
白鲸melville读书报告英文"The white鲸: An adventure in鲸油王国" by Melville, a novel by Stephen Crane, is a book that has captivated readers for generations. In this book, Melville explores the world of 鲸油, a product that has become a $50 billion industry in recent years, and the people who work in it.The novel follows the story of Jack London, a young man who works in the鲸油 industry. He is introduced to the harsh reality of the job and the钩钓 industry, where the鲸油 is obtained. Jack London becomes interested in the subject of鲸油 and its effects on the ocean, and he begins to question the ethics of the industry.Melville uses a vivid language and descriptive writing to bring the reader into the world of the鲸油 industry. He describes the various tools and methods used to catch and extract the鲸油 from the ocean, and he explores the effects of the industry on the ocean and the animals that work in it. One of the most interesting aspects of the novel is its exploration of the鲸油 industry and the钩钓 industry. Melville uses a combination of descriptive language and character development to show the close relationship between the two industries. He also shows the negative effects that theindustry has on the environment and the animals that work in it.The book is a thought-provoking and engaging read, and it is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the world of 鲸油 and the钩钓 industry. Melville"s exploration of the ethics of the industry and the impact of the industry on the environment is a valuable contribution to our understanding of this complex topic.In addition to its informative and thought-provoking content, "The white鲸" is also a beautiful and powerful work of literature. It is a testament to the power of words and the ability of literature to bring people together and explore complex topics.Overall, "The white鲸" is a must-read for anyone who is interested in the world of鲸油 and the钩钓 industry, and it is a valuable contribution to our understanding of these complex topics.。

白鲸这本书英语作文英文回答:Moby Dick is a masterpiece of American literature by Herman Melville that explores the themes of obsession, revenge, and the nature of good and evil. The novel follows the journey of Captain Ahab, a monomaniacal whaler who is determined to hunt down and kill the great white whale, Moby Dick, who has taken his leg.The novel is divided into three parts. The first part, "Loomings," introduces the characters and sets up the conflict between Ahab and Moby Dick. The second part, "The Chase," follows Ahab and his crew on their hunt for the whale. The third part, "The Doubloon," concludes the novel and explores the consequences of Ahab's obsession.Moby Dick is a complex and challenging novel, but it is also a deeply rewarding one. Melville's writing is lyrical and evocative, and his characters are unforgettable. Thenovel has been interpreted in many ways, but it is ultimately a meditation on the human condition.中文回答:白鲸。

4.2.2 the symbolic meaning of the hunting
4.2.3 the symbolic meaning of pequod
4.2.4 the symbolic meaning of the sea
班 级:0322级本(2)班
指导教师:刘国栋 职称:讲师
1 引言
2 文献综述
3.1 复仇主题的象征意义
3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义
4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义
4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义
[7] liu, j. XX. on symbol of death in moby dick. journal of jia musi university social
science. mar. 23:2. (刘杰的《论〈白鲸〉中的象征意义》,佳木斯大学社会科学学报,XX年3月,第23卷第2期。)
ⅱ literature review
ⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes
3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge
3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and nature
ⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues
[4] lawrence, d. h. 1984. “from herman melville’s moby dick” [a]. the united state: bantam

1.2 A Brief Introduction toMoby Dick.....................................................
详细提纲(Detailed Outline)
Abstract (English Version)....................................................................................................
2.2 国外研究状况
国外对《白鲸》的研究较为系统、全面。《白鲸》的研究角度涉及到作者生平、宗教、社会、政治、生态、叙事、文化和后殖民研究等方方面面,如刘易斯•芒德福(Lewis. Mumford)的《赫尔曼•麦尔维尔》(Herman Melville,1929)介绍了麦尔维尔的海上生活经历对《白鲸》写作的影响。

AbstractMoby-Dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville. It contains plenty of symbolism. Understanding the symbolic meanings of the characters and subjects in the novel is important. This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel. Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty. Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil. In the whaling trip, we can see his bravery and patience, as well as his madness and stubbornness. The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane” that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world’s multiculturalism. Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures, races, and environment, in which we are always connected by our humanity.Key words:symbolism; Moby Dick; Arab; counterpane摘要《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。

2.2 国外研究状况
国外对《白鲸》的研究较为系统、全面。《白鲸》的研究角度涉及到作者生平、宗教、社会、政治、生态、叙事、文化和后殖民研究等方方面面,如刘易斯•芒德福(Lewis. Mumford)的《赫尔曼•麦尔维尔》(Herman Melville,1929)介绍了麦尔维尔的海上生活经历对《白鲸》写作的影响。
Thesis Stpts to analyze the tragic fate of Ahab inMoby Dickfrom the perspective of eco-criticism. Inthenovel, thestruggle between Captain Ahab and Whale-Moby Dick resulted in the final tragic fateof Ahab.Based on theanalysisof Ahab’s character and the causes of histragedy, thepaperreveals the ecological meaning in the novel and points out that nature is a complete ecological system, andhuman is not the center of nature. We must learn to respect nature, and strive to build a harmonious relationship between human andthenature.

