
















随机配件:(相关示意图)MID 主机5V 2A直流充电器快速入门指南保修卡USB 连接线硬件规则:开机和关机:﹡开机:按住电源键,系统将进入开机过程,如下所示:开机Logo启动过程中…系统已经启动,正在进入Android系统:之后,系统进入默认的主界面。





mk电调说明书篇一:电调设置选项说明书电调设置选项说明书45A/50A/60A/70A/80A/100A/125A/200A·如何进入选项设置模式:1. 把马达和电调,以及接收机相互之间的连线全部接好,不过注意先不要连接电池和电调的电源线。

2. 打开遥控器,并把油门杆位拨到最高(满油门)。


)3. 联接电调与电池的电源线,电调上电,并控制马达并发出一些带节奏的鸣叫。




主选项提示声的含义如下表:表1.1提示音提示音含意短音乐+ 1短高?—主选项一:电池类型及电池数量鸣短音乐+ 2短高?——主选项二:油门相关设置鸣主选项三:刹车(标准固定翼版短音乐+ 3短高?———本电调)鸣 /操作模式(电直版本电调)短音乐+ 4短高?————主选项四:方向及保护模式鸣?————短音乐+ 5短高主选项五:PWM设置—鸣第一步,选择主选项并进入子选项菜单。





德国LRP iX8电调中文说明书

德国LRP iX8电调中文说明书
操作手冊 Formosa RC
iX8 電變操作說明
修訂日期 訂定日期 100.12.22 製 訂
版 類�������
次 號
1 80880
一〉主要用途「1/8 車用電變 二〉型號及規格「 型號「LRP 80880 支援馬達「四極或二極內轉,無限 T 數 輸入電壓「2S~6S 鋰聚(7.4V~22.2V) 最大功率「600A/Phase 支援前進/剎車/倒退 B.E.C 6V/6A 尺寸「55x40x24mm
#0 關
最低至最高設定 (#1=最低,#5=最高,預設為 0 關閉)
第 2 頁
共 3 頁
操作手冊 Formosa RC
iX8 電變操作說明
版 類�������Fra bibliotek次 號
1 80880
四〉警報代碼說明(Error Code)「當藍色 LED 快速閃爍時,代表電變 動保護模式,請參考以下表格 錯誤碼 SET 燈號 MODE 燈號 警告原因 警報可能因素 黃色 電變發出警報 1. 馬達功率太高或電池電壓太高 #1 2. 過熱 紅色 馬達發出警報 3. 齒比太低 #2 1. 電池沒電了或電壓偵測設定錯誤 藍色 2. 電池損毀 黃色+紅色交錯 電池電壓太低 #3 LED 3. 選用的馬達功率過高導致電池壓降 快速閃爍 4. 線路有假焊或是接觸不良 1. 感測線損壞,或是接觸不良 黃色+紅色同時 馬達故障 2. 齒輪等傳動系統卡住 #4 3. 馬達本體(霍爾感測器或軸心等損壞) 五〉回復出廠設定值「 若您因為設定問題導致電變動作怪怪的,或是車子跑起來有癖性,需要重新設定時,請參考以下步驟, 回復出廠設定值會將參數設定到如上灰色欄位的預設值 1. 2. 3. 4. 關閉所有電源然後開 遙控器電源 壓住電變的 SET 按鍵不放 打開電變電源 持續壓住 SET 按鍵約三秒鐘即回復原廠設定,請按照上述初始化重設電變即可



