给学生 第2章 健康与疾病

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so we need a new assessing system
U.S. economist J. K. Calbraith in the 1950s
The mening of life dose not depend on the length, but the width
4.Quality of life(QOL)
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined Health in 1948
complete physical,
"as a state of
mental, and social
well-being, and not
merely the absence
of disease or
Section 1
1.What is health 2.What affects health
Section 1. Health and health promotion
5.How to promot health 3.How to assess health
4.Quality of life
1. What is health?
4.Quality of life(QOL)
4.2 QOL's assessing standards
1、physical status 2、pscychological status
3、social relationship
4、environmental status
5、independence degree
A health status’s individual and population index system
health status‘s biological, psychologi -cal and social index system
health status‘s synthesiz -ed index system
2.What affects health
Environmental factors Biological factors Behavior and lifestyles
Psychological factors
Medical and health service system
Factors affecting health
1.Biological factors ——main factor
biological pathogen(病原体) hereditary(遗传)
age, race(种族), gender(性别),
susceptibility(易感性) 2.Psychological factors mind-body interactions
5. Health promotion
5.2 Health promotion strategies
定) health promoting providing
supporting environment
medical service
use of community

Sub-health status
Sub-health, also called the third state is a grey period between healthy conditions and disease or unhealthy conditions.
The main syndromes for sub-health condition is manifested by bodily fatigue, difficulty in recovering after rest, body-ache, dizziness with headache, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, insomnia, lots of dreaming, palpitation, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, and unsociable and eccentric behavior.
We will learn:
Section 1. Health and health promotion
Section 2. Illness and prevention care
Section 3. Medical and health care policy and system
health and health promotion
Was he healthy?
He killed 4 classmates in Yunnan University in 2004
Definitions of Health
Traditionally health has been defined in terms of the presence or absence of disease.(the opposite of disease)
6. Health promotion related nursing activities
Unhealthy lifestyles and habits Pathogenic behavior patterns
risk behavior
Adverse illness behavior Violation(违反) of legal, ethical behavior
4.1 Definition(WHO)
Quality of life is an individual’s recognition and satisfaction of currently social status and life conditions, which is decided by living standard, dream and goals under the background of culture and customs.
making use of individual 's power
's power
6. Health promotion related nursing activities
Health related behavior: human individual's and groups' behaviors related to health and disease. healthy behavior: promoting health; risky behavior: harmful to health
Section 2. Illness and prevention care
1. Definition
alteration in body functions,metabolism or structure External and internal causes damage and antidamage
Moral health道德健康
健康者不以损害他人的利益来满足自己的需要,具有 辨别真与伪、善与恶、美与丑、荣与辱等是非观念, 能按社会行为的规范准则来约束自己及支配自己的思 想行为。 Healthy people do not satisfy their own needs by damaging others' interests, they have the sense of distinguishing true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, honor and shame,they can also restrain themselves and govern their own ideas and behavior following social behavior rules.
What causes sub-health status
overwork:mentally or physically psychological imbalance aging
before the illness
trough period
3. How to assess health
6. Health promotion related nursing activities
basic healthy behavior health care behavior
healthy behavior
warning behavior avoid harmful environmental behavior get rid of bad habits behavior
Is she healthy enough?
how to assess?
Tai Liping, a deaf-mute(聋哑) dancing actress
4.Quality of life(QOL)
⊙Health level has been improved, ⊙QOL was initially proposed by
5. Health promotion
5.1 Definition(WHO)
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to maintain and improve themselves, is the strategy of coordinating humankind and their environment, and regulates individual and society responsibilities for health.
infirmity."ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
WHO readjusted the definition of Health in 1989
"health is not only absence of disease, but also physical
health, mental health, social welladapted and moral health."
Homeostasis(内稳态) disorder
2. Relationship between health and illness
Factors affecting health
3. Environmental factors
natural environment social environment
Factors affecting health
4. Behavior and lifestyles
5. Medical and health service system
Chapter2 Health and illness
Wang Wenjuan
After the end of this chapter the students will be able to: 1.Differentiate health, illness, sub-health and health promotion. 2.Identify factors affecting health. 3.Identify and explain behahvior promoting health and harming health. 4.Describe measures preventing illnesses. 5.Elaborating principles and strategies of health prommotion. 6.Explain influence of illnesses on patients and their famlies.