






根据以上说明推断下列叙述不正确的是A.CF3CF2CF3为HFC—208B.p代表分子中的氟原子数C.CH2FCHF2为HFC—143D.m代表分子中氢原子数加1答案:A解析:分析:通过题干中的两个示例可知,n 代表分子中碳数减1,m 代表氢原子数加1,p 代表氟原子数,据此分析来解答。

A .根据上面的分析,CF 3CF 2CF 3为HFC —218,故A 项错误;B .根据上面的分析,p 代表分子中的氟原子数,故B 项正确;C .根据上面的分析,CH 2FCHF 2为HFC —143,故C 项正确;D .根据上面的分析,m 代表分子中氢原子数加1,故D 项正确;答案选A 。

3、下列不属于有机高分子的是A .淀粉B .油脂C .蛋白质D .塑料答案:B解析:相对分子质量一般在10000以上的有机化合物称为有机高分子,有的达到几万,几十万甚至上百万,常见的天然有机高分子材料有淀粉、纤维素、蛋白质和天然橡胶,合成高分子有塑料、合成橡胶和合成纤维等,油脂是高级脂肪酸甘油酯,不属于高分子化合物,B 符合题意。

答案选B 。

4、下列反应属于取代反应的是A .CH 4→高温C +2H 2B .2HI +Cl 2=2HCl +I 2C .CH 4+2O 2→点燃CO 2+2H 2OD .CH 4+Cl 2→光CH 3Cl +HCl答案:D解析:A .该反应由一种物质生成多种物质,是分解反应,A 错误;B .该反应由一种单质和化合物反应生成另一种单质和化合物,是置换反应,B 错误;C .该反应是甲烷的燃烧,属于氧化反应,C 错误;D .该反应是甲烷在光照条件下被氯取代其氢原子,属于取代反应,D 正确;答案选D。

有机化学B教材第二版课后习题解析第七章 醇酚醚课后习题答案

有机化学B教材第二版课后习题解析第七章 醇酚醚课后习题答案

醇酚醚课后习题答案习题1,各化合物名称分别如下:2-丁醇;1,4-丁二醇;3-甲基-3-丁烯-1-醇;2-乙氧基乙醇;苯乙醚;2-溴代-1-丙醇; 2-硝基-1萘酚;(2S ,4E )-5-甲基-4-庚烯-2-醇间甲氧基苯甲醇。

习题1,各化合物结构分别如下: OHClCH 3CH 33CH 3OH OHOHCH 3OCH 3OOCH 3OH NO 2O 2N2H 5O 2NOH OHCH 3H 3习题3,主要产物分别如下: CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 3CH 3+CH 3CH 23CH 3CH 3CH 3(环内双键稳定性大于环外双键)。

习题4,各反应主要产物分别如下:C H 3CH 3H 3CH 3CH 33ClCH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2OOH ICH 3OOHOHCH 3H 3OCH 3C H 3OHI+CH 3I习题5,习题6,OHOHCH 3CH 3CH 3OHFeCl 3有色无色3OH OH CH 3CH 3CH 3OH习题7,A 为饱和化合物,不予钠反应为醚,B 为醇,C 为碘甲烷,B 可以氧化成酮,为仲醇,消除得2-甲基-2-丁烯,综合分析B 为3-甲基2-丁醇。

故A 为3-甲基-2-甲氧基丁烷。

习题8,A 有4个不饱和度,含苯环;不饿on 公寓氢氧化钠,为苯甲醚,碘化氢分解为苯酚B 与碘甲烷C 。





第一章 有机化合物分子结构基础习题1-1H:Cl(2)H:O:N::O(3)H:N:N:H H H (1)O::C::O Cl:C:ClO(4)(5)Na(6)+(7)(8)(9)H:C:C:O:H H H H H H:C:C::O:HH H H:C: :OO:H(10)(11)H:C:C H H(12)NH:N:C::O:H H习题1-3C C H H HO Cl :::::(1)(2)C C HH H C O ::::H H (3)H C N N H三价三价正确N 原子应带电荷更改为:C H H H O ::::(1)(2)C C HH H C O ::::H HH (3)H N N HCl ::::(4)(5)(6)C O HH H H H O ::C OH H::::O 原子应带电荷C 原子应带电荷O 原子应带电荷更改为::::(4)(5)(6)C O HH HH C HN O ::C N OH H::::习题1-3(1)CH 3CHCH 2CH 2CH 2Cl(2)CH 3CHCH 2CH 2CHCH 3OH OCH 3ClBrOHOCH 3(3)C CH 3H 3C CH 3CH 2CH 2Cl(4)(CH 3)2NCH 2CH 2CH 3N(5)CH 3CH 2COCH 3(6)(CH 3)2CHCH 2CHOH OO习题1-4(1)可以,因为轨道可以有效重叠成键,如下图(a );(2)不可以,因为轨道间不是同位相相加,故不能有效重叠成键,如下图(b )和(c )。

(a)(b)(c)习题1-5*(1)因为反键分子轨道上有一个电子,只具有相对稳定性;(2)因为成键与反键分子轨道都全部充满电子,体系能量没有有效降低,所以不能稳定存在; (3)两个氮原子的2p 轨道各有3个单电子,它们相互结合形成三个成键轨道和三个反键轨道,而6个电子将在成对地填充在三个成键轨道上,所以N 2分子可以稳定存在;(4)O 2-可以看成是1个O (4个2p 电子)与1个O -(5个2p 电子)结合而成,各自的3个2p 轨道组成3个成键和3个反键轨道,9个电子在成对填充满3个成键轨道后,还有3个电子在反键轨道,因此,该负离子具有相对稳定性。

2020版新教材高中化学 第七章 有机化合物 第四节 第1课时 糖类课后练习(含解析)新人教版必修第二册

2020版新教材高中化学 第七章 有机化合物 第四节 第1课时 糖类课后练习(含解析)新人教版必修第二册

第1课时糖类1.下列说法中正确的是( )A.凡符合C n(H2O)m通式的化合物一定属于糖类,不符合此通式的不属于糖类B.凡能溶于水且具有甜味的化合物都属于糖类C.葡萄糖是一种单糖的主要原因是它是一种多羟基醛D.葡萄糖分子中含有醛基,它具有还原性C n(H2O)m的物质不属于糖类,如乙酸CH3COOH、甲酸甲酯HCOOCH3,有些不符合通式C n(H2O)m的物质属于糖类,如鼠李糖C6H12O5;糖类不一定具有甜味,如淀粉,有甜味的物质也不一定是糖类,如糖精;葡萄糖是单糖的主要原因是它不能水解成更简单的糖;葡萄糖分子中含有醛基,它应具有还原性,故选D。

2.对于淀粉和纤维素的说法正确的是( )A.两者都能水解,但水解的产物不同B.两者含有C、H、O元素的质量分数相同,且互为同分异构体C.它们都属于糖类,且都是有机高分子D.都可用(C6H10O5)n表示,都易溶于水,能水解,最终都生成葡萄糖,A项错误;淀粉和纤维素均可表示为(C6H10O5)n,但分子式中的n值不同,二者不是同分异构体,B项错误;淀粉能部分溶于热水,纤维素不溶于水,D项错误。

3.用来证明纤维素和淀粉都是多糖的实验方法是( )A.放入氧气中燃烧,检验燃烧产物都是CO2和H2OB.放入银氨溶液中微热,都不发生银镜反应C.加入浓硫酸后微热,都脱水而变黑D.分别放入稀硫酸中煮沸几分钟,用NaOH溶液中和反应后的溶液,再加入新制的Cu(OH)2共热,都生成砖红色沉淀H2SO4存在下水解生成葡萄糖,再加入新制的Cu(OH)2共热时生成砖红色Cu2O沉淀。