学科分类号0502本科学生毕业论文(设计)题目(中文):自尊与抗争—论《白鲸》主人公亚哈的英雄悲剧性(英文):Self-esteem And Struggle –Appreciating theTragic Hero Ahab in Moby-DickSelf-esteem and Struggle Appreciating the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby-DickbyZhang JianguosupervisedbyProfessor Pan LifengsubmittedtoThe Foreign Languages DepartmentIn partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree ofBachelor of Artsin the subject ofEnglish Language and LiteratureHunan University of Science and EngineeringYong ZhouMay, 2007毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。

白鲸有关论文开题报告白鲸有关论文开题报告一、引言白鲸(Delphinapterus leucas)是一种生活在北极圈内的大型鲸类动物,也被称为北极鲸。

具体目的如下:1. 分析小说中三种不同的叙事语言在原文与译文中的差异;2. 探讨在翻译过程中如何传达小说的象征意义;3. 分析翻译中如何处理小说中的文学语言,以及如何传达小说中的情感。
四、预期结果通过本研究,将得出以下结论:1. 小说中三种不同的叙事语言在翻译过程中应采用不同的翻译策略。
2. 翻译过程中应重视小说中的象征意义,尽可能地传达原文的精神内涵。
3. 翻译过程中应注意处理小说中的文学语言,使其既能准确表达原文的含义,又能传达出小说中的情感。

AbstractMob-dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville.It contains plenty of symbolism.Understanding the symbolic meaning of the characters and subjects in the novel is important.This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel.Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty.Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil.In the whaling trip,we can see his bravery and patience,as well as his madness and stubbornness.The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane”that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world`s multiculturalism.Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures ,races.and environment ,in which we are always connected by our humanity.Key words:symbolism;Moby Dick;Arab;counterpane摘要《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。

