,非常精美的,所以Rach才说它给她带来的兴奋比Barry还大。
6. Joey: You got screwed.这句话值得记住,意思是你受骗了。
7. Paul: No, it's, it's more of a fifth date kinda revelation.这句语法结构不知道怎么分析,意思就是,这该是第五次约会时候才说的事儿。
8. Ross: I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than 'to get you into bed'.这里有一个词语需要强调一下,即sophisticated,在中文里面是世故的意思,其实在英文里面,这个单词是褒义词,说明人非常成熟有魅力。
9. Monica: It sucks.这句话很常用,意思是"很残酷"。
10. Ross: Okay. (They split it.) You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you. 这里又有一个经典的词组,have a crush on sb.对某人一见钟情,Ross在这里加上了major,意思是非常喜欢的意思,呵呵,赶紧学会了去对喜欢的人讲吧。
终于写完101的了,虽然写的不好,可还是花了几个钟头,真累阿!--------------关于上述笔记的讨论(enrollee)4. "have some hormones"我理解的意思是:to be manly,有点骨气,等等。
5. turn sb on: 往往有make sb sexually excited的意思,不是一般的兴奋。
6. get screwed: 是受骗了的意思,但强调钱财方面,即“被别人以不正当的手段骗取钱财”。
9. it sucks = it is very bad. 根据上下文这儿可译成:(尽管)这个世界很恶心。
10. if you are a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. 这儿ROSS说他是a crush on RACH, 意思是他“曾暗恋过”RACH,往往有一种事过境迁后的自嘲味道在里面,说“一见钟情”是不太准确的。
如果你现在对你喜欢的人说“i have a crush on you”,嘿嘿,说不定他/她会理解成:“噢,原来你曾经一度呆傻般地迷恋上俺,不过现在已经不把俺当回事了。
”1. while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something...on a roll:顺便,一次连着做什么事情。
我有不同的意见,on a roll 的准确意思是做事情很成功的意思,这里是joey在说rach 所做的coffee。
2. I was laughed out of twelve interviews today. 这里laughed out oflaughed out of : 是Rachel面试表现太差,太出糗,被轰笑出了面试官的办公室。
1. Joey: Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make likea Western omelet or something... (Joey and Chandler taste the coffee, grimace, and pour it into a plant pot.) Although actually I'm really not that hungry...on a roll: undergoing or experiencing sustained, even increasing good fortune or success (手风较顺)另外这个western omelet(西式煎蛋)很棒,是用火腿片、切碎的青椒、洋葱片撒在摊开的蛋上,用平底锅放在小火上烤出来的,我还喜欢在蛋里撒些cheese丝儿,哈哈,不能说了,我开始滴口水了。
2.Paul: Ever since she walked out on me, I, uh...Monica: What?..... What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?walk out on someone: 将someone抛弃spell it out: explain it3.Paul: No, I'm telling you last night was like umm, all my birthdays, both graduations, plus the barn raising scene in Witness.barn raising: 村里的一种庆典,当一家人要建个新农屋时,邻居们也一起过来帮忙凑热闹,场面很喜庆。