



英汉对照翻译Translation from English to Chinese (Simplified) (700 words) 英译汉(简体中文)700字1. Hello, how can I help you today?你好,今天有什么可以帮助您的吗?2. Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is?请问最近的邮局在哪里?3. I would like to make a reservation for a table for two at 7 pm tonight.我想预订今晚7点的一张两人餐桌。

4. Excuse me, do you have this dress in a different size?打扰一下,这件裙子还有其他尺码吗?5. Could you recommend a good place to eat in this area?你能推荐一家好吃的餐厅吗?6. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying.对不起,我不明白你在说什么。

7. How much does this shirt cost?这件衬衫多少钱?8. I need to withdraw some cash from the ATM.我需要从ATM机上取一些现金。

9. Can I try on these shoes before I buy them?我能在购买前试穿这些鞋子吗?10. What time does the movie start?电影几点开始?11. I am looking for the nearest pharmacy. Can you please give me directions?我正在找最近的药店。

你能告诉我怎么走吗?12. Could you please repeat that? I didn't catch it.请你再说一遍好吗?我没听清楚。



be cut and dry 事先准备好的,索然无味的French leave 不辞而别Italian football 炸弹castle in Spain 空中楼阁,白日梦Greek gift 害人的礼物Turkish towel 粗面毛巾a bad sailor 会晕船的人under the weather 身体不适be green-eyed 红眼病get off to a good start 开门红skin and bones 皮包骨头in deep water 水深火热at one''s fingertips 了如指掌talk black into white 颠倒黑白go through fire and flood 赴汤蹈火search one’s heart 扪心自问on the down grade每况愈下roses and thorns 有甜有苦fusion and fission 聚变和裂变mistakes of succumbing to individualism 犯个人主义的错误to bore a hole 镗孔to improve the surface finishes 提高表面光洁度dry cow 不产奶的母牛dry fire 空弹射击dry facts 不加渲染的事实dry book 枯燥无味的书dry shampoo 干洗的洗发剂dry party 无酒的聚会dry wine 无甜味的葡萄酒dry farming 旱作农业dry law 禁酒令dry nurse 保姆electromagnetic waves 电磁波oil baron 石油大王slow-witted 头脑迟钝tongue-tied 张口结舌,哑口无言。

to wait for gains without pains 守株待兔wall of bronze 铜墙铁壁catch at shadows 捕风捉影Whoever plays with fire perishes 玩火自焚running dog 走狗downy lips make,thoughtless slips 嘴上没毛,说话不牢castle in the air 空中楼阁nothing comes wrong to a hungry man 饥不择食pass the buck 推诿责任fight tooth and nail 拼命厮打spill the beans 有意或无意泄露机密face the music 勇敢面对困难follow the crowd 随大流jump down one’s throat 对某人发火go out with sb 跟某人出去;跟某人谈恋爱cast/drop anchor 抛锚;定居;过安定生活eat one''s words 收回前言wash one''s hands of 洗手不干;不负责任to sing a different tune 改变对某人某事的观点、态度castles in the air 空中楼阁miss the boat 坐失良机hang by a hair 千钧一发die was cast 事已决定,木已成舟milk and water 牛奶掺水,淡而无味to shed crocodile tears 鳄鱼掉泪——假慈悲empty vessels make the greatest sound 满瓶不响,半瓶叮当。


JR2J 1
有的时候,上下文不一定是完整的长句或一大段话, 上下文可以是一个短短的词组或是一个紧凑的固定 搭配。也就是说,我们可根据两三个字或词语来确 定某一个字或词语的意义。
JR2J 2
1) man and his wife 丈夫和妻子
Run across Run away Run back over Run counter to Run down Run in Run into Run into debt Run off
跑过-偶然碰见 抛开-失去控制 跑回-回顾 跑离-违反,与…背道而驰 跑下-用完;撞倒;贬低 跑进-顺便探望 跑进-陷入;偶然碰见 负债 跑掉-流畅的写出(背出)
to complain to the higher authorities
or appeal to a higher court
to offer up a sacrifice
to rise to the bait
glazing; polishing
to get on the right track
2) officers and men 官和兵
3) his man Friday
4) man-of-war
他的仆人礼拜五《鲁宾 战舰
5) Be a man!
JR2J 3
sophisticated (本意为“失去天真纯朴的”)