kube kx8-v2电子调速器程序设计严峻问题(玩竞赛的能够不用看)今天刚给我的losi 装上那个电调,测试了一下发觉实际用起来尚未我的好盈程序好用。









▸▸Eight channels in 2U –▸Extremely▸high▸channel▸density▸reduces▸space▸requirements▸and▸installation▸time▸▸High continuous output power of 250 W per channelat 70 V, 4 ohms, 8 ohms, and 16 ohms*▸▸All channels individually selectable for lo-Z or hi-Z Loudspeakers▸(2▸ohm▸–▸16▸ohm)▸and▸distributed▸systems▸can▸be▸connected▸to▸the▸same▸unit▸▸Bridged operation – Channel▸pairs▸bridgeable▸for▸increased▸output▸or▸for▸driving▸100▸V▸systems▸▸▸Patented output stage based on Class D topology▸▸High efficiency for lower thermal stress ▸▸General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) – Compatible▸with▸third-party▸control▸systems▸▸NomadLink® network ready▸▸Universal Power Factor Corrected PSU with IEC inlet▸▸Efficient cooling – Dual▸variable▸speed,▸intelligent▸fans▸and▸parallel▸airflow▸over▸output▸devices▸provide▸uniform▸cooling ▸▸Comprehensive circuit protection and fault indication ▸▸Phoenix-style input connectors and barrier strip output connectorsAn Installation Amplifier without CompromiseLab.gruppen▸amplifiers▸have▸earned▸an▸enviable▸worldwide▸reputa-tion▸for▸sonic▸excellence▸and▸rock-solid▸durability▸in▸touring▸sound▸applications.▸These▸same▸qualities▸are▸now▸available▸for▸a▸broad▸range▸of▸installed▸sound▸applications▸in▸the▸C▸20:8X▸amplifier.▸By▸offering▸an▸unmatched▸combination▸of▸channel▸density,▸operating▸ef-ficiency▸and▸configuration▸flexibility,▸the▸C▸20:8X▸presents▸convincing▸performance▸and▸cost-saving▸advantages.▸Applications▸include▸pri-mary▸systems▸for▸theme▸parks,▸shopping▸malls,▸airports,▸hotels▸and▸▸restaurants▸as▸well▸as▸auxiliary▸systems▸for▸performance▸venues,▸houses▸of▸worship▸and▸numerous▸other▸installed▸sound▸applications. To▸achieve▸higher▸channel▸density▸without▸compromising▸per-formance,▸Lab.gruppen▸engineers▸developed▸a▸new▸output▸stage▸design.▸Based▸on▸a▸patented▸Class▸D▸circuit▸topology,▸these▸output▸stages▸produce▸sustained▸high▸power▸levels▸with▸very▸low▸distortion▸while▸maintaining▸efficiency▸levels▸of▸near▸90%.▸A▸new▸universal▸switching▸power▸supply▸employs▸Power▸Factor▸Correction▸(PFC)▸▸to▸stabilize▸current▸draw,▸and▸it▸accepts▸any▸mains▸voltage▸from▸▸65▸–▸265▸V▸(+/-▸10%)▸@▸50▸Hz▸or▸60▸Hz▸through▸the▸appropriate▸▸IEC▸cord.The▸C▸20:8X▸includes▸unique▸features▸which▸enable▸each▸unit▸–▸or▸even▸each▸channel▸–▸to▸be▸configured▸for▸a▸specific▸application▸or▸load▸condition.▸Input▸gain▸is▸selectable▸in▸four-channel▸groups,▸and▸a▸35▸Hz▸high▸pass▸filter▸may▸be▸inserted.▸All▸channels▸are▸bridgeable▸in▸pairs,▸and▸Lab.gruppen’s▸exclusive▸Voltage▸Peak▸Limiter▸(VPL)▸fea-ture▸allows▸each▸channel▸to▸be▸individually▸optimized▸for▸the▸reactive▸characteristics▸of▸the▸connected▸load.For▸comprehensive▸remote▸monitoring▸and▸control,▸the▸C▸20:8X▸includes▸NomadLink®▸network▸ports▸for▸connecting▸to▸an▸optional▸NLB▸60E▸NomadLink®▸Bridge▸&▸Network▸Controller▸and▸an▸Ethernet-linked▸PC.▸With▸NomadLink®,▸key▸amplifier▸parameters▸are▸displayed▸via▸DeviceControl▸software,▸and▸remote▸control▸of▸channel▸mute▸and▸power▸on/off▸is▸under▸network▸control.▸Alternatively,▸the▸GPIO▸▸facilities▸allow▸access▸to▸key▸amplifier▸functions▸via▸third-party▸▸remote▸control▸systems.▸To▸ensure▸a▸long▸and▸trouble-free▸service▸life,▸the▸C▸20:8X▸▸incorporates▸extensive▸features▸to▸safeguard▸internal▸circuits▸and▸connected▸loads.▸Protection▸and▸warning▸circuits▸prevent▸damage▸or▸service▸interruptions▸due▸to▸excessive▸current,▸DC▸at▸output,▸▸over-temperature,▸non-musical▸VHF▸(very▸high▸frequencies),▸and▸open▸load▸conditions.▸In▸addition,▸soft-start▸and▸PSU▸current▸limit-ing▸protect▸the▸mains▸supply▸from▸interruptions▸due▸to▸tripped▸circuit▸breakers▸or▸blown▸mains▸fuses.*▸Maximum▸continuous▸output▸power,▸all▸channels▸▸▸▸▸▸driven,▸VPL▸set▸at▸100▸V▸and▸Gain▸set▸at▸32▸dB ▸Auditoriums▸Performing Arts Centers▸Convention Centers▸Stadiums and Arenas▸Theme Parks▸Hotels▸Houses of Worship▸Restaurants▸Clubs▸Educational Establishments▸Boardrooms▸Museums▸Offices▸Shopping Malls▸Transportation Facilities ApplicationsC 20:8XItem no. TDS-C208X_V6GeneralNumber▸of▸channels8Peak▸total▸output▸all▸channels▸driven 2000▸WPeak▸output▸voltage▸per▸channel 100▸V▸/▸70▸Vrms Max.▸output▸current▸per▸channel 8▸Arms Max. Output Power 16 ohms 8 ohms 4 ohms 2 ohms Hi-ZPer▸ch.▸(all▸ch.’s▸driven)250▸W 250▸W 250▸W 125▸W 250▸W▸(70▸Vrms▸/▸100▸V▸peak)Bridged▸per▸ch.500▸W500▸W250▸Wn.r.500▸W▸(140▸Vrms▸/▸200▸V▸peak)Performance with Gain: 32 dB and VPL: 100 V THD▸20▸Hz▸-▸20▸kHz▸for▸1▸W<0.1%THD▸at▸1▸kHz▸and▸1▸dB▸below▸clipping <0.05%Signal▸To▸Noise▸Ratio>112▸dBA Channel▸separation▸(Crosstalk)▸at▸1▸kHz>70▸dBFrequency▸response▸(1▸W▸into▸8▸ohms)▸+0/-3▸dB 6.8▸Hz▸-▸34▸kHz Input▸impedance20▸kOhm Input▸Common▸Mode▸Rejection,▸CMR 50▸dB Output▸impedance▸@▸100▸Hz48▸mOhmVoltage Peak Limiter (VPL), max. peak output VPL,▸selectable▸per▸ch.▸(V)▸3)100,▸63,▸45,▸32▸V VPL,▸selectable▸when▸bridged▸(V)▸3)▸1)200,▸126,▸90,▸64▸V Voltage▸Peak▸Limiter▸mode▸(per▸ch.)Hard▸/▸SoftGain and LevelAmplifier▸gain▸selectable▸(all▸channels)▸1)▸–▸rear-panel▸switches 29,▸32,▸35,▸38▸dBDefault▸gain32▸dBLevel▸adjustment▸(per▸ch.)Front-panel▸potentiometer,▸21▸position▸detented▸from▸-inf▸to▸0▸dB,▸hidden▸behind▸security▸panel/dust▸filter▸grilleConnectors and switches Input▸connectors▸(per▸ch.)3-pin▸Phoenix,▸electronically▸balanced Output▸connectors▸(per▸ch.)Barrier▸strip▸2-pole▸screw▸terminals Output▸bridge▸mode A+B,▸C+D,▸E+F ,▸G+H,▸inputs▸A,▸C,▸E,▸G▸are▸signal▸source High▸pass▸filterFixed▸at▸35▸Hz,▸switchable▸per▸channelNomadLink ®▸network On▸board,▸2▸x▸RJ45▸connectors,▸IN▸and▸OUT Intelligent▸fans▸(on/off)Y es,▸depending▸on▸presence▸of▸output▸signal Power▸on/off▸and▸Remote▸enable▸on/off Individual▸switches▸on▸front-panelCoolingTwo▸fans,▸front-to-rear▸airflow,▸temperature▸controlled▸speed General▸Purpose▸Outputs▸(GPO)Contact▸Closure▸types,▸2-pole▸Phoenix General▸Purpose▸Inputs▸(GPI)Contact▸Closure▸types,▸2-pole▸PhoenixFront-panel indicators Common NomadLink ®▸Network;▸Power▸Average▸Limiter▸(PAL)▸2);▸Power▸on▸Per▸channelSignal▸present▸/▸High-impedance;▸Voltage▸Peak▸Limiter▸(VPL);▸Current▸Peak▸Limiter▸(CPL):▸Very▸High▸Frequency▸(VHF);▸High▸temperature;▸Fault;▸MutePowerOperating▸voltage,▸230▸V▸/▸115▸V▸nominal 65-265▸V Minimum▸power-up▸voltage,▸230▸V▸/▸115▸V 80▸V Power▸Average▸Limiter▸(PAL)▸2)YesSoft▸start▸/▸Inrush▸current▸draw Yes▸/▸max.▸5▸A Mains▸connector IEC▸InletDimensions (W/H/D)W:▸483▸mm▸(19”),▸H:▸88▸mm▸(2▸U),▸D:▸343▸mm▸(13.5”)Weight 8.5▸kg▸(18.75▸lbs.)FinishBlack▸painted▸steel▸chassis▸with▸gray▸painted▸steel▸front ApprovalsCE,▸ANSI/UL▸60065▸(ETL),▸CSA▸C22.2▸NO.▸60065,▸FCC▸▸Note 1):▸Automatic▸-6▸dB▸gain▸compensation▸when▸bridging▸channels.▸Ch.’s▸A+B▸and/or▸C+D,▸E+F,▸G+H,▸can▸be▸bridged▸individually.▸Note 2):▸PAL▸can▸reduce▸the▸maximum▸output▸power▸to▸keep▸the▸power▸supply▸operating▸safely,▸and/or▸to▸prevent▸excessive▸current▸draw▸tripping▸the▸mains▸breaker.▸▸▸▸▸Refer▸to▸Operation▸Manual.▸Note 3):▸For▸sine▸waves,▸peak▸voltage▸output▸values▸translate▸to▸Vrms▸with▸the▸formula▸V/1.41▸=▸Vrms.▸E.g.▸100▸V▸peak▸equals▸app.▸70▸Vrms.▸▸Hence,▸outputs▸can▸be▸set▸for▸high-impedance▸loads▸without▸requiring▸a▸transformer. All specifications are subject to change without notice.L a b .g r u p p e n a b ▸ S w e d e ni n t e r n a t i o n a L c o n t a c t ▸ i n f o @L a b g r u p p e n .c o m | u S & c a n a d a c o n t a c t ▸ i n f o @t c g -a m e r i c a S .c o mw w w .l a b g r u p p e n .c o mSpecifications C 20:8X。




1.2 主要性能特点(1)含有手动、自动两种工作方式。









二、使用环境:1、控制器必须安装于室内;2、使用环境温度:-10℃―+40℃;3、环境相对湿度:<85%;4、海拔高度不高于 2000米;5、仪器避免振动和冲击;6、环境周围不含腐蚀气体或导电尘埃。

