



4. It is important to remember that success is a sum of small efforts made each day and __________(take) years to achieve.
5.The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and ____________ (remain) around that level ever since.
2. The patients ___s_u_ff_e_r_in_g____(suffer) from the novel corona virus were combed out in all communities and sent to the appointed hospital so far.
3. It was a major surprise to find tools __l_in_k_e_d___(link) to the new human family member. The tools are like those formerly____s_ee_n____(see) only with European fossils from our own species, Homo Sapiens , and the oldest of them were made 94,000 years ago
II. 英译汉
an amazing accomplishment 惊喜的成就
a gifted scientist 有天赋的科学家
generous support from individuals 来自个人的慷慨支持



2. The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further
divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the
averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal
pursuing goals by beginning to associate certain cues (刺激)
with behavioural responses that help meet the goal.(2023年北京
本句为主从复合句。 主干:A person is thought to develop a habit。 其修饰成分为: ① in the course of pursuing goals ② by beginning to associate certain cues with behavioural responses ③ that help meet the goal 翻译:人们认为,一个人在追求目标的过程中,会将某些特定的刺激与有助 于实现目标的行为反应联系起来,从而养成一种习惯。
本句是主从复合句。主句:The goal is to make...and then to teach...。 ① make the case for sth 意为“说明某物的情况”。 ② including引导的状语用来补充具体内容,后面只能加名词(性短语)。 ③ why&who&how引导的是宾语从句;work作为动词时意为“起作用,生效”。 ④ if引导的是条件状语从句。 ⑤ it’s right for you是decide的宾语从句,省略了关联词that。 翻译:本书的目的是说明数字极简主义的理由,包括详细探讨它有何要求,以及 为什么有效,然后教你如何应用这种哲学,如果你确定合适自己。


that I will succeed one day.(同位语) • My mother, _w_h_o_i_s_t_h_e_m_o_s_t_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_t_p_e_r_s_o_n_in__m_y__li,fealwl succeed one day.(定语从句)
• __N_o__t _o_n_l_y_s_h_o__u_ld__y_o_u__ share your study experience with them, but also
you must keep your heart open to them.
• 5.他又迟到了,让老师很生气。(doing作主语;主语从句;定语从句;独立 主格结构)
• The man __(_w_h__o_m__/_th__a_t_)__w_e__f_o_l_l_o_w__e_d___ suddenly stoped and looked as if
to see whether he was going in the right direction.
• 8.这是她一生中品尝过的最好吃的东西。(Never开头的倒装句) • It is the best thing that she has ever tasted in her life. • She has never tasted anything better in her life.
_s_i_n_g_i_n_g__th_e_i_r_s_w__e_e_t_s_o_n_g__s_i_n_t_h_e__tr_e_e. s
• 4.你不但要和他们分享你的学习经验,而且一定要和他们敞开心扉。(倒装句)
• You should not only __s_h_a_r_e__y_o_u_r_s_t_u_d_y__e_x_p_e_r_i_e_n_c_e_w__it_h_ them, but also you must keep your heart ___o_p_e_n___ to them.





二、教学目标1. 掌握长难句的基本结构,能准确识别主从句、并列句、倒装句等句型。

2. 学会运用语法知识分析句子成分,提高句子理解和翻译能力。

3. 培养学生对复杂句子结构的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的热情。





五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)利用PPT展示一段包含长难句的文章,引导学生尝试朗读并分析其中的句子结构。

2. 例题讲解(15分钟)选取教材中的典型例题,详细讲解长难句分析的方法和步骤。

3. 随堂练习(15分钟)学生自主完成PPT上的长难句分析练习,教师巡回指导。

4. 知识讲解(10分钟)5. 互动环节(10分钟)6. 课堂小结(5分钟)七、作业设计1. 作业题目:2. 答案:(1)主句:……;从句:……;从句类型:……八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思本节课通过实例讲解、随堂练习和互动环节,帮助学生掌握了长难句分析的方法和技巧。


