Q D Y通用桥式起重机中华人民共和国合肥市春华起重机械有限公司前言本说明书适用于在室内外固定跨间作业的电动吊钩(吊运熔融金属)、大起升高度、慢速、双速、双小车、地面操纵等桥式起重机的安装、调试、交工验收及使用维护工作。
1 起吊前�须注意吊是否将包环吊牢。
目录安全信息1.支架搬运车50吨1.1介绍1.2车辆1.3车辆尺寸2.驾驶室控制2.1驾驶室控制2.1.1风阀2.1.2方向盘2.1.3油门踏板2.1.4常用制动踏板2.1.5方向控制2.1.6制动控制阀2.1.7气喇叭2.1.8发动机停止阀2.1.9起动按钮2.1.10加油器和过滤器组件2.1.11牵引压力表2.1.12水温表2.1.13气压表2.1.14辅助泵压力表2.1.15阀组2.1.16发动机油压表2.1.17制动释放指示器2.1.18洗涤水指示器2.1.19涡轮增压表2.1.20 2驱/4驱转换器2.1.21马达排量控制2.1.22制动释放压力表2.1.23增压表(补油泵)2.1.24灯开关2.2驾驶室布置图2.2侧板图表2.3主隔板图表3. 柴油发动机系统4. 电气系统5. 制动5.1常用制动5.2紧急制动5.3制动测试5.3.2常用制动5.3.3次级和自动5.3.4停车制动6. 着火7. 检修7.1注意&警告7.2代码A 检查7.3低水关闭测试7.4代码B 检查(50 发动机小时)7.4代码B 检查(50 发动机小时)7.5代码C检查(200发动机小时)7.6尾气测试7.7代码D检查(2000发动机小时)7.8检修资料和时间表7.9 检修时间表7.10故障报告7.10故障报告8. 操作8.1启动前检查8.2启动程序8.3设备提供使用8.4司机检查表8.5正常工作步骤8.6差速锁程序8.7支架搬运车的安全操作8.8上下车8.9停车9. 搬运支架9.1发动机关闭9.2最小巷道尺寸9.3设备过热9.4故障和危险10. 拖车程序10.1拖拉其它车辆10.2拖拉支架搬运车10.3拖拉故障的支架搬运车11. 现场服务和维修程序11.1注意&警告11.2发动机系统的维护和操作11.3气动系统的操作11.3.2储气缸的充气11.3.3漏气11.3.4油压11.3.5温度感应器11.4液压系统11.4.2. 清洁11.4.3控制系统11.4.4蓄能器11.4.5蓄能器的预充程序11.4.6充气12. 泵调节程序12.1.1支架搬运车的调节程序12.2装置12.3更换主车车轮12.4更换拖车车轮12.5检验、更换发电机12.5.1检验发电机12.6更换发电机12.7更换起动马达12.8更换泵13. LWC 40T 调试14. 故障排除14.1发动机系统14.2液压系统14.3转向系统14.4制动系统14.5拖车功能14.6气动系统14.7 电气系统15.设备规格重要的安全通知设备操作、保养、维修过程中很多事故都是由不遵守安全章程或警告造成的。
说明书 - 50T液压压力机
本科毕业论文(设计)题 目 50T 液压压力机机械设计 学生姓名 王豪专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 指导教师 王伟年 月 日教学单位宝鸡文理学院学生学号 201294014251编 号 JX2016JZ425150T液压压力机机械设计摘要在现今社会,液压传动已经是一门相对比较成熟的技术,已经广泛的应用于机械制造、工程机械、农业机械、汽车制造以及锻压等行业。
其内容主要包括:1 液压传动系统方案的分析、比较和确定;2 确定并绘制系统原理图,液压机结构的设计;3 完成液压缸的设计;4 液压系统中各主要参数的计算;5 各种液压元件的选择;6 设计并绘制成系统装配图;在500KN液压机液压系统执行元件液压缸的设计中,利用在前文系统设计中所校核过的如活塞直径D(ΦAL)、活塞杆直径d(ΦMM)等参数,我们对液压油缸的各主要零部件进行了详细的结构设计,并绘制了它们的零件图及液压油缸装配图。
关键字:液压机;液压系统设计;液压油缸;CAXAABSTRACTAbstract:Nowadays, hydraulic drive is a technique becoming mature, what has been applied in Manufacture, Engineering Machinery, Farm Machinery, Car Manufacturing, and Forging Presses etc. Moreover, it has a so salient advantage in actualize high pressure, high speed, hight-power, hight efficiency, low yawp, longevity and hight integration that it could develope much faster then others.After the phylogeny of the hydraulic drive and the working theory have been introduced in this paper, we have do a fully design for the system of the single column hydraulic presses which is a type application in Forging Presses.It includes:1 Analysing, comparing and confirming the project of hydraulic drive;2 Confirming and drawing the system blueprint;3 Drawing a blueprint of the cell loop of the integration block;4 Accounting, checking and normalizing the mainly parameter in the hydraulic system5 Choosing the different kinds of hydraulic component6 Designing how to rig out all the parts of the system and then draw a blueprint to reflect it.In the design of the working part of the 50KN system, cylinder, we have do a particular frame design in using the parameter as the diameter of the piston D(ΦAL) and the diameter of the pole d(ΦMM).In this project, to make blueprint more clearly and even be clear at a glance, we draw the entire blueprint in software CAXA.Keywords: Single Column HydraulPresses; The Design of Hydraulic System;Hydraulic cylinder; CAXA目录1压力机概述-------------------------------------------------------------- 11.1压力机发展的概况 -------------------------------------------------- 11.2压力机工作原理 ---------------------------------------------------- 21.2.1压力机功能简介 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21.2.2压力机的工作原理简介 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 2液压机总体结构设计 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42.1压力机总体设计结构及要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42.2 立柱的强度计算 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42.3 横梁的强度计算 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52.4油箱的设计---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53.压力机的液压系统设计 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63.1液压传动的优缺点----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.2设计参数和应满足的条件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73.2.1负载分析初步确定各工况的负载和速度 --------------------------------------------------- 83.2.2液压介质的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83.3液压系统的设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93.3.1确定液压系统方案 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 93.3.2 液压原理图的拟定---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 液压系统的计算和液压元件的选择---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124.1 液压缸的选择 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124.1.1主缸的选择---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124.1.2顶出缸的选择 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134.2液压泵站 