三、主要技术参数及指标:1、工作电源电压: AC 380V 50H Z2、基准整定电压: AC 100V 或400V 50H Z3、控制电压灵敏度:± 2.5% (或按合同要求)4、控制电压误差:± 1%5、自动调压延迟时间 15∽60秒、出厂时调至30± 5秒6、过压报警值:>基准采样电压的10%7、自动回中档(或按合同要求)8、外型尺寸: 290x210x95mm39、重量: 4.5kg四、结构及工作原理图:(参考电路原理方框图)1、结构控制器采用金属外壳,外型轻巧美观大方。



tk8的用法1. 什么是tk8tk8是一个用于管理和部署Kubernetes集群的工具。


2. tk8的特点2.1 简化集群创建使用tk8可以快速创建一个全新的Kubernetes集群。



2.2 灵活的配置选项tk8提供了丰富的配置选项,可以根据实际需求灵活配置集群的规模、网络、存储等参数。


2.3 自动化的部署过程tk8可以自动化地部署Kubernetes集群的各个组件,包括Master节点、Worker节点、网络插件、存储插件等。



2.4 高可用性和容错性tk8支持创建高可用的Kubernetes集群。



2.5 扩展性和可维护性tk8提供了一套灵活的插件机制,可以方便地扩展集群的功能和服务。



3. tk8的安装和配置3.1 安装要安装tk8,首先需要安装Terraform和Kubernetes。


3.2 配置配置tk8需要创建一个配置文件,可以使用YAML或JSON格式。




Manual of Program Card
尊敬的客户,我们的产品自售出之日起,提供 180 天的保修服务,因此为了保护您的权 益,请在购买产品时向销售商索取收据或发票,我们以此作为确定售出日期的凭证。如无法 提供收据或发票,我们将对产品实行有偿维修。
1. 刹车:开启刹车,则油门关闭后,马达迅速停止; 关闭刹车,则油门关闭后,马达随惯性逐渐停止。
2. 低电压保护方式:指当电池电压低于所设定的保 护阈值时采取的保护方式。
3. 低电保护阈值:当采用的是锂电池时,则“低/ 中/高”表示将每节锂电电压的保护点分别设为 “2.6V/2.85V/3.1V”;当采用的是镍氢/镍镉电 池时,则“低/中/高”表示将低电压保护点分别 设为初始输入电压的 0%(无保护)/45%/60%。
Manual of Program Card
按 这个键,即可上下选择各个设定项,选择后该设定项的某个发光管会闪烁,然后按 这个键即可以选择要设定的参数,闪烁的发光管对应所选的参数值。设定好后,按 键。这 时蓝
Doc Ver. HW-02A-090103.1
一、对于有内部 BEC 电路的电调 1. 断开电调电源。 2. 对于普通电调(支持 2-6 节锂电),请将电调上的 BEC 排线(控制线)从接收机上拔下
来,插到编程设定卡上右上角标注着 BEC 的插座里。 3. 将电调接上主电源。 4. 设定卡显示出电调的当前设定值。
○ ● ● ● 8 CELLS (29.6V) ● ● ● ● 自动检测锂电节数 注: 我们强烈建议用户手动设定锂电节数,而不要轻易选择“自动检测锂电节数”功能


尊敬的用户: 感谢您对我们产品的信任,购买我们的无刷马达电子调速器。为了保障你的权益,
注意事项: 使用前应完全阅读说明 只使用高质量的新插头,必须很好的焊接控制器的电线(插头不能有助焊剂残留物) 连接电池的电源线可以最大延长至20厘米 注意所有电线和接收机天线之间的距离,应尽可能地保持最大 在飞行器即将飞行前将电池连上飞行系统,登陆后马上断开 如果您不使用这个模型,请总是将所有电池与飞行系统断开 请勿将电子调速器或电池的极性接反、或使用不同型号的连接器 除了连接合适的电池(相应的输入电压和电流负载),请勿将电子调速器连接到直 流电源上 每次开机之前都要检查调速器和接收器电路和发射频率 请将模型中的调速器置于制冷气流中,并留一个通风孔以保证有充足的空气量(进 风孔和出风孔)
电子调速器安装 考虑到冷却效果、电线长度和接收机天线位置,请为调速器选择合适的位置 请将JR连接器插入接收器油门通道 传送器油门杆必须位于电机停止的位置上 连接飞行器电池(注意极性正确) 电池必须一次性连接OK,注意不能用插头多次插拔 电机发出“哔” 一声或“哔、哔” 两声说明连接正确,电子调速器一切就绪,等 待您推动油门启动电机 若听到“哔”一声,说明制动刹车已启动,若听到“哔、哔”两声,说明刹车功能 未启动 您现在可以使用油门杆来启动电机了 如果上述确认的蜂鸣声没有出现,请断开飞行器电池并检查:JR插头是否与油门通 道正确连接,油门摇杆是否处于最低位置(刹车/停止)或者传送器油门通道可能 处于相反位置 电机旋转方向的改变既可以通过电机和调速器之间3条连接线中的任意2条连接线 互换来实现,也可以通过调节ProgCard Pro程序卡来实现
关断电压模式 高 中 低

