



A p p e n d i x3K e y s t o t h eE x e r c i s e sU n i t1T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)F (6)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)i n s e a r c ho f (2)p o u r i n g i n t o (3)t a k e p o s s e s s i o no f (4)h a n d f u l (5)a c c u s t o m (6)a p p r o v e o f(7)a p p o i n t e d(8)o w e...t o(9)f i e r c e(10)r e c o r d e d 2.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)i n (2)f r o m (3)i n (4)t o(5)o n(6)i n(7)o f(8)o fT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.(1)A (2)D (3)C (4)A (5)C (6)D (7)CT e x t C1.R e a dT e x t C q u i c k l y a n da n s w e r t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s.(1)A(2)A(3)D(4)D(5)BT e x t E1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t E.(1)B (2)A (3)B (4)D (5)D (6)C (7)CU n i t2T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)F(6)T(7)F(8)F(9)F(10)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)p r o m p t (2)d i s t u r b (3)i n p l a c e o f (4)s c o r n (5)u n d e r t h e c o mm a n do f (6)i n e x c h a n g e f o r(7)a p p l y(8)b r i b e d(9)c e r e m o n i a l(10)c o n q u e s t2.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o n,a m o n g (2)a m o n g (3)w i t h (4)u p(5)t o(6)w i t h(7)o n(8)f o rU n i t3B e f o r eY o uR e a d1.D o y o uk n o ws t i l l r e m e m b e r t h e s t o r i e s a b o u t t h o s eN o r m a nk i n g s?F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s b a s e do nw h a t y o uh a v e l e a r n e d i nU n i t2.(1)C (2)D (3)A (4)BT e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)F(6)F(7)T(8)F(9)T(10)FL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)o b e d i e n c e (2)g l o r i e s (3)w i c k e d (4)i n t h eh a n d s o f (5)c o n f u s i o n(6)a c c u s e d(7)o f f e n s e(8)s p o i l e d(9)b e i m p r i s o n e d(10)a n n o y a n c e2.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d.(1)i n (2)f o r (3)w i t h (4)u p,i n t o (5)o f,o f(6)o n(7)t o(8)f o r(9)B y(10)o nT e x t C1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t C.(1)A (2)A (3)A (4)A (5)C (6)BT e x tD1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x tD.(1)C (2)A (3)A (4)C (5)C (6)D (7)AU n i t4B e f o r eY o uR e a d1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s i n t h e l i s t o f E n g l a n dm o n a r c h s b e l o wa n d c h o o s e o n e o f t h e mt o g i v e a p r e s e n t a t i o n a-b o u t h i s l i f e a n d p o l ic i e s.K i n g H e n r y I I o fE n g l a n d;S o no fH e n r y I I o fE n g l a n d;K i n g J o h no fE n g l a n d(J o h nL a c k l a n d),S o no fH e n r y I I o fE n g l a n d;b r o t h e r o f i s s u e l e s sR i c h a r d I o f E n g l a n d;S o no f J o h no fE n g l a n d;E d w a r d I o fE n g l a n d(E d w a r dL o n g s h a n k s).T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)T(6)T(7)T(8)T(9)T(10)FL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)r e m i n d s...o f (2)r e s i s t (3)k e p tw i t h i n r e a s o n a b l e b o u n d s (4)a p p r o v a l(5)i sm o r e c o n c e r n e dw i t h(6)s e t...a n e x a m p l e o f(7)T ob e g i nw i t h(8)p o s t s(9)t a k e s s i d e s i n(10)y i e l d t o2.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)f r o m (2)a s (3)t o (4)o n,f o r (5)w i t h i n(6)u p,w i t h,i n(7)i n t o(8)d o w n(9)o f,u n d e r,b y(10)a t,u n d e rC o m p r e h e n s i v eW o r k1.S o l oW o r k:T h e M a g n a C a r t aF i l l i n t h e b l a n k s i n t h e t e x t b e l o ww i t h t h ew o r d s i n t h e b o x.p o w e r,L a t i n,M e d i e v a l,s e a l, b a r o n s,t a x e s,m i l i t a r y,C h u r c h,u n p o p u l a r i t y,M a g n a,t r i a l,u n f a i r,E n g l a n d,C o n s t i t u t i o n,B i l l,g o v e r n m e n tU n i t5T e x tA&BK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)F (6)F (7)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)d e s e r t e d (2)I n a d d i t i o n (3)l e g i t i m a t e (4)c o n c e s s i o n s (5)p r o h i b i t(6)e x e m p t(7)c o m p e l l e d(8)s u s t a i n s(9)i n i t i a l(10)i n f a i l u r e2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e r i g h tw o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t sw i t h t h e i r p r o p e r f o r m s. (1)c l a i m s (2)w e r e s p o i l e d (3)s t i r (4)s t r e t c h e d (5)h a s b e e n s t r i c k e nw i t h3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o v e r (2)o v e r (3)o n,f o r (4)I n,i n,u n d e r,i n (5)o f,o n(6)u p(7)o f(8)I n(9)i n(10)o nT e x t C1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g T e x t C.(1)A (2)C (3)CT e x tD2.T e l l w h e t h e r t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e t e x t.(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)FT e x t E1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t E.(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)D (5)D (6)C (7)BU n i t6T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.F i l l i n e a c hb l a n kw i t h t h ew o r d t h a t b e s t c o m p l e t e s t h e f o l l o w i n gp a s s a g e.(1)o p p o s i n g (2)e m b l e m (3)r e i g n (4)D i s c o n t e n t (5)c l a i m e d(6)c o r r u p t(7)m e n t a l(8)m e d i e v a l(9)b a t t l e f i e l d(10)d y n a s t yL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)i n s a n i t y (2)c o n s e q u e n c e s (3)r e s t o r e d (4)s u r r e n d e r e d (5)r e c o v e r(6)a b o u t o f(7)h e r e d i t a r y(8)p l u n g e d i n t o(9)c o n f i s c a t e d(10)r e i g n2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)i n s a n e (2)h e r e d i t y (3)s u r r e n d e r (4)r e c o v e r y(5)i m p r i s o n m e n t(6)m y s t e r y3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o n,b y,f o r,f o r (2)u n t i l,t o,b e t w e e n,a f t e r (3)o f (4)a g a i n s t,w i t h (5)o n,t o (6)a t,w i t h o u t(7)f r o m(8)i n(9)i n t o(10)i nC o m p r e h e n s i v eW o r k1.C o m p a r i s o na n dC o n t r a s tT e x t B2.T e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e t e x t.(1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)TU n i t7T e x tA&BK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)F (6)F (7)T (8)F (9)F (10)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)l e t a l o n e (2)b e o n g o o d t e r m sw i t h (3)b u l k (4)a c c u m u l a t e d (5)u s h e r e d i n(6)d i f f e r e d f r o m(7)a r ev u l n e r a b l e t o(8)a s c e n d e d(9)c o n s o l i d a t e(10)r e d u c e d...t o2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)a c c u m u l a t i o n (2)a s c e n d i n g (3)t h r e a t e n e d (4)v u l n e r a b i l i t y (5)u n p o p u l a r3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o v e r (2)i n (3)i n (4)a s,f r o m,i n (5)o n,f o r (6)o v e r,o f f(7)i n,f o r(8)o n,w i t h(9)t h r o u g h o u t,o n(10)a g a i n s t,o n,t oT e x t C1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t C.(1)D (2)A (3)A (4)B (5)D (6)D (7)AT e x t E2.T e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e t e x t.(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)FU n i t8B e f o r eY o uR e a d1.S h a r e y o u r k n o w l e d g ew i t h y o u r c l a s s m a t e s.(1)W h a t d o y o u k n o wa b o u t E l i z a b e t h I,Q u e e n o f E n g l a n d?F i l l i n t h em i s s i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h e f o l-l o w i n g b o x.(3)W i l l i a mS h a k e s p e a r e i s a h o u s e h o l dn a m e.C a n y o un a m e s o m e o f h i sm a s t e r p i e c e s?F o r r e f e r e n c eT e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)F (6)T (7)F (8)FL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)a s t u t e (2)p r e s t i g e (3)s t i f l e (4)i s a t t r i b u t a b l e t o (5)r a n g i n g...f r o m (6)u n p r e c e d e n t e d(7)d i v e r s e(8)f o s t e r s(9)e n d e a v o r(10)I n t h ew a k e o f 2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)e m e r g e d (2)a t t r i b u t e s (3)a s s u m p t i o n (4)r a n g i n g (5)a t t r i b u t a b l e (6)a u d a c i t y(7)p r e s t i g i o u s(8)f o s t e r e d(9)e n d e a v o r s(10)s t i f l i n g3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)w i t h(2)i n(3)I n,f o r(4)f r o m,t o(5)i n t o(6)o f(7)f r o m,t o,i n t o(8)a s,i n,u n t i lC o m p r e h e n s i v eW o r k1T e x t B1.T e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t s a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.(1)F (2)T (3)F (4)T (5)TT e x t C2.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k sw i t hw o r d s y o uh a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e p a s s a g e a b o v e.m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g i e s,a c t i v i t i e s,e v e n t s,m u s i c,d r a m a,m u s i c a l l i t e r a c y,t h e r i n g i n g o f c h u r c hb e l l s, d r a m a,e n t e r t a i n m e n t,t h e a t e r,S h a k e s p e a r e’s,p l a y s,l i t e r a t u r e,d r a m a,S p o r t s,f e a s t s,f e s t i v a l s, E a s t e r,c r e a t i v e,l e i s u r eT e x tD1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x tD.(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)D (5)AU n i t9T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)F(6)F(7)T(8)T(9)T(10)FL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)c r o p u p (2)a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r (3)d e p a r t e d f o r (4)e m i n e n t (5)d i s p o s s e s s e d (6)b e t o l e r a n t o f(7)p r o c e e d e d(8)i n f a m o u s(9)s t r a i n e d(10)a d h e r e n t s2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)d i s c o v e r y (2)a c c e s s i o n (3)d e p a r t u r e (4)o p p r e s s i o n (5)s t i r r i n g(6)i n d u s t r i a l(7)p r o s p e r o u s(8)c o n s e r v a t i v e(9)c o n s t i t u t i o n a l(10)f e u d a l i s m3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o f,t o (2)b y,u p (3)a r o u n d (4)u p (5)t o(6)o f(7)u p(8)a g a i n s t,w i t h o u t(9)f o r(10)i n,f o rT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.(1)C (2)D (3)B (4)C (5)A (6)CT e x t C1.T e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e t e x t.(1)B (2)A (3)B (4)C (5)B (6)D (7)D (8)AU n i t10T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)F (5)T(6)T(7)F(8)F(9)T(10)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)p l a c e s e v e r e s t r a i no n (2)i n h e r i t e d (3)w a r do f f (4)a r e c o n f r o n t e dw i t h (5)p r o c l a i m e d (6)n o m i n a t e(7)s u p p r e s s i n g(8)a f t e r m a t h(9)e n d e a v o r(10)p r o v o k e 2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)e x p a n s i o n (2)r e q u i r e m e n t s (3)i n d e p e n d e n t (4)a n x i e t y (5)p e r m a n e n t l y (6)i n s t a b i l i t y(7)c o n s i d e r a b l e(8)e s s e n t i a l l y(9)u l t i m a t e l y(10)r a m b l i n g3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)i n (2)w i t h (3)f r o m (4)u p (5)i n(6)f o r(7)o n(8)b y(9)a g a i n s t(10)t oC o m p r e h e n s i v eW o r k1.C l o z eA c t i v i t yB e l o wi s ab r i e f s u m m a r y o f t h e S e v e nY e a r s’W a r.P l e a s e u s e t h ew o r d s i n t h e b o x t o f i l l i n t h e b l a n k si n t h e s u m m a r y.1.w a r2.B r i t a i n3.f i g h t i n g4.E u r o p e5.E a s t6.N o r t hA m e r i c a7.b a t t l e s8.W a s h i n g t o n9.P e n n s y l v a n i a10.F r e n c h11.F o r t12.D i e d13.176314.t a x e s15.R e v o l u t i o nT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.(1)D (2)D (3)D (4)C (5)C (6)A (7)B (8)CU n i t11T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)p r i n c i p a l (2)p r e d o m i n a n t l y (3)g i v e n r i s e t o (4)r e l i a b l e (5)p l u n d e r e d (6)a m a s s(7)e x t e r n a l(8)e n a b l e(9)a c c e l e r a t e d(10)u n d e r g o i n g2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)c a p i t a l i s t(2)g r e e d y(3)m e n t a l i t y(4)n o t o r i o u s(5)e n l a r g e d(6)s i m u l t a n e o u s l y(7)g r o w i n g(8)i n v i t i n g3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)t o (2)i n (3)o f,t o (4)i n (5)f o r (6)o n (7)w i t h (8)i nT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.1.(1)B (2)D (3)B (4)A (5)D (6)D (7)C (8)BU n i t12T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)F (2)T (3)T (4)T (5)T(6)T(7)T(8)F(9)T(10)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)p r e c u r s o r (2)e n r o l l e d (3)f r e n z y (4)p e r m e a t e s (5)j u s t i f y (6)p r e s s e d...t o(7)i m p e r a t i v e(8)m a n i f e s t e d(9)b e d e s c e n d e d f r o m(10)p o s t e r i t y 2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)a r t i s t i c (2)e x p a n s i o n (3)e m e r g e n c e (4)p r o d u c t i v i t y (5)e x p o s u r e (6)f a t h e r l e s s(7)u n s p o i l t(8)e n r o l l m e n t(9)m a n i f e s t a t i o n(10)d i s h o n e s t y 3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)W i t h o u t (2)i n (3)a t (4)i n (5)f r o m(6)i n(7)t o(8)f o r(9)t o(10)b yT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t B.(1)D (2)A (3)B (4)A (5)D (6)D (7)A (8)DU n i t13T e x tAK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)T (2)F (3)F (4)F (5)T (6)T (7)T (8)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k sw i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g e x p r e s s i o n s y o uh a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p p r o p r i a t ef o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)k e p t o u t o f (2)s o l o n g a s (3)t o o kn o a c c o u n t o f(4)T h e r e s t o f(5)w a s a n x i o u s t o(6)t o o kn o p a r t i n2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)t h r e a t e n i n g (2)f a i t h f u l (3)s y m p a t h e t i c (4)s c o r n f u l(5)m u d d y(6)p u r p o s e f u l(7)r e l i e v e(8)d i v i s i o n3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)i n t o (2)u n d e r,a f t e r (3)i n (4)w i t h (5)a t(6)o n(7)f o r(8)i n(9)i n(10)i n t oT e x t B1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s b a s e do n t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i nT e x t B.(1)D (2)D (3)C (4)B (5)A (6)D (7)DT e x t C1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t C.(1)B (2)D (3)D2.Q u e s t i o n s f o r d i s c u s s i o no r r e f l e c t i o n.(1)H ew a s e a s i l y b o r e d a n d l o o k e d f o r t h i n g s t ok e e p h i s i n t e r e s t.(2)H ew a s p r o c l a i m e d a h e r o,a n d t h a t g a v eh i me x p o s u r e a n dn a m e r e c o g n i t i o n.(3)H e j u m p e d f r o m p a r t y t o p a r t y b a s e do n t h e i d e a s b e i n gp r o m o t e d.(4)H eh a d t h e n a v y m o b i l i z e db e f o r ew a rw a s d e c l a r e d s o t h a t t h e y w e r e a l r e a d y o n t h em o v ew h e n i tw a s.(5)H ew a s o u t o f o f f i c e,a n dm e m b e r s o f o t h e r p a r t i e s d i dn o tw a n t t o a s s o c i a t ew i t hh i m.(6)A n y o f t h ef o l l o w i n g:h i s a t t e n t i o nt od e t a i l,h i s r a we n e r g y,i n t e n s e p a t r i o t i s m,l o n gy e a r so fp r e p a r a t i o n,a n d a d e d i c a t i o n t od e f e a t i n g H i t l e rm a d eh i mt h em a no f t h eh o u r.U n i t14T e x tAL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k s w i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g w o r d s o r e x p r e s s i o n s y o u h a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p-p r o p r i a t e f o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)m a n a g e d (2)a r e i n c l i n e d t o (3)a f f o r d (4)i n f o r m...o f(5)m o d e r a t e(6)o b j e c t e d t o(7)c o n s c i o u s n e s s(8)s u s p i c i o u s o f2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)o r d e r l y (2)u n f a s h i o n a b l e (3)i n c l i n a t i o n (4)c h e e r f u l (5)h a r m l e s s (6)s u s p i c i o u s(7)i n f l u e n t i a l(8)l o o s e n e d(9)c o n s c i o u s n e s s(10)a n x i e t y3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o f (2)t o (3)f o r (4)f o r (5)I n(6)t o(7)u p(8)i n,a s(9)o f(10)I nT e x t B1.Q u e s t i o n s f o r d i s c u s s i o no r r e f l e c t i o n.(1)C (2)B (3)D (4)AT e x t C1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x t C.(1)B (2)D (3)C (4)D (5)C (6)B2.D i s c u s s t h e f o l l o w i n g w i t h y o u r p a r t n e r s.(1)P o s s i b l e a n s w e r:S h ew a s c a l l e d M r s.T h a t c h e r,M i l kS n a t c h e r”w h e n s h eh a d t o c u t t h e b u d g e t.S h e c u t o u t t h e p r o g r a m w h i c h g a v e f r e em i l k t o s c h o o l c h i l d r e n.S h ew a s n a m e d I r o nL a d y”f o rh e r s t a n d a g a i n s t t h eS o v i e tU n i o n a n d t h e i r p r a c t i c e s.(2)P o s s i b l e a n s w e r:H e r f a t h e rw a s i n v o l v e d i n p o l i t i c s i nh e r h o m e t o w n.S h e g r e wu p h e a r i n g p o l i t i c sb e i n g d i sc u s s ed i nhe r h o m e.(3)O p e n.T e x tD1.F i n i s h t h e f o l l o w i n g m u l t i p l e-c h o i c e q u e s t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t oT e x tD.(1)A (2)A (3)DU n i t15T e x tA&BK n o w l e d g eF o c u s2.S o l oW o r kT e l l w h e t h e r a n dw h y t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t r u e o r f a l s e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e k n o w l e d g e y o uh a v e l e a r n e d. (1)F (2)T (3)T (4)F (5)T(6)T(7)F(8)F(9)F(10)TL a n g u a g eF o c u s1.F i l l i n t h e b l a n k sw i t h t h e f o l l o w i n g e x p r e s s i o n s y o uh a v e l e a r n e d i n t h e t e x t.P u t t h e mi n t o a p p r o p r i a t ef o r m s i f n e c e s s a r y.(1)c o n t e n tw i t h (2)i n p a r t i c u l a r (3)o nb e h a l f o f (4)s t i r r e db y (5)d o y o u r u t m o s t(6)p r o v o k e...i n t o...(7)t a k i n g r e v e n g e f o r(8)l a c k i n g i n2.C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e sw i t h t h e p r o p e r f o r m s o f t h ew o r d s i n t h e b r a c k e t s.(1)p e n e t r a t i o n s (2)s e t t l e m e n t (3)i n v a s i o n (4)c o m p a r i s o n (5)r e s i s t a n c e (6)v i r t u a l l y(7)a d m i n i s t r a t i v e(8)f o r c e f u l(9)r e l i g i o u s(10)p o l i t i c i a n 3.F i n d t h e a p p r o p r i a t e p r e p o s i t i o n s t h a t c o l l o c a t ew i t h t h e n e i g h b o r i n g w o r d s.(1)o v e r (2)i n (3)o n (4)t o,f o r(5)a c r o s s(6)o u t(7)b y(8)i n,u p。



六年级英语国家文化小知识单选题40题1. Which of the following is a famous traditional festival in the UK?A. ThanksgivingB. HalloweenC. EasterD. Mid - Autumn Festival答案:C。




2. What is the most famous clock tower in the UK?A. Eiffel TowerB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. Big BenD. Tokyo Tower答案:C。





3. Which animal is a symbol of the UK?A. KangarooB. PandaC. LionD. Elephant答案:C。




4. Which of the following is a traditional British food?A. PizzaB. SushiC. Fish and chipsD. Tacos答案:C。




5. What is the name of the river that flows through London?A. SeineB. ThamesC. DanubeD. Rhine答案:B。



小升初英语文化常识单选题40题1.Christmas is in ______.A.JanuaryB.DecemberC.FebruaryD.March答案:B。

圣诞节在12 月。

选项 A 是一月,选项 C 是二月,选项D 是三月,都不符合圣诞节的时间。

2.Halloween is on ______.A.October 31stB.November 1stC.December 25thD.January 1st答案:A。

万圣节在10 月31 日。

选项B 是11 月1 日,是万圣节次日;选项C 是圣诞节的时间;选项D 是元旦。

3.People usually send cards on ______.A.ChristmasB.HalloweenC.ThanksgivingD.Easter答案:A。



4.Children go trick-or-treating on ______.A.ChristmasB.HalloweenC.ThanksgivingD.Easter答案:B。



5.People usually eat turkey on ______.A.ChristmasB.HalloweenC.ThanksgivingD.Easter答案:C。



6.Christmas trees are decorated with ______.A.candiesB.eggsC.pumpkinsD.lights答案:D。


选项 A 糖果通常不用于装饰圣诞树;选项B 鸡蛋是复活节的象征;选项C 南瓜是万圣节的象征。

英国文化试题 (基础题)

英国文化试题 (基础题)

