



路面 机械
用于将沥青混合料均匀摊铺 在道路基层上,并进行初步 振实和整平的机械。
路面 机械
路面 机械
起重 机械
挖掘 机械
挖掘机(大/中/小) 中小
其它 产品
所属部门 : 三一桩机 生产基地 : 北京产业园 主导产品 : 旋挖钻机 长螺旋钻机 等系列桩工产品
三一科技 上海产业园 履带起重机
履带起重机械 煤炭机械
三一重装 沈阳产业园 煤炭掘进 采煤、运输 成套设备
路面 机械 起重 机械 港口 机械 挖掘 机械 其它 产品
混凝土 机械
所属部门 : 泵送事业部 生产基地 : 长沙产业园 主导产品 : 泵车/拖泵/车载泵 混凝土搅拌站 等全系列混凝土产品
混凝土 机械
混凝土泵车是在载重汽车 底盘上进行改造而成的, 由臂架、泵送、液压、支 撑、电控五部分组成来实 现连续输送的机械。
三一电气 北京产业园 风力发电机
桩工 机械
起重 机械
将起重作业部分装在 履带底盘上,行走依 靠履带装置的流动式 起重机。



三一重起系三一重工核心企业,主要从事高端、中大吨位汽车、履带、塔式、随车起重机系列产品的研发、制造和销售。目 前,生产基地包括三一宁乡和三一湖州两大产业园。 三一重起系列产品自投放市场以来,以其先进技术、制作精良、实用可靠和行业服务第一品牌赢得了广大用户的信赖。 在汽车起重机领域,2010年3月3日,亚洲首台千吨级全地面起重机SAC12000在三一宁乡产业园正式下线,标志着中国超大 吨位轮式起重机的研发和制造水平取得了重大突破,已经进入世界先进行列。随着产品线的进一步完善,特别是系列中大吨位 产品在市场上取得的骄人业绩,三一汽车起重机逐步奠定国内中大吨位汽车起重机第一品牌地位。 在履带起重机领域,从神州第一吊SCC4000到亚洲第一吊SCC9000,再到全球第一吊SCC36000A,三一是行业内第一家成 功实现履带起重机超起功能的制造企业,特别在智利矿难救援中,三一履带起重机誉满全球。作为国内履带起重机第一品牌, 三一不断引领行业科技进步和产品升级换代。 在塔式起重机领域,以卓越技术立品牌,用国际标准创经典,2012年,整合后的三一重起正式进军塔式起重机制造领域。同 年,三一重起携手全球随车起重机第一品牌——帕尔菲格,建立合资公司,生产直臂式和折臂式随车起重机,借力帕尔菲格全 球渠道优势,全速推进三一重起的国际化,以全球起重机械制造专家的定位,向第一品牌发起冲击。
> 下料:全面应用激光割和精细等割,辅以圆弧变速、网络编程等先 进技术,下料精细化水平行业领先。
> 成型:拥有亚洲首台带激光在线检测、全程多点智能补偿系统、自 适应大尺寸折弯件托扶机构的3000T折弯机,“一次成型”技术全 面得到并广泛应用。