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------174.2.2液压泵的选择 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184.2.3液压泵的压力 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------204.3活塞 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------204.3.1活塞杆的计算 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------204.3.2活塞的材料及要求 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224.3.3活塞杆的设计与计算------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224.3.4活塞杆材料及技术要求 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234.4电动机的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244.5液压阀的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244.5.1 方向控制阀的选择---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244.5.2压力控制阀的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244.5.3流量控制阀的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 244.6辅助元件的设计 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------254.6.1 滤油器的选择 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------254.6.2油管尺寸的确定 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------254.6.3油箱容量的选择 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------265 液压系统性能验算------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 296 总结 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31参考文献 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321压力机概述1.1压力机发展的概况相对于机械传动来说,液压传动是一门比较新的技术,如果从17世纪中叶巴斯卡提出静压传递原理、18世纪末英国制成世界上第一台水压机算起的话,液压传动技术也已有二三百年历史了。
●操作人员应负责对各种影响控制柜安全运行的操作及时作出正确的处理1、总则1.1 引用的标准所有设备符合下列标准:GB7251-2005低压成套开关设备IEC439低压开关设备和控制设备成套装置IEC947低压开关设备和控制设备1.2 使用条件正常使用条件电源:AC380V+N/50HZ ±5%最高环境温度:+40℃最低环境温度:-5℃日平均相对湿度:90%以下月平均相对湿度:90%以下控制柜安装场所的最高海拔高度:2000m地震烈度:不超过8度。
二、操作规程1. 操作前准备1.1 确保液压机及周边环境清洁无杂物。
1.2 检查液压机液位,保证油量在规定范围之内。
1.3 检查液压系统各管路及接头是否完好,无漏油现象。
1.4 对相关液压元件进行润滑保养,确保其正常工作。
1.5 检查安全保护装置的完好情况,确保其可靠性。
2. 操作流程2.1 打开液压机总电源开关,启动液压站。
2.2 按照工艺要求调整液压机工作台的位置和模具。
2.3 切断液压机操作区域的动力源。
2.4 操作人员保持正确的站姿,双手握住操作杆。
2.5 手指不可放入机械运动部件,严禁用手或其他物品触碰或清理运动部件。
3. 注意事项3.1 操作人员必须经过相应的培训合格后方可操作液压机。
3.2 在操作过程中,严禁酗酒、疲劳操作、或身体不适时进行操作。
3.3 确保操作区域的通风情况良好,避免有毒气体对操作人员造成伤害。
3.4 当液压机出现异常情况(如异常声响、漏油等)时,及时停止操作,并向维修人员报告。
3.5 液压机操作过程中,注意保持操作环境整洁,定期清理液压机表面,以确保操作安全。
3.6 液压机使用完毕后,应关闭总电源开关,并进行必要的保养维护。
4. 安全操作4.1 操作人员佩戴个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞等。
4.2 操作人员应严格按照操作规程进行操作,并遵守相关的安全操作要求。
4.3 液压机运行时,操作人员不得离开岗位,避免发生意外伤害。
4.4 当液压机发生故障或异常情况时,操作人员应立即停机处理,并向有关领导和维修人员报告。
4.5 在维修液压机时,必须切断液压站的电源,并确保操作人员不接触到活动的液压元件。
5. 应急措施5.1 当液压机发生停电或其他原因导致无法正常工作时,操作人员应切断总电源开关,并向维修人员报告。
三、操作步骤1. 设备准备:确认设备电源已连接,液压油已加满,并检查刀片的锐利度和固定情况。
2. 材料准备:准备将要切割的金属板材,确保其平整度和尺寸符合要求。
3. 调整刀距:根据切割板材的厚度,调整刀距,确保切割效果。
4. 材料定位:将待切割的金属板材放置在工作台上,并用夹具夹紧,确保其稳定性。
5. 开启设备:打开设备电源,启动液压系统,使其处于工作状态。
6. 进行切割:将刀片缓慢下降,切割板材,操作时要保持手的安全距离,防止意外伤害。
7. 观察切割效果:切割完毕后,观察切口的平整度和尺寸是否符合要求。
8. 关闭设备:切割完成后,关闭设备电源,停止液压系统的工作。
四、注意事项1. 操作前应熟悉设备的结构和工作原理,确保安全。
2. 在操作过程中,严禁将手或其他物品靠近刀片,以免造成伤害。
3. 切割板材的厚度不得超过设备的额定切割能力,以免损坏设备。
4. 切割板材时,应保持设备和工作台的整洁,防止杂物影响切割质量。
5. 定期检查液压油的质量和液压系统的工作状态,及时更换液压油和维修设备。
五、故障排除1. 设备无法启动:检查电源是否连接正常,液压油是否加满,电路是否有故障。
2. 切割效果不理想:检查刀片锐利度是否满足要求,刀距是否调整正确,液压系统是否工作正常。
六、设备维护1. 定期清洁设备表面和内部,防止灰尘和杂物积累影响设备正常工作。
滨北松花江桥50T架桥起重机维护与使用说明书编制:复核:审核:武桥重工集团股份有限公司2014年07月目录一、概述 (1)二、工作环境 (1)三、主要设计规范 (1)四、主要技术参数 (2)五、主要结构及工作原理 (2)六、液压系统 (5)七、安全系统 (6)八、安装及注意事项 (7)九、检查、操作与使用说明 (8)十、起重机维护和保养 (12)十一、故障及处理 (15)十二、附图 (15)1一、概述1.1 桥梁概述滨北线松花江公铁两用桥改建工程Ⅰ标施工范围为DK1+812.24~DK3+080.14。
主桁上、下弦杆及加劲弦杆均为箱型截面,腹杆采用箱型及H型截面1.2 架梁吊机的概况架梁吊机采用原QLY50/16全液压起重机改造而成,此起重机先前用于芜湖长江大桥的桥梁架设工作,后又经过几次小幅改动用于其他工程项目。
Arcan CP500 50吨手动车间压力机说明书
SHOP PRESSASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSCP500 - 50 TON MANUAL SHOP PRESS WITH WINCHPRESS SPECIFICATIONSArcan Model No. A B C D E F G H I CP50074"35"29.75"13" 6.75" 1.25"Y Y Y(2)A - Total HeightB - Inside WidthC - Press Feet LengthD - Bed WidthE - Stroke (ram travel distance from fully retracted position to fully extended position)F - Pin DiameterG - PB WinchH - Sliding HeadI - Press Plates IncludedP.O. Box 58 Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Phone: (800) 879-7316 Fax: (864) 834-0073© Copyright 2007, Arcan Professional ToolsSAFETY INFORMATIONThis symbol alerts you to the possibilityof serious injury or death if instructionsare not followed.This symbol alerts you to the possibilityof damage to or destruction of equipmentif instructions are not followed.Failure to heed these warnings may result in lossof load, damage to the press and/or failureresulting in property damage, personal or fatal injury. This operating manual contains important details concerning the safe operation of this tool. The user must read and understand these details before any use of the tool. This manual must be retained for future reference.• Read, study, and understand all instruction manuals packed with this press before operating.