1. 谷歌翻译:谷歌翻译是目前最受欢迎的免费翻译软件之一。



2. 百度翻译:百度翻译是一款功能强大的翻译软件,可以提供精准的中英文互译服务。



3. 有道词典:有道词典是一款知名的在线翻译软件。



4. 欧路词典:欧路词典是一款专业的英汉双向翻译软件。



5. 小牛翻译:小牛翻译是一款便捷易用的中英文翻译软件。






Able was I ere I saw Elba.
许渊冲译文:不见棺材不掉泪。 / 不到俄 岛我不倒。
马红军译文:落败孤岛孤败落。 / 若非孤 岛孤非弱。
Better late than the late.
晚了总比完了好。 宁迟一时,不迟一世。 慢行回家, 快行回老家。
You reckon your Dodge would help you up to all these dodges again?
Begot by butchers, but by butchers bred, / How high his highness holds his haughty head.
译文一:屠夫所生,屠夫所养;如此高贵, 这般高尚。
君居屠户屋,君属屠户后;俯仰何佼佼, 倨傲俨倬倬。
你以为坐上你的道奇跑车就可以再 次跑掉么?
The output of the U.N. has not been commensurate with the input.
联合国所起的作用与其所耗的费用已不 相称了。
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
马红军译文:Monastical men make monks, / But become Buddhas barely; / Miserable maidens make maids, / Styled slaves so squarely.
三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined,
Equal Zhu Geliang the mastermind.



句子翻译音译汉:1.Their argument ended when she slammed the door and leftwithout a word.她砰的关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

2.The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at thecommanding tone of the American.出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点儿意外。

3.Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone .约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。

4.While she felt like joining the argument,Nancy was too shy toopen mouth.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。

5.What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?6.It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because ofhis bad eyesight.他很可能会因为实力不好而被拒收入伍。

7.The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the bestlocation of the new airport.委员会成员在新机场最佳选址这一问题上持有不同意见。

8.Henry's works of art are superior in many respects to those of hisbrother's better.亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好。






1. Hello, how are you? 你好,你好吗?2. I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。

3. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?4. My name is Lisa. 我的名字是丽莎。

6. I am from China. 我来自中国。

8. Yes, I like reading very much. 是的,我非常喜欢读书。

10. My favorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. 我最喜欢的书是简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》。

12. I am twenty years old. 我二十岁了。

13. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?14. I am a teacher. 我是一名教师。

16. I enjoy listening to music and watching movies. 我喜欢听音乐和看电影。

17. Have you ever traveled abroad? 你有没有去过国外旅行?21. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?22. Yes, I have one brother and one sister. 是的,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。

23. Are you married? 你结婚了吗?26. I plan to further my education and travel around the world. 我计划继续教育并环游世界。



e.g.) Comrade Lei Feng was too ready to help others. 雷锋同志乐于助人。 The old woman is too apt to forget. 这位老太太太健忘了。
8.News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field district.
there would be a long and a difficult struggle.
Poor translation:他深信当时已出现以后会有场漫长而艰辛的斗争的基础 Proper translation:他根据当时已出现的情况,深信以后会有场漫长而艰 辛的斗争
10. What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the third world countries?
4.This failure was the making of him.
Poor translation: 这次失败是他造成的。 the making of
= a means of gaining great improvement or success Be the making of sb.
at the eleventh hour. (1)at the last possible moment. (Just before the last clock hour, 12)
e.g.) She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour. We don't worry about death until the eleventh hour.



汉译英:(1)你是通过参‎加英语俱乐‎部的形式来‎学习英语的‎吗?Do you learn‎Engli‎s h by joini‎n g an Engli‎s h club?(2)我造完整的‎句子有困难‎,所以我发现‎学好英语很‎难I have troub‎l e/probl‎e ms/diffi‎c ulti‎e s makin‎g compl‎e te sente‎n ces.So I find it diffi‎c ult to learn‎Engli‎s h well.(3)作为一名学‎生,我们应该在‎老师的帮助‎下,尽最大的努‎力完成学习‎As a stude‎n t,we shoul‎d try our best to compl‎e te the study‎with the help of our teach‎e rs.(4)你经常开着‎灯睡觉吗?Do you often‎go to sleep‎with the light‎on?(5)过去在路的‎尽头有一家‎商店There‎used to be a shop at the end of the road.(6)他为成为一‎名2008‎年北京奥运‎会志愿者而‎自豪。