8--500吨汽车吊性能参数表8吨汽车起重机性能表 (2)20吨汽车吊机额定性能表 (3)25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(主臂) (4)30吨汽车起重机性能表(一) (6)50吨汽车起重机性能表(主表) (8)80吨汽车起重机起重性能表(一) (10)100t汽车吊性能表 (12)120吨汽车起重机起重性能表 (13)150吨汽车起重机性能表(一) (14)150吨汽车起重机性能表(二) (15)160t汽车吊性能表 (16)200吨汽车吊车 (17)260吨吊车性能表 (18)LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机 (19)LTM1500-500t全液压汽车吊机 (21)LTM1500-500t全液压汽车吊机 (22)8吨汽车起重机性能表主要技术参数 6.95m吊臂8.50m吊臂10.15m吊臂11.70m吊臂参数名称参数工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)全车总重15.50t 3.27.5 8.0 3.49.2 6.7 4.210.6 4.2 4.912.0 3.2 最大爬坡能力22% 3.77.1 5.4 4.08.8 4.5 5.010.1 3.1 5.811.4 2.4 吊臂最大仰角 4.3 6.5 4.0 4.78.3 3.4 5.79.6 2.5 6.710.8 1.9 吊臂全伸时长度11.70m 4.9 5.7 3.2 5.47.6 2.7 6.68.8 1.9 7.79.9 1.4 吊臂全缩时长度 6.95m 5.5 4.6 2.6 6.2 6.8 2.2 7.57.7 1.5 8.88.6 1.0 最大提升高度12.00m 6.9 5.6 1.8 8.4 6.3 1.2 9.77.0 0.9 最小工作半径 3.20m 7.5 4.2 1.5 9.0 4.8 1.0 10.5 5.2 0.8 最小转弯半径9.20m20吨汽车吊机额定性能表以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(主臂)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(副臂)30吨汽车起重机性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!主要技术参数主臂起重性能工作半径(m)支腿全伸不用支腿名称参数10.00m17.00m24.00m31.00m10.00m 全车总重32.2t 3.0030.00 20.00 8.00 最大爬坡能力31% 3.3530.00 20.00 7.00 最大提升高度34.00m 3.5028.10 20.00 6.40 吊臂全伸时长度31.00m 4.0024.20 20.00 5.10 吊臂全缩时长度10.00m 4.5021.40 20.00 13.00 4.20 最小转弯半径11.50m 4.820.00 20.00 13.00 3.70 最大仰角80° 5.019.20 19.20 13.00 3.40 30t吊钩重0.35t 5.517.50 17.50 13.00 2.80 12t吊钩重0.20t 6.016.00 16.00 13.00 2.30 4t吊钩重0.10t 6.514.60 14.60 13.00 9.00 1.90 10m吊臂时钢丝绳数8根7.013.50 13.50 12.00 9.00 1.60 10-17m时钢丝绳数5根7.512.00 12.00 11.20 9.00 1.30 24m时钢丝绳数4根8.010.50 10.50 10.50 9.00 1.00 31m时钢丝绳数3根8.59.40 9.40 7.20 7.7010.0 6.95 6.95 7.5011.0 5.80 5.80 6.4012.0 4.90 4.90 5.5514.0 3.45 3.45 4.2016.0 2.50 3.2018.0 1.80 2.4520.0 1.30 1.9022.00.85 1.5024.0 1.1026.00.7527.00.65(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)30吨汽车起重机性能表(二)吊臂角度工作半径使用8.45m 副臂倾角5°吊臂角度工作半径使用13.5m副臂倾角5°80°7.9 4.00 80°9.3 2.5078.5°9.5 4.00 77°12.0 2.5078°10.2 3.80 76°12.7 2.35 76°11.2 3.30 74°14.1 2.10 74°12.2 2.90 72°15.6 1.95 72°13.4 2.70 70°17.1 1.80 70°14.6 2.50 68°18.5 1.65 68°16.0 2.35 66°19.9 1.50 66°17.3 2.20 64°21.3 1.40 64°18.5 2.10 62°22.7 1.30 62°19.8 2.05 60°24.0 1.20 60°20.7 1.85 58°25.3 1.15 58°21.9 1.65 55°27.1 1.05 55°23.6 1.30 54°27.70.95 54°24.1 1.15 52°28.80.80 52°25.00.95 50°29.90.65 50°25.80.75 48°30.90.55 48°26.80.60注:1、若副臂在工作位置,但仍用主臂吊装,主臂的起重性能应相应的减去1.4t2、使用副臂吊装时,主臂的角度不得大于45,否则将倾翻50吨汽车起重机性能表(主表)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!不支第五支腿,吊臂位于起重机前方或后方;支起第五支腿,吊臂位于侧方、后方、前方工作半径(m)主臂长度(m)10.7018.0025.4032.7540. 22.20 16.306.521.0020.0015.007.018.50 18.00 14.10 11.20 11.10 8.30 6.5010.09.2010.007.50 6.0012.0 6.40 7.50 6.80 5.2014.0 5.10 5.70 4.6016.0 4.00 4.70 3.9018.0 3.10 3.70 3.3020.0 2.20 2.90 2.9022.0 1.60 2.30 2.4024.0 1.80 2.0026.0 1.40 1.5028.0 1.2030.00.90各臂伸缩率(%)二0 100 100 100 100 三0 0 33 66 100 四0 0 33 66 100 五0 0 33 66 100钢丝绳倍率12 8 5 4 3吊钩重量0.515 0.215 (注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)50吨汽车起重机性能表(副臂)吊臂位于起重机侧方或后方主臂仰角(°)吊臂长度(m)40.10+5.10主臂+副臂40.10+9.00主臂+副臂40.10+16.10主臂+副臂0°20°0°20°0°20°78 4.0 3.6 3.2 1.9 1.5 0.8 75 3.8 3.2 3.0 1.8 1.30.8 72 3.2 2.9 2.8 1.7 1.2 0.7 70 3.0 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.20.6 65 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.4 1.1 0.5 60 1.9 1.6 1.5 55 1.4 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.4各节臂伸缩率(%) 二100 三四五钢丝绳倍率 1 吊钩重量0.180吨汽车起重机起重性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!主臂起重性能表工作半径(m)吊臂长度(支腿全伸)吊臂长度(不伸支腿) 12.0m18.0m24.0m30.0m36.0m40.0m44.0m12.0m2.580.0 45.0 45.0 35.0 45.0 35.0 27.0 37.0 29.2 27.0 5.86.539.4 31.5 25.3 23.2 22.0 18.0 25.4 21.0 18.8 17.7 15.7 12.0 3.29.520.820.817.815.714.613.212.0 19.2 17.0 15.0 13.8 12.6 11.4 1.711.016.515.613.512.411.410.411.814.7 14.7 12.6 11.4 10.6 9.712. 12.5 11.3 10.2 9.3 8.814.610. 9.4 9.4 8.7 8.2 7.616. 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.8 6.320.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.1 5.622.0 3.4 3.4 4.0 4.423.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.926.0 1.7 2.2 2.627.0 1.9 2.228.0 1.6 1.930.0 1.0 1.331.0 1.180吨汽车起重机起重性能表(二)主要技术参数副臂起重性能主臂仰角支腿全伸在两侧或后部吊装名称参数44m 主臂+9.5m 副臂5°夹角 44m 主臂+15m 副臂5°夹角 工作半径(m)起重性能(t)工作半径(m)起重性能(t)全车总重 63.00t 81.3° 10.0 6.00 11.5 4.00 主臂全伸时长度 44.00m 80.4°11.06.0012.64.00主臂全缩时长度 12.00m 80.1° 11.3 5.90 13.0 4.00 最大仰角 82° 78.6° 13.0 5.20 14.6 3.75 最大爬坡能力 16%75.2°16.04.4018.23.05最小转弯半径 15.40% 70.8° 20.0 3.60 22.5 2.55最大提升高度58.50m 66.0°24.0 3.00 27.2 2.10 80t 主吊钩重 1t 63.8° 26.0 2.75 29.1 2.05 80t 辅助吊钩重0.5t58.0° 30.3 1.50 34.01.206t 副吊钩重 0.25t 55.4°32.01.20100t汽车吊性能表120吨汽车起重机起重性能表以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!工作半径(m)主臂长度(m)12.612.616.620.624.528.532.536.540.544.548.552.556.03120 1113.510710292495 94 88 81 694.586827566579 76 70 62 516666662554940756 56 55 49 44.5 38 32 23.6848.54847444038.53222.120.1942 41.5 40.5 40 36.5 32.5 29.8 21.3 19.9 15.8103736.535.535.533.530.527.921.319.715.814.912.6 1229.1 28 28.9 27.8 26.2 24.5 21.3 18.7 15.8 14.5 11.8 1424.822.723.522.522.521.618.916.81513.311.1 1618.3 19.4 18.4 19 19.1 16.9 15.1 13.6 12.2 10.3 1815.815.815.216.816.31513.512.311.19.6 2013.2 13.8 14.1 14.2 13.4 12.2 11.1 10.2 8.9 2211.512.412.212.111.710.910.19.48.3 2410.7 10.5 10.4 10 9.9 9.2 8.6 7.7 288 8 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.4 6.7 3077.2 6.5 6.3 6.5 6.9 6.3 32 6.3 6 5.6 6 6.1 5.8 34 5.5 5.6 5.2 5.6 5.3 5.2 36 5.1 4.8 5.1 4.5 4.5 38 4.7 4.5 4.44 3.9 40 4.2 4 3.5 3.7 42 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.5 44 3.2 2.8 2.7 46 2.6 2.4 2.7 48 2 2 50 1.7 1.7 52 1.4 54 1.2150吨汽车起重机性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)150吨汽车起重机性能表(二)吊臂回转至后部及两侧时吊装性能工作半径(m)吊臂长度 (m)13.917.721.325.028.732.336.039.643.152.83.0 140.03.6 131.3 65.9 64.44.0 122.6 65.0 63.74.5 109.2 65.0 63.7 56.65.0 100.2 64.9 61.2 55.46.0 80.3 64.9 56.5 51.7 46.6 41.27.0 68.9 62.0 52.5 47.2 43.9 37.8 33.1 31.58.0 58.7 57.1 48.1 44.6 39.0 34.4 31.9 30.39.0 49.5 49.3 44.8 40.9 35.8 31.9 29.5 27.1 27.510.0 43.041.9 41.6 35.6 33.4 29.6 27.4 25.3 24.912.0 31.9 31.9 31.3 27.7 24.6 22.6 22.0 21.3 17.6 14.0 24.624.6 24.6 24.6 21.4 20.3 19.3 18.2 15.9 16.0 18.518.518.518.4 17.5 16.8 15.4 13.7 18.0 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.714.7 14.4 12.5 12.0 20.0 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.811.8 11.4 10.6 23.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 26.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 7.6 29.0 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 6.1 32.0 2.9 2.9 2.1 4.3 35.0 1.7 1.7 2.8 38.0 0.3 2.0 41.0 1.2 44.0 1.0(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)160t汽车吊性能表200吨汽车吊车260吨吊车性能表LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机主臂额定性能表:支腿开距=8.85×8.5m、旋转角度=360°、标准配重=87.5t。

三一吊车 STC500

三一吊车  STC500
STC 500 TRUCK CRANE 50 tons of lifting capacity
● 科学的动力匹配,确保动力传输更强劲,动力系统更节能。 ● 发动机具有多模态功率输出功能,通过WP多功率省油开关进行输出功率切换,减少额外功
率消耗,优化节能方式。 ● 配置电控恒温硅油风扇,通过ECU控制电磁阀开启频率控制硅油的流动,精确开启及停止
50000 50000 46000 42000 38000 35000 31000 28000 25000 22000 20000 16000
42000 42000 40000 38000 36000 32000 30000 28000 25000 22000 20000 16000 14000 12000 10000
STC 500 TRUCK CRANE 50 tons of lifting capacity
单位 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
参数 13750 2750 3750 1450 4000 1350 2296 2048 42000
上柴SC9DF340Q3 东风康明斯ISLe340 30
换档更轻便。 ● 采用液压助力的转向泵,结构简单、转向轻便、耐污能力强、寿命长、成本低、便于维修。
● 主臂采用全进口高强度钢板,基本臂力矩达1788.5kN.m,最长主臂力矩达840.8kN.m,起吊能力强;全面优 化的U型大圆弧截面主臂,使吊臂受力更均匀,重量更轻,提高安全性。
● 主臂臂长行业第一,全伸臂长42.5m,两节16m可变幅副臂,起吊更高,吊重范围更广。 ● 采用有限元分析主臂设计,最大限度优化结构件强度和刚度,有效改善应力分布,提高安全性。 ● 支腿配置各种组合工况,包含快伸、二节臂任意伸缩及支腿半伸等工况,工作更省时,更轻松。 ● 操作室采用耐腐蚀钢板,配置全覆盖软化内饰、全景式天窗、可调式座椅等人性化设计,操作更舒适、轻松。 ● 通过附加3.5T活动式配重,极大地提高吊重性能。