Cultural Knowledge ContestBritish CulturePart I Single-Choice QuestionsDirections: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.1. The transition in parts of Great Britain's previously manual labour and draft-animal–based economy towards machine-based manufacturing started with the mechanization of ___________.[A] the textile industries[B] the iron industries[C] the coal industries[D] the steel industries2. The invention of the flying shuttle by ________enabled wider cloth to be woven faster, but also created a demand for yarn that could not be fulfilled.[A] Richard Arkwright[B] Harry Brearley[C] Edmund Cartwright[D] John Kay3. The water frame, invented by __________, could be powered by a water wheel.[A] Richard Arkwright[B] Harry Brearley[C] Edmund Cartwright[D] John Kay4. The first practicable steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen, and was used for pumping water out of mines and then, a much more powerful steam engine was invented by ___________.[A] Richard Arkwright[B] Harry Brearley[C] James Watt[D] John Kay5. From 1815 to 1870 Britain reaped the benefits of being the world's ________modern, industrialized nation.[A] fourth[B] third[C] second[D] first6. By _________ Britain had a well integrated, well engineered system that provided fast, on-time, inexpensive movement of freight and people to every city and most rural districts.[A]1840[B]1850[C]1860[D]18708. After the loss of the American colonies in ______, Britain built a "Second British Empire", based in colonies in India, Asia, Australia, Canada.[A]1783[B]1784[C]1785[D]17869. After WWI, in _______, the Wall Street Crash affected Britain and the Great depression began. After that, Britain gradually withdrew to adopt Tariff Reform as a measure of protectionism.[A] 1930[B] 1929[C]1928[D]192711. Which of the following newspaper is the world's oldest national newspaper?[A] The Times.[B] The Observer.[C] The Guardian.[D] The Financial Times.13. In Britain most advertising is carried______.[A] in newspapers[B] in magazines[C] on television[D] on radio15. Which of the following organizations does not Great Britain belong to?[A] EU[B] NATO[C] APEC[D] OSCE16. Britain has its nuclear naval force since______.[A] it's one of the developed countries in the world[B]it's a traditional sea power[C]it has an advanced industry[D] it's able to produce submarines17. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland recognized the People's Republic of China in ______.[A] 1950[B]1949[C] 1951[D] 196018. In terms of circulation, the biggest circulated newspaper in UK is _________.[A] The Times[B] The Guardian[C] Financial Times[D]Daily Telegraph19.The term" Fleet Street" is referred to as___________.[A] The embassies concentrated street[B]The newspaper headquarters concentrated street[C] The wartime museums concentrated street[D] The luxurious commodities shops concentrated street20. According to________, the British admitted the independence of America.[A] Treaty of Versailles[B] Treaty of Rome[C] Treaty of Paris[D] Treaty of Maastricht21. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on_________.[A] bingo[B] horse racing[C] football pools[D] dog racing22. ________ is regarded as the most English of games.[A] Tennis[B] Soccer[C] Rugby[D] Cricket23. Big Ben, the most famous landmark in London, its name comes from_________[A] the person who built it[B] the fact that it is really very heavy[C] the name of the head of the British parliament[D] the way it looks like24. Halloween is a ________[A] summer festival[B] night time festival[C] pilgrims’ holiday[D] day for family reunion26.______ is the first weekday after Christmas, a legal holiday in English, Wales, Northern Ireland , New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.[A] Thanksgiving Day[B] Anzac Day[C] St. Valentine’s Day[D] Boxing Day27. ____is the home of golf.[A] England[B] Scotland[C] Wales[D] Ireland28.____ birthday is a great event in Britain since it marks the beginning of full manhood or woma nhood.[A] The twenty-first[B] The eighteenth[C] The nineteenth[D] The twentieth29._______ is the biggest and most well-known church in London.[A] Whitehall[B] St. Paul’s Cathedral[C] Westminster Abbey[D]St. Peter’s Basilica31. The British Monarchy is _______.[A] elective [B] democratic [C] hereditary [D] dictatorial32. The _______ is used as a symbol of the whole nation and is described as the representative of the people.[A] Prime Minister[B] Crown[C] Parliament[D] Church33. Currently there are three major national parties in Britain: the Conservative Party, _______, and the Liberal Democrats.[A] the Liberal Party[B] the Democratic Party[C] the Labour Party[D] the Republican Party34. The party that has the majority of seats in _______ will form the government in Britain.[A] the House of Commons[B] the House of Lords[C] the Privy Council[D] the Cabinet35. _______ is the supreme administrative institution which manages state affairs.[A] The Queen[B] The British Government[C] The Cabinet[D] The Privy Council36. In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the jury consists of _____ people in criminal and civil cases. In criminal trials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decide the issue of guilt or innocence.[A] eleven[B] twelve[C] fourteen[D] fifteen38. China and Britain established the diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial rank in the year of .[A] 1950[B] 1954[C] 1972[D] 199739. Hamlet, , King Lear and Macbeth are generally regarded as Shakespeare's four great tragedies.[A] Romeo and Juliet[B] Oliver Twist[C] Othello[D] Tess of the d'Urbervilles41. England occupies the ______portion of the U.K.[A] Northern[B] Eastern[C] Southern[D] Western42. London is situated on the River of ________.[A] Parret[B] Thames[C] Spey[D] Tennessee43. The total area of the U.K. is _____.[A] 211,440[B] 244,110[C] 241,410[D] 242,53444. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces.[A] 13[B] 12[C] 14[D]1545. Britain’s main cereal crop is _____.[A] oats[B] corn[C] barley[D] rye46. The highest mountain in England is _____.[A] Mt. Mourne[B] Mt. Snowdon[C] Mt. Seafell[D] Mt. Rocky47. Great Charter was signed by________ in 1215 under the press of the barons.[A] King John[B] King Alfred[C] King Arthur[D] King Lear48. Great Charter consists of ________ clauses.[A] 53[B] 54[C] 63[D] 64Part II Multiple-Choice QuestionsDirections: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the answers which you think best complete the statement or answer the question.1. Who are British authors in the following list?[A] William Faulkner[B] John Milton[C] Dorothy Wordsworth[D] Robert Frost2. Which of the following authors belongs to the period of modernism?[A] Chalotte Bronte[B] John Milton[C] James Joyce[D] Virgin Woolf3. Which of the following works is the representative works of William Shakespeare?[A] Romeo and Juliet[B] Hamlet[C] The Merchant of Venice[D] As you Like it4. Which of the following works are the representative works of James Joyce?[A] Ulyssess[B] Dubliners[C] To the Lighthouse[D] A Passage to India5. Which of the following writing techniques are modernist writing techniques?[A] Stream of consciousness[B] The third person reminiscent narrative[C] Multiple perspective narrative[D] The mixture of the past and the present6. Who are the representative poets in the Romanticism period?[A] Percy Shelley[B] Dorothy Wordsworth[C] John Keats[D] T. S. Eliot7. Which of the following quotations are attributed to William Shakespeare?[A] To be, or not to be[B] Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.[C] A light heart lives longer.[D]Time of life is short; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long.9. D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930), who wrote with understanding about the social life of the lower and middle classes, and the personal life of those who could not adapt to the social norms of his time. Which of the following works are his representative works?[A] Tess of the d’Urbervilles[B] Lady Chatterley’s Lover[C] Women in Love[D] Sons and Lovers12. The main faith in Britain are_______.[A] Christian[B] Muslim[C] Jewish[D]Sikh13. Most of the buildings on campus are made of bricks, collectively they get a name of ―Red Bricks‖, these universities are referred to as__________.[A] Manchester[B] Birmingham[C] Liverpool[D] Sheffield14. Which of the following countries have nuclear weapons capabilities?[A] Britain[B] Italy[C] the United States[D] Russia15. The most prestigious private school in Britain are___________.[A] Eaton College[B] Harrow College[C] Winchester School[D] Rugby School16. Which of the following British dynasties existed from1603 till now?[A] The Stuart[B] The Hanoverians[C]Saxe-Coburg-Gotha[D]The Tudor17. Which of the following armies had ever invaded Great Britain?[A] Roman[B] Saxon[C] Viking[D] Norman18.Which of the following countries are NOT member Commonwealth Realms of Britain?[A] United States[B] France[C] Pakistan[D] India20. Which of the followings are involved in making the British foreign policy?[A] Queen Elizabeth.[B] The foreign and commonwealth Office.[C] The Prime Minister and Cabinet.[D] The Ministry of Defense and the Treasury.21. Which of the following holidays are bank (public) holidays? ___________[A] New Year’s Day[B] Easter Monday[C] Christmas Day[D] Halloween22. Many of the world’s famous sports began in Britain, including__________.[A] football[B] golf[C] basketball[D] rugby24. British celebrate May Day_______.[A] as it marked the end of harsh winter[B] on May 5th[C] through music and dancing[D] traditionally with the characters such as ―Robin Hood‖25. Easter is the oldest and most important Christian Festival, on which day people ________.[A] celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ[B] commemorate the death of Jesus Christ[C] traditionally give bird eggs painted in bright colors as gifts[D] celebrate with chocolate eggs nowadays27. The traditional English breakfast includes _______[A] sausages[B] baked beans[C] fried bread[D] fish and chips28.__________live in Buckingham Palace today.[A] Prime minister David Cameron[B] The Queen and Prince Philip[C] Duke of York Prince Andrew[D] Prince Edward and his wife29. People in England on Halloween day will_________.[A] curve out Pumpkins as lanterns[B] dress up in costume[C] eat roasted turkey[D] knock on doors and demand a treat30. University boat race___________.[A] can be traced back to 19th century[B] is held every autumn[C] Cambridge won the first race in 1829[D] happens on the Thames River31. The functions of the British parliament include____________.[A] passing laws[B] voting for taxation[C] examining government policy[D] debating major issues32. Please choose the statements that are true about the Prime Minister __________________.[A] The Prime Minister is the head of the government[B] The Prime Minister organizes the Cabinet and presides over its meetings[C] The Prime Minister reports the government’s work to the King or Queen[D] The Prime Minister asks for the King’s or the Queen’s last word in deciding governmentpolicy33. Every British citizen aged 18 or over has the right to vote in the general election with the exception of _____________.[A] certified lunatics[B] certified accountants[C] criminals[D] peers who already have seats in the House of Lords[E] ministers who already have seats in the House of Commons34. Which of the following descriptions about the Conservative Party are true?[A] party of the Left (the reformists)[B] party of the relatively rich and privileged[C] party of the relatively underprivileged[D] uphold the maintenance of order and authority[E] favor monopoly capitalists[F] aims at nationalization of big enterprises35.The House of Lords consists of ______________.[A] the Lords Spiritual(上议院的神职议员),[B] the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England[C] the Lords Temporal (上议院的世俗议员)[D] hereditary peers[E] life peers(终身贵族)36. Which of the following statements are true about the British Constitution?[A] There is no written constitution in the UK.[B] The British Constitution is made up of statute law, common law and conventions.[C] The House of Commons determines common law and interpret statute law.[D] British governance today is based upon the terms and conditions of the constitution.37. Which of the following statements are true about Queen Elizabeth I?[A] She persecuted and burnt many Protestants.[B] She ruled England, Wales and Ireland for 45 years and remained single.[C] Her reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literatureand other arts, in exploration and in battle.[D] She declared England a Commonwealth.38. The aims of the Opposition in the House of Commons are to __________.[A] contribute to the formulation of policy and legislation[B] oppose government proposals[C] seek amendments to government bills[D] put forward its own policies in order to win the next general election41. The ancestors of many English people were the ancient ________.[A] Angles[B] Britons[C] Saxons[D] Gaels42. One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance to ______ .[A] their immediate lord[B] the king[C] the church[D] the mayor43. Which of the following are among Shake speare’s four great tragedies?[A] King Lear[B] Macbeth[C] Hamlet[D] Romeo and Juliet44. There are three political divisions on the islands of Great Britain: ________.[A] England[B] Scotland[C] Wales[D] Ireland45. Britain is separated from the European continent by ________.[A] North Sea[B] Ben Nevis[C] Strait of Dover[D] English Channel47. Scotland has about 800 islands, including ______.[A] the Orkney[B] Shetlands[C] Hebrides[D] Prince of Wales49. The official name of the United Kingdom is ______.[A]the United Kingdom of Great Britain[B] Great Britain[C] Ireland[D] Northern Ireland50.______ are the capitals of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.[A] Edinburgh[B] Cardiff[C] Isles[D] BelfastPart III True or FalseDirections: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. The Edwardian era (1901-1914) stands out as a time of peace and plenty. There were no severe depressions and prosperity was widespread.2. The First World War saw a decline of economic production, with a major reallocation to munitions. It forced Britain to use up its financial reserves and borrow large sums from the U.S.3. After 1900 the Great Britain dominated global steel production, while the US industry languished.4. The Roosevelt Administration was committed to large-scale economic support of Britain and in early 1941 enacted Lend-Lease, whereby America would give Britain supplies totaling $31.4 billion which had to be repaid.5. During the 1970s Britain suffered a long running period of relative economic decline, followed by severe inflation, strikes and union power as well as inflation, with neither the Conservative government nor the Labour government being able to halt the country's economic decline.6. From the second quarter of 2013, the UK's economy continued to grow for five consecutive quarters, the longest since Q1 of 2008.8. The British literature has a very long history, starting from the Middle age.10. Many British novels become the world bestsellers, among which is a series of novels about Harry Potter, written by J. K. Rowling.11. The observer, which is still published every Sunday, first appeared in 1791, making it the world's oldest national newspaper, while The Times, which began publishing in 1785, is the United Kingdom's oldest daily newspaper.12. Founded in 1922, and headquartered at west London, BBC is the largest radio station in Britain and one of the largest in the world.13. Besides BBC, in Britain, people could receive a great many channels from all over the world, and people may watch a wide range of TV programs due to their different tastes.14. In the UK, the Universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government, the amount of funding each university receives is based on its size, the number of students it teaches and the research it conducts.15. Among the European nations, Britain is the largest investor in China.16. Bulls are the most numerous livestock in the UK.18 Officially speaking the British press is "free" from government control and censorship and can print what it likes, there is no limits to what will appear in the daily paper.19. The British Broadcasting Corporation-more familiarly known as the BBC is Britain's main public service broadcaster, founded in 1927 as a public service radio station, later moved into TV and film.21. The world’s most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon.22. Polo was brought to Britain from China in the 19th Century by army officers. It is the fastest ball sport in the world.23. England’s national sport is football.24. Mother’s Day in UK comes in May every year.25. In Britain, Boxing Day is usually celebrated on the following day after Christmas Day, whichis 26 December.26. Many of Christmas customs began long before Jesus was born. They came from earlier festivals which had nothing to do with the Christian church.27. The Tower of London was once a prison.30. London New Year parade starts at midnight, as Big Ben strikes the coming of the New Year.31. The UK is a democratic federal state.32. The present British parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.33. The president of the House of Lords is the Lord Chancellor, and the presiding officer of the House of Commons is ―Mr. Speaker‖.34. The party that has the majority of seats in the House of Commons will form the government in Britain.35. In Britain, the House of Commons has no power to prevent the passing of legislation approved by the House of Lords.36. As a rule, the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons is the Prime Minister who is automatically appointed by the Sovereign, and on the Prime Minister’s adv ice the Sovereign formally appoints all the ministers.37. Lords, usually called peers(贵族), either inherited the seat from their forefathers or are appointed by the sovereign.38. MPs (Members of Parliament) in the House of Commons are appointed by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to represent the people in the UK.41.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.42. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain are England, Scotland and Ireland.43. England is in the northern part of Great Britain.44. England is the largest, most populous section.45. Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Its capital is Edinburgh.46. English Renaissance literature is primarily artistic, rather than philosophical scholarly.47. Thames River is the longest and most important river in Britain.50. Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.Part IV MatchDirections: Match the pictures in Column A with their descriptions in Column B. 1)Please match the works with its right author1) Column A Column Ba. Charlotte Bronte 1.The Wastelandb. Charles Dickens 2. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Manc. T S Eliot 3. Jane Eyred. Jonathan Swift 4. Oliver Twiste. Daniel Defoe 5. Pride and Prejudicef. Jane Austen 6. Robinson Crusoeg. James Joyce 7. Gulliver’s Travelh. Thomas Hardy 8.The Mayor of Caster bridge3)Match the location with its right description3) Column A Column Ba)10 Downing Street 1.traditional place of coronation and royal weddingsb) Buckingham Palace 2. t he Queen’s weekend homec) Westminster Abbey 3. commemorating a British naval victoryd) Palace of Westminster 4. the Queen’s official London residencee) Windsor Castle 5. Prime Minister’s Officef) Trafalgar Square 6. Houses of Parliament5-9)Match the picture with its right description5) Column A Column Ba. 1. Netballb. 2. Poloc. 3. Rugbyd. 4. Cricket7) Column A Column Ba. 1. Princess Dianab. 2. Charles Darwinc. 3. Florence Nightingaled. 4. Isaac Newton9) Column A Column Ba. 1 Elizabeth Ib. 2 William Shakespearec. 3 Winston Churchilld. 4 Francis BaconPart V Filling in the BlanksDirections: Complete the following blanked sentences with one or more words. 1. London’s ____________shops are part of a uniquely British take-away tradition.3. On Halloween, when children knock on doors demanding a treat, they will say____________.4. ___________ and Regents Street----London's busiest shopping areas--- are decorated with Christmas lights each year.5. The UK (United Kingdom) is made up of four big regions: England, __________, __________ and __________.6. Constitutionally the Queen seems to have great power —every act of the state is done in her name, but in fact the vital power lies in ________ and ________.7. The House of the Commons is divided in the light of political parties. The stronger party forms __________ and the weaker the Opposition. In the General Election, the party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the official Opposition, with its own leader and ―__________‖.9. The industrial revolution, which begins in Great Britain, dates from________ to_________. 11. The Romantic Period in British literature is traced back from the year of ___________ to ________ and the Victorian Age is from ________ to ________.12. After 1840 in economy Britain abandoned mercantilism and committed its economy to ___________, with few barriers or tariffs.14. The BBC has___________ channels. BBC 1 entertains people with sports, drama, current affairs, etc. BBC2 provides_______________ with documentaries and shows.15. _____________ about business is not only printed at home but also printed in other countries of the world.16. There are ___________ members of the Commonwealth including_____________ countries as well as_____________ industrial countries.17. During World War II, as a war leader, ______received massive popular support and led his country to final victory in 1945.18. ______, the great roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55BC.20. ______ is the second largest city in England and a metropolitan district and an industrial and manufacturing city.Part VI Short Answer QuestionsDirections: Give your answer to each of the following questions.1. What are the British main trade and industries?2. What are the five important periods of British literature?3. Could you please list five of the most important tragedies and comedies by William Shakespeare?5. How did the British Broadcasting Corporation operate?7. What are some of the characteristics of British newspaper culture?10. Why and where do children hang up Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve?11. When is Easter day?12. What is a constitutional monarchy?14. Describe William Shakespeare?15. Describe the weather of EnglandCultural Knowledge ContestEnglish CultureanswersPart I1-5ADACD 6、8、9 BAB11、13、15 BBB 16-20 BADBC21-24 BDAB 26-29 DBAB31-35 CBCAB 36、38、39 BCC41-45 BBDCC 46-48CACPart II1. BC2.CD3.ABCD4.AB5.ACD6.ABC7.ABCD 9.BCD 11.ABC 12.ABCD 13.ABCD 14.ACD 15.ABCD 16. ABC 17. ABCD 18.AB 20.BCD 21.ABC 22.ABD 24.ACD 25.CD 26. ACD 27.ABC 28.BCD 29. ABD 30.AD 31.ABCD 32.ABC 33.ACD 34.BDE 35.ABCDE 36.ABD 37.BC 38. ABCD 41.AC 42.AB 43.ABC 44.ABC 45.ACD 47.ABC 49.AD 50.ABDPart III1 T2 T3 F (True Statement: After 1900 the US dominated global steel production, while the Great Britain’s industry languished.)4 F (True Statement: The Roosevelt Administration was committed to large-scale economic support of Britain and in early 1941 enacted Lend-Lease, whereby America would give Britain supplies totaling $31.4 billion which had not to be repaid.)5 T6 T8T10T11 T12T13 F (True Statement: Because of the limited number of channels, not only does nearly everyone watch TV, but nearly every one watch the same thing.)14T15T16 F ( Bulls-Sheeps)18 F (no limits-limits)19 F (1927-1922)21 T22 F (China-India)23 F (football-cricket)24 F (May-March)25 T26 T27 T30 F ( midnight-midday)31 F(True statement: The UK is a state of both a parliamentary democracy and aconstitutional monarchy. )32 F(True statement: The present British parliament consists of the Queen, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons.)33T34T35 F (True statement: In Britain, the House of Lords has no power to prevent the passing of legislation approved by the House of Commons.)36T37T38 F (True statement: MPs (Members of Parliament) in the House of Commons are elected by the people in the UK to represent them.)41T42 F (Ireland-Wales)43 F (Northern-Southern)44T45 F (Edinburg - Belfast)46 T47 F (True Statement: Thames River is the second longest and most important river in Britain)50 TPart IV1)a3 b4 c1 d7 e6 f5 g2 h83) a5 b4 c1 d6 e2 f35) a4 b3 c1 d27) a4 b3 c2 d19) a2 b3 c4 d1Part V1. fish and chip3. Trick or Treat5. Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland7. The Government; shadow cabinet11. 1785-1830; 1830-190112. free trade14. two; special interest audiences15. Financial Times16. fifty; developing; advanced17.Winston Churchill18.Julius Caesar20. BirminghamPart VI1. British main industries today are banking and finance, steel, transport equipment, oil and gas, and tourism.2. Old and Middle English LiteratureNeoclassical PeriodThe Romantic PeriodVictoria PeriodModern Period3. 5 tragedies:Romeo and JulietHamletOthelloKing LearThe Tragedy of Macbeth5 comedies:A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe Merchant of VeniceMuch Ado about NothingTwelfth NightAs you like it4. Mercantilism was the basic policy imposed by Britain on its colonies. Mercantilism meant that the government and the merchants became partners with the goal of increasing political power and private wealth, to the exclusion of other empires. The government protected its merchants—and kept others out—by trade barriers, regulations, and subsidies to domestic industries in order to maximize exports from and minimize imports to the realm. The government had to fight smuggling—which became a favorite American technique in the 18th century to circumvent the restrictions on trading with the French, Spanish or Dutch.5. The BBC was founded in 1926 as a public service radio station and later moved into television. It's now Britain's main public service broadcaster. It currently has two TV channels. BBC 1 specializes in shows with a broad appeal. BBC 2 supplies people with documentaries and shows aimed at particular social groups. The BBC also provides the World Service which broadcasts in English and 43 other languages throughout the world.6. Britain used to rule a third of the globe and thus became a great empire in the world. After the Second World War, the British Empire began to decline as more and more former colonies declared their political independence. Throughout the next few decades, the process of decolonization continued, though sometimes the process was full of violence. The end of the great British Empire was inevitable. Today the age of。



