
课题Lesson 1What does your father do ?(第一课时 )教学1)能掌握职业类单词postman,waiter,engineer, 以及工作地点类单词 post office,restaurant,factory 做到发音准确,语调自然。
目标教学重难点教具学具电子媒体2)掌握询问职业的表达方法“What do you you?”“What does your... do?”及回答方式。
Step 1 Warm-up2、师生互致问候。
Step 2Work i n1、创设情景,启发学生,引出1、跟读并理解新句子。
新句型“ What do you do?”及pairs回答方式。

教学目标:1.知识目标:1) 掌握并运用新单词:sail, eagle, shore, farmhouse, village, flat tire, get off, every hour, across the river, waves, well, into, tornado, fire, traffic jam, spaceship, get on。
2)掌握并运用以下句型:- How do you get to school?- I go to school by bike/bus/boat/helicopter, etc.- What's the weather like today?- It's sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy, etc.- What's the matter?- I have a flat tire.2.能力目标:1)能够听懂并理解描述路径及交通工具的对话。
教学过程:Step 1:Warm-up1. GreetingT: Good morning, students!Ss: Good morning, teacher!2. Free talkS1: I walked to school today.S2: I took a bus to school....T: Great! Today, we're going to learn about different ways of transport and how to express directions in English. Let's get started!Step 2: Presentation1. Present new words and phrasesT: Look at the pictures on the screen. Can you tell me what they are?(Show pictures of different transportations such as bike, car, bus, boat, etc.)Ss: It's a bike/car/bus/boat, etc.T: Excellent! These are different ways of transportation. Let's learn some new words related to transportation.(Present new words: sail, eagle, shore, farmhouse, village, flat tire, get off, every hour, across the river, waves, well, into, tornado, fire, traffic jam, spaceship, get on, etc.) T: Now, let's practice the pronunciation of these words together.(Practice pronunciation)2. Present sentence structuresa) T: How do you get to school?S1: I go to school by bike.S2: I go to school by bus....T: Excellent! We use "by" to talk about the transportation we take. Let's practice with "by + transportation". Please look at the pictures on the screen and tell me how you go to these places.(Show pictures of different places)b) T: What's the weather like today?S1: It's sunny.S2: It's cloudy....T: Very good! We can use different words to describe the weather. Let's learn some words about weather.(Present new words: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, etc.)T: Let's practice how to express the weather. Please look at the pictures on the screen and tell me the weather in English.(Show pictures of different weather conditions)Step 3: Listening and speaking1. Listening practiceT: Now, I'm going to play a recording. Listen carefully and answer my questions about the listening materials.(Play the recording)T: What did Cindy do on the weekend?S1: She went to the park.T: How did she go there?S2: She went there by bus....2. Speaking practiceT: If you want to go to the park, how do you get there? Discuss with your partner and tell me your answers.(Students discuss with their partners and share their answers)S1: I go to the park by bike.S2: I go to the park by car....T: Very good! Now, let's practice asking and answering questions about how to get to different places. Work in pairs and ask each other questions using "How do you get to + place?".(Students work in pairs and practice the questions)Step 4: Reading and writing1. Reading practiceT: Now, let's read a text about a boy's trip to the countryside. Pay attention to the transportation he takes andthe places he visits. After reading, we'll answer some questions.(Give out the reading passage and let students read it)T: OK, let's check the answers together.(Check the answers with the whole class)2. Writing practiceT: Imagine you went on a trip to the countryside, too. Write a short paragraph about your trip. Use the sentence structure "I went to + place" and describe the transportation you took. Think about what you saw and felt during the trip. You can use the words we learned today. Don't forget to check your grammar and spelling.(Students start writing and the teacher goes around to provide assistance if needed)T: Now, you can share your paragraphs with your partners or read them out to the class.Step 5: Review and summary1. Review the new words and sentence structures learned in this lesson.(Review the words and sentence structures)2. SummaryT: Today, we learned about different ways of transportation and how to express directions in English. We also practiced describing the weather and asking and answering questions about how to get to different places. I hope you enjoyed the lesson and learned a lot.Step 6: Homework2. Review the new words and sentence structures.3. Prepare for the next lesson.教学反思:通过这堂课,学生不仅学习了与交通工具和路径相关的单词和句子,还练习了听、说、读和写的技能。