米酒中甜味来源的途径是( )A.淀粉→蔗糖→葡萄糖B.淀粉→麦芽糖→葡萄糖C.淀粉→麦芽糖→果糖D.淀粉→蔗糖→果糖,进而水解生成葡萄糖。










一种信息素的分子结构简式如图所示,关于该化合物说法不正确的是()A.属于烷烃B.可发生水解反应C.可发生加聚反应D.具有一定的挥发性C、H、O三种元素,故不属于烷烃,A 项错误;分子中含有酯基,可以发生水解反应,B项正确;分子中含有碳碳双键,可以发生加聚反应,C项正确;可利用该物质诱捕害虫,故应有一定的挥发性,D项正确。



Chapter 1 Effect of Substituted in Organic molecule1. 试判断以下各对基团,那一个具有强的-I 效应〔即强的吸电子诱导效应〕:(1) -COOH , -COO -(2) C HN OCH 3 , C H N N(CH 3)2CH 3+(3) C OCH 3 , C CH 2CH 3, (4) SO 2H ,SO 3H(5) OCH 3 , SCH 3 (6) C H C H CH 3 ,C C CH 3(7) N (CH 3)2 , P(CH 3)2 (8) Si(CH 3)3 ,Si(CH 3)2CH 3(9)N(CH 3)3+,NH 2 (10) CN ,CH 2NH 2 (11) SiCH 3 , Cl (12) C C CH 3 ,C H C H CH 3(13),(14)NO 2,NO 2(15) O 2SCH 3, O 2SBr2. 指出以下各对酸中哪一个酸性强(1) H 3NCH 2CH 2COOH , HOCH 2CH 2COOH (2) HC C COOH ,H 2C C H COOH(3) C 6H 5COCH 2COOH , C 6H 5CHOHCH 2COOH(4) C 4H 9CHCOOn,C C CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3COOHOOC(5) COOH OH, COOH OH(6) BrCH 2CH 2COOH , CH 3CHBrCOOH(7)(H 3C)2CH 2CHCOOH,H 2CC HCH 2COOH(8) HC C COOH , SCOOH(9) CH 2(COOH)2 ,HOOCH CCOOCl(10) CH 3OCH 2CH 2COOH , CH 3SCH 2CH 2COOH (11) CH 3SCH 2COOH ,CH 3SO 2COOH(12)OHCCOOH,COOHCHO(13)OHC(CH 3)3(H 3C)3C,OH3)3CH 3(H 3C)3C(14) H 3COCOOH ,OCH 3COOH(15) C 6H 5CH 2SeH ,H 3CSeH3. 预料以下各对化合物,何者具有更强的酸性? (1) CH 3NO 2 ,(CH 3)2CHNO 2(2) CH 2(SO 2C 6H 5)2 ,CH 2(SOC 6H 5)2(3) H 3CCH(C 6H 5)2,(C 6H 5)2CHCH 2C 6H 5 (4) CH 3COCH 2COOCH 3 ,CH 3COCH 2CONH 2 (5) CH 3COCH 2COCH 2F ,CH 3COCHFCOCH 3(6)NOCH 3,NO H 3C(7)SO 2O 2S ,OO(8) NO 2CH 3CH 3H 3C ,NO 2CH 3H 3CCH 3(9)CH3,CH3(10) CH(C 6H 5)2,CH(C 6H 5)2(11) (CH)3Se , (CH 3)2O(12) ,4. 解释以下现象:(1). 杯烯 (Calcene) 的偶极距很大,μ= 5.6 D.(2). 吡咯 μ = 1.80 D ,吡啶 μ = 2.25 D ,且极性相反,如图:NN H5. 比较以下化合物的碱性的强弱:NN(CH 3)2N(C 2H 5)2NH 2N6. 9,10-二氢蒽-1-羧酸〔A 〕和9,10-乙撑蒽-1-羧酸〔B 〕的酸性取决于8-位上取代基X的性质。




(1)3,5-二溴-2-硝基甲苯(2)2,6-二硝基-3-甲氧基甲苯(3)2- 硝基对甲苯磺酸(4)三苯甲烷(5)反二苯基乙烯(6)环己基苯(7)3-苯基戊烷(8)间溴苯乙烯(9)对溴苯胺(10)氨基苯甲酸(11)8-氯-奈甲酸(12)(E)-1-苯基-2-丁烯答案:(11)Cl COOH(12)CH2CH33、写出下列化合物的结构式。

(1)2-nitrobenzoie acid (2)p-bromotoluene(3)o-dibromobenzene (4)m-dinitrobenzene(5)3,5-dinitrophenol (6)3-chloro-1-ethoxybenzen (7)2-methyl-3-phenyl-1-butanol(8)p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid (9)benzyl bromide (10)p-nitroaniline(11)o-xylene (12)tert-butylbenzene(13)p-cresol (14)3-phenylcyclohexanol (15)2-phenyl-2-butene (16)naphthalene答案:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)4.在下列各组结构中应使用“”或“ ”才能把它们正确地联系起来,为什么?(1)(2)(3)(4)答案:解:两组结构都为烯丙型C+共振杂化体5.写出下列反应物的构造式.(1)(2)(3)(4)答案:解:6、完成下列反应。

+ ClCH2CH(CH3)CH2CH33(1)(2)(过量)+ CH2CL23(3)324(4)HF(A)(C)25ALCL3K2Cr2O7H2SO4(5)CH2CH2CCLOALCL3(6)2HPt(A)CH COCLALCL3(B)(7)C2H54H,(8)CH33H2SO4答案:(1)+ ClCH2CH(CH3)CH2CH33CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH3(2)(过量)+ CH2CL23CH2(3)324 0+NO2NO2(4)C(CH3)3(A)C(CH3)3C2H5(B)HOOC COOH(C)(5)CH2CH2CCLO3O(6)(A)C O CH3(B)(7)C2H54H,HOOC COOH (8)CH3CH33H2SO4NO27、写出下列反应的主要产物的构造式和名称。



第七章卤代烃相转移催化反应邻基效应思考题P235 习题用普通命名法命名下列各化合物,并指出它们属于伯、仲、叔卤代烷中的哪一种。

(1) (CH3)3CCH2Cl (2) CH3CH2CHFCH3 (3) CH2=CHCH2Br解:(1) 新戊基氯 (伯卤代烷) (2) 仲丁基氟(仲卤代烷) (3) 烯丙基氯(伯卤代烷)习题用系统命名法命名下列各化合物,或写出结构式。

(1)CH3CHCHCH2CHCH3CH332,3-二甲基-5-氯己烷 (2)CH3CHCH2C CHCH3CH3ClClCl2-甲基-3,3,5-三氯己烷(3) BrCH2CH2CHCH2CH2CH32H53-乙基 -1-溴己烷 (4) CH3CH2CHCH2CH32Cl3-氯甲基戊烷(5) Cl1-环戊基-2-氯乙烷或 氯乙基环戊烷 (6)CH3Cl1-甲基-1-氯环己烷(7) CH3CH3CH2Cl1,1-二甲基-2-氯甲基环戊烷 (8)Cl1-氯双环[2.2.1]庚烷(9)CH 3CH CH 2CH 2BrCH 3异戊基溴 (10)CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 3H Br(R)-2-溴戊烷P236 习题 命名下列各化合物:(1)Cl 2CHCH=CH 23,3-二氯-1-丙烯(2)CH 3CHCH=CHCH 3Cl4-氯-2-戊烯(3)CH 3Br1-甲基-4-溴-2-环戊烯(4)BrCl 1-氯-4-溴苯(5)CH=CHCH 2CH 2Br 1-苯-4-溴-1-丁烯(6)CH 2CH=CH 2ClBr2-氯-4-溴烯丙基苯3-(2-氯-4-溴苯基)-1-丙烯P236 习题 写出下列各化合物的构造式或结构式:(1)4-溴-1-丁烯-3-炔CH 2=CH C CBr(2) 反-1,2-二氯-1,2-二苯乙烯C=C Cl ClPhPh(3)对氯叔丁苯ClC(CH 3)3(4) -溴 代乙苯CHCH 3BrP239 习题 试预测下列各对化合物哪一个沸点较高。