---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 《白鲸》英语论文人与自然的关系+开题报告_英语论文Acknowledgments I am grateful to all those who have helped me in the completion of the thesis.My profound gratitude goes firstly to Prof. He Maolin, my supervisor, who has given me constant guidance during the process of this thesis. Her generously sharing of inspirational and provocative ideas has always been a valuable source of my paper. Thank you for giving me so many advices and revising my paper. Moreover, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the authors mentioned in the dissertation for their excellent work.Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the respectable teachers of Shanghai Institute of Technology, from whom I have benefited a lot in the field of English studies. 44741 / 24AbstractHerman Melville is not only one of the greatest romanticists in American literary history but also an influential writer in world literature. Moby Dick, Herman Melville's masterpiece, is now considered to be one of the world's greatest works although the initial critical responses to this novel were generally negative. Moby Dick reveals Melville's profound insight into the relationship between human beings and nature and his preoccupation with human fate in the universe. In Moby Dick, Melville has woven the Pequod crew of different races and beliefs together. By analyzing the connection and contrast of their actions and fates in front of nature, this thesis is to summarize the proper way that human beings and nature interact.This thesis aims to make a research for the relationship between human and nature in novel Moby Dick. With the---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------development of society, the relationship between human and nature is still a hot topic. The natural philosophy of the novel is exactly what we need now. Why does the writer create this work? What opinion does he want to express? What can his opinion bring to modern society? The thesis is to find these answers and help us understand the relationship between human and nature better. And I write this thesis from four aspects. The first part is about the main information of the novel including the description of the main characters . And the second is about natural consciousness of main characters, which makes an analysis of main characters’ attitude to the nature. In the third part, the author focuses on the symbolism of relationship between man and nature in Moby Dick. And in the last part, the point is to reveal modern value of the relationship between man and nature in Moby Dick.CONTENTS3 / 24AcknowledgmentsiAbstractii摘要iii1.Introduction11.1 Herman Melville and Moby Dick11.2 Kantian Philosophy12. Literature Review32.1 Different Opinions of Scholar on Moby Dick3 2.2 Description of the Main Figures in Moby Dick5---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 2.3 Ahab’s “Individualism”73 Natural Consciousness of Main Characters83.1 Natural Consciousness of Ahab83.2 Natural Consciousness of Starbuck93.3 Natural Consciousness of Ishmael104 The Symbolism of Relationship between Man and Nature in Moby Dick124.1 The Hidden Relationship between Main Characters and Nature124.2 The True Meaning of the Relationship between Man5 / 24and Nature135 Modern Value of the Relationship between Man and Nature in Moby Dick155.1 Ecological Revelation155.2 Practical Significance166 Conclusion18Bibliography191.Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 Herman Melville and Moby DickHerman Melville is not only one of the greatest romanticists in American literary history but also an influential writer in world literature. Moby Dick, Herman Melville's masterpiece, is now considered to be one of the world's greatest works although the initial critical responses to this novel were generally negative. Moby Dick is the sixth novel published by Herman Melville. It mixes a number of literary styles including a fictional adventure story, historical details and even scientific discussions. The central story of Moby Dick is the conflict between Pequod Captain Ahab and Moby Dick, a vicious white whale that once tears off one of Ahab's legs. During the voyage Ahab reveals to his crew that he seeks revenge upon Moby Dick and drives himself and his crew in a desperate search for his enemy over the sea. The whole story is told through a seafarer Ishmael's retrospective narration. When the whale is at last sighted and attacked, it rams the ship and kills Ahab7 / 24and all of the crew except Ishmael. Moby Dick reveals Melville's profound insight into the relationship between human beings and nature and his preoccupation with human fate in the universe. In Moby Dick, Melville has woven the Pequod crew of different races and beliefs together. By analyzing the connection and contrast of their actions and fates in front of nature, this thesis is to summarize the proper way that human beings and nature interact.2. Literature ReviewThere are many scholar making their own opinion on Moby Dick, which really give us o lot inspiration.2.1 Different Opinions of Scholar on Moby DickDu Xiaofei(2011)has a thorough analysis of the---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------symbolic art in Moby Dick. In this analysis he points out his view that Melville used the color "white" as whale is on purpose. Whiteness symbolizes purity and innocence. Melville believes that nature is very quiet, very peaceful and very friendly, as long as mankind can understand the coexistence of man and nature, do not disturb it, nature would not destroy mankind, otherwise, people will be inevitable doomed to fail. In novels, the crew members struggling with the white whale is the struggle of man and nature. The white whale is living in nature totally without worries, and never takes the initiative to mankind, never attacks human arbitrarily. But the sailor representing the evil side of human has tried to conquer it, destroy it, so it was finally destroyed.Kang Qiang (2005) makes a general description of the figures in Moby Dick. Of all the figures, the description of whale Moby Dick gives me a deep impression. He writes that in a sense, Moby Dick is not a character, as the reader9 / 24has no access to the White Whale’s thoughts, feelings, or intention. Instead, Moby Dick is an impersonal force, one that many critics have interpreted as an allegorical representation of God,an inscrutable and all powerful being that humankind can neither understand nor defy. Moby Dick thwarts free will and cannot be defeated, only accommodated or avoided. Ishmael tries a plethora of approaches to describe whales in general, but none proves adequate. In this way, a whale mirrors its environment. Like the whale, only the surface of the ocean is available for human observation and interpretation, while its depths are still unknown .Furthermore, even when Ishmael does get his hands on a“whole" whale, he is unable to determine which part--the skeleton, the head, the skin offers the best understanding of the whole living breathing creature; he cannot localize essence of the whale.Hao Yuanyuan(2011) raises some opinion on Ahab and---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------aesthetic sublime in Moby Dick.. She thinks that Ahab's speech is full of enthusiasm and stimulates the sailors' passion. As a matter of fact, the vengeful plan is evil and baleful. However, all sailors in Pequod are willing to take vengeance for him, and fulfill his dream. His choleric temperament enables him to become powerful and influential. Ahab can exert his influence on the crew, and bring the feeling of the aesthetic sublime for sailors. Ahab, simply speaking, is a blasphemous, complicated and conflicting character. He struggles against more than fighting against Moby Dick. This depends on his complex characters himself. His multiple personalities result in some mysteries in Moby Dick. The discussions in this thesis mentioned above are quite significant. In Moby Dick, Burke's and Kant's views on the causes and operations of the aesthetic sublime are reflected. Ahab is a significant symbol of the aesthetic sublime in Moby Dick. Ahab can arouse the aesthetic sublime and help us comprehend Moby Dick from a new point of view.11 / 24From previous books and periodicals, many studies have made the analysis of single character from Moby Dick or comparison to other works. Although many passages have been made on the relationship of man and nature, I still have my own opinions and feelings about Moby Dick.2.2 Description of the Main Figures in Moby DickThere are many characteristic figures in this novel, and in this chapter I make description of the main figures in Moby Dick, Ishmael and Ahab. Ishmael, actually, I think he is the symbol of the writer-Melville. Despite he is the centrality to the story, Ishmael does not reveal much about himself to the reader. We know that he has gone to sea, and shipping aboard a whale is his version of committing suicide-he believes that men aboard a whaling ship are lost to the world. It is apparent from Ishmael's frequent digressions on a wide range of subjects from art geology, and anatomy to legal codes and literature-that he is---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------intelligent and well educated, yet he claims that whaling ship has been “Yale College and Harvard". He seems to be a self-taught Renaissance man,good at everything but committed to nothing. Given the mythic, romantic aspects of Moby Dick, it is perhaps fitting that its narrator should be an enigma: not everything in a story so dependent on fate and the seemingly supernatural needs to make perfect sense.2.3 Ahab’s “Individualism”In Moby Dick, Ahab is the most controversial figure. Some call him as a hero, and some call him as a devil. Some even think him as the symbol as the heroism. Actually, I think Ahab’s spirit is more like individualism than the heroism. In American culture, there is a cultural phenomenon, which is individualism. Individualism constitutes the basic characteristics of American culture Individualism of American culture can really express the13 / 24American thoughts, which stems from the rational principles of Puritanism and the pursuit of personal autonomy. It is a typical Western political and social philosophy of capitalism.Being the king of the Pequod, Ahab is too much of proud individual to be a good human being. He stands alone on his only leg on the earth. For him the only law is his own will and the world exists simply for his own sake. Compared with him, his crew seems to be a ship of fools too much under his own evil spell to exercise their discretion. Ahab is a man who is crazy about his pride overwhelms his love. For example, he tells Pip, the little Negro boy saved by the Pequod, that he will murder him rather than be swayed by Pip pleading that Pip ask him to give up his quest for vengeance. Sometimes Ahab is brutally cutting to Starbuck, the first mate, and once even threatens to murder him. He absolutely cannot comprehend the patience of the long suffering blacksmith, asking him, To sum up, Ahab is angry because his pride is---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------wounded, and his "wounded pride" can recover from the revenge. His desire for revenge is at God,or whatever Ahab considers to be God, rather than merely at the whale, and this urge to avenge himself is all the more shocking because it is directed at such a vague object. Whatever power controls the universe, Ahab wants to attack it as he feels he has been attacked. All in all, Ahab is such a typical individualism.3 Natural Consciousness of Main CharactersNatural Consciousness of Main Characters in Moby Dick are totally different especial Ahab, Starbuck and Ishmael.15 / 243.2 Natural Consciousness of StarbuckStarbuck is the first mate of the Pequod, and he is devout Christian. So we shall learn the understanding of the relation between man and nature in Christian thought before talking about natural consciousness of Starbuck. The Christian believe that nature is the gift from the God, which is the tool for human. The God creates human by his own image, and wish human can manage the whole creature of nature. In addition, God give all the fruit and vegetable as food. Second, the Christian believe that nature is the tool from God to punish human, so human must obey the rule of nature.In Bible, Adam and Eva were kicked out of the garden of Eden because eating forbidden fruit, and were punished---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------by God. The God told them that they should get food through hard work. They must work hard just to feed themselves until they died into the soil. Because they come from the dust, they still went into the dust when they died. So in Christian the relation among human and nature and God is mostly impressed between man and God. Nature usually is ignored by people, and is described as the fool of God. So for the Christian the attitude to nature is paradoxical, sometimes they obey the nature, actually God, sometimes they just purse the benefit to confront nature. Starbuck is a typical example in this aspect.However, the consciousness of Starbuck also comes from his cowardice. As a Christian he chases the benefit, and in the novel the benefit is the whale oil . In another aspect, he is obedient to nature. It is this contradiction which makes him lost. Starbuck tried several times to resist the order of Ahab, but he failed. In his heart he knows that the revenge of Ahab may bring them to death, so the first time he tried to revolt. But under the despotic power of Ahab and temptation of the money, he yielded without17 / 24resistance. After several times, all his resistance was ended by failure. In fact, we can never think his action as resistance, and it is just a kind of performance of cowardice. He is typical businessman, which really decides his mind is the benefit. This is Starbuck, a person full of contradiction, which finally led him to the destruction. In the hell, he may blame all this to the Ahab, but I think it is his contradiction and greedy which bring him to the death. So Starbuck’s natural consciousness is egoism, and he never obeys the nature or controls it, and all he wants is money and benefit. At last, he sank into the ocean with his weakness and desire. So natural consciousness of Starbuck is nothing but money and his greedy, and he is a totally selfish person.After many boring years of teachering life, he decides to purse the beauty of nature. He comes to the sea to find the mystery of nature because ,one side, sea life can cure his---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------sense of boring, and in another way, his interest is fully satisfied. In the story, Ishmael shows his friendly attitude to the nature. In his opinion, white whale is not the symbol of evil but the beauty of the great nature. And at the end of story, finally, Ishmael has learnt the essence of the nature. Everyone has his own image of nature, which is totally different from others. People use their own feeling to fill the blank space of the description of nature. That is to say, there is no nature in this world, and it is our imagining and subjective consciousness which create the word of nature. So everyone’s nature is completely different, and in Ishmael’s view nature is beautiful and mysterious. He thinks the nature is equal with human like a friend.4 The Symbolism of Relationship between Man and Nature in Moby DickMelville make a clear definition of the relationship between man and nature, and we can find this from many19 / 24places.4.1 The Hidden Relationship between Main Characters and NatureThere is no doubt that Ahab is a typical resister of nature, which leads to his death. However, Ahab has fighted with nature for his whole life. Before the end of his life, he lost one of his legs in his last whaling voyage. This failure greatly hurts his self-esteem, which finally drove him to madness. At this time of stage, revenge is only reason for him to live. He has always been of the opinion that human should conquer the nature. And in his view, nature is just a stone under his feet. But in fact it is just the stone which took away one of his legs, and he can never endure this shame. He has sworn to hunt to the death of the great whale, and would not lose any opportunity of finding it. For example ,when the Pequod sails across the Pacific,he keeps asking each one of the ships he encounters," SHIP, ahoy! Hast seen the White whale? Human madness is a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have became transfigured into some still subtler---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------form. So in that broad madness, not one jot of his great natural intellect had perished. If such a furious trope may stand, his special lunacy stormed his general sanity, and carried it, and turned all its concentrated cannon upon its own mad mark. To conclude, for Ahab, the pursuit of Moby Dick has become the sole purpose of his existence. He is mad, but his madness is one that conserves all its cunning to achieve its end. The opinion on the relationship between human and nature, he has a different opinion from other people’s at the same time. He predicts that human’s greedy plunder of nature will led human to a tragedy inevitably, which is actually the fate of Ahab. Also, Ahab and the Pequod represent human ambitions to nature. It is such ambition that drives a lot of people in that age to plunder nature. During the time of flying capitalism, this crazy spirit has caused huge damage to the nature. The symbol of Pequod is that industrial civilization’s violence and exploitation to the nature. And the name of Pequod comes from an extinct race, which also represents the failure of human’s conquering for nature.21 / 244.2 The True Meaning of the Relationship between Man and NatureThe greatness of Moby Dick, or we can say the greatness of Herman Melville is that at his age of the time he has realized bad results after people’s serious robbery from nature. At their time, most human think themselves as the eternal protagonist of the world. Under such situation, Melville still held his own idea, which was truly great. Seeing from the outside, the story describes just the whaling trail of Pequod. However, what Herman Melville really wants to express is the fighting between human and nature. And from the end of story, we can find that Melville’s attitude to nature. He expresses this opinion that human should live in harmony with with nature. Through analyzing three main leading roles’ fate of story, it is very easy to catch Melville’s---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ attitude.Ahab, this crazy captain of Pequod, finally lost all his legs at the whaling trail. To express correctly, we find that he brings himself a destruction. During the whole life of Ahab, we can say that he just does two things that was hunting whales and hunting Moby Dick. Maybe we can think he is doing just one thing, which is conquering nature. But it is a pity that in the end he is finished with his tragic destiny. So from this aspect, we can know one of Melville’s point that human should never want to conquer nature.Starbuck ,the first mate of Pequod, is also another tragic figure of the story. He is a typical Christian, but at last he still goes into the hell not the heaven. If we call Ahab as a devil, then Starbuck is the ghost following devil. If we can23 / 24still find some shining point of Ahab, then Starbuck is just nothing but a coward. During the long time hunting for white whale, he has so many opportunities to stop Ahab, but under the lure of money he quits them all. This pathetic man can never escape his fate of death because of his greed. Through this Melville shows his anger to those who always want to rob from nature.。