• Always wear safety goggles.• Parts being pressed may splinter, shatter, or be ejected from the press at a dangerous rate of speed. Because of the variety of pressapplications, it is your responsibility to always use adequate guardsand wear eye protection and heavy protective clothing when operatingthepress.• Visual inspection should be made before each use of the press, checking for signs of cracked welds, bent bed pins, loose or missing bolts, leaks, or any other structural damage.• Do not go near leaks. High pressure oil can puncture skin and cause serious injury, gangrene, or death. If injured, seek emergency medical help. Immediate surgery is required to remove oil.• Keep hands and fingers out of the press and away from parts that may shift and pinch. Do not stand in front of work area when load is applied. • Always use an accurate pressure gauge to measure pressing force.• Do not exceed the rated capacity of this press.• Never tamper with hydraulic system pressure settings.• Do not substitute bolts, pins or any part of the components. Use only genuine factory replacement parts.• Always center load on ram plunger. Offset loads can damage ram and may cause load to eject at a dangerous rate of speed.• Remove all loads from press bed before attempting to adjust bed height.Beware of possibility of falling bed.• Press only on loads supported by press bed and included press plates.Do not support loads on floor or press frame.• When using any accessories such as arbor plates, be certain they are centered on press bed and are in full contact with press bed.• Before applying load, be certain all press bed supporting pins are fullyengaged.• Always use a bearing shield when pressing bearings. Use caution when positioning work to be pressed to ensure that the item that is to bepressed cannot be dislodged or broken during press work. This mayresult in the item being ejected from the press at a dangerous rate ofspeed.• Release hydraulic pressure before loosening any fittings.• Maintain proper hydraulic fluid levels.• Do not make any alterations to the press.OWNER/USER RESPONSIBILITYThe owner and/or user must have an understanding of the manufacturer's operating instructions and warnings before using this press. Personnel involved in the use and operation of equipment must be careful, competent, trained, and qualified in the safe operation of the equipment and its proper use when servicing motor vehicles and their components.Warning information should be emphasized and understood.If the operator is not fluent in English, the manufacturer's instructions and warnings must be read to and discussed with the operator in the operator's native language by the purchaser/owner, making sure thatthe operator comprehends its contents.Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future reference the manufacturer’s instructions. Owner and/or user is responsible for keeping all warning labels and instruction manuals legible and intact. Replacement labels and literature are available from the manufacturers.INSPECTIONVisual inspection of the shop press should be made before each use of the press, checking for damaged, loose or missing parts. Each press must be inspected by a manufacturer’s repair facility immediately if subjected to an abnormal load or shock. Any press which appears to be damaged in any way, is found to be badly worn, or operates abnormally must be removed from service until necessary repairs are made by a manufacturers's authorized repair facility. It is recommended that an annual inspection of the press be made by a manufacturer’s authorized repair facility and that any defective parts, decals or warning labels be replaced with manufacturer’s specified parts. A list of authorized repair facilities is available from the manufacturer. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS• CHECK YOUR LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS REGARDING THE SAFE USE OF THIS EQUIPMENT.• Your safety is a top priority. Please handle equipment with care.• Fully retract unit and remove all items from the press bed frame.• Support the press bed and remove the pins.• Raise or lower bed to desired height and reinstall press pins. Be certain pins are fully engaged in the parallel flanges of the upright columns.• Position press on a flat, level, hard surface, preferably concrete.Make sure all nuts and bolts are tight.• Clear the area of bystanders, especially small children, before using.• Set the press bed to the required height. The press is most effective when the work piece is located 1 inch below the ram’s retracted position.The compression stroke can include the entire 5 inch working range.