商务英语谈判 3-mission 1定稿

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Pre-class assessment 课前评价
教师对学生的课前任务完成情况加以评价,以评 估学生对知识性学习内容记忆、理解和应用的程 度。方式由教师和学生自定。
Flipped class 翻转课堂
In-class goals 课堂学习目标
After completing the class tasks, students are expected to: -be able to attribute the success of changing payment terms to certain strategies and skills; -be able to apply the useful terms and sentences to making English dialogues about changes of payment terms; -be able to apply the strategies and skills as well as the useful terms and sentences to making a playscsript of a simulative negotiation for changes of payment terms.
任务2 商务谈判形式
Mission 3 Three Categories of Business Negotiation
PROGRAM TWO Negotiation for Contract Terms
项目二 合同条款谈判
Mission 1 Team Building for Negotiation
任务1 变更支付方式
Mission 2 Changes in the Packing Modes
任务2 变更包装方式
Mission 3 Changes of Shipment Clause
任务3 变更运输条款
PROGRAM FOUR Negotiation for After-sales Service
项目四 合同善后谈判
Mission 1 Claims
任务1 索赔谈判
Mission 2 Settlement of Claims
任务2 理赔谈判
Negotiation for Contract Implementation
Mission 1 Changes in the Payment Terms 任务1 变更支付方式 Mission 2 Changes in the Packing Modes 任务2 变更包装方式 Mission 3 Changes of Shipment Clause 任务3 变更运输条款
任务1 组建谈判团队
Mission 2 Knowing the Enemy and Yourself
任务2 知己知彼
Mission 3 Making a Negotiation Plan
任务3 制定谈判计划
Mission 4 Start of Business Negotiation
任务4 商务谈判开局
Pre-class tasks 课前任务
You are suggested to complete the following tasks by aid of the 达人锦囊 and the 过关秘笈 hereof.
-Please name the commonly used strategies in a negotiation for changes of payment terms. -Please list the skills commonly used when changes of payment terms. -Try to remember the useful terms and sentences for changes of payment terms.
PROGRAM ONE A General Introduction to Business Negotiation
Mission 1 Procedure of Business Negotiation
任务1 商务谈判流程
Mission 2 Forms of Business Negotiation
任务8 适应谈判风格
Mission 9 Evaluation of the Negotiation Results
任务9 评价谈判结果
PROGRAM THREE Negotiation for Contract Implementation
项目三 合同执行谈判
Mission 1 Changes in the Payment Terms
Starting Test for Negotiators’ Proficiency Assessment,Scoring Criteria,Scoring Chart & Negotiation Proficiency Scale 谈判能力测试计
Mission Changes in the Payment Terms
Pre-class arrangements 课前活动
Pre-class goals 课前学习目标
After completing the pre-class tasks below, students are expected to: -know about the commonly used strategies for changes of payment terms; -know about the useful terms and sentences for changes of payment terms; -master when and where to apply the strategies and skills in changes of payment terms; -tell what strategies or skills are used in a certain case.
Mission 5 Quotation, Attack, Defense, Compromise and Draw
任务5 谈判局中
Mission 6 Conclusion of Negotiation
任务6 缔约
Mission 7 Negotiation Etiquette
任务7 遵守谈判礼仪
Mission 8 Adapting to Various Negotiating Styles