法士特 RT-11509C 江门 常德信诚 徐州科源 CB-KPR80/80/40-B1/F2/J1 贵州力源 LY-A6V107HA2FZ10700 油控、布赫(进口) ZJ120C Z/Y
法士特 RT-11509C 江门 GX110C
浙江圣邦 徐州科源 CB-KPR80/80/40(右旋) 贵州力源 LY-A6V107HD1DFZ20700 油控(进口)+国产
基本臂最大起重力矩KN.m 全伸臂最大起重力矩KN.m
全伸臂长 主臂+副臂长度
m m
42.5 58.5
40.1 55.1
42 58
三一 QY50C 起重臂材料 发动机 变速箱 转向机 上车多路阀 主泵 卷扬马达 平衡阀 进口DOMEX700 上柴 SC9DK320Q3 徐工QY50K 进口WELDOX960 上柴 SC8DK280Q3 浦沅QY50V 国产80公斤级 斯太尔 法士特 江门 常德信诚 徐州科源 CB-KPR80/80/40(右旋) 贵州力源 LY-A6V107HD1DFZ20700 国产 WD615.44 RT-11509C GX110C
回转马达 卷扬减速机 回转减速机
贵州力源LY-M1F40PL 徐州科源 徐州科源
贵州力源XM-F40L 徐州科源 徐州科源
国产: 上海高行
贵州力源XM-F40L 徐州科源 力士乐
加长起重臂,主臂全伸长度42.5m,双级折叠副臂, 副臂全长16m, 臂长、起吊高度行业第一; 主副卷扬最大单绳速度135m/min, 作业效率行业领先;



517.W-1.0 701.W-1.0 702.Y-1.0 703.G-1.0
压缩机离合器 708.W-1.0
冷凝风扇 710.W-1.5
87a 85
30 85 87 86 87a
倒 车 指 示 灯 CN2-31
倒车雷达 控制器
85 30 86 87
倒车监视 控制器
CN2-19 行 车 制 动 指 示 灯
417.W-1.0 418.W-1.0
STC250S-Y10 汽车起重机
STC250S-Y10 汽车起重机
31a.W-1.0 306.W.-1.0 307.W.-1.0 308.W.-1.0 309.W.-1.0 300.W.-1.0 614.W-1.0 320.W-1.0 31.B-1.0 31.B-1.0 31.B-1.0 31.B-1.0
143.Y-1.0 144.U-1.0
520.W-1.0 519.W-1.0
STC250S-Y10 汽车起重机
122.W-1.0 314.W-1.0
图 6-3.4 底盘电气原理图(3) 操作保养手册 -01.2014

30.R-10 120.W-2.5 108.W.-1.0 109.W-1.0



SUPERSTRUCTURE SPECIFICATIONSCAB AND CONTROLSBy 4 control levers for swing, boom hoist, main winch, boom tele-scoping or auxiliary winch with 2 control pedals for boom hoist,boom telescoping based on ISO standard layout.Control lever stands can change neutral positions and tilt for easyaccess to cab.One sided one-man type, steel construction with sliding door ac-cess and tinted safety glass windows opening at side.Operator's 3 way adjustable seat with headrest and armrest.OUTRIGGERHydraulically operated H-type outriggers. Each outrigger control-led simultaneously or independently from either side of carrier.Equipped with sight level gauge. Floats mounted integrally withthe jacks retract to within vehicle width. All cylinders fitted with pi-lot check valves.Crane operation with different extended length of each outrigger.Equipped with extension width detector for each outrigger.Extended widthFully.................................6,800 mmMiddle..............................4,600 mmMinimum..........................2,390 mmFloat size (Diameter).......400 mmFRONT JACKA fifth hydraulically operated outrigger jack. Mounted to the frontframe of carrier to permit 360o lifting capabilities.Hydraulic cylinder fitted with pilot check valve.Equipped with front jack extension detector.Float size(Diameter)...........350 mmCOUNTERWEIGHTIntegral with swing frameMass................................4,200 kgTADANO Automatic Moment LimiterMain unit in crane cab gives audible and visual warning of ap-proach to overload. Automatically cuts out crane motions beforeoverload. With working range (load radius and / or boom angleand / or tip height and / or swing range) limit function.Nine functions are constantly displayed.Either moment as percentage or main hydraulic pressureEither boom angle or moment %Either boom length or potential hook heightEither actual load radius or swing angleActual hook loadPermissible loadEither jib offset angle or number of parts of line of ropeBoom position indicatorOutrigger position indicatorNOTEEach crane motion speed is based on unladen conditions. BOOM5-section full power partially synchronized telescoping boom ofhexagonal box construction with 6 sheaves at boom head. Thesynchronization system consists of 2 telescope cylinders, exten-sion cables and retraction cables. Hydraulic cylinders fitted withholding valves. Selection of 2 boom telescoping modes.Fully retracted length.......11.1 mFully extended length.....42.0 mExtension speed..............30.9 m in 123 sJIB2-staged boom extension type. Triple offset (5o /25o / 45o ) type.Stored under base boom section.Single sheave at jib head.Length............................9.0 m and 14.6 mSINGLE TOP( Auxiliary boom sheave )Single sheave. Mounted to main boom head for single line work.ELEVATIONBy a double-acting hydraulic cylinder, fitted with holding valve.Automatic Speed Reduction and Soft Stop function.Elevation speed...............- 2o to 80o in 68 sHOIST-Main winchVariable speed type with grooved drum driven by hydraulic axialpiston motor through winch speed reducer. Power load loweringand hoisting. Equipped with automatic brake (Neutral brake) andcounterbalance valve.Controlled independently of auxiliary winch.Single line pull.................42.2 kN { 4,300kgf }Single line speed.............143 m/min (at the 4th layer)Wire rope.........................Spin-resistant typeDiameter..........................19.05 mmLength.............................227 mHOIST-Auxiliary winchVariable speed type with grooved drum driven by hydraulic axialpiston motor through winch speed reducer. Power load loweringand hoisting. Equipped with automatic brake (Neutral brake) andcounterbalance valve.Controlled independently of main winch.Single line pull.................44.1 kN { 4,500kgf }Single line speed.............123 m/min (at the 2nd layer)Wire rope.........................Spin-resistant typeDiameter..........................19.05 mmLength.............................127 mSWINGHydraulic axial piston motor driven through planetary speed reduc-er. Continuous 360o full circle swing on ball bearing slew ring. Au-tomatic Speed Reduction and Soft Stop function.Equipped with manually locked/released swing brake.Swing speed....................1.9 min-1 { rpm }HYDRAULIC SYSTEMPumps.............................Quadruple gear pumps driven bycarrier engine through P.T.O.Control valves..................Multiple valves actuated by pilotpressure with integral pressure reliefvalves.Circuit..............................Equipped with air cooled type oilcooler. Oil pressure appears on AMLdisplay for main circuit.Oil tank capacity..............approx. 690 litersFilters...............................Return line filterCARRIER SPECIFICATIONS and EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENTFor superstructureStandard Equipment4.5 ton capacity, hook ball and swivelControl pedals for boom hoist, boom telescoping3 working lightsExternal lamp(AML)Cable followerSun visorOptional Equipment55 ton capacity, 6 sheaves hook block20 ton capacity, 2 sheaves hook blockWinch drum rotation indicator(Visual)Winch drum mirror(Hoist mirror)Sun shadeSun visorElectric fanHot water heater and air conditionigCab floor matFor carrierStandard EquipmentFan clutch :Viscous-typeIntake air heaterOverheating warning buzzerCooling water level warning buzzerEngine over-run alarmPTO hour meterSeat belt :3 point type for driverTilting-telescoping steering wheelWindshield wiper(with intermittent wiping)and washerWindow glass :Tinted, Infrared and Ultraviolet rays absorptionTachometerLow air pressure warning buzzerAM radioCar heater(Hot water type)with defrosterThird differential gear lockSpeedometer(with odometer)Sun visorSpare tire carrier with lock keyTool box with lock keyFuel tank cap with lock keyBack-up lightBack-up alarmAir filter warning light(Instrument cluster)Towing hook(Front and rear, Eye type)AshtrayCigarette lighterFront fog lampOwner's tool setCab floor matOptional EquipmentCar cooler(Refrigerant:R134a)AM/FM radioMANUFACTURERNISSAN DIESEL MOTOR Co., LTD.MODELKG48UXN ( Right hand steering, 8 x 4 )ENGINE [ EURO-2 ]Model NISSAN PF6TBType 4 cycle, turbo charged, 6 cylinder inline,direct injection, water cooled diesel en-gine.Piston displacement12,503 cm3Bore x stroke133 mm x 150 mmMax. output (JIS)257 kW{350PS/345hp} at 2100 min-1{rpm}Max. torque (JIS)1460 Nm{150 kgfm} at 1200 min-1{rpm}TRANSMISSION7 forward and 1 reverse speeds, synchromesh on 2nd - 7th gear andconstant-mesh on 1st and reverse gear.AXLESFront...........................Reverse - elliot typeRear............................Full floating type.SUSPENSIONFront...........................Leaf spring.Rear............................Full floating type.STEERINGRecirculating ball screw type with linkage power assistance.BRAKE SYSTEMService........................Full air brake with maltiprotection valveand auto slack adjuster on all wheels, du-al air line system, internal expanding lead-ing and trailing shoe type.Parking........................Mechanically operated by hand brake lev-er, internal expanding duo-servo shoetype acting on drum at transmission caserear.Auxiliary.......................Electro-pneumatic operated exhaustbrake.Emergency..................Pneumatically controlled spring brake, act-ing on all rear axles.TIRESFront...........................315/80 R 22.5 156/150, Single x 4Rear............................315/80 R 22.5 156/150, Dual x 4Spare..........................315/80 R 22.5 156/150, Single x 1ELECTRONIC SYSTEM24 V DC. 2 batteries of 12 V (JIS)115F51, 96Ah at 5-hour rateAlternator 24V-50AFUEL TANK CAPACITY300 litersL I F T I N G H E I G H T (m )5101520253035404550556065051015202530354070o50o40o11.1 m Boom5o25o15.0 m Boom 18.8 m Boom 34.3 m Boom42.0 m Boom9.0 m Jib30o10o0o14.6 m Jib60o80o26.6 m Boom45o20oRADIUS (m)Telescoping modeI42.0 m Boom 34.3 m Boom 26.6 m Boom 18.8 m Boom 15.0 m Boom Boom LengthNOTE:1. Boom and jib geometry shown are for unloaded condition and machine standing level on firm supporting surface.Boom deflection and subsequent radius and boom angle change must be accounted for when applying load to hook.o14.6 m Jib9.0 m Jib42.0 m Boom 38.1 m Boom 34.3 m Boom26.6 m Boom18.8 m Boom11.1 m Boom0510152025303540RADIUS (m)5101520253035404550556065L I F T I N G H E I G H T (m )5o25o45o80o70o60o50o40o30o20o10ooTelescoping mode II42.0 m Boom 38.1 m Boom 34.3 m Boom 26.6 m Boom 18.8 m Boom Boom LengthNOTE:1. Boom and jib geometry shown are for unloaded condition and machine standing level on firm supporting surface.Boom deflection and subsequent radius and boom angle change must be accounted for when applying load to hook.Load3.011.1 m15.0 m42.0 m38.1 mTelescoping III050100100010005010040,000 28,000radius (m)boomboom boom20,000Outriggers fully extended 6.8m55,00034.3 m boomboom26.6 m boom18.8 m boom40,000 28,0003.5 20,00043,70038,500 20,0004.0 28,00038,10033,800 28,0004.5 19,80034,20030,800 19,0005.0 28,00030,40027,400 