2. 拓展延伸(1)鼓励学生课外阅读,提高对复杂句子结构的理解和分析能力。



重点和难点解析1. 例题讲解的深度和广度。

2. 随堂练习的设计与学生的实际操作。

3. 知识讲解的针对性与互动环节的有效性。

4. 作业设计的挑战性与答案的详尽性。

5. 课后反思与拓展延伸的实际应用。




编号:__________ 高中英语长难句分析课件年级:___________________老师:___________________教案日期:_____年_____月_____日高中英语长难句分析课件目录一、教学内容1.1 英语长难句的定义与特点1.2 英语长难句的常见结构1.3 英语长难句的分析方法1.4 英语长难句的翻译技巧二、教学目标2.1 知识与技能目标2.2 过程与方法目标2.3 情感态度与价值观目标三、教学难点与重点3.1 教学难点3.2 教学重点四、教具与学具准备4.1 教具准备4.2 学具准备五、教学过程5.1 导入环节5.2 新课展示环节5.3 实践与训练环节六、板书设计6.1 板书内容6.2 板书结构七、作业设计7.1 作业内容7.2 作业要求7.3 作业评价八、课后反思8.1 教学效果评价8.2 教学改进措施8.3 学生反馈与建议九、拓展及延伸9.1 相关知识点拓展9.2 类似句型分析9.3 英语长难句在实际应用中的举例教案如下:一、教学内容1.1 英语长难句的定义与特点 1.1.1 定义1.1.2 特点1.2 英语长难句的常见结构1.2.1 主动宾结构1.2.2 被动宾结构1.2.3 复合宾结构1.3 英语长难句的分析方法1.3.1 划分句子成分1.3.2 寻找主从句关系1.4 英语长难句的翻译技巧1.4.1 意译法1.4.2 断句法二、教学目标2.1 知识与技能目标2.1.1 理解长难句的定义与特点 2.1.2 掌握长难句的常见结构 2.1.3 学会分析长难句的方法 2.2 过程与方法目标2.2.1 培养阅读理解能力2.2.2 提高句子分析能力2.3 情感态度与价值观目标2.3.1 增强学习英语的兴趣2.3.2 培养克服困难的勇气三、教学难点与重点3.1 教学难点3.1.1 分析长难句的结构3.1.2 翻译长难句的方法3.2 教学重点3.2.1 理解长难句的定义3.2.2 掌握分析长难句的技巧四、教具与学具准备4.1 教具准备4.1.1 PPT课件4.1.2 练习册4.2 学具准备4.2.1 笔记本4.2.2 荧光笔五、教学过程5.1 导入环节5.1.1 情景引入5.1.2 提问讨论5.2 新课展示环节5.2.1 讲解定义与特点5.2.2 分析常见结构5.3 实践与训练环节5.3.1 例题讲解5.3.2 随堂练习5.4.2 拓展翻译技巧六、板书设计6.1 板书内容6.1.1 长难句定义6.1.2 常见结构图6.2 板书结构6.2.1 结构清晰6.2.2 重点突出七、作业设计7.1 作业内容7.1.1 分析长难句7.1.2 翻译练习7.2 作业要求7.2.1 按时完成7.2.2 认真批改7.3 作业评价7.3.1 评价作业质量7.3.2 给予鼓励和建议八、课后反思8.1 教学效果评价8.1.1 学生掌握程度8.1.2 教学目标达成情况 8.2 教学改进措施8.2.1 调整教学方法8.2.2 关注学生需求8.3 学生反馈与建议8.3.1 收集学生意见8.3.2 改进教学工作九、拓展及延伸9.1 相关知识点拓展9.1.1 英语语法知识9.1.2 英语阅读技巧9.2 类似句型分析9.2.1 比较级句型9.2.2 被动语态句型9.3 英语长难句在实际应用中的举例9.3.1 文章写作中的应用9.3.2 口语表达中的运用重点和难点解析一、教学内容1.1 英语长难句的定义与特点1.1.1 定义重点和难点解析:长难句的定义是理解其结构和分析的基础,需要重点关注。