英国文学知识120题英国文学知识120题1._____is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it isa long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.A.BeowulfB.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC.The Canterbury T alesD.King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table2.The father of English poetry, the author of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of the _____.A. Romeo and JulietB. The Faerie QueenC. TamburlaineD. The Canterbury Tales3. The group of Shakespeare plays known as “romance” or “reconciliantion plays” is _____.A. Merchant of Venice, As You Like ItB. The Tempest, Pericles, The Winter’s TaleC. Romeo and Juliet, Antony and CleopatraD. The Merry Wives of Winsor, Twelfth Night4. Which of the following are regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies?A. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King LearB. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, MacbethC. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, MacbethD. Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth, Timon of Athens5. Which of the following is not the work of Francis Bacon?A. Advancement of LearningB. New InstrumentC. Songs of InnocenceD. Essays6. At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics by Samuel Johnson, _____is the founder of metaphysical poetry.A. Ben JohnsonB. John MiltonC. John BunyanD. John Donne7. Daniel Defoe is a famous_____.A. poetB. novelistC. playwrightD. essayist8. “He has a servant called Friday.”“He” in the quoted sentence is a character in _____.A. Henry Fielding’s Tom JonesB. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s ProgressC. Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The School for ScandalD. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe9. Gulliver’s Travels was written by_____.A. Daniel DefoeB. Charles DickensC. Jonathan SwiftD. Joesph Addison10. William Wordsworth is generally known as a _____poet.A. romanticB. realisticC. naturalisticD. neo-classic1-10 A D B C C D B D C A11. “Ode to the west wind” was written by the author of _____.A. “I wandered lonely as a cloud”B. “Kubla Khan”C. “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”D. “A Defence of Poetry”12. Which of the following poets does not belong to the school of romantic poets?A. William WordsworthB. Percy Bysshe ShelleyC. George Gordon ByronD. John Donne13. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except _____.A. Oliver TwistB. David CopperfieldC. A Tale of Two CitiesD. Heart of Darkness14. “A Red, Red Rose” was written by _____.A. Alexandra PopB. Robert BurnsC. William BlakeD. John Keats15. Pip is the character of Charles Dickens’ novel _____.A. Oliver TwistB. David CopperfieldC. A Tale of Two CitiesD. Great Expectations16. Sense and Sensibility is a _____ by _____.A. play … Jane AustenB. novel… Jane Aus tenC. play … Emily BronteD. novel … Anne Bronte17. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “T o be or not to be---that is the question” by _____.A. Iago in OthelloB. Lear in King LearC. Shylock in the Merchant of VeniceD. Hamlet in Hamlet18. Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” is composed in the form of a(n) _____.A. dramatic monologueB. extended metaphorC. syllogistic argumentD. dialogue19. Thomas Hardy wrote novels of _____.A. character and environmentB. pure romanceC. “stream of consciousness”D. psychoanalysis20. “Wessex novels” refers to the novels written by _____.A. Charles DickensB. D. H. LawrenceC. James JoyceD. Thomas Hardy11-20 A D D B D B D A A D21. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s _____.A. comediesB. tragediesC. sonnetsD. histories22. The three dialects spoken by _____ _____ and _____ mixed into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or old English.A. Anglos, Saxons, JutesB. Anglos, Saxons, IrishC. Anglos, Saxons, ScottishD. Anglos, Saxons, Welsh23. _____ contribution to English lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in Iambic meter--- the Heroic couplet-to English poetry.A. William Shakespeare’sB. Geoffrey Chaucer’sC. Thomas More’sD. Edmund Spenser’s24. Spenserian Stanza is a form of poetry first employed by Edmund Spenser in his long poetry _____.A. The Faerie QueeneB. The Shepher d’s CalendarC. EpihalamionD. Amoretti25. Francis Bacon is a _____.A. poetB. playwrightC. essayistD. novelist26. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley’spoem “Ode to the West Wind” with all the following terms except _____.A. tamedB. swiftC. proudD. wild27. The novel starts with “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This novel is Jane Austen’s _____.A. EmmaB. PersuasionC. Sense and SensibilityD. Pride and Prejudice28. The major concern of _____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.A. Charles Dicken s’sB. D. H. Lawrence’sC. Thomas Hardy’sD. John Galsworthy’s29. “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you.”The above quoted passage is most probably taken from _____.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Jane EyreC. Wuthering HeightsD. Great Expectations30. Which of the Following is not one of the Bronte Sisters?A. Charlotte BronteB. Anne BronteC. Jenny BronteD. Emily Bronte21-30 C A B A C A D B B C31. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is a(n) _____.A. allegoryB. romanceC. comedy of mannersD. realistic novel32. Which of the following can not be used to describe John Dryden?A. poetB. playwrightC. essayistD. novelist33. “Conceit” was wildly used by the _____poets.A. metaphysicalB. romanticC. religiousD. realistic34. Of the many contemporaries and successors of Shakespeare, the most well known was Ben Johnson. He has been chiefly remembered for his _____. The best of which include “Every Man in His Humour”, “Volpone”, and “The Alchemist”.A. tragediesB. comediesC. historiesD. sonnets35. John Milton created Satan the real hero in his poem _____.A. Paradise Lost”B. “Paradise Regained”C. “Agonistes”D. Lycidas36. “University Wits” refers to a group of _____.A. poetsB. playwrightsC. essayistsD. novelists37. Marlowe’s best works includes three of his plays but _____.A. “Tamburlaine”B. “The Jew of Malta”C. “Doctor Faustus”D. “Julius Caesar”38. The author of “The Flea” was the representative of _____ poets.A. religiousB. romanticC. metaphysicalD. realistic39. “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”Is one of the epi grams found in _____.A. Bacon’s “Of Studies”B. Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress”C. Fiedlding’s “T om Jones”D. Johnson’s “A Dictionary of the English Language”40. In the line “So long lives this, and this gives life to thee”of Sonnet 18, Shakespeare _____.A. meditates on man’s mortalityB. eulogizes the power of artistic creationC. satirizes human vanityD. presents a dream vision31-40 A D A B A B D C A B41. “Utopia” was written by _____.A. Thomas MoreB. Francis BaconC. Daniel DefoeD. Jonathan Swift42. William Blake wrote all the following except _____.A. Poetical SketchesB. Songs of InnocenceC. The Marriage of Heaven and HellD. The Tree of Liberty43. “Auld Lang Sygn” was written by the author of _____.A. A Red, Red RoseB. The Sick RoseC. A Rose for EmilyD. Tiger44. All of the following poets except _____ are called “Lake Poets”.A. William WordsworthB. Robert SoutheyC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. Percy Bysshe Shelley45. Love for Love is a comedy written by _____.A. William ShakespeareB. Ben JohnsonC. William CongereD. Christopher Marlowe46. Which of the following group of writers are the playwrights of the 17th century?A. Ben Johnson and John Dryden.B. Christopher Marlowe and Daniel Defoe.C. John Milton and Oscar Wilde.D. Ben Johnson and George Bernard Shaw.47. “The poet’s poet” is _____.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. Francis BaconD. John Donne48. “The founder of English poetry” is _____.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. Francis BaconD. John Donne49. “The founder of English materialist philosophy ” is _____.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. Francis BaconD. John Donne50. “The founder of metaphysical school” is _____.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. Francis BaconD. John Donne41-50:A D A D C A B A D51. The representatives of the Enlightenment in Englishliterature were the following writers but _____.A. Joseph AddisonB. Richard SteeleC. William BlakeD. Alexander Pope52. Joseph Addison, Richard Steele and Alexander Pope belonged to the school of _____.A. classicismB. romanticismC. realismD. modernism53. _____ is a didactic poem written in heroic couplets by Alexander Pope. It sums up the art of poetry as taught by Aristotle, Horace, Boileau and the 18th century classicists. It tells the poets and critics to write and appreciate poetry according to the principles set up by the old Greek and Roman writers.A. The DunciadB. The Rap of the RockC. Essay on CriticismD. Essay on Man54. “The three Unities”, formulated by Renaissan ce dramatists, are the unities of the following elements but _____.A. timeB. placeC. actionD. character55. “The father of the English novel” is _____.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund SpenserC. Francis BaconD. Henry Fielding56. “Tom Jones” was written by _____.A. Henry FieldingB. Daniel DefoeC. Jonathan SwiftD. Samuel Richardson57. Why is Samuel Johnson called “Dictionary Johnson”?A. Because he knows a lot more than other writers in words.B. Because he often consults an encyclopedia while writing.C. Because he is a master of English language.D. Because he is author of the first English dictionary.58. “The School for Scandal’ is a _____ written by _____.A. Tragedy…Richard Brinsley SheridanB. Comedy…Richard Brinsley SheridanC. Comedy…Sa muel JohnsonD. Tragedy…Samuel Johnson59. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Deserted Village” is a poem of _____.A. transcendentalismB. romanticismC. sentimentalismD. realism60. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Citizen of the World” was originally published as _____.A. English LettersB. Chinese LettersC. French LettersD. American Letters51-60: C A C D D A D B C B61. “Pamela” by Samuel Richardson is written in forms of_____.A. diaryB. letterC. autobiographyD. reminiscences62. “Clarissa Harlowe” by Samuel Richardson is written in forms of _____.A. diaryB. letterC. autobiographyD. reminiscences63. “The Adventure of Roderick Random” is written by _____.A. Samuel RichardsonB. Tobias SmollettC. Lawrence SterneD. Henry Fielding64. “The Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy” is written by _____.A. Samuel RichardsonB. Tobias SmollettC. Lawrence SterneD. Henry Fielding65. _____ named his own realistic novel as “comic epic in prose”.A. Henry FieldingB. Charles DickensC. Jack LondonD. Tobias Smollett66. “Lyrical Ballads” was written by _____ and Samuel T aylorColeridge.A. Robert BurnsB. Robert southeyC. William WordsworthD. Percy Bysshe Shelley67. George Gordon Byron was most famous for _____.A. Don JuanB. Ode to the West WindC. Kubla KhanD. Ode to a Nightingale68. George Gordon Byron created a “Byronic hero” firstly in his _____.A. Prometheus UnboundB. Childe Herold’s PilgrimageC. Kubla KhanD. Ode on a Grecian Urn69. Prometheus Unbound was written by _____ who also wrote _____.A. Geor ge Gordon Byron…Childe Herold’s PilgrimageB. Percy Bysshe Shelley… Ode to a NightingaleC. George Gordon Byron… Ode to the West WindD. Percy Bysshe Shelley…Ode to the West Wind70. John Keats is the author of _____.A. Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a NightingaleB. Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West WindC. Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian UrnD. Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Nightingale61-70: B B B C A C A B D C71. Percy Bysshe Shelley is famous for _____.A. Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a NightingaleB. Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West WindC. Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian UrnD. Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark72. “Three or four families in a country village is something to work..”This statement was presen ted by _____.A. Emily BronteB. Jane AustenC. Mrs. GaskellD. George Eliot73. George Eliot wrote all the following except _____.A. The Mill of FlossB. Silas MarnerC. MiddlemarchD. Agnes Grey74. The novel Vanity Fair was written by _____.A. William Makepeace ThackerayB. Charles DickensC. O. HenryD. Henry James75. Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair”firstly appeared in _____ by _____.A. Canterbury Tales…Geoffrey ChaucerB. The Pilgrim’s Progress…John BunyanC. Tome Jones…Henry FieldingD. Dubliners…James Joyce76. The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote _____.A. The Way of All LifeB. The History of Henry EsmondC. Sister CarrieD. Howards End77. Barchester Series is a series of novels written by _____.A. BarchesterB. Thomas HardyC. Anthony TrollopeD. Mark Twin78. Erehwon is a satiric novel written by _____.A. Samuel ButlerB. Henry FieldingC. Thomas MoreD. Mark Twin79. In “the Lake Isle of Innisfree” Willaim Butler Yeats express his _____?A. desire to escape from the materialistic societyB. fear caused by the impending warC. interest in the Irish legendD. Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actress80. Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century. His work Ivanhoe deals with an epoch of _____ history.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. ScotlandD. Irish71-80: D B D A B B C A A A81. “The Graveyard Poets” got the name because _____.A. they chose to live near graveyardsB. they often wrote about death and melancholyC. they always wrote about dead people.D. they often use “graveyard” as the title.82. It is generally understood that the recurrent theme in many of Thomas Hardy’s novel is _____.A. man against natureB. love and marriageC. social criticismD. fate and destiny83. The Romantic Period in English literature began with the publication of _____.A. William Blake’s Songs of InnocenceB. Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceC. Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s Lyrical BalladsD. Sir Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe84. It is generally regarded that Keats’ most important and mature poems are in the form of _____.A. odeB. elegyC. epicD. sonnet85. G..B. Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s Profession i s a realistic exposure of the _____ in the English society.A. slum landlordismB. inequality between men and womenC. political corruptionD. economic exploitation of women86. The Preface to Shakespeare and Lives of the Poets are the works of critic ______.A. G.B. Shaw B. Samuel JohnsonC. Ben JohnsonD.E.M. Foster87. The Ring and the Book is a masterpiece of _____.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Thomas HardyD. Ralph Waldo Emerson88. Matthew Arnold is the writer of _____.A. Dover BeachB. My last DuchessC. Break, Break, BreakD. The Eagle89. The writer of Heart of Darkness is also the one of _____.A. Time of MachineB. JimC. Lord JimD. A Passage to India90. Of Human Bondage is a novel by _____.A. Herbert George WellsB. Arnold BennettC. William Somerset MaughamD. John Galsworthy81-90: B D C A D B B A C C91. The Time Machine is a piece of _____.A. science fictionB. detective storyC. picaresque novelsD. historical story92. All of the following but _____ are the plays written by George Bernard Shaw.A. Mr. Warren’s ProfessionB. Saint JoanC. PygmalionD. A Doll’s House93. “The Drama of Ideas” or “The Discussion Play” refers to the plays written by _____.A. George Bernard ShawB. Oscar WildeC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. Arthur Miller94. The only tragedy of George Bernard Shaw _____ won him the Nobel Prize.A. Mr. Warren’s ProfessionB. Heartbreak HouseC. Saint JoanD. The Doctor’s Dilemma95. The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy by _____.A. George Bernard ShawB. Oscar WildeC. Richard Brinsley SheridandD. William Shakespeare96. Aspect of the Novel was originally a series of lectures delivered at Cambridge by _____. It was one of the most important books on the theory of novel.A. E.M. ForsterB. Mark TwainC. William FaulknerD. Henry James97. All the following writers are the great masters of “stream of consciousness” but ____.A. James JoyceB. Virginia WoolfC. William FaulknerD. Henry James98. The novel of Ulysses is a masterpiece of _____.A. James JoyceB. Virginia WoolfC. William FaulknerD. Henry James99. Possessions was written by _____.A. A. S. ByattB. Doris LessingC. Margaret DrabbleD. Anita Brookner100. Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are novels of “stream of consciousness”written by _____.A. James JoyceB. Virginia WoolfC. William FaulknerD. Henry James91-100: A D A C B A D A A B101. T.S Eliot is most famous for _____A. The Waste LandB. A VisionC. The Unknown CitizenD. The North Ship102. William Butler Yeats is the writer of the following works but _____.A. A VisionB. The Waste LandD. Responsibilities103. Murder on the Orient Express is written by _____ a novelist of detective fiction.A. Arthur Conan DoyleB. Edgar Allan PoeC. Agatha ChristieD. John Fowels104. Death on the Nile is written by _____ a novelist of detective fiction.A. Arthur Conan DoyleB. Edgar Allan PoeC. Agatha ChristieD. John Fowels105. A Handful of Dust was _____ best novel and it took its title from T.S. Eliot’s The Waster Land (I have seen fear in a handful dust ) and it was a modern Gothic comic-tragedy.A. Graham Greene’sB. Evelyn Waugh’sC. Robert Graves’D. John Fowels’106. Robert Graves wrote all the following novels except _____.A. I, ClaudiusB. Claudius the God and His Wife MessalinaC. Count BelisariusD. The Power and the Glory107. The Power and the Glory was written by _____.A. Graham GreeneB. Evelyn WaughC. Robert Graves108. Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four were written by _____.A. George OrwellB. William GoldingC. Graham GreeneD. Robert Graves109. Which of the following group of authors is sometimes referred to as belonging to the “angry young man”?A. Ernest Hemingway, John SteinbeckB. Kingsley Amis, John WainC. Willaim Golding, John SteinbeckD. John Wain, Willaim Golding110. _____ is the representative work of the school of “the angry young man”.A. Lucky Jim by Kingsley AmisB. Jim by Rudyard KiplingC. Lord Jim by Joseph ConradD. Heart of Darkness101-110: A B C C B D A A B A111. As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novels by _____.A. D. H. LawrenceB. John GalsworthyC. George EliotD. James Joyce112. The French Lieutenants Woman is the masterpiece of _____.A. John FowlesB. Doris LessingC. Muriel SparkD. Joseph Conrad113. The Golden Notebook was written by _____.A. John FowlesB. Doris LessingC. Muriel SparkD. Joseph Conrad114. Waiting for Godot is a (an) _____ by Samuel Beckett.A. novelB. poemC. playD. essay115. “Kitchen sink realism” is referred to as the works of _____.A. novelB. poemC. playD. essay116. Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1995 and most of his poems focused on the _____.A. city lifeB. legendC. countryD. history117. An article on “the Observer” describes th e bursting of all these young _____as a kind of “the movement”.A. poetsB. playwrightC. novelistD. critic118. The novel _____ told a story of a Nazi war criminal. In this novel Martin Amis set the narrative clock in reverse.A. Money: a suicide NoteB. Time’s ArrowC. London FieldsD. Dead Bodies119. Satanic Verse was written by _____ who was born in a Muslin family in Bombay, India.A. Salman RushdieB. Kazuo IshguroC. Julian BarnesD. Grahm Swife120. The novel The Remains of the Day won the Booker Prize for its author_____ who was born in Japan.A. Salman RushdieB. Kazuo IshguroC. Julian BarnesD. Grahm Swife111-120: D A B C C C A B A B。


93、用餐吃面包时,应 B
A.用嘴撕着吃 B.用手撕着吃 C.用刀切着吃 D.随意吃
A.红色百褶裙 B.颜色过于艳丽的裙子 C.黑色皮裙 D牛仔裙
95、工作餐中,主人 B 是吩咐侍者为自己结帐。
A.将刀叉放在桌上 B.将餐巾放回餐桌上 C.举手示意 D.起身站立
98、如果在你的餐巾前有大、中、小、高脚杯四个杯子,应该分别装 A
A.水、红葡萄酒、白葡萄酒、香槟酒 B.啤酒、水、红葡萄酒、香槟酒
C.水、啤酒、白酒、红葡萄酒 D.水、红葡萄酒、白酒、香槟酒
99、西餐中表示这一道菜不用了,应该将刀、叉放在 D 上
A餐桌上 B餐巾上 C菜单上 D食盘上
A右手拿刀,左手拿叉 B左手拿刀,右手拿叉
52、英国人称女厕所为什么 B
A洗手间 B女士室 C化妆室
A大声笑 B在众人面前相互耳语
A狗 B兔子 C黑猫