27,2005.5 18,20027,80025,400 17,5006.0 24,70025,00022,800 22,5006.5 16,80023,20021,400 16,2007.0 20,70021,00019,300 19,1007.5 15,70019,70018,300 15,2008.0 17,60017,90014,600 14,2009.0 14,30015,20013,50010.0 11,30011,6009,500 9,10011.0 11,4009,60012.0 7,5007,8005,10014.0 7,2005,50016.0 3,50018. I II III III II1,2001,7002,4003,3004,5006,2008,60010,30012,50014,20015,80016,70017,80018,90020,00020,00020,00020,0005,40012,00011,4002,40012,8003,00013,6007,8003,7007,20014,0004,7009,30014,0008,50010,80010,2006,2003,0009,6008,8002,20014,0003,9005,1001,60011,30013,50010,40014,00013,00012,5006,8003,2006,4005,8002,8008,0003,6004,2002,5007,6008,0007,0008,0008,0008,0004,9003,6006,9006,4002,8004,1004,7002,2008,0008,0007,5008,0008,0005,5003,2007,5006,9002,5004,2005,2001,9008,0008,0008,0008,0008,0005,9001,2005008002,1001,1001,4001,7001,8007001,0001,4001,4004507001,000500UNIT : kg •@CLASS OF CRANE ; C32nd boom3rd boom4th boomTop boom0003333666610010010003303366661001001000330336666100100100Telescoping conditions(%)I, II I, IINOTES1. Rated lifting capacities shown in the table are based on the condition that the crane is set on firm ground horizontally. Those above bold line are based on crane strength and those below, it is stability.2. Rated lifting capacities in the stability area comply with part 2 / ISO 4305.3. The mass of load handling devices such as hook blocks {570 kg for *55 ton capacity, 400 kg for *20 ton capacity and 130 kg for4.5 ton capacity} and slings, shall be considered part of the load and must be deducted from rated lifting capacities.4. Without front jack extended, when the boom is within the Over-front, Rated lifting capacities are different from those for the boom in the Over-side and Over-rear.5. Standard number of parts of line for each boom length is as shown below. Load per-line should not surpass 42.2 kN {4,300 kgf} for main winch rope and 44.1 kN {4,500 kgf} for auxiliary winch rope.*: OptionalBoom Length11.1 m15.0 m18.8 m26.6 m34.3 m38.1 m42.0 m Jib/Single topNumber of parts of line**13/1210754441**: With single top (When the lifting capacities is 55,000 kg)6. Special weather caution: Refer to the operation and maintenance manual.7. For rated lifting capacity of single top, subtract the main hook mass from the relevant boom rated lifting capacity. Rated lifting capacity of single top should not exceed 4,500 kg.8. Load radius shown in the table includes the deflection of the boom. Therefore, perform it according to the load radius. However for the jib3.005010001000100050100 LoadTelescoping I III III III III, II I, II15.0 m42.0 m38.1 mLoad15.0 m11,1004,3009,40013,50013,30016,4002,9003,50014,0002,10020,0005,10020,0003,8008,0006,80012,70018.01,50016.0 1,10028,0006,70014,0001,90014.011,1001,30028,0001,00012.0 3,0005,3003,80011.012,0001,8002,1003,000 2,70010.0 4,8004,700 6,1009.0 3,9004,2005,900 5,5008.0 7,9006,4007,500 9,1007.5 6,6007,0008,300 8,0007.0 10,5008,90010,600 12,3006.5 9,60010,00012,200 11,80020,0006.0 14,60012,80015,800 17,7005.5 14,60015,10019,200 18,7005.0 18,90020,20026,300 19,7004.5 24,90025,50028,000 28,0004.0 20,00032,00032,000Outriggers extended to middle 4.6 m20,00032,0003.5 28,0001,00028,0009,7008,5002,3003,5002,70014,0005,80010,1004,50011,9008,7007,5001,6004,6003,8008,0001,2001,8007,1008,0005,6008,0008,0008,0002,6004,2003,4001,4006,5008,0005,2008,0008,0002,2003,8003,0001,0006,1008,0004,8008,0007,9001,900UNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3033033666610010010003303366661001001000330336666100100100radius (m)Mode2nd boom3rd boom4th boomTop boomTelescoping conditions(%)boomboom boom11.1 m34.3 m boomboom26.6 m boom18.8 m boomradius (m)boomboom11.1 m26.6 m boom18.8 m boom10,400050100010003.0Telescoping conditions(%)Telescoping I III IIII, II5,1002,1004,3008,8006,1007,3001,60010,4008,8002,10010,8001,4003,6003,0007,60022,1003,40012,5005,70021,7001,1002,7001,6006,5002,2001,800 2,9001,1001,4002,300 2,000 3,9002,7003,300 4,5002,6002,9003,500 3,200 5,2004,0004,800 6,0004,0004,3005,300 5,00020,0007,0005,7006,900 8,3006,1006,5007,900 7,600 9,8008,40011,9009,5009,90012,500 12,100 14,60013,10016,900Outriggers extended to minimum 2.39 m18,60022,80015,90016,3005,0004,4000330336603303366UNIT : kg •@CLASS OF CRANE ; C33. boom3rd boom4th boom73o80o75o78o77o79o76oB oomangle53o55o58o60o63o65o68o70o5o offset3,5003,5003,5003,4003,2503,1002,8402,4302,2001,9501,7801,3501,05068047025o offset4105909201,1801,4501,5801,7301,8502,0202,1602,2402,3002,3002,3001,3001,3001,3001,2801,2601,2401,2001,1501,1201,0701,0301,00085055045o offset2,3501,8902,1002,2202,5008001,0801,2201,3301,5001,6402,5002,5005005o offset1,1701,0701,1201,1401,2007508008509109501,0001,2001,20048025o offset69065067068070056057058059062063070070042045o offset9.0 m jib14.6 m jib42.0 m boom2,300Outriggers fully extended 6.8 m50o3,5003,5003,5003,4003,2503,1002,8402,4302,2001,9501,7801,5501,3801,1508401,0801,2001,2801,4501,5801,7301,8502,0202,1602,2402,3002,3002,3001,3001,3001,3001,2801,2601,2401,2001,1501,1201,0701,0301,0009809402,3501,8902,1002,2202,5001,0001,0801,2201,3301,5001,6402,5002,5008901,1701,0701,1201,1401,2007708008509109501,0001,2001,2007306906506706807005605705805906206307007005502,30038.1 m boom ( telescoping mode II ) or less than that1,000 5407108209201,000UNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3BoomangleOutriggers fully extended 6.8 m1,000 920 8201,000Outriggers fully exended 6.8 m7102,3005507007006306205905805705607006806706506907301,2001,2001,0009509108508007701,2001,1401,1201,0701,1708902,5002,5001,6401,5001,3301,2201,0801,0002,5002,2202,1001,8902,3509409801,0001,0301,0701,1201,1501,2001,2401,2601,2801,3001,3001,3002,3002,3002,3002,2402,1602,0201,8501,7301,5801,4501,2801,2001,080540 8401,1501,3801,5501,7801,9502,2002,4302,8403,1003,2503,4003,5003,5003,50034.3 m boom ( telescoping mode I ) or less than thatUNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3 5o offset25o offset45o offset5o offset25o offset45o offset9.0 m jib14.6 m jib73o80o75o78o77o79o76o53o55o58o60o63o65o68o70oUNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3Boomangle9.0 m jib14.6 m jib5o offset25o offset45o offset5o offset25o offset45o offset 50o73o80o75o78o77o79o76o53o55o58o60o63o65o68o70o80o73o75o78o77o79o76oBoomangle5o offset3,5003,5003,0802,5502,0901,7001,07025o offset1,3001,5802,3002,3002,2801,3001,3001,3001,2801,2601,07045o offset2,1901,4701,8002,5002,5002,5005o offset1,1701,0101,1401,2001,2001,20025o offset69067068070070070045o offset9.0 m jib14.6 m jib42.0 m boom1,910Outriggers extended to middle 4.6 m3,5003,5003,5003,4002,9102,4801,7801,9002,2002,3002,3002,3001,3001,3001,3001,2801,2601,2402,3502,1002,2202,5002,5002,5001,1701,1201,1401,2001,2001,20069067068070070070038.1 m boom ( telescoping mode II ) or less than that2,3001,01070o6501,0701,5201,1601,3902,30034.3 m boom ( telescoping mode I ) or less than that7007006907006706801,2001,2001,2001,1401,1201,1702,5002,5002,5002,2202,1002,3501,2401,2601,2801,3001,3001,3002,3002,3002,3002,2001,9001,7802,4802,9103,4003,5003,5003,5001,390 1,160 1,520 1,070 650 1,010UNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3UNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3Outriggers extended to middle 4.6 m9.0 m jib14.6 m jib5o offset25o offset45o offset5o offset25o offset45o offset 80o73o75o78o77o79o76oBoomangleUNIT : kg CLASS OF CRANE ; C3Outriggers extended to middle 4.6 m9.0 m jib14.6 m jibBoomangle70o80o73o75o78o77o79o76o5o offset25o offset45o offset5o offset25o offset45o offsetWORKING AREAFrontD C1. Applicable rated lifting capacities change as the ranges of the working area, depending on the outrigger extension width and whether the front jack is used.2. When the swing automatic stop cancel switch is canceled, the swing does not automatically stop even if the crane becomes overloaded.A:Over-front areaB:Over-rear areaC :Over-side area (right)D:Over-side area (left)E:Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers atminimum extension)F:Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers at middleextension)G:Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers at fullextension)H:Minimum extension width of outriggersI:Middle extension width of outriggersJ:Full extension width of outriggersK:Position of outrigger jack with the beam not extendedL:Position of outrigger jack with the beam extendedhalfwayM:Position of outrigger jack with the beam extended fullyN:Front jackFront jack extendedFL outrigger extended to fully, FR outrigger extended to fullyRL outrigger extended to middle, RR outrigger extended to fullyFront jack not extendedFL outrigger extended to fully, FR outrigger extended to minimumRL outrigger extended to middle, RR outrigger extended to minimum ReferenceMEMO-- 11 --Printed in Japan-- 12 --TADANO LTD. (International Headquarters)4-12, Kamezawa 2-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0014, Japan Tel : +81-(0)3-3621-7752 Fax : +81-(0)3-3621-7785 URL http://www.tadano.co.jp/indexe.htm **********************.jp Specifications are subject to change without notice.。