锐酷电子 8x8 HDMI 矩阵器与分析器及 4K-to-1080P 下调器 用户指南说明书

锐酷电子 8x8 HDMI 矩阵器与分析器及 4K-to-1080P 下调器 用户指南说明书

To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. Keep this manual for future reference.1. Do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. Do not expose this equipment to drippingor splashing, and ensure that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the equipment. Do not use this apparatus near water.2. Do not remove cover. No user serviceable parts inside.3. Clean only with a dry cloth.4. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install according to manufacturer’s instructions.5. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or otherapparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.6. Do not override the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding plug. A polarized plug hastwo blades, one of which is wider than the other. A grounding plug has two matching blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.7. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched, particularly at the plug end andwhere the power cord is attached to the apparatus.8. Only use attachments and accessories specified by the manufacturer.9. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatushas been damaged in any way, such as when the power supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled on or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus hasbeen exposed to rain or moisture, the apparatus does not operate normally, or it has been dropped.10. To completely disconnect this equipment from power, disconnect the power supply cordfrom the power outlet.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.2This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.31. Product Overview (5)2. Features (5)3. Package Contents (5)4. Device Layout (6)4.1. B-660-MTRX-8x8 Front Panel (6)4.2. B-660-MTRX-8x8 Rear Panel (6)5. Installation & Wiring (7)5.1. Installation (7)5.2. Wiring (7)6. RS232 Control (8)7. IR Remote Control (9)8. Web UI Control (9)8.1. Get Access to the Web UI (9)8.2. Web UI Introduction (10)9. Specifications (18)9.1. Transmission Distance (19)10. Warranty (19)11. Support (19)41.B-660-MTRX-8x8 is an 8x8 HDMI 2.0 Matrix with resolutions supported up to 4K@60Hz 4:4:4 8bit and HDCP 2.2 compatibility. It allows eight sources to be switched to eight HDMI displays simultaneously. The B-660-MTRX-8x8 supports various HDR formats including HDR10, HLG and Dolby Vision up to 4K60, and ARC for residential applications. It also allows for flexible video output in mixed 1080P and 4K TV environments, by providing 4K-to-1080P simple downscaler with each HDMI output. B-660-MTRX-4x4 Matrix can be controlled by IR, RS232 and LAN control with Telnet API and Web UI.Designed for 1U rack mount and stand-alone installation, this matrix offers an Ultra HD A/V switching and distribution solution ideal for a variety of applications, such as offices, schools, conference rooms, hotels, etc. .2.• Includes 8 HDMI inputs and 8 HDMI outputs.• Inputs and outputs support video resolutions up to 4K@60Hz 4:4:4 8bit and HDCP 2.2. • Supports 4K@60Hz HDR formats, including HDR10, HLG & Dolby Vision.• Fast switching among multiple video sources.• Provides independent 4K-to-1080P simple downscaler with each HDMI output.• Provides rich audio output modes:>Supports HDMI de-embedded audio from associated HDMI output.>Supports ARC audio return via associated HDMI output(in this case the HDMI output must be connected to TV’s HDMI ARC port).• Provides ready-to-use RCA analog ports for all audio outputs and 5-pin true differentialbalanced audio ports for audio outputs 7&8.• Supports IR, RS232 and LAN (Telnet API & Web UI) control options.• OvrC enabled.3.• 1 x B-660-MTRX-8x8 Matrix• 1 x AC Power Cord with US Pins• 1 x IR Remote• 2 x Phoenix Connectors (3.5mm, 5 Pins)• 1 x Phoenix Connector (3.5mm, 3 Pins)• 2 x Mounting Brackets (with Screws)• 1 x Installation Manual54.4.1. B-660-MTRX-8x8 Front Panel1. Output Channel IndicatorIndicates input for output port 1-8.2. IR WindowReceives signals from IR remote.3. STATUS LEDOn: The device is connected to the network.Off: No network is connected to the device.4. Power SwitchPress to power on/off the matrix.4.2. B-660-MTRX-8x8 Rear Panel1. HDMI IN (1-8)Connect to HDMI Sources.2. HDMI OUT (1-8)Connect to HDMI displays.3. AC 100-240V 50/60HzConnect the power cord provided. Accepts AC power of 100-240V 50/60Hz.4. LANConnect to a control system for Web UI or Telnet control.5. RS-232Connect to a control PC or control system for RS232 serial control.6. AUDIO OUT 1-8L/R analog output (1-8): L/R analog audio output. Connect to audio devices via RCA stereo6audio cables;Phoenix Connector Audio output (7-8): 5 pins, 3.5mm phoenix connector. Connect to audio devices via 5pins, 3.5mm phoenix stereo audio cables.Note: Audio output ports can be set through web UI or API commands to output HDMIde-embedded audio, or ARC audio from associated HDMI output connected TVs (with ARC function supported, and the CEC function is set to on)5.5.1. InstallationB-660-MTRX-8x8 occupies 1U space and can be placed on a solid and stable surface or installed on a standard equipment rack.Steps to install the matrix on an equipment rack:1. Attach the installation bracket to the enclosure using the screws provided in the packageseparately.The bracket is attached to the enclosure as shown.2.3. Repeat steps 1-2 for the other side of the unit.4. Mount and affix the unit in the rack mount with the mounting screws.5.2. WiringWarnings:• Before wiring, disconnect the power from all devices.• During wiring, connect and disconnect the cables gently.Steps for device wiring:1. Connect HDMI INConnect the HDMI sources (such as PC, Blu-ray player, Apple TV, 4K media player, etc) to the HDMI IN 1-8 of the Matrix.72. Connect HDMI OUTConnect HDMI display device (such as TV, projector, LED/LCD display) to the HDMI OUT 1-8.3. Connect AUDIO OUTConnect audio devices to AUDIO OUT 1-8 of the Matrix (e.g. audio amplifier).4. Connect for additional control options:• LAN Control (Telnet/Web UI): Connect a Local Area Network to the LAN port of the Matrix.• RS232 Control: Connect a control PC or control system to RS-232 port of the Matrix.• IR Control: The IR Remote provided is for controlling the Matrix through IR signal.5. Connect the AC power cord provided to the Matrix.6. Power on all attached devices.Application Diagram6.Advanced users may need to control the matrix through RS232 serial communication. Connect a control PC or control system to the RS-232 port of the receiver. API command for RS232 control is available in the separate document “API Command Set_ B-660-MTRX-8x8”. A professional RS232 serial interface software (e.g. Serial Assist) may be needed as well.Before executing the API command through RS232 serial connection, please ensure RS232 interface of the device and the control PC are configured correctly.897.The Matrix can be controlled by the IR Remote provided. Point the Remote directly to the IR window on front panel of the Matrix. Now you can select input source for each output display.Next InputPrevious InputOutput 2To select input source for output display:1. Locate the target output you want to switch inputs for, numbered 1-8 vertically along the right side.2. Press the previous ( ) or next ( ) button to select the desired input source.A complete list of hex IR codes can be found in the “B-660-MTRX-8x8_IR Code” file.8.The Web UI designed for the matrix is available for basic controls and advanced settings of the device. The Web UI can be accessed through a browser, e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE, etc..The default network mode of matrix is DHCP , in this mode, if there’s not a DHCP server, the matrix supports for a local 169.254.xxx.xxx IP address.8.1. Get Access to the Web UI1. Connect the LAN port of the matrix to your PC using a straight UTP cable, or connect the matrix to a local area network, and connect your PC to the same network. Using the later connection, ensure a DHCP server is included in the local area network.102. Use a tool such as OvrC to search the IP address of the device or send API command to get IP address (More information, see the separate document “API Command Set_B-660-MTRX-8x8”). Set your PC to the same network segment as the matrix if you connect the matrix to your PC directly.3.Input the IP address in your browser and press Enter. The following window will display.Enter the Username and Password. The default username and password are both “binary”. Then click “Login”. When login firstly, the following page will be popped up to remind you tochange the username and password.Note:• The changed username and password must be different from the default username and password.• Username and Password must be 4 to 16 characters in length, alphanumeric only.8.2. Web UI IntroductionThe web UI page includes the following submenus: SIGN OUT, FACTORY DEFAULT, UPDATE and REBOOT on the up-right corner, Matrix Control, Log and System in the main page.8.2.1.SIGN OUTClick the icon to return to the login page.8.2.2.FACTORY DEFAULTClick the icon, the following window will be popped up, click “CONFIRM” to reset the device tofactory default.UPDATE8.2.3.Click the icon, enter the following window.1112Click “BROWSE” to select the needed upgrade file (“.zip” file is need, you can upload ARM,MCU, or web UI upgrade file), and then click “UPDATE” to upgrade the corresponding firmware.Note: Do not power off the device when upgrading.8.2.4.REBOOTClick the icon, the follwing window will be popped up, click “CONFIRM” to reboot the device.Note: Please wait at least 2 minutes to refresh the web page and log in again.8.2.5. Matrix ControlMove the mouse to “Matrix Control” in the web page, it shows the following sub-menus: Switch and preset, Configuration and Display control. Click the item you want to configure.1. Switch and preseta. Video ControlThis section manages distribution of input video sources to output displays. Click the button in the table to select the input for the output display (button turns from white to blue once selection is done).13• All Outputs: Click to route one input to all outputs.• None: None input is routed to the output (or the output is turned off).By default, Video Input 1 routes to Output 1, …, Video Input 7 routes to Output 7, Video Input 8 routes to Output 8.b. Audio ControlThis section allows you to select audio source for each audio output.• HDMI de-embed: AUDIO OUT port outputs De-embedded audio from the corresponding HDMI OUT port.• HDMI ARC: AUDIO OUT port outputs ARC audio from the corresponding HDMI OUT port.The default setting for each audio output is HDMI de-embed.c. PresetsThis section saves/loads the input/output switch settings to or from the Matrix.• SAVE: Settings in Video Matrix Control section are saved.• LOAD: Preset already saved is loaded.142. ConfigurationThis section allows you to change name for each input and output, set EDID for each input, andshow video and audio informations for each inputs and outputs.• Input/Output: Select one input/output to set and show its video and audio informations.• Input Name/Output Name: Redefine the input/output names.For Input:• EDID: Click to select the EDID for input.>Apply: Click to make the EDID setting take effect. >ExportEDID: Click to save the EDID information of the selected input port as a bin fileto local PC.• Video In/Audio In: Show the video and audio informations for selected inputs.15For Output:• ExportEDID: Click to save the EDID information of the TV connected to the selected output port as a bin file to local PC.• Video Out/Audio Out: Show the video and audio informations for selected outputs.3.Display Control• Display On: Click to send the saved Display On command to the connected CEC-enabled display to power on it immediately.• Display Off: Click to send the saved Display Off command to the connected CEC-enabled display to power off it immediately.• Auto On/Off: Click to enable or disable the CEC Auto Control. By default, the auto CEC control is on.• Delay Time (1~30min): Click the up/down arrow to set the time for the display to power off automatically when no signal is present. For example, if Auto control is set as on and the time is set to 2 minutes, the output display will power off automatically when there’s no signal at the display for 2 minutes.8.2.6. Log1. API TestThis section allows you to input API commands to control the matrix.• Send: Click to send the command entered to the matrix.Note:• More API commands, please refer to the separate document “API Command Set_B-660-MTRX-8x8”.16•The return information of the sent command will be shown in log box:2. LogThis section shows the operation log and return information of the tested command.• Export Log: Click to export omni log recording information for remote trouble shooting.8.2.7. SystemMove the mouse to “System” in the page, it shows the following sub-menus: Information, Network and Other. Click the item you want to configure.1. InformationThis section shows the basic information of the matrix, including MODEL, SERVICE NUMBER,SERVICE TAG, MAC ADDRESS, IP ADDRESS and FIRMWARE VERSION.2. NetworkNetwork is used to set between the static and dynamic IP address.17• DHCP: When enabled, the IP address of the Matrix is assigned automatically by the DHCP server connected.• Static: When enabled, set up the IP address manually.• Apply: Click to enable the network setting.Note:• When “Static” is selected, please ensure your PC is in the same network segment as the Matrix, i.e. the IP address of your PC should be set as 192.168.xxx.xxx.• Please wait for 2-3 minutes for the Matrix’s LAN module to reboot and reconnect after the network setting is changed.By default, the IP type is set as DHCP . If it doesn’t have DHCP server, the matrix supports for local IP address. Use API Command to get the IP address.3.Othera. Power Saving ModeThis section allows you to set power saving mode of the matrix to on/off. The default setting isoff.Note: When set Power Saving Mode to on, the matrix will enter standby mode to use lesspower than normal operation mode. In this mode, the front panel display will be off, and outputs will the powered down.18b. Login UsernameThis section is where to change the Username.• Apply: Click to make the setting take effect.Note: User name must be 4 to 16 characters in length, alphanumeric only.c. Login PasswordThis section is where to change Password.• Apply: Click to make the setting take effect.Note: Password must be 4 to 16 characters in length, alphanumeric only.9.199.1.Transmission Distance10. WARRANTY2-Year Limited WarrantyThis Binary product has a 2-Year limited warranty. This warranty includes parts and labor repairs on all components found to be defective in material or workmanship under normal conditions of use. This warranty shall not apply to products that have been abused, modified or disassembled. Products to be repaired under this warranty must be returned to SnapOne or a designated service center with prior notification and an assigned return authorization number (RA).11. SUPPORTNeed Help? Contact Tech Support!If you need further clarification, please call tech support at (866) 838-5052, or email ***********************. For other information, instructional videos, supportdocumentation, or ideas, visit our website and view your item’s product page at .Rev: 220418-160923© 2022 Binary。