白鲸对人类的启示英语作文标题,The Inspiration from Beluga Whales to Humanity。
Abstract:Beluga whales, known for their intelligence and social behavior, offer profound insights into human life. Their unique characteristics and interactions with the environment provide valuable lessons for humanity. This essay explores the inspiration drawn from beluga whales, highlighting their significance in shaping our understanding of compassion, communication, and environmental stewardship.Introduction:Beluga whales, also known as the "canaries of the sea" due to their vocalizations, inhabit the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. These magnificent creatures possess a remarkable intelligence that has intrigued scientists andcaptivated the public. Beyond their awe-inspiring presence, beluga whales offer profound lessons that resonate with the essence of humanity. Through their behaviors, interactions, and adaptations, belugas illuminate the path towards a more compassionate, communicative, and environmentally conscious society.Compassion and Empathy:One of the most striking characteristics of beluga whales is their strong sense of compassion and empathy towards their own kind and other species. In the wild, they have been observed helping injured or distressed individuals, demonstrating a level of altruism that parallels human compassion. This behavior reflects the importance of empathy in fostering harmonious relationships and supporting those in need within our communities. By emulating the beluga's capacity for compassion, humanity can cultivate a more caring and supportive global society.Communication and Connection:Beluga whales are renowned for their sophisticated communication skills, relying on a diverse range of vocalizations, body language, and echolocation to interact with their environment and fellow pod members. Their intricate communication system enables them to convey complex messages, coordinate group activities, and maintain social bonds. As social beings, humans can learn from belugas' emphasis on effective communication in fostering connections, resolving conflicts, and nurturing meaningful relationships. By enhancing our communication abilities and promoting mutual understanding, we can strengthen thefabric of our societies and bridge cultural divides.Environmental Stewardship:The habitat of beluga whales, primarily the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, faces numerous environmental threats, including climate change, pollution, and habitat degradation. As sentinel species, belugas serve as indicators of the health of marine ecosystems, reflecting the impacts of human activities on the environment. Their vulnerability underscores the urgent need for concertedefforts to mitigate anthropogenic stressors and protect fragile ecosystems. By advocating for conservation measures, sustainable practices, and responsible stewardship ofnatural resources, humanity can safeguard not only the habitats of beluga whales but also the ecological balance essential for all life on Earth.Conclusion:In conclusion, beluga whales offer profound inspiration to humanity, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate, communicative, and environmentally conscious society. Through their demonstrations of compassion and empathy, sophisticated communication, and vulnerability to environmental threats, belugas remind us of our interconnectedness with the natural world and our shared responsibility to protect and preserve it. By embracing the lessons learned from these majestic creatures, we can cultivate a brighter future for ourselves and future generations, guided by empathy, understanding, and environmental stewardship.。