第7章习题答案章习题答案(1)(3)(5)(7)(9)(11)OH CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2Mg BrI O C 2H 5CH 3CH 2C H CH 2D NHCH 3CN CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CCCH 3(2)(4)(6)(8)(10)(12)CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2+ AgBrCH 3(CH 2)3ONO 2+ AgBrCH 3(CH 2)3OOCCH 31.2. 两组化合物的排列顺序为:两组化合物的排列顺序为:(a )按亲核取代反应的难易次序排列:(1)C >B >A (2)B >C >A (b )按与AgNO 3(醇溶液中)反应的活性顺序排列:(1)C >B >A (2)B >C >A (c )按亲电加成难易次序排列(1)B >C > A, 亲电取代的难易次序排列:(2)C >B > A 3. (1) CH 3Br 和C 2H 5Br 是伯卤代烷,进行碱性水解按S N 2机理进行。

增加水的含量,可使溶剂的极性增大,不利于S N 2;(CH 3)3CCl 是叔卤代烷,水解按S N 1机理进行。

增加水的含量,使溶剂的极性增大,有利于S N 1。

(2)(CH 3)3CCH 2X 在进行S N 1反应时,C-X 键断裂得到不稳定的1º1ºC C +,所以S N 1反应速度很慢;(CH 3)3CCH 2X 在进行S N 2反应时,α-C 上有空间障碍特别大的叔丁基,不利于亲核试剂从背面进攻α-C ,所以S N 2速度也很慢。


(3) 在浓的乙醇钠的乙醇溶液中,反应均按S N 2机理进行,无C +,无重排;,无重排; 在乙醇溶液中加热,反应是按照S N 1机理进行的,有C +,有重排:,有重排:CH 3CHCH=CH 2ClCH 3CHCH=CH 2CH 3CH=CHCH 2- Cl -(4) 亲核性:(B )>)>(C) > (A) 原因:三种亲核试剂的中心原子均是氧,故其亲核性顺序与碱性一致。

第七章 重排反应 习题答案

第七章  重排反应 习题答案




7-4解反应是在酸的催化下醇与氢卤酸的S N1反应,2-环丁基-2-丙醇与HCl反应,发生了瓦-米重排,由张力环的四元环重排成普通环的五元环。



第七章 卤代烃课后作业参考答案

第七章  卤代烃课后作业参考答案

第七章卤代烃课后作业参考答案1. 用系统命名法命名下列化合物。

(1)CH3CH(CH3)CHClCH3 (2) CH3CH2CHBrCH(CH3)CH32-甲基-3-氯丁烷 2-甲基-3-溴戊烷(3) CHCl3 (4) CH3CHBrCH(CH2Cl)CH2CH2CH3三氯甲烷 3-氯甲基-2-溴己烷(6)1-甲基-2,4-二氯环己烷反-1-氯-4-溴环己烷3-二氯甲基-6-硝基环己烯 R-2,3-二甲基-3-氯戊烷2. 写出下列化合物的结构式。

(1)二氟二氯甲烷 (2) 烯丙基氯CCl2F2(3)2-苯基乙基溴 (4)环戊基溴(5)(1S,3S)-1,3-二溴环己烷3. 完成下列反应式:(1)(2)())(3))(4))(5)(6)()(7))4. 写出溴代环己烷与下列物质反应所得到的主要产物。

(1)氢氧化钠水溶液 (2) 氢氧化钾醇溶液(2)氨 (4) 丙炔钠(5) 硝酸银醇溶液 (6) 氰化钠(7) 镁,乙醚 (8) 7的产物加乙炔(9) 乙醇钠5. 用简单化学方法区别下列各组化合物(1)3-溴-2-戊烯,4-溴-2-戊烯,5-溴-2-戊烯(2)1-氯丁烷,1-碘丁烷6. 比较下列各组化合物的反应速度。

(1)S N1反应a.正丁基溴,叔丁基溴,仲丁基溴叔丁基溴>仲丁基溴>正丁基溴b. 2-溴乙苯,苄基溴,1-溴乙苯1-溴乙苯>苄基溴>2-溴乙苯(2)S N2反应a.正丙基溴,新戊基溴,异丁基溴正丙基溴>异丁基溴>新戊基溴b.仲丁基溴,叔丁基溴,正丁基溴正丁基溴>仲丁基溴>叔丁基溴7. 将下列各组化合物按消去卤化氢难易排列成序(1)E2:(1)2-甲基-3-氯丁烷,(2)3-甲基-1-氯丁烷,(3)2-甲基-2-氯丁烷由易到难:(3)>(1)>(2)(2)E1:(12)(3)(4由易到难:(4)>(1)>(3)>(2)8. 某开链烃A的分子式为C6H12,具有旋光性,加氢后生成相应的饱和烃B,A与溴化氢反应生成C6H13Br。

化学人教版必修第二册课后作业:第七章 有机化合物 单元评估

化学人教版必修第二册课后作业:第七章 有机化合物 单元评估

题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16号答案第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共42分)一、单项选择题:本题共11小题,每小题2分,共22分。






下列关于有机物X中所含官能团的判断不正确的是(D)选项试剂现象结论A 金属钠有气体产生它含羟基或羧基或羟基和羧基B 银氨溶液产生银镜它含有醛基C 碳酸氢钠溶液产生气泡它含有羧基D 溴水溶液褪色它含有碳碳双键解析:溴水可与碳碳不饱和键(双键或三键)发生加成反应,可与某些有机物发生取代反应、氧化还原反应而褪色,故溴水褪色不能证明有机物X中一定含有碳碳双键,D项错误。


V707-有机化学-第7讲 习题及问题及参考答案

V707-有机化学-第7讲 习题及问题及参考答案

第七讲 有机含氮化合物和含磷化合物习题p377. 练习题11.13(2) p414. 练习题13.4p425. 练习题13.11(5) 练习题13.12(2) p433. 练习题13.15(2)p449 练习题14.1(2) 练习题14.2(1)(4)(5)(6) p455 练习题14.6(1) p456 练习题14.8p460 练习题14.11(2)(4) p471 练习题14.14(1) p480 练习题14.17(2) p384~386. 习题1.(3)(7)(8)2.3.(1)(4) 10.(4) p440~443. 习题1.(1)(4)(5)(6)(8)(12)2.(6)(7)(8)(11)(16) 6.(4) 7. 9. p481~484 习题 1.(5)(6) 2.(1)(2)(4)(9)3.(2)(3)(11)(13) 9.(1) 10. 12.补充题1.写出下列化合物的结构式:(1)乙酰苯胺 (2)邻-甲基苄胺 (3)氢氧化四甲铵 (4)三苯基膦 (5)4-甲基-2-羟基偶氮苯 (6)碘化三甲基乙基铵 2.排出下列各组化合物的碱性由强到弱的顺序: (1)乙胺、二乙胺、乙酰胺、氢氧化四乙铵; (2)二苯胺、苯胺、邻-苯二甲酰亚胺、苄胺; (3)对-甲苯胺、苯胺、对-硝基苯胺 3.完成下列反应( )( )34H 2NOCH CH 3NHCH 2CH 32~4.用简便的化学方法鉴别下列化合物:N -甲基苯胺、邻-甲苯胺、N,N -二甲基苯胺、环己胺 5.请将下列反应过程中空缺的试剂和产物补充完整。