CIOKS 8 电源说明书

CIOKS 8 电源说明书

Powering different pedal typesEach individual rig is different, therefore if you have questions about using the CIOKS 8 power supply please e-mail your detailed questions including the power requirements of your specific pedals directly to .Not included accessoriesCIOKS GRIPThe GRIP bracket allows easy and drill-free mounting of CIOKS 8 power supply below any Pedaltrain board except the smallest Nano model (order no. GRIP).Hex stand-offsA set of four 8mm hex stand-offs (only 3 need to be used) to make an offset and space for the finger screws in-between the power supply and a Templeboard (order no. 4HEX).Technical specificationsInput/link 1-2: 24V DC, max. 4AOutputs 1-8: 9V DC / 660mA or12V DC / 500mA or15V DC / 400mA or18V DC / 330mA eachTotal output power is max. 48W provided an appropriate and sufficient input power source is applied. Size: 120x88x25,4mm / 4.7x3.5x1.0” (excl. rubber feet)Weight: 340g / 0.75 lbWarranty period: 5 years worldwideWhat’s in the box?•CIOKS 8 power supply•12 Flex cables•50cm DC Link cable (to connect to CIOKS DC7)•Mounting hardware (2 screws and a hex-key)•Product sheet (drill guide)•Flex and DC Link cable selection guide•Sticker (sheet with 2pcs.)•ManualUser’s ManualVersion 1.02 – April 2020IntroductionSince 1991, the Danish company CIOKS has been providing guitar and bass players with reliable power supplies dedicated for effect pedals. The CIOKS 8 power supply is part of our Future Power Generation range of professional power supplies. CIOKS 8 has 8 isolated outlets for powering pedals and offers 4 different output voltages on each outlet. Our new CIOKS 8 power supply is recommended to use to extensively expand your existing DC7 power supply with additional 8 isolated outlets.Features•Expand your CIOKS DC7 power supply with 8 additional isolated outlets•CIOKS 8 offers a compact one-inch profile (25,4mm)•Low weight, 340g (0.75 lb)•Ultra-low noise achieved by multi-stage filtering•8 isolated DC-outlets, 6W each, 660mA @ 9V• 4 selectable voltages on each outlet (9, 12, 15 or 18V)•Individual status LED on each outlet and a global status LED•Power it with CIOKS DC7 or another strong 24V DC source•Total maximum output power 48W•Mounting hardware for Pedaltrain and Temple Audio boards is included•Compatible with CIOKS GRIP, for drill-free Pedaltrain mounting•12 Flex cables included•Designed in Denmark, assembled in Poland•5-year worldwide warrantyOverviewLeft and rightOn the left side you will find the two input/link DC sockets and the three RCA sockets being outlets 1-3 for powering pedals. On the right there are five RCA sockets being outlets 4-8 also for powering pedals.TopCIOKS logo has a red LED placed in the middle of the letter ‘O’ and this functions as a global status indicator. For each outlet you have a voltage selector switch and an advanced LED indicator.FrontThe two holes in the front with metric M4 threads are to be used with the GRIP bracket (sold separately) for mounting to Pedaltrain boards with no drilling required.BottomThe four detachable rubber feet are situated on the bottom of the enclosure. On this same surface you will find 3 holes with metric M4 threads which can be used for mounting of the power supply to a pedalboard. Getting startedConnect a 24V DC supply voltage to CIOKS 8 power supply from either CIOKS DC7 or other compatible source. Set the output voltage on a given outlet to either 9, 12, 15 or 18V depending on the needs of the particular pedal to be powered. Using the right Flex cable type connect your pedal to this outlet. Repeat this with your remaining pedals.Advanced LED Monitoring featureEach isolated outlet has its individual LED status indicator. The indicator is lit in normal operation. The LED light gets dim when you operate just on the edge of the power limit, regardless of which voltage you have selected on the outlet. If you overload or short circuit an outlet, the respective LED indicator turns off. The light intensity of the status LED will be higher when the output voltage is set to a higher value than 9V being 12, 15 or 18V.Global status indicatorIf the CIOKS 8 power supply is powered from a power source with an output power capability exceeding 56W the red LED inside the O letter in CIOKS logo will be lit regardless of pedal load. If the power source supplying CIOKS 8 has a power capability of less the 56W the input voltage will when reaching the adapter’s maximum power capability start to sag hence turning the CIOKS 8 global status indicator off. Pedalboard mountingGeneralThe most solid way is using the drill template being the product sheet and then drill two diagonally positioned ø4,5mm or ø5,0mm holes in the pedalboard and fasten CIOKS 8 to it with the two included screws. Due to CIOKS 8 extremely flat profile and low weight you can use Dual-Lock tape or industrial Velcro to fasten it below any type of pedalboard. In general for mounting in a rack, pedalboard or other structure we recommend using two of the five threaded M4 holes (3 in the bottom and 2 in the front) and matching metric M4 screws. Remember not to penetrate the CIOKS 8 by more than 5mm with the screws used.PedaltrainFor Pedaltrain boards we recommend an easy alternative way of mounting the CIOKS 8 unit by using the GRIP bracket where no drilling is needed. Temple AudioThe three threaded M4 holes in the bottom of CIOKS 8 are aligned with the grid of Templeboards and allow for very easy mounting on top or below any Temple Audio pedalboard with the included 2 screws. We recommend using the two holes positioned diagonally. If you want to make a distance between the board’s surface and the CIOKS 8 to allow space for the Temple Audio finger screws you should get a set of three 8mm hex stand-offs with matching screws (order no. 4HEX) and then use these with all three threaded holes in the bottom of the power supply.Included accessoriesFlex cablesCIOKS offers a wide selection of different Flex cable types for connection your pedals to the power supply. Below you see a list of the included Flex cables with your unit:•Standard Flex type 1 – black with 5,5/2,1mm centre negative DC plug x7 •Standard Flex type 2 – red with 5,5/2,1mm centre positive DC plug x1 •Standard Flex type 4 – green with 5,5/2,5mm centre positive DC plug x1 •Standard Flex type 5 – black with tip positive 3,5mm Jack plug x1 •Split Flex type 1 – black with two 5,5/2,1mm centre negative DC plugs x1 •3-way daisy chain Flex type 1 – black with three 5,5/2,1mm centre negative DC plugs x1 Split Flex should be used if you would like to power two pedals with the same voltage using only one outlet. In the same manner you should use the 3-way daisy chain if you wish to power three pedals of one outlet. For further information about Flex cables please have a look at the included Flex cable selection guide or visit CIOKS web site.DC Link cableA DC Link cable in 50cm length is included and should be used to connect CIOKS 8 power supply to CIOKS DC7 power supply’s 24V DC outlet. You can also use this cable to connect and power CIOKS 8 of another compatible 24V DC source.Mounting hardwareWe have included all the needed mounting hardware to mount the power supply on top or underneath a Pedaltrain or a Temple Audio pedalboard. You can of course also attach it to other types of pedalboards. CIOKS 8 output power capabilityWhen CIOKS 8 is powered of the 24V DC outlet on CIOKS DC7 power supply which we recommend you’ll have a total of 42W for powering pedals of the 15 outlets. There’ll be no difference in output power per outlet whether you use an outlet on CIOKS 8 or the DC7 as they will be sharing the same source. You can also power your CIOKS 8 power supply of another regulated 24V DC source just be sure to get the correct polarity and plug type.Multiple CIOKS 8 or adding a CIOKS 4If you wish to use two CIOKS 8 power supplies in one rig one of the input/link sockets should be used to supply power to CIOKS 8 and then the second input/link socket should be used to power the second CIOKS 8 power supply. In this way you’ll be adding 8 additional isolated outlets to your power system. The same can be done with CIOKS 4 where 4 isolated outlets will be added. Look in the included Flex and DC Link cable selection guide for which cables to use.。