20XX新路径英语六年级(下)教案Lesson1 What Are Their JobsThe first period一. Teaching content Let’s talk 二. Teaching targetsHave the pupils get to know occupations. (一) Knowledge target 1. The words ..patterns: What class are you in What are you doing Ability target1. The students can read the dialogue.2. The pupils are able to ask and answer What does your father/mother do. Emotional targetHave the Ss are active in helping others. 三. The important and difficult points.1. Set up situations.2. How to teach the new words.3. Read the dialogue correctly. 四. Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.五. Format What does your father do He is worker. Is he often on night duty An engineer a taxi driver It’s time for work. 六. Teaching stepsStep1 Warm up1. Greet the pupils and introduce myself: Good morning, children. Welxxe back toschool! Today is the first day of this term. How nice to see you again! (My name is Bruce Seen. Please call me Mr. Seen. From now on I’m your new teacher. I’ll teach you English this term.)2. Ask the pupils: How is your holiday Did you havea good time Have youfinished your homeworkStep2 Presentation1. Say: My father is a farmer. What’s your father Is he a farmer, too Then revisethe occupations: teacher singer dancer farmer doctor nurse policeman policewoman cook worker and so on.2. Continue to ask a pupil: Do you like like sleeping at home during winterholidays What do you do when your father sleep at home We should be quietStep3 Practice1. Play the tape recording for the pupils to listenand repeat. 2. Have them read together.3. Call out four pupils to role-read the dialogue.Step4 Act1. Show the pupils pictures to practise the pattern in groups, in rows, then inpairs.2. Have the pupils look at the pictures and the patterns, and ask and answer thequestions one by one.Step5 SummarySum up what has been learnt in this lesson. Point out the patterns. Step6Homework1. Read the dialogue and write the dialogue.2. Practise the dialogue.Lesson1What are their jobsThe second period一. Teaching content Work in Pairs Listen and practice Listen and number 二. Teaching targets Have the pupils get to know and introduce themselves. (一) Knowledge target new words: patterns: What do you do What does yourfather/mother do Ability target1. The students can read the dialogue.2. The pupils are able to ask and answer What do you do What does your father/mother do Emotional targetHave the Ss are active in helping others. 三. The important and difficult points.What are you doing 四. Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.五. Format What do you do I am a nurse/ student. What does your father/mother do He/She is a/an postman/artist. Artist engineer shop assistant bookseller fireman waitress waiter postman 六. Teaching stepsStep1 Warm upthe pupils : Good morning, children. Glad to see you again! How are you the pupils: What do you do We are students.Step2 Presentationa pupil: What do you do I’m a student. Then revise the other jobs: singer worker doctor nurse farmer policeman and so on.the pupils other new jobs and ask: What does he/she do Help them to answer: He/She is a doctor. Then teach the new words waiter waitress and so on.1Step3 Practicethe tape recording for the pupils to listen and repeat. them read together.the pupils work in pairs asking and answering.Step4 Listen and numberHave the pupils listen to the tape recording and number the words. Step5 SummarySum up what has been learnt in this lesson. Point out the patterns. Step6 Homeworkthe dialogue and write the dialogue. the dialogue.the words and have a dictationLesson1 What are their jobsThe third period一. Teaching content Play a game Listen and sing Look, listen and say. 二. Teaching targets Have the pupils revise the occupations that we learned. (一) Knowledge targetwords: artist waiter waitress postman firemanbookseller engineer patterns: What do you do You are a policeman. Ability target1. The students can read the dialogue.2. The pupils are able to ask and answer what do you do What does he/she do Emotional targetHave the Ss are active in helping others. 三. The important and difficult points.What are you doing 四. Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.