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1.1)为做某事而担心worry about doing sth

e.g. 那个舞蹈演员一直担心会发胖。The dancer is always worrying about getting fat.

2)为不做某事而担心worry about not doing sth


A hard-working person needn’t worry about not finding a job.

2.我是巨蟹座。/ 我出生于巨蟹座。

I am a Cancer. / My star sign is Cancer. / I was born under Cancer / the sign of Cancer.

3.我属羊。/ 我出生羊年。

I am the Goat. / My animal sign is the Goat. / I was born in the year of the Goat.

4. 把…分成…divide …into…

我们把这块蛋糕分成三块。We divide this cake into three (parts) / (pieces).

被划分为be divided into

一年被分为四季。A year is divided into four seasons.

5.与某人分享某物share sth with sb

他真大方,经常和我们分享他的食物。It is generous of him to share his food with us often.

6.和。。。相似be similar to…

我的性格和你的相似。My characteristics are similar to yours.

7.give up sth / doing sth

1)你不应该放弃希望。You shouldn’t give up hope.

2)我爸爸决定戒烟了。My father decided to give up smoking.

8.1)太多too much (修饰不可数名词) too many (修饰可数名词)

too much noise 太多吵闹声too many patients 太多病人

2)很,非常much too e.g.今天很热。It’s much too hot today.

9.pay attention to sth / doing sth

e.g. 她很注意细节。She pays much attention to details.

请注意上课认真听讲。Please pay attention to listening carefully in class.

10.argue with sb argue about sth argue with sb about sth

1)同他们争论是没有用的。It’s useless to argue with them.

2)他父亲和母亲总是争论钱的问题。His father always argues with his mother about money.

11.forgive sb. for sth. : 原谅某人(做了)某事

forgive sb. for doing sth. : 原谅某人做某事/ 所做的事

forgive –forgave –forgiven

1)我不会原谅你的这个错误。I won’t forgive you for your mistake.

2)请原谅我来晚了。Please forgive me for being late.

3)他父母原谅了他偷钱的事. His parents forgave him for stealing the money.

12.替某人保守秘密keep secrets for sb

把秘密藏在心里keep secrets to oneself

13.dream about sth dream about doing sth

1)她喜欢梦想一切。She likes to dream about everything.

2)昨夜我梦见我在飞翔。Last night, I dreamt about flying.



Do my characteristics match what my star sign says about me?

2)你的红领巾与你的白衬衫很相配。Your red tie matches your white shirt well.

15. 炫耀show off

e.g. 1)他很谦虚,从不炫耀。He is modest and never shows of


2)巴里喜欢炫耀他的新车。Barry likes to show off his new car.

16.各种各样的all kinds of 各种各样的气球/ 颜色all kinds of balloons / colours

17.请人做某事have sth done

e.g.1) 他每个月都请人理发。He has his hair cut every month.

2) 明天我要请人修理自行车。I will have my bicycle repaired tomorrow.

18.应要求,经请求on request

e.g. 1)有人要求时,公共汽车在此停车。Buses stop here on request.

2)经请求可以获得更多细节。More details are available on request.

19.1)。。。有问题have problems with…

e.g. 这个月他的健康可能会有问题。He may have problems with his health this month.

2)做某事有困难have difficulty (in) doing sth


It seems that he has difficulty in working out this maths problem.

20.很开心做某事have fun (in) doing sth / have a good time (in) doing sth

e.g. 她们经常很开心在一起聊天。They often have fun in chatting with each other.

21.推荐某人当。。。recommend sb as / to be …

e.g. 我们推荐她做下一届学生会主席。

We recommended her as/to be the next chairperson of the Students’ Union.

22.1)获得成功have success / succeed / be successful


You will have success at school this term.

或You will succeed at school this term.

或You will be successful at school this term.

2)成功做某事,做某事成功have success / succeed / be successful in doing sth.

e.g. 那个年轻人找工作没什么结果。The young man had little success in finding a job.

他成功通过了那场考试。He succeeded in passing the exam.

23.介意做某事mind doing sth 介意某事mind sth

e.g.1) 你把窗户关一下,好吗?Do/ Would you mind closing the windows?

2)我抽烟,你介意吗?Do/Would you mind my smoking ? / Do you mind if I smoke ?

3)希望你不要介意我桌上一团糟。I hope you do not mind the mess on my desk.

24.语法of 和for 的区别:

1)It + is + adj. + of sb. + to do sth.

句中的形容词表示的是sb.的特征或品质, 即句中sb. 和adj. 构成的主谓关系合乎逻辑.常见的词有:right, kind, nice, clever, wise, polite, brave, wrong, strong , foolish, good, silly, honest, selfish, generous e.g. It’s wrong of us to look down on the disabled.

2)It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是…

= Doing/ To do sth. is + adj. = It is + adj. + that-clause

e.g: It is important for us to learn English well

= To learn English well is important for us. = It is important that we learn English well.

常用形容词有:hard, difficult, easy, important, interesting, necessary, unnecessary,, possible, impossible , useful, useless…等. 这里的形容词是对所做的事的好坏等性质的修饰、说明。