电调操作说明ICE系列ESC操作说明技术参数(ICE 45A- 150A)2-6S LiPo,6-18 NiMH(ICE HV60A,HV100A)4-12s LiPo, 12-36 NiMH(ICE HV120,HV180HV) 4-14s LiPo,5-15s(LiFePO4),12-42 NiMH,- SBEC :5.5V,6A(高压系列无BEC输出)- 低电压保护- 光电耦合器- 定速模式- 软启动- 激活惯性滑行(自动旋转),- 自动进角或者六段进角调节- 持续可调整的F3A的刹车- 3段可调节的电动势刹车- 切换频率:8 to 16 kHz- 速度限制:240,000转(2极马达)- 温度和超载警告- 消火花电路(防打火设计)- 可用于飞机与直升机- 可用编程卡编程初始化接通电源打开遥控器时你将听到三声降调。

然后是与之电池数量相关的蜂鸣声(4S时连续快速响4声,5S 与6S以此类推)。




所有可编程遥控器,油门范围应设置为默认(± 100%),中心点设置为零和油门微调启用。



在出厂时进角调节为18°,中等刹车,并且低电压保护值为3.1V 的锂电池模式。






7.7 F9 门机的控制方式及接线 ..........................................................................................................51
7.8 门机自学习..................................................................................................................................53
7.5 LED H1、H2、H3、H4 显示说明 .................................................................................................48
7.6 控制器接线端子说明..................................................................................................................50
K8S8 门系统安装调试手册
K8S8 Door System Installation and Adjustment Manual
Version: 1.0
编号 Code:ZS002‐TS 编制日期 Date:2010‐12‐13
ThyssenKrupp Elevator 蒂森克虏伯电梯
Installation Manual
5.1 部件描述........................................................................................................................................5 5.2 S8 厅门安装步骤 ............................................................................................................................6 5.3 安装地坎........................................................................................................................................7 5.4 安装立柱及厅门悬挂组件..........................................................................................................10 5.5 安装门板组件..............................................................................................................................14 6. K8 轿门系统 ................................................................................................................................... 18 6.1 部件描述......................................................................................................................................18 6.2 K8 轿门安装步骤..........................................................................................................................19 6.3 安装轿门地坎..............................................................................................................................19 6.4 安装门立柱及轿门悬挂组件......................................................................................................19 6.5 安装门板组件..............................................................................................................................21 6.6 安装光幕.......................................................................................................................................23 6.7 调试厅门锁..................................................................................................................................25 6.8 安装门刀......................................................................................................................................27 6.9 安装门电机组件..........................................................................................................................30 6.10 安装轿门锁及轿门锁撞弓........................................................................................................31 6.11 安装二合一触板光幕................................................................................................................40 7. F9 门机接线及参数调整 .............................................................................................................46 7.1 F9 门机介绍 ..................................................................................................................................46 7.2 F9 门机控制器接口介绍 ..............................................................................................................46 7.3 旋钮 S1 和 S2 位置设置说明 .......................................................................................................47










故障现象解决方法可能原因1、电池电压没有输入到电调;1、检查电池与电调是否连接可靠,如有焊接不良,请重新焊好;上电后电机无鸣音,指示灯也未闪亮06编程设定说明08电调状态指示灯(LED)说明09保护功能说明10故障快速处理01声明Seaking Pro 120A • Seaking Pro 160A船用无刷电子调速器使用说明书· 调试请将船模架起,确保船桨不会碰到人或其他物体,以免发生安全事故。