白鲸的英语作文简单Title: The Enchanting White Whale.Deep within the vast and mysterious realm of the oceans, there exists a creature that captures the imagination and启发s the curiosity of people worldwide. This creature,the white whale, is a symbol of rarity, uniqueness, and beauty. Its snow-white hue, which stands out in stark contrast to the deep blues and greens of the sea, makes ita sight to behold.The white whale, scientifically known as the albino humpback whale, is a rare variant of the more common humpback whale. Albinism is a genetic condition thatresults in the absence of pigmentation, giving the whaleits distinctive white coloration. While albinism isrelatively uncommon in marine mammals, it is this raritythat adds to the white whale's enchanting charm.The white whale's physical attributes are not just amatter of aesthetics, however. Its white coloration serves a practical purpose as well. In the deep ocean, the white whale's color helps it blend in with the sunlit surface, providing camouflage against predators. This adaptation is a testament to the survival strategies evolved by this remarkable species over millions of years.The white whale's behavior is also noteworthy. They are known for their social nature and their ability to form strong bonds with other members of their pod. These whales are highly intelligent and are capable of complex social interactions, including singing and communication through sound. Their songs, which are a blend of harmonious tones and frequencies, are believed to be a form of courtship or territorial display.The white whale's habitat ranges from the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans to the colder regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. Their migratory patterns are a fascinating display of adaptability and resilience, as they traverse vast distances in search of food and suitable breeding grounds.Unfortunately, the white whale's beauty and uniqueness have also made it a target for hunting and exploitation. In the past, albino whales were hunted for their rare coloration, which was prized in some cultures. However,with the advent of modern conservation laws and regulations, the hunting of these whales has been banned, and effortsare being made to protect and conserve their populations.Despite these efforts, the white whale still faces threats to its survival. Climate change, pollution, andloss of habitat due to human activities have all had a negative impact on the whale's environment. As a result,the white whale's population is declining, and it is now considered a vulnerable species.The conservation of the white whale is crucial not only for its survival but also for the health of the oceans and the marine ecosystems it inhabits. By protecting this rare and enchanting creature, we are also protecting the rich biodiversity and ecological balance of the oceans, whichare vital for the well-being of all life on Earth.In conclusion, the white whale is a remarkable and enchanting creature that deserves our respect and protection. Its beauty, uniqueness, and resilience are a testament to the wonders of nature and a reminder of our responsibility towards preserving the natural world. As we continue to explore and learn more about this remarkable species, let us also strive to protect and conserve it for future generations to enjoy.。