磺胺类药物基本骨架的合成途径如下:NH 2NHCOCH3ClSO 2OHNHCOCH3SO 2ClNH 32-(1) (CH 3CH 2)3N + HBr (2)H 3CH 2C NH 20~5℃6.某化合物D分子式为C5H13N,具有旋光性。


药物合成反应 (第三版 闻韧) 课后答案Chapter 1 Halogenation Reaction

药物合成反应 (第三版 闻韧) 课后答案Chapter 1 Halogenation Reaction

第一章 卤化反应习题及答案1. 根据以下指定原料、试剂和反应条件,写出其合成反应的主要产物。

(1)(CH 3)2NCH 2CH 2OHSOCl 2(2)CuCl 24(3)P, Br 2o(4)CH 2CHCOOCH 3干燥 HBr 2 (5)CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2COOHSOCl 24o(6)S CH 32266(7)H 3C CH 3NBS, H 2SO 43o(8)NHCOCH 3CH 3Br 2,CH 3COOH o(9)OHC CH 3CH 2t -BuOCl, CHCl 3o(10)NBS, (C 6H 5)3P(11)KI, H 3PO 4(12)C 6H 5H 3Br 2,Cl 4o (13)CH 3CH CH CH 3232(14)(CH 3)3CCH 2OHHBr(15)OOP2(16)NBS, Et 3N ·3HF 22o(17)OHBr 24o(18)O23o2. 在下列指定原料和产物的反应式中分别填入必需的化学试剂(或反应物)和反应条件。

(1)CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH CHCH 3CH 3CH 2CH 2CHCHCHCH 3Br(2)COOHBr(3)(4)OHBr(5)2CH 2BrBr(6)(7)(CH 3)3CCH 2OH(CH 3)3CCH 2Br(8)OOBocHNO OBocHNBr(9)OOBr OO BrBr2. 在下列指定原料和产物的反应式中分别填入必需的化学试剂(或反应物)和反应条件。

(参考答案)题号答案注释(1) NBS/(PhCO)2O, CCl4, △(2) Br2/HgO/tetrachloroethaneNaNO2, HCl, H2O; 2. HPF6; 3. △ (168℃)(3) 1.(4) Ph3P, Br2, CH3CN, △ (200-340℃)(5) NBS/(PhCO)2O, CCl4refluxing (10min. )acetone,(6) NaI,(7) Bu3P, Br2, DMF(8) NBS/hv, CCl4(9) NBS/(PhCO)2O, CCl4, reflux3. 阅读(翻译)以下有关反应操作的原文,请在理解基础上写出:(1)此反应的完整反应式(原料、试剂和主要反应条件);(2)此反应的反应机理(历程)。



Chapter1 Nucleic AcidsI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.1.The direction of nucleic acid isA.From N to CB. From 5’ to 3’C. From C to ND. From 3’ to 5’E. None of above2. The description of the secondary structure of DNA double helix are correct,EXCEPTA.Two antiparallel strandsB.Deoxyribose-phosphate frame located outside the strandsC.Two strands are joined by hydrogen bond formed between A-T and G-CD.Diameter of helix is 2 nm, and 10 bases in each turnE.Nucleosome is the structure unit of DNA double helix3. The correct description about Tm isA.The temperature at which half of the maximum absorbance value of DNAat 260nm during heat denaturationB.The temperature at which maximum absorbance value of DNA at 260nmduring heat denaturationC.The optimum temperature for DNA synthesisD.High Tm value is related to low G-C contentE.The temperature to form DNA and RNA hybrid molecule4. If the coden of mRNA is ACG, then the anticoden of tRNA isA.UGCB. TGCC. GCAD. CGUE. TGC5. The linkage between nucleotides isA.2’,-3’ phosphodiester bond;B.3’,-5’ phosphodiester bondC.2’,-5’ phosphodiester bond;D.Hydrogen bondE.Peptide bond6. The template strand of D NA is 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’ , its transcript isA.5’ -GACTTA-3’B.5’ -CTGAAT-3’C.5’ -UAAGUC-3’D.5’ -CUGAAU-3’E.5’ - TAAGTC-3’II、Fill in the blanks.1. Eukaryotic mRNAs can be modified after transcription at the 5’end with a modified residue called a____________, at the 3’end 80 to 250 A residues are added to create a ____________.2. Each nucleotide consists of three components, _____________, ______________, ______________.3. The conformation for DNA proposed by Watson and Crick is called B form, the other two conformations existing in the cell are ____________, ______________.III、Explain the following terms.1.Hybridization of nucleic acids2.Tm3.ribozyme4.codon5.anticodon6.Hyperchromic effect7.DNA denaturation8.Annealing9.snmRN10.nucleosomeⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. State the functions of three major kinds of RNA (mRNA, tRNA and rRNA).2. Please describe the secondary structure of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick.3. State briefly the differences between DNA and RNA.4. Please describe the structural features of eukaryotic mRNA.Chapter2 ProteinsI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.1. All of the following amino acids are acidic or basic amino acids, EXCEPTA.AspB.GluC.LysD.ArgE.Ser2. Which is the linkage bond for the peptide?A.Hydrogen bondB.Peptide bondC.Hydrophobic interactionsD.Electrostatic interactionE.3’, 5’–phosphodiester bond3. The protein molecule (pI=6.5) will mobile the to positive electrode when the pH of electrophoresis buffer isA.pH=3.0B.pH=4.0C.pH=5.0D.pH=6.5E.pH=8.04. The amino acid in proteins isA.L-β-aimno acids;B.D-β-aimno acids;C.L-α-aimno acids;D.D-α-aimno acids;E.All of above5. The chemical bond in charge of maintaining secondary structure of proteins isA.Salt bridge;B.Disulfide bondC.Hydrogen bond;D.Peptide bond;E.Hydrophobic interaction6. The chemical bond in charge of the primary structure of proteins isA.Salt bridge;B.Disulfide bondC.Hydrogen bond;D.Peptide bond;E.Phosphodiester bondII、Fill in the blanks:1. The secondary structures of protein include ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________.2. The absorbance peak value of protein is at ___________nm, and that of the nucleic acid is at ___________nm.3. The force maintaining higher structure of proteins are noncovalent. They are ______________, ______________, _______________, ________________.III、Explain the following terms.1.GSH (glutathione)2.Motif3.protein denaturation4.petptide unit5.domain6.pI of protein7.α-helix8.Peptide bond9.amino acid residue10.salting outⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. List the approaches commonly used in separation and purification of protein molecules, and explain simply the major mechanism of each one.2. Briefly explain the structural features and classification of amino acids constitute of different proteins.3. What is primary structure of protein? Please state the relationships between the primary structure and functions of proteins by an example.Chapter3 VitaminsI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.1. Vitamin D belongs toA.Fat solubleB.Water solubleC.Both A and BD.InsolubleE.Not above all2. The active form of Vitamin D isA.25-(OH)D3B.1,25-(OH)2D3C.1,24,25-(OH)3D3D.24,25-(OH)2D3E.Not above all3. The active form of folic acid isA.FB.FH2C.FH4D.NAD+E.FAD4. The deficiency of which will cause anmia?A.Vitamin B6B.Vitamin B12C.FH4D.All of the aboveE.Not above allII、Fill in the blanks:1. ____________ and ____________ are the cofactors (coenzymes) of the dehydrogenases, and they are derived from Vitamin B2; ____________ and ____________ are also the cofactors (coenzymes) of the dehydrogenases, and they are derived from Vitamin ____________.2. The active forms of vitamin A are ____________, ___________and ___________. An early symptom of vitamin A deficiency is ___________III、Explain the following terms.1.provitamin A2.lipid-soluble vitamins3.water-soluble vitaminsⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.Try to explain the biochemical functions of vitamin C and its deficiencies.Chapter4 EnzymesI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.1. The factors related to the kinetics of enzyme reaction are included, EXCEPTA.pH and temperatureB.[Enzyme]C.[Substrate]D.InhibitorE.Time2.About competitive inhibitors, which of the following is NOT true?A.Similar to the substratesB.Bind to the active centre of the enzymesC.Bind to the enzyme reversibly.D.Bind to the enzyme by non-covalent bondE.None of the above3. About non-competitive inhibitors, which one is true?A.K m↑, Vmax remains constantB.K m↑, Vma x↓C.K m remains constant, Vmax↓D.K m↓, Vma x↑E.K m↓, Vmax remains constant4.Inhibition of phosphate pesticide on choline esterase belongs toA.Irreversible inhibitionB.Reversible inhibitionpetitive inhibitionD.Noncompetitive inhibitionE.Uncompetitive inhibitionII、Fill in the blanks:1. The essential groups in active center of an enzyme are______________and _________________.2. Holoenzyme = _____________ + ____________.3. The three properties of enzymatic catalyzed reactions are _____________, ______________, _________________.4. When V equals to 80% Vmax, [S]= ______ Km. When V equals to 90% Vmax, [S]= ______ Km.5. The specificities of enzymes can be briefly divided into three types: _____________, ______________and________________.III、Explain the following terms.1.Isoenzyyme2.Km3.Active center of an enzyme4.Allosteric enzymepetitive inhibition6.Optimum temperatureⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. What is the activation of zymogen? State the biological significance of the process.2. Briefly state the significance of Km and Vmax.3. Compare the characters of three types of reversible inhibition.Chapter 5 Carbohydrate MetabolismI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capitalletter you choose.1. The unique pathway for mature red blood cells to obtain ATP is ( )A. pentose phosphate pathwayB. tricarboxylic acid cycleC. β-oxidation of fatty acidD. glycolysisE. gluconeogenesis2. Which compound can NOT be used to do gluconeogenesis?A. AcetoacetateB. GlycerolC. PyruvateD. GlutamateE. Succinate3.The pathway for mature red blood cells to obtain NADPH is ( )A. pentose phosphate pathwayB. tricarboxylic acid cycleC. β-oxidation of fatty acidD. glycolysisE. gluconeogenesis4. In the muscle, glucose 6-phosphhate can convert into the following compounds EXCEPTA. GlycogenB. Acetyl CoAC. LactateD. GlucoseE. Fructose 6-phosphate5. Which compound is NOT the coenzyme of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?A. FADB. NAD+C. BiotinD. CoASHE. Lipoic acid6. Which enzyme is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis (glycogen degradation) ?A.PhosphorylaseB.HexokinaseC.Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinaseD.HMG-CoA reductaseE.Pyruvate kinaseII、Fill in the blanks.1. The active form of glucose in glycogenesis is , the active form of choline in phospholipid synthesis is , the active form of SO42-in sulfation is , the active form of methyl in methylation is .2. Glucose 6- phosphate (G-6-P) is an important intermediate compound involved in the carbohydrate metabolism pathways, e.g., ____________, ____________, ____________ , ____________, and ____________.III、Explain the following terms.1.Glycolysis2.Tricarboxylic acid cycle3.Pentose phosphate pathway4.Glycogenesis5.Glycogenolysis6.Gluconeogenesis7.Blood sugar8.Cori cycle (Lactate cycle)9.Glycogenosis or glycogen storage disease10. Aerobic oxidationⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. The major function of pentose phosphate pathway.2. List the major products of Tricarboxylic cycle and pentose phosphate pathways,and state their biological significance.3. Simply state the several steps of aerobic oxidation pathway.4. State the source, fate and regulation of blood glucose.Chapter 6Biological OxidationI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter youchoose.1. The order of the members of NADH oxidative respiratory chain isA.NAD+→ complex II → complex I → CoQ → complex III→ cytochromeC→complex IVB.NAD+→ complex I → complex III → CoQ→ cytochrome C→ complexIVC.NAD+→ complex II → complex III → CoQ→ complex C→ complex IVplex II → NAD+→ CoQ → complex III→ cytochrome C→ complexIVE.NAD+→ complex I → CoQ → complex III→ cytochrome C→ complexIV2.NADP+ may be reduced to NADPH inA.GlycolysisB.GluconeogenesisC.Pentose phosphate pathwayD.The pathway of fatty acid degradationE.The reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase3.Two hydrogen atoms (2H) in cytosolic NADH(+H+) are transported from cytosol to mitochondria throughA.CitrateB.Citrate-pyruvate shuttleC.Malate or α-glycerol phosphate shuttleD.Oxaloacetate-pyruvate cycleE.Pentose phosphate pathway4.Electrons from pyruvate enter the mitochondrial electron transport chain at the level ofA.CoQB.LDHC.NADH-CoQ reductase (complex I)D.CoQ-cytochrome c reductase (complex III)E.Cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV)II、Fill in the blanks.1. The two respiratory chains of oxidative phosphorylation are ____________ and ____________.2. Biological oxidation is a process in which the ____________ are completelyoxidized to ____________, ____________ and a large amount of____________ released.III、Explain the following terms.1.ATP synthase2.Mixed function oxidase3.Reactive oxygen species, ROS4.α-Phosphoglycerol shuttle5.Malate-aspartate shuttle6.Biological oxidation7.Oxidative respiratory chain8.Oxidative phosphorylation9.Free radical10.Substrate cycleⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. What is biological oxidation? Compare the difference between nutrition oxidation in vivo and nutrition oxidation in vitro.2. What is Oxidative phosphorylation? State the order of the members of two important oxidative respiratory chains.Chapter 7 Lipid MetabolismI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capitalletter you choose.1. The rate-limiting (key) enzyme for cholesterol biosynthesis isA. HMG-CoA synthaseB. Mevalonate kinaseC. HMG-CoA reductaseD. HMG-CoA lyaseE. Squalene epimerase2. The rate-limiting (key) enzyme for fatty acid synthesis isA. Acetyl CoA carboxylaseB. Carnitine-acyl transferaseC. Palmitate decarboxylaseD. Acyl CoA transferaseE. β-ketoacyl CoA synthetase3. The precursor for acetoacetate formation in the liver isA. β-hydroxybutyrateB. Acetoacetyl CoAC. β-hydroxybutyryl CoAD. MevalonateE. HMG-CoA4. The rate-limiting(key)enzyme for fatty acid synthesis isA. Acetyl CoA carboxylaseB. Carnitine-acyl transferaseC. Palmitate decarboxylaseD. Acyl CoA transferaseE. β-ketoacyl CoA synthetase5. The oxidation and degradation of fatty acids in the cellA. Begins with the fatty acid thioester of CoAB. Does not produce useful energy for the cellC. Occurs primarily in the nucleusD. Is inhibited by carnitineE. Proceeds through successive shortening of fatty acids by three-carbonunits6. Which of the following lipases is hormone sensitive?A. Pancreatic lipaseB. Lipoprotein lipaseC. Liver triacylglycerol lipaseD. Adipose tissue triacylglycerol lipaseE. PhospholipaseII、Fill in the blanks.1. One of the common used techniques for plasma lipoprotein classification is , according to this method, the lipoproteins can be classified into , , _____ , .2.The initial material for Ketone body synthesis is____________, the key enzyme is ____________.Ketone bodies are ____________, _____________,and ____________.II、Explain the following terms.1. Ketogenesis2. Depot fat mobilization3. Lipoprotein4. β-oxidation of fatty acids5. Ketone bodies6. LDL7. Lipid8. Unsaturated fatty acid9. Essential fatty acid10. Hormone-sensitive lipase, HSLⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. What is the meaning of