03产品特色· 轻量化设计,适合竞赛要求。

· 出色的防水性能(160A电调采用塑封工艺,120A电调采用纳米镀膜工艺),一般情况下无需做防水处理即可直接使用(注:使用后请将电调插头吹干,以免锈蚀)。

· 内置超强开关模式BEC,持续电流达到4A,瞬间达到8A,且支持 6V和7.4V 切换,轻松驱动各种强力舵机及高压舵机。

· 采用好盈专利铜片导热技术,配合水冷模块和极低热阻的内部MOSFET,使得电调的耐流能力及可靠性大大增强。

· 使用顶级竞赛核心程序,具有一流的操控手感及丰富的调节选项,适应各种比赛环境。

· 行业首创的超速功能(即:开启Turbo进角),让马达瞬间释放更强动力,轻松超越竞争对手。

Pyle PT8000CH 8通道家庭剧场音频源控制器电子辅助器手册说明书

Pyle PT8000CH 8通道家庭剧场音频源控制器电子辅助器手册说明书

8-Channel Home Theater Amplifier PT8000CHMulti-Zone Audio Source Control,Rack Mount Amp, 8000 WattRead through this user manual before using the product to ensure its correct use. Keep this manual for future reference.The PT8000CH contains the excellent performance and reliability that PYLEUSA products have been recognized for. The PT8000CH features the exibility needed for demanding custom installation applications. It is ideal for use in home theater, stereo, multi-room, multi-zone and commercial applications.For best performance, please carefully read the instructions in this manual.TABLE OF CONTENTSFeaturesFront Panel DiagramRear Panel DiagramSystem Design & Operation Considerations System Design ExamplesDiagram 4 - Multi Room InstallationDiagram 5 - Multi-Zone Installation #1Diagram 6 - Multi-Zone Installation #2Diagram 7- Home Theater/Multi-Room Installation Installation ConsiderationsInstallationOperationTroubleshootingSpeci cations3 4 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 212FEATURESAudiophile DesignSophisticated design and superior internal components result in outstanding sound quality, performance and long term reliability.Advanced ProtectionEach channel is individually protected. If the circuitry determines that a channel must be shutdown for protection, a rare occurrence, only the channel a ected will be turned o . The other channels will continue to play. Once conditions return to normal, the a ected channel will be turned back on and operate as normal. Flexible Input SelectionEach of the 8 channels can be assigned a variety of source inputs. A dedicated input can be assigned to each channel. Each channel can also be con gured to play common signals from the Bus or Auxiliary inputs. This provides the exibility needed in sophisticated custom audio installations.BridgingThe power output of adjacent channels can be combined to provide extra power when needed in certain areas. This is easliy accomplished by ipping a single switch. Individual Channel Level AdjustmentsEach channel has its own level adjustment. This allows the loudness of each speaker to be perfectly matched to its area.Multiple Power Modes and Output TriggerThere are three ways to turn the ampli er ON: constant, trigger and audio sense. This allows the ampli er to operate seamlessly as part of a sophisticated custom installation. A separate output trigger allows the ampli er to activate other components via voltage trigger.3DIAGRAM 1 FRONT PANEL1. POWER SWITCHMaster power switch. Turns o power to ampli er and Power Mode Circuitry.2. POWER OUTPUT LEVEL INDICATORThis is level meter which shows outputs levels of ch 1-2 ch 3-4 ch 5-6 & ch 7-8 condition on the operation. Therefore, you can see output condition thru this master indicator.DIAGRAM 2 REAR PANEL41-2. Main bus inputs allow outputs from receivers, CD players, TVs, or any stereoaudio sources to be ampli ed across all channels for easy multi-roomapplications. Auxiliary inputs allows an addition audio source to be played on any channel that is switched to AUX .3-4. Bus outputs allows the bus inputs to be sent to other ampli ers or a daisy chain without the need for “Y” cable splitters. Auxiliary output allows you to daisychain the input to other audio sources.5. Bridging switch allows you to easily double the power output by coupling two channels together.6. Level controls for each channel.7. Input Selection switch allows you to select between the common bus andauxiliary inputs or the individual channel input.8. One switch allows you to select which stereo Input channel will play through the speaker outputs: left, right, or left and right combined. lf switched to Left + Right, both input channels are combined.9. Gold plated individual channel inputs allow you to connect di erent audiosources to each channel.10. Line signal output11. Voltage Selector 110-220V12. The Power Mode switch is used to toggle between three di erent triggermethods to power up the ampli er.13. 12V output to turn on other devices when ampli er is powered up.Connect to projector screens, powered drapes, or other devices with voltage triggers.14. 12-15V A/C or D/C input to trigger power up with voltage from anotherdevice, such as a receiver.15. Speaker channel output binding posts.16. Speaker channel bridged mode binding.17. 3-Prong removable power plug.18. Fused AC5SYSTEM DESIGN & OPERATION CONSIDERATIONSTo best understand system design and operation of the PT8000CH, it is useful to understand the following terms and features as they relate to the PT8000CH. Multi-RoomA system design that plays the same source at the same time in all rooms.If a change is made in one room, the same changes takes place in all other rooms. For example, if a listener changes from CD to Tuner in the bedroom, the same change will be heard in the kitchen.Note: With the use of volume controls or speaker switchers the volume of each room can be controlled separately of the other rooms.Multi-ZoneA system design that allows di erent sources to be played in each room. A change in one room can be made without changing the other rooms. For example the CD player can be heard in the bedroom while the kitchen is playing the tuner. BridgingThe combining of 2 channels to create one mono channel. It is useful when more volume is needed in a particular area.SourceComponent, audio or video, that provides an audio signal. Examples are CD, VCR, DVD, tape deck and tuner. The source provides the audio information that is ampli ed by the PT8000CH.ChannelA distinct unit of the ampli er that provides output to one speaker. On thePT8000CH the input to each channel can be con gured to select from the BUS INPUT, the AUX INPUT or that channel’s unique CHANNEL INPUT. Two adjacent channels can be bridged to provide higher power to one speaker.Level ControlsAllows any of the channels to be adjusted independently to raise or lower the output of each channel. This may be used to control the speaker output in order to balance di erent rooms or areas of the system.6BUS* AUX* LINE SwitchAllows each channel to play a variety of di erent inputs. Depending on the switch position the channel ampli es the signal connected to the BUS input, the AUX input, or its own LINE input.R R + L L SwitchWhen either a BUS or AUX input is selected, this switch is used to direct the channel to play the left signal from the input “L” or the right signal from the input “R”, or a combined right and left signal from the input “R+L”.Bus InputAllows the signal from a source to be distributed to any of the 12 channels on the ampli er.Auxiliary InputsAllows the signal from a secondary source to be distributed to any of the 12 channels of the ampli er.Power Mode SelectionThere are three ways to turn the ampli er on and o . Use the following list to decide which mode will work best for your application. See Diagram 3 below. 1. ConstantUse this selection when you wish to manually turn the ampli er on and o byusing the front mounted power button.2. TriggerUse this selection if you wish the ampli er turn on when it receives voltage(12-15V A/C or D/C) from an external source and turn o once that voltage has stopped. Some components have voltage outputs that are designed for this use. In addition there are devices that can be used as part of an automated system that will provide voltage to enable the mode. The voltage source must beconnected to the trigger-input jack on the back of the ampli er.3. Audio SenseUse this selection when you want the ampli er to turn on when the ampli er’s main input receives an audio signal. At the moment that either the left or right input jacks receive a signal the ampli er is turned on. Once the signal stops the ampli er waits 3 minutes and then turns o .78DIAGRAM 3: POWER MODE SELECTIONSYSTEM DESIGN EXAMPLESThere are many ways to con gure the PT8000CH ampli er. The following pages contain some typical installation examples. Use these examples to generate ideas for your system design.Multi-Room Installation Example (Diagram 4)This illustrates the simplest use of the PT8000CH, distributing audio throughout the home. In this example only one source can be selected at a time, all pairs of speakers have the same audio signal available. The Input Selection switch is set to “BUS” on all channels. Adjacent channels are assigned left and right.Multi-Zone Example #1 (Diagram 5)This illustrates the simplest way to provide an audio signal to one area that is independent of the main audio signal. Zone 2 uses a CD player connected to just that Zone. The rest of the system operates Zone 1 and is connected to the preampli er/receiver. The Input Selection switch on channels 1-10 is set to “BUS” with adjacent channels assigned left and right. The Input Selection Switch on channels 11 and 12 are set to “LINE”.Multi-Zone Example #2 (Diagram 6)This illustrates the ability to listen to di erent audio signals in each zone, indepen-dent of every other zone. The system relies on a multi-zone preampli er or up to 6 independent preampli ers.The Input Selection switch on each channel is set to “LINE”12-15V AC/DC TRIGGER INPUT 12-15V AC/DCTRIGGER INPUT 12V CONTROL OUTPUTAUDIO SENSE CONSTANT2.1mm x 5.5mm Power Input Jack Mode Switch3.5mm Power Output JackHome Theater / Multi-Room Example (Diagram 7)This con guration allows the user to access the sources connected to a home theater receiver for use in a multi-room installation. It relies on the home theater receiver having a multi-room or similar output.The Input Selection switch on each channel is set to “BUS” with adjacent channels assigned left and right.DIAGRAM 4 MULTI ROOM INSTALLATION9 10DIAGRAM 5 MULTI ZONE INSTALLATION #1DIAGRAM 6 MULTI ZONE INSTALLATION #21112DIAGRAM 7 HOME THEATER/MULTI ROOM INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONSDO:• Place the amplifier with the feet resting on a solid flat level surface.• Place the amplifier in a well-vented area to provide proper cooling. In areas thatlack proper ventilation, such as tight cabinets or racks, it may be necessary toinstall small fans to create air movement.DON’T:• Don’t block the ventilation holes on the top or bottom of the amplifier.Never place it on carpeting or similar material.• Don’t place the ampli er in any other position other than horizontal with the feet down. Never place on its side or resting on the back where the terminals arelocated.• Don’t the amplifier near heat sources, or in an area that it would be exposed tomoisture.YOU SHOULD KNOW• The power supply is very large and therefore may cause a hum to be heard insome components if they are placed very close to the ampli er.13INSTALLATIONCAUTION: All connections and switching must be done with the ampli er’s master power switch positioned to “o ”.Select the Power Mode SelectionRefer to the Power Mode Selection area under installation considerations to determine which setting to use to turn the ampli er on. Once you have determined which mode you will be using set the switches as outlined in the following chart:14Selecting Inputs (See Diagrams 8 & 9)Each channel is capable of delivering the source from many inputs. The three main inputs are BUS, AUX and LINE IN. The selection for these inputs is donevia the Input Selection switch, marked “BUS-AUX-LINE”. To select a source for each channel, follow the steps below:1. Select the desired source input. Set the Input Selection switch to BUS (will playsource connected to the BUS INPUT), AUX (will play source connected to theAUX INPUT) or LINE (will play source connected to the LINE IN).Diagram 8BUS.AUX.LINE2. The BUS and AUX inputs each have a left and right input. The left, right orcombined left and right signal from these may be selected via the switchmarked “R R+L L”. Select the side you want the channel to deliver. Selecting “R” ± will play the right channel of the selected input. Selecting “L” will play the leftchannel of the selected input. Selecting “R+L” will play the combined signals ofright and left.Diagram 9R R+L RSelecting Bridge Mode (See Diagram 10)Under normal operation, this should be left in the 8 ohm position. It is sometimes desirable to combine two channels into one through bridging. The output of the combined channels can then be used to power one speaker.To bridge two adjacent channels rst make sure that the Impedance Switch isin the 8ohm position. Next move the switch marked “BRIDGE” to the “ON” position.1516The speaker must be connected to the terminals immediately under the “BRIDGED” text as indicated in Diagram 10. All input selection and settings for the bridged channels will be done on the channel to the left.Do not connect more than one speaker to the outputs of the bridged channel.Control OutputThe 12V output jack on the back of the ampli er can be used to turn on a variety of components equipped to be activated when they receive a 12V DC output. Voltage is only delivered to the jack when the ampli er is “on” or active. When the ampli er turns o , the voltage ceases.Before connecting another device to the 12 output please make sure that the device can accept 12V DC at 150ma. To connect the output to another device you must access the output jack with a two-conductor plug that ts into the 3.5mm jack. Be aware that the tip of the plug will be (+). If you are unsure about using this feature please contact an authorized PYLEUSA dealer for assistance.Connecting the Speaker WiresCAUTION:Only make connections when the ampli er is turned o .Wires to speakerUsing Standard Connections (See Diagram 11)For best performance use high quality speaker cables. The banana plug outputs on the back of the ampli er allow for a variety of ways to connect your speakers to the ampli er.Diagram 11: Binding Post DetailOnly make connections when the ampli er is turned o . application.Audio OutputsSources connected to the “BUS” or “AUX” inputs can be forwarded to other components or ampli ers by connecting to the corresponding output sectionsto the right of each input section. By using standard audio patch cables, you can connect these outputs to the inputs of another ampli er. Up to 5 ampli ers canbe daisy-chained together.AC PowerPlug the socket of the AC cord supplied with the ampli er into the receptacle on the rear of the ampli er. Plug the 2 prong plug directly into a 120V 60Hz wall outlet. CAUTION: Do not plug the ampli er into the preampli er or receivers switched outlet. If you wish to have the ampli er turn on once the preampli er or receiveris activated, use one of the turn on modes, voltage or audio.Turn to tightenInsert Banana Plug17OPERATIONSee Diagram 1for the location of the following:Power SwitchThe switch marked “Power” on the front panel of the ampli er will turn o all ampli er circuitry no matter which turn on mode is selected.Refer to the “Power Mode Selection” section for further information.Active LEDWhen lit, the Active LED indicates that the ampli er is operating. Refer to the “Power Mode Selection” section of this manual for further information. Protection LEDsWhen lit the “Protection” LEDs located on the front of the ampli er indicate that either a fault in the wiring, the speaker, or the ampli er has caused the channels associated with the LED to shut down.Level Adjustment KnobsThe level adjustment knobs on the back panel of the ampli er can be used to adjust the level of each channel. There are many reasons for needing to adjust the level. You many wish to closely match other levels in the system, or you may wish to limit the volume level in an area, such as a child’s room.18TROUBLESHOOTINGThe ampli er is designed to function trouble-free. Most problems occur becauseof operating errors. If you have a problem please check the troubleshooting listrst. If the problem persists, contact your authorized dealer.19This product can expose you to a chemical or group of chemicals, which may include “Nickel Carbonate” which is known in the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects,or other reproductive harm. For more info, go to https:/// 20FEATURES:• Multi-Zone Audio Source Ampli er System• High-Powered & Distortion-Free Audio Distribution• 8-Channel Sound Processing Amp Design• Integrated 4-Channel Bridgeable (Bridge) Switches• Front Panel Color LED Graphic Audio Level Display• Independent Channel Rotary Level Control Knobs• Channel Con guration: Left/Right/Mono - Bus/AUX Input• Gold-Plated Audio/Speaker Connectors• 5-Way Speaker Binding Posts (Banana Plug) Outputs• Pass-Through Output for External Ampli er Linking (Daisy-Chaining)• Individual Channel Safety with Protection & Overload Circuitry• Master Power Button, ON/OFF• Universal Rack Mount Compatibility• Perfect for Home Theaters & Multi-Room Audio Control• Used in Home, O ce & Business ApplicationsWHAT’S IN THE BOX:• 8-Channel Ampli er• Power CableTECHNICAL SPECS:• MAX Power Output: 8-Ch. x 1000 Watt• RMS Power Output: 100W x 8-Ch @ 8Ohm• T.H.D.: <1%• Rack Mountable: 4U Rack Space• Power: 115/230V Switchable (DC 12-15V)• Dimension (W x D x H): 19.0'' x 19.3'' x 7.1''21Questions? Issues?We are here to help! Phone: (1) 718-535-1800Email: *******************。