• The press is designed to exert a force on anything which is positioned beneath its ram. The work piece can be ejected from under the ram ata high rate of speed and can injure someone.• Pressing Bearings: It is essential that you use the bearing shield when pressing bearings are on or off.OPERATION1. Press beds are adjustable up and down to fully take advantageof available ram travel and numerous work pieces.2. Slowly open release valve on power unit. With the power unitin its stored position, remove all items from the press bed.3. Be sure press bed is supported properly and remove press bed pins.4. Raise or lower press bed to desired height, and reinstall pressbed pins. Be certain pins are completely through both sidesof frame, as these pins are the major support mechanism for the bed.We want to know if you have any problems with our products.If you are missing any parts or find any damage, call Arcan directly,and we will remedy the situation. Please do not call the store whereyou purchased this product.Phone: (800) 879-7316Email:**********************。
六、注意事项 .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
三、液压站安装和调试 ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
50 吨压机液压系统
本产品是专为上海新松机器人自动化有限公司设计制造的液压站 液压动力部份和液压控制部份集成为一体,合称为液压站。本说明书只针对液压站。 注:本液压站不适合在室外及露天条件下工作。工作环境温度在 15℃~65℃
1、工作原理 本站由电机驱动液压泵,液压泵输出所需要的系统压力,经过压力调整,流量调整。提供设 计要求的动力和执行原理,油泵的进油设有过滤器。 2、主要技术参数
外形尺寸(长*宽*高) 泵的排量 系统压力 电机功率 电机电压 控制阀电压 蓄能器容积
1150mm*750mm*550mm 63ml/rev 18MPa 11kW 380V/50HZ DC24V
50 吨压机液压系统
1、安装 本站设有地脚安装螺孔,用户可以直接安装在相配整机上。 2、调试 2.1、首先加入液压工作油。一般地区,采用 YB-N46 抗磨液压油。在高温地区,应加入 YB-N80
Air Hydraulic Bottle Jack Operating Instructions & Parts ManualModel CapacityBH2500 50 TonSFA Companies10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153******************************SAFETY and GENERAL INFORMATIONSave these instructions.For your safety read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack. The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from service immediately.Inspect before each use.Do not use if broken, bent, cracked, or damaged parts (including labels) are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, operates abnormally or is missing parts, shall be removed from service immediately and the manufacturer notified. If you suspect that the jack was subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use until the jack has been checked by a factory authorized service center (contact distributor or manufacturer for list of Authorized Service Centers). It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel. Replace worn or damaged parts with Blackhawk authorized replacement parts only. Labels and owner’s manuals are available from manufacturer.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONBlackhawk Automotive Air Actuated Hydraulic Bottle Jack is designed to lift, not support, rated capacity loads consisting of one end of a vehicle. Immediately after lifting, the load must be supported by a pair of appropriately rated jack ***************************************************************************************** air pressure is required to raise rated capacity load.Never use hydraulic jack as a stand alone device. After lifting, immediately support the lifted loadwith a pair of appropriately rated jack stands.PREPARATIONBefore Use1. Verify that the product and the application are compatible, if in doubt contact Customer Support (816)891-6390.2. Before using this product, read the operator's manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with theproduct, its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use.3. Assemble handle, ensure spring clips align with slots.4. To familiarize yourself with basic operation, use the notched end of provided handle to engage and turn the releasevalve:a. Clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further turning. This is the ‘CLOSED’ release valve position used toraise the ram plunger.b. Counter-clockwise, but no more than 1/2 turn from the closed position. This is the ‘OPEN’ release valveposition used to lower the ram plunger.5. With ram fully retracted, locate and remove the oil filler screw. Connect air hose to lift control valve, then squeezelift control valve to operate pump for few seconds. This will help release any pressurized air, which may be trapped within the reservoir. Ensure the oil level is just below the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler screw.6. Pour a teaspoon of good quality, air tool lubricant into the air supply inlet of the lift control valve. Connect to airsupply and operate for 3 seconds to evenly distribute lubricant.7. This product is equipped with the popular 