apolipoprotein, explain their functions.2.Explain the effect of insulin on lipid mobilization.3.State the classification, the major components, synthesis site of lipoproteins andtheir functions4.Please state the regulation functions of insulin on lipid metabolism.Chapter 8 Protein CatabolismI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capitalletter you choose.1. The important role of PAPS isA. to replenish ribose 5-phosphateB. as an initial material for synthesizing pyrimidineC. to provide active sulfate group for sulfation of some compoundsD.to provide methyl group for methylation of some compoundsE.an enzyme involved in biosynthesis of cholesterol2.The important role of S-adenosylmethionine isA. to replenish methionineB.to synthesize tetrahydrofolic acidC.to provide methyl group for methylatonD.to produce adenosineE.to synthesize homocysteine3. Which of the following amino acids is nutritionally non-essential amino acid?A. PhenylalanineB. GlutamateC. MethionineD. TryptophanE. Threonine4. Which amino acid is nutritionally essential?A. AspartateB. Glutamic acidC. AlanineD. TyrosineE. Methionine5. The transportation form of ammonia in blood isA. GlutamateB. TyrosineC. GlutamineD. GlutathionineE. Aspartate6. One carbon units produced in amino acid metabolism are included, EXCEPTA. CH3-B. CH2-C. O=CH-D.NH=CH-E. CO2II、Fill in the blanks.1. is the active form of methionine for providingmethyl group to methylation of many biological molecules.2. is the active form of sulfate for adding sulfategroup to sulfation many biological molecules.3. The transamination reactions of amino acid are ____________,_______________ , and_______________. The major transaminase in the heart is _______________, and in the liver is ____________.III、Explain the following terms.1. Nitrogen balance2.Urea cycle (Ornithine cycle)3.One carbon unit4.Transaminationbined deamination6.Essential amino acid7.Putrefaction8.Glucogenic amino acids9.Active methionine10. Pyridoxal phosphateⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. The major process of urea synthesis.2. State the source and fate of amino acid in vivo.3. State protein putrefaction and the important products of putrefaction.Chapter 9 Nucleotide metabolismI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capitalletter you choose.1.The first synthesized purine nucleotide in the de novo synthesis of purine nuecleotides isA. AMPB. GMPC. CMPD. IMPE. UMP2. One of the properties in purine de novo synthesis is thatA. the first step is the production of PRPPB.one carbon unit is provided by S-adenosylmethionineC.orotate phosphate is an intermediateD.glycine does not incorporate in the pathwayE. aspartate is the direct nitrogen donor3.The end catabolic product of purine nucleotides in human isA. UreaB. Uric acidC. CreatinineD. CreatineE. -alanine4.One of the properties in pyrimidine synthesis is that ( )A.the base is synthesized based on 5-phosphoriboseB.One carbon unit is provided by FH4C.Whole glycine molecule incorporates in the synthesisD.The first synthesized intermediate is carbamoyl phosphateE.Glutamate is the nitrogen donor5.Which is the end product of purine degradation in humans?A.NH3B. CO2C. Uric acidD. β- alanineE. β-aminoisobutyrateII、Fill in the blanks.1.There are two pathways of synthesis nucleotides: ____________ and____________.2.The degradation of pyrimidine nucleotide produces ____________, ____________, ____________ or ____________.III、Explain the following terms.1. Ribonucleotide reductase2. Anti-metabolites of nucleotides3. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate kinase4. Salvage pathway5. De novo synthesis6. Nucleotide7. Aspartate transcarbamoylase8.Glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase9. Inosinate, IMP10. GoutⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1.What are the important biological functions of nucleotides?2.State main characteristics of de novo synthsis of nucleotide and main keyenzymes during the synthesis process.Chapter 10 Regulation of MetabolismI、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.1. The component in muscle tissue that contains the ATPase activity required forcontractionA. ActinB. MyosinC. Sarcoplasmic reticulumD. Motor end-plateE. Calcium2. The majority of energy for muscular contraction is stored in muscle tissue in theform ofA. ADPB. PhosphoenolpyruvateC. Cyclic AMPD. ATPE. Creatine phosphate3. Which of the following biochemical phenomena is characteristic only ofmammalian liver?A. GluconeogenesisB. Glycogen synthesis and storageC. Serum albumin synthesisD. Hydroxylation of phenylalanineE. Epinephrine sensitivity4. Of the following body fluids, the one with the lowest pH isA. PlasmaB. Pancreatic juiceC. Liver bileD. Gastric juiceE. SweatII、Fill in the blanks.1. The metabolic regulation at mammalian includes three levels, they are, and .2.The fast regulation of enzyme activities includesand .3.The mechanism of allosteric regulation is binds to of the enzyme,causing the change of the enzyme, so the enzyme activity is changed.IV、Explain the following terms.1.Chemical modification2.Feedback regulationpartmentation4.Regulatory enzyme5.Metabolism6.Rate-limiting enzyme7.Rate-limiting reaction8.Allosteric regulation9.Metabolic regulation10.Covalent modificationⅣ、Briefly state the following questions.1. State the relationship between three kinds of important nutritions(glucose, lipidand protein), explain the reason they can not displace completely each other.Chapter 11 DNA BiosynthesisI、Choose correct answers.1. The characteristics of gene expression areA. Temporal specificityB. Spatial specificityC. Inducible expressionD. Constitutive expressionE. All of above2. The sequence of one DNA strand is ATGCAA, the complementary strand of DNA isA.ATGCAAB.TTGCATC. UUGCAUD. TACGTTE. UAGCAA3. The description of the secondary structure of DNA double helix are correct,EXCEPTA.Two antiparallel strandsB.Deoxyribose-phosphate frame located outside the strandsC.Two strands are joined by hydrogen bond formed between A-T and G-CD.Diameter of helix is 2 nm, and 10 bases in each turnE.Nucleosome is the structure unit of DNA double helix4. The enzyme in charge of proofreading function in DNA replication isA.TopoisomeraseB.HelicaseC.DNA polymeraseD.PrimaseE.DNA ligase5. In the replication of eukaryotic DNA, ( )A.the leading strand is synthesized in the direction taken by the replication fork.B.the lagging strand is synthesized in the direction taken by the replicationfork.C.both leading strand and lagging strand are synthesized in a direction oppositeto that in which the replication fork moves.D.the template is read in the 5’→ 3’ direction.E. a new DNA strand is always synthesized in the 3’→ 5’ direction.II、Fill in the blanks.1.About DNA replication, the template is ____________, the materialsare____________, the direction is____________, and the enzyme is____________.III、Explain the following terms.1.Okazaki fragments2.frame shift mutation3.xeroderma pigmentosis4.recombi nation repair5.semiconservative replication6.excision repairing7.RDDP8.cDNA9.point mutation10.telomere and telomerase11.coding strandIV、State the following questions.1.State the functions of the major enzymes and proteins involved in DNAreplication.2.What is telomerase? How it works?Chapter 12 RNA BiosynthesisI、Choose correct answers.1. Which base is not present in mRNA?A. A;B. C;C. G;D. TE. U2. The template strand of DNA is 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’ , its transcript isA. 5’ -GACTTA-3’B. 5’ -CTGAAT-3’C. 5’ -UAAGUC-3’D. 5’ -CUGAAU-3’E. 5’ - TAAGTC-3’II、Fill in the blanks.1.Eukaryotic mRNAs can be modified after transcription at the 5’end with amodified residue called a____________, at the 3’end 80 to 250 A residues are added to create a ____________.2.In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase II catalyzes the transcription toform , the later is then processed to form . the processing includes , , , and .3.In eukaryotic RNA transcription, RNA polymerase I is responsible forsynthesis, RNA polymerase II forsynthesis, and RNA polymerase III for synthesis.4. In prokaryotic RNA transcription, the subunit of RNA polymerase isresponsible for .III、Explain the following terms.1.hogness bos2.ribozyme3.extronmolecular disease4.cDNA5.reverse transcriptase6.Pribnow box7.intron8.cis-acting element9.trans-acting factor10.RNA splicing11.coding strand (in RNA transcription)IV、State the following questions.1.Explain the effect of reverse transcriptase.2.List the similarities and differences between replication and transcription.Chapter 13 Protein BiosynthesisI、Choose correct answers.1. The direction of protein synthesis (polypeptide chain) isB.From N to CC.From 5’ to 3’D.From C to NE.From 3’ to 5’F.None of above2. The sequence of nucleotide of initiation coden isA. UGAB. UAAC. UAGD. AUGE. AGU3. If the coden of mRNA is ACG, then the anticoden of tRNA isA.UGCB. TGCC. GCAD. CGUE. TGC4. The gene expression can be regulated at the following levels EXCEPTA. DNA replicationB. TranscriptionC. TranslationD. Post-transcriptionE. Post-translation5. Which of the following steps is NOT included in the protein biosynthesis?A. Activation of amino acidsB. Initiation of protein biosynthesisC. Elongation of polypeptide chainD. Termination of protein biosynthesisE. Post-transcrptional processingII、Fill in the blanks.1.For protein synthesis, the elongation (ribosomal cycle) stage can be divided intothree steps: _____________, ____________, and ____________.2. The central dogma of molecular biology shows the general pathways of information flow via the replication from to , transcription from to , and translation from to .3. For protein synthesis the elongation (ribosomal cycle) stage can be dividied into _____________, __________________and______________ .4.The sequence of nucleotide from the termination codon are___________ , ____________ , and ___________ .5.The first added amino acyl group in the initiation stage of protein synthesis is(in prokaryotes) or (in eukaryotes).III、Explain the following terms.1.open reading frame (ORF)2.frame-shift mutation3.termination codon4.signal fecognition particles5.SD sequence6.ribosome cycle7.animoacyl-tRNA synthetase8.signal peptide9.Molecular chaperoneIV、State the following questions.1.Please state the functions of three major kinds of RNA (mRNA, tRNA andrRNA)in protein biosynthesis?2.How many properties of genetic code?pare the similarity and difference of replication and transcription.Chapter 14 Regulation of gene expressionI、Choose correct answers.1. The potential points of regulation are included EXCEPTA. Synthesis of the primary RNA transcript (transcription)B. Posttranscriptional modification of mRNAC. Messenger RNA degradationD. Protein synthesis (translation)E. All of above2. Which of the following explanations about enhancer is NOT correct?A. Enhancer is DNA cis-acting elementsB. Enhancer is quite distant from the promoterC. Enhancer is bound by transcription factorsD. Enhancer can increase the activity of transcriptionE. Enhancer can decrease the activity of transcription3. Which of the following materals is NOT the PCR components?A. TemplateB. PrimerC. ddNTPsD. DNA PolymeraseE. Mg2+II、Explain the following terms.1.attenuator2.operon3.enhancer4.Transcription factorIII、State the following questions.1. Illustrate the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotic system with lactose operon as an example.Chapter 15 DNA TechnologyI、Choose correct answers.1. Which of the following process is NOT included in the genetic engineering?A. acquirement of the target DNA.B. selection of the proper vector.C. ligation of target DNA and vectorD. introduction of the recombinant into the recipient cells.E. gene transfer by micro-injection2.Restriction endonuclease was originally found in ( )A. BacteriumB. YeastC. PlantD. MammalianE. phage3.Northern hybridization is used to detect ( )A. DNAB. RNAC. ProteinD. CarbohydrateE. LipidII、Fill in the blanks.1.The main steps of PCR which are composed of three defined sets of temperaturesand times include_____________, _____________, and _____________.2.The commonly used method to obtain the target gene is .The basic steps of this technique are , , and .3.The basic characteristics of cloning vectorsinclude , ,,and .4.Two important tool enzymes in genetic engineering areand .5.Vectors used in genetic engineering include:,and .6.The basic steps of PCR are: ,and.III、Explain the following terms.1.restrictive endonucleaseDA library3.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)4.Gene therapy5.Klenow fragmentIV、State the following questions.1. Please describe the processes of genetic engineering.2. List the methods to obtain the target gene.Chapter 18 Glycoproteins,Proteoglycans and Extracellular MatrixI、Choose correct answers.1. The N-linked glycoproteins have sugar chains connected to which amino acidA. Asp;B. Met;C. Thr;D. Ser;E. Asn;。