He took pride‎in being‎a volun‎t eer of 2008 Beiji‎n g Olymp‎i c Games‎.(7)只有那时,我才有机会‎实现我的梦‎想。

Only then will I have a chanc‎e of achie‎v ing my dream‎.(8)他的父母一‎直非常担心‎他,因为他的健‎康会防碍他‎的学习His paren‎t s are worri‎e d about‎him,becau‎s e his healt‎h often‎gets in the way of his study‎.(9)大多数青少‎年认为应该‎允许他们多‎玩少学习,你同意他的‎观点吗?Most teena‎g ers think‎they shoul‎d be allow‎e d to play more sport‎s and do less work.Do you agree‎with him?(10)他宁愿呆在‎家里读一本‎好书,而不愿去参‎加聚会。


The rate and the rate of car. At the same time, subsidies will also be on the taxi driver revenue, passenger travel costs, passengers waiting time to build
Degree increase. Therefore, the difficulty coefficient of the taxi and the age of the crowd, combined with the actual situation, we should be on the model
To a certain extent, ease the taxi difficult".
But because the subsidy is achieved through the use of a taxi software, depending on the age of the population analysis,
新的供给函数为 g1, g1同时又与原始满载率 0有关。又由分析可知,供求比越接近 1
The supply function for the new G1 G1, and at the same time with the original full rate of 0 for. And by the analysis, the supply and demand ratio closer to 1



What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。

)How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)Just because.(没有别的原因。

)It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。

)You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。

)No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。

)I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。

)Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。

)I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。

Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。

I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。

You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。

Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。

I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。

You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。

She is well-build.她的身材真棒。

You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。

You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。



1. Lexicography1)Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language词典编纂的绝妙之处是给人一种与语言打交道的快乐感。

2) One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field.不像其他领域,编词典的人整天都钻在语言材料中。

3) Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind有时碰到的语言材料浩如烟海,令人耗神。

4) Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole往往一天辛苦工作下来,发觉所完成的薄薄几页草稿只是全部工作的九牛一毛,好不沮丧。

5) As I hope the readers of this work will come to understand dictionaries do not sprint into being正如我希望这部著作的读者会逐渐明白的那样,词典并非是一蹴而就的。

6)People must plan them collect information and write them. 必须先制定计划,收集材料,然后方能编写。

7 )Writing takes time and it is often frustrating and even infuriating.编写词典不仅耗费时间,而且常让人受挫,甚至恼怒。



1.英汉差异2.英译汉-加注和释义加注法可分音译加注和直译加注You look like AL_Capone in that suit.你穿上那套衣服,看上去就像个流氓阿尔.卡彭*了。


)It was Friday and soon they'd go out and get drunk.星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要出去喝酒,一醉方休。

Black people have all too often found the American Dream a nightmare.黑人们经常发现所谓的美国梦*不过是一场噩梦。


Ifs not easy to become a member of that club-they want people who have plenty of money to spend,not just every Tom,Dick, and Harry.要参加那个俱乐部并非易事一他们只吸收手头阔绰的人,而不是普通百姓。

Our son must go to school.He must break out of the pot thatholds us in.我们的儿子一定得上学,一定要出人头地。

•增词I was extremely worried about her,but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument.我非常担心她,但不论是地点还是时间都不适合和她讲解或争论。

Britain's railway system is being improved.英国的铁路系统正在改善。

English prose is elaborate rather than simple.It was not always so.现今英语散文是精心制作的而不是简单的就能做到。



1、Extremely urgent十万火急;underestimate one's own capabilities妄自菲薄;commit the same error重蹈覆辙;full of conceit目空一切;miss a good chance错失良机;fellow sufferers难兄难弟;make a superficial change换汤不换药;2、Pure清白;light清淡;poor清贫;cool and refreshing清凉;chilly 清冷;fresh and cool清爽;quiet and beautiful清幽;thin清瘦;cheek 清查;honest and upright officials清官;3、Look at the blackboard看黑板;watch TV看电视;see a film看电影;study a map看地图;read a novel看小说;visit a friend看朋友;4、Milk way银河;hot dog 热狗;blue joke色情笑话;blue boy通过变性手术由男孩变为女孩。

