多克特罗论文:多克特罗 文本的历史性 历史的文本性 重构

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【中文摘要】E.L.多克特罗(1931- )是当代美国最著名的后现代小说家之一。近年来在国内外学术界受到越来越多的关注。小说《大进军》(2005)一经问世就相继获得了美国笔会/福克纳奖和美国图书评论奖,又先后入围了普利策奖、美国国家图书奖。小说取材于真实的历史事件,一百多年前的美国南北战争的最后阶段“向海洋进军”。谢尔曼将军率领6万大军挺进佐治亚州和卡罗莱纳州,一路破坏、掠夺、偷窃,造成一片混乱。最终,漫长的进军以南方军的投降,以及林肯总统的突然被刺杀为结束。小说中不仅有真实的历史人物和战争事件,多克特罗还成功解构了英雄的形象,虚构了一系列小人物,使读者游走在虚构和历史之间,了解到更为真实更为人性的的美国内战。多克特罗把历史的真实和小说的虚构并置,把历史、现实和未来融合在一起。他在文学创作中对历史以及历史和文学的关系的处置恰好与新历史主义方式巧合。论文主体部分由三部分构成。第一章和第二章分别运用新历史主义的“文本的历史性”和“历史的文本性”来探讨多克特罗如何成功打破历史与真实的界限。第一章分析了官方内战历史资料与多克特罗笔下创作的内战历史的关系,通过大量复制真实历史人物和历史事件,多克特罗使他的故事更有说服力。第...

【英文摘要】Edgar Lawrence Doctorow is one of the most acclaimed and prolific American contemporary writers, and in recent years he is increasingly attracting wide critical

attention in the academic circle. With the publication of The March (2005), Doctorow has confirmed his centre position in the history of American literature. This novel won him the 2005 Book Critics Circle Award for fiction and the 2006 PEN/Faulkner Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the 2005 National Book Award. Based on the histor...


【英文关键词】Doctorow historicity of text textuality of history reconstruction

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4-5Abstract5-6Acknowledgements7-9Intro duction9-18 1. Edgar. L. Doctorow: His life and Literary Career9-10 2. Doctorow’s Historical Novels and The

March10-12 3. A Brief Survey of Doctorow and The

March12-14 4. Theoretical Basis: New

Historicism14-18Chapter One The Historicity of Text in

The March18-33 1.1 Replication of Civil

War20-24 1.2 Real Historical Figures and

Events24-28 1.3 Parody of Sherman’s Own

Memories28-33Chapter Two The Textuality of History in

The March33-45 2.1 Deconstruction of Heroic

Images35-38 2.2 Voice Transferred to the Marginalized and the Common People38-41 2.3 Multi-Perspectives about Civil War41-45Chapter Three Reconstruction of American Civil War45-59 3.1 Influential Power of Death in the War46-49 3.2 Romance in War Time49-52 3.3 War and Human Pursuits52-55 3.4 Doctorow’s Narrative as a Subversion55-59Conclusion59-62Works

