
Understanding IELTS Grammar---Solution to Long & Complicated Sentences●长难句成因:“树形结构”:•修饰成分纷繁复杂•主从句交织•特殊句式●Strategies for Long & Complicated Sentences:一、主从复合句解析1.名词性从句2.定语从句3.状语从句4.多重复合句二、特殊结构句式解析1. 分隔结构2. 倒装结构3. 强调结构4. 双重或者多重否定5. 比较结构一、主从复合句解析1.名词性从句1.1 主语从句•Looking at the picture makes him experience a severe attack of nostalgia.•For her, a woman, to defy her husband’s order would be considered audacious at her time.•What bothers me about this point of view is that it implies that human beings, in somedeep sense, are not part of nature.•That he is in love with her is no longer a secret.主语从句解读方法:●●主语从句引导词:Practice:(1)That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all. (2)Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.(3)Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet.(4)Who the watch belongs to is unknown.(5)Whom we must study for is a question of great importance.(6)What caused the accident remains unknown.(7)What we need is time.(8)What we need are good doctors.(9)Whatever you did is right.Example 1:That the nineteenth– century French novelist Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in his life was an irony which was duplicated in other matters.Example 2:That such radical adaptations can occur demands a view of the brain as dynamic and active rather than programmed and static.Example 3:However, it can not be denied that it was Smith who introduced such a target for later novelists.Further Practice:1. It is common knowledge that the full moon brings fair weather.2. It is a surprise that you gave such an answer to the question.3. It is certain that free medical care will be given to most people in our city.4. It is probable that he has known everything.5. It appeared that he had a taste for music.6. It made us very happy that she was saved7. It remains unknown when they are going to get married.8. It is said that Li Hao has been to Europe.9. It was amusing that a rabbit ran out of the empty box on the desk.1.2. 宾语从句(object clause)引导词:Example 1:A survey of new stories in 1996 reveals that the anti-science tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research.Example 2:Yet new findings in neuroscience suggest that the brain retains its ability to reorganize itself in response to experience or injury throughout life: after the loss of sensory input from an amputated limb, for example, adults are able to learn new motor skills effectively.Example 3:Art historian Kenneth Clarke, for example, writing in 1973, could not accept that the Mona Lisa was famous for reasons other than its inner qualities.Example 4:The study on rats, kittens, and mice may, for instance, provide a physiological explanation for why infant animals employ in their play the same kinds of behavior that they will later use as adults.1.3 表语从句引导词:who, how, when, as, whetherExample:The key issue in judging overpopulation is not how many people can fit into any given space but whether Earth can supply the population’s long-term requirement for food, water, and other resources.Practice:The miracle is how they all cooperate, and are integrated together, in the creation ofa self.1.4 同位语从句Example:He was surprised at the fact that he had passed the IELTS examination.先行词:破解关键:Example 1:There was still the faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of man’s hands and will master them all in the end.Example 2:The belief that it is harmful to the black community for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can have troubling effects.Example 3:【剑3】In recent times, scientific research has been providing evidence that years of cigarette smoking vastly increases the risk of developing fatal medical conditions.Example 4:【剑3】This attitude altered with the realization that marginal communities can survive and adapt in spite of partial integration in to a notoriously fickle worldeconomy.Practices:I take further comfort in the fact that human species managed to produce pretty decent creative work during the 5000 years that preceded 1710, when the Statue of Anne, the world’s first modern copyright law, passed the British parliament.According to James, a child’s first step on the road to self-understanding can be seen as the recognition that he or she exists. [剑9]2.定语从句引导词:Which:Like the slaves, women took literally the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are created equal.Libraries made education possible,and education in its turn added to libraries;the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound-interest law,which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing.That:With the introduction of the electronic computer, there is no complicated problem that cannot be solved in a few hours.O ften, the children’s disagreements involved a struggle over a toy that none of them had played with before or after the tug-of-war: the children seemed to be disputing ownership rather than wanting to play with it. [剑9]There is something, they argue, inside the painting that speaks to us all, that unleashes feelings, emotion, and recognition.关系代词that的省略:Because the potential talent John has is obvious, he is going to be elected as the president.Another powerful source of information for infants about the effects they can have on the world around them is provided when others mimic them.Who:The student who is answering the question is John.The person who was here yesterday is a musician.Whom:In Berlin, he first met the woman whom he would one day marry.Whose:Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence.关系副词:When:She will never forget the day when she got married.Where:One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.Why:Give me one reason why we should help you.复杂定语从句:介词/介词短语+引导词This is the desk on which I found my book.The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives.The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home. His book vividly illustrates the intensity with which nineteenth-century America protested the intrusion the forces of industrialization and urbanization.We are not conscious of the extent to which work provide the psychological satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.【剑5】This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology—to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates, or at least strongly biases, the interaction of animals and humans with their environment, that is, their behavior.【剑8】Perhaps for us today, two of the most significant aspects of most of these studies of genius are the frequency with which early encouragement and teaching by parents and tutors had beneficial effects on the intellectual, artistic or musical development of the children but caused great difficulties of adjustment later in their lives, and the frequency with which abilities went unrecognized by teachers and schools.【剑8】The ease with which truly great ideas are accepted and taken for granted fails to lessen their significance.3.状语从句关联词:破解关键:When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant.Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye.I’m not living where I was.Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.I hired a boat so that I could go fishing.Take your coat in case it rains.He studied hard in order that he could pass the exam.He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.4.多重复合句However, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979) suggest that infants’ developing understanding that movements they see in the mirror are contingent on their own, leads to a growing awareness that they are distinct from other people. [剑9]Since both rapid and light rail have electric engines, pollution is measured not from the motor exhaust but from the power plant generating electricity, which is usually located outside the city, where air quality problems are less serious.二、特殊结构句式1.分隔结构处理原则:Example:In relationships of mutual dependence, such as between labour and management or within an organization or a family, the question (of who is more powerful) turns on who is less dependent on the other.In developing countries, where at least 10 cities are expected to have more than 12 million people by the end of this decade, failing to give priority to public transport would be disastrous.It will take years for whites—including those who think of themselves as liberals—to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes they all actually have.Thirdly, the waste radioactive material, including not only the uranium but also water and even the clothes used by power station personnel, must be disposed of.A cousin of the tenacious Asian longhorned beetle—which since its initial discovery in 1996 in New York City has caused tens of millions of dollars in damage annually – ,the citrus longhorned beetle, was discovered on a juniper bush in August 2001 in Tukwila, Washington.Generations of teachers have assigned Thoreau’s book Walden (1854), which recounts his experiment in living in solitary harmony with nature, as an illustration of the intensity with which nineteenth-century America protested the intrusion into pastoral harmony of the forces of industrialization and urbanization.Practices:Yet Linnaeus himself would probably have been the first to admit that classification is only a tool, and not the ultimate purpose, of biological inquiry.Like Douglass, who invoked the rhetoric of male individualism to encourage identification with his narrative, she had to make her readers take the oppression of slave women personally, to see it as a threat to their own sense of themselves as women.2. 倒装结构(1). Only+状语位于句首Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a mother.(2). 以never, little, often, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely等词引导的句子。

一.雅思作文实战语法5种句子成分:主语It is obvious that wearing uniforms makes school life monotonous.谓语宾语定语状语补语(mainly 宾补in IELTS writing)Verb + noun+noun/ adj.Find/ make/ render例句The graduates find the job market frustrating because of the economic recession.Some individuals are concerned the Internet will make/ renderinternational tourism obsolete.同位语(名词后面跟一个短语,解释说明这个名词)*Shopping, a necessary part of life, is increasingly time-consuming due to multiplied options available to consumers.*Job satisfaction, a very important part of an employee’s sense of wellbeing, can be promoted in most jobs.3种句子:简单句:并列句:主谓宾+主谓宾——and/ but/ or复杂句:主谓宾+主谓宾——更复杂的连词表示不同的关系NOTE:写好最基础的复杂句7种需要避免的错误1.Employee can benefit more from telecommuting thanemployer.2.*Work at home using modern technology can greatlyenhance our efficiency.*The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve.*In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar.3. Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers.4. *Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globolisation may create.Reason for…/ solution to…* The Internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms.5. Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself.6. Some people think the Internet only has positive impact, other people think it also has negative influence on our lives.7. There are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.6种特殊句式1)句首状语提前2)句中插入短语*Attitude, after all, is essential for a student’s academic performance.Feeling about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important.3)倒装句4)强调句It is the suits that make a chi-pao special.It is the traditions in Beijing that attract many foreign tourists.5)虚拟语气6)Be+of+抽象名词常跟的抽象名词有:Use/ importance/ help/ value/ interest/ significance/ necessity/ quality等。

