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Unit 7 The Birthday Party

Topic 1 When is your birthday?

Section A

Hu Shan

Chongqing Zhejiang-Fuling Companionship School

Section A needs 1 period.

The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3a.

Ⅰ. Aims and demands

1. (1) Learn the names of months:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,

November, December

(2) Learn to read the years in English.

(3) Learn some other new words and phrases:

was, be born, were, alone, thousand, sport

2. Learn the past simple tense with “was/were”.

(1)When was he born, do you know? He was born in June, 1985.

(2)Where was he born? In Maryland, the U.S.A.

(3)When were you born? I was born in January, 1997.

3. Talk about months and years.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids


Ⅲ. Teaching method: Five-finger Teaching Plan

Step 1 Review(3minutes)

1.(通过课前调查是否有学生的生日即将到来,以班上同学的生日为例。师生共唱Happy Birthday这首歌, 引出生词birthday。)

T: Let’s sing Happy Birthday together.

(师生共唱Happy Birthday。)

T: Do you know why we sing Happy Birthday?Because next Thursday is Kristin’s birthday.


Happy birthday to you,Kristin!”


Unit 7 The Birthday Party

Topic 1 When is your birthday?

Section A

2. (呈现日历,引出月份表达法。)

T: Please look at the calendar. How many days are there in a week?

Ss: Seven.

T: How many days are there in February?

Ss: There are 28 or 29 days.

T: Good. How many months are there in a year?

Ss: Twelve.

Step2 Presentation(18minutes)

将一幅有12个月份的日历呈现给学生, 教授月份和年份,即呈现1b和3a。

T: Which month is your birthday in? Do you know what it is in English?

1. (板书并讲授月份, 学生跟读。)

January February March April

May June July August

September October November December

(教师要求学生特别注意易混淆的January与February, June与July, September, October, November与December。)

2. (学习年份的表达法。)

T: Do you know how to say the years in English?


3. (讲完月份和年份后, 教师回到生日话题。教师出示自己的身份卡片, 引出“出生”的表达

法be born, 并板书。)

years old. I was born in July, 1986. I was born in


T: What’s my name?

S1: Your name is Monica.

T: H ow old am I?

S2: You are twenty-five.

T: When was I born?

S3: You were born in July, 1986.

T: Where was I born?

S4: You were born inFuling.

4. (学生出示课前准备好的身份卡片, 两人对话。)

T: Show the card to your partner. Then practice the dialog in pairs like this:

