



大众汽车集团标准 TL 2442010年12月版分类号:50223关键字:锌,镍,钝化处理,密封,无Cr(VI),防腐蚀,表面保护锌/镍-合金涂覆层表面保护要求旧版本TL 244: 1987-10, 1992-05, 1993-11, 1995-12, 2002-05, 2004-12, 2006-08, 2007-02变更相对于 TL244: 2007-02 版本,作了如下更改:--补充了热处理后零件的抗拉强度≦ 1200Mpa 部分;--添加了 Ofl-r647 和 Ofl-r648 两种涂覆方法;--原表 2 中关于含铬的表面保护类型已删除;--添加了图 1 和图 2;--添加了 PV 1209,PV 1200 和 PV1210 三种测试依据;--镀层表面形态的要求有所增加;--镍的上限值有所改变;--原第 4 条关于镀层厚度的测量的内容加入到 3.9 部分;--原 3.11 部分的要求有所改变;--参考标准有更新;--标准重组。

1 范围本标准规定了抗拉强度为 Rm≦ 1000Mpa(按 VW 137 50 的特征字母 r)的铁材料和钢制件上的电解离析和无Cr( VI)后处理的锌/镍合金涂覆层的要求。

此外还定义了抗拉强度值大于 1000Mpa时的应用极限。

本标准定义了合金涂覆不适用于抗拉强度 Rm>1200Mpa 和表面硬度>370HV 的钢制件。

而且适用于抗拉强度值在 1000Mpa 和 1200Mpa之间的钢制件时,必须按 DIN EN ISO 4042 作热处理。

这些当作坚固防腐层(稳定等级为 6)的涂覆层,亦特别适用于除了腐蚀负荷增加和温度负荷增加至150°C(例如:发动机室和刹车系统)之外的部件以及螺栓拧紧系统。





VAS-PCODIS诊断系统大众奥迪车系所有通道号各位汽车技师朋友:您们好!汽车高级诊断技师培训中心微信公众号随时更新,如果你觉得资料不错,请转发一下到你的QQ空间与微信朋友圈让汽车维修一线技师共同关注,一起共享知识,一起为美好的生活每天注入新的能量!有人用微信......有人用微信学习成长!95%技师在这里学习进步!不落伍就关注!途安、途锐、辉腾;途锐轮胎气压灯基本设定大众新5053—65—16—1089610匹配——通道5输入左前胎压10匹配——通道6输入右前胎压10匹配——通道8输入右后胎压10匹配——通道7输入左后胎压发动机 01 -04 -060 节气门控制单元74--废气再循环组合阀 1.8T 77 --二次空气系统01-10-0 0 删除节气门控制单元自学习值17-11-11463 激活巡航功能带定速巡航功能的大众车17-11-16167 关闭巡航功能自动变速器02-0 4-000 强制低挡功能所有大众自动挡的车01-04-063ESP(ABS) 03-04-001 加液排气带ESP的03-04-010(POLO GP)60 方向盘转角传感器 G85 63 横向加速度传感器 G20066 制动压力传感器 G201 93 ESP激活103 ESP关闭 114-ESP设定固定登陆码空气悬挂系统 34-16-31564 空气悬挂自适应途锐.辉腾. 固定登陆码10 -1 左前轮高度自适应 497mm 2-右前轮高度自适应 497mm:3--左后轮高度自适应 502mm 4 -左后轮高度自适应 502mm胎压系统65-16-10896 轮胎监控自适应途锐.辉腾. 固定登陆码10 5--左前胎压自适应 2.4-2.8pa 10-6 右前胎压自适应 2.4-2.8pa10-7 左后胎压自适应 2.8-3.2pa 10-8 右后胎压自适应 2.8-3.2pa 组合仪表 17-11-13861 更换里程表输入里程用固定登陆码10-2 保养周期显示复位用于消除保养提示输入0即可10-3 燃油消耗显示校正 10-4 仪表信息系统语言选择10-9 里程显示自适应总里程数小于100公里的表预输入的数字大于10010-16 读出里程脉冲数10-30 燃油表自适应燃油表指针随动示值120-136之间变化10-40 输入保养周期内剩余里程10-43 保养间隔里程输入仪表编码后数第二位1车型舒适系统 46-10-0 清除所有的遥控钥匙开=1;关=0: `10-1 匹配所有的遥控钥匙10-3 自动锁上/打开车速达每小时15公里,自动上锁10-4 自动锁上/打开点火钥匙拔出,车门自动开锁10-5 解除内部监控10-6 开锁喇叭响开锁确认信号10-7 锁车喇叭响锁车确认信号10-8 锁车转向信号闪转向信号闪2次,确认锁已开10-9 开锁转向信号闪转向信号闪1次,确认锁车10-10 设置警报喇叭警报方式带遥控警报器的大众车2=德国;3=英国;1=其他国家10-24 后尾箱自适应 phaeton 开=1;关=08 k1 i开=1;关=08 安全气囊 15-10-1 ?关闭副驾驶员气囊 :10-2 ?关闭驾驶员气囊 ! 10-3 关闭右侧气囊10-4 关闭左侧气囊自动空调 08- 4 -0 空调器翻版电机带自动空调的车型 )左大灯 29-4-1 左大灯自适应 phaeton.touareg 83右大灯 39-4-1 右大灯自适应 phaeton.touareg 83天窗系统 38-8-33 内部监测是否打开 phaeton.touareg防盗系统 175和17-8 -81 读取车架号和防盗码 phaeton.touareg11(16)PIN 密码10-21 钥匙数量最多8把.点压不能低与12.7V11-19795 更换kessy 17-7 编码8 23 更新原PIN途锐大灯编码;09---07 --105724(0105697)辉腾车后备箱开关设定46-12-24-0--ACCEPT---保存途安、途锐、辉腾 Can-Bus 的区别:途安:1T,VW Touran, 01,02,03,08,09,15,16,17,18,19,25,37,3D,42,44,46,52,55,56,62,69,7 2,76,77,7D途锐:7L,VW Touareg,01,02,03,05,06,08,09,11,15,16,17,18,19,1C,22,29,34,36,3 7,39,46,47,56,65,68,69,6E,75,77辉腾:3D,VW Phaeton D1,01,02,03,05,06,07,08,09,11,13,15,16,17,18,19,23,27,28,29,34,3 6,37,38,39,46,47,57,65,66,68,69,71,75,76,77其中:01,发动机 02,自动变速箱 03,ABS05,启动授权模块 06,乘客坐椅 07,大灯控制!08,自动空调; 09,中央电器系统 0D,左侧滑门11,发动机 I2电子离合器 13 距离控制14,电控悬架 15,安全气囊 16,方向盘电器.17,仪表 18,辅助加热 19,CAN网关1C,位置监测 21,发动机III 22,四轮驱动23,刹车调压 24,驱动防滑 25,电子防盗26,电动天窗 27,后灯光控制 28,后空调29,左侧灯光 31,发动机其他 32,差速锁止机构34,车身调平 35,中央门锁* 36,司机座椅控制37,巡航控制 38,天窗控制 39,右侧灯光41,柴油泵 42,司机侧门 43,刹车辅助44,转向辅助 45,内部监控 46,舒适系统47,音响系统 48,左后座椅控制 49,自动大灯51,电子驱动 52,乘客侧车门 53,驻车制动! 54,后扰流板 55,氙灯射程 56,收音机57,电视 58,辅助燃油箱 59,牵引保护61,电瓶控制 62左后车门 63,司机辅助系统64,稳定系统 65,轮胎气压 66,右后座椅控制67,语音控制 68,雨刮器 69,拖车控制71,电瓶充电 72,右后车门 73,乘客辅助系统75,紧急呼叫 76,停车辅助 77,车载电话78,滑门 7D,辅助加热奥迪系列;蓝牙匹配77-12-133-0激活 77-12-134-1激活免提A4B6拖车控制单元匹配J345-12-64ABS,ESP测试激活03-04-03激活 03-04-103关闭油浮子匹配17-12-30-128(最底线)-134(八升位置)仪表语言转换17-12-04-002(英语)-008(中文)G85,03-11-40168,03-08-05,03-04-01转向角度正负0点25内A4部件保护{空调08-12-81-26467转向柱电器J52716-12-81-00111车载供电控制单元J519,09-12-81-46992座椅记忆控制单元36-12-81-20771关闭、接通A6副驾驶安全气囊15-12-01-00001(关闭)-00000(打开)关闭、打开巡航01-11-11463(打开)-16167(关闭)A4运输保护模式17(56)-12-99-00000(关闭)-00001(开启)A6里程数17-11-13861 10-09-里程数除以10的数值A8D3运输模式(电瓶管理运输模式61-12-01-00000(关闭)-00001(开启)气动悬架运输模式34-12-10273(开启)-41172(关闭)转向角转感器校零03-11-40168 03-04-01-左右打方向大于15度--确定保养灯归零17-12-02-0-保存17-12-42-最小里程17-12-43-最大里程 17-12-44-保养天数节气门,强制降档基本设定01-04-60 01-04-63-油门踏到底-保存电子后刹车片更换设定 53-06-007打开-保存更换后复位53-06-006关闭-保存复位 53-06-10自适应 A8L需要输入刹车片厚度53-12-006-12-保存奥迪08年下半年之后保养复位17-12-45-1 17-12-50-5 17-12-50-50 17-12-51-365 17-12-52-100 17-12-54-360 17-12-53-0 17-12-55-0奥迪2011年的A4L,A6L,A8L保养归零:1. 17-10-02-设定02. 17-10-40-设定503. 17-10-41-设定2754. 17-10-42 设定1005.17-10-43-设定1006. 17-10-44-设定3657,17-10-50-设定100 8, 17-10-51-设定3659,17-10-52-设定50 10, 17-10-53-设定011, 17-10-54-设定90 12, 17-10-55-设定0奥迪疝气灯设定:(在系统无其他故障时,仅含大灯未设定时才能进行)55 --04 --001,然后手动调整大灯到正常位置。



⼤众CANTP2.0协议说明TP2.0 的应⽤层的数据是根据⼤众KWP2000 定义的,命令定义及数据流格式相同,编程时⽤统⼀的数据转换函数。

对于⼤众CAN TP2.0 协议,由于⽤CAN ⾃定义参数据的⽅法与ECU 通讯对编程有⼀定的难度, TL718 V1.7 版本新增了G 号协议,以使通过PC串⼝可⽅便从⼤众CAN 诊断⼝通讯,并且由TL718 ⾃动建⽴及保持通讯链路。

⼤众很多CAN 诊断的车可以通过ISO15765 进⼊诊断,这个是OBD2(ISO15031-5)的诊断规范,不在这个讨论范围,可⽤标准的OBD2 诊断程序诊断,可参考SCANTOOL 源代码。

CAN TP2.0 是使⽤11 位ID 500KBPS 波特率进⾏数据通讯的。

TP2.0 的应⽤层的数据是根据⼤众KWP2000 定义的,命令定义及数据流格式相同,编程时⽤统⼀的数据转换函数。

TP2.0 的链路分析⾸先我们从⼀个仪表系统的CAN 诊断过程来了解CAN 链路。

这个过程是VAS5053 在与AUDIA6L 仪表通讯过程中⽤TL718 ATMA ** 的数据。

仪表系统诊断过程( TL718 ** 到的数据)发送和接收数据数据分析200 07 C0 00 10 00 0301系统诊断触发请求地址码0x07207 00 D0 00 03 5107 01ECU 应答,系统地址码0x0751,0x0300为接收地址,⾼位在后。

751 A0 0F 8A FF 32 FF300 A1 0F 8A FF 4A FF 建⽴命令进⼊系统,并设置T1 /T3。

T1=10*10ms=100ms T3=50*100us=5msT1=10*10ms=100ms T3=10*1ms=10ms第⼀句是建⽴连接的请求,第⼆句是ECU 建⽴应答。

这⼀步是TP2.0 协议定义要求的时间参数及进⼊系统的命令格式。

751 10 00 0210 89 300 B1300 10 00 0250 89 751 B110 是设备发送的报⽂控制字, 1 代表请求ECU 数据,0 是计数值,设备每次请求应将此值加1,在0-F 间循环。

大众标准TL 203中文2015-02

大众标准TL 203中文2015-02

金属件装饰性镀铬(Ni – Cr 镀层)本标准对钢、铜和铝材零部件以及锌压铸金属所进行的装饰性电镀Ni-Cr 镀层规定了技术要求,表面防护方式见表1。


2.标记见 VW 137 50, 2 条在各自图纸材料范围内对表面防护范围内的防护方式数据的补充,对电镀镀层母体材料的补充,按 DIN EN 1456 的规定执行,例如: C45, Fe//Cu20/Ni25d/Crmc3 技术要求3.1 基本技术要求首次供货和更改的批准按 VW 011 55避免有害物质按 VW 911 01一次完整的试验所需零件约 10 件(每次都按试验规模确定)首次样品试验报告要补充下面的数据或说明:—零件号—涂漆工具,涂漆数据—涂漆时间—作业进程(作业时间,电流密度,温度,化学药剂供应厂商)—支架上的位置3.2 表面性状防护涂层不得有气泡,粗裂缝,伤处或其他损害规定的外观和/或附着能力以及抗腐蚀强度的缺陷。









3.3 镀层结构所用镀层结构取决于母体材料,零部件在汽车中的位置及表面质量的不同要求。


c)仅适用于三价电解质浴的铬镀层d)高光表面裂纹密度按PV 1058。




文件 记录
文件1 文件2 记录1 记录2 记录3

人、机、料、法、环、物流(标识) …

确定 D零件
要 存 档

清 单
存档资料 总成



√ √
重要 度分 级表
√ √
一、D/TLD定义、概念、识别 二、存档清单和存档 三、D/TLD审核和自审
➢ 是法律法规的要求和大众集团的要求,在发生损害情况 和/或大众汽车集团要求下,供应商必须证明自己在防止 产品出现缺陷方面已采取了足够的措施。
注:当供应商提供的产品涉及到产品责任时,首先供应 商的管理者具有重大的责任,为此,供应商一方面必须在 产品开发/制造过程充分满足法律法规/大众集团的要求, 履行产品责任(“做”);另一方面,必须对相应的活动 进行记录和存档以满足举证责任需要(“记”和“存”) 。
“D零件”—有存档责任的 零件(安全系统零件、底 盘零件、拉杆、双头螺栓、 内饰件……)
“D特性”—是产品的关键特 性值,是“D项目”特性值 的控制范围(例:“D项目” 球销硬度HRC28~32)。
设计开发资料 例如:产品重要度分级 表、DFMEA、PFMEA 、控制计划、图纸、标 准、国家法规3C认证、 开发过程认可、产品认 可等;



文件名称 用于汽车内饰件材料的油漆材料要求 在汽车内部装备材料上涂漆要求 德文 电镀铬塑料件材料要求 成型件的聚苯撑氧材料要求 泡沫胶带,双面粘贴的材料要求 聚丙烯车厢衬里:6个类型 德文
文件版 次
页数 文件来源 备注
1998.11 5份 标准中心
1998.11 1份 上海大众
文件版 次
页数 文件来源
1993.12 6份 标准中心
1993.12 2份 上海大众
1993.12 3份
1993.01 4份 上海大众
1993.01 1份 标准中心
序号 文件编号 文件名称 1 DIN 53 505 橡胶,弹性体和塑料试验
文件版 次
页数 文件来源 备注
1987.06 2份
1998.11 1份
1993.06 5份 标准中心
1987.11 7份 标准中心
1993.02 1份 标准中心
2002.05 1份
2002.05 1份
序号 文件编号 1 PV1303 2 PV 3900
文件名称 塑料膜,织物层氙弧同步曝光 检验规范-塑料薄膜,平幅织物氙弧灯连续照射 德文
文件版 次
页数 文件来源
1999.06 1份 标准中心
汽车中的电器和电子组件-标准化的通用试验条 件
2份 上海大众
汽车上电器和电子部件标准化的通用的检验条 件
2001.04 2份 标准中心
2001.04 3份
2 TL528 3 TL520 13 4 TL520 18 5 TL523 88

大众汽车标准_VW 01055-Y

大众汽车标准_VW 01055-Y

Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.© VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Q U E L L E : N O L I SSeite 2VW 010 55: 1996-122 Theoretical Principles2.1 Component-Oriented Reference SystemOne of the basic ideas forming the basis for the reference point system is the component-oriented coordinate system according to VW 010 52.A vehicle is dimensioned by means of a global coordinate system (mathematical vehicle coordinate system), the origin of which is defined to be in the center at the level of the front axle of a vehicle (see VW 010 59 Part 1; VW 010 52 is the binding reference for the vehicle coordinate system), Figure 1.A Vertical plane S Longitudinal center plane D Horizontal planeFigure 1. Global coordinate system for vehiclesStarting from the axes of this coordinate system, grid lines are spread out parallel to the axes. These grid lines, spaced 100 mm apart, theoretically penetrate the vehicle. These grid lines serve to find all points on the vehicle. In other words, they help to determine the position of each vehicle component. Dimensioning is also performed with the aid of these grid lines.The reference point system is based on a component-oriented reference system.The origin of the component reference system is defined by the intersection point of three refer-ence planes. The reference planes are formed via the RPS main mountings defined on the compo-nent.When several parts are assembled, these parts are toleranced with respect to each other.After the parts are joined, the ASSY is described by a combined component-oriented reference system. This is formedby adoption of one of the existing reference systems orby forming a new reference system using the existing reference points.The specification of the new reference system depends on the function of the ASSY.Seite 3VW 010 55: 1996-122.2 Standard Sizes/Characteristics for RPS MountingsMultiple-use location holes with high precision requirements must be adequately strong.In general, the standard sizes according to Table 1 and Table 2 shall be used. In case of holes in RPS surfaces, it must be ensured that the bearing surfaces are of adequate size and provide proc-ess assurance.The specified dimensions shall be projected – parallel to the axes – onto the component.Table 1.Recommended standard valuesFor further standard sizes see VW 010 77Designation Nominal dimen-sionTol.Graphical representationL o c at i o n h o l e s ,p l u g g a b l eRound hole see VW 01077101520Square25+16 x 2010 x 20Rectangle15 x 20+1Ø 15Ø 20S u r f a c e sCircleØ 25+11020E d g e sEdge length "a"25+1Table 2.Recommended standard valuesFor further standard sizes see VW 010 78Designation Nominal dimen-sion w x lTol.Graphical representationLong holeL o c a t i o n h o l e s ,p l u g g a b l eLong hole in angle positionsee VW 01078Seite 4VW 010 55: 1996-123 The 3-2-1 RuleEvery rigid body possesses six degrees of freedom in three-dimensional space: three translational degrees parallel to the axes of a reference system and three rotatory degrees around the axes, Figure 2.Figure 2. The degrees of freedom in three-dimensional spaceIn order to support a non-rotationally-symmetric body in a uniquely determinate manner, it must be fixed in all six possible directions of movement. The 3-2-1-rule provides for such unique fixing. It determines the following main-mounting distribution:E.g. 3 mountings in z direction2 mountings in y direction1 mounting in x directionImplementation of this rule is shown based on the following representation, Figure 3.Figure 3. Application of the 3-2-1 ruleThe three mountings in z direction restrict three degrees of freedom: translation in z direction and rotation around the x and y axes. The pin in the round hole prevents motion parallel to the axes in the x and y directions and, finally, the pin in the long hole prevents rotation around the z axis, Fig-ure 3.This rule applies equally to any other rigid component, even if its structure is much more complex. With a system of rigid bodies, the elements of which are interconnected by joints or guides, more than 6 degrees of freedom must be fixed using additional main mountings.For non-rigid components, additional support points must be defined for supporting the compo-nents according to RPS aspects.RPS 1 shall be the point that binds the most degrees of freedom.Seite 5VW 010 55: 1996-124 Designation and Drawing Representation4.1 RPS DesignationAll RPS points must be included in the part drawing.The designation is subdivided as follows:•Main mounting points=Capitals?H =Hole? F =Surface?T =Theoretical pointis the mean of two support points •Support points=Small letters?h =Hole? f =Surface?t =Theoretical pointis the mean of two support points •Mounting types?Location holes/pins=Code letter H,h?Surfaces/edges/ball/tip=Code letter F,f?Theoretical point=Code letter T,t •Fixing directions=Small letters?x, y, z for component-oriented reference systems parallelto the coordinate system?a, b, c for rotated, component-oriented reference systems Examples of designation:Fixing directionCode letter for surface as main mountingFixing directionsCode letter for hole as main mountingDesignation with numberingFixing directionCode letter for surface as main mountingDesignation with numberingFixing directionCode letter for surface as support pointDesignation with numberingNumbering begins with the RPS 1 point for each single part and for each assembly.Seite 6VW 010 55: 1996-124.2 Drawing RepresentationDrawing representation takes place according to the valid drawing guidelines.The RPS surfaces shall be identified by means of cross-hatching.If a part drawing does not exist yet, RPS Dimensions Sheet FE 515 1) shall be used.As soon as the part drawing exists, the specifications from the RPS Dimensions Sheet are adopted directly in the drawing or adopted in text macro NO-F23 2). Administration of these specifications in the text macro is mandatory.4.3 Procedure for Assemblies (ASSY) with Components with no Separate Drawing (ND): The RPS points for components with no drawing (ND) must be identified by specifying the item number or part number.A drawing exists for part 1; ND for parts 2 and 3, Figure 4.A RPS 1 Hxy; RPS 1 Hxy for Item 3S RPS 2 Hx only for Item 3D RPS 1 Hxy only for Item 2F RPS 2 Hy; RPS 2 Hy for Item 2Fig. 4ASSY with RPS pointsGraphical representation, not adopted in drawing1) Stored in design data administration system under FEO 000 5152) Stored in design data administration system under NOF 000 023Seite 7VW 010 55: 1996-12 5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing5.1 GeneralDimensions and tolerances can be entered directly in the drawing or via the table, Figure 5.The starting point for dimensioning the components is generally the origin of the reference system. Form and functional dimensions with tolerances shall always be referenced to the origin of the ref-erence system.Example: The holes within a hole group are dimensioned with respect to each other. The position of the hole group is dimensioned with respect to the reference planes.In the fixing direction, the main mountings are positioned without tolerance with respect to the vehi-cle coordinate system / reference system.The origin/reference point is shown in the drawing or table. If two or three fixing directions are bound at one point, tolerancing must be separated according to the hole or surface. In this case, the surface must be identified one line lower in the table. Here, the surface is set to zero in the tol-erance zone. In the line in which the hole is set to zero, the tolerance zone for the surface shall be identified with a horizontal line, see the table in Figure 5.The support-point tolerances shall be defined according to the requirements.5.2 Component-Oriented Reference Systems Parallel to the Coordinate SystemThe origin of the reference system is defined without tolerances in the global vehicle coordinate system by means of a translation, Figure 55.3 Rotated, Component-Oriented Reference SystemsWith rotated reference systems, the theoretical angles of rotation must be specified in RPS Dimen-sions Sheet FE 515 1) or in the drawing table text macro NO-F23 2).If there are several angles of rotation, the angle specification and thus the sequence of rotations shall be obtained from the drawing. "See drawing" must be added to the table instead of the angle entry.The position of the reference point is determined by means of its x, y and z coordinates in the global vehicle coordinate system.Angles of rotation around the x, y and z axes are entered using mathematically positive or negative values. Positive angles are specified counterclockwise and negative angles clockwise.In the coordinate system, the horizontal axis is assigned an angle of zero.Nominal dimensions and tolerances are specified in a, b and c values in the RPS table.The fixing directions of the RPS points are specified as a, b and c values in the table and/or draw-ing, e.g. RPS 1 HabFc, Figure 6 and Figure 7.1), 2)see page 6Seite 8VW 010 55: 1996-12A if necessaryFig. 5Dimensioning with text macro NO–F23Seite 9VW 010 55: 1996-12A Reference point S View RSeite 10VW 010 55: 1996-12A Reference point S View R6 Universal Use6.1 GeneralThe purpose of the RPS is to provide process assurance/capability and repeat accuracy for the procedures in order to make them independent of setting work performed by the worker.The reference points must be used in all manufacturing, assembly, inspection and installation pro-cesses.In case of self-contained function sectors such as the side panel tank flap, a reference change in combination with functional dimensions to RPS planes is permissible.Prior to the specification of RPS points, it is absolutely necessary to define the functions of the sin-gle part and the relevant assemblies with their required functional tolerances.Reference points that were established at the beginning of a process must be kept for as long as possible. In order to avoid changes to arranged reference points, they are jointly defined – as early as possible in the design and development process – in consultation with all departments partici-pating in the production process.Reference points must be positioned at stable areas of a component that will remain unchanged even in further development and/or production processes.Reference points on components that move relative to the body during driving operation can be considered according to the 3-2-1 rule only in the actual design position.The RPS points on components that are used several times in vehicles and thus have multiple ref-erences to the global coordinate system can be shown without a global coordinate reference in the technical drawing.The reference point system is equally oriented toward the production process, toward the function sectors and toward the strategic quality goals, e.g. audit, process capability.6.2 Specification of Reference PointsParallelism to the coordinate system (holes and surfaces) must be observed when entering the reference points. In the case of rotated systems, parallelism to the reference planes must be o b-served.The RPS points must be produced in the tool sequence in which the greatest dimensional stability is attained.Whenever possible, reference points must be produced with a standardized shape (hole, surface), which must be defined in detail.If holes cannot be made in a component, surfaces or edges must be used to specify reference points.In the case of COP parts (transfer parts), the respective reference-point positions arise in the ASSY.6.3 Specification of Function SectorsUse of the RPS on a complex portion of the vehicle such as the dashboard requires a structure that addresses the development and design engineering systems and includes all parts, single parts and assemblies.A function sector includes all components in the visible and covered areas that directly affect their surroundings with their function points.The specification of reference planes depends on the spatial and geometric position relationship of a component with its surroundings.The reference planes are identical for a function sector. In other words, components or component groups and the surroundings have the same starting basis, Figure 8.A Dashboard ASSY function sector S Airbag function sectorD Center-vent function sector F Air outlet vent function sector FS Fig. 87 Referenced StandardsVW 010 52VW 010 59 T1VW 010 77VW 010 78。