选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、问题:在英国,一般不可以问男士的薪水,也不可以问女士的年龄。

选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、问题:脱欧是英国人日常交谈中需要适度回避的一个话题。

选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、问题:在正式场合,女士就坐时,可以撑着扶手,但不可以向后靠。

选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、问题:A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、问题:在英国,如果一个网球男选手被问到球技,他可能的回应方式包括()选项:A:I’m not bad.B:I think I’m very good.C:Well, I’m very keen on tennis.D:A piece of good luck.答案: 【I’m not bad.;I think I’m very good.;Well, I’m very keen on tennis.;A piece of good luck.】7、问题:在英国,如果女士被问到年龄,她可能的回应方式包括()选项:A:As old as my little finger.B:Just a little bit older than my teeth.C:Old enough to vote.D:Honestly, I’m so old that I’ve forgotten.答案: 【As old as my little finger.;Just a little bit older than my teeth.;Old enough to vote.;Honestly, I’m so old that I’ve forgotten.】8、问题:下午茶时, 茶杯的杯把一般放在( )点钟的位置。



中考英语文化常识单选题40题1.In which festival do people usually dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating?A.ChristmasB.ThanksgivingC.HalloweenD.Easter答案:C。



A 选项圣诞节不符合题干描述;B 选项感恩节也不是穿服装要糖果的节日;D 选项复活节同样不符合。

2.Which festival is associated with giving thanks for a good harvest?A.Valentine's DayB.Independence DayC.ThanksgivingD.Mother's Day答案:C。



A 选项情人节与丰收无关;B 选项独立日与丰收毫无关系;D 选项母亲节也和丰收没有联系。

3.What is the traditional food for Christmas?A.TurkeyB.Pumpkin pieC.HamD.Dumplings答案:A。



B 选项南瓜派不是圣诞节最传统的食物;C 选项火腿不是圣诞节最具代表性的食物;D 选项饺子不是西方圣诞节的食物。

4.In which festival do people send cards and flowers to their loved ones?A.ChristmasB.Valentine's DayC.HalloweenD.Father's Day答案:B。



Chapter One English HistioryI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following.1. In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at .A. the Battle of Crecy C. the Battle of HastingsB. the Battle of Agincourt D. the Battle of Waterloo2. One of the following did not take place during the Middle Ages. It was .A. the Norman Conquest C. the Hundred Years WarB. the Crusades D. the “Gunpowder Plot”3. The most famous of the English Crusaders was the Norman king, .A. Richard Lion-Heart C. King ArthurB. King John D. Alfred the Great4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a (n) aristocracy.A. English-speaking C. German-speakingB. French-speaking D. Gaelic-speaking5. In England, the Protestant Reformation began with .A. King John C. Queen ElizabethB. Henry VIII D. Bloody Mary6. Shakespeare lived in the period of .A. the Middle Ages C. the Elizabethan ageB. the Victorian age D. the Industrial Revolution7. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy took place during .A. the Middle Ages C. the Elizabethan ageB. the “grab for Africa” D. the Victorian age8. The “Gunpowder Plot” took place in the reign of.A. James I C. Henry VIIIB. Elizabeth I D. Charles I9. The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was .A. Henry VIII C. Charles IB. James I D. James II10. During the whole of the eighteenth century, England’s great enemy was .A. Spain C. AmericaB. France D. Germany11. One of the following did not take place during the eighteenth century in British history. Itwas .A. great victories over France C. the loss of her American coloniesB. the Industrial Revolution D. the founding of the modern police force12. The Reform Bill in the eighteenth century in British history was made to .A. extend the franchise C. encourage inventionsB. develop trade unions D. improve social services13. One of the following was not a characteristic of the Victorian age.A. It was an age of national development and national optimism.B. It was an age of stability in family life.C. It was an age of imperialism.D. It was an age of lack of belief in religion.14. One of the following did not take place between the two world wars in British history. Itwas .A. the “suffragette” movementB. the independence of the southern part of IrelandC. the great “slump”D. the General Strike15. Which of the following did not take place after the Second World War in British history?A. The independence of the colonies of the old British empireB. The availability of TV sets and cars to almost every homeC. The “suffragette” movementD. The founding of the “Welfare State”II. Fill in the Blanks1. The Crusades were a series of wars in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the “” (i. e. Palestine, where Jesus Christ once lived) from the .2. In British history, the great rivals of the king’s authority during the Middle Ages wereand the local chiefs, called .3. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred Years’ War, the language took its place.4. During the Hundred Years’ War between England and France, English bowmen defeated the heavily armed French knights in the famous Battles of and , and the whole of France very nearly fell into English hands.5. The sixteenth century was the age of great voyages of discovery. and were the two great sailors who started the age of discovery.7. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith in Britain in the reign of .8. Most people associate the Elizabethan age with two things. The first is .Theother is .9. The greatest sailor who led the English fleet to victory in fighting the Spanish Armadawas .10. The English Civil War resulted in the temporary overthrow of the , and thecountry became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by .11. In the English Civil War, the “Roundhead” supported while the “Cavalier”supported .14. The longest reign in British history was the monarch of the great Queen Victoria, whichlasted from the year to .15. The Origin of Species was written by .17. After World War II, the first two colonies of the old British Empire that became free were___ and .III. Explanation1. the Hundred Years’ War(1) A war between England and France which lasted, on and off, for a hundred years from1337 to 1453. (2) It was fought entirely in France, and the whole of France very nearly fell into English hands in the famous battles of Crecy and Agincourt. (3) Eventually, partly through the inspiration of the brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, the French drove the English from their land for good.2. the Catholic Church(1) It refers to the Christian church headed by the Pope. (2) All members of the church acceptthe gospel of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Any revolt against the traditional Christian faith was “heresy.” (3) In the Middle Ages, the Pope was extremely powerful. (4) In the sixteenth century, some of the actual beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church were questioned by Protestant doctrines and there was a great deal of persecution by Catholics. 3. the Elizabethan age(1) It refers to the period during the reign of Elizabeth I in British history. (2) It was an ageof real literary achievement, especially that of Shakespeare, and (3) it was an age of adventure on the sea.AnswersI . Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. C;2. D;3. A;4. B;5. B;6. C;7. C;8.A;9. C; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D; 14. A; 15. CII. Fill in the Blanks1. Holy Land; the Muslims2. the Church; barons3. French; English4. Crecy; Agincourt5. Columbus; Vasco da Gama7. Elizabeth I8. literature; adventure on the sea9. Sir Francis Drake10. monarchy; Oliver Cromwell 11. the Parliament; the King (or King CharlesI)14. 1837; 190115. Charles Darwin17. India; PakistanChapter Two British Government SystemI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. Queen Elizabeth n is “Defender of the Faith”, because ______.A. she is the spiritual leader of the Church of EnglandB. she is the head of the Church of EnglandC. she is the personification of the state.D. she is the symbol of the English values.2. Which of the following is not true?A. The Queen holds meetings of the Privy Council.B. The Queen receives reports of cabinet meetings in her weekly sessions with the PrimeMinister.C. The Queen must take sides when a dispute arises in the Cabinet.D. The Queen is informed and consulted on every aspect of national life.3. Which of the following is not true?A. The Queen is a symbol of the parliamentary democracy.B. She is a symbol of British culture.C. She is a symbol of English tradition.D. She is a symbol of English way of life.4. Which of the following is not a part of the Conventions of the constitution?A. The powers of the Crown are exercised mainly by Ministers.B. The Queen must act on the advice of Ministers.C. MPs enjoy freedom of speech in debate.D. Ministers are responsible to Parliament for their actions.5. How often does the General Election take place?A. At least every three years. C. At least every five years.B. At least every four years. D. At least every six years.6. Why are so many party members elected to Parliament in each Election in Britain?A. Because party members usually enjoy better reputation.B. Because party members have more experience in forming a government.C. Because party members have the backing of nationwide organizations.D. Because people trust party members to a greater degree.7. The executive power is in the hands of _____.A. Parliament C. the Cabinet headed by the Prime MinisterB. the House of Commons D. the Queen8. The real centre of power in Parliament is _____.A. the Queen C. the House of LordsB. the House of Commons D. the Cabinet9. Which of the following is not one of the functions that Parliament plays?A. To serve as the final court of appeal in civil cases and criminal cases.B. To make laws.C. To control and criticize the executive government.D. To control the raising and the spending of money.10. The real power of the British government lies in _____.A. the House of Commons C. the Prime MinisterB. the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister D. the Queen12. The real power of the House of Lords lies in ____.A. helping to pass money bills C. discussing billsB. delaying bills D. being Supreme Court13. Which of the following is not correct?A. The Speaker presides over the meetings in the House of Commons and sees that procedureis followed.B. The Speaker has the highest power in the House of Commons, he usually takes sides andjoins the debates.C. The Speaker controls the debates, seeing that Members do not stray too far from the subjectof debate.D. The Speaker interprets the rule of procedure and settles any disputes as to whether thingsare being properly done.14. According to the text, which of the following is the most important privilege enjoyed byMPs?A. Freedom of speech in Parliament. C. High living standards.B. High social status. D. Involvement in law-making.15. Which of the following sentences in true?A. The two big parties have been successful in expanding their powers over recent years.B. The strength of the big parties remains unchanged.C. Members of the two big parties no longer dominate Parliament.D. The two big parties have declined over recent years.II. Fill in the Blanks1. __________ is the oldest secular institution in the United Kingdom.2. A1l English official documents bear the initials OHMS which stands for _________.5. A General Election takes place at least every __________ years. In each General Election, ________ are elected members of Parliament.6. Parliament in Britain, strictly speaking, consists of three elements 1)______; (2)________;(3)________.7. The supreme law-making authority in Britain is _________.12. The Queen usually acts on the advice of ___________.13. The executive power of the government is vested mainly in the __________.14. The real centre of power in Parliament is ______; the excusive government is responsible to______.15. The House of Lords has no Power where ______ Bills are concerned. All other Bills theLords can only hold up for ________.17. Parliament has three main functions: (1)___________; (2)___________ and (3)_________.18. The present monarch of Britain is _________, her role mainly ___________.III. Explain Each of the Following in English1. British Parliament(1) It includes three elements: the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. (2) It is the supreme law-making authority in Britain. (3) The real centre of parliamentary power is in the House of Commons. (4) Other functions include: to control and criticize the executive government; to control the raising and the spending of money.2. the British Constitution(l) It is unwritten. (2) Its components include Acts of Parliament, the Prerogative of the Crown, Conventions of the Constitution, Common Law and Parliamentary Privilege. (3) It is more flexible than the written ones in other countries.3. General Election(1) General Election is held at least every five years. (2) The country is divided int0 635 constituencies, each of which returns one Member of Parliament. (3) The one who has the most votes in a constituency becomes a Member of Parliament. (4) The leader of the party with the largest number of members returned to the House of Commons becomes Prime Minister.AnswersI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1) B; 2) C; 3) A; 4)C; 5)C; 6)C; 7)C; 8)B; 9)A; 10)A; 11)B; 12)D; 13)B; 14)A; 15)DII. Fill in the Blanks1. The monarchy2. On Her Majesty’s Service3. the Most Noble Order of the Garter4. Acts of Parliament, the Prerogative of the Crown, Conventions of the Constitution, Common Law, Parliamentary Privilege.5. five; 635.6. the Crown, the House of Lords, the House of Commons.7. Parliament11. The Lord Chancellor12. her ministers 13. Cabinet14. the House of Commons, Parliament15. Money, a year .17. to make laws, to control and criticize theexecutive government, to control the raising and the spending of money.18. Queen Elizabeth II; symbolic.Chapter 3 English LiteratureI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. Among the following four great English poets, who does not belong to the trio of English poetry giants?A. Chaucer. C. Milton.B. Shakespeare. D. Shelley.3. The King James Bible __________.A. was written by King James IB. Was translated by King James IC. was translated under the order of King James ID. was directed by King James I4. What flourished in Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature?A. Drama. C. Poetry.B. Novel. D. Essay.5. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?A. Twelfth Night. C. The Tempest.B. Othello. D. Richard II.6. Which of the following is generally considered as one of the masterpieces by Milton?A. Samson Agonistes C. Canterbury Tales.B. King Lear. D. Don Juan.7. Which of the following was the bitterest satirist?A. Walter Scott. C. Jonathan Swift.B. Daniel Defoe. D. Jane Austen.8. Which of the following was Scottish in origin, and wrote in Scottish dialect?A. Robert Burns. C. William M. Thackeray.B. Edmund Burke. D. George Bernard Shaw.9. Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels _____.A. was a novel of hard thrusting satire against the weakness of human beingsB. was a book of the author’s experiences of travels.C. was a children’s book with no political significanceD. was a book about the author’s religious life10. Which of the following was not written by Jane Austen?A. Wuthering Heights. C. Pride and Prejudice.B. Sense and Sensibility. D. Emma.12. When did English literature begin?A. Around 700B.C. C. Around the 8th century.B. After the Norman Conquest. D. Around the 6th century.14. The writer of The Mill on the Floss was_____.A. Robert Louis Stevenson C. William GoldingB. George Eliot D. W. Somerset Maugham15. Several gifted women have played a part in 20th-century fiction. Which of the following is an exception?A. George Eliot. C. Katherine MansfieldB. Virginia Woolf. D. Elizabeth Bowen.II. Fill in the Blanks1. The study of English literature usually begins with_____.2. The roots of English literature lie deep in the tales of_____ and other Scandinavian countries.3. In the sixteenth century, the most famous writer was_____ who wrote a book called_____ telling of a journey to an imaginary island.4. The most famous work by John Bunyan was called_____.5. Three poets who brought the romantic movement to its height were_____, _____, and_____.6. _____ is regarded as the most important playwright after Shakespeare.7. The use of stream of consciousness was first started by_____, whose masterpiece was_____.8. Name two of the plays written by George Bernard Shaw:_____, _____.9. The author of V anity Fair was_____; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was done by_____; Charles Dickens wrote_____ and _____ among many other works; The Importance of Being Earnest was written by_____. The representative work of E. M. Forster was_____.10. Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories. They are____, _____, and_____. Name oneplay out of each category: _____, _____, _____.11. _____ is generally regar ded as Chaucer’s masterpiece.12. Daniel Defoe was most famous for _____.13. Emily and Charlotte are noted for their novels _____ and _____ which are largely the lovestories of a woman for man.14. D. H. Lawrence was one of the most controversial writers of the early 20th century, _____,one of his finest novels, was based partly on his own life.Tragedy: Hamlet, King Lear, OthelloComedy: A Midsummer Night’s DreamAs You Like ItTwelfth NightChronicle: Richard IIIPlays: Henry VJulius CaesarIII. Explanations1. The Canterbury Tales(1) It is the masterwork of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer. (2) It is the most importantwork in Middle English Literature. (3) It is a collection of stories told with superb poetic craft.(4) It gives a cross-section of medieval life.2. William Shakespeare(1) He was an English dramatist and poet in the Elizabethan age. (2) He is generally regarded as the greatest playwright in English literature. (3) His plays fall into three categories: tragedy, such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello; comedy, such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream,As You Like It ,Twelfth Night; and chronicle plays, such as Henry V, Julius Caesar.3. Romantic Literature of the 19th century(1) It refers to a movement in literature during the first third of the 19th century. (2) The central figures of this movement are Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats and Shelley.(3)Their writings are characterized by rich imagination and strong feeling.4. Victorian literature(1) It refers roughly to the literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria. (2) The romantic spirit ceased to be a leading influence. (3) Historical and philosophical writing continued to flourish along with poetry and fiction. (4) Satire and protest against evils in society became strong elements. (5) The later years of the period saw modern kinds of realistic writing and some authors who showed a new, deeper understanding of character.AnswersI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. D;2. D;3. C;4. A;5. B;6. A;7. C;8. A;9. A; 10. A; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D;14. B; 15. AII. Fill in the Blanks1. Beowulf2. Denmark3. Thomas More; Utopia4. Pilgrim’s Progress5. Lord Byron, John Keats; Percy Shelley6. George Bernard Shaw7. James Joyce, Ulysses8. Major Babara, Man and Superman9. William M. Thackeray; Lewis Carroll; David Copperfield, Oliver Twist;Oscar Wilde; A passage to India10. comedies; tragedies; historical plays;Twelfth Night, King Lear, Julius Caesar11. The Canterbury Tales12. Robinson Crusoe 13. Wuthering Heights; Jane Eyre14. Sons and LoversChapter 4 Character and MannersI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. To other Europeans, the best known quality of the British, and in particular of the English, is .A. reserve C. sense of humorB. modesty D. sportsmanship2. If you meet a stranger from Britain, which of the following questions can you ask him?A. How old are you? C. How often do you travel abroad?B. When did you buy your watch? D. What’s your salary?3. In Britain, the following conducts are considered ill-bred except .A. loud speechB. self-praiseC. exchanging handshakes on a first introductionD. laughing at a cripple4. In Britain, if a person is very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will seldom reply.A. I’m not bad. C. I think I’m quite good.B. Yes. D. Well, I’m very keen on tennis.5. English sense of humour is characterized by .A. self-praise C. self-deprecationB. self-confidence D. self-exaggeration6. Humor is highly prized in England, however, the English do not laugh at .A. one’s own faults C. one’s own failuresB. one’s own ideals D. a tragedy7. Which of the following is not true about the typical Englishman?A. He likes to think of himself as more reliable.B. He distrusts exaggerated promises.C. He is distrustful of any kind of self-praise.D. He doesn't expect reserve in others.8. The terms such as “never hit a man when he’s down” and “playing fair” reflect a sense of .A. humor C. sportsmanshipB. modesty D. responsibility9. Which of the following is not true about the English class system?A. It is an embarrassing subject for English people.B. Working-class students cannot receive a university education.C. The class system is much less rigid than it was.D. The class system still exists below the surface.10. The most obvious difference between the working class and the middle class in England istheir .A. dress C. workB. accent D. meal11. British habits of politeness are on the whole very .A. informal C. formalB. complicated D. odd12. If you are invited to an evening meal in a British home, which of the following is considered impolite?A. To arrive early.B. To arrive ten minutes late.C. To pay attention to table manners.D. To take your leave between ten and eleven o' clock.13. In Britain, you can usually offer money to .A. a driver who gives you a liftB. someone who stops to help you to mend a punctureC. someone who gives you first aidD. railway porters who carry your baggage14. If old people are respected in Britain, it is because .A. old age and seniority command authority among the BritishB. modern development needs the experience of old peopleC. old people are felt to be in need of protection and supportD. they always keep pace with the times15. Which of the following is not true about politeness in Britain?A. British greetings are complicated.B. British people do not readily ask each other to do anything which would involve realinconvenience.C. The British are rather particular about table manners.D. Politeness towards women is less observed today than it used to he.II. Fill in the Blanks1. Geographically speaking, the people of the and , especially the Welsh, are much less reserved than those of the and in Britain.2. Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relation with others they value at least a show of .3. Prince Philip once said that is “God’s greatest gift to mankind.”4. Boxing, rugby, association football, hockey, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in the country .5. The middle class in Britain consists chiefly of _ _ and of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of and workers.6. In England, middle-class people using slightly varying kinds of which is the kind of English spoken by ____ announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class speak in many different __ accents, which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated.7. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the education system. To have been to a “public school” immediately marks you out as one of the class.III. Explanations1. English sportsmanship(1) Sportsmanship is an English ideal that is highly valued in Britain. (2) Sportsmanship is the ability to practise a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosit y to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. (3) Sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general. This is proved by the number of sporting terms used in ordinary speech.2. English class system(1) As a social convention, the English class system is much less rigid than it was, but it still exists below the surface. (2) Br oadly speaking, it means there are two classes, the “middle class”and the “working class”. The middle class consists chiefly of well-to-do business men and professional people of all kinds; the working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers. (3) The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. The middle classes also tend to live a more formal life than working-class people, and are usually more cultured.AnswersI. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. A;2. C;3. C;4. B;5. C;6. D;7. D;8. C;9. B; 10. B;11. A; 12. A; 13. D; 14. C; 15. AⅡ. Fill in the Blanks1. North; West; South; East2. modesty3. a sense of humor4. Britain5. well-to-do business men; professionalpeople; manual; unskilled6. received pronunciation; BBC; local7. two-class; middleChapter 5 EducationⅠ. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. In Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to .A. public schools C. State schoolsB. private schools D. voluntary schools2. In British education, boys and girls are usually separated in .A. inf ants’ schools C. universitiesB. junior schools D. university colleges3. The “eleven plus” is the examination taken by children in their last year at .A. nursery school C. prep schoolB. primary school D. secondary school4. In the examination called th e “eleven plus”, studen ts with the highest marks go to .A. grammar schools C. secondary modern schoolsB. technical schools D. public schools5. If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination called .A. the Certificate of Secondary EducationB. the Ordinary level of the General Certificate of EducationC. the Advanced level of the General Certificate M EducationD. the common entrance examination6. Public schools in England are usually attended by those whose parents are .A. rich C. both rich and politically conservativeB. politically conservative D. liberal7. About of income of British universities is provided by the State.A. one-quarter C. three-quartersB. half D. one-third8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Open University?A. It is open to everybody.B. It is non-residential.C. Lectures are broadcast on TV and radio.D. No university degree is awarded.9. Which of the following is a feature of British education as a whole?A. Education is chaotic.B. Education is very expensive.C. Education is highly centralized.D. Education is rather independent and enjoys a great deal of freedom.10. Which of the following does not reflect the characteristic of freedom in British education?A. No centralized control from the central government.B. The different types of schools.C. The diverse system of university degrees.D. The completely free education at universities.Ⅱ. Fill in the Blanks1. Every child in Britain must by law receive full-time education from the age ofto .4. In Britain, there are at this time two systems for secondary schooling, and .6. In Britain, some public schools, like , and , are famous all over the world.9. The two oldest universities in Britain are and .11. In Britain, the university with far more students than any other British university is .13. Two features of Oxford and Cambridge are widely admired and are being gradually extendedto other universities. One is ; the other is .Ⅲ. Explanations1. the selective system(1) A system for secondary schooling in Britain. Under this system, children take an examination, the “eleven plus”, in their last year at primary school. (2) The results of this examination determine the kind of secondary schooling each child will receive. (3) These with the highest marks go to grammar schools; others may go to technical schools and the rest-- by far majority--go to secondary modern schools. (4) This division is now under attack on both educational and social grounds.2. the comprehensive system(1) A system for secondary schooling in Britain. Under this system, all children, regardless of ability, can mix together. (2) In comprehensive schools, students study a wide variety of subjects at first. After two or three years they may study only those they like best. (3) Many new ideas in education are being tried out at present, and comprehensive schools vary widely throughout Britain.AnswersⅠ. Choose the Correct Answer from Each of the Following1. C;2. B;3. B;4. A;5. C;6.C;7.C;8. D;9. D; 10. DⅡ. Fill in the Blanks1. five; fifteen2. five; nursery; five; infants’September4. the selective; the comprehensive5. county schools6. Eton; Harrow; Rugby7. common entrance; public9. Oxford; Cambridge11. London University13. the college system, the tutorial system。