宝飞龙 8L 水泵无刷电调用户手册说明书

宝飞龙 8L 水泵无刷电调用户手册说明书
01 注意事项 电调与相关连接部件连接前,请确保所有电线和连接部件绝缘良好,短路会毁坏电调。 请务必仔细连接好各部件,若连接不良,您可能不能正常控制水泵,或出现设备损坏等其他不可预知的情况。 若需对电调的输入输出线,插头做相关焊接时,为保证焊接牢靠,请使用至少 60W 功率的焊接设备进行焊接,并保证焊接设备可靠接地。 工作时若要改变驱动电机转向则随意更改两根电调与电机的连接线次序即可。
02 产品特色。 植保机水泵专用 8L 水泵。 最高可支持 14 锂电池电压,满足市场大部分水泵匹配需求。 智能化保护功能丰富,包含过流保护、温度保护以及启动电压保护等等。 电调油门行程固定为 1050-1950us,不支持油门行程校准。 标准产品灌封保护处理,严密防水,可在潮湿和雨水天气中使用。
03 产品规格
05 保护功能说明
1) 油门信号丢失保护: 当电调检测到油门遥控信号丢失 1 秒以上即立即关闭输出。信号恢复后,电调也随即恢复相应的功率输出。。 2) 电流保护: 当电流异常瞬间达到接近 21A 时,电调立即关断输出,同时重新启动。 3) 温度保护: 当电调温度达到或者大于 110℃时,电调会降低功率最高只能达到 50%功率输出,等电调温度低于 70℃重新上电后才能恢复全功率输出。
User Manual of Hobbywing PUMP 感谢您购买本产品!无刷动力系统功率强大,错误的使用可能导致人身伤害和设备损坏,为此的我们强烈建议您在使用设备前仔细阅读本说明 书,并严格遵守规定的操作程序。我们不承担因使用本产品或擅自对产品进行改造所引起的任何责任,包括但不限于对附带损失或间接损失的 赔偿责任。
BEC 锂电节数
COMBO-PUMP-8L-brushless-10A-14S-V 10A(散热良好) 无



好盈sc8rtr说明书HW25A说明书兼容好盈科技无刷电调编程设定卡输出能力:持续电流25A,短时电流30A(不少于10秒);电源输入:2-3节锂电池组或5—12节镍氢、镍镉电池组;BEC输出:2A (线性稳压模式-linear mode);最高转速:2极马达210000转、分钟,6极马达70000转、分钟,12极马达35000转、分钟;尺寸:45mm(长)24mm(宽)11mm(高);重量:22g(含散热片);产品功能1、安全上电功能:接通电源时,无论油门摇杆处于任何位置均不会立即启动电机,避免造成人身伤害;2、油门行程校调功能:适应不同遥控器油门行程的差别,提高油门响应的线性度,具备平滑、细腻的调速手感和一流的调速线性;3、程序设定项目:●刹车设定:无刹车、有刹车,出厂默认值为无刹车。










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KUBE KX-8无刷调速器内测版简易说明书








LED1:拖刹DRAG BRAKE(放开油门后便刹车)