大众公司的D TLD

大众公司的D TLD

D/TLD大众公司的D/TLD是什么含义?7.6 技术文件的标识在大众集团中有两种同级别的标识符号(D和TLD)。



技术文件中的尺寸或者其它D特性将用两端限位的横杠( ) 标识出来。






11. 要求条例验证(D/TLD-零件)1 技术资料/ 提供证据在产品和过程诞生的各个阶段,以及在批量生产中的一些专门的文件和质量证据对于履行存档义务是特别重要的。





1.1 是否实行了文件管理程序?1.2 D/TLD零件的技术资料是否是最新有效状态,是否有D/TLD零件标识,是否对D/TLD-特性作了专门的标记?有些特性在大众/奥迪的资料中没有作为D/TLD-特性标明出来,而零件制造厂认为是与安全有关的,零件制造厂是否在产品责任范围之内对这些特性也进行了记录和存档?1.4 零件制造厂是否可靠地保存了制造和检验的技术资料,存档期至少15年(与法规“危险材料使用规定”中§18[3]有关的资料至少存档30年)?1.5 全部关键的数据是否包含在存档文件之中?存档方法是否适合于随时迅速地查阅到每一份资料?1.7 对D-特性有影响的分供方是否也承担了相应的存档责任的义务?1.8 是否评定了对D-特性有影响的分供方?是否有证据地表明确保了各项要求?1.9是否有欧共体安全数据表(EG-Sicherheitsdatenblatt),化学品法,危险材料使用规定(Gefahrstoffverordnung)和化学品-禁止使用规定(Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung),是否新版本,是否明确规定了职责和责任人?1.1 是否实行了文件管理程序?要求/说明所有的D/TLD零件的资料,包括首次认可和更改认可的质量保证证据都要按照程序步骤进行管理。



LSV:上海大众适用年代:2001~2003WMI VDS VISL S V H H 1 3 3 0 2 2 2 3 1 9 1 4⑴⑵⑶⑷⑸⑹⑺⑻⑼⑽⑾⑵⒀⒁⒂⒃⒄第(1)~(3)位世界制造厂识别代码LSV—上海大众汽车有限公司第(4)位车身型式代码A—四门折背式车身B—四门直背式车身C—四门加长型折背式车身E—四门加长型折背式车身F—四门短背式车身H—四门加长式折背式车身K—2门短背式车身第(5)位发动机/变速器代码车型系列:上海桑塔纳轿车、上海桑塔纳旅行轿车、上海桑塔纳2000轿车A—JV(026A)/AHMB—JV(026A)+LPG/AHMC—JV(026A)/2PD—JV(026A)+LPG/2PE—JV(026A)+CNG/2PF—AFE(026A)/2PG—AYF(050B)/QJH—AJR(06BC)[AYJ(06BC)]/2PJ—AYJ(06BC)/FNVK—AFE(026N)+LPC/2PL—AYF(050B)+LPG/QJM—AYJ(06BC)+LPG/2P车型系列:上海帕萨特轿车PASSATA— ANQ(06BH)/DWB(FSN)B— ANQ(06BH)/DMU(EPT)C— AWL(06BA)/EZSD—AWL(06BA)/EMGE— BBG(078.2)/EZYL、头部BGC(06BM)/EZSM—BGC(06BM)/EMG车型系列:上海波罗轿车POLOA— BCC(036P)/GET(FCU)B— BCC(036P)/GCU(ESK)C— BCD(06A6)/GEV(FXP)车型系列:上海高尔轿车GOLA— BHJ(050.C)/GPJ第(6)位乘员保护系统代码0—安全带1—安全气囊(驾驶员)2—安全气囊(驾驶员和副驾驶员、前座侧面)3—安全气囊(驾驶员和副驾驶员、前后座侧面)4—安全气囊(驾驶员和副驾驶员)5—安全气囊(驾驶员和副驾驶员、前后座侧面、头部)6—安全气囊(驾驶员和副驾驶员、前座侧面、头部)第(7)~(8)位车辆等级代码33—上海桑塔纳轿车、上海桑塔纳旅行轿车、上海桑塔纳2000轿车9F—上海帕萨特轿车9J—上海波罗轿车5X—上海高尔轿车第(9)位校验位第(10)位年份代码代码车辆年份代码车辆年份代码车辆年份A 1980 J 1988 T 1996B 1981 K 1989 V 1997C 1982 L 1990 W 1998D 1983 M 1991 X 1999E 1984 N 1992 Y 2000F 1985 P 1993 1 2001G 1986 R 1994 2 2002H 1987 S 1995 3 2003第(11)位装配厂代码2—上海大众汽车有限公司第(12)~(17)位车辆制造顺序号。







©大众汽车公司格式F E 4110.99 图章: 出版的单页纸没有更换第二页PV 3900:2000-083. 标记:3.1 检验结果标记举例:气味检验PV 3900 – A1 – Note3.03.2 TL、图纸等中的理论值规定的标记举例:气味检验PV 3900 – B2 – Note<2.53.3 标记的结构:参看图1:气味检验PV3900 -A 1 – Note3.0名称检验规程检验体变量存放条件变量评分图1:4. 检验:4.1 检验仪器:a)带有强制通风的加热室,符合DIN 50 011-12标准,精度等级2;b)可使用带有气味中性密封和盖子的1I-玻璃容器作为检验器皿。





4.2 试样预处理:试样预处理只能够对符合规定的特殊材料进行。


4.3 试样体:试样体的数量被划分为3个层次(参看表格1)。


第三页PV 3900:2000-08对于变量C,如果材料厚度小于3mm,那么对于1I-容器可使用(200±20)cm²以及对于3I-容器可使用(600±60)cm²的试样体数量。




4.4 实施:有3中存放条件(参看表格2)可供选择。



Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.© VOLKSWAGEN AGN o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n / C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2TL 244: 2002-05Table 1Surface protectionclassCharacteristics and outer appearanceOfl-r642Zinc/nickel coating, deposited from alkaline electrolytes (see exceptional requirement for nickel content), colorless Cr(VI)-free passivated,(transparent up to bluish iridescent appearence)Ofl-r643Zinc/nickel coating, deposited from alkaline electrolytes (see exceptional requirement for nickel content in section 3.8), colorless Cr(VI)-freepassivated and additionally sealed, (transparent up to bluish iridescentappearence)Ofl-r645As r642, but with additional lubricant treatment(see VW 011 10)Ofl-r672Zinc/nickel coating, deposited from alkaline electrolytes, black Cr(VI)-free passivatedOfl-r673Zinc/nickel coating, deposited from alkaline electrolytes, black Cr(VI)-free passivated and additionally sealedOfl-r677As r672, but with additional lubricant treatment(see VW 011 10)Table 2Surface protection class no longer permittedfor new designs –contains Cr(VI)Replacement surface protection class prescribed for new designs –Cr(VI)-freeOfl-r640 a Ofl-r642 or r643-Ofl-r645 bOfl-r650Ofl-r642 or r643Ofl-r660Ofl-r642 or r643Ofl-r665Ofl-r645Ofl-r670Ofl-r672 or r673Ofl-r675Ofl-r677a The surface protection class r640 according to the TL 244: 1995-12 issue is replaced by twoclasses with different resistances: r642 (without sealing) and r643 (with sealing).b Surface protection class r645 remains unchanged as compared to the TL 244: 1995-12issue, but on principle without sealing.3.2 General requirementsHigh-strength steel parts with a tensile strength R m > 1000 N/mm² and joining elements (e.g. screws) with a surface hardness > 370 HV must not be coated with these alloy coatings. For sealing elements on gas-carrying systems such as the air-conditioning system, these coatings are also unsuitable, as the surface contains microcracks.Components coated like this must not be plastically deformed by flaring, pinching, bending etc. Approval of first supply and changes according to VW 011 55.Avoidance of hazardous substances acc. to VW 911 01.Page 3TL 244: 2002-0510 finished parts are required for complete testing.The type of zinc/nickel coating process to be used (electrolyte) is subject to agreement with the VW Group Central Laboratory (K-QS-32) and/or the AUDI Group Test Laboratory (I/GQ-32) prior to usage.Unless certain sections of parts that are marked in the drawing are excluded from the surface coating, the entire surface of the parts must comply with the required surface protection class and display the prescribed properties. The coating shall have firm adherence to the base material. Before coating, threaded parts shall exhibit a tolerance zone position corresponding to the coating thickness, metric threaded parts preferably according to VW 116 24. After the coating process, the h-zone must not be exceeded and the H-zone must not be fallen below.The layout and control of the production process shall not impair the functional characteristics of the finished part.The protective coatings must exhibit no pores, cracks, damage or other flaws that impair the corrosion protection and/or specified appearance.Given proper mounting, the coating shall not be damaged if this would lead to impairment of function and/or decrease of the specified corrosion protection.The surface treatment method shall be conducted so that damage by delayed hydrogen-induced brittle fractures can be ruled out. Verification by tension testing according to DIN 50 969.3.3 Joining elementsIn the case of screws and quick fastening elements the test specifications listed below only apply to the head and/or the wrench bearing surfaces, in the case of nuts they apply only to the face surfaces and/or wrench bearing surfaces. For threaded and similar molded parts such as studs the test requirements only apply to the face surfaces.The reduced requirements according to section 3.11 apply to process-determined weak coating areas on joining elements such as shank and thread.Furthermore, the specifications in DIN EN ISO 4042 concerning the maximum possible thickness of the electroplated coating in the threaded profile shall be taken into consideration.These reduced requirements also apply to quick fastening elements.Joining elements with metric threads shall be treated with lubricants according to TL 521 32 in order to ensure constant coefficients of friction. The coefficients of friction are tested according to VW 011 29.For further information see VW 011 10, section 2.3.4 Zinc/nickel coating processFor components with geometrically complicated shapes the coatings deposited from alkaline systems are especially suitable. Their outstanding feature is a more favorable throwing power (metal distribution). This results in a uniform nickel insertion rate over the total current range. Should a direct deposition as on casting materials, for example, be only possible under poor conditions, a surface activation by deposition of a pre-zinc coating from a weakly acidic zinc or zinc alloy electrolyte is permissible. The use of a weakly acidic Zn/Ni electrolyte must be agreed upon by the VW Group Central Laboratory (K-QS-32) and/or the AUDI Group Test Laboratory (I/GQ-32).Page 4TL 244: 2002-053.5 Cr(VI)-free conversion layersIn order to improve the corrosion resistance of electrolytically deposited zinc/nickel coatings to salt water and condensed water, a post-treatment in passivation solutions is technical standard.The passivation treatment solution must not contain any Cr(VI) compounds in order to ensure that the resultant conversion layers are likewise Cr(VI)-free.3.6 Post-treatmentsAs especially in those areas visible for the customer the outer appearance of the parts must not be impaired by strong color variations or iridescence, a sealing post-treatment of the conversion layer can be performed. This results also in an improvement of the corrosion protection. The layer structure may become thicker by 0.5 µm to 2 µm, but the functionality of the surface must not be impaired.If besides the corrosion protection further functional surface characteristics such as paintability, compatibility with other agents, sliding properties, threadening behavior, vulcanizability, temperature behavior or conductivity are required, part-specific tests or functional tests shall be performed.The post-treatments must not cause any impairments such as unsightly drop-like residues resulting from cristallization and/or formation of a film on the part surface.3.7 Base materialSee drawing.3.8 Nickel contentTesting according to PV 1214 and/or PV 1216 (only for first-sample test).X-ray fluorescence method testing using measurement devices based on DIN EN ISO 3497. Requirement: 12 % to 15 %In exceptional cases a nickel content of 10 % to 15 % is permissible, if the coatings are deposited from weakly acidic electrolyte systems. This is subject to agreement of the VW Group Central Laboratory (K-QS-32) and/or the AUDI Group Test Laboratory (I/GQ-32), and must be specified on the drawing.3.9 Electroplated coating thicknessesTesting according to DIN EN ISO 1463, DIN EN ISO 2178 and DIN EN ISO 3497 (see section 4). Requirement: 8 µm up to 25 µm (for general-type components),8 µm up to 15 µm (for threaded parts, measuring point according to DIN EN ISO4042).3.10 Adhesive strengthThermal shock test based on DIN EN ISO 2819.The specimen part is aged for 30 minutes at (300 ± 10) °C and then dipped in water at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C.Requirement: no large-scale or bubble-shaped stripping of the zinc coating.Page 5TL 244: 2002-053.11 Corrosion behaviorThe corrosion resistance of the systems must be ensured in the as-received condition and also after a 24-hour period of heat aging at 120 °C. These are minimum requirements and must always be adhered to.Testing according to DIN 50 021-SS; evaluation according to DIN EN 12 329.The test durations and requirements according to table 3 apply to the evaluation of the passivation treatment layers and to their sealing.The following applies to the evaluation of the zinc/nickel coatings, their passivation treatment layers and sealing:-No base metal corrosion after a test duration of 720 h for all surface protection classes according to TL 244;-no zinc corrosion after the test durations specified in table 3.The following applies to the evaluation of the shank and thread areas of threaded and quick fastening elements:-No base metal corrosion after a test duration of 480 h.Table 3 – Test durations and requirements for passivation treatment layer and sealingevaluationTest duration in hSurfaceprotectionclass Barrel-galvanizedgoods aRack-galvanizedgoodsRequirementOfl-r642, r672Ofl-r645, r677120240 Ofl-r643, r673240240No zinc corrosion after the prescribed test duration, minor optical changes ("gray cast") permissiblea Barrel galvanized goods are small parts which cannot be coated as rack galvanized goodsbecause of their shape, and which therefore are coated as bulk goods.NOTE: For specific components lower requirements may be permitted: For example, only 120 h resistance to zinc corrosion applies to casting surfaces on the brake caliper.4 Note on testing for measurement of coating thicknessA coating thickness measurement device based on the X-ray fluorescence measuring procedure according to DIN EN ISO 3497 (e.g. Fischerscope device of Helmut Fischer GmbH & Co., Germany) which allows a measurement of the coating thickness and the nickel content at the same time shall be used.Choose measuring duration so that repeat accuracy is lower than or equal to 0.5 weight percent nickel. Repeat accuracy is defined as the standard deviation of measuring values under repeat conditions (same observer, same equipment, same specimen with same measuring point, short intervals between measurements).Measurement of coating thickness is performed by means of the magnetic/inductive method according to DIN EN ISO 2178 applying a probe. For specimens with a rough surface, several individual measurements (at least 5) shall be performed on the reference surface. The measuring result indicates the local coating thickness. The measuring equipment shall be tested by comparative testing at regular intervals or prior to a measurement series.Page 6TL 244: 2002-055 Referenced standards1PV 1214Zinc / Nickel Alloy Coatings; Determination of the Nickel ContentPV 1216Zinc / Nickel Alloy Coatings; Determination of the Nickel Content Using ICP-OESTL 521 32Lubricant for Threads; Material RequirementsVW 011 10Joining, Heavy Duty Threaded Joints, Design Engineering and Process AssuranceVW 011 29Limit Values for Coefficients of Friction; Mechanical Joining Elements with Metric ISO ThreadVW 011 55Vehicle Supply Parts - General, Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 116 24Metric ISO Thread; Limit Dimensions for 6G/6f Tolerance ZoneVW 137 50Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Classes, Codes, RequirementsVW 911 01Environmental Standard for Vehicles, Vehicle Parts, Materials, Fuels, Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN 50 021Spray Tests with Different Sodium Chloride SolutionsDIN 50 969Resistance of High-Strength Structural Steel Components against Hydrogen-Induced Brittle FractureDIN EN 12 329Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc with Supplementary Treatment on Iron and SteelDIN EN ISO 1463Metallic and Oxide Coatings – Measurement of Coating Thickness;Microscopical MethodDIN EN ISO 2178Non-Magnetic Coatings on Magnetic Substrates – Measurement of Coating Thickness – Magnetic MethodDIN EN ISO 2819Metallic Coatings on Metallic Substrates – Electrodeposited and Chemically Deposited Coatings – Review of Methods Available for Testing Adhesion DIN EN ISO 3497Metallic Coatings – Measurement of Coating Thickness – X-Ray Spectrometric MethodsDIN EN ISO 4042Fasteners – Electroplated Coatings1 In this section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.。



