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conditions, proper discipline and public morality;
• and four virtues to promote—lofty sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness.)

把“在家自制矿泉水(指矿泉壶)”译为family made mineral water (试比较:
You can make mineral water at home.); 等等。

Airbus, 与欧洲制造的“空中客车”飞机雷同。(应为:
airport shuttle bus 或 airport shuttle)。

把“货币分房”译成monetary housing, (参考:the own-as-you-pay
housing system);

把“好酒也要勤吆喝” 译成Good Doing, Good Drumming, (比较:
Good wine does need a bush, after all); 等等。
general merchandise show / expo) ;

定居”分别翻译成entry card, year/month/day, Your main reason for
coming to China (only one), outing/in leisure, return home, settle down。按照英语习惯,这些应该分别译为landing card或 disembarkation form, day/month/year 或month/day/year, purpose of visit, pleasure或travel, returning home, settling in。

air bus(应为 air-conditioned bus)。

(广告语)译为 The same choice for different
The same choice for people of different colors.(可以考虑:People’s skin colors are

把“旋转果合”(一种可以转动的盛糖果的圆盘)译为spinning fruit box (试比较:
rotating dish for nuts and candies) ;

把“进出口商品结构”译为foreign trade structure 试比较:the make-up 或
composition of imports and exports);
accessible—You are accessible to leveled plant ground) ;

把“开发热点地区” 译成heating point of development, (参考:a
popular destination of investors for development projects);
free-trade zone) ;

working for brilliant management (参考:
in search of excellence in management / commitment to managerial
excellence ) ;
•Baidu Nhomakorabea
把“小商品博览会”译为small goods / commodities fair (参考:
• 3.对汉语中某些地道的简略语 (short-hand phrases) 的翻译常常令人难以看 懂。
• 这方面的例子也是俯拾即是,例如:

译成five stresses and four poi nts of beauty (对照:
five merits to advocate—civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic
不同的场合有不同的叫法; 二是restrooms通常总是指厕所, 包括分开写的 rest
rooms, 比如美国高速公路旁就有写着 REST ROOMS 2 MILES AHEAD的巨大指

Dating in
Dalian, this September。(可考虑Let’s Meet in Dalian in September.)须不知,
• 4.意思走了样的翻译,即译文同原文说的不一样,有的差别不大,有的差别甚远,例如:

/此卡限北京市使用” 译为please revise
PIN; just used in Beijing (试比较:Pin number may be changed; inactive out of
Beijing area) ;

译成three-side connections and one site level, 成了
“三面连接” 和“一块地是平的”。(对照:three available—Utility
services, telecommunications and paved roads are available; and one
• 2.不符合国际上通用惯例的翻译,这主要是指一些常用的专门术语。 这方面的例子也不胜枚举,例如:

external directed industries (比较:
export-oriented manufacturing ) ;

把“保税区”译为tax-protected zone (比较:bonded zone 或
different—far and near; but their choice is the same—for Qingdao Beer.)
• 5.只管词语的字面意思,不顾其特殊含义的翻译。例如:

arbitrators’ rest rooms (可考虑: arbitrators’
lounges 或 recess rooms)。这里有两点要注意: 一是英语里表示休息室的词很多,