• 如:Having chosen family television programs and women’s magazines,the toothpaste marketer,for instance,must select the exact television programs and stations as well as the specific women’s
• 担心受到歧视并不是他们唯一的忧虑,几乎所有遗传性亨 廷顿病基因检测呈阳性的人在中年时症状都会显现出来, 而医生对此却无能为力。
• 三个分句均为简单句,分别用分号和and连接。
3.并列和主从复合句并存 I can’t live in fear of the possibility that _a_s__the earth’s population grows and we use more and more of our nonrenewable(不能再生的) resources, our children may have to lead poorer lives.
In the 1970s he was a surgeon(外科医生)at Yale , / h__a__d__a___w__o__n_d__e_r__f_u_l__w__i_f_e_ and f_i_v_e___b__e_a__u_t_i_f_u__l_c__h__il_d__r_e__n_,_ / but he was terribly unhappy.
• His journey to the e-mail hell began innocently(无知地) enough when, as chairman of Computer Associates International ,a software company,he first heard how quickly his



1.从句即复杂句?She is a girl who is beautiful. 2.长句是难句?and 3.从句即好句?
01 基本句式结构 02 特殊句式结构 03 长难句
(名师整理课本专题)高考英语复习 长难句 【教师 版演示 课件】p pt优质 说课稿 (精选 )
【 (名校 师课 整堂 理】课获本奖专P题PT)-高考英语复习 :长长难难句 句【【 教教 师 师 版版 演演 示 示 课课 件件】p】pt(优最质新说版课本稿)(推精荐选 )
【 (名校 师课 整堂 理】课获本奖专P题PT)-高考英语复习 :长长难难句 句【【 教教 师 师 版版 演演 示 示 课课 件件】p】pt(优最质新说版课本稿)(推精荐选 )
主语+谓语 (及物动词 )+宾语 +宾语补足语
2018.1 Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste.
【 (名校 师课 整堂 理】课获本奖专P题PT)-高考英语复习 :长长难难句 句【【 教教 师 师 版版 演演 示 示 课课 件件】p】pt(优最质新说版课本稿)(推精荐选 )
(名师整理课本专题)高考英语复习 长难句 【教师 版演示 课件】p pt优质 说课稿 (精选 )
(名师整理课本专题)高考英语复习 长难句 【教师 版演示 课件】p pt优质 说课稿 (精选 )
主语+语 (不及物动词 )
2016.3 Bad news sells.
主语+谓语 (及物动词 )+宾语
包括下列情形:含有连词如 and, both...and..., either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but (also), as well as;非谓语动 词做主语;主语从句充当主语;同位语 结构做主语等。




二、教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能够识别并分析长难句的主从句结构,理解句子之间的逻辑关系。

2. 技能目标:学生能够运用所学知识,自主构建复杂句,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 情感目标:培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高合作学习的能力。



四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、黑板、粉笔。

2. 学具:教材、练习本、长难句分析资料。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示一组实际生活中的长难句,引导学生关注长难句的特点,激发学生学习兴趣。

2. 新课导入:引导学生回顾主从句的概念,讲解长难句的句子结构分析方法。

3. 实践情景引入:给出一段包含长难句的阅读材料,让学生分组分析句子结构,理解句意。

4. 例题讲解:针对学生分析过程中出现的问题,进行详细讲解。

5. 随堂练习:布置一些长难句分析题目,让学生独立完成,并进行讲解。

六、板书设计1. 主从句结构2. 长难句分析步骤3. 常见关联词七、作业设计1. 作业题目:答案:(1)略(2)略八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:关注学生在课堂上的参与度,及时调整教学方法,提高教学效果。

重点和难点解析1. 教学难点与重点的设定2. 教学过程中的实践情景引入、例题讲解和随堂练习3. 作业设计中的题目和答案4. 课后反思及拓展延伸一、教学难点与重点的设定重点:主从句的识别和关联词的运用。

1. 主从句识别:通过实例讲解,让学生掌握主句和从句的区别,了解主从句之间的逻辑关系。


2. 关联词运用:介绍常见的关联词及其用法,如:and, but, or, because, although等。



friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could
sleep on the sofa.
一个女人最亲密的女性朋友可能是第一个告诉 她离开一次失败的婚姻;而听见一个男人说直到他 的朋友一天晚上问他是否可以睡在他家的沙发上他 才知道他朋友的婚姻已非常糟糕,这是很平常的。
5. 倒装句
确定主语, 调整语序, 把握大意.
Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups.
• Mobile phone S__IM__c_a_r_d_s which are put in the collars(项圈) of elephants automatically send a text message when they get too close to farms, allowing w_i_ld_l_if_e_w__o_r_k_e_rs__to__d_rive them off rather than shoot them.
2.含有多个从句的复合句 找从属连词,
Whereas a woman’s
closest female friend might
be the first to tell her to leave
a failing marriage,it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say that he didn’t know that his