七年级英语文化传统单选题40题1. People usually eat turkey on _____.A. Christmas DayB. Thanksgiving DayC. Easter DayD. Halloween答案:B。


在感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),人们通常吃火鸡。

选项A 圣诞节,常见食物是烤鸡、布丁等;选项C 复活节,常吃彩蛋、巧克力等;选项D 万圣节,多是糖果。

2. Which festival is associated with giving gifts to loved ones?A. Valentine's DayB. April Fool's DayC. St. Patrick's DayD. Independence Day答案:A。


情人节((Valentine's Day)人们会给爱人送礼物。

选项B 愚人节,主要是开玩笑捉弄人;选项C 圣帕特里克节,多是庆祝活动;选项D 独立日,是庆祝国家独立。

3. On _____, children go trick-or-treating.A. ChristmasB. New Year's DayC. HalloweenD. Mother's Day答案:C。



选项 A 圣诞节,孩子们等待圣诞老人送礼物;选项B 新年,人们通常举行庆祝活动;选项D 母亲节,向母亲表达爱意。

4. What do people usually do on Independence Day in the US?A. Have a big mealB. Watch fireworksC. Decorate Christmas treesD. Hide eggs答案:B。



第一轮必答题:1-1. is the most accomplished example of medieval romance, dealing with Arthurian romance.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. The Canterbury TalesC. Piers the PlowmanD. The Song of Beowulf2-1.Christopher Marlowe first made ______ the principal instrument of English drama.A. blank verseB. heroic coupletC. free verseD. monologue3-1.Paradise Lost is a(n) ________ in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton.A. historical tragedyB. satirical comedyC. epic poemD. metaphysical poem4-1.Modern English novel, as a product of the 18th century Enlightenment and industrialization, really came with the rising of the class.A. workingB. aristocraticC. bourgeoisD. capitalist5-1.The Romantic Age is said to have begun in 1798 when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their joint work .答案:Lyrical Ballads .抒情歌谣集6-1.written by Charles Dickens is generally taken as the most autobiographical novel.答案:David Copperfield7-1. Which of the following works is NOT written by Virginia Woolf?A. Mrs. DallowayB. Finnegans WakeC. To the LighthouseD. Orlando第一轮必答题:1-2. In , the chaos of the contemporary world and the despair of westerners after the first world war are expressed.A. Ode to the West WindB. The Waste LandC. I Wandered Lonely as a Clou dD. Tess of the D’Urbervilles2-2. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to ____.A.1798—1832B.1837—1901C.1558—1603D.1660—17853-2.________ was an Irish playwright who wrote more than fifty plays, including Pygmalion.答案:George Bernard Shaw4-2. ―Art for Art's Sake‖ is the slogan for the ________ Movement .A. RomanticB. TranscendentalistC. RealisticD. Aesthetic5-2. Which of the following novels is commonly seen as a forerunner of later stream of consciousness?A. Defoe’s Robinson CrusoeB. Fielding’s Tom JonesC. Smollett’s Roderick RandomD. Sterne’s Tristram Shandy6-2. The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from .A. Gulliver’s TravelsB. The Pilgrim’s ProgressC. Childe Harold’s PilgrimageD. The Canterbury Tales7-2. Who was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature .A. Thomas WyattB. William ShakespeareC. Philip SydneyD. Geoffrey Chaucer第一轮必答题:1-3. My Last Duchess is a poem by ________.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. Matthew Arnold2-3. Oscar Wilde was the representative among the writers of ________ .A. aestheticismB. critical realismC. neo-classicismD. sentimentalism3-3. Which of the following contributed a lot to the Irish literary revival called the Irish Renaissance?A.W.B. Yeats B.William WordsworthC.John KeatsD.George Bernard Shaw4-3. The most famous English ballads of the 15th century is the Ballads of , a legendary outlaw.答案:Robin Hood5-3. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is a(n) .A. comedy of mannersB. romanceC. allegoryD. realistic novel6-3. Araby is a short story for the anthology ________ published in 1914.答案:Dubliners7-3. Who wrote Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard答案:Thomas Gray第二轮必答题:1-1.The principal elements of ()novel are mystery, horror and suspense.A. RealisticB. RomanticC. Sentimental 多愁善感的D. Gothic 哥特式2-1. Who leads Adam and Eve out of Paradise?A. GodB. The SonC. MichaelD. Raphael3-1. The ________ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century.答案:Enlightenment (启蒙运动)4-1. Which of the following plays is NOT written by the Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde?A. Saint JoanB. A Woman of No ImportanceC. An Ideal HusbandD. The Importance of Being Earnest答案:A. Saint Joan was written by George Bernard Shaw5-1. The modernist writers such as Richardson, Joyce and Woolf are mainly concerned with the ______.A. External worldB. Inner life of an individualC. Social activities of human beingsD.Public life of an individual6-1. Which of the following is generally considered as James Joyce's masterpiece?A. DublinersB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. UlyssesD. Finnegans Wake7-1. In Greek mythology, ( ) are creatures with the head of a female and the body of a bird, living on an island.答案:Siren第二轮必答题:1-2. The following lines are excerpted from ______ written by ______.―In Xanadu did Kubla KhanA stately pleasure-dome decree:Where Alph, the sacred river, ranThrough caverns measureless to manDown to a sunless sea.‖答案:Kubla Khan; Samuel Taylor Coleridge2-2. How does Tess react when she is caught for her crime?A. She commits suicide instead of submitting herself for a trial.B. She accepts her punishment, telling her captors that she is ready.C. She does not react, for her captors kill her before she awakes.D. She weeps, lamenting her miserable fate.3-2.Identify the poem and the poet.―… All is no lost: the unconquerable will, And study of revenge, immortal hate, And courage never to submit or yield ……‖答案:It is taken from John Milton’s ―Paradise Lost‖.4-2. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel by Nobel Prize-winning author ______.A. E. M. ForsterB. William GoldingC. Doris LessingD. John Fowles5-2. ―Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear!‖ was from ________.A. Ode to a SkylarkOdeB. Ode on a Grecian UrnC. Ode to the West WindD. Ode to a Nightingale6-2. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are _____.A. William Wordsworth and John KeatsB. John Keats and Jane AustenC. Jane Austen and Walter ScottD. Walter Scott and P.B. Shelly.7-2. Who is NOT one of the Victorian poets?A. Alfred TennysonB. Andrew MarvellC. Robert BrowningD. Matthew Arnold答案:(Andrew Marvell (1621 – 1678) was an English metaphysical poet)第二轮必答题:1-3. The Golden Notebook is a novel by British author ______, known for her strong sense of feminism.A. Mrs. BrowningB. Virginia WoolfC. Antonia Susan ByattD. Doris Lessing2-3. Who is NOT the major figure of the Modernist Movement?A. T. S. Eliot.B. James Joyce.C. Thomas Carlyle.D. Ezra Pound.答案:Thomas Carlyle belongs to the Victorian Era.3-3. Heart of Darkness(1902) is ________’s most famous shorter work.答案:Joseph Conrad4-3. — Is he married or single?— Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls! Who are the two speakers?答案:Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet.5-3 .Greek drama evolved from the song and dance in the ceremonies honoring ____ at Athens.答案:Dionysus6-3. The rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter is _______. 答案:Heroic couplet7-3. Which of the following is NOT from Ireland?A. Jonathan Swift C. George Bernard ShawB. Daniel Defoe D. James Joyce第一轮抢答题1.1. The emphasis on imagination2. The idealization of nature3. The praise of individualism4. The glorification of the commonplace5. The lure of the exoticThe above features are of the English ________ movement. 答案:romantic2.Tell the order of the literary movements in British literature.a. Realismb. Aestheticismc. Romanticismd. Modernisme. Classicisme→c→a→b→d3.Guess the term.It is a term referring to the deliberate departure from tradition and the use of innovative forms of expression that distinguish many styles in the arts and literature of the 20th century.Modernism4.As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novels by ______.A. D. H. LawrenceB. John GalsworthyC. James JoyceD. George Eliot5.The poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas.what is the term?答案:Metaphysical poetry6.阶段抢答题。

八年级英语文化背景知识单选题 40 题

八年级英语文化背景知识单选题 40 题

八年级英语文化背景知识单选题40 题1.In the UK, which festival is associated with giving and receiving gifts?A.HalloweenB.EasterC.ChristmasD.Valentine's Day答案解析:C。