这是最基本的句型结构,例如“我喜欢读书”可以表达为“I enjoy reading books”。
这种句型结构可以用来表达给予或获得某物的行为,例如“他给了我一本书”可以表达为“He gave me a book”。
这种句型结构可以用来补充说明宾语的性质或状态,例如“我认为学习英语很重要”可以表达为“I think that learning English is important”。
这种句型结构可以用来表达状态或感觉,例如“他很开心”可以表达为“He is happy”。
这种句型结构可以用来表达两个或多个并列的概念或事实,例如“我喜欢读书和看电影”可以表达为“I enjoy reading books and watching movies”。
这种句型结构可以用来表达一个主句和一个或多个从句,例如“虽然我很喜欢读书,但是时间不够”可以表达为“Although I enjoy reading books, I don't have enough time”。
这种句型结构可以用来强调某个词语或表达方式,例如“只有通过努力学习才能取得好成绩”可以表达为“Only by studying hard can you achieve good grades”。
这种句型结构可以用来强调某个词语或表达方式,例如“我最喜欢的科目是英语”可以表达为“My favorite subject is English”。

1 倒装变陈述 2 句首连接词(whether/if) 3 固 定结构充当成分(whether+陈述句) 构成四种名词 性从句.
1 whether he will come to my party makes no difference to me. 2 I don’t know if/whether he needs my help. 3 My question is whether people will live on the moon someday. 4 scientists have argued over the question whether there is life on other planets.
That English is important is an undoubted fact. 注意:that 相当于一个指路牌,相当与告诉读者:that 后面紧接着的句子是要作为另一个句子的某一个成 分来使用的. 练习: The criminal confessed his sins harmed many people. The criminal confessed that his sins harmed many people.
把that+陈述句 这一结构放在表语的位置即构成表语 从句. My idea is that the child should be sent to school. 一般疑问句作表语 把whether+陈述句 这一结构放在表语的位置即构成 表语从句. My concern is whether he comes or not.

其次,使用一些连接词和词组,如“firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore”,来连接自己的论点和例证,使文章更加连贯。

2021年7月21日雅思写作真题回忆及范文题目为Some businesses find that new employees who just finish their education lack basic interpersonal ability such as work with others as a part of team.雅思小作文类型:流程图题目The diagram shows the how recycled paper is made雅思大作文类型:社会类题目:Some businesses find that new employees who just finish their education lack basic interpersonal ability such as work with others as a part of team.What do you think the causes of this problem?And how to solve this?范文来自雅思哥:Despite the high level of knowledge, employers today have found that their new employees lack basic interpersonal skills needed in an office environment. This essay will analyze the main reason leading to the problem and offer some potential solutions to it.People with interpersonal skills are the people who can vary how they act and what they contribute. They notice the strengths and weaknesses of their group, and they adapt. However, schools and colleges or universities have failed to equip students with such applied skills. Instead, students are encouraged to focus on their academic subjects exclusively, because they are only evaluated by their academic performance which is essential to receiving an academic qualification. Unfortunately, many of them have turned into information recipients who acquire the knowledge in a passive way without truly developing abilities and skills required in today s job market. For high schools, educators should think more about how students are learning, rather than just what they are learning. Teaching should reflect the richnessof real-life interactions, and to give students experience in the kinds of settings that are going to be useful to them when they leave school. Assignments and curricula should integrate opportunities to work collaboralively. Group projects, for example, are valuable learning opportunities.In the higher education sphere, professors and administrators should encourage students to seek out real-world experiences. Colleges and universities could ask students to work cotlaboratively in the classroom and pursue internships and volunteer opportunities outside of it. Students should also look for critical growth opportunities within their extracurncular activities, rather than just viewing them as resume-fillers.To conclude, jobs requiring high levels of social interaction are growing. In order to help graduates better prepare for their future career, changes should be considered in the education system.雅思写作精简之道长难句请绕路雅思写作精简建议一:避开空洞的单词和词组1.一些空洞的单词或词组根本不能为句子带来任何相关或重要的信息,完全可以删掉。

1.主语从句:It is important to note that...
2.强调句型:It is...that...
3.倒装句型:Only by...can we...
4.并列句型:Not only...but also...
5.复合句型:What is more worrying is that...
So far, there is no evidence to suggest that...
If it were not for...,we would not have...
In conclusion, in spite of the fact that..., we should not neglect the importance of...
9.名词性从句:The fact that...is that...
In general, it is widely believed that...

