专四A talk 技巧

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“Then, actually how many people speak English
as either a ‘first’ or a ‘ second ’ language…”
讲座的结构实例分析 ——2008 (2) Body 正文 “Then, we may ask a question…” “First is the historical reason… ” “Now, the second major factor… ” “And the third factor related to the popular use of English is …” “Another factor has something to do with information exchange …” “The last factor I cite here concerns popular culture…”
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Introducing 介绍/导入
Today,what I intend to say is Today, what I’d like to do is to discuss Today, what I intend to do is to explain In my talk today, / my topic today is
First of all In the first place For one thing To begin with In the second place For another thing
The first/second/
next/last point I’d like to
make is
II. Reasons for the popular use of English 1) (3) 2) Economic reasons; 3) (6) in international travel; 4) Information exchange; 5) Popular culture;
2.1 关键信息题型 二级要点:讲座提纲的次要节点/小标题 二级要点在一级要点之下,一般是列举、阐述、解 释、分类等细节信息;题目很直观,解题有赖于认 真仔细的记录和准确记忆
II. Types of Information A. Information in history is (2)_______
In other words, That is to say, To put it another way, By which I mean Or you could say The point I’m making is That is, Namely, i.e. That means It turns out that
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Giving examples 举例
For example, For instance, You only have to think of Remember, Say, Take something for example,
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Emphasizing 强调
2. 题型分析 2.1 关键信息题型* 一级要点:讲座提纲的大标题 二级要点:讲座提纲的小标题 2.2 推理判断题型** 根据听到的内容和记录的笔记推理而出,一般 会有多种正确答案 2.3 概括总结题型*** 在理解讲座原话的基础上进行概括、总结,有 一定难度
2.1 关键信息题型 一级要点:讲座提纲的主要节点/大标题 要点排列有序,此类题目一般笔记不遗漏要点就能 准确回答
Please identify the following parts in the manuscript of Section A Talk in TEM4-2016 Opening 开场白 Thesis 主题 Connection 承接 Body 正文 Summary 总结 Closing 收尾
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Giving contrasting information 转折
Although However On the other hand Whereas Despite Nevertheless But Alternatively
1. 考试介绍
2010 2011
Paralinguistic Features of Language (语言) Classifications of Cultures(文化)
2012 Observing Behavior(科研)
2013 What Do Active Learners Do(学习)
As we know As we have already seen As we have all read It’s clear that It goes without saying We all understand It is understood You’ll remember
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Defining 定义
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Moving on/Changing direction 承接/转接
That’s all I want to say about X. OK / Now / All right Having looked at … , I’d now like to consider I’d like now to move on to Turning now to So let’s turn to Moving on now to
required by your instructors to do some library
research on this topic or that, and in the end, you
have to write a research paper. 2004
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Giving background information 交代背景
is is called X is known as may be defined as is a type of Y that/which
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Listing 列举
Firstly Secondly Next Then Thirdly Lastly Finally
TEM 4 听力辅导 ---TALK
第一部分:考试介绍 第二部分:题型分析 第三部分:语言特征分析(重点) 第四部分:应试技巧 (重点)
1. 考试介绍
要求:“能听懂英语国日常生活、社会生活和学习的演讲 和会话。理解大意,领会说话者的态度、感情和真实意图。 能做简单笔记,能辨识各种英语变。”
讲座的结构实例分析 ——2008 (1)
Opening 开场白:
“Good morning, everyone.”
Thesis 主题:
“Today‘s lecture is about the popularity of English.”
Connection 承接:
“Although English is NOT the language with the largest number of native or “first” language speakers, ...what is a lingua franca? The term refers to…”
设计:一篇500字长度的微型讲座和一项填空任务,要求 考生边听边做笔记,然后完成10题填空;填空以提纲形式 出现。
1. 考试介绍
选材特点:自2004新大纲后以“英语专业知识和通识课程” 为选题内容
2005 Writing a Research Paper (科研) 2006 Meaning in Literature (文学) 2007 What Can We Learn from Art? (艺术) 2008 The Popularity of English (语言) 2009 Writing Experimental Reports (科研)
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Giving further information 递进
Furthermore, Another point A further point In addition / Moreover / Similarly Apart from, Not only …, but We can add / I could add that Further / As well as / Besides
I want to stress I’d like to put emphasis on It’s important to remember that We should bear in mind that Don’t forget that The essential point is
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记 Clarifying/Explaining 解释
(2) 熟悉讲座常见的话语标记(十二类) Introducing 介绍/导入 Giving background information 交代背景 Defining 定义 Listing 列举 Giving examples 举例 Emphasizing 强调 Clarifying/Explaining 解释 Moving on/Changing direction 承接/转接 Giving further information 递进 Giving contrasting information 转折 Classifying 分类 Concluding 总结
2014 How to Reduce Stress( 通识)
2015 Understanding Academic Lecture(学习)
2016 What is Grit(通识)
1. 考试介绍 文体特点: 讲座文体正式(但话语标记有时正式有时非正式), 语言规范,逻辑严密,结构分明; 含有专业名词或术语(e.g. lingua franca ); 时间分配(一般): 8分钟左右讲座(边听边记录) 2分钟检查笔记
--- facts, but no opinion B. Information in art history is subjective
--- (3)_______ and opinion 2007
3. 讲座结构和标记话语
(1)熟悉一般学术讲座的结构 Opening 开场白 Thesis 主题 Connection 承接 Body 正文 Summary 总结 Closing 收尾
Today, I’m going to talk about Today, I’m going to talk to you about In this talk, I would like to concentrate on Today,the subject of this talk is
Indirect Way: I think as seniors, you are often
讲座的结构实例分析 ——2008 (3)
Summary 总结 “Now, to sum up, in today’s lecture, we have reviewed some of the reasons…”
Closing 收尾 “OK, this brings us to the end of today’s lecture. Thank you for your attention. ”