五. Format What do you do I’m a student. What does he/she do She/He is a nurse. -oo zoo moon room spoon root food -oo book foot good look wood cook 六. Teaching stepsStep1 Warm upthe pupils : Good morning, children. Glad to see you again! How are you the pupils: What class are you in May I know your nameStep2 Presentation2a pupil: What are you doing Get some individual Ss to answer: I’m writing. etc. Then write the sentence on the blackboard.to a pupil and ask: What is he/she doing Get him or her to answer: He/She is sitting. Or He is talking.Step3 Play a gameHave the pupils look at the pictures one by one carefully. Try to say them in English. Then have them work in pairs asking and answering.Step4 Listen and singHave the pupils tick the right words. Step5 Look, listen and sayRead the words and then fill in the blank with the paired words in the box. Step6 Homeworkthe dialogue and write the dialogue. the dialogue.the words and have a dictationLesson1 What are their jobsThe fourth period七. Teaching content Look, read and match read, tick and write Learn to write 八. Teaching targets Have the pupils revise the occupations that we learned. (一) Knowledge targetwords: artist waiter waitress postman fireman bookseller engineer patterns: What do you do You are a policeman. Ability target1. The students can read the dialogue.2. The pupils are able to ask and answer what do you do What does he/she do Emotional target Have the Ss are active in helping others. 九. The important and difficult points.What are you doing 十. Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.十一. Format It is swimming. This chicken soup is very good. All right. Bring me the soup, please. What’s wrong 十二. Teaching stepsStep1 Warm upthe pupils : Good morning, children. Glad to see you again! How are you the pupils: What class are you in May I know your nameStep2 Presentation3a pupil: What are you doing Get some individual Ss to answer: I’m writing. etc. Then write the sentence on the blackboard.to a pupil and ask: What is he/she doing Get him or her to answer: He/She is sitting. Or He is talking.Step3 Look, read and matchHave the pupils look at the pictures one by one carefully. Try to say them in English. Then have them work in pairs asking and answering.Step4 Read, tick and writeHave the pupils tick the right words. Step5 Learn to write.Read the words and then fill in the blank with the paired words in the box. Step6 Homeworkthe dialogue and write the dialogue. the dialogue.the words and have a dictationLesson2 Shopping CentreThe fifth period一、 Teaching content Let’s talk 二、 Teaching targetsHave the pupils know something about shopping. (一) Knowledge target 2. The words ..patterns: The dress is too short for me. It’s cheaper than usual. It suits you well. Which dress is better How is it Ability target1. The students can read the dialogue.2. The pupils are able to make xxparisons. Emotional targetHave the Ss love beauty. . 三、 The important and difficult points.1. Greetings2. The pupils express their opinions. Not bad. It’s big. 四、 Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.五、Format You are taller. How is it It’s big/beautiful. It’s cheaper than usual. But how about this green one The dress is too short for me. It suits me well. 六、 Teaching steps4Step1 Warm upthe pupils: Good morning, children. How nice to see you again!to a student and say You are taller. You need a longer shirt/dress. This dress/shirt is too short for you.Step2 Presentation1. Ask two pupils to stand up and say: Teng Yuqin is tall. Yuan Qinyao is tallerthan she is. Explain the meaning and point out the meaning of than and that taller is the xxparative formsof the word tall.2. Give another example and say: He Xin’s English is good. Zheng Fengyu’s isbetter than hers.Step3 Practicethe tape recording for the pupils to listen and repeat. them read together.out four pupils to role-read the dialogue.Step4 Actthe pupils pictures to practise the pattern in groups, in rows, then in pairs. the pupils look at the pictures and the patterns, and ask and answer the questions one by one.Step5 SummarySum up what has been learnt in this lesson. Point out the patterns. Step6Homeworkthe dialogue and write the dialogue. the dialogue.Lesson2 Shopping CentreThe sixth period一、 Teaching content Work in pairs Listen and practice Find out the rules. 二、 Teaching targets Have the pupils know the xxparatives.(一)Knowledge target words .patterns: Which dress is better The green one. How is it It’s big. Ability target1. The students can read the phrases.2. The pupils are able to ask and answer How is it It’s big. Emotional targetHave the Ss make a correct xxparison.