2.Which traditional British festival is celebrated on November 5th?A.Guy Fawkes NightB.St. Patrick's DayC.Bank HolidayD.Mother's Day答案解析:A。

11 月5 日是英国的盖伊·福克斯之夜。

圣帕特里克节在3 月17 日;银行假日有多个日期,并非固定在11 月5 日;母亲节在三月的第四个星期日。

3.At which festival do people in the UK often wear masks and costumes?A.ChristmasB.EasterC.HalloweenD.Thanksgiving答案解析:C。



4.Which festival in the UK is known for pancake races?A.Shrove TuesdayB.Easter MondayC.Christmas EveD.Valentine's Day答案解析:A。





五年级英语文化常识单选题40题1.People usually wear costumes and go trick-or-treating on this holiday. Which holiday is it?A.ChristmasB.HalloweenC.ThanksgivingD.Easter答案:B。



2.On this holiday, people send cards and gifts to their loved ones. Which holiday is it?A.Valentine's DayB.Independence Daybor DayD.Memorial Day答案:A。



3.People eat turkey on this holiday. Which holiday is it?A.HalloweenB.ThanksgivingC.ChristmasD.Easter答案:B。



4.On this holiday, people decorate eggs. Which holiday is it?A.ChristmasB.ThanksgivingC.EasterD.Halloween答案:C。



5.People light candles on this holiday. Which holiday is it?A.HanukkahB.ChristmasC.ThanksgivingD.Easter答案:A。



英美文化知识素养答题题库1 单项选择题:美国由___________个州组成。

A. 48B. 49C. 50D. 51答案 C2 单项选择题:人有绰号,城市有绰号,有趣的是,有的国家也有绰号,如美国的绰号是_____,英国的绰号是_____A Aunt Sam, Uncle JohnB New Continent, Great BritainC Washington, ElizabethD Uncle Sam, John Bull答案D3 单项选择题:在英美国家,人们通常将“体力劳动者”称为_____workers ,把“脑力劳动者”称为_____workers,而把“服务、维修等行业的人们”称为_____workers。

A blue, green, whiteB blue, white, grey.C black, blue, greenD white, blue, black答案 B4 单项选择题:在美国土生土长的传统节日是_____________。

A. 复活节B. 感恩节C. 圣诞节D. 中秋节答案 B5 单项选择题:有这样一则笑话:有一次一个外宾对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”翻译回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”外宾不禁愕然。

你知道这位翻译的问题出在哪里了吗?A 外宾的意思是他想马上离开。

B 外宾的意思是他要上厕所。



答案 B6 单项选择题:当你给一位英国朋友写信时,你若在写完信之后突然想起来还要补充点什么,此时你通常在补充的内容前加上_____这两个字母。

A P,SB OTC C,D D B,C答案 A7 单项选择题:中国人喜欢说“自己动手,丰衣足食”,英美人也有类似的喜好,他们称之为______。

A. PPUB. DUTC. DIYD. MOP答案 C8 单项选择题:an apple of love 的意思是___________?A. 苹果B. 爱情C. 西红柿D. 果实答案 C9 单项选择题:The girl is the apple of her mother’s eye.这句话的意思是“这个女孩是她妈妈的掌上明珠”这里的翻译成掌上明珠,千万不要把它当成水果吃了。



A. 简·奥斯汀
B. 查尔斯·狄更斯
C. 莎士比亚
D. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫
A. 简·奥斯汀
B. 威廉·莎士比亚
C. 查尔斯·狄更斯
D. 约翰·弥尔顿
A. 《理智与情感》
B. 《傲慢与偏见》
C. 《雾都孤儿》
D. 《劝导》
A. 查尔斯·狄更斯
B. 简·奥斯汀
C. 威廉·莎士比亚
D. 约翰·弥尔顿
A. 詹姆斯·乔伊斯
B. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫
C. 查尔斯·狄更斯
D. 威廉·布莱克





1.What is the name of the dictionary compiled by Samuel Johnson?A) First English Dictionary B) Dictionary of English Language.C) A Dictionary of the English Language. D) Dictionary of the English Language.2. _____is a fork legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes, it is a long poem of over 3000 lines and the national epic of the English people.A Beowulf;B sir Gawain;C the Canterbury tale;D king Arthur and his knights3. The father of English poetry, the author of Troilus and Criseyde is also the one of ____.A Romeo and Juliet;B the faerie queen;C Tamburlainc;D the Canterbury tales4. The group of Shakespeare plays known as “romance”or “reconciliation plays”is ______.A merchant of Venice, as you like it;B the tempest, pericles, the winter’s taleC Romeo and Juliet, antonym and Cleopatra5. Which of the following are regarded as Shakespeare’s four great tragedies?A Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, King Lear;B Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, Othello, MacbethC hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth;D Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Macbeth, Timon of Athens6. Which of the following is not the work of Francis bacon?A advancement of learning;B new instrument;C songs of innocence;D essays7. At the beginning of 17th century appeared a school of poets called metaphysics by Samuel Johnson, ____is the founder of metaphysical poetry.A Ben Johnson;B john Milton;C john Bunyan;D john Donne8. Daniel Defoe is a famous____.A poet;B novelist;C playwright;D essayist9. “He has a servant called Friday.”“he”in the quoted sentence is a character in______.A Henry fielding’s tom jones;B john Bunyan’the pilgrim’s progressC Richard brinsley Sheridan’s the school for scandal;D Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe10. Guiiliver’travel was written by____.A Daniel Defoe;B Charles dickens;C Jonathan swift;D Joseph Addison11. William Wordsworth is generally known as a ____poet.A romantic;B realistic;C naturalistic;D neo-classic12. “Ode to the west wind”was written by the author of ___.A “I wandered lonely as a cloud”;B “Kubla Khan”;C “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”D “As Defense of Poetry”13. #Which of the following poets does not belong to the school of romantic poets?A William Wordsworth;B Percy Bysshe Shelley;C George Gordon Byron;D John Donne14. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except ___.A Oliver Twist;B David Copperfield;C A Tale of Two Cities;D Heart of Darkness15. “A Red, Red Rose”was written by ___.A Alexandra Pop;B Robert Burns;C William Blake;D John Keats16. Pip is the character of Charles Dickens’novel ___.A Oliver Twist;B David Copperfield;C A Tale of Two Cities;D Great Expectations17. Sense and Sensibility is a ___ by ___.A play…Jane Austen;B novel…Jane Austen;C play…Emily Bronte;D novel…Anne Bronte18. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be---that is the question”by___.A Iago in Othello;B Lear in King Lear;C Shylock in the Merchant of Venice;D Hamlet in Hamlet19. Robert Browning’s “My last Duchess”is composed in the form of a(n) ___.A dramatic monologue;B extended metaphor;C syllogistic argument;D dialogue20. Thomas Hardy wrote novels of __.A character and environment;B pure romance;C “stream of consciousness”;D psychoanalysis21. “Wessex novels”refers to the novels written by ___.A Charles DickensB D.H. LawrenceC James JoyceD Thomas Hardy22.The sentence “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s_____.A comediesB tragediesC sonnetsD histories23. contribution to English lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter---the heroic couplet to English poetry.A William Shakespeare’s;B G eoffrey Chaucer’s;C Thomas more’s;D Edmund Spenser’s24. Spenserian stanza is a form of poetry first employed by Edmund Spenser in his long poetry_____.A the faerie queene;B the shepherd’s calendar;C epithalamion;D amoretti25. Francis bacon is a ____.A poet;B playwright;C essayist;D novelist26. We can perhaps describe the west wind in shelly’s poem “ode to the west wind”with all the following terms except_____.A tamed;B swift;C proud;D wild27. The novel starts with “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune ,must be in want of a wife.”The novel is Jane Austen’____.A Emma;B persuasion;C sense and sensibility;D pride and prejudice28. The major concern of ____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.A Charles dickens’s;B D.H .Lawrence’s;C Thomas hardy’s;D john Galsworthy’s29. “do you think, because I am poor ,obscure ,plain and little ,I am soulless and heartless? And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you .”the above Is quoted from_______.A pride and prejudice;B Jane Eyre;C Wuthering heights;D great expectations30. Which of the following is not one of the Bronte sisters?A charlotte Bronte;B Anne Bronte;C jenny Bronte;D Emily Bronte31. Shakespeare wrote all the following works EXCEPT _____A. HamletB. King LearC. OthelloD. Wuthering Heights32. ____was NOT written by Charles Dickens.A. David CopperfieldB. Oliver Twist、C. Sons and LoversD. A Tale of Two Cities33. In which novel can "Yahoo" be found?A John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress;B Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie QueenC Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels;D Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones34.Dover Beach is written by ____A Robert BrowningB Alfred TennysonC Mathew ArnoldD Dylan Thomas35. Wordsworth’s poetry, divided by the subjects, falls into two major groups: one about ___ and the other about ___..A nature, human life;B society, human nature;C human life, social system;D universe, human spirit36 The reading of the first chapter of the novel Pride and Prejudice has led the reader to the understanding of Mrs. Bennet as a woman of ___.A simple character and mean understanding;B intricate character and short temperC simple character and good education ;D intricate character and outstanding talent37 As a romantic poet, William Wordsworth advocated the following EXCEPT ___.A the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;B the use of colloquialism spoken by the massesC elegant wordings and inflated figures of speech;D the humble and rustic life as subject matter38The following plays are comedies by Shakespeare EXCEPT ___.A A Midsummer Night’s DreamB As You Like ItC The Merchant of VeniceD Romeo and Juliet39 “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.”Probably this refers to the novel ___.A Wuthering Heights;B The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling;C David Copperfield;D Gulliver’s Travels 40#___ was considered to be the greatest dramatist in the 18th century.A Henry Fielding;B Laurence Sterne;C Oliver Goldsmith;D Richard B. Sheridan41 “Pamela”by Samuel Richardson is written in forms of ____.A diary;B letter;C autobiography;D reminiscences42 “Clarissa harlowe”by Samuel Richardson is written in forms of ____.A diary ;B letter;C autobiography;D reminiscences43 The adventure of Roderick random is written by___.A Samuel Richardson;B Tobias smolett;C Lawrence sterne ;D henry fielding44The life and opinions of Tristan shandy is written by___.A Samuel Richardson;B Tobias smolett;C Lawrence sterne;D henry fielding45 __ named his own realistic novels as “comic epic in prose”.A Henry fielding;B Charles dickens ;C jack London;D Tobias smolett46 “Lyrical ballads”were written by___ and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.A Robert burns;B Robert southey ;C William wordsworth;D percy bysshe shelley47 George Gordon byron was most famous for_____.A don juan;B ode to the west wind;C kubla khan;D ode to a nightingale48 George Gordon byron created a “Byronic hero”firstly in his____.A Prometheus unbound;B childe herald’s pilgrimage;C kubla khan ;D ode on a Grecian urn49 Prometheus unbound was written by___ who also wrote____.A George Gordon byron …childe herald’s pilgrimage;B percy bysshe shelley..ode to a nightingaleC George Gordon byron …ode to west wind;D percy bysshe shelley…ode to west wind50 John keats is the author of____.A ode to a skylark and ode to a nightingale;B ode on a Grecian urn and ode to west windC ode on a Grecian urn and ode to a nightingale;D ode to west wind and ode to a nightingale 的美女编辑们51 “The Graveyard Poets”got the name because ___.A they chose to live near graveyards;B they often wrote about death and melancholyC they always wrote about dead people;D they often use “graveyard”as the title52It is generally understood that the recurrent theme in many of Thomas Hardy’s novel is ___.A man against nature;B love and marriage;C social criticism;D fate and destiny53 The Romantic Period in English literature began with the publication of ___.A William Blake’s Songs of Innocence;B Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceC Wordsworth’s and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads;D a piece of land54 It is generally regarded that Keats’most important and mature poems are in the form of ___.A odeB elegyC epicD sonnet55G.B. Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a realistic exposure of the ___ in the English society.A slum landlordism;B inequality between men and womenC political corruption;D economic exploitation of women56 The Preface to Shakespeare and Lives of the Poets are the works of critic ___.A G.B. ShawB Samuel JohnsonC Ben JohnsonD E.M. Foster57The Ring and the Book is a masterpiece of ___.A Alfred TennysonB Robert BrowningC Thomas HardyD Ralph Waldo Emerson58 Matthew Arnold is the writer of ___.A Dover BeachB My last DuchessC Break, Break, BreakD The Eagle59 The writer of Heart of Darkness is also the one of ___.A Time of MachineB JimC Lord JimD A Passage to India60 Of Human Bondage is a novel by ___.A Herbert George Wells;B Arnold Bennett;C William Somerset Maugham;D John Galsworthy61 Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___.A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale;B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind;C Ode to a;Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn;D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark62 “Three of four families in a country village is something to work.”This statement was presented by ___.A Emily Bronte;B Jane Austen;C Mrs. Gaskell;D George Eliot63George Eliot wrote all the following except ___.A The Mill of Floss;B Silas Marner;C Middlemarch;D Agnes Grey64 The novel Vanity Fair was written by ___.A William Makepeace Thackeray;B Charles Dickens;C O. Henry;D Henry James65 Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair”firstly appeared in ___ by ___.A Canterbury Tales …Geoffrey Chaucer;B The Pilgrim’s Progress …John BunyanC Tome Jones …Henry Fielding;D Dubliners …James Joyce66 The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote ___.A The Way of all life;B The History of Henry Esmond;C Sister Carrie;D Howard’s End67 Barchester Series is a series of novels written by ___.A Barchester;B Thomas Hardy;C Anthony Trollope;D Mark Twin68 Erehwon is a satiric novel written by ___.A Samuel Butler;B Henry Fielding;C Thomas More;D Mark Twin69In “the lake Isle of Innisfree”William Butler Yeats Express his ___?A desire to escape from the materialistic society;B fear caused by the impending warC interest in the Irish legend;D Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actress70 Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century. His work Ivanhoe deals an epoch of ___ history.A English;B French;C Scotland;D Irish71 As a literary figure, Stephen Dedalus appears in two novel by____.A D.H Lawrence;B John Galsworthy;C George Eliot;D James Loyce72 The French lieutenant’s woman is the masterpiece of ____.A john Fowles;B Doris lessing;C Muriel spark;D Joseph Conrad73 The golden notebook was written by____.A john fowels;B Doris lessing;C Muriel spark;D Joseph Conrad74 Waiting for Godot is a(an)____by Samuel beckett.A novel;B poem;C play;D essay75 “kitchen sink realism”is referred to as the works of ___.A novel;B poem;C play;D essay76 Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize of literature in 1995 and most of his poems focused on the ___.A city life;B legend;C country;D history77 an article on “the observer”describes the bursting of all these young ___as a kind of “the movement”.A poets;B playwright;C novelist;D critic78 The novel ___told a story of a Nazi war criminal, in this novel Martin Amis set the narrative clock in reverse.A money, a suicide note;B time’s arrow;C London fields;D dead bodies79 satanic verses was written by___who was born in a muslin family in Bombay, India.A salman Rushdie;B kazoo ishguro;C julian barnes;D grahm swift80 the novel The Remains Of The Day won the booker prize for its author ___who was born in Japan.A Salman Rushdie;B kazoo ishguro;C Julian Barnes;D grahm swift。



