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art 1 课前用语

一 . 准备活动

2. 我想先讲个小故事。I ’ d like to start with a short story.

3.我要检验一下大家的背景知识。 I ’ m going to check your background knowledge.

4. 请为上课做好准备。Please get everything ready for class.

5. 快点,马上就要上课了。Hurry up. It’ s nearly for class.

6. 你最好快一点儿。You’ d better get a move on.

7. 请回到座位。Go back to your seat, please.

8. 大家准备好了么?Are you ready to begin?

9. 我将等你们安静下来,好么?I ’ ll wait for you to be quiet. OK?

10.请保持安静,马上就要上课了。Be quiet, please. Class will soon begin.

11.还有几分钟开始上课 ?How many minutes are there to go ?

12.正好打铃呢,你刚好赶上。There goes the bell, youre just in’time.

13. 各位坐好。Get seated, everyone.

14. 请坐好。Sit straight, please.

二 . 开始上课

1. 我们开始上课好吗?Shall we begin today’ s lesson ?

2. 书归正传,咱们开始上课吧。Time to get to the point.

3. 现在,咱们开始学习新课。Now, let’ s start today’ s lesson.

4. 上课时间到了。It ’ s time for class.

5. 让我们开始上课。Let ’ s start our class.

6. 我们学习新的一课。Let ’ s begin a new lesson.

7. 快点,我们开始上课。Hurry up, so that we can stet the lesson.

8. 铃声响了,让我们上课。The bell is ringing, let ’ s have a class.

9.铃声已经响过了,请保持安静。The bell has already gone, keep silence


10. 现在咱们上课吧。Now, let ’ s get down to work.

11. 咱们上课了,请安下心来。Settle down now and let’ s start.

12. 我想大家现在准备好开始了。I think we are ready to start now.

13. 大家准备好上课了吗?Is everyone ready to start the lesson ?

14. 好了,可以开始新课了吗?Alright, can we start now?

15.请举手。Put your hands up.

16.请到前面来。Come to the front..

17.请看黑板。Look at the blackboard.

18.请注意。Attention, please.


1. 很高兴见到你们。Glad to meet you.

2.我真的很高兴见到你们大家。 I ’ m really happy to meet you all.

3.你们很快就会适应一切的。 You’ ll soon get used to everything.

4. 同学们早上好。Good morning, class.

5. 各位早上好。Good morning, everybody.

6. 孩子们,你们好。Hi, children. / Hi, kids.

7. 你们今天好吗?How are you today ?

8. 你们或许有点紧张,因为一切都是全新的。You might be a little nervous because everything is new to you.

9. 我希望你们在这里过得开心。 I hope you ’ ll spend a great time here today.

10. 你们好吗?How have you been ?

11. 你们都充满了活力。You are full of energy.

12. 非常高兴我们又见面了。It ’ s really good to see you again.


1. 咱们看一下是否大家都到齐了。Let ’ s see if everyone is here.

2. 咱们核对一下出席情况吧。Let ’ s check the attendance.

3.当听到自己的名字,请举手。 When you hear your name, please raise

your hand.

4.当我叫到你的名字时请回答。Please answer when I call your names.

5.下面我点名。 I ’ m going to call the row. / call your names.

6.下面我将检查签到。 Now, I ’checkll the register.

7.共有多少人在班级里? How many students are there in our class ?

8.每个人都到齐了么?Is everyone / everybody /here present ?

9.出席多少人?How many students are present ?

10.有人缺席吗?Is anyone / anybody away / not here ?
