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And i learned something about the measure of my neighbors by their preferred method of payment:by the job,by the month--of not at all


Grass was grass,and the little that Mr.Ballou's property comprised didn't take long to trim


Within a few pages,the yard,the summer,disappeared,and i was plunged into the aching tragedy of the holocaust,the extraordinary clash of good,represented by one decent man,and evil

单单从这几页描述,这地方,这样一个夏季,一切都以消失,我深深陷入一种痛心的悲剧中去,那一个正人君子,那个恶魔制造出的大屠杀,令人惊叹的人性的冲突。(我猜是说希特勒的)Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be,not a light-hearted,instantly forgettable escape in a hammock(though I have since enjoyed many of those,too)


The fire bit a Bill’s arms,face and legs,but the tightened his grip on Royce.”I’m not leaving you here,”he said


A lifetime spent around the tough people (who make their home in the Australian bush)had permanently fixed into Bill’s soul two principles:never give up no matter how bad the odds and never let a friend down.


If II don’t make it,Royce will die out there,he told himself over and over.

他一遍遍告诉自己,如果我做不到,就得看着Royce这样死去。But the real highlight fon Bill came six months after the fire,when Royce,just out of hospital,walked into the Eureka Hotel and bought him a beer.

但是,真正精彩(暖人心)的是,当刚刚从医院出来的Royce走进了Eureka Hotel,手里拿着给他的一罐啤酒,这距Bill火力逃生紧紧六个月。

The scientific method,as many of us learned in school,is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or a problem or question to be answered.



Other researchers will try to repeat the experiment,and the more often it works,the better the chances that the result is sound.


Fot weeks he had worried over how to convince the graduates that they,too,could succeed against seemingly impossible odds,that they could move mountains.


Before long he was reading more books than his determined mother required,and he couldn’t wait to share them with her.


He boiled with anger—anger at his departed father,anger at the hardships his mother faced,anger at all the wasted lives he saw around him.

他怒火中烧,异常生气,气在他那离去的父亲,气在他的母亲所面临的艰难处境,气在他所目睹的碌碌无为的生命,虚度的年华。Thinking!Nobody was born to be a failure.If you feel you’re going to succeed—and work you tail off—you will succeed!

