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1. challenge:跟(人)为难,找(人)的麻烦,跟(人)较量,向(人)领教,"找茬儿",“找缝子”

2. inevitable question:躲不了的问题,总会来(有)的问题

3. Take a common example:拿常常碰到的情形来说吧

4. Impossible! 不成!这怎么会(行)!办不到!不至于。不会。

5. We no longer ask whether we can accomplish it. 我们办不办得这件事已不成问题。

6. ... until absolutely neccessary... 非到万不得已......

7. One of the most capable man 屈指可数的能干人

8. emotional insecurity 心情舒坦不了

9. A managing director has a lonely job. He needs a sparring partner. 当了总经理做起事来就形单影只,也要有个时时和他交手的人。

10. that morning 那天早上that summer 那年夏天

11. unfaithful (husband):薄幸的(丈夫),丈夫有外遇,丈夫外面姘了女人

12. The intrigue, scandal, and murder in high places then shocked him. 他真想不到当时权贵会干出倾陷、秽乱、暗杀之类的事情。

13. I never stopped for a word. 我从来没有在半途停下来跟人谈一句话。

14. ...brought the gentleman into great notice ......对这位先生大为瞩目。

15. I threw myself into a chair. 我一屁股摊在椅子上。

16. We accepted his suggestion. 我们依了他的主意。

17. had an inspiration 灵机一动

18. accustomed place 老地方

19. reasonable rates 价钱公道

20. The medicine can control the disease permanently. 服了这个药这个病就不会再恶化。

21. He embarked on a new career. 他改了行。

22. ...he said in an altered voice(上文提到悲伤)他哽咽着说......

23. Cotton is badly needed. 棉花奇缺。

24. “而”“得”的译法。He is hot-headed and stubborn. 可译为“他性急而固执”,最好不用“和”。

He can eat it. 可译为“他吃得下去”,而不用“他能吃下去”。

25. remain untreated 没有就医

26. The days that followed 此后几天

27. four out of five 十居其八

28. To make him less nervous, I talked of small things. 我尽谈些不相干的事,免得他觉得太拘束不安。

29. to have to make a terrible decision 不得不硬着心肠拿主意

30. Never try to prove to others that you are right. 切不要在人面前显得你有道理。

31. He called on man master. 他不向任何人低头。他谁也不买账。

32. Different people bring out different traits in us. 在不同的人面前,我们露不同的性格。

33. gentleman crook 衣冠败类

34. private compartment (餐馆里的)雅座、包间

35. what nonsense 胡说八道!哪里的话!这哪里像人话!这真是离了谱!真亏你说得出这种话1

36. It's quite a long story. 说来话长。

37. You have to make a good many new arrangement. 好些事要从头安排。

38. in mourning 挂孝,戴孝

39. If all our efforts were not to be in vain, (we have to redouble our efforts). 要是不想前功尽弃,(我们就要加倍努力)。

40. It is typical of him to slander others. 他这个人就是喜欢诽谤别人。“......是他的惯技”“......一贯作风”

41. She made tea for us in a most agreeable manner. 她替我们泡茶,态度殷勤。

42. When he left, he said...他临走的时候说......

43. (he is)against change "因循"“一成不变”

44. I congratulate you on being on the right side. 你站在有理的乙方,那好极了。

45. Nothing else was of any use to me. 别的东西我都用不着。

46. It shows (indicates, proves, points to the fact that) ......可见......,足见......,由此可见......

47. I wanted money. 我等钱用。

48. ("You'll marry the pock-marked" he said archly). (你要嫁个麻子,)他打趣道。

49. Young and inexperienced 少不更事,初出茅庐

50. relatives and friends 亲友

51. his crafty old head 他这只老狐狸

52. The beef should be roasted enough. 牛肉该拷到了火候。

53. His character is already formed. 他性格已经定了型。

54. He is always against me. 他总跟我过不去。

55. He remains all his delightful qualities to the last. 他一辈子各方面都讨人喜欢。

56. little, soft hands 纤手

57. What a rattle I am! 我话真多!我吵死人了!

58. in the early days of mourning 热孝

59. They are formal with each other. 他们彼此很客气。