15句逻辑框架Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace rather than pure knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 第1句:背景介绍Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education.现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。
Explanation:•Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that …•Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves.•Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities.•Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society.如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。
•I agree with this opinion. Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。
A.“是否应该However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue.但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。

雅思大作文重点题型解题攻略1、愿意不同意型愿意不同意便是在方框中最终一段会显示信息“to what extent(有多大的水平) do you agree or disagree”.有时将会不容易显示信息“do you agree or disagree”,可是要是见到“to what extent”,基础后边跟的便是对方框內容的改变.愿意不同意的优秀作文有3种写法.假如你愿意方框内的观点,那麼给2-三个主体段,表明“unpaid community service be a compulsory part of high school programme”有哪些益处,并进行2-3句表述 .这时开头结尾必须彻底说明你十分愿意这一观点.假如你不同意方框内的观点,那麼给 2-三个主体段 ,表明“unpaid community service be a compulsory part of high school programme”为何不太好,并进行2-3句表述 .这时开头结尾必须彻底说明你十分不赞同这一观点.大部分,新手们搞不懂许多得以支撑点论点论据的原因得话,能够采用这类保持中立的写法,表明这一观点具有好的,也是有不太好的.去除开头结尾,这类保持中立写法一共是两个主体段,每一个主题风格段最少两个论点论据 .第一个主题风格段表明“unpaid community service be a compulsory part of high school programme”有哪些益处 .因此主体段1:益处1, 进行3句表述益处2,进行3句表述.随后另一个主题风格段可以说:虽然你认为有益处,可是这类作法還是有一些地区并不是非常好.随后表明一下哪一方面不太好:不好一,2-3句表述不好2,2-3句表述.这时开始能够说明“你认为这一观点有所不同”,随后末尾严格执行“这一观点有所不同”.之上是彻底不疾不徐型的作法.这类作法你的末尾只需严格执行有所不同就可以了.自然,即便是保持中立,你也能够有一定的偏重 ,例如你将会感觉方框中的观点益处更多一些.如果是那样的话,你能给优势的主体段写长一些,或是将这一主体段一拆为二,变为两个主体段,每一个主体段写一个论点论据.随后写缺陷的主体段就只留一个,可是缺陷的主体段還是必须两个论点论据,但是你能无须写的那麼长.这时开始说明“你认为这一观点有所不同”, 末尾严格执行“这一观点有所不同”,可是你觉得这一观点益处更多一些 .(假如你更偏重好药方)如同那样:开始:观点有所不同主体段1:优势--优势1 论述主体段2:优势2 论述主体段3:缺陷--缺陷1 论述,缺陷2 论述末尾:观点有所不同,益处大量假如你偏重不太好的一方,那麼就把缺陷的主体段写长,优势的主体段减少,随后末尾改为你觉得这一观点弊端大量.2、多边探讨型说白了“多边探讨”,在方框内最终一段显示信息的便是“discuss both views and give your opinion”,而方框内想要你探讨的內容必定是有二种观点,即赞同派和反对党.碰到这类种类的优秀作文,二种观点你务必都探讨,要是没有写到在其中一种,“ Task response ”这一项会罚分.针对得出的观点,你能表达彻底赞同,还可以只赞同在其中一部分 ,而另一部分抵制.大部分2个观点中有一个观点或多或少都一些并不是很恰当的地区 .因此,去除开头结尾:第一个主体段 ,表明某一个观点中赞同或不赞同的层面.第2个主体段 ,表明另一个观点中赞同或不赞同的层面.第三个主体段 ,实际表明自身的观点 .假如自身的观点与某一方的观点合乎,那麼能够将自身的观点融进进来,将你愿意的观点变为两个主体段,随后撤销独立表明自身观点的主体段 .如果你觉得这二种观点与你的观点都一些并不是很合乎的地区,那麼你能在第三个主体段实际表明自身的观点 .例如上边这一事例:你读题的情况下毫无疑问会想:最好是的方法是提升体育设备吗?毫无疑问,体育设备的提升是能够提高身心健康,可是是最好是的方法吗?应当并不是的.因此第一个主体段你可以写“体育设备的提升是能够提高身心健康”这一论点论据,随后得出 2-3语句表述.随后第2个主体段中反驳“体育设备的提升并不是最好是的方法”这类观点,得出 2-3语句实际表明为何.(这时表明了第二种观点) 第三个主体段举例说明表明“也有别的提升身心健康的方法”.(这时表明了第二种观点)开始能够复述这二种人的观点,还可以立即说明自身的观点 . 末尾则务必说明自身的观点 .大部分这就是多边探讨的整体方式.3、多种问与答型多种问与答实际上是问与答的全新升级(这类作文类型经常包括“是啥缘故有哪些对策处理”这类问与答组成).针对这类种类的文章内容,去除开头结尾, 第一个主体段写第一个难题 ,第2个主体段写第二个难题就可以.开始只需简易表明第一个难题就可以.例如这一事例,你可以说:“There are a lot of factors may contribute to job satisfaction.”(筱槿写的是非常简单的书写,考試的情况下不可以像筱槿那样彻底照搬)雅思写作:大作文首段的三要素要素之一: Restatement of the Topic大作文的题目都会给出相关情景或话题,在首段中应先对题目中的情景或话题进行展开。

