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•Earlier,Sinopec launched export product prices subsidies in March,2019,to encourage its refineries export gasoline and diesel in March. A under refinery's authority from Sinopec said, this subsidy standards for each tons of 130 yuan. Analysts believe, this indicated that the oil costs surge, refinery enthusiasm decline. But power failures mayexpedite domestic oil demand in the second and third quarter rapid warming. Oil companies worry about fuel shortages struck again, so they prepare earlier.
products processing to export,they can obtain Temporary duty-free and return Import taxes which is
paid and can be exempted from export duties. Implement extension of export commodities pay tax,
statistics, the EU’s subsidies to farmers total up to 80 billion dollars in 1994.
Indirectly subsidies
Indirect subsidies is that the government give financial preferential for certain commodities
Export Subsidies
• definition Export subsidies is also called export benefit.In
order to reduce the export commodity prices and increase theFra Baidu bibliotekr competitiveness in international market,government. When export the goods gives the exporters’ cash subsidies or fiscal preferential treatment.
exports. Such as returning and reducing Sales tax,Consumption tax,value-added tax,income tax and
some other Domestic tax when they export goods.to Import raw materials and Half finished
Export subsidies in case of view
News:Sinopec has full stopped oil exports from march. On April 19,when interviewed by the daily economic news (micro Po),the Deputy general manager Xia Shixiang revealed that, execution to stop exporting more than a year of refinery export subsidies also began to cancel from this month.
that export commodities of the international market price lower than domestic
market price. Sometimes, subsidies amount may also greatly exceed the actual
price difference, this already contains the rewards of exports. The subsidy way of
agricultural products is typical in the EU of export subsidies. According to
Before 2019, Countries used export tax rebates way to encourage the oil export.In 2019, When the supply in domestic market was tight, to increase imports of oil, Countries carried ou2t0t2h0/7e/7 policy of import VAT refund to the two companies.
Pattern Directly subsidies
Direct subsidies is that the government paid directly to exporters cash
subsidies in merchandise exports. Its purpose is to compensate for the damage
reduce freight, provide low-interest loans, adopts preferential exchange rate and provide subsidies