1/4" NPT air coupler. When installing a different air coupler of yourchoice, ensure that thread tape or compound is used when servicing connections. To ensure dependable, trouble free operation an inline air dryer and oiler is recommended.8. Check that the pump operates smoothly before putting into service. Replace worn or damaged parts and assemblieswith Blackhawk Automotive authorized replacement parts only.Bleeding / Venting Trapped AirWith the release valve in the OPEN position (4b above) and with ram plunger fully lowered, locate and remove the oil filler screw. Squeeze lift control valve to operate pump for few seconds. This will help release any pressurized air which may be trapped within the reservoir. Oil level should be even with the bottom of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler screw.SPECIFICATIONSModel Capacity Base Size(L x W)SaddleDiameterMin.HeightMax.HeightHydraulicLiftVolumeHyd. OilNetWeightBH250050 Ton10 7/8" x 7 3/8" 2 1/2"12"19"7"1650 mL129 lb.Figure 1 - BH2500 NomenclatureOPERATIONRaising the Ram Plunger1. Assemble handle, ensure that spring clips align with slots.2. Place vehicle in the park, with emergency brake on and wheel securely chocked to prevent inadvertent vehiclemovement.3. Locate and close release valve by turning handle clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further threadengagement.4. Verify lift point, center jack saddle under lift point.5. Squeeze the lift control valve in order to raise saddle to contact lift point. To lift, continue pumping until load reachesdesired height.6. Immediately secure lifted load with appropriately rated jack stands.Use only the handle provided by jack manufacturer. The handle provided with this jack will safely engage STOP, discontinue use of the jack until a factory replacement handle can be acquired.LoweringMake certain that all personnel are clear of the load before lowering.Control the rate of descent of the load at all times. The more you open the release valve, the faster the load descends.1. Raise load high enough to clear the jack stands, then carefully remove jack stands (always used in pairs).2. Slowly turn the handle counter-clockwise, but no more than 1/2 turn. If the load fails to lower:a. Use another jack to raise the vehicle high enough to reinstall jack stands.b. Remove the affected jack and then the stands.c. Lower the load by turning the release valve counter-clockwise, but no more than 1/2 turn.3. After removing jack from under the load, push ram and handle sleeve down to reduce exposure to rust andcontamination.on areas of the vehicle as specified by the vehiclemanufacturer.MAINTENANCEImportant:Use only good grade hydraulic jack oil. Avoid mixing different types of fluid and Never use brake fluid, turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Improper fluid can cause failure of the jack and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load. We recommend Hein-Werner HW93291 or equivalent.Adding oil1. With ram plunger fully lowered and air supply disconnected, set jack in its upright, level position. Remove oil fillerscrew.2. Fill with oil until just below the rim of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler screw.Changing oilFor best performance and longest life, replace the complete fluid supply at least once per year.1. With ram plunger fully lowered and air supply disconnected, remove the oil filler screw.2. Lay the jack on its side and drain the fluid into a suitable container.Note: Dispose of hydraulic oil in accordance withlocal regulations.3. Fill with oil until just below the rim of the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler screw.LubricationAir pump should be internally lubricated before each use. Use good quality air tool lubricant. If no inline oiler is used, pour a teaspoon of air tool oil into the air control valve inlet. Operate the jack with air pressure to fully distribute the oil inside the air motor.CleaningPeriodically check the ram for signs of rust/corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with oily cloth.Note: Never use sandpaper or abrasive material on ram surface!StorageWhen not in use, store the jack with ram plunger fully retracted and air supply disconnected.TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptom Possible Causes Corrective ActionJack will not lift load• Release valve not tightly closed• Overload condition• Air pressure inadequate • Ensure release valve tightly closed • Remedy overload condition •Ensure adequate air pressureJack will lift, but not maintain pressure •Release valve not tightly closed• Hydraulic unit malfunction•Ensure release valve tightly closed• Discontinue