1第七章 第一节认识有机化合物1、在有机化合物中,碳原子既可以与其他元素的原子形成共价键,也可以相互成键。

两个碳原子之间 可以形成的共价键的类型有 、 和 ;多个碳原子可以相互结合,形成的碳 骨架的类型有 和 。

2、在甲烷分子中,碳原子以最外层的—个电子分别与氢原子形成—个 键。

甲烷分子中的5个原子不在同一平面上,而是形成了 的立体结构:碳原子位于 ,氢原子位于 ;分子中的4个C —H 的长度和强度 ,相互之间的夹角 。

3、下列气体的主要成分不是甲烷的是( )。

A.沼气 B.天然气 C .煤气 D.煤层气4、烷炷分子中的碳原子与其他原子的结合方式是( )。

A,形成4对共用电子对 B .通过非极性键 C.通过两个共价键 D .通过离子键和共价键 5、正丁烷与异丁烷互为同分异构体的依据是( )。

A.具有相似的化学性质B.相对分子质量相同,但分子的空间结构不同C.具有相似的物理性质 D .分子式相同,但分子内碳原子的连接方式不同 6、在一定条件下,下列物质可与甲烷发生化学反应的是( )。

A. Cl 2 B.浓硫酸 C . O 2D.酸性KMnO 4溶液7、戊烷有三种同分异构体,分别是正戊烷、异戊烷和新戊烷。


8、某种烷雑完全燃烧后生成了 17.6gCO 2和9.0gH 2O 。



(1 )査阅资料,了解煤气的主要成分和生产方法。


(3)根据以上反应,在相同条件下燃烧等体积的天然气和煤气,消耗氧气体积较大的是哪一种?(4)某灶具原来使用的燃料是煤气,如果改用天然气,其进风口应改大还是改小?如不进行调节, 可能产生什么后果?10、甲烷是最简单的有机化合物,很早就被人类发现。




第7章 醇酚醚习题P173~175:1.(1)(2)(6)(8)2.(4)(5)(6) 5.(1)(3)(5)(9) 9.(3) 10. P332~334: 1.(2)(3)(4) 2.(1)(5)(7)3.(2) 6.补充题:1.写出下列化合物的结构式或用系统命名法命名下列化合物(1) 2,3-二甲基-4-异丙基-2-庚醇; (2) 3-甲基-2,3-辛二醇(3) 2-甲基-5-庚烯-3-醇 (4)OH ClHO(5) CH 3CH(CH 3)2OH (6)CH 2OHCH 2CH 3H 3C2.比较下列化合物的性质,并按由强(大)到弱(小)的顺序排列 (1)乙醇(A )、异丙醇(B )、和叔丁醇(C )发生分子内脱水的反应活性 。