介绍白鲸的英文作文英文回答:The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), also known as the white whale or sea canary, is a small to medium-sized toothed whale. It is one of two species of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal. Beluga whales are known for their distinctive white coloration, which they acquire as they mature, and their bulbous heads with no discernible beak. They are highly social animals and livein groups called pods, which can range in size from a few individuals to hundreds.Belugas are found in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters around the world, including the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic Ocean. They are migratory animals and travel long distances in search of food and breeding grounds. Belugas are opportunistic feeders and their diet consists of a variety of fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals. They are also known to prey on seals, walruses,and even other beluga whales.Belugas are an important part of the Arctic ecosystem and play a role in the food chain. They are also aculturally significant species for many Arctic indigenous peoples, who have traditionally hunted belugas for food, clothing, and other materials. However, beluga populations have been declining in recent years due to a variety of factors, including climate change, pollution, and overhunting. Conservation efforts are underway to protect beluga whales and ensure their survival in the Arctic.中文回答:白鲸(Delphinapterus leucas)也被称为白鲸或海金丝雀,是一种中小型齿鲸。

英文介绍白鲸的作文Belugas: The Gentle Giants of the ArcticBelugas, also known as white whales, are a unique species of cetacean that inhabit the arctic and sub-arctic regions of the world. These remarkable marine mammals are known for their distinctive white coloration, which serves as a natural camouflage in the icy waters they call home. Belugas are not only captivating to observe, but they also play a vital role in the delicate ecosystem of the Arctic.One of the most striking features of the beluga is its striking white color. This unique coloration is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also serves an important purpose in the beluga's natural habitat. The white hue helps the whale blend seamlessly with the surrounding ice and snow, making it difficult for predators to spot them. This camouflage is particularly crucial during the winter months when the Arctic is blanketed in a layer of ice and snow.In addition to their distinctive appearance, belugas are also known for their highly social and intelligent nature. These whales are often referred to as the "canaries of the sea" due to their wide range of vocalizations, which include whistles, clicks, and even what soundslike laughter. Belugas are known to be highly communicative, using these sounds to coordinate their movements, locate one another, and even express their emotions.Belugas are also known for their remarkable adaptations to the harsh Arctic environment. These whales have a thick layer of blubber that helps insulate them from the frigid temperatures, and they are capable of diving to impressive depths in search of food. Belugas primarily feed on a variety of fish, including salmon, cod, and herring, as well as crustaceans and mollusks.One of the most fascinating aspects of the beluga's biology is its ability to change the shape of its head. Belugas have a unique feature called a "melon," which is a fatty protrusion on the top of their head. This melon can be used to focus and amplify the whale's vocalizations, allowing them to communicate more effectively with their pod members. Additionally, the melon can be used to express a range of emotions, from curiosity to aggression.Despite their impressive adaptations and intelligence, belugas face a number of threats in their natural habitat. Climate change and the melting of Arctic sea ice have had a significant impact on these whales, as they rely on the ice for hunting, breeding, and raising their young. Additionally, belugas are often targeted by commercial whaling operations, which have decimated their populations in someregions.In response to these threats, conservation efforts have been put in place to protect belugas and their fragile Arctic ecosystem. Organizations around the world are working to monitor and study these whales, as well as to raise awareness about the importance of preserving their habitat. Through these efforts, it is hoped that the beluga will continue to thrive in the Arctic for generations to come.In conclusion, belugas are truly remarkable creatures that deserve our admiration and protection. Their unique adaptations, social intelligence, and role in the Arctic ecosystem make them a vital part of the natural world. By learning more about these gentle giants and taking action to conserve their habitats, we can ensure that the beluga will continue to capture the hearts and imaginations of people around the globe.。

