高一必修一 第三单元知识总结

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第三单元My First Ride on a Train

Period 1: Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)

1.means n. often pl. a method or way 方法,方式(属单复数同形)

e.g. The quickest means of travel is by plane.

All means have been tried.=Every means has been tried.

-Can I have a look at your stamp collection?

- By all means.(当然可以。)

mean v. 意欲,打算;adj. 卑鄙的,吝啬的

mean to do sth.打算做……;mean doing ……意味着……;mean to have done sth.=had meant to do sth. 原打算做某事实际未做。

phrases: by all means 当然;务必by no means 决不;并没有

the means of transport 交通方式;by means of 用,依靠

2.refer to

a. 提到;说起

e.g. Don’t refer to that matter again.

b. 参考;咨询;查资料

e.g, If you don’t know what this means, refer to the dictionary.

c. 有关;针对

e.g. The new law doesn’t refer to land used for farming.


d. 提交……作决定或采取行动

e.g. You should refer this matter to the head office for a decision.


refer to /turn to the dictionary

look sth. Up in the dictionary

refer to sth./sb.提到……,意指……,涉及……

refer to …as …将……称为……

When it comes to …当谈及/提及/涉及……时

e.g. Some people may know little about basketball , but when it comes to the Litte Giant

Yao Ming , they must be familiar with him.

3.ride vt.& vi. & n. 乘;骑;搭乘(ride, rode, ridden)

a. 用作名词:

go for a ride in a car 乘车出去兜风。

Can I have /take a ride on your bike?我可以骑你的自行车吗?

What a ride!多棒的旅程啊!

b. vt.&vi.

He jumped on his horse and rode away.

Can you ride a horse?

注:ride 用于骑马、骑自行车时,常用作vt., 即ride a horse; ride a bike;用于乘公共汽车时、乘火车时,常用作vi.,即ride on a bus; ride on a train.

4.drive vt.&vi. 驾驶;用车送;驱赶;迫使;飞跑;猛冲

drive 表示“驱使,迫使”,后面接宾补(to do ;adj.; adv; prep.phra. 不用现在分词)


drive sb. mad. 使某人发疯;drive off/out 赶走;drive sb. away 把某人赶走;drive sb.into

a corner逼得某人走投无路



drive-驾驶,驱赶。宾语为车辆时,意为“驾驶”,是别的东西时,意为“驱赶”。当两者用作名词,表示一段车程时无区别,如:an hour’s ride=an hour’s dirve


a. c.n.&u.n. 距离;间距

b. c.n.&u.n 远方;远处

c.u.n. (空间或时间的相距)


e.g. A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day.

At a distance of six miles you can’t see much.

Distance is no problem with modern telecommuciations.


in the distance 在远处;在远方

from the distance 由远处

at a distance 在稍远处,在一定距离处

keep one’s distance from sb. /sth. 与某人/某物保持一定的距离

keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离

distance learning 远程教育

distant adj.遥远的

Period 2: Reading

1.Get off 下车

a. get (s

b.) off (使某人)出发

b. get off sth. 下班;不再讨论某事

c. get sth. off 邮寄某物;从某物上移去某物

e.g. We got off immediately after breakfast.

Her finger was so swollen that she couldn’t get the ring off.

I usually get off at 6:00 p.m..

Phrases: get on 上车get around 传播get away 逃离,离开办

get over 爬过,克服;熬过get in 进入;收获;收(税等);get ride of 除掉,摆脱get through 通过;做完;看完get up 起床,起身get along/on with 进行;进展;与……相处get across 使……通过,(使)被理解

2.more than: over 超过;仅仅

e.g. Judging from his appearance, he is more than 40.

not more than 与no more than

not more than 不超过,顶多,相当于≤;no more than仅仅,只有,相当于=。

Other phrases:

more …than… 与其说……倒不如说…… e.g. He’s more mad than stupid.说他笨,不如说他疯了。

no more … than… 与……同样不……(表示前后比较对象程度相当)

the more …, the more…越……就越……

more or less 或多或少

3.scenery, scene, view