例句有Living far from home, one would suffer from loneliness and homesickness.(离家生活,人们遭受孤独和思乡之苦。
)The commodities and services advertised by super stars tend to enjoy higher sales than those not advertised. (由明星代言的产品和服务比没有广告的销售量更高。

雅思写作3大从句语法点1. 定语从句:多用who(指人)、which(指物)、that(即可指人也可以指物),还有一个经典的容易被忽视的定语从句在大作文中可以表达事件发生的原因:即由why引导的固定句型...the reason(s) why...2.状语从句:状语的种类特别多,所以状语从句是你最能够表现句型多样化的机会。
牢记以下几种状从的分类,句子的丰富性自然就出来了:A.时间状语从句(引导词:when/as/while/since/the moment...)B.地点状语从句(引导词:where/wherever)C.原因状语从句(引导词:because/since/as/seeing that...)D.条件状语从句(引导词:if/as long as/providing that/provided that...)E.让步状语从句(就是转折关系,引导词:though/although/while/no matterwho/where/which/how...)3.宾语从句:文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。
建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that...雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句1、翻新定语从句定语从句是同学们复合句中用的最普遍的,也是最容易掌握的句式。
同学们可以参考《剑9》的T est 2范文中第四段的最后一句话:This rise was particularly noticeable between 1990 and 2000, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.这里考官并没有用“常规”的which引导的定语从句,而是使用了“介词+关系词”的方式,使得句子变得高大上了许多。

方法一: 方法一:增加修饰成分
2、相对复杂的修饰成分:非谓语动词(动词不定式、动名词、分 词) There are a number of facts which indicates that this position is right. There are a number of facts indicating that this position is right. 3、最复杂的修饰成分:从句(定语从句、状语从句) Without enough money to visit the clinic, hospitals or buy drugs, people are less likely to enjoy their living. If people cannot afford the high cost of visiting the clinic, hospitals or buying drugs, they are less likely to enjoy their living.
第一讲: 第一讲:概述
1、Colors fade, temples crumble, empires fall, but wise words endure. 、
全球一体化时代(The era of globalization)已经来临。 已经来临。 全球一体化时代 已经来临 The era of globalization has already come. 人们对此热门话题 的观点不一。 人们对此热门话题(hot topic)的观点不一。 热门话题 的观点不一 Notions about this hot topic differ widely. 随着经济的迅速发展,环境也在不断恶化(deteriorate)。 随着经济的迅速发展,环境也在不断恶化 恶化 。 The environment has been deteriorating along with the rapid development of economy.