八下保护动物白鲸的作文英语Title: Guardians of the Beluga: Defending the Majestic White WhaleAmidst the earth's vast oceanic expanses, beluga whales, with their pristine white fur and melodious songs, are a marvel to behold. These gentle leviathans navigate the icy seas, embodying the wilderness's spirit and the mysteries of the deep. Yet, the plight of these magnificent creatures is one of concern, as they face numerous threats to their survival. This essay shines a spotlight on the urgency of protecting beluga whales and explores strategies and initiatives aimed at safeguarding their future.Beluga whales, renowned for their distinctive coloration and adaptability in diverse marine environments, are not just a spectacle but a critical component of our planet's biodiversity. These animals play a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance, serving as indicators of marine health due to their position at the top of the food chain. However, their populations have been dwindling, largely due to climate change, pollution, overfishing, and noise disturbances—all man-made affronts to the serene world of the beluga.Climate change, a monstrous menace to the survival ofcountless species, has significantly impacted the Arctic habitats where belugas thrive. The warming temperatures cause sea ice to retreat, disrupting the feeding and breeding patterns of these whales. As their icy realm shrinks, belugas are forced into closer contact with human activities, exacerbating the risks from fishing gear and vessel traffic. Additionally, oil and gas exploration threatens to further disturb their fragile environment.Pollution, in its myriad forms, presents another grave danger. Chemical pollutants, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), accumulate in the marine food web, ultimately affecting belugas. These toxic substances can lead to reproductive failures, immune system suppression, and even death. Noise pollution, stemming from increased ship traffic and underwater constructions, interferes with the whales' communication and navigation, potentially disrupting their social structures and migration patterns.In the face of these encroaching calamities, the call for action to protect beluga whales is clear and imperative. Conservation efforts must be mounted on multiple fronts to ensure the survival of these majestic creatures. Marine protected areas (MPAs) serve as safe havens, offeringsanctuaries free from destructive human activities. Such areas provide critical breeding and feeding grounds, fostering population recovery.Furthermore, regulation of industrial activities, especially those related to oil and gas exploration, is crucial. Enforcing strict guidelines to minimize water and noise pollution can significantly reduce the negative impact on beluga habitats. Additionally, educational campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of belugas and the urgent need for their conservation. By engaging local communities and promoting sustainable practices, we can all contribute to the preservation of these extraordinary animals.International cooperation is vital in the effort to protect transboundary species like the beluga. Agreements between nations sharing these whales' migratory routes can establish unified protective measures and coordinate conservation strategies. Research initiatives that focus on understanding beluga biology and behavior are also invaluable, providing scientific groundwork for effective protection policies.In conclusion, the plight of beluga whales is emblematic of the broader environmental crisis facing our planet. These sentinels of the sea deserve our utmost respect and protection.It is incumbent upon us to become guardians of the beluga, advocating for policies that secure their future and preserve the richness of our marine ecosystems. Only through concerted global efforts can we hope to reverse the tide against these magnificent creatures, ensuring that future generations may witness the graceful dance of the beluga under the northern lights. Let us act now, for the sake of the whales, and for the health of our planet.。

《白鲸》英语读书报告(一)报告:《白鲸》英语读书1. 简介《白鲸》是美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔于1851年出版的一部经典小说。
2. 内容概述•故事背景–小说设定在19世纪中期的美国,以捕鲸业为主要背景。
3. 主题和象征意义•人性的黑暗面–作品中展示了阿哈伊船长对白鲸的执着追求,已经越过了道德和理智的底线。
4. 阅读体验•语言风格–《白鲸》采用了富有诗意的语言风格,描绘了海洋的壮丽和航海的危险。
5. 结论《白鲸》是一部充满哲思和冒险的经典之作,它深入探讨了人性、命运以及人与自然间的关系。

《白鲸》是Herman Melville的一部文学巨著,曾经是被忽视和遗忘的作品,但现在已经成为美国文学史上最重要的小说之一。
1. 《白鲸》中的哪些元素可以被视为陌生化元素?
2. 陌生化如何影响了《白鲸》的叙事和主题?
3. 陌生化在《白鲸》中的意义是什么?