共36页第 1 页关键词:焊接,点焊,电阻点焊,焊接点,板材,钢,钢板前言本标准中概述包括术进步的过程中,将在相应章节中专门说明。

计算例证在本标准的副篇各种不同的简要说明适用12变更 相对于VW 011 05-1:2003-05有如下更改处:-第4.3.1节公差一章增加较小的点焊直径和松动的焊接点内容。

先前版本 1977-05;1993-12;2003-051应用范围 下列基本原则是以少批量到大批量机械化点焊程度和研究结果的经验为基础,以及公开发表的标准和技术规则,例如DVS-规则2902-1,-2,-3。


本标准应用范围包括接口点焊连接上的(电阻)点焊(特性因数21按照DIN EN ISO 4063),其在无涂层的板材上的板材厚度比例,板材厚度从0.5~4 mm,以及有关单点和多点焊接的过程保证的质量特征。


按照DIN EN 10 139使用的板材其厚度最多只能够是3.0 mm 。

引进镀锌板材,例如按照DIN EN 10 142或DIN EN 10 292, 和高和高硬度钢的部件要求具备直径较大的电极罩和电极套筒(16 mm 及 20 mm)。



另外有关(电阻)点焊连接的要求包括:VW 011 05-2(铝材料)VW 011 05-4(多板材连接;两层和多层接口的点焊连接)有关点焊连接的质量评审是检验标准PV 6702和PV 6717中给出的方法。