use, contactBlackhawk Technical ServiceJack will not lower after unloading• Reservoir overfilled• Drain fluid to proper levelPoor lift performance• Fluid level low•Air trapped in system • Ensure proper fluid level•With ram fully retracted, remove oil filler screw to let pressurized air escape. Reinstall oil filler screwWill not lift to full extension• Fluid level low• Ensure proper fluid levelREPLACEMENT PARTS(refer to page 6 & 7)Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient reference of location and position in the assembly sequence. When ordering parts, give Model number, serial number and parts description. Call or write for current pricing: SFA Companies, 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153, U.S.A.Tel:(816)891-6390Fax:(816)891-6599E-Mail:******************************Replacement Parts Illustration for Model BH2500Figure 2 - Model BH2500 Replacement Parts IllustrationReplacement Parts List for Model BH2500Item Part#Description Qty1*O-ring12N/A Top Nut13*O-ring14N/A O-ring15N/A Filler screw16* (324-4-1900-208)Filler Screw Assembly17N/A Reservoir18601-4-0080-009Spring Pin29244-6-1806-205Carry Handle210*Oil Seal111N/A Ram Plunger112244-6-1205-108Collar113244-6-1204-207Snap Ring214N/A Ram Bearing115*U-cup116N/A Cylinder117*O-ring118532-8-0050-024Filter119N/A Base120238-6-1701-403Release Valve121*Oil Seal122601-7-0008-009Steel Ball123503-9-0067-103Stud124644-1-0080-031Screw125A20-4-1500-106Hyd. Cartridge126A27010-0001Air Motor127A27010-0002Air Inlet Swivel128A20060-0007Lift Control Valve129A20060-0006Air Hose only130A20060-0005Air Hose Assembly131181-3-2100-103Handle Assembly132A270-01100-000Piston, Air Motor1(*)A50-3-9905-100Repair Kit1(*) - parts included in Repair KitN/A - parts not available, replace entire unitONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYFor a period of one (1) year from date of purchase, SFA Companies will repair or replace, at its option, without charge, any of its products which fails due to a defect in material or workmanship under normal usage. This limited warranty is a consumer's exclusive remedy.Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted product, freight prepaid, to SFA Companies Warranty Service Department, 10939 N. Pomona Ave., Kansas City, MO 64153.Except where such limitations and exclusions are specifically prohibited by applicable law,(1) THE CONSUMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE.(2) SFA Companies SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE OR LOSS WHATSOEVER.(3) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE YEAR, OTHERWISE THE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER, AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.(4) ANY MODIFICATION, ALTERATION, ABUSE, UNAUTHORIZED SERVICE OR ORNAMENTAL DESIGN VOIDS THIS WARRANTY AND IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.SFA Companies Array 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153816-891-6390******************************。
50 Ton Ram 操作手册说明书
Dixon800 High Street • Chestertown, MD 21620ph: 877.863.4966 fax: 800.283.4966Section 1050 Ton Ram Operating InstructionsforList of Parts and Attachments1877.963.4966 • Section 10: Operating Equipment to Swage 1¼" to 6" I.D. Hose SizesPart Number DescriptionMPUSH6006" Pusher (needed for all sizes)50TPUSH5005" Pusher 50TPUSH4004" Pusher 50TPUSH3003" Pusher 50TPUSH2502½" Pusher 50TPUSH2002" Pusher 50TPUSH1501½" Pusher 50TPUSH1251¼" Pusher50TDH9004Die holder for 4" die (needed for all sizes)50TDH6003Die holder for 1¼" - 3" dies (needed for all sizes)Part Number Description50TONRAMMulcoram including motor (115 volt) pump, 10,000 PSI hose and gaugeExternal Swage AttachmentsEquipment to Swage 1" through 4" Cam & GroovePart Number DescriptionMPUSH6006" Pusher (needed for all sizes)50TPUSH4004" Pusher50TDH9004Die holders for 4" die (needed for all sizes)50TDH6003Die holders for 1¼" - 3" dies (fits into 50TDH9004)100PUSHCG4E Pusher for 4" E100PUSHCG4C Pusher for 4" C100PUSHCG3Pusher for 3" E (fits on 100PUSHCG2)100PUSHCG2Pusher for 2" C and E and 3" C (also use with 100PUSHCGRC and RE100PUSH)100PUSHCG15Pusher for 1½" C and E (consists of 100PUSHCG15A and RC150PUSHB)100PUSHCG15A 1½" Pusher adapterRC150PUSHB1½" Pusher100PUSHCGRC Pusher for 1" C & G (fits inside the 100PUSHCG2)RE100PUSH Pusher for 1" E (use with 100PUSHCG2)150CGSPACE *Spacer rings for 1½" C100CGSPACE *Spacer rings for 1" CRST150SPACE1½" Spacer ring for NOS ferrules (use with 100PUSHCG15E)RST200SPACE2" Spacer ring for NOS ferrules (use with 100PUSHCG2)RST300SPACE3" Spacer ring for NOS ferrules (use with 100PUSHCG3)Swage dies not included* Future designs may not require spacer rings. Contact