QY25C汽车起重机QY25C TRUCK CRANE25 TONS OF LIFTING CAPACITY最大额定起重能力25T,最小工作幅度3.0m全伸主臂长33.5m,六边形截面,吊臂材料为HG785和HG70钢板配备东风康明斯ISLe290 30,潍柴WP10.270,上柴SC8DK260Q3等多款发动机,为客户提供多种选择最大行驶速度80km/h,最大爬坡能力30%(理论)采用三一SYML力矩限制器,为客户提供安全有效的保护技术参数尺寸技术参数技术描述底盘上车主臂工作范围 起重能力副臂工作范围 起重能力25t 33.5m 30%主要技术参数表车架整体焊接体,经优化设计和反复试验,选用高强度钢板传动系统法士特8档变速箱驾驶室采用人体工程学原理设计,方向盘可调节高度,视野开阔,标配冷暖空调支腿H型支腿,液压驱动支腿跨距 5.1m×6.0m车轮和轮胎10个车轮,轮胎规格PR 11.00-20-18PR车轴驱动轴:2、3轴;转向轴:1轴发动机采用东风康明斯ISLe290 30,潍柴WP10.270,上柴SC8DK260Q3等多款发动机,为客户提供多种选择。


表中粗线上面的数值由起重机强度决定, 粗线下面的数值由起重机的稳定性决定。




徐工越野轮胎起重机(RT100)产品特点:卓越高效:作业幅度大、起重能力强!转移快捷、作业高效,客户收益最大化!安全可靠:38项措施,全方位的安全保障!节能环保:三大节能措施,有效降低使用成本!先进专业:欧洲技术,专业生产!多样齐全:配置多样、型谱齐全!产品参数:作业性能参数项目单位参数最大额定起重量kg 100000 基本臂最大起重力矩kN²m 3500 最长主臂最大起重力矩kN²m 1840 基本臂最大起升高度mm 13200 主臂最大起升高度mm 48800 副臂最大起升高度mm 69000 主卷最大速度m/min 125副卷最大速度m/min 125行驶性能参数最高行驶车速km/h 33驱动方式—4³2、4³4最大爬坡度% 60最小转弯直径m 7.5(四轮),12(两轮)转向模式—前轮独立转向、小转弯、蟹行、后桥独立转向行车制动—液压双回路、盘式驻车制动—机械盘式,液压解除质量参数整车整备质量(含配重)kg 58900 配重质量kg 18000尺寸参数外形尺寸(长³宽³高)mm 14900³3500³3990 轴距mm 4645轮距mm 2640支腿跨距(纵/横)mm 8400/8200基本臂臂长mm 12400主臂臂长mm 48000副臂长mm 11700/20600副臂安装角°0, 20, 40吊臂最大/最小仰角°80°/ -2°最小离地间隙°568接近角/离去角°21.1/17.3发动机型号—康明斯QSL8.9 功率/转速kW/r/min 224/2100排放—非公路,欧三汽车起重机(QY8B.5)产品特点:性能更卓越•整机布置优化,主要承载构件受力更合理,起重作业性能超越行业内同吨位产品。













QY130 汽车起重机主要技术参数


QY100汽车起重机主臂起重性能表 0.00t配重,支腿全伸
0 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 倍率
主臂最小 仰角
13.5 100 100 91.8 81.6 71.5 59.2 50.1 43.2 37.7 32.9 28.7 22.3 17.7 14.1
51.8 48.9 46.2 43.8 41.6 39.7 37.9 36.2 31.9 27.1 23.3 20.3 15.7 12.1
40.8 38.6 36.7 35 33.3 31.9 29.2 27.1 23.5 20.6 16.1 12.9
33.3 31.7 30.3 28.9 26.6 24.5 23.5 20.6 16.3 13.2
78° 75° 72° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50° 45° 40°
7 10.1 5.2 12.5 3.7 14.8 3.8 11.6 2.8 15.8 2.2 6.8 13.2 4.5 15.6 3.6 17.8 3.4 15.1 2.6 19.3 2.1 6.3 16.2 4.2 18.5 3.4 20.6 3.2 18.5 2.5 22.6 2 5.4 18.2 4 20.5 3.3 22.6 3 20.7 2.4 24.7 1.9 4.5 23.1 3.6 25.3 3.1 27.2 2.7 26.2 2.2 30 1.7 4 27.9 3.3 30 2.9 31.8 2.4 31.5 1.9 35.1 1.5 3.4 32.4 2.4 34.4 2.3 36 1.9 36.6 1.6 40 1.4 2.4 36.7 2.2 38.6 2.1 40 1.7 41.4 1.5 44.5 1.3 1.7 40.7 1.6 42.4 1.5 43.6 1.1 45.9 1 48.8 0.9 1.1 44.5 1 46 0.9 47
















关键词液压起重机;变幅机构;变幅液压缸Hydraulic crane luffing system designAbstractWith the rapid economic development, China's infrastructure is enlarging gradually. Road traffic, airport, port, water conservancy and hydropower, municipal construction and other infrastructure construction scale is more and more. Market demand increases hydraulic crane. Hydraulic crane is an important hoisting equipment widely used in various engineering construction. It is used for lifting, transportation, loading and unloading and installation work on material mechanical equipment. As the main construction machinery in the industrial and civil construction has been widely used. It is to reduce labor intensity, save manpower, reduce the cost of construction, improve construction quality, speed up the construction, engineering construction mechanization plays a very important role.The design of the main tasks is to access relevant information and documents, to determine the three hinge luffing system of crane luffing mechanism scheme and the position. According to known data, luffing hydraulic cylinder to the crane design and calculation. According to drawings and CAD data drawing calculation. Finally, other major components of the luffing system selection. Design and calculation of amplitude hydraulic cylinder luffing system is the emphasis of the whole system design. Design and calculation of amplitude hydraulic cylinder is the main reference "New Hydraulic Engineering Handbook" and "Mechanical Design Manual" in the formula.Key words: Hydraulic crane;Luffing mechanism;Luffing cylinder目录摘要 (I)Abstract ................................................................................................................ I I 第1章绪论.. (5)1.1 课题研究的意义 (5)1.2 国内外发展现状与趋势 (5)第2章变幅系统方案和变幅机构三铰点的确定 (8)2.1 变幅系统方案的确定 (8)2.1.1 变幅机构布置形式的确定 (8)2.1.2 变幅机构液压回路方案的确定 (9)2.2 变幅机构三铰点的确定 (9)2.2.1 三铰点的运动和受力要求 (10)2.2.2 臂架油缸铰点位置确定 (10)2.3 本章小结 (12)第3章变幅液压缸的设计与计算 (13)3.1 液压缸的定义和组成 (13)3.2 起重机变幅油缸推力计算 (13)3.3 液压缸的基本机构设计 (14)3.3.1 内径D的计算 (14)3.3.2 活塞杆直径D的计算 (14)3.4 液压缸缸筒 (15)3.4.1 液压缸筒与端盖的连接 (15)3.4.2 缸筒壁厚Δ的计算 (16)3.4.3 缸筒壁厚Δ的验算 ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。


Jib 副臂 Jib length 副臂长度 Slewing speed 回转速度
Winch Performance 起升机构工作速度 Main hoist – 3rd layer – single rope speed 主卷扬 - 第三层 - 单绳速度
Crane Boom Function Speeds 起重臂工作速度 Elevation – up 起臂 Elevation – down 落臂 Full extension 全伸 Full retract 全缩
Axle drive system 桥驱动系统 Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径 Maximum gradeability
最大爬坡度 Maximum traveling speed 最高行驶速度 Driver Cab 驾驶室 Dong Feng truck cab 东风卡车驾驶室 Adjustable driver seat
节数 Base boom length 基本臂长度 Base boom maximum lift height 基本臂最大起升高度 Base boom maximum working radius 基本臂最大作业半径
Fully extended boom length 全伸臂长度 Fully extended boom maximum lift height 全伸臂最大起升高度 Fully extended boom maximum working radius 全伸臂最大作业半径
调式司机座椅 可 Fitted with heater 加热器 Operator Cab 操纵室 Adjustabቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe seat
Ergonomically placed switches and gauges 开关和仪表的布置符合人机工程学