2. It is a fact (a good thing, good news…) that … 事实是 ( 好事是,好消息是…)…
2. The question is whether w can finish the experiment by Friday. 问题在于我们能否在明天下午之前完成这项实验. 表语从句不用 if
3. It looks as if it were going to rain. as if /as though从句常表示
or not. 5. I don’t know _w_h_e_t_h_er__ or not he is
8. I don’t know _w__h_et_h_e_r to go.
1. I doubt if / whether he will pass the exam.
2. I don’t doubt that we will win the match.
3. Do you doubt that he did it on his own?
肯定句中用 if / whether 否定句中用 that 疑定句中用 that
1. I doubt i_f_/_w_h_e_t_h_e_rhe is telling the truth. 2. We never doubt ___t_h_a_t___ the plan will be carried out . 3. Does he doubt ___t_h_at____ you are from Austria? 4. I’m doubtful i_f_/_w__h_et_h_e_r he will agree to this.

雅思写作冲刺之:写作语法及必备句型汇总雅思写作冲刺之:写作语法及必备句型汇总1雅思常用语法时态雅思写作常用时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时 1.一般现在时:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性的状态或者动作:谓语动词用第三人称单数例如:① 打工对一个人的将来的事业有深远的影响。
(过去现在未来都有影响,客观,单数)Taking part-time jobs e某erts profound impacts on one’s future career.② 国际旅游业促进经济发展。
(过去现在未来都促进,客观,单数)International tourism promotes the economic development.2.现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。
现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“现在”,表示逐渐的过程is developing rapidly/dramatically.3.现在完成时:1.表示结果和影响,一般表示变化大,发展了 2. 表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在注意常用搭配:In recent years, In the past decades…例如:① 最近几十年期间,世界发生了巨大的改变。
In the past decades, dramatic changes have taken place in the world.② 最近几年,科技极大的改变了人们的生活。
In recent years, technology has reshaped people’s life.③ 犯罪率已经急剧上升了。
The crime rate has increased sharply.4.一般将来时:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态:will do例如:电脑将会在教育过程中起越来越关键的作用,但是它们绝对不能在教室中取代老师的地位。
Computers will play an increasingly critical role in education, but it is not possiblethat they could replace teachers in the classroom. / but it is impossible for them to replace teachers in the classroom.在了解了雅思基础语法之后,我们来看雅思写作中有哪些常见必备的句型,除了简单句,考生们还需要运用哪些高分句型来博得考官好感?雅思写作必备句型2:简单句1.简单句:主流句型,主要结构会使用,足矣!(1).主谓(宾, 可有可无)例如:人们在这个问题上的观点不一样。

以下是几个例子:1. 主语从句:What he said is true.(他说的是真的。
)2. 宾语从句:I don't know where he went.(我不知道他去了哪里。
)3. 表语从句:The important thing is that you try your best.(重要的是你尽力而为。
以下是几个例子:1. 修饰名词:I like the book that you recommended.(我喜欢你推荐的那本书。
)2. 修饰代词:She is the girl who won the singing competition.(她是赢得歌唱比赛的那个女孩。
以下是几个例子:1. 时间从句:I will call you when I arrive at the airport.(我到机场时会给你打电话。
)2. 原因从句:He didn't come to the party because he was busy.(他没来参加派对是因为他很忙。
)3. 条件从句:If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.(如果明天下雨,我们会呆在家里。


1. 名词性从句名词性从句在句子中充当名词的角色,可以作为主语、宾语、表语或介词的宾语等。
例如:I don't know whether he will come to the party.(我不知道他是否会来参加派对。
)2. 形容词性从句形容词性从句用来修饰主句中的名词或代词,起到形容词的作用。
例如:She is the girl who won the singing competition.(她是那个赢得唱歌比赛的女孩。
)3. 副词性从句副词性从句用来修饰主句中的动词、形容词或副词,起到副词的作用。
例如:I will call you when I arrive home.(我到家会给你打电话。