Dixon for more information.877.963.4966 • Section 10: Operating 2Holedall™ DiesMininum Maximum¾" x 9/16"2" x 1⅞"2⅛" x 1-11/16"4½" x 4¼"4-9/16" x 4-5/16"6-15/16" x 6-7/16"7" x 6½"10" x 9½"10" x 9½"12-15/16" x 12⅜"13" x 12⅜"16" x 15½"* D ies will be invoiced for full selling price when shipped, credit will be issued when returned for full selling price less rental charge. All freight charges are to be paid by Customer. All dies are to be returned within 30 days.Section 10: Operating877.963.4966 • 3Equipment to Internally Expand 1" - 6" I.D. HoseFor Use with Steel IX FittingsPart Number Description50T-0073Master IX bar adapter (needed for all sizes)50T-0072IX master plate (needed for all sizes, this part is also 6" IX adapter)25RODLARGE IX Bar for 2" - 4" - consists of the following: 25RDLG-A - large rod for only 25 ton ram 25RDLG-B - nut only for 15 & 25 ton rams25RODSMALL IX bar for 1¼" and 1½" - consists of the following: 25RDSML-A - small pull rod25RDSML-B - small pull rod adapter25RDSML-C - nut for small rod001-0083IX bar adapter for 5" - 6"001-00655" IX adapter001-00674" IX adapter (needed for all sizes from 1¼" to 4")M011-3854" IXM64 adapter (goes into 001-0067)25ADAPT3003" IX adapter25ADAPT2502½" IX adapterM011-3842½" IX adapter (IXM40 only, use with 25ADAPT250)25ADAPT2002" IX adapter25ADAPT1501½" IX adapter25ADAPT1251¼" IX adapter25ADAPT1001" IX adapterIXPLUG6006" IX plugIXPLUG5005" IX plugIXPLUG4004" IX plugIXPLUG3003" IX plugIXPLUG2502½" IX plugIXPLUG2002" IX plugIXPLUG1501½" IX plugIXPLUG1251¼" IX plugIXPLUG1001" IX plug877.963.4966 • Section 10: Operating 4Equipment to Internally Expand "Flow Chief" Food Grade FittingsPart Number Description001-00674" IX adapter (needed for all sizes from 1¼" to 4")50T-0073Master IX bar adapter (needed for all sizes)50T-0072IX master plate (needed for all sizes, this part is also 6" IX adapter)25RODLARGE IX bar for 2" - 4" - consists of the following: 25RDLG-A - large rod for only 25 ton ram 25RDLG-B - nut only for 15 & 25 ton rams25RODSMALL IX Bar for 1¼" and 1½" - consists of the following: 25RDSML-A - small pull rod25RDSML-B - small pull rod adapter25RDSML-C - nut for small rodPFADAPT4004" sanitary end adapter (tri clover style)PFADAPT3003" sanitary end adapter (tri clover style)PFADAPT2502½" sanitary end adapter (try clover style)PFADAPT2002" sanitary end adapter (tri clover style)PFADAPT1501½" IX sanitary end adapter (tri clover style)PFADAPT150-3A1½" 3A sanitary end adapter (tri clover style)PFACNTA4004" bevel seat acme nut adapter must buy PFADAPT400 to use this part.PFACNTA3003" bevel seat acme nut adapter must buy PFADAPT300 to use this part.PFACNTA2502½" bevel seat acme nut adapter must buy PFADAPT250 to use this part.PFACNTA2002" bevel seat acme nut adapter must buy PFADAPT200 to use this part.PFACNTA1501½" bevel seat acme nut adapter must buy PFADAPT150 to use this part.IXFDPLG4004" food plugsIXFDPLG3003" food plugsIXFDPLG2873" food plug for 3A fittings (for stainless steel fitings)IXFDPLG2502½" food plugsIXFDPLG2002" food plugsIXFDPLG1872" food plug for 3A fittings (for stainless steel fittings)IXFDPLG1501½" food plugsIXFDPLG1371½" food plugs for 3A fittings25ADAPT150-3A1½" adapter (use with IXFDPLG137)5877.963.4966 • Section 10: Operating。
攀钢集团江油长城特殊钢有限公司50穿孔机使用说明书编写:武仁慧审查:马际青太原科达重工成套设备有限公司2014年3月目录一.操作前准备工作............................................................... - 1 - 二.操作区域介绍................................................................. - 1 -1.主操作台 (1)2.稀油站操作箱 (8)3.干油站操作箱 (8)4.工控机 (9)三.操作方式及操作权限的说明..................................................... - 9 - 四.操作说明..................................................................... - 9 -1.控制电源操作 (9)2.液压站操作说明 (10)3.稀油站操作说明 (10)4.干油站操作说明 (11)5.手动操作说明 (11)6.自动操作说明 (13)7.调整操作说明 (14)8.上位操作说明 (18)五、安全注意事项................................................................ - 21 - 附件一 ......................................................................... - 23 -本操作规程诣在说明如何操作穿孔机,不包含穿孔机的电气组成、工作原理。
液压系统说明书目录1.概述 (2)2.主要性能参数 (3)3.结构特点及原理功能介绍 (6)4.运转前检查和运转方法 (20)5.液压系统的维护保养 (21)6.常见故障与处理 (26)1.概述本液压系统是专为港陆160×1100mm两流板坯连铸机液压系统设计的,能满足所需液压传动机构的动作要求。
414001Y主机液压系统控制着整个连铸机的液压执行机构,包括大包事故回转、事故旋转离合、旋转插销、大包滑动水口;中包事故插板;结晶器振动装置中快台夹紧释放、移动及管离合;扇形段1~8#的夹紧和扇形段4~8# 的压下;脱引锭杆和切割机辊道移动。