 2 定义 2.1点焊 进行(电阻)点焊连接时,在所连接部分之间的焊接区域,通过电阻加热的方法借助于同时作用的焊条对零件的压力,加热直至其熔化。




normnr klass VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 01059-102211 VW 01059-202211 VW 01059-322632 VW 01059-622632 VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 01087-204533 VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 010******* VW 0110304815 VW 01105-104815 VW 01106-104817 VW 01106-204817 VW 0110704818 VW 01110-1VW 01110-2VW 01126-101666 VW 01126-201666 VW 0112701667 VW 0112801712 VW 0112901712 VW 0113101712 VW 0113302623 VW 01141-104825 VW 0114204846 VW 01150-104041 VW 01150-1004041 VW 01150-1204041 VW 01150-1304041 VW 01150-1404041 VW 01150-1504041 VW 01150-1604041 VW 01150-204041 VW 01150-304041 VW 01150-404041 VW 01150-504041 VW 01150-604041 VW 01150-704041 VW 01150-804041 VW 01150-904041 VW 0115104041 VW 0115401190 VW 0115501190 VW 0117801819VW 1002013731 VW 1002113731 VW 1002713214 VW 1050001150 VW 10510VW 1051301151 VW 1051401151 VW 10540-101155 VW 10540-301155 VW 10540-6VW 10540-701155 VW 1055001154 VW 1056001152 VW 1151601833 VW 1161101813 VW 1162401813 VW 1162501815 VW 1163501884 VW 1370502624 VW 1375002642 VW 18015VW 2.8.155152 VW 2201551532 VW 3001334316 VW 4404555111 VW 5001851112 VW 5001950337 VW 50094A6102 VW 50096A6102 VW 50097VW 5009951602 VW 5010157221 VW 5010555536 VW 50120A6450 VW 5012355154 VW 5012555112 VW 5012755112 VW 5013155312 VW 5014055326 VW 515572VW 5018055104 VW 5018550321 VW 5019050202 VW 5020057221 VW 5030157221 VW 5040057221 VW 5050157221 VW 5060057221 VW 5060157221 VW 5070057221 VW 6000467625 VW 6001161187 VW 6012261263 VW 6018467558VW 6021261131 VW 60219VW 60249VW 6025061100 VW 6028267571 VW 6030769302 VW 6033069606 VW 60360VW 6036161000 VW 6036261179 VW 6043261253 VW 6043561277 VW 6044061256 VW 6044261253 VW 6044961253 VW 6055961105 VW 6056061104 VW 6056461104 VW 6064366236 VW 7402066732 VW 7507369110 VW 75113-269203 VW 75173-169606 VW 75173-269606 VW 7801067611 VW 7801167612 VW 801018MA00 VW 801028MC10 VW 801068ME20 VW 806228BC60 VW 806608CD20 VW 809728FL40 VW 80972-18FL40 VW 9110097000 VW 9110197210 VW 91102VW 91101 BEIBLATT 197410 VW 91103benn_c1螺纹说明一览表用于自攻螺钉的螺纹拉削内密齿廓螺纹工件的传动形式带螺纹的翻边孔板金螺钉用的戳穿孔眼内六角倒圆轮廓螺纹类零件的驱动方式机械制图基准点系统-RPS-图示法CAD/CAM数据要求专业技术描述对CAD/CAM数据的要求数据特征CAD/CAM系统要求汽车零件的原则CAD/CAM数据要求 CAD系统CATIA V5汽车零件上的条码非切削成形金属件工艺偏差凹槽加工方法冲压TOX连接(压嵌铆接) 钢材料零件边角概念图中标注说明零件编号系统工厂合营公司和企业的代号工作方法焊接焊接凸点接触点焊连接未涂覆薄板的结构和工艺保证气体保护焊接钢板连接设计制造质量保证气体保护焊钢板连接返工销钉焊接连接要求和检验螺栓连接设计和装配预给参数螺栓连接装配和作业安全连接技术螺栓连接的拧紧扭矩连接技术螺栓装配超弹性拧紧方法连接自攻螺钉应用、底孔直径的标准值、拧紧力矩的固定塑料用连接螺钉设计注意事项摩擦系数极限值米制ISO螺纹的机械连接元件摩擦系数的测定实际定向试验金属表面无缺陷钢板激光束焊接第1部分结构规格质量保证铝焊缝的维修汽车用油封概念极限偏差图纸说明汽车用径向轴密封环功能试验试验台和试验条件汽车用径向轴密封环显微硬度检验弹性体(IRHD)布氏硬度的确定汽车用径向轴密封环弹性体硫化状态的检验汽车用径向轴密封环弹性体红外线光谱分析汽车用径向轴密封环差热分析弹性体冷特性的确定汽车用径向轴密封环应用说明汽车用径向轴密封环材料要求和试验汽车用径向轴密封环明显的不均匀性汽车用径向轴密封环试验测量条件和测量工具汽车用径向轴密封环试验外径测量仪汽车用径向轴密封环试验锥形测量芯棒汽车用径向轴密封环试验轴线剖面的结构汽车用径向轴密封环试验径向力-数字测量仪径向测量仪活塞密封杆研究开发条件一般技术要求汽车零部件首次供货及更改的认可米制ISO-螺纹模制螺纹的极限尺寸圆筒件米制内螺纹极限塞规特殊螺纹按VW01044标准公制圆柱内螺纹界限螺纹塞规特种螺纹公制圆柱形内螺纹止端螺纹塞规公制ISO螺纹螺纹工艺型圆柱形量规用于塑料公司标志, 零件标记使用规程奥迪商标用于汽车零件商标汽车零部件的标记制造厂代码用于汽车零件汽车零件制造厂代码用于国外厂及其承制厂气门弹簧的标记制造国标记法汽车零件日期标记法汽车零件过渡啮合的紧配合外螺纹和内螺纹关于VW紧配合的极限尺寸公制 ISO 螺纹包括防护层在内的极限尺寸用于一般公差米制ISO螺纹公差带6G/6f的极限尺寸 6f 螺母 6米制ISO螺纹;公差带7G/8F的极限尺寸制作螺丝用的型芯孔穿孔钻头公差范围H的钻头和极限尺寸表面粗糙度金属表面防护防护方式缩写符号橡胶性能成品件的试验和要求精密钢管测量供货技术条件米制圆筒内螺纹丝锥用于特种螺纹的丝锥按VW010 44聚丙烯(PP)成品部件材料技术要求轴向弹簧质量规范表面淬火的变速箱零件材料和零件性能的图纸注释缸盖罩盖-EA111 4V 验收条件验收条件缸盖铸造质量一般要求金属铸件多孔性技术要求铸造和铸造技术术语保养用汽油发动机油要求实验软垫面料要求、质量特征检验铝锻件表面特性热塑性弹性体质量技术要求尼龙6,汽车内饰成品件材料要求尼龙66,汽车内饰成品件材料要求自粘附消音材料吸附性能纤维素纤维密封制品, 一般要求和检验汽车内部空间的结构件辐射性状汽车零件耐暴晒性汽车内饰件色度测量评价保养用汽油发动机油要求,实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用增压汽油发动机油适用于所有汽油发动机的保养用低灰分长寿命发动机油SAE 5W-30-要保养用柴油发动机油要求,实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用柴油发动机油要求实验节省燃油型长寿命保养用柴油发动机油要求实验适用于所有柴油发动机包括装有微粒捕集器的柴油发动机的低灰分长燃料化合物三层式软管由带有强力支撑层的弹性体构成焊接螺栓全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺母软管夹子弹簧夹子六角头螺栓带大法兰面和便于自动进给的导向锥端内六圆边形埋头螺栓冲压螺栓不漏气且防水的弹簧螺母用于米制螺纹、卡嵌式、孔洞安全性高强度螺钉及类似螺纹件供货技术条件软管和万向节轴固定有耳软管夹头无机变速规格电线超声波焊接无焊接的电气连接卷曲连接机械连接元件零件压缩品种一般原则旋入热塑性塑料的螺纹和螺纹末端方头焊接螺母低规格冲压螺母薄板螺母方头焊接螺母高规格四角形焊接螺母高规格螺丝用的Powerlok螺纹焊接螺母/螺栓的焊接接合强度检验凸焊盲铆螺杆、压入螺杆和压入螺帽以及冲压螺杆,冲压螺帽和冲压螺栓用于自攻螺钉的板簧螺母堵塞起动型蓄电池用于起动照明和点火系统汽车-白炽灯缺陷类型目录扁形插头连接技术要求试验扁形插头(带有插接时用的止动舌) 技术要求试验无织物层, 弹性体软管软管带有织物层的橡胶管汽车上电气和电子部件一般试验条件开关和按钮一般要求汽车上电气和电子元件中的插接件技术要求发动机标识发动机号图形标志用于操作件,显示器和指示灯英福泰门特-系统一般功能要求汽车收音机欧洲,中国和农村配电线无线电广播技术要求汽车环境标准汽车零件, 材料, 燃料, 目标的确定规定汽车环境标准汽车零件, 材料, 燃料汽车环境标准回收利用技术要求回收利用部件回收利用能力的样benn_d1Gewindebezeichnungen; &Uuml;bersichtGewindedurchzug; f&uuml;r BlechschraubenInnenvielzahnprofil; Antriebsform f&uuml;r GewindeteileBlechdurchz&uuml;ge mit Gewinde; Hohe Ausf&uuml;hrungRei&szlig;l&ouml;cher f&uuml;r BlechschraubenInnensechsrundprofil; Antriebsform f&uuml;r GewindeteileZeichnungen; DarstellungenReferenz-Punkt-Systematik, RPS; ZeichnungenAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; Darstellung Technischer SachAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; Geometrische und mathematiscAnforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; CAD-System CATIA V4 f&uuml;r Anforderungen an CAD/CAM-Daten; CAD-System CATIA Version 5 Baugruppenkennzeichnung; Codierung an FahrzeugteilenVerfahrensbedingte Abweichungen; F&uuml;r spanlos geformte T Arbeitsverfahren, Stanzen; SickenDurchsetzfuegeverbindungen; StahlwerkstoffeWerkst&uuml;ckkanten; Begriffe, ZeichnungsangabenTEILENUMMERNSYSTEMKennung von Werken, Beteiligungsgesellschaften und Firmen Widerstandsbuckelschweissen; Konstruktion, Berechnung, Proze Widerstandspunktschwei&szlig;en; Konstruktion, Berechnung; USchutzgasschwei&szlig;en, Stahlblechverbindungen; KonstruktiSchutzgasschwei&szlig;en; Nacharbeit an StahlblechverbindungLichtbogenschwei&szlig;en von Bolzen und Blechsegmenten Schraubenverbindungen; Konstruktion und Montagevorgaben Schraubenverbindungen; Montage und ProzesssicherungF&uuml;getechnik; Anziehdrehmomente f&uuml;r SchraubenverbinF&uuml;getechnik; Anziehdrehmomente f&uuml;r &uuml;berelasti BLECHSCHRAUBENVERBINDUNGEN; ANWENDUNG; RICHTWERTE FUER KERNL VERSCHRAUBUNGEN IN KUNSTSTOFF; KONSTRUKTIONSHINWEISE Grenzwerte der Reibungszahlen; Mechanische VerbindungselemenERMITTLUNG VON REIBUNGSZAHLENFehlerfreiheit an metallischen Oberfl&auml;chenLaserstrahlschwei&szlig;en; StahlblechverbindungenSchwei&szlig;nahtreparaturen an Aluminiumstrukturen; ProduktRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Begriffe, GRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Pr&uuml;fstRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; BestimmungRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; VulkanisatiRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; InfrarotspeDifferential-Thermoanalyse; Radial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;rRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; BestimmungRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; AnwendungshRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; WerkstoffanRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Sichtbare URadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; MessbedinguRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Au&szlig;enRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; KegelmessdoRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Ausf&uuml;hRadial-Wellendichtringe f&uuml;r Kraftfahrzeuge; Radialkraft STANGENDICHTRINGEEntwicklungsbedingungen; Allgemeine AnforderungenFahrzeug-Zulieferteile; Genehmigung von Erstlieferung und &AMetrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzma&szlig;e f&uuml;r geformte GeMetrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Grenzlehrdorn; Sonder Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewinde-Grenzlehrdorn Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewinde-Ausschu&szlig Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Gewinde-Funktionslehrdorn; Muttergew Firmenbezeichnung, Teilekennzeichnung; Richtlinien f&uuml;r AUDI-Markenzeichen f&uuml;r FahrzeugteileMarkenzeichen; Kennzeichnung von FahrzeugteilenHersteller-Code f&uuml;r FahrzeugteileHersteller-Code; Vergabebereiche f&uuml;r Herstellercode-ver Kennzeichnung von VentilfedernHerstellland-Kennzeichnung; Fahrzeugteile Datumskennzeichnung; FahrzeugteileAu&szlig;en- und Innenfestsitzgewinde mit &Uuml;berma&szlig; Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzma&szlig;e mit Schutzschicht f& Metrisches ISO-Gewinde; Grenzma&szlig;e f&uuml;r Toleranzkla Metrisches ISO Gewinde; Grenzma&szlig;e f&uuml;r Toleranzkla Kernl&ouml;cher f&uuml;r Gewinde; Bohrer und Grenzma&szlig;e Geometrische Produktspezifikation; Technische Zeichnungen; A Oberfl&auml;chenschutz f&uuml;r Metallteile; Schutzarten, Ku Elastomere; Werkstoffanforderungen und -pr&uuml;fungenPr&auml;zisionsstahlrohre; Abmessungen, Lieferbedingungen Metrisches zylindrisches Innengewinde; Gewindebohrer f&uuml; Polypropylen, Fertigteile; WerkstoffanforderungenAchsfedern; G&uuml;teanforderungenEinsatzgeh&auml;rtete Getriebebauteile; Zeichnungseintragung Zylinderkopfhaube 4V f&uuml;r EA 111; Abnahmebedingungen Abnahmebedingungen; Gussqualit&auml;ten f&uuml;r Zylinderk&o Porosit&auml;t von Metallgussteilen; AnforderungenGie&szlig;erei und Gie&szlig;technik; BegriffeServicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Ottomotoren; Anforderung, Pr& Polsterbezugsstoffe, Anforderungen, Qualit&auml;tsmerkmale, Leichtmetall-Umformteile f&uuml;r Sicherheitsbauteile; Abnah Thermoplastische Elastomere; Qualit&auml;tsanforderungen Polyamid 6, Fertigteile des Fahrzeuginnenraums; Werkstoffanf Polyamid 66, Fertigteile des Fahrzeuginnenraums; WerkstoffanD&auml;mpfungen, selbstklebend; Haftungseigenschaften Zellulosefaser; Dichtungen; Anforderungen, Pr&uuml;fungen Bauteile des Fahrzeuginnenraumes; Emissionsverhalten Fahrzeugbauteile; Freibewitterungsbest&auml;ndigkeitBauteile der Fahrzeuginnenausstattung; Messtechnische Beurte Servicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Ottomotoren; Anforderung, Pr& Servicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Turbo-Ottomotoren mit kraftst Servicemotoren&ouml;l SAE 5W-30 mit abgesenktem Aschegehalt Servicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Dieselmotoren; Anforderung, P Servicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Dieselmotoren mit kraftstoffs Servicemotoren&ouml;l f&uuml;r Dieselmotoren mit kraftstoffs Servicemotoren&ouml;l SAE 5W-30 mit abgesenktem Aschegehalt Kraftstoffverbindung; 3-Lagen-Schl&auml;uche; drucklosSchwei&szlig;schrauben; Schwei&szlig;warzen auf dem Kopf Sechskantflanschmuttern mit Klemmteil und Einsenkung; Ganzme Schlauchschellen; Federbandschellen; f&uuml;r diverse AnwendSechskantflanschschrauben; mit gro&szlig;em Flansch Senkschrauben mit InnensechsrundStanzschrauben, wasserdicht und mit Einschr&auml;nkungen auc Schnappmuttern; f&uuml;r metrisches Gewinde, klemmend, mit L Hochfeste Schrauben und &auml;hnliche Gewindeteile; Technisc Schlauch- und Gelenkwellenbefestigung; Ohrschlauchklemme; st Ultraschallverschwei&szlig;te elektrische Leitungen Crimpverbindungen; L&ouml;tfreie elektrische Verbindungen Mechanische Verbindungselemente; Teilereduzierung; Allgemein Gewinde und Schraubenende zum Einschrauben in thermoplastisc Vierkant-Schwei&szlig;muttern; Niedrige Ausf&uuml;hrung StanzmutternBlechmutternVierkant-Schwei&szlig;mutter; Hohe Ausf&uuml;hrung, gro&szli Vierkant-Schweissmutter; Hohe Ausf&uuml;hrungGewinde f&uuml;r gewindefurchende und selbsthemmende Schraub Festigkeitspr&uuml;fung der Schweissverbindung von Schweissm Pr&uuml;fparameter f&uuml;r Blindniet-, Einpressschrauben un Schnappmuttern; mit Blechschraubengewinde und Lochsicherung PfropfenStarterbatterien f&uuml;r 12 V-Bordnetze; Allgemeine Pr&uuml Kraftfahrzeug-Gl&uuml;hlampen; Fehlerkatalog Flachsteckverbindung; Anforderungen; Pr&uuml;fungen Flachsteckverbindungen; mit Rastzunge zum Einrasten in Geh&a Schl&auml;uche; aus Elastomer, gewebelos Schlauchverbindung; 2-Lagen-Schl&auml;uche; aus Elastomer mi Elektrische und elektronische Baugruppen in Kraftfahrzeugen; Elektrische Bedienelemente (Schalter, Taster); Allgemeine An Steckanschluss an und in Elektrik- und Elektronik-Komponente Kennzeichnung der Motoren; Motor-NummerBildzeichen f&uuml;r Bedienteile, Anzeigeger&auml;te und Kon Infotainmentsysteme; Allgemeine Funktionsanforderungen Autoradio; Rundfunkanforderungen Europa, China und RdW Umweltnorm Fahrzeug; Fahrzeugteile, Werkstoffe, Betriebsstof Umweltnorm Fahrzeug; Fahrzeugteile, Werkstoffe, Betriebsstof Umweltnorm Fahrzeug, Recyclinganforderungen, Rezyklateinsatzbenn_e1Pierced Holes for Tapping ScrewsTechnical Drawings; RepresentationsRequirements for CAD/CAM Data; Representation of Technical C Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; Geometric and Mathematic Data Requirements for CAD/CAM Data; CAD System CATIA V4 for VehicProcess-Related Deviations for Metal Parts Formed by Non-MacWorkpiece Edges; Definitions, Drawing SpecificationsPart Number SystemCodes for Plants, Affiliated Companies and CompaniesResistance Projection Welding; Design, Calculation, ProcessResistance Spot Welding; Design, Calculation, Process AssuraGas-Shielded Arc Welding; Sheet Steel Joints; Design, Type,SHIELDED ARC WELDING; REWORK ON SHEET METAL CONNECTIONS Tapping Screw Connections; Application, Standard Values forFlawless Condition of Metallic SurfacesLASER WELDING SHEET-STEEL JOINTS; DESIGN, PROCEDURE, QUALITY Radial Shaft Seals for Motor Vehicles; Visible ImperfectionsDevelopment Conditions; General RequirementsVehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesLogos; Identification of Vehicle PartsManufacturer's Code for Vehicle PartsManufacturer Code; Foreign Plants and Their SuppliersCountry-of-Origin Identification; Vehicle PartsDate Marking; Vehicle PartsMetric ISO Threads; Limit Dimensions for Tolerance Class 8f/ Geometrical Product Specifications; Technical Drawings; Spec Surface Protection of Metal Parts; Surface Protection Types,Case-Hardened Transmission Components; Drawing Notes on Mate Foundry and Casting Technology; TermsService Engine OilUpholstery Fabrics; Requirements, Quality Specifications, Te Forged Aluminium Parts; Surface FinishThermoplastic Elastomers; Quality RequirementsPolyamide 66, Finished Parts in the Passenger Compartment; MService-Fill Engine Oil for High-Performance Spark Ignition Service Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 with Reduced Ash Content for al Service engine oilService Engine Oil SAE 5W-30 with Reduced Ash Content for al Fuel Lines; 3-Layer Hoses of Elastomer with ReinforcementHigh-Strength Screws and Similar Threaded Parts; Technical S Ultrasonically Welded Electric WiringMechanical Joining Elements; Parts Reduction; General Guidel Square Weld Nuts; Thin TypeSquare Weld Nut; High Type, Large Wrench SizeSquare Weld Nut; High TypeStrength Test for Welded Joints of Weld Nuts/Welded Bolts; PHoses; Elastomer, Without Textile CoverElectrical and Electronic Assemblies in Motor Vehicles; Gene Engine identificationEnvironmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Material Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Material Environmental Standard for Vehicles, Vehicle Parts, Material。