1、复杂的简单句:结构复杂,带有较多成分, 如介词短语,形容词短语,副词,时间、地点 状语或者较长的非谓语动词短语等;
3、句中分隔现象:用定语从句、插入语、破折 号或分隔号插入新话题或补充信息,从而把结 构紧凑的句子分割开来.
4、各种结构混合.在句子中把以上三种形式综 合在一起。
phone. 也就是说,老实说,唯一打过我们家电话的人是我们婴儿潮一代 的父母,到了我们玩游戏并在拿起话筒以前猜一猜是谁在打电话 的时候了。(That said与后面宾语从句之间被插入语to be honest隔开了,宾语从句中的主语the only people后who引导的定 语从句使其与谓语部分are our Baby Boomers parents隔开了。)
3. S+V+O(主+谓+宾) 谓语动词都具有实义, 都是主语产生的动作, 但不能表达完整 的意思, 必须后接一个宾语, 即动作的承受者, 才能使意思完整。 这类动词叫作及物动词。 ①As a result, they burned more fat during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first. 结果, 他们空腹散步时燃烧的脂肪比先吃早饭后锻炼时多。 ②You will hear from me soon. 你很快就会收到我的信。 ③They will receive their awards at a ceremony in Stockholm. 他们会在斯德哥尔摩举行的仪式上接受颁奖。
That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our