白鲸小说的英文开题报告Title: An English Proposal for a Beluga Whale NovelIntroduction:The ocean, vast and mysterious, has always captivated the human imagination. Among its many inhabitants, the beluga whale stands out as a majestic and enigmatic creature. This proposal aims to explore the idea of a beluga whale novel, delving into the depths of its themes, characters, and settings. Through a captivating narrative, this novel will shed light on the beauty, challenges, and conservation efforts surrounding these magnificent marine mammals.Chapter 1: The Enchanting Arctic RealmThe novel will be set in the Arctic region, where the beluga whales thrive. The pristine landscapes of icebergs, snow-capped mountains, and shimmering waters will serve as a backdrop for the story. Through vivid descriptions, readers will be transported to this enchanting realm, immersing themselves in the unique ecosystem that sustains the beluga whales.Chapter 2: The Protagonist's JourneyThe novel will follow the journey of a young beluga whale named Luna. Born into a close-knit pod, Luna is filled with curiosity and a longing for adventure. As Luna embarks on a quest to discover her purpose in the vast ocean, readers will accompany her through various challenges, encounters with other marine creatures, and moments of self-discovery. Luna's character development will serve as a metaphor for personal growth and resilience.Chapter 3: The Human ConnectionWhile exploring Luna's journey, the novel will also highlight the complex relationship between humans and beluga whales. Through interactions with scientists, researchers, and local communities, readers will gain insights into the efforts made to understand and protect these magnificent creatures. The novel will emphasize the importance of conservation and the need for humans to coexist harmoniously with marine life.Chapter 4: The Call of the UnknownAs Luna's journey progresses, she will become drawn to the mysterious songs of distant beluga pods. These haunting melodies will symbolize the allure of the unknown and the desire for exploration. Luna's pursuit of these songs will lead her to encounter new dangers, unexpected allies, and ultimately, a deeper understanding of her place in the world.Chapter 5: Conservation and Environmental AwarenessThroughout the novel, underlying themes of conservation and environmental awareness will be woven into the narrative. Luna's encounters with pollution, habitat destruction, and human interference will serve as poignant reminders of the challenges faced by beluga whales and their fragile ecosystem. The novel will aim to inspire readers to take action and make a positive impact on the preservation of marine life.Conclusion:This English proposal for a beluga whale novel seeks to create a captivatingstory that not only entertains but also educates readers about the beauty and importance of these remarkable creatures. Through Luna's journey, readers will be transported to the Arctic realm, witness the complexities of human-belonging, and be inspired to protect and conserve our oceans. By blending adventure, emotion, and environmental awareness, this novel aims to leave a lasting impression on readers, fostering a deeper connection with the natural world and its inhabitants.。

六、参考文献1. Jefferson, T.A., Webber, M.A., Pitman, R.L. (2008). Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification. Academic Press.2. Reeves, R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. (2006). The Status and Distribution of Cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation.3. Riedman, M. (1990). The Pinnipeds: Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses. Universityof California Press.以上是我对白鲸开题报告的初步构思,希望能够得到您的指导和支持。
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英语论文白鲸开题报告2020-12-12【关键字】认识、深入、现代、加深、发现、研究、分析、指导、教育、多方面、复杂性篇一:白鲸,开题报告篇一:moby dick 白鲸开题报告毕业论文开题报告篇二:本库论文开题报告(二)外国语学院XX届本科毕业论文开题报告书中文题目:论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义英文题目:on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick 学生姓名:李世明学号:0751144110 班级:0322级本(2)班指导教师:刘国栋职称:讲师XX年11月论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义1 引言2 文献综述3《白鲸》中主题的象征意义3.1 复仇主题的象征意义3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义4《白鲸》两大线索的象征意义4.1埃哈伯与莫比.迪克线索4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义4.1.3 白色的象征意义4.2伊西梅尔与捕鲸活动线索4.2.1 伊西梅尔的象征意义4.2.2 捕鲸活动的象征意义4.2.3 皮阔得号的象征意义4.2.4 大海的象征意义5 结论on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick ⅰ introductionⅱ literature reviewⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and natureⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues4.1 ahab and moby dick4.1.1 the symbolic meaning of ahab4.1.2 the symbolic meaning of moby dick4.1.3 the symbolic meaning of white4.2 ishmael and the hunting4.2.1 the symbolic meaning of ishmael4.2.2 the symbolic meaning of the hunting4.2.3 the symbolic meaning of pequod4.2.4 the symbolic meaning of the seaⅴ conclusion选题目的与意义:美国象征主义大师麦尔维尔因《白鲸》而闻名于世。
bibliography[1] chase, richard. 1957. the american novel and its tradition [m]. london: the johns hopkins press, ltd.[2] chen, q. 1997. cultural interpretation of the symbolic meaning of moby dick. foreignliterature research,2.(陈秋红,《〈白鲸〉象征意义的文化阐述》,外国文学研究,1997年第2期。
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)篇三:毕业论文开题报告学士学位论文开题报告篇二:白鲸论文开题报告篇一:moby dick 白鲸开题报告毕业论文开题报告篇二:本库论文开题报告(二)外国语学院XX届本科毕业论文开题报告书中文题目:论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义英文题目:on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick 学生姓名:李世明学号:0751144110 班级:0322级本(2)班指导教师:刘国栋职称:讲师XX年11月论麦尔维尔《白鲸》中的象征意义1 引言2 文献综述3《白鲸》中主题的象征意义3.1 复仇主题的象征意义3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义4《白鲸》两大线索的象征意义4.1埃哈伯与莫比.迪克线索4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义4.1.3 白色的象征意义4.2伊西梅尔与捕鲸活动线索4.2.1 伊西梅尔的象征意义4.2.2 捕鲸活动的象征意义4.2.3 皮阔得号的象征意义4.2.4 大海的象征意义5 结论on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick ⅰ introductionⅱ literature reviewⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and natureⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues4.1 ahab and moby dick4.1.1 the symbolic meaning of ahab4.1.2 the symbolic meaning of moby dick4.1.3 the symbolic meaning of white4.2 ishmael and the hunting4.2.1 the symbolic meaning of ishmael4.2.2 the symbolic meaning of the hunting4.2.3 the symbolic meaning of pequod4.2.4 the symbolic meaning of the seaⅴ conclusion选题目的与意义:美国象征主义大师麦尔维尔因《白鲸》而闻名于世。