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The COMPASS Satellite Navigation System

中国正在实施北斗卫星导航系统(COMPASS,中文音译名称为BeiDou)建设工作,规划相继发射5颗静止轨道卫星和30颗非静止轨道卫星,建成覆盖全球的北斗卫星导航系统。2012年左右,北斗卫星导航系统将首先提供覆盖亚太地区的导航、授时和短报文通信服务能力。2020年左右,建成覆盖全球的北斗卫星导航系统。(134字)China is continuing to expand its satellite navigation system, and plans to launch 5 more geostationary and 30 non-geostationary satellites to provide complete global coverage. Around 2012, the system will start to provide navigation, timing and short message services for the Asia-Pacific region. By 2020 complete global coverage will be available.


Using a group of navigation and positioning satellites, a satellite navigation system combines the advantages of traditional celestial and ground-based radio navigation systems, so that users can fix their latitude,

longitude, and altitude at any time and from any place. At present, only a small number of countries are able to develop and build satellite navigation system. China’s Beidou is not only able to perform functions described above, but also contains innovations in positioning.



Press and hold the Water Level Button for Refilling for 3 seconds until hearing a “beep”. The two digits that show temperature and the indicator for “timed refill” will start to flash. Repressing the Water Level Button will set the time for refilling. To cancel, press the Water Level Button for 3 seconds until hearing a “beep”. The Timed Refill ind icator goes out. The function is canceled.




Solar power controller is a device that provides effective control of charging of battery cells by solar cells. It ensures that battery cells function properly within the safe voltage and range of current. Its performance has a direct impact on the life and efficiency of battery cells. Chengxin solar power controller uses microchips and contactless technology. It is suitable for providing lighting in grassland, frontier stations and islands. It can also be used to provide direct current on mobile communication and microwave stations.

Solar controller is a device that provides effective control of battery cells when being charged. It ensures safety through voltage and current control. Its performance has a direct impact on the life as well as efficiency of battery cells. Solar controller from Credibility is based on micro-chips and non-contact technology. It is ideal for power supply in grassland and border regions as well as on islands. It is also a good source of direct current for mobile telecom and microwave stations.