例如:1. The old man in a grey suit is my grandfather.(一个穿灰色西装的老人是我爷爷。
)在这个例句中,"in a grey suit"是形容词性成分,修饰名词"man",表达这个人穿着灰色的西装。
例如:2. She spoke softly to her friend.(她轻声对她的朋友说话。
例如:3. The fact that he is leaving surprised me.(他要离开的事实让我惊讶。
)在这个例句中,"the fact that he is leaving"是名词性成分,作为主语,表达离开的事实让我感到惊讶。
例如:4. They made him the team captain.(他们让他成为了队长。
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宾语从句 科学证据表明二手烟和心血管疾病之间有联系。 There is connection between secondhand smoke and cardiovascular diseases The scientific evidence reveals that there is connection between secondhand smoke and cardiovascular diseases. 我不知这种做法是否经得起推敲 Can this practice bear closer analysis? I wonder whether this practice can bear closer analysis. 在本文,我将探讨近年来许多青少年犯罪的原因。 Why do many youths commit crimes these years? In this essay, I intend to explore why many youths commit crimes these years.
同位语从句 越来越多的人达成共识:在动物身上测试化妆品是不可接受 的。 There is growing consensus that it is not acceptable to test cosmetic products on animals. 支持新闻审查制度的主要理由源于人们担心小孩可能接触到 一些不适当的网络材料如色情内容。 The main reason for this censorship stems from people’s fears that children can view online inappropriate material like pornography.
翻译练习 建立太空站花费大量纳税人的钱。 建立太空站花费大量纳税人的钱。 花费大量纳税人的钱 To set up a space station costs a huge sum of taxpayers’ money. 资助艺术家和音乐家是保护传统文化的明智措施 是保护传统文化的明智措施。 资助艺术家和音乐家是保护传统文化的明智措施。 To subsidize artists and musicians is a wise measure to preserve the traditional culture. 有可能找到平衡野生动植物保护和可持续发展需要的方法 找到平衡野生动植物保护和可持续发展需要的方法。 有可能找到平衡野生动植物保护和可持续发展需要的方法。 It is possible to find ways to reconcile the needs of wildlife conservation and of sustainable development.
主语从句 很明显博物馆是人类的藏宝处。 It is quite clear that museums are treasure troves of mankind. 国际旅游业是增进不同民族的相互理解还是激化国家之间的 紧张关系是个非常具有争议性的话题。 Whether international tourism enhances mutual understanding between different peoples or increases tension between nations has become a very controversial issue. 谁对我们的老人负责这个问题在社区里被广泛讨论。 Who should be responsible for our senior citizens has been widely discussed in our community.
翻译练习 至于公共场所是否应该禁烟,人们的看法不一。 As to whether we should forbid smoking in public areas, people’s views are divergent. 近来在我们社区,人们广泛讨论如何去维护生态平衡。 How we can maintain the ecological balance has been widely discussed in our community these days. 在哪里处理日益增多的垃圾对于许多政府而言是个头痛的事 情。 Where we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments. 如何恰当地处理核废料对于科学家们和政治家们都是个迫切 的问题。 How the nuclear waste can be properly disposed of is a burning issue for scientists and politicians alike.
动词不定式作宾语 我倾向于同意前者的观点。 I prefer to side with the former opinion. 在本文,我试图分析一些人选择单身的原因。 In this essay, I aim to analyze the reasons why some people prefer to be single. 动名词作主语 挽救濒危物种其实妨碍了进化过程。 Saving endangered species is interfering with the evolutionary process. 过早使用计算机将妨碍孩子分析和创造性思维能力的发展。 Using computers at an early age will impede the development of children’s analytic and creative thinking.
第三讲: 第三讲:句子中的名词性结构使用复杂的结构
动词不定式作主语 To produce a large number of Hi-Tech products will certainly lead to the result of detaining in stores because people have neither money nor emotion to enjoy the luxuries. As is known to all, nowadays hi-tech researches have reached a certain height and it is not so easy to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time. It is a heavy burden for developing countries to spend so much money on hi-tech researches. It is necessary for students to have the skill of doing research.
翻译练习 物种灭绝将导致生态灾难的观点纯属夸大之词。 The view that extinctions will give rise to ecological disaster is an exaggeration 当今的年轻人以自我为中心、对人冷漠和不顾及他人,这很 大程度上是孩童时期父母对他们过分纵容的结果。 The fact that young people nowadays are self-centered and inconsiderate is largely the outcome of parental overindulgence in their childhood.
翻译练习 一些人认为这种新的科技(基因工程)有益于人类,它能治 疗疾病、促进健康,有助于农业的发展和减少世界的饥饿问 题。 Some people believe this new technology (genetic engineering) can be beneficial to mankind by curing diseases, improving health, benefiting agriculture, and reducing world hunger. 关于政府该不该资助艺术家和音乐家引发了一场激烈的争论。 There arises a controversial debate over whether the government should subsidize ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrtists and musicians. 这个辩论的话题是为了科学和医学,我们应不应该在动物身 上做实验。 This debate is about whether we should experiment on animals for scientific and medical purposes.