《现代大学英语精读1》第四课 midnight visitor

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• It also provides services to other law enforcement agencies, including fingerprint identification, laboratory analysis of criminal evidence, police training, and access to a centralized crime information database. • Because of its broad mandate (授权), the FBI is one of the most powerful and controversial agencies in the government. • The bureau traces its origins to 1908, when the attorney general appointed a small group of investigators within the Department of Justice.
• Intelligence(情报):evaluated and processed information needed to make decisions. Intelligence generally has a national security connotation and therefore exists in an aura(光环) of secrecy.
Do you know these terms?
1. spy 2. espionage 3. international spy 4. double agent 5. secret agent 6. secret service 7. special agent 8. intelligence 9. intelligence agency 10. counterintelligence agency 11. spy movies 12. detective stories 13. undercover agent or undercover operation 1. 间谍 2. 侦察、谍报 3. 国际间谍 4. 双重间谍 5. 秘密特工 6. 特工处 7. 特工 8. 情报 9. 间谍机构 10. 反间谍机构 11. 间谍片 12. 侦探故事 13. 秘密的地下工作者/活动
The Midnight Visitor
Age, appearance Personality
Tasks Responsibilities
The Midnight Visitor
Young or old? Handsome or ordinarylooking?
Adventurous Courageous Intelligent Shrewd精明的 Presence of mind
• What is your general impression of a spy? Look at the prompts (提示) and pictures on the next slide and try to think of as many words as possible to describe people who work as a secret agent.
• Central Intelligence Agency • Mainly for gathering secret information that may bear on national security • Created in 1947 • The CIA also coordinates the activities of the United States intelligence community, which includes agencies such as the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA). • In addition, the CIA takes overall responsibility for gathering information from other U.S. intelligence agencies, analyzing the separate pieces of information from each source, and providing a recommendation to the president of the United States and the president’s advisers.
• Federal Bureau of Investigation • Chief investigative agency of the United States federal government and a division of the U.S. Department of Justice • The primary responsibility for counterespionage activities within the US., coordinating its work with the CIA, which is responsible for such operations outside the US.
They live in a secret world of deception, fraud欺骗,, and sometimes violence.
Collect and pass on significant information Recruit new agents
For money? For ambition? For patriotism?
The Midnight Visitor
The Midnight Visitor
Unit 4
W arming up
B ackground
T ext Analysis R einforcement
The Midnight Visitor
Unit 4
Questions / Activities Check-on Preview Objectives
Warming up
Check-on Preview
• Do you like the story? Why/Why not? • Read aloud the sentences/paragraphs you like best and say why. • What is the story about? • How do you understand the historical background against which the story was set? • What have you found about the source of this article? • Give the meaning/ the definition of the following words and expressions (p.270):
• [Fr.] spying
• Espionage(谍报): the secret collection of information, or intelligence, that the source of such information wishes to protect from disclosure.
An Example
• British intelligence agents secretly intercepted (截获) conversations of U.N. SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan in his New York offices last year.
The Midnight Visitor
Leabharlann Baidu
Unit 1
Author Robert Arthur
•Born on Nov. 10, 1909 in the Philippines •Got his B.A. in 1930 at the Univ. of Michigan •Got his M.A. in journalism in 1932 •1930-1940, his stories was published in Wonder Stories, Detective Fiction Weekly, Mystery, The Illustrated Detective Magazine, Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine, Amazing Stories, The Shadow, Street & Smith Mystery Reader, Detective Tales, Thrilling Detective, Double Detective, Startling Stories, Collier’s, The Phantom Detective, Argosy Weekly, Unknown Worlds, and Black Mask. W
Warming up
Warming up
Questions / Activities
• Have you ever seen a spy movie, or read a spy story? What is it? • Do you like it? Why?
What is a spy like?
• Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (State Security Committee) • the government agency of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in charge of the Soviet political police from 1954 to 1991. • The KGB, the last in a series of Soviet security agencies dating from 1917, was officially disbanded解散when the USSR collapsed. • During its years of operation the agency’s main directive was to protect the Soviet regime from internal and external threats by means of a vast police and spy network. • During the cold war, both the FBI and the CIA concentrated their attention primarily on KGB of the USSR.
– official hands, course, drama, a start, management, to take a chance
Warming up
By the end of the lesson, students are expected to • be able to retell how Ausable defeated his adversary(敌手, 对手)Max. • be able to make character analysis of Ausable, Max and Fowler. • be able to use the key words, phrases, expressions, and grammar items correctly and appropriately. • know more about the author, detective stories and related information about secret agents.