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听力部分共有20道题,有section A 和section B组成,Section A 有10道题(short conversation).每题含一组对话,基本上由三句话组成:男士一句,女士一句,问话一句。要求考生对其答案作出正确选择,对话只念一遍。Section B 一般由三篇短文(passage) 组成每篇短文为120词左右。短文后由三个或四个问题,共10题。短文念2遍。


(一)Section A 的主要题型―――6种

1.地点题。主要问Where did the conversation most probably/likely take place?

e.g. M: Excuse me; can I try this suit on?

W: Sorry, I haven’t got a changing room here.

Q: Where did the conversation most likely take place?

对于这类题,要注意主要信息。本题的主要信息是suit 或try suit on (试一试西装)

2.时间题。主要问When What time did/will/is…?

e.g. M: John is supposed to arrive at 6:30.

W: But he is half an hour late.

Q: What time is it now?

答案应选“7点钟”。此类题有时可能对时间进行加减计算。3.数字题。主要问How much /many…?

e.g. M: How much does the jacket cost?

W: The large size sells for 6 dollars, the middle size for 5. 5 dollars and the small size for 5 dollars.



4.关系题。主要问What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

e.g. M: What do you recommend for soup course?

W: We have very nice tomato soup, sir.

Q: What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

答案应选“Customer and waitress.”

对话中经常出现的表示双方关系的词主要有:teacher and student, waiter/waitress and customer, taxi driver and passenger, boss/manager and employee, shop-assistant and customer, doctor and patient, wife and husband, librarian and student, repairman and customer 等。

5.细节题。一般涉及对话的主要内容,如一方的态度、反应、建议、要求等。主要问What does the man/woman think of …? What’s the man’s response? What’s the woman’s attitude to …?

e.g. M: Classical music is more thoughtful than popular music.

W: I can’t help thinking the same.

Q: What does the woman think of the classical music?


懂并掌握“can’t help doing”的用法和意思。答案应当选“古典音乐比通俗音乐更有思想性”,同男士看法一样。

6.推导题。主要问What does the man/woman mean/ imply? 或What can we learn from the conversation?

e.g. M: Would you like to go to the concert tonight?

W: I’d like to, but I have to prepare for the maths exam tomorrow.

Q: What does the woman mean?

答案应选“不能去听音乐会”。根据有两个:一是but 为转折词,一般应同前文的内容和意思相左;二是根据内容推导,她要准备考试,不可能去听音乐会。

(二)Section A 的解体技巧


2.在每一题放音之前先将该题的4个选择项浏览一下,以便对试题的内容和所属题型有个初步的预测,作好心理准备,增强信心。如4个选项是A)Hotel; B) School; C) Airport; D) Restaurant.

那么,可以断定,这肯定是一道地点题,因此就要对与地点有关系的词特别注意。每题之间有10-15 秒的答题时间,一般答题时间5-10秒足够了,留下一些时间浏览下一题的4个选项。3.听完对话后,切不可松懈,还要继续主意听问题,听懂提问对答题正确与否起着关键作用。

