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❖There are some children in the garden. ❖She has three cars.(汽车是属于她的) ❖ 若是部分与整体关系时,有时用两种表达方式都
可以。如: ❖A week has seven days. ❖=There are seven days in a week.
There be句型的时态
❖There be 句型中,be动词有各种时态的变化: 现在有 there is/are … 过去有 there was/were… 将来有 there will be…;there is /are going to be... 现在已经有 there has/have been…
There be与情态动词连用
❖There be句型中的谓语动词be可与各种情态动词连用, 表示“一定有”、“可能有”、“应该有”等含义。
1.一定是出了点问题。 There must be something wrong.
2.不应该有这么多的人。 There ought not to be so many people.
have to(必须)
be likely to(很可能)
❖这些短语 中的动词形式仍然与后面的主语保持一 致,并有时态的变化(used to除外) 。
在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。 战前这里曾有一个电影院。 今晚有舞会吗? 好像没有太大希望。 可能会有很多人。 There happened to be an old friend of mine in the
存在句(Existential Sentence) 和强调句(Emphatic Sentence)
一、存在句:There be句型
❖结构特征:There +be +NP + Locative Expression ( + Temporal Expression)
❖即:There be +真实主语 + 地点状语 (+时间状语) ❖ there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主
Thຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidure be的非谓语形式及用法
❖There be 的非谓语形式有两种,即there to be 和 there being。
1. 作介词宾语, 介词为for用to be, 其余介词用being. The teacher was waiting for there to be complete
came to an end half an hour earlier. (2000)
A. to be
B. to have been
C. being
D. be
2.What’s the chance of ________ a general election
silence. John was relying on there being another opportunity.
2. 作动词宾语时常用to be,常见动词有:expect, mean, intend, want, prefer等。
Members like there to be plenty of choice. People don't want there to be another war.
3.可能还有点希望。 There might be some hope .
There be与含有情态意义的动词或短语连用
❖能用于there be句型中的这类词语主要有
happen to(碰巧)
appear to/seem to(似乎)
There +
be going to(将会) used to(曾经)
There be句型的主谓一致
❖be 动词在数上必须与主语保持一致,在有多个主语 的情况下采取就近原则,即与靠近be的主语保持一致。
There _a_re_ many books on the shelf. There _i_s_a pen and two rulers in the box. There _a_re_ two boys and a teacher at the school gate. How many people _a_re_ there in the city?
club. There used to be a cinema here before the war. Is there going to be a dancing party tonight? There doesn’t seem to be much hope. There are likely to be many people.
3. 作主语和状语时用being. There being a bus stop so near to the house is a
great advantage.
There being nothing else to do, we went home.
1.There __ nothing more for discussion, the meeting
❖在there be 句型中,主语后的动词形式只能是非 谓语形式doing, done,或者to do。 There is a purse lying on the ground. There are five minutes left now.
❖ 主语后接不定式时常用主动形式表示被动意义。 There is a lot of work to do. There is no time to lose.
❖ 切记:主语之后不能再出现其它谓语动词!!! There is someone outside waits to see you. (×) There is someone outside waiting to see you. (√)8
there be与have的比较
❖there be 表示某个时间或地方“存在”某人或某 物,而have表示主语“拥有”某人或某物,作宾 语的某人或某物属主语所有。