关键词:汽车起重机;液压系统;支腿液压;设计计算Hydraulic system design of Outrigger of truck craneABSTRACTThe design analysis of truck crane on the basis of the functions, composition and characteristics of work, application situation and development trend of domestic and international truck crane, designed a hydraulic system for small and medium tonnage truck crane chassis legs. In the design of the hydraulic system, by reading a lot of relevant information already exists on the market and research products at home and abroad, for small and medium tonnage truck crane capabilities and in-depth understanding and analysis of the working principle, specific analysis of crane hydraulic system characteristics and system functions, composition, work type, summary of advantages and disadvantages in application of hydraulic truck crane. Legs according to the characteristics of truck crane hydraulic system analysis of typical conditions, determine the hydraulic system requirements; combination of hydraulic system for hydraulic system developed leg base map, the hydraulic support leg pipe. According to the technical parameters of the crane on the design and calculation of hydraulic systems, hydraulic system components were identified and combined with leg mechanism of main parameters on leg strength and stability analysis of mechanism, composition theory and performance analysis of the leg loops through to system pressure loss calculation and heat checking, inspection of hydraulic system design of rationality.KEY WORDS: Truck crane Hydraulic system, Outrigger hydraulic, Design calculations目录前言 (1)第1章液压系统在起重机上的应用 (2)1.1汽车起重机简介 (2)1.2 QY100K汽车起重机主要性能参数 (3)1.2.1 行驶状态下的主要技术参数如下 (3)1.2.2 作业状态参数 (3)1.2.3 起重臂性能参数 (3)1.2.4支腿技术参数 (3)1.3 液压系统的类型 (3)1.4 液压传动应用于汽车起重机上的优缺点 (4)1.4.1 在起重机的结构和技术性能上的优点 (4)1.4.2 在经济上的优点 (4)第2章下车支腿的确定、支腿液压系统的设计 (6)2.2起重机支腿的选择 (6)2.1.1支腿形式的确定 (6)2.1.2 H形支腿的工作原理 (6)2.2支腿液压回路的设计 (8)2.2.1支腿液压回路的作用 (8)2.2.2支腿液压回路的性能要求 (8)2.2.3 QY100K液压系统原理说明 (8)2.2.4 中小吨位汽车起重机支腿液压回路分析 (11)2.2.5 两种液压支腿回路的比较 (12)第3章起重机支腿液压系统原件的确定 (14)3.1 系统压力的确定 (14)3.1.1 液压系统各回路计算及主要元件的选择 (14)3.2 支腿压力计算 (14)3.2.1 计算工况及载荷 (14)3.2.2 按三点支撑的压力计算 (15)3.3 水平支腿液压缸作用力的确定 (17)3.4 各种液压缸尺寸的确定 (17)3.4.1 垂直液压油缸尺寸的确定 (17)3.5 液压缸伸缩速度及流量的计算 (20)3.5.1 垂直液压缸伸缩速度及流量的计算 (20)3.5.2 水平液压缸伸缩速度及流量的计算 (20)3.6 液压泵的工作压力及排量的确定,液压泵的选择 (21)3.6.1 液压泵额定工作压力的确定 (21)3.6.2液压泵额定流量的计算 (23)3.6.3 液压泵的选择 (23)第4章支腿液压系统附件的选用 (23)4.1液压油箱的设计 (24)4.1.1油箱的基本功能和分类 (24)4.1.2 油箱的设计要点 (24)4.1.3油箱容积确定 (25)4.1.4油箱附件的选取 (27)4.2 油管的确定 (30)4.3液压传动的工作介质(液压油) (32)4.4 液压系统能量的分析与计算 (33)4.4.1 各工况下压力损失的计算 (33)结论 (38)谢辞........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SANY QY130汽车起重机 说明书

SANY QY130汽车起重机 说明书

全伸主臂长60m,U型截面,吊臂材料为WELDOX高强度钢板配备底盘、上车两种型号奔驰发动机,最大额定功率350KW 三一独有的多泵合(分)流智能调速技术三桥驱动、四桥转向,高配置底盘技术参数尺寸技术参数技术描述底盘上车主臂工作范围 起重能力副臂工作范围 起重能力60 350 3422T29T38T1+2+3+2×41+2+31+2五种平衡重组合工况:012t22t29t38t不挂平衡重12t平衡重22t平衡重29t平衡重38t平衡重机械性能主卷扬副卷扬最大速度最大钢绳拉力钢丝绳直径钢丝绳长度135m/min 123m/min123 kN 83 kN22mm/280m 22mm/190m-2°~80°2变幅角度r/min0~8040%行驶速度爬坡能力技术参数工作速度车架历经科学的优化设计和反复实验,选用高强度钢板,采用整体焊接体,结构刚度高传动系统配有自动离合器的采埃孚AS-Tronic自动变速器12个前进档和2个倒挡,可自动巡航采埃孚双挡位(已封闭1挡)分动器驾驶室采用人体工程学原理设计,方向盘可调节高度,视野开阔,标配冷暖空调支腿双级H型支腿支腿跨距:7.7m×7.8m 车轮和轮胎16个车轮,轮胎规格12.00R24 20PR车轴驱动轴:3、5、6轴;转向轴:1、2、3和6轴。

驱动轴均为KESSLER轴,全部装有轮间差速锁,5轴配有轴间差速锁发动机OM502LA.Ⅲ Benz水冷8缸柴油发动机转速1100rpm,额定功率350kW转速1100rpm,扭矩2300N·m油箱容量450L 转向系统12×8,采用带机械转向限位的采埃孚单回路液压助力式转向系统,并配有由采埃孚应急泵驱动的应急转向装置悬挂系统1、2轴悬挂系统为钢板弹簧双桥平衡悬架 ,3轴悬挂系统为钢板弹簧悬架4、5、6轴悬挂系统为钢板弹簧三桥平衡悬架电气系统24V系统电压,CAN总线制动系统采用气压制动。