Understanding UK & IrelandChapter 9 A General Survey of UKI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. The official name of UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.____ 2. The longest river in Britain is River Thames.____ 3. On the island of Great Britain, there are four political divisions — England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.____ 4. The United Kingdom consist of two main islands — Great Britain and Ireland.II. Multiple Choices5. The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four6. Which flower is symbol of England?A. ThistleB. ShamrockC. DaffodilD. Rose7. About two thirds of _____ is covered by the Highlands.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland III. Match each of the following capitals with its island.8. Scotland9. Wales10. Northern Ireland a) Belfastb) Cardiffc) EdinburghIV. Answer the Following Questions11. What are the four regions of Britain?12. What kind of geographical position does Britain have?13. Which places in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland?14. Does Britain have a favorable climate?15. What are the factors which influence the climate in Britain? Which part of Britain has the mostrainfall and which part is the driest?Chapter 10Geography & History of UKSection 1 GeographyI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. To the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Scotland.____ 2. London, the capital of the UK, is situated on the Severn River near its mouth.____ 3. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are England, Scotland and Wales.II. Multiple Choices4. The British Isles are made up of _____.A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland5. The largest lake in Britain is _____.A. Loch LomondB. the Lough NeaghC. WindermereD. Ullswater6. Britain‟s climate is influenced by _____ that sweeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles.A. the Gulf StreamB. the Brazil CurrentC. the Labrador CurrentD. the Falkland current7. The second largest city in England, _____, is a metropolitan district and an industrial andmanufacturing city.A. EdinburghB. BelfastC. GlasgowD. Birmingham8. _____ is England‟s biggest naval base.A. PortsmouthB. SouthamptonC. PlymouthD. Dover9. Which is the largest city in Scotland?A. CardiffB. EdinburghC. GlasgowD. Manchester10. Britain has, for centuries, been slowly tilting with _____.A. the North-West slowly rising and the South-East slowly sinkingB. the North-East slowly rising and the South-West slowly sinkingC. the South-East slowly rising and the North-west slowly sinkingD. the South-West slowly rising and the North-East slowly sinkingSection 2 HistoryI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. It was the Angles who gave their name to England and the English people.____ 2. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest was important in English history because it laid the foundation on which the English nation was to be formed.____ 3. The Great Charter was signed in 1215 by King John.____ 4. Henry VII was responsible for the founding of the Church of England.____ 5. Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishment of the British Empire.II. Multiple Choices6. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from _____.A. FranceB. DenmarkC. IrelandD. Germany7. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC _____?A. Emperor ClaudiusB. Julius CaesarC. King AlfredD. King Ethelred8. The Chartist Movement was officially launched at a great meeting in Birmingham in _____, withthe aim of pressing the Parliament to accept the People‟s Charter.A. 1836B. 1838C. 1840D. 18429. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in _____.A. 200B.C. B. 55 B.C. C. 55 A.D. D. 410 A.D10. When did the Hundred Years‟ War start?A. 1733B. 1453C. 1337D. 1357Chapter ExercisesI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1.The official name of UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.____ 2.The longest river in Britain is River Thames.____ 3.On the island of Great Britain, there are four political divisions — England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland____ 4.The UK lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe.____ 5.British recorded history begins with the Norman invasion.II. Multiple Choices6. The highest mountain peak in Britain is called _____.A. Ben NevisB. Cross FellC. SnowdonD. Scafell7. The Lake District is famous for _____.A. its wild and beautiful sceneryB. its varied lakesC. the Lake PoetsD. all of the above8. The first known settlers of Britain were _____.A. the JutesB. the CeltsC. the SaxonsD. the Iberians9. The objective of the Chartist Movement was democratic rights for all men, and it took its name from _____.A. the Bill of RightsB. the Agreement of the PeopleC. the People‟s CharterD. the Great Charter10. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC _____.A. Emperor ClaudiusB. Julius CaesarC. King AlfredD. King EthelredIII. Gap-filling11. The total area of Britain is about ____________ square kilometers.12. Britain is separated from the European continent by ____________, ____________ and_____________.13. The capital of the Scotland is (1) ____________, the capital of Wales is (2) ____________ and thecapital of Northern Ireland is (3) ____________.14. ____________ is the largest and most populous of the three political divisions on the island ofGreat Britain.15. The first steam engine was devised by Thomas Newcomer at the end of the 17th century, and theScottish inventor ____________ modified and improved the design in 1765.IV. Terms Explanation16. The Hundred Years‟ War17. The Lowland Zone18. Norman Conquest of 106619. Industrial Revolution20. The Chartist MovementChapter 11Political System & National Economy of UKSection 1 Political SystemI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. The United Kingdom is a federal, not a unitary state.____ 2. Members of Parliament (MPs) are those who inherit the noble titles.____ 3. In Britain, changes of government do not involve changes in departmental staff, who continue to carry out their duties whichever party is in power.____ 4. The Labor Party has always had strong links with the trade unions and received financial support from them.____ 5. Prime Minister is the leader of the British government.II. Multiple Choices6. The House of Commons consists of ______ Members of Parliament.A. 651B. 1,200C. 1,198D. 7637. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in the ______.A the House of Lords B. the House of CommonsC. the Privy CouncilD. the Shadow Cabinet8. In Britain the succession order of the Crown can be altered only by common consent of _____.A. all members of the royal familyB. the House of Lords and the House of CommonsC. cabinet and ministryD. the countries of the Commonwealth9. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The _____ has very little power.A. queenB. monarchC. prime ministerD. kingIII. Match the following items10.1) England has existed as a unified entity since the _____ century.2) The most important part of the English constitution is the Magna Carta, or Great Charter, sealed by _____ in 1215.3) In 1994 the ____ elected Tony Blair, a young lawyer, as its leader.a) King Johnb) the Conservativec) James IId) the Labor Partye)10thf) 11thSection 2 National EconomyI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. Mrs. Thatcher‟s government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade, using both macroeconomic and microeconomic policies.____ 2. Today, in Britain, iron and steel is called a “sick” industry.____ 3. There are steady development in the 50s and 60s, economic recession in the 70s and economic recovery in the 80s.II. Multiple Choices4. Traditional British farming involved _____, which dated back to the 5th century.A. the open field systemB. the system of crop rotationC. the use of artificial fertilizerD. the use of new agricultural machinery5. In the 1970s, oil was discovered in _____, but the revenue from oil did not create an economic miracle for Britain.A. the English ChannelB. the Irish SeaC. the St. George SeaD. the North Sea6. Local authorities in Great Britain raise revenue through _____.A. the income taxB. the council taxC. the capital receiptsD. personal contribution7. The economic policy Britain pursued in the 1950, and 1960s was based on the theory of _____.A. Adam SmithB. John M. KeynesC. Margaret ThatcherD. Karl Marx8. Under Margaret Thatcher‟s administration, Britain experienced _________.A. economic recessionB. economic expansionC. economic declineD. economic depression9. In Britain only about _____ of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area.A. 2%B. 3%C. 4%D. 5%III. Match the following items10.1) The two important crops in Britain are _____.2) _____ is now often referred to as the “Silicon Glen”.3) In the early 2000s Britain‟s levels of inflation and unemployment remained among the _____ in the European Union.a) wheat and riceb) wheat and barleyc) the area between London and South Walesd) the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotlande) lowestf) highestChapter ExercisesI. Gap-filling1. The British were the ____________ in the world to enter the Industrial Revolution.2. The main textile producing regions of Britain are ____________, ____________, ____________, and ____________.3. An industrial complex in suburban Glasgow dubbed ____________ is the center of Scotland‟s thriving technology industry.4. Historically, the financial services industry has been based in the City of ____________ in an area called the Square Mile.5. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was ____________ in 1946 and is the only bank thatissues banknotes in England and Wales.6. The predecessor of the English parliament is ____________.7. There are ____________ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.8. In the UK, the party which wins the second largest number of seats in the House becomes ____________, with is one leader, and forms a ____________.9. ____________ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.10. In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the ____________ number of seats in the House ofCommons becomes the official Opposition.III. Terms Explanation1. Constitutional monarchy2. Primogeniture3. First past the post4. The Conservative Party and the Labor Party5. High Street BanksIV.Answer the Following Questions16. What is a general election?17. What is the supreme legislative authority in Britain? What does it consists of?18. What are the three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth?19. What is the Br itish government‟s role in the economy?20. How did the structure of British industry change in the last half of the 20th century?Chapter 12 Society & Culture of UKSection 1British people & their Ways of LifeI. Decide whether the following statements a re true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. It is customary to leave a 10% tip when eating in restaurants for good service (but not in fast food restaurants such as McDonalds.)____ 2. Britain is home of the world‟s largest foreign exchange market and the world‟s richest football club — Manchester United.____ 3. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the nineteenth century.____ 4. Marriage is legal at age 18 in Britain.II. Multiple Choices5. What is the most popular type of home in England?A. semi-detachedB. detachedC. flatD. terraced6. Which of the following is not included in the most common and typical foods eaten in Britain?A. sandwichB. fishC. chipsD. Pisa7. When does the world‟s most famous tennis tournament Wimbledon begin?A. on the nearest Friday to June 22B. on the nearest Monday to June 22C. on the nearest Tuesday to June 22D. on the nearest Saturday to June 22III. Match the following items8. When you are invited to dinner, ten minutes _____ is excellent.9. _____ is undoubtedly the most popular sport in England.10. In England, people usually _____ when first introduced.a) Footballb) Horseracingc) lated) shake handse) kiss each other lightly on one cheekSection 2 Holidays and Special DaysI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. Banks are not allowed to operate on bank holidays.____ 2. Each part of the United Kingdom has the same Saint‟s Day.____ 3. There are currently 8 permanent bank and public holidays in England, Wales and Scotland, and 10 in Northern Ireland.II. Multiple Choices4. In England, Wales & Ireland, both Christmas Day and _____ Good Friday were traditional …days of rest‟.A. New Year‟s DayB. Easter MondayC. Good FridayD. May Day5. England‟s National Day is _____.A. St George‟s Day, 1 MarchB. St George‟s Day, 23 AprilC. New Year‟s Day. 1 JanD. Christmas, 25 Dec6. In England, Wales, parts of Canada, and in some other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, _____ is a popular term applied to December 26, the day following Christmas Day.A. EasterB. LentC. Boxing DayD. Remembrance Day III. Match each of the following parts with its Saint‟s Day.7. England8. Scotland9. Wales10.Northern Ireland a) St. Davidb) St Patrickc) St. Georged) St. AndrewSection 3 EducationI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and“F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. Education in Britain is compulsory for children aged from 5 to 16.____ 2. Like all British universities, Buckingham University is also partially funded by central government grants.____ 3.Public schools are mainly financed by fees paid by parents.____ 4. Boarding private schools, such as Eton College, Harrow School are open to all in Britain and a large percentage of population can attend the schools.II. Multiple Choices5. Which one is not considered as the most famous boarding private schools in Britain?A. Eton CollegeB. Harrow SchoolC. Woodland Junior SchoolD. Rugby School6. Normally, it will take _____ years to get an undergraduate degree.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 27. Which of the following statements is not true about the comprehensive schools?A. They are only taken students with good academic abilities.B. They provide a large range of secondary education.C. they are founded in 1960s and 1970s.D. Most grammar schools were replaced by comprehensive schools.III. Match the following items8. Oxbridge9. public schools10. polytechnics a) Universities dedicated to the sciences and applied technologyb) Ivy Leagued) state schoolse) private schools that charge attendance feesf) Oxford and CambridgeSection 4 British LiteratureI. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided.____ 1. Spencer is regarded as the father of modern English poetry.____ 2. One of Milton‟s major poeti c works is Paradise Lost.____ 3. The majority of traditional English poems were written in iambic pentameter.____ 4.The Victorian Age is most famous for its essays.II. Multiple Choices5. What is the essence of the Renaissance?A. PoetryB. DramaC. HumanismD. Reason6. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind!” is an epigrammatic line by _____.A. J. KeatsB. W. BlakeC. W. WordsworthD. P. B. Shelley7. Among the following poets, _____ doesn‟t belong to the Victorian Poets.A. T. S. EliotB. Alfred TennysonC. Robert BrowningD. Matthew Arnold III. Match the following writers with their works8.1) Virginia Woolf2) Geoffrey Chaucer3) Charles Dickens a) The Canterbury Talesb) Mrs Dallowayc) Othellod) David Copperfielde) I Wandered Lonely as a CloudIV. Gap-filling8. ____________ is the most popular literary form in the medieval period.9. The Romantic Movement appeared on the literary arena of England from the publication of____________ by Wordsworth and ____________ in 1798 to the death of ____________ in 1832.The literary form which is the most flourishing during the Romantic Period is ____________. 10. Samuel Richardson was the master of writing ____________ novels and the first novelist of____________ tradition. His novels have a ____________, trying to inculcate virtue and good deportment. ____________ was his best novel.11. W. M. Thackeray was another representative of ____________ in 19th England. In 1847 hepublished his masterpiece ____________ with a subtitle “____________”.12. ____________,____________, ____________ and ____________ are considered asShakespeare‟s four greatest tragedies.V. Terms Explanation1. Spenserian stanza2. Stream of Consciousness。



高二英语留学国家文化单选题40题(带答案)1.In Britain, the traditional afternoon tea usually includes _____.A.coffee and biscuitsB.tea and sandwichesC.juice and cakesD.water and fruits答案:B。


A 选项咖啡和饼干不是传统下午茶内容;C 选项果汁和蛋糕也不是传统下午茶常见搭配;D 选项水和水果一般不作为传统下午茶的组成部分。

2.The famous British writer William Shakespeare is known for his _____.A.novelsB.poemsC.dramasD.essays答案:C。


A 选项小说不是莎士比亚主要成就;B 选项诗歌只是莎士比亚作品的一部分;D 选项散文不是莎士比亚的主要创作类型。

3.In Britain, people drive on the _____ side of the road.A.leftB.rightD.either left or right答案:A。


B 选项右侧行驶不是英国的交通规则;C 选项道路中央行驶错误;D 选项说法错误。

4.The traditional British sport of cricket is played with a _____.A.ball and batB.racket and shuttlecockC.stick and ballD.disc and frisbee答案:A。


B 选项是羽毛球的装备;C 选项表述不准确;D 选项是飞盘运动的装备。

5.The British flag is also known as _____.A.the Stars and StripesB.the TricolorC.the Union JackD.the Maple Leaf答案:C。

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1 Geographic knowledge of UK
1.1 What is the geographic position of Britain?
1.2 What are the difference between Britain, the British Isles, Great Britain, England and The United Kingdom? And what is the Commonwealth of Nations?
1.3 What is the topography of Britain?
1.4 What is the Lake District?
2 National symbol knowledge of UK
2.1 What is the Union Flag of the United Kingdom?
2.2 What are the words of National Anthem?
2.3 What are the Britain’s national flowers?
2.4 How did the Scottish kilt develop?
3 Famous Citis and Places
3.1 What is about the London?
3.2 What is the British Museum?
3.3 What is about the capital of Scotland?
3.4 What is the Peace Agreement on Northern Ireland?
4 The origin of the nation
4.1 Who were the first settlers of Britain? And who were Anglo-Saxon? How did the Vikings invade Britain?
4.2 Who was the Alfred the Great?
4.3 Who was Williamthe Conquer? And what was the influence of the Norman Conquest?
4.4 How did English language develop?
5 The shaping of the nation
5.1 what were the Crusades?
5.2 What were the cause leading to the Hundred Years’ War and who was the French national heroine during this period?
5.3 What is the Great Charter?
5.4 What is about the Tower of London and Big Ben?
6 Transition to the Modern Age
6.1 What was about the Wars of the Roses in the English history?
6.2 What was the Renaissance and the feature of Renainssance in England?
6.3 Who were some of the most popular British writers since the Renaissance?
6.4 Brief introduction about the Oliver Cronwell and his revolution.
7 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire
7.1 Introduction of Whigs and Tories and Conservative Party and Liberal Party and Labor Party.
7.2 What was the Magna Carta? And its significance of the Chartist Movement
7.3 What was about the East India Company and Suez Canal?
7.4 Brief introduction to Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher
8. Government and Administration
8.1 When did Consititutional Monarchy begin in Britain? And what is the royal title of Queen Elizabeth II? And what is her role as Monarch?
8.2 What was about the Westminster Abbey?
8.3 Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales and what are the five titles of nobility or peerages in Britain?
8.4 What does the House of Lords comprise and what is the House of Commons made up of?
9 Social Affairs