(2)苯甲醇(A )、环已醇(B )、叔丁醇(C )、丙醇(D )与HBr 反应的活性 。

(3)对-硝基苯酚(A )、碳酸(B )、甲醇(C )、苯酚(D )、对-甲基苯酚(E )的酸性 。

3.写出下列化学反应的主要产物(1)CHCH 2CH 2OHOHHCl ZnCl 2(2)(CH 3)2CHCHCH 2CH 3OH[O](3)CH 3CH=CHCH 2CHCH(CH 3)2OH 2(4)CH 3CH 2OHOH NaOHCO 2(5)CH OH [O]4.用简单的化学方法鉴别下列各组化合物 (1) 丙烯(A )、丙炔(B )、3-氯-1-丁烯(C )、正丙醇(D ) (2) 3-甲基-2-丁醇(A )、2-甲基-3-丁烯-1-醇(B )、2-甲基-2-丁烯-1-醇(C )、叔丁醇(D ) 5.两种醇A 和B 的分子式均为C5H12O ,他们氧化后均得到酸性产物。

A 和B 脱水后再氢化得到同一种烃。

A 的脱水产物用酸性高锰酸钾氧化后,得到一种羧酸和CO2。

B 的脱水产物用酸性高锰酸钾氧化后,得到一种酮和CO2。

试写出A 和B 的结构式。

Br (CH 3)2CH-OH (CH 3)2C=O②H 2O C-CH 3OH CH3C CH 2CH 3CH 3OHC CHCH 3CH3(CH 3)3CCH 2(CH 3)2CCH 2CH 3Br + H OCH 3OH + I -CH 3OH CrO 3/吡啶O CH 3CH 2-C=C-CH 2CH 3H 3C CH 3CH 3CH=CHCH 2CH 3CH 3H 2C=CCH3OH OCH 3CH 2-CH=CH 2COOH OH OH HO OH OCH 3+ CH 2=CHCH 2Br23CH 3COCH 3OCH 2CH=CH 2OCH3COOH OH COOH OC-CH 3O OH OH CH 3H 3C 2O O CH 3H 3C OH NO 2C 2H 5BrOC 2H 5NO 2②NaOH OC 2H 5NH 2(CH CO)O OC 2H 5NH-C-CH 3O第7章 醇酚醚习题参考答案P173~175:1.(1)4-甲基-2-戊醇 (2)3,5-二甲基-3-己醇(6)苯乙醚 (8)7-甲基-6-乙基-5-甲氧基-2-辛烯2.(4)(CH 3)2SO (5)O (6)O5.(1)(3)(5)(9)9.(3)10.(1) (2)(3) (4)P332~334:1.(2) (3) (4)3-乙基-4-硝基苯酚2.(1)(5) (7)3.(2)(B )>(E )>(C )>(F )>(D )>(A ) 6.(—)H 3C C CH 褪白—)CH 2=CHCH 3H 2C=CHCHCH ClCH 3CH 2CH 2OH白(CH 3)3C-OH(—)CH 3CH-CHCH 3白OH CH 3CH 2=CH-CHCH 2CH 3CH 3CH=CCH 2OHCH 3几分长时间白立即CH 3CH 2-CHCH 2OHCH 3HOCH 2CH 2-CHCH 3CH 3补充题1.(1) (2) (3)(4)4-氯-1,3-环己二醇 (5)3-甲基-2-异丙基苯酚 (6)5-甲基-2-乙基苄醇 2.(1)(C )>(B )>(A ) (2)(A )>(C )>(B )>(D ) (3)(B )>(A )>(D )>(E )>(C ) 3.4.(1)(2)5.A 、 B 、CH 3-C-CH-CH-CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3OHCH 3CH(CH 3)2CH 3-CH-C-(CH 2)4CH 3OH OH CH 3CH 3-CH-CH-CH 2CH=CHCH 3CH 3OH。









7.解偶联剂的作用是解开电子传递和磷酸化的偶联关系,并不影响A TP的形成。

8.鱼藤酮不阻止苹果酸氧化过程中形成的NADH十H+通过呼吸链生成A TP。



11.在生物体内A TP不断地生成和分解,所以它不能储藏能量。

12.6-磷酸葡萄糖(G- 6-P)含有高能磷酸基团,所以它是高能化合物。







7.细胞色素a、a3把电子传给分子氧的△G0=_____kJ mol-1。





2020春化学(新教材)人教第二册第7章 有机化合物习题含答案

2020春化学(新教材)人教第二册第7章 有机化合物习题含答案


下列各组物质中互为同分异构体的是()A.H与DB.CH3CH2OH与CH3COOHC.CH≡CH与C6H6答案 D解析H与D互为同位素,A错误;乙醇和乙酸、CH≡CH与C6H6分子式不同,不互为同分异构体,B、C错误;CH3CH2CH2CH3与分子式相同,结构不同,互为同分异构体,D正确。

2、某有机物的结构简式如下,下列描述中不正确的是()A.分子式为C9H12B.1 mol此分子在一定条件下最多能与4 mol H2发生反应C.所有碳原子都在同一平面上D.此物质属于烯烃答案 C解析根据结构简式可直接数出碳、氢原子的数目从而得出分子式为C9H12,A正确;1 mol该分子含4 mol碳碳双键,故可与4 mol H2发生加成反应,B正确;因含碳碳双键且只有C、H两种元素,因此属于烯烃,D正确;该分子中最中间的碳原子为饱和碳原子,与之相连的四个碳原子构成正四面体结构,C不正确。




下列有关说法中不正确的是()A.玉米塑料生产中所用的原料是可再生资源B.玉米塑料的广泛使用可减轻“白色污染”C.PLA的整个生产过程都是生物催化或者通过化学聚合,是一种耗能少、污染低的绿色生产工艺D.玉米塑料有着广泛的用途,能完全取代金属材料和无机材料答案 D解析虽然玉米塑料有着广泛的用途,但不能完全代替金属材料和无机材料。

4、下列有关乙醇的表达正确的是()答案 D解析甲基的结构简式为—CH3,含有1个单电子,其电子式为,A 错误;乙醇的分子式为C2H6O,结构简式为CH3CH2OH,B错误;羟基的结构简式为—OH,其电子式为是OH-的电子式,C错误。

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1.在下列每组过渡金属羰基配合物中,挑选出在IR谱中具有较低羰基 CO伸缩振动频率的

2. 选出最适合的,并简要说明理由:
3. 图中是两个金属羰基化合物的IR谱,根据谱图分析哪个化合物其金属中心具有较少的电子密度?为什么?哪个化合物的CO配体更容易失去?解释原因。

4. 以下三个金属羰基化合物中,哪个结构其IR 谱中具有最高的CO 伸缩振动频率?为什么?该化合物的金属中心是具富电子的还是最缺电子的?
Ir Me 2Me 2
N Me 2Ir Br
CO Br a)b)c)
5. 完成以下反应 1) Cr(CO)6 + PPh 3
2) ? + ?Ni(CO)4
3) Mo(CO)6 + H 2NCH 2CH 2NH 2
4) CrCl 3 + Al + 6 CO AlCl 3
30 MPa + 1/2 Al 2Cl 6
5) Fe + 5CO Fe(CO)5Fe 2(CO)9 6) Fe(CO)5 + 2 Na/Hg ? + CO + 2 Hg
7) (CO)5ReBr + 2 NaMn(CO)5
+ NaBr
8) [CpMo(CO)3]22
9) Fe(CO)5
?CH 3I
10) Ni(CO)4
6. 按照要求对每组膦配体进行排序。

a) 按σ-给电子能力的强弱排序(由强到弱):P(OEt)3,PPh 3,PPr 3,PCl 3,PPh(OMe)2 b) 对P(OEt)3,PPh 3,PPr 3,PCl 3,PPhCy 2按照(1)立体位阻由大到小排序;(2)按照π-电子接受能力由强到弱排序。