8--500吨汽车吊性能参数表8吨汽车起重机性能表 (2)20吨汽车吊机额定性能表 (3)25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(主臂) (4)30吨汽车起重机性能表(一) (6)50吨汽车起重机性能表(主表) (8)80吨汽车起重机起重性能表(一) (10)100t汽车吊性能表 (12)120吨汽车起重机起重性能表 (13)150吨汽车起重机性能表(一) (14)150吨汽车起重机性能表(二) (15)160t汽车吊性能表 (16)200吨汽车吊车 (17)260吨吊车性能表 (18)LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机 (19)LTM1500-500t全液压汽车吊机 (21)LTM1500-500t全液压汽车吊机 (22)8吨汽车起重机性能表主要技术参数 6.95m吊臂8.50m吊臂10.15m吊臂11.70m吊臂参数名称参数工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)工作半径(m)起升高度(m)起重量(t)全车总重15.50t 3.27.5 8.0 3.49.2 6.7 4.210.6 4.2 4.912.0 3.2 最大爬坡能力22% 3.77.1 5.4 4.08.8 4.5 5.010.1 3.1 5.811.4 2.4 吊臂最大仰角 4.3 6.5 4.0 4.78.3 3.4 5.79.6 2.5 6.710.8 1.9 吊臂全伸时长度11.70m 4.9 5.7 3.2 5.47.6 2.7 6.68.8 1.9 7.79.9 1.4 吊臂全缩时长度 6.95m 5.5 4.6 2.6 6.2 6.8 2.2 7.57.7 1.5 8.88.6 1.0 最大提升高度12.00m 6.9 5.6 1.8 8.4 6.3 1.2 9.77.0 0.9 最小工作半径 3.20m 7.5 4.2 1.5 9.0 4.8 1.0 10.5 5.2 0.8 最小转弯半径9.20m20吨汽车吊机额定性能表以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(主臂)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)25吨汽车起重机起重性能表(副臂)30吨汽车起重机性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!主要技术参数主臂起重性能工作半径(m)支腿全伸不用支腿名称参数10.00m17.00m24.00m31.00m10.00m 全车总重32.2t 3.0030.00 20.00 8.00 最大爬坡能力31% 3.3530.00 20.00 7.00 最大提升高度34.00m 3.5028.10 20.00 6.40 吊臂全伸时长度31.00m 4.0024.20 20.00 5.10 吊臂全缩时长度10.00m 4.5021.40 20.00 13.00 4.20 最小转弯半径11.50m 4.820.00 20.00 13.00 3.70 最大仰角80° 5.019.20 19.20 13.00 3.40 30t吊钩重0.35t 5.517.50 17.50 13.00 2.80 12t吊钩重0.20t 6.016.00 16.00 13.00 2.30 4t吊钩重0.10t 6.514.60 14.60 13.00 9.00 1.90 10m吊臂时钢丝绳数8根7.013.50 13.50 12.00 9.00 1.60 10-17m时钢丝绳数5根7.512.00 12.00 11.20 9.00 1.30 24m时钢丝绳数4根8.010.50 10.50 10.50 9.00 1.00 31m时钢丝绳数3根8.59.40 9.40 7.20 7.7010.0 6.95 6.95 7.5011.0 5.80 5.80 6.4012.0 4.90 4.90 5.5514.0 3.45 3.45 4.2016.0 2.50 3.2018.0 1.80 2.4520.0 1.30 1.9022.00.85 1.5024.0 1.1026.00.7527.00.65(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)30吨汽车起重机性能表(二)吊臂角度工作半径使用8.45m 副臂倾角5°吊臂角度工作半径使用13.5m副臂倾角5°80°7.9 4.00 80°9.3 2.5078.5°9.5 4.00 77°12.0 2.5078°10.2 3.80 76°12.7 2.35 76°11.2 3.30 74°14.1 2.10 74°12.2 2.90 72°15.6 1.95 72°13.4 2.70 70°17.1 1.80 70°14.6 2.50 68°18.5 1.65 68°16.0 2.35 66°19.9 1.50 66°17.3 2.20 64°21.3 1.40 64°18.5 2.10 62°22.7 1.30 62°19.8 2.05 60°24.0 1.20 60°20.7 1.85 58°25.3 1.15 58°21.9 1.65 55°27.1 1.05 55°23.6 1.30 54°27.70.95 54°24.1 1.15 52°28.80.80 52°25.00.95 50°29.90.65 50°25.80.75 48°30.90.55 48°26.80.60注:1、若副臂在工作位置,但仍用主臂吊装,主臂的起重性能应相应的减去1.4t2、使用副臂吊装时,主臂的角度不得大于45,否则将倾翻50吨汽车起重机性能表(主表)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!不支第五支腿,吊臂位于起重机前方或后方;支起第五支腿,吊臂位于侧方、后方、前方工作半径(m)主臂长度(m)10.7018.0025.4032.7540. 22.20 16.306.521.0020.0015.007.018.50 18.00 14.10 11.20 11.10 8.30 6.5010.09.2010.007.50 6.0012.0 6.40 7.50 6.80 5.2014.0 5.10 5.70 4.6016.0 4.00 4.70 3.9018.0 3.10 3.70 3.3020.0 2.20 2.90 2.9022.0 1.60 2.30 2.4024.0 1.80 2.0026.0 1.40 1.5028.0 1.2030.00.90各臂伸缩率(%)二0 100 100 100 100 三0 0 33 66 100 四0 0 33 66 100 五0 0 33 66 100钢丝绳倍率12 8 5 4 3吊钩重量0.515 0.215 (注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)50吨汽车起重机性能表(副臂)吊臂位于起重机侧方或后方主臂仰角(°)吊臂长度(m)40.10+5.10主臂+副臂40.10+9.00主臂+副臂40.10+16.10主臂+副臂0°20°0°20°0°20°78 4.0 3.6 3.2 1.9 1.5 0.8 75 3.8 3.2 3.0 1.8 1.30.8 72 3.2 2.9 2.8 1.7 1.2 0.7 70 3.0 2.5 2.5 1.6 1.20.6 65 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.4 1.1 0.5 60 1.9 1.6 1.5 55 1.4 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.4各节臂伸缩率(%) 二100 三四五钢丝绳倍率 1 吊钩重量0.180吨汽车起重机起重性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!主臂起重性能表工作半径(m)吊臂长度(支腿全伸)吊臂长度(不伸支腿) 12.0m18.0m24.0m30.0m36.0m40.0m44.0m12.0m2.580.0 45.0 45.0 35.0 45.0 35.0 27.0 37.0 29.2 27.0 5.86.539.4 31.5 25.3 23.2 22.0 18.0 25.4 21.0 18.8 17.7 15.7 12.0 3.29.520.820.817.815.714.613.212.0 19.2 17.0 15.0 13.8 12.6 11.4 1.711.016.515.613.512.411.410.411.814.7 14.7 12.6 11.4 10.6 9.712. 12.5 11.3 10.2 9.3 8.814.610. 9.4 9.4 8.7 8.2 7.616. 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.8 6.320.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.1 5.622.0 3.4 3.4 4.0 4.423.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.926.0 1.7 2.2 2.627.0 1.9 2.228.0 1.6 1.930.0 1.0 1.331.0 1.180吨汽车起重机起重性能表(二)主要技术参数副臂起重性能主臂仰角支腿全伸在两侧或后部吊装名称参数44m 主臂+9.5m 副臂5°夹角 44m 主臂+15m 副臂5°夹角 工作半径(m)起重性能(t)工作半径(m)起重性能(t)全车总重 63.00t 81.3° 10.0 6.00 11.5 4.00 主臂全伸时长度 44.00m 80.4°11.06.0012.64.00主臂全缩时长度 12.00m 80.1° 11.3 5.90 13.0 4.00 最大仰角 82° 78.6° 13.0 5.20 14.6 3.75 最大爬坡能力 16%75.2°16.04.4018.23.05最小转弯半径 15.40% 70.8° 20.0 3.60 22.5 2.55最大提升高度58.50m 66.0°24.0 3.00 27.2 2.10 80t 主吊钩重 1t 63.8° 26.0 2.75 29.1 2.05 80t 辅助吊钩重0.5t58.0° 30.3 1.50 34.01.206t 副吊钩重 0.25t 55.4°32.01.20100t汽车吊性能表120吨汽车起重机起重性能表以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!工作半径(m)主臂长度(m)12.612.616.620.624.528.532.536.540.544.548.552.556.03120 1113.510710292495 94 88 81 694.586827566579 76 70 62 516666662554940756 56 55 49 44.5 38 32 23.6848.54847444038.53222.120.1942 41.5 40.5 40 36.5 32.5 29.8 21.3 19.9 15.8103736.535.535.533.530.527.921.319.715.814.912.6 1229.1 28 28.9 27.8 26.2 24.5 21.3 18.7 15.8 14.5 11.8 1424.822.723.522.522.521.618.916.81513.311.1 1618.3 19.4 18.4 19 19.1 16.9 15.1 13.6 12.2 10.3 1815.815.815.216.816.31513.512.311.19.6 2013.2 13.8 14.1 14.2 13.4 12.2 11.1 10.2 8.9 2211.512.412.212.111.710.910.19.48.3 2410.7 10.5 10.4 10 9.9 9.2 8.6 7.7 288 8 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.4 6.7 3077.2 6.5 6.3 6.5 6.9 6.3 32 6.3 6 5.6 6 6.1 5.8 34 5.5 5.6 5.2 5.6 5.3 5.2 36 5.1 4.8 5.1 4.5 4.5 38 4.7 4.5 4.44 3.9 40 4.2 4 3.5 3.7 42 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.5 44 3.2 2.8 2.7 46 2.6 2.4 2.7 48 2 2 50 1.7 1.7 52 1.4 54 1.2150吨汽车起重机性能表(一)以下工况仅供参考,实际请与本公司业务员联系!(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)150吨汽车起重机性能表(二)吊臂回转至后部及两侧时吊装性能工作半径(m)吊臂长度 (m)13.917.721.325.028.732.336.039.643.152.83.0 140.03.6 131.3 65.9 64.44.0 122.6 65.0 63.74.5 109.2 65.0 63.7 56.65.0 100.2 64.9 61.2 55.46.0 80.3 64.9 56.5 51.7 46.6 41.27.0 68.9 62.0 52.5 47.2 43.9 37.8 33.1 31.58.0 58.7 57.1 48.1 44.6 39.0 34.4 31.9 30.39.0 49.5 49.3 44.8 40.9 35.8 31.9 29.5 27.1 27.510.0 43.041.9 41.6 35.6 33.4 29.6 27.4 25.3 24.912.0 31.9 31.9 31.3 27.7 24.6 22.6 22.0 21.3 17.6 14.0 24.624.6 24.6 24.6 21.4 20.3 19.3 18.2 15.9 16.0 18.518.518.518.4 17.5 16.8 15.4 13.7 18.0 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.714.7 14.4 12.5 12.0 20.0 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.811.8 11.4 10.6 23.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 26.0 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 7.6 29.0 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 6.1 32.0 2.9 2.9 2.1 4.3 35.0 1.7 1.7 2.8 38.0 0.3 2.0 41.0 1.2 44.0 1.0(注:本表内红字及红字以上栏目的数字为吊臂强度所决定,其下面栏目数字为倾翻力矩决定)160t汽车吊性能表200吨汽车吊车260吨吊车性能表LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机LTM1300/1-300t全液压汽车吊机主臂额定性能表:支腿开距=8.85×8.5m、旋转角度=360°、标准配重=87.5t。

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