22.1 414001Y主机液压系统2.1.1 循环冷却泵站工作压力··············································································0.7MPa 工作流量·········································································· 266L/min 螺杆泵装置(两台一备一用)型号·················································································· 3G50×2A 压力·························································································1MPa 流量·················································································· 266L/min 电机功率················································································ 11kW 电机转速·········································································2900 r/min2.1.2 冷却器(一台)型号································································B R0.23(1.6/100)-10B 换热面积·················································································10m2工作压力·······································································0.6~1.6MPa 2.1.3 高压泵站(三台二用一备)工作流量··········································································260 L/min 工作压力···········································································~21MPa 恒压变量柱塞泵型号····················································G Y-A7V117DR2.0RPF00 额定压力············································································· 35MPa 排量····················································································117ml/r 电动机型号·······································································Y280M-6(B35) 功率······················································································· 55kW 转速················································································· 980r/min 电压····················································································A C380V 2.1.4 系统工作压力P ························································································~21MPa P0 ······················································································~18MPa P1 ···················································································10~18MPa P2 ····················································································8~12MPa Pd ······················································································~21MPa 2.1.5 冷却水冷却水额定压力 ···························································0.4~0.8MPa 冷却水流量……………………………………………250L/min冷却水温度 (32)2.1.6 油箱容积······················································································4000L 材质····················································································不锈钢2.1.7 工作介质 ····································································水乙二醇2.1.8 工作介质污染度等级·················································· NAS9级2.2 41453Y升降辊道液压站工作流量··········································································210L /min 工作压力···········································································~16MPa 2.2.1 油泵电机组(三套两用一备)型号····················································G Y-A7V117DR2.0RPF00 额定压力············································································· 35MPa 排量·····················································································117ml/r 功率······················································································· 37kW 转速················································································· 980r/min 电压····················································································A C380V 2.2.2 油箱外形尺寸 (1000x1100x1900)容积························································································1800L 材质····················································································不锈钢2.2.4 工作介质 ····································································水乙二醇2.2.5 工作介质污染度等级·················································· NAS9级2.3 41472Y扇形段升降试验台液压站。
目录1、前言———————————————————————— 22、概述—————————————————————————32.1主要用途及特性——————————————————32.2 安全使用注意事————————————————— 43、结构及技术参数————————————————————53.1机床的外形————————————————————53.2机床的主要结构及用途———————————————63.3机床的主要规格和技术参数—————————————74、机床的吊运及安装——————————————————84.1机床的吊运————————————————————84.2 机床的安装———————————————————94.3 电气接线————————————————————95、机床的加油及机床润滑————————————————105.1 油箱的加油———————————————————105.2 机床润滑————————————————————106、机床的液压系统分析—————————————————106.1液压元件的简述——————————————————106.2液压系统动作分析—————————————————137、机床的操作及调整——————————————————187.1 机床的控制符号说明———————————————187.2 机床的操作———————————————————188、机床的维修、保养与故障排除—————————————238.1液压系统————————————————————238.2 机械部件的检查—————————————————238.3 安全阀的调整——————————————————249、技术服务—————————————————————2410、易损件明细表———————————————————25前言剪板机是借于运动的刀片和固定的刀片,采用合理的刀片间隙,对各种厚度的金属板材施加剪切力,使板材按所需要的尺寸断裂分离的设备。
一绪论1.1 液压传动与控制概述液压传动与控制是以液体(油、高水基液压油、合成液体)作为介质来实现各种机械量的输出(力、位移或速度等)的。
1.2 液压机的发展及工艺特点液压机是制品成型生产中应用最广的设备之一,自19世纪问世以来发展很快,液压机在工作中的广泛适应性,使其在国民经济各部门获得了广泛的应用。
在发电机皮带轮和风扇皮带中间一点用手指压下(约6kg力) 正常的皮带张紧挠度应约l0mm。
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1.该系列液压机床以1-14MPA的液体压力为动力源,外接三相AC380V 50HZ或三相
AC220 60HZ交流电源.总耗电功率不超过3.7KW.
10.液压系统内置油箱底部,外观整洁,稳重. 工作台下方装有脚轮和脚杯,可轻便移动。