从句1:know that… and that… 从句2:who are parents of… 从句3: with the belief that…
His journey to the e-mail hell
began innocently(无知地) enough
判句 子断
简单句 并列句 复合句
( v.) 5种基本 句型
并列连词 (and, but, for, or)
从属连词 (what, who, when…)
长难句各个击破: 1.带有较多成分的简单句
Having chosen family television programs and women’s magazines,the toothpaste marketer ,for instance,must select the exact television
We found the hall full of students and
teachers,and they were listening
__a_tt_e_n_ti_v_e_ly_to an important lecture g_i_v_en__b_y_T_e_a_c_h_e_r__W_a_n_g_,_w__h_o_is from Nangong Middle School.
when, as chairman of Computer
Associates International,a
software company,he first heard
how quickly his employees had
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• 1.我的母亲,我生命中最重要的人,一直坚信我终有一天会取得成功的。(同位语;定语从句) • 2.随着微信的快速发展,越来越多的人讲它用于学习,从中他们既可以获得一些技能也可丰富他们的生
活。(with复合结构;as引导的状语从句) • 3.沿着小路走着,我们感到非常的惬意,伴随着太阳灿烂地照耀着,伴随着微风轻轻地吹着,伴随着美
Living with his son, he works hard for a company which was founded in 2002 and most of his workmates show gre(并at列r结e构spparealcletl sftorucrtuhreism) .
He works hard.
(介词短语prepositional phrases)
He works hard for a company.
He works hard for a company which was founded in 2002. (从句clauses)
Living with his son, he works hard for a company which was founded i(n非谓2语00no2n-.predicate verbs)
• _____A__s_W__e_c_h_a_t__d_e_v_e_lo__p_s_r_a_p_i_d_ly__(as结构), __a__g_r_o_w_i_n_g__n_u_m__b_e_r_o_f___ people have applied it to their studies, in which they can ___n_o_t_o_n_l_y____acquire some skills ___b__u_t_a_ls__o____ enrich their life.
附:she is convinced that I will achieve/gain success/be a success/make it
• 2.随着微信的快速发展,越来越多的人讲它用于学习,从中他们既可以获得一些技能也可丰富 他们的生活。(with复合结构;定语从句;as引导的状语从句)
• Because Wechat develops rapidly, more and more people have applied it to their studies. They can acquire some skills and enrich their life in Wechat.
_s_i_n_g_i_n_g__th_e_i_r_s_w__e_e_t_s_o_n_g__s_i_n_t_h_e__tr_e_e. s
Persistence produces miracles!
• 5.他又迟到了,让老师很生气。(doing作主语;主语从句;定语从句;独立 主格结构)
二括: 给修饰语(modifiers)介短, 非谓和从句加( )。
1. Two of the author(s of the revie) w made a study (published in 201)4( which showed a five to 10
• 6.正是在他工作的那家工厂里我开始认识了他。(强调句;定语从句)
• I got to know him in the factory. He worked in the factory.
• I got to know him in the factory ___in__w__h_ic_h__/w__h_e_r_e_ he worked.( 定语从句) • ___It_w__a_s__in__th__e_f_a_c_t_o_ry__w__h_e_re__h_e__w_o_r_k_e_d__t_h_a_t__ I got to know him. (强调句)
• The man __(_w_h__o_m__/_th__a_t_)__w_e__f_o_l_l_o_w__e_d___ suddenly stoped and looked as if
to see whether he was going in the right direction.
• 10.当我走在乡间的田野边上,童年的记忆如同潮水般涌现。 • When I walked by the field in the countryside, memories of my
with the sun shinning brightly _a_ n_ _d_w_ _it_h_ _th_e_ _b_r_e_e_s_e_ _b_lo_ _w_i_n_g_g_ _entl
as well as beautiful flowers __s_m_i_li_n_g__a_t_u_s________ and little birds
2. Bed that are too small, shower heads(淋浴喷 头) that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room(腿部空间)all make life difficult for those of above average height.
(A ection Two:
Three steps to analyze a long sentence.
一划 (二括) “三会意”
一划: 划主干(trunk), 给主谓宾.(S.V.O.)划___。
1. Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world that is far busier, nosier and more intimate(亲 密的) than the one we can see and hear.(2017年全 国二卷)
• He was late again. it made his teacher annoyed. • __H_i_s_b_e_in_g__la_t_e_a_g_a_in____ made his teacher annoyed.(doing作主语) • __T_h_a_t_h_e_w__as__la_t_e_a_g_a_in__ made his teacher annoyed.(主语从句) • He was late again, __w_h_i_c_h___ made his teacher annoyed.( 定语从句) • _____H_e_b_e_in_g__la_t_e_a_g_a_in________, his teacher was annoyed.(独立主格)
• The breeze blew gently.
• Beautiful flowers smiled at us.
• Little birds sang their sweet songs in the trees.

Walking aong the road
• 3.沿着小路走着,我们感到非常的惬意,伴随着太阳灿烂地照耀着,伴随着微风轻轻地吹着, 伴随着美丽的花儿对我们微笑着,伴随着鸟儿在树上唱着甜美的歌。
• When we walked along the road, we felt quite pleased.
• The sun shone brightly.
A long sentence
1. trunk(主干部分): S.+V.+(O.)…
prepositional phrases(介短)
2. modifiers
clauses(从句) non-predicate verbs(非谓语)
分 3.
• 1.我的母亲,我生命中最重要的人,,一直坚信我终有一天会取得成功的。 (同位语;定语从句)
• My mother is the most imporant person in my life. • she always believes that I will succeed one day. • My mother, __th_e__m_o_s_t_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_t_p_e_r_so_n__in__m_y_l_if_e_, always believes
• 7.我们跟随的这个人突然停下来,好像是要看看是否走对了方向。(非谓语动词;定语从句)
as if to see
• We followed the man. The man suddenly stopped and looked _____________ whether he was going in the right direction.
that I will succeed one day.(同位语) • My mother, _w_h_o_i_s_t_h_e_m_o_s_t_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_t_p_e_r_s_o_n_in__m_y__li,fealways believes
that I will succeed one day.(定语从句)
childhood began to ____f_lo_o_d__b_a_c_k_________________. flood over me crowd in on me
crowd into my mind
The opinion that breakfast is the most vital meal of the day is so widespread that an increasing number of people from big cities are surprised to learn that there is a lack of scientific evidence showing how breakfast may directly cause changes in our health.