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MES CH 404A-1990
MES MA 010K-2008
MS 210-05E(2006.10.19)_Molded Plastic parts
MS 220-18E(03.10.31)
MS 220-18K(03[1].10.31)
MS 225-18 E (2010-01-25)
QK004000_Blend from PP and EPDM with fillers-2005
MS 300-34E(04.Jul.06) Test Method of Odor
QK 001260-2007
QK 001825-2008
QK 002600-2007
QK 002900-2007
SAE J200-2003(中文版) 橡胶材料分类体系标准



大众车系故障码大全(中文)00000 没有查询到任何故障00001 制动器控制单元00002 变速器控制单元00003 控制单元00224 碟型天线需要重新校准00237 ABS 电磁阀: 左前( N59 )00238 ABS 电磁阀: 右前( N58 )00239 ABS 电磁阀: 左后( N57 )00240 ABS 电磁阀: 右后( N56 )00241 驱动防滑压力调节阀( N238 ) 00242 发动机节气门阀( N237 )00243 发动机制动器00244 ABS 阀供给电压: 右前+左后00245 ABS 阀供给电压: 左前+右后00246 ABS 阀接地: 右前+左后00247 ABS 阀接地: 左前+右后00248 变速器开关( E206 )00250 分动器开关( E207 )00254 驱动防滑调节错误00255 ABS 电磁阀00257 ABS 进油阀: 左前( N101 ) 00258 电磁阀1: ( N88 )00259 ABS 进油阀: 右前( N99 )00260 电磁阀2: ( N89 )00261 进油阀: ABS后部( N103 )00262 电磁阀3: ( N90 )00263 变速器00264 电磁阀4: ( N91 )00265 ABS 出油阀: 左前( N102 ) 00266 电磁阀5: ( N92 )00267 ABS 出油阀: 右前( N100 ) 00268 电磁阀6: ( N93 )00269 ABS 出油阀: 后部( N104 ) 00270 电磁阀7: ( N94 )00271 参见维修组100273 ABS 进油阀: 右后( N133 ) 00274 ABS 进油阀: 左后( N134 ) 00275 ABS 出油阀: 右后( N135 ) 00276 ABS 出油阀: 左后( N136 ) 00277 ABS 进油阀/出油阀: 左前( N137 ) 00278 ABS 主阀: ( N105 )00279 差速锁阀-1-: ( N125 )00280 差速锁阀-2-: ( N126 )00281 车速传感器( G68 )00282 节气门位置调节器( V60 )00283 ABS 转速传感器: 左前( G47 )00284 ABS 进油阀/出油阀: 右前( N138 )00285 ABS 转速传感器: 右前( G45 )00286 ABS 进油阀/出油阀: 左后( N139 )00287 ABS 转速传感器: 右前( G44 )00289 ABS 进油阀/出油阀: 右后( N140 )00290 ABS 转速传感器: 右前( G46 )00291 ABS 压力警报开关/液面报警开关( F116/F117 ) 00292 液压供给压力油位00293 多功能开关( F125 )00294 变速器压力状态开关1( F174 )00295 变速器压力状态开关2( F175 )00296 强制低档开关( F8 )00297 变速器转速传感器( G38 )00298 后桥差速锁开关( E121 )00299 变速器换档范围程序开关( E122 )00300 变速器油温度传感器( G93 )00301 ABS 回流泵( V39 )00302 ABS 电磁阀继电器( J106 )00303 功能选择器开关( E91 )00305 燃油消耗指示信号00306 二次空气喷射缸体左侧00307 二次空气喷射缸体右侧00309 洗涤液计量泵( V135 )00310 催化转换器温度传感器1 ( G20 )00312 催化转换器温度传感器2 ( G132 )00313 催化转换器00314 废气内部循环双路阀( N161 )00347 电磁阀800348 电磁阀900349 电磁阀1000350 Mass Recirc. Modulation Valve00351 中间轴转速传感器( G265 )00369 EPC 继电器负荷00438 燃料供给传感器2( G169 )00439 燃料供给传感器3( G237 )00440 燃料供给传感器辅助油箱( G292 )00441 燃料供给传感器辅助油箱( G293 )00442 燃油泵接线柱 87F00443 燃油泵保险丝: 辅助油箱( S266 )00444 燃油泵控制: 辅助油箱00445 Pump for Haldex-Coupling ( V181 )00446 Precharge Pump ON00447 Precharge Pump OFF00448 AWD 全轮驱动离合器接合00449 AWD 全轮驱动离合器分离00450 发动机过热导致功能限制00454 AWD 全轮驱动监控器00455 控制单元: 存取和开始控制: 舒适系统CAN ( J518 ) 00456 控制单元: 存取和开始控制( J518 )00457 控制单元: 网络接口( J519 )00458 控制单元: 电瓶监控( J367 )00459 控制单元: 显示和输入: 前( J523 )00460 控制单元: 显示和输入: 后( J524 )00461 控制单元: 坐椅存储器: 乘客侧( J521 )00462 控制单元: 坐椅存储器: 后部( J522 )00463 控制单元: DSP ( J525 )00464 控制单元: 收音机/导航系统显示( J503 )00465 控制单元: 电话/通讯( J526 )00466 控制单元: 转向电器( J527 )00467 TV 调谐器( R78 )00468 CD-ROM 驱动器( R92 )00469 显示数据总线00470 舒适系统数据总线00471 控制单元: Elect. Regulated Dampers ( J250 )00472 控制单元: 制动助力( J539 )00473 控制单元: 电子制动/手制动( J540 )00474 控制单元: 电子防盗器00475 控制单元: 滑动车门00476 控制单元: 燃油泵( J538 )00477 控制单元: 显示和输入: 舒适系统 CAN: 前( J523 ) 00478 控制单元: 显示和输入: 舒适系统 CAN: 后( J524 ) 00479 控制单元: 遥控/中央门锁( J276 )00480 控制单元: 仪表板信息系统CAN ( J285 )00496 车身自调平传感器: 前部00497 车身自调平传感器: 后部00498 [Fahrschreiber] [Translation N/A]00499 电瓶电压指示灯( Y11 )00500 机油温度指示灯( Y12 )00501 机油状态指示灯( K38 )00502 防盗器指示灯( K115 )00503 Control/Drive for Pump-Jet Valves00504 喷射阀: 缸1 ( N240 )00505 喷射阀: 缸2 ( N241 )00506 喷射阀: 缸3 ( N242 )00507 喷射阀: 缸4 ( N243 )00508 喷射阀: 缸5 ( N244 )00509 喷射阀: 缸6 ( N245 )00512 凸轮轴位置传感器参考标记错误00513 发动机转速传感器( G28 )00514 曲轴位置传感器( G4 )00515 凸轮轴位置传感器( G40 )00516 节气门怠速位置开关( F60 ) 00517 节气门全负荷位置开关( F81 ) 00518 节气门位置传感器( G69 )00519 进气压力传感器( G71 )00520 空气质量/流量传感器( G70/G19 ) 00521 CO 电位计( G74 )00522 发动机冷却液温度传感器( G62 ) 00523 进气温度传感器( G42 )00524 爆震传感器1 ( G61 )00525 氧传感器( G39 )00526 刹车灯开关( F )00527 进气温度传感器( G42/G72 ) 00528 大气压力/海拔高度传感器( F96 ) 00529 发动机转速信号丢失00530 节气门调节器位置传感器( G88 ) 00531 空气流量计参考电压00532 供给电压 B+00533 超过怠速调节自适应限制( N71 ) 00534 机油温度传感器00535 第一个爆震传感器调节00536 第二个爆震传感器调节00537 氧传感器调节00538 参考电压00539 燃油温度传感器-1-( G81 ) 00540 爆震传感器200541 滑阀开度传感器( G99 )00542 针阀行程传感器( G80 )00543 超过最大的发动机转速00544 超过最大的增加压力00545 发动机与变速器的电气连接00546 数据线路故障00547 ABS 压力控制开关(F137)00548 蓄电池正极供给: DTC 存储器00549 消耗信号00550 喷射开始控制/喷射初始点调节00551 催化转换器温度过热00552 空气流量计位置传感器( G19 )00553 空气流量计传感器( G70 )00554 氧传感器控制 200555 氧传感器2 ( G108 )00556 EGR 废气在循环系统电位计( G212 ) 00557 动力转向压力开关( F88 )00558 混和气控制界限: 稀00559 混和气控制界限: 浓00560 废气内部循环系统00561 燃料混合比调节00562 机油油位温度传感器00563 燃油消耗指示灯00565 全自动空调显示/控制: 后部( E265 ) 00566 辅助转向00567 转向控制00568 动力转向电机位置传感器00569 动力转向电机电流00570 动力转向电机继电器( J509 )00571 动力转向离合器00572 动力转向位置传感器( G268 ) 00573 动力转向压力传感器( G269 )00574 驱动电机 On00575 进气歧管压力00576 接线柱 1500577 爆震传感器控制: 1缸00578 爆震传感器控制: 2缸00579 爆震传感器控制: 3缸00580 爆震传感器控制: 4缸00581 爆震传感器控制: 5缸00582 爆震传感器控制: 6缸00583 爆震传感器控制: 7缸00584 爆震传感器控制: 8缸00585 废气内部循环温度传感器(G98) 00586 废气内部循环系统控制00587 混合器控制的调节极限00588 安全气囊点火期: 驾驶员侧(N95) 00589 安全气囊点火器: 乘客侧(N131) 00590 安全气囊点火器: 乘客侧(N132) 00591 安全带开关: 左侧(E24)00592 安全带开关: 右侧(E25)00593 座椅连接开关: 乘客侧00594 安全气囊点火电路00595 碰撞数据已经存储00596 喷油器之间连线短路00597 车轮转速信号偏差00598 液压或者机械故障00599 压力开关/制动灯开关工作正常?00600 温度调节翻板电位计( G92 )in( V68) 00601 中央翻板电位计( G112 )in (V70) 00602 脚坑/除霜翻板电位计( G114 )in (V85) 00603 脚坑/除霜翻板电机 ( V85 )00604 通风翻板电位计( G113 )in (V71) 00605 新鲜空气/循环空气翻板双向阀( N63 ) 00606 发动机冷却液真空双向阀( N147 ) 00607 外部温度显示( G106 )00608 负荷传感器( G119 )00609 点火放大器输出 100610 点火放大器输出 200611 点火放大器输出 300612 点火放大器输出 400613 点火放大器输出 500614 点火放大器输出 600615 点火放大器输出 700616 点火放大器输出 800617 安全气囊减速度传感器: 左侧( G104 ) 00618 安全气囊减速度传感器: 右侧( G105 ) 00619 传感器导线: 左侧00620 传感器导线: 右侧00621 减压阀( N155 )00622 燃油滤清器放水00623 ABS/变速器电气连接00624 A/C 压缩机接通00625 车辆速度信号00626 预热时间指示灯( K29 )00627 水位传感器( G120 )00628 执行参数监控00629 GRA/柴油喷射装置制动踏板开关( F47 ) 00630 空调开关已经打开00631 AC <-> Motronic 通讯连接00632 全自动空调接口00633 点火/传感器滞后线路00634 EDS 电子差速锁串联电阻( N159 ) 00635 氧传感器加热器: 催化转换器之前00636 加速度传感器: 右前( G121 )00637 加速度传感器: 左后( G122 )00638 发动机与变速器电气连结 200639 减速度传感器( G123 )00640 氧传感器加热器继电器( J278 )00641 ATF 温度00642 EDS 转换阀: 右前( N166 )00643 EDS 出油阀: 右前( N167 )00644 EDS 转换阀: 左前( N168 )00645 EDS 出油阀: 左前( N169 )00646 ABS-ASR/发动机电气连结 100647 ABS-ASR/发动机电气连结 200648 氧传感器加热器: 催化转换器之后00649 ABS 进油阀/出油阀: 后( N160 )00650 离合器踏板开关( F36 )00651 点火线路导线00652 档位监控/换档范围控制器00653 自动变速器选档杆位置正确?00654 安全带涨紧触发器: 左侧( N153 )00655 安全带涨紧触发器: 右侧( N154 )00656 安全气囊坐椅占用传感器( G128 )00657 中央出风口调节电机( V102 )00658 操作控制单元00659 自身测试装置00660 强制低档开关/节气门位置传感器00661 温度指示灯00662 转速表( G5 )00663 车速表( G21 )00664 燃油表00665 安全带警告灯( K19 )00666 钟/蜂鸣器/锣00667 外部温度信号00668 供电电压接线柱 3000669 第二个发动机故障指示灯( K97 )00670 节气门位置传感器( G127 )00671 巡航控制开关( E45 )00672 带有串联电阻的ABS液压泵00673 踩下刹车踏板00674 松开刹车踏板00675 左前进油阀 : 0V 左前出油阀: 0V 左前车轮: 已抱死00676 左前进油阀 : VBatt 