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签署日期 The date of


This Contractor Contract is signed between the following par ties:


Railway Company of Laos People’s Democratic Public (Here inafter referred to as Party A)

地址:AddressLaosAddress:House No: 220, Unit 17, Phonsay Village, Say Settha District, Vientaine Capital, Lao PDR.

联系电话: Contact Telephone

承包方(以下简称乙方):Contractor (Hereinafterreferred to as PartyB)

授权项目经理: The authorized project manager is M



联系电话: Contact Telephone


With respect toLaos, Savannakhet to Lao Bao Railway i nfrastructure construction andthe affiliated developmentzone construction for a total of two packages tender: Part----&--, Party A isauthorized by the owner to call for bidding, the proposed bid based on the Lao Ministry of Transport’s MOUsigned on , t he termsand conditions are as follows :-

(一) 合同内容Contentof thecontract


Party B ensured that they are the principal substructure/foundation contractor for Laos,Savannakhet to LaoBao Electrified RailwayConstruction and the affiliated development zoneconstruction for part V & VI, a total of twotenders. Party B is authorized to organize appropriate qualified and capable construction team toca rryout theconstruction work subject to thefinal approval of Party A and project owner.


Party Backnowledged that they had fullyunderstood the m ain text of the contract andappendix; on this basis, agree to work according to the contract. All of the above documents, appendixes including relevant supplementary agre ement, memorandum,quoted price detailed list table are an integral part of this contract

(二) 合同金额The contract amount


This contract is based on the amount given by the owne

r, to ASEANEconomic & Trade Centerfor thesecond ph ase of the maincontract,tentatively scheduledfor U SD 600 million, all settlement will be in USD.


This amount is computed based on the realistic volume of work multiply by the unitprice, which refers to “the budgetary estimate project”. As for the "sub-bidproje ct", the payment is made based on project quantity and the quoted price detailed list table,the format of the price list table should be mutually consent by both parties. All the paymentsto Party B are according to the provisio

ns of the contract and its annexes.

工程数量及报价清单表双方确认后,合同清单单价便是相对固定的价格。它包括乙方为施工所承担的所有费用、开支、义务、各种税款,包括因施工不良而支出的工程维修费及在合同期内规定的保修、保养费。若油料、设备、相关建筑材料及劳动力等的市场价格涨幅过大,甲方将根据乙方申请,综合乙方申请事项发生的前后 15天价格情况核定单价调整金额,并报相关单位审核备案。

Afterbothparties confirmed the project quantity and unit price detailed list table, the unit price will be fixe d in this contract. It includesthe constructionundertakenby Party B for all costs, expenses, obligations, all kindsof taxes; includingthose cost resulting from poor constructionworks such as repair cost and warrant y & maintenance costduring the provisions of the contract period. If the marketprice of fuel, equipment, rel evant construction materials and labor appreciate too much, Party A willauthorize the price adjustment base on the integrated price within the period of 15 days before & after Party B’s application for adjustment. Auditrecord shall bereported to the relevantunits.