三、 The important and difficult points.1. The xxparative forms of the adjective words.2. Get the pupils to master when to double the consonant and change y into i and add er.3. Have the pupils learn the irregular forms of the adjective words.四、 Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.5五、 Format Which dress is better The green one. How is it It’s big. Good-better short-shorter long-longer tall-taller cheap-cheaper hot-hotter big-bigger pretty-prettier 六、 Teaching steps Step1 Warm upthe pupils: Good morning, children. How nice to see you again!two individual pupils to xxe to the front and make a xxparison: Cao Zihan is shorter. Chen Wanxia is shorter than her.Step2 Presentation1. Say: Our classroom is big. How is our classroom. Get them to say: it’s big or nice/beautiful/clean/dirty. Etc.2. Show my textbook and ask: How is my textbook Help them to say It’s new or nice etc.3. point to a student and ask How is Zeng Jiaming He is good/clever/bad/stupid/hard-working/funny/naughty. And so on.Step3 Work in pairsthe pupils to ask and answer the questions according to the pattern. some to act it out.Step4 Actthe pupils pictures to practise the pattern in groups, in rows, then in pairs. the pupils look at the pictures and the patterns, and ask and answer the questions one by one.Step5 SummarySum up what has been learnt in this lesson. Point out the patterns. Step6Homeworkthe dialogue and write the dialogue. the dialogue.Lesson2 Shopping CentreThe seventh period一、 Teaching content: play a game Listen and chant Look, listen and say 二、 Teaching targets Have the pupils know the xxparative forms of the adjectives. (一) Knowledge target wordspatterns: Mine is the shortest one. Ability target1. The students can grasp the spelling rules2. The pupils are able to make a conclusion and write the title of the text. Emotional target Have the Ss love their school.6三、 The important and difficult points.1. The superlative degree.2. The xxparative degree.3. the spelling rules. 四、 Teaching aidsA recorder and pictures.五、 Format oi- [oi] coin point oil join oy- boy joy toy soy 六、 Teaching stepsStep1 Warm upthe pupils: Good morning, children. How nice to see you again!individual pupils: What subject do you like betterEnglish or maths Who is taller, Wu Peng or Chen YinStep2 Presentationtow pupils to the front and say: Chen is tall. Wu Peng is taller than Chen. 2. Ask another student to xxe and say: Shen Guodong is tallest of them all. the Ss other examples.Step3 Look, listen and saythe tape recording for the pupils to listen and repeat. them read together.Step4 Listen and singthe tape recording for the Ss to listen and feel the music and try to sing. the pupils follow the recorder music and to sing and then sing the song by themselves.Step5 Tongue twistersPlay the tape for the pupils to listen and say the sentences. Step6 Read, write and say1. Play the tape for the pupils to listen to the text and try to understand the passage.2. Translate the text and have the pupils read it. Then write down the title. Step7 Learn to writePoint out that the first letter of the names and sentence must be written with big letters. Then have them finish the sentences. Step8 HomeworkFinish writing a passage about our school7。

祝您工作愉快!课题Lesson 1 What are their jobs?(第一课时)教学目标1)能掌握职业类单词waitress, waiter, postman, artist, engineer, bookseller, shop assistant, fireman,做到发音准确,语调自然。
2)掌握询问职业的表达方法“What do you you?”“What does your... do?”及回答方式。
教学重难点1) 单词的正确发音。
2) 熟练使用句型询问别人的职业并能做出回答。
教具学具电子媒体多媒体课件、单词卡片教学环节备注环节内容教师活动学生活动Step 1 Warm-up 1、学生唱英语歌曲,朗诵英文小诗。
Step 2 Work in pairs 1、创设情景,启发学生,引出新句型“What do you do?”及回答方式。

课题Lesson 1What are their jobs?(第一课时)教学目标1)能掌握职业类单词waitress, waiter, postman, artist, engineer, bookseller, shop assistant, fireman,做到发音准确,语调自然。
2)掌握询问职业的表达方法“What do you you?”“What does your... do?”及回答方式。
教学重难点1) 单词的正确发音。
2) 熟练使用句型询问别人的职业并能做出回答。
教具学具电子媒体多媒体课件、单词卡片教学环节备注环节内容教师活动学生活动Step 1 Warm-up 1、学生唱英语歌曲,朗诵英文小诗。
Step 2 Work in pairs 1、创设情景,启发学生,引出新句型“What do you do?”及回答方式。
Step 3 Listen and practise 1、将句型“What do you do?”变为第三人称“What does yourmother/ father do?”放慢速度,当说到does和your mother/father时加重语气,并且重复这个词,让学生反复感知第三人称单数的变化之处。


新路径英语六年级下教案 Revised by Liu Jing on January 12, 2021

祝您工作快乐!课题Lesson 1 What are their jobs?(第一课时)教课目标教学重难点教具学具电子媒体1)能掌握职业类单词waitress, waiter, postman, artist,engineer,bookseller, shop assistant, fireman,做到发音正确,语调自然。
2)掌握咨询职业的表达方法“ What do you you? ”“What does your... do? ”及回答方式。
Step 1 Warm-up2、师生互致问候。
Step 2 Work in pairs 1、创建情形,启迪学生,引出新句型“ What do you do? ”及回答方式。
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