左前出油阀: 0V 左前车轮: 已抱死00677 左前进油阀 : VBatt 左前出油阀: VBatt 左前车轮: 已释放00678 左前进油阀 : VBatt 左前出油阀: 0V 左前车轮: 已释放00679 第二个氧传感器加热器: 催化转换器之前00680 右前进油阀 : 0V 右前出油阀: 0V 右前车轮: 已抱死00681 右前进油阀 : VBatt 右前出油阀: 0V 右前车轮: 已抱死00682 右前进油阀 : VBatt 右前出油阀: VBatt 右前车轮: 已释放00683 右前进油阀 : VBatt 右前出油阀: 0V 右前车轮: 已释放00684 第二个氧传感器加热器: 催化转换器之后00685 左后进油阀 : 0V 左后出油阀: 0V 左后车轮: 已抱死00686 左后进油阀 : VBatt 左后出油阀: 0V 左后车轮: 已抱死00687 左后进油阀 : VBatt 左后出油阀: VBatt 左后车轮: 已释放00688 左后进油阀 : VBatt 左后出油阀: 0V 左后车轮: 已释放00689 外部空气循环系统00690 右后进油阀 : 0V 右后出油阀: 0V 右后车轮: 已抱死00691 右后进油阀 : VBatt 右后出油阀: 0V 右后车轮: 已抱死00692 右后进油阀 : VBatt 右后出油阀: VBatt 右后车轮: 已释放00693 右后进油阀 : VBatt 右后出油阀: 0V 右后车轮: 已释放00694 开关和仪表照明00695 差速锁阀/液压泵: Vbatt 左前/右前车轮 : 已抱死00696 ABS 减压阀: 左侧( N170 )00697 ABS 减压阀: 右侧( N171 )00698 控制单元电流消耗00699 氧传感器催化转换器之后( G130 )00700 氧传感器 -2- 催化转换器之后( G131 )00701 ECT 过热侧试00702 燃油成份传感器( G133 )00703 怠速节气门位置: TPS/CTP 开关00704 差速锁阀/液压泵: Vbatt 车轮 : 已抱死00705 冷却风扇一档继电器( J279 )00706 冷却风扇二档继电器( J513 )00707 中央喷射阀( N236 )00708 注意: 冷风扇开关已经打开00709 阳光强度光敏电阻2 ( G134 )00710 除霜翻板电机 ( V107 )00711 左侧脚坑翻板电机 ( V108 )00712 右侧脚坑翻板电机( V109 )00713 左侧中央同风翻板电机( V110 )00714 右侧中央同风翻板电机 ( V111 )00715 后脚坑翻板电机 ( V112 )00716 内部循环翻板电机 ( V113 )00717 EV AP 活性炭罐阀门翻板电机 ( V114 )00718 左上出风口开关( F179 )00719 右上出风口开关( F180 )00720 左下出风口开关( F181 )00721 右下出风口开关( F182 )00722 左中出风口开关( F183 )00723 右中出风口开关( F184 )00724 左后脚坑出风口开关( F185 )00725 右后脚坑出风口开关( F186 )00726 中后脚坑出风口开关( F187 )00727 除霜翻板电机位置传感器( G135 )in (V107)00728 左中通风电机位置传感器( G136 )in (V110)00729 右中通风电机位置传感器( G137 )in (V111)00730 中间通风电机位置传感器( G138 )in (V102) 00731 左侧脚坑翻板电机位置传感器( G139 )in (V108) 00732 右侧脚坑翻板电机位置传感器( G140 )in (V109) 00733 后部脚坑翻板电机位置传感器( G141 )in (V112) 00734 中央通风电机位置传感器( G142 )in00735 内部循环翻板电机位置传感器( G143 )in (V113) 00736 EV AP 翻板电机位置传感器( G144 )in (V114) 00737 左侧加热调节阀( N175 )00738 后部加热调节阀( N176 )00739 冷却液循环泵 ( V50 )00740 1 缸上止点识别传感器( G145 )00741 刹车踏板位置监控器00742 蓄电池( 电动车)通风系统00743 蓄电池( 电动车)通风系统传感器( G146 ) 00744 蓄电池( 电动车)温度监控器00745 绝缘监控器00746 蓄电池( 电动车)电解槽故障00747 前部蓄电池温度传感器( G52 )00748 后部蓄电池温度传感器( G53 )00749 通风翻板00750 故障指示灯/排气警告灯( K83 )00751 蓄电池容量指示灯00752 风扇/电瓶加热器00753 电气连接/车轮速度传感器00754 过热警告灯00755 发动机机油压力警告灯( K3 )00756 左侧出风口温度传感器( G150 )00757 右侧出风口温度传感器( G151 )00758 二次空气喷射系统 ( AIR )00759 左侧出风口温度调节器( G155 )00760 右侧出风口温度调节器( G156 )00761 DTC 存储在发动机控制单元00762 喷射阀( N181 )00763 驾驶员气体避震弹簧压力传感器( G147 )00764 乘客侧气体避震弹簧压力传感器( G148 )00765 调节滑杆行程传感器( G149 )00766 前出风口温度传感器( G152 )00767 后蒸发器温度传感器( G153 )00768 后加热器温度传感器( G154 )00769 发动机( 流出口)冷却液温度传感器( G82 ) 00770 发动机( 冷却器流出口)冷却液温度传感器( G83 ) 00771 燃油油位传感器( G )00772 机油压力开关( F22 )00773 机油压力传感器( G10 )00774 车身自调平系统传感器: 左后( G76 ) 00775 车身自调平系统传感器: 右后( G77 ) 00776 车身自调平系统传感器: 左前( G78 ) 00777 节气门位置传感器( G79 )00778 方向盘转向角度传感器( G85 ) 00779 外部温度传感器( G17 )00780 垂直运动加速度传感器( G90 ) 00781 定位电机: 左前( V76 )00782 定位电机: 右前( V77 )00783 定位电机: 左后 ( V78 )00784 定位电机: 右后( V79 )00785 温度传感器: 仪表板( G56 )00786 车顶温度传感器( G86 )00787 新鲜空气进气温度传感器( G89 ) 00788 除霜/脚坑翻板位置双向阀( N118 ) 00789 倒车灯开关( F41 )00790 新鲜空气/内部循环翻板00791 A/C 蒸发器压力开关( E33 )00792 A/C 压力开关( F129 )00793 刹车踏板位置传感器( G100 ) 00794 液压油泵传感器( G101 )00795 后桥垂直加速传感器( G102 ) 00796 仪表板内部温度传感器风扇 ( V42 ) 00797 阳光强度光敏电阻( G107 )00798 数码分段显示测试00799 发动机冷却液温度传感器( G110 ) 00800 环境温度传感器( G109 )00801 A/C 高压开关( F118 )00802 A/C 低压开关( F73 )00803 避震弹簧位移传感器: 右前( G116 ) 00804 避震弹簧位移传感器: 左前( G115 ) 00805 弹簧支架阀: 左前( N148 )00806 弹簧支架阀: 右前( N149 )00807 弹簧支架阀: 左后( N150 )00808 弹簧支架阀: 右后( N151 )00809 制动增压 ESP00810 制动压力传感器 1/200811 系统没有准备好 -- 激活00812 制动压力电磁开关( F84 )00813 制动压力传感器 -2-00814 制动压力电磁阀( N247 )00815 制动识别开关( F238 )00816 辅助转向开关( G250 )00817 辅助转向温度保护00818 蒸发器出口温度传感器00819 高压开关( G65 )00820 制动识别开关( F83 )00821 收音机天线 -2-00822 连接 DSP 到收音机00823 线路输出: 左前00824 ASR 警报灯( K86 )00825 驾驶员加热座椅00826 乘客加热座椅00827 冷却风扇继电器00828 冷却风扇继电器 -3- 档00829 控制单元: Heating00830 控制单元: Convertible Top00831 控制单元: 散热器风扇: 1 & 2 档00832 控制和显示单元00833 风挡玻璃加热激活信号00834 后窗加热激活信号00835 Connection to Control Modile for Conv. Top00836 换档电磁阀-1-( N284 )00837 换档电磁阀-2-( N285 )00838 换档电磁阀-3-( N286 )00839 换档电磁阀-4-( N287 )00840 变速器液压泵继电器( J510 )00841 变速器液压传感器( G270 )00842 控制单元: EMT00843 前/后换档杆传感器00844 换档杆传感器00845 换档杆传感器( F258 )00846 换档杆停止识别开关( F259 )00847 CCO 继电器( J511 )00848 开始/停止操作开关00849 点火开关 S 端子( D )00850 控制输出激活: 收音机放大器00851 喇叭/扩音机00852 喇叭: 前部00853 喇叭: 后部00854 Output Radio Display Instrument Cluste+B662B744r 00855 连接到 CD 转换器00856 收音机天线00857 CD 转换器( R41 )00858 连接: 收音机ZF输出与天线放大器00859 线路输出: 右前00860 线路输出: 左后00861 连接到巡航电脑00862 GPS 天线( R50/R52 )00863 TV 天线-1-( R55 )00864 TV 天线-2-( R56 )00865 TV 天线-3-( R57 )00866 TV 天线-4-( R58 )00867 连接到ABS控制单元00868 转向角传感器( G208 )00869 线路输出: 右后00870 低音喇叭左前( R21 )00871 低音喇叭右前( R23 )00872 低音喇叭左后( R15 )00873 低音喇叭右后( R17 )00874 高音喇叭左前( R20 )00875 高音喇叭右前( R22 )00876 高音喇叭左后( R14 )00877 高音喇叭右后( R16 )00878 连接到喇叭: 左前00879 连接到喇叭: 右前00880 连接到喇叭: 左后00881 连接到喇叭: 右后00882 操作控制/编程选择( E200 )00883 点火开关端子 S00884 点火开关端子 X00885 点火开关端子 5000886 闪光警报灯开关( E2 )00887 警报灯开关/警报传感器( E229 ) 00888 风窗洗涤间歇档开关( E22)00889 喇叭( H )00890 后窗加热开关/传感器( E230 ) 00891 行李箱遥控开启开关/传感器( E233 ) 00892 行李箱关闭装置开关/传感器( F248 ) 00893 行李箱开关/传感器( E234 )00894 带加热的后视镜开关/传感器( E231 ) 00895 巡航控制开关( E45 )00896 行李箱关闭装置00897 挡风玻璃洗涤电机 ( V5 )00898 A/C 压缩机控制电路00899 洗涤电机保险丝( S128 )00900 喇叭保险丝( S194 )00901 倒车灯00902 行李箱开启保险丝( S195 )00903 加热后视镜保险丝( S196 )00904 换档锁电磁铁保险丝( S197 ) 00905 倒车灯灯保险丝( S40 )00906 喇叭( H )00907 [Eingriff Lastmanagmengt] [Translation N/A] 00908 控制单元: 洗涤电机00909 洗涤电机档位1/2 ( V )00910 危险警报灯指示灯( K6 )00911 后窗玻璃加热指示灯( K10 )00912 窗户调节开关: 左前( E40 )00913 窗户调节开关: 右前( E81 )00914 窗户调节开关:左后( E53 )00915 窗户调节开关: 右后( E55 )00916 后窗闭锁开关( E39 )00917 挡风玻璃洗涤间歇控制00918 接线柱 3100919 后风窗洗涤电机 ( V12 )00920 加热外后视镜( Z4/Z5 )00921 加热外后视镜指示灯( K153 )00922 洗涤间歇档一档开关( E22 )00923 洗涤间歇档二档开关( E22 )00924 大灯清洗继电器( J39 )00925 车内灯保险丝( S261 )00926 接线柱 3000927 接线柱 30 ( 右侧 )00928 中央门锁单元: 驾驶员侧( F220 )00929 中央门锁单元: 乘客侧( F221 )00930 中央门锁单元: 左后( F222 )00931 中央门锁单元: 右后( F223 )00932 玻璃升降器电机: 司机侧 ( V147 ) 00933 玻璃升降器电机: 乘客侧 ( V148 ) 00934 玻璃升降器电机: 左后 ( V26 )00935 玻璃升降器电机: 右后( V27 )00936 玻璃升降器开关: 乘客侧( E107 )00937 玻璃升降器开关: 左后( E52 )00938 玻璃升降器开关: 右后( E54 )00939 后视镜调节电机: 司机侧 ( V149 ) 00940 后视镜调节电机: 乘客侧 ( V150 ) 00941 后视镜调节电机: 司机侧 ( V121 ) 00942 后视镜调节电机: 乘客侧 ( V122 ) 00943 加热式后视镜: 司机侧( Z4 )00944 加热式后视镜: 乘客侧( Z5 )00945 前部气囊碰撞传感器( G190 )00946 车内灯 ( W )00947 尾门遥控控制开关( E188 )00948 滑动车顶关闭信号00949 行李箱电机 - 已经闭锁00950 行李箱电机 - 已经解锁00951 后盖遥控控制继电器( J398 )或者电机00952 驾驶员门打开信号00953 车内灯时间限制00954 起动锁止继电器( J433 )00955 超过匹配限制 : 钥匙 -1-00956 超过匹配限制 : 钥匙 -2-00957 超过匹配限制 : 钥匙 -3-00958 超过匹配限制 : 钥匙 -4-00959 中央门锁(安全)指示灯 K13300960 中央门锁开关: 司机侧( F59 ) 00961 中央门锁开关: 乘客侧( F114 ) 00962 报警: 倾斜传感器00963 倾斜传感器电路00964 驾驶员门打开信号: 正极00965 警报喇叭保险丝( S158 )00966 闪光灯保险丝( S151 )00967 闪光灯: 左侧00968 闪光灯: 右侧00969 后风窗加热保险丝( S41 )00971 挡风玻璃加热继电器: 左侧( J410 ) 00972 挡风玻璃加热继电器: 右侧( J411 ) 00973 后风窗加热开关( E15 )00974 挡风玻璃加热开关( E180 )00975 加热后风窗( Z1 )00976 挡风玻璃加热指示灯( K122 ) 00977 近光: 左侧 & 右侧00978 近光灯: 左侧( M29 )00979 近光灯: 右侧( M31 )00980 近光灯保险丝: 左侧( S152 )00981 近光灯保险丝: 右侧( S153 )00982 停车灯保险丝: 左侧( S154 )00983 停车灯保险丝: 右侧( S155 )00984 灯( M4 )00985 灯( M5 )00986 制动灯保险丝( S156 )00987 制动灯: 左侧( M9 )00988 制动灯: 右侧( M10 )00989 CCO 保险丝( S157 )00990 CCO00991 车内灯短路到正极00992 CCO 激活00993 CCO 未激活00994 司机侧坐椅高度调整传感器( G215 )00995 乘客侧坐椅高度调整传感器( G216 )00996 Sensor for Height Adjustable Drivers Headreast (G217) 00997 Motor for Driver's Seat Position (V48)00998 Motor for Driver's Seat Recline (V45)00999 Motor for Front Height: Driver's Seat (V29)01000 Motor for Rear Height: Driver's Seat (V30)01001 Motore for Headrest Adjustment: Driver's Seat (V103) 01002 Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment: Front: Up (E208) 01003 Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment: Front: Down (E209) 01004 Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment: Rear: Up (E210) 01005 Switch for Drivers Height Adjustment: Rear: Down (E211) 01006 Switch for Drivers Position: Forwards (E212)01007 Switch for Drivers Position: Rearward (E213)01008 Note: Emergency OFF Switch is Active!01009 Sensor for Driver's Seat Position (G218)01010 Sensor for Driver's Seat Position (G219)01011 Switch for Driver's Headrest: Up (E214)01012 Switch for Driver's Headrest: Down (E215)01013 A/C 压缩机负荷信号01014 温度调节装置风扇输出01015 冷却风扇电路01016 气体弹簧减震器放气阀( N106 )01017 气体弹簧减震器压缩机( V65 )01018 冷却风扇 ( V7 )01019 继电器01020 水泵( V36 )01021 EDS 电子差速锁指示灯( K81 )01022 车内灯: 组合图片激活01023 蜂鸣器/锣( H3 )01024 雨水传感器( G213 )01025 OBD 灯故障触发失效01026 后部蒸发器鼓风机( V20 )01027 后部暖风鼓风机( V47 )01028 鼓风机继电器( J323 )01029 A/C 空调继电器( J32 )01030 中央门锁钥匙按钮: 司机侧: 已经闭锁01031 中央门锁钥匙按钮: 司机侧: 已经解锁01032 中央门锁钥匙按钮: 乘客侧: 已经闭锁01033 中央门锁钥匙按钮: 乘客侧: 已经解锁01034 玻璃升降器过热保护: 司机侧01035 玻璃升降器过热保护: 乘客侧01036 玻璃升降器过热保护: 左后01037 玻璃升降器过热保护: 右后01038 中央门锁过热保护01039 发动机温度传感器( G2 )01040 ABS/自动变速器电气连接 -2-01041 牵引力控制系统: 功能正常?01042 控制单元未编码01043 控制单元软件版本错误01044 控制单元编码错误01045 Tiptronic 开关( F189 )01046 制动摩擦片指示灯( K32 )01047 制动/手制动警报灯( K7 )01048 柴油机电器指示灯( K104 )01049 电压供给端子 5001050 预热塞监控装置01051 燃油量伺服电机 ( V117 )01052 节气门位置传感器( G157 )01053 喷射起始阀( N182 )01054 供电继电器: 端子30 - B+ ( J317 )01055 喷射输送开始传感器( G158 )01056 功能: 均衡充电01057 功能: 电压恒定充电01058 功能: 电流恒定充电01059 转子位置传感器( G159 )01060 点火线圈低温传感器( G160 )01061 点火线圈高温传感器( G161 )01062 蓄电池电流减小信号01063 换档杆电子识别开关( F271 )01064 接线柱 58d: 内部灯01067 第二热交换器关闭电磁阀( N317 )01068 离合器液压泵继电器( J498 )01069 制动压力系统01070 启动马达继电器( J53 )01071 离合器踏板位置传感器( G162 )01072 离合器定位真空泵( N183 )01073 离合器压力系统01074 离合器定位通风阀( N184 )01075 真空泵继电器( J318 )01076 液压泵离合器继电器( J319 )01077 制动真空助力器开关( F190 )01078 档位操纵开关( F191 )01079 动力转向继电器( J320 )01080 动力转向压力开关( F192 )01081 优先开关阀( N185 )01082 燃油油位过低警告灯( K105 )01083 风挡玻璃清洗液液位过低警告灯( K106 ) 01084 0 摄氏度温度警告灯( K107 )01085 4 摄氏度温度警告灯( K108 ) 01086 车速表车速传感器( G22)01087 基本设定没有执行01088 混合气控制调节 -2-01089 链条涨紧压块放下开关(F204) 01090 链条涨紧压块抬起开关 (F203) 01091 前顶棚开关 (F202)01092 顶棚取下开关(F171)01093 放置顶棚的仓室盖开关(F201) 01094 左顶棚仓室盖开关 -3- (F195) 01095 左顶棚仓室盖开关 -2- (F197) 01096 左顶棚仓室盖开关 -1- (F199) 01097 顶闩上开关 (F172)01098 后行李箱盖关闭开关 (F206) 01099 行李箱开关: 已经闭锁01100 行李箱开关: 已经解锁01101 锁止集控门锁释放的开关 (F205) 01102 右顶棚仓室盖开关 3 (F196) 01103 右顶棚仓室盖开关 2 (F198) 01104 右顶棚仓室盖开关 1 (F200) 01105 电磁阀8 ( N186 )01106 玻璃升降器下行继电器(J291) 01107 顶盖检查指示灯(K98)01108 玻璃升降器上行继电器 (J292) 01109 顶盖液压泵继电器(J321)01110 顶盖解锁电磁铁 (N187)01111 行李箱锁伺服电机 -1-01112 行李箱锁伺服电机电源供给01113 行李箱锁伺服电机 -2-01114 手制动警告灯(F9)01115 显示屏上没有指示01116 顶棚仓室盖释放伺服电机01117 发电机 DF 接线柱处的负荷信号01118 发动机预热01119 档位识别信号01120 凸轮轴调节 101121 凸轮轴调节 201122 凸轮轴位置传感器2 ( G163 ) 01123 故障触发01124 充电时间监控01125 进气歧管转换01126 发动机速度信号01127 燃油储备指示灯01128 防盗器钥匙识别传感器( D2 )01129 S 接线柱( H15 )01130 ABS 操作信号超出公差01131 闪光灯控制01132 前红外线传感器( G166 )01133 后红外线传感器( G167 )01134 警报喇叭( H12 )01135 车辆内部监控传感器01136 发动机起动机启动中断01137 中央门锁: 接触开关01138 中央门锁: 驾驶员门释放01139 中央门锁: 乘客侧门释放01140 中央门锁: 行李箱门释放01141 行李箱释放开关(E165)01142 中央门锁: 释放电机01143 中央门锁: 闭锁电机01144 中央门锁: 闭锁电机01145 中央门锁: 闭锁电机01146 中央门锁: 释放电机01147 行李箱释放电机 ( V120 )01148 门安全保险功能: 激活01149 门安全保险功能: 未激活01150 模拟仪表指针指示01151 柴油机安全停机开关( F207 ) 01152 档位监控开关( F209 )01153 自动节油开关( E163 )01154 离合器系统压力开关( F210 ) 01155 离合器01156 档位识别开关( F208 )01157 警报喇叭供给电压01158 转向信号供给电压01159 安全保险丝线路01160 预热塞冷却液继电器( J325 ) 01161 凸轮轴调节阀输出01162 气缸燃烧断火识别01163 点火故障01165 节流阀体控制单元( J338 )01166 发动机扭矩信号01167 满负荷截止阀( N194 )01168 怠速提升阀( N177 )01169 门接触开关司机侧( F2 )01170 喷油持续时间传感器( G175 ) 01171 温度传感器: 乘客侧坐椅( G60 ) 01172 温度传感器: 司机侧坐椅( G59 ) 01173 坐椅纵向调节电机: 司机侧 ( V28 )01174 坐椅高度调节电机: 司机侧 ( V138 ) 01175 坐椅加热调节: 司机侧( E94 )01176 点火钥匙01177 发动机控制单元未授权01179 点火钥匙匹配错误01180 发动机/附加电器电器连接故障01181 初始化: 仅仅识别 2 个钥匙01182 高度自适应01183 排气净化警告灯( K72 )01184 后出风口温度传感器( G174 )01185 后部新鲜空气鼓风机 ( V80 )01186 后部空气分配调节电机 ( V136 )01187 后部温度调节翻板电机( V137 )01188 控制单元/电磁铁 : 电器连接01189 气流分配电机: 前 ( V145 )01190 控制单元/伺服电机: 电气连接故障01191 坐椅调节电机01192 液力偶合器锁止离合器01193 小加热功率继电器( J359 )01194 大加热功率继电器( J360 )01195 结束01196 发动机/自动变速器: CAN 数据总线01197 动力系统数据总线: 无效状态01198 舒适系统数据总线: 无效状态01199 发动机/ABS: 电气连接故障01200 ABS 阀供给电压01201 ABS 泵供给电压01202 诊断线路01203 ABS/仪表板: 电气连接故障01204 发动机温度传感器( G27 )01205 全自动空调继电器( J254 )01206 点火开关关闭时间间隔信号01207 控制单元: 辅助加热系统01208 控制单元之间的数据交换01209 发电机端子 W 的速度信号01210 控制学习调节范围01211 安全带涨紧触发器: 司机侧后面( N196 ) 01212 安全带涨紧触发器: 乘客侧后面( N197 ) 01213 安全带涨紧触发器: 中央后面( N198 ) 01214 安全带涨紧碰撞数据已经存储01215 坐椅占用传感器: 司机侧后面( G177 ) 01216 坐椅占用传感器: 乘客侧后面( G177 ) 01217 侧面安全气囊触发器: 司机侧( N199 ) 01218 侧面安全气囊触发器: 乘客侧( N200 )01219 后面安全气囊触发器: 司机侧( N201 ) 01220 后面安全气囊触发器: 乘客侧( N202 ) 01221 侧面安全气囊碰撞传感器: 司机侧( G179 ) 01222 侧面安全气囊碰撞传感器: 乘客侧( G180 ) 01223 中央门锁信号: 已经打开01224 控制单元不能与车速相匹配01225 辅助加热器无线接收器 (R64)01226 碰撞数据侧面安全气囊: 司机侧01227 碰撞数据侧面安全气囊: 乘客侧01228 安全气囊关闭开关: 乘客侧( E224 ) 01229 湿度传感器: A/C ( G260 )01230 脚坑温度传感器: 左侧( G261 )01231 脚坑温度传感器: 右侧( G262 )01232 A/C 压缩机调节阀( N280 )01233 加热系统冷却锁止阀 (N279)01234 控制单元: 挡风玻璃加热器( J505 ) 01235 二次空气喷射电磁阀( N112 )01236 换档锁电磁铁( N110 )01237 燃油断油阀( N109 )01238 点火提前角调节01239 节气门位置调节旁通阀( N97 )01240 节气门位置调节放气阀( N117 )01241 EV AP 活性炭罐电磁阀( N115 )01242 控制单元中断放大器01243 进气歧管转换阀( N156 )01244 氧传感器加热器控制单元( J208 )01245 差压调节. ( J81 )01246 Early Fuel Evap Relay ( J81 )01247 EV AP 活性炭罐电磁阀( N80 )01248 全负荷加浓双向阀( N54 )01249 喷油器: 1 缸( N30 )01250 喷油器: 2 缸( N31 )01251 喷油器: 3 缸( N32 )01252 喷油器: 4 缸( N33 )01253 喷油器: 5 缸( N34 )01254 喷油器: 6 缸( N35 )01255 喷油器: 7 缸( N36 )01256 喷油器: 8 缸( N37 )01257 怠速空气控制阀( N71 )01258 空气翻板定位器 ( V63 )01259 燃油泵继电器( J17 )01260 滑行断油阀( N65 )01261 氧传感器频率阀( N7 )01262 增加压力限制电磁阀( N75 )。

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