Highway大道;cats and dogs=it is raining cats and dogs倾盆大雨;motor way高速公路;5、a charming girl一个迷人的女孩;a tall building一个高大的建筑物;nothing important什么都不重要;the manager's little office经理人的小办公室;a little,yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven beggar beg一个乞丐,身材短小,面黄肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡须。

6、To make a monkey of 愚弄;to burn the boat破釜沉舟;to fish in the air水底捞月;to call a spade a spade直言不讳,实话实说;castle in the air空中楼阁,白日梦;crocodile tears鳄鱼泪;7、Rich and poor贫富;back and forrh来回;right and left左右;sooner and later迟早;land and water水陆;eat and drink饮食;day and night 夜以继日;by twos and threes三三两两;8、I never had much in seeing you.There was no love lost between us at any time.我们压根就没见过,哪有爱可言。



第二章1、Every dog has its day.2、When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.3、Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‟s pleasant king.4、Li Ming is now with his parents in Quanzhou City; it is always three years since he was a bandmaster.5、It is good for him to do that.6、He didn‟t marry her because she was rich.7、John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.8、The winds of November were like summer breezes to him, and his face glowed with the pleasant cold. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened; his vitality was intense, shining out upon others with almost a material warmth.9、My dear girls, I am ambitious for you, but not to have you make a dash in the world--marry rich men merely because they are rich, or have splendid houses, which are not homes because love is wanting.10、To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium.第三章1、He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen mayor of Chicago.2、It' s a Smoke Free Area.3、Shakespeare put his hometown on the map.4、Every body wouldn…t like it.5、one can not be too careful in the work of translation.6、The girl is a dead shot.7、He met his Waterloo.8、You're talking through your hat again.9、You should keep your nose out of here.10、He is the last man to do this.11、Every life has its roses and thorns.13、to kill two birds with one stone14、All roads lead to Rome.Love me, love my dog.Diamond cuts diamond.One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.一Once the wife of a parson, always the wife of a parson.16、Beauty lies in lover‟s eyes.17、Many heads are better than one.18、Never offer to teach fish to swim.19、You‟re rather rein in hell than serve in heaven, I suppose.20、I love my love with an E, because she‟s enticing; I hate her with an E, because she‟s engaged;I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name‟s Emily, and she lives in the east.(Charles Dickens: David Copperfield)第四章2、He is a fast talker.3、These rustic lassies are good singers.4、His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.5、Ford‟s first pledge was, “Mr. President, you have my support and my loyalty.”6、In the exchange of cultures throughout the world, the study of foreign languages is a must.7、Investigation assured us of the soundness of the plan.8、I have full assurance of the reliability of the information.9、Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.10、I had impression that your brother was the director of the company.11、She escorted the foreign guests round the sights of Quanzhou.12、In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.13、She skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.14、She is familiar with English.15、I would be so grateful if you could do it.16、We seek a better understanding through multiplication of our economic, cultural, scientific, technical, and human ties.17、The Wilde family were religious.。



陕西专升本大学英语英译汉翻译真题《2022大学英语真题》——英译汉翻译Laughter offers a number of positive effects on our health both physically and mentally. First of all, laughter helps strengthen our body and reduce pressure. It can also increase the flexibility of our muscles. What’s more, laughter draws our attention from anger despair and other negative feeling, allowing us to see a problem as a challenge rather than a threat. Last but not least, laughter helps us create hope and a better relationship with people around us, which contributes to the development of stable society. That’s why we are encouraged to laugh more in life.翻译参考:笑声给我们的身心健康带来不计其数的积极影响。






《2021大学英语真题》——英译汉翻译Great changes have been made in family life because of science andtechnology. In the past, when more people livedin the countryside, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry becomes more important than agriculture in life, families become smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families cannot be moved from place to place as easily as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families.翻译参考:由于科学和技术的发展,家庭生活发生了巨大变化。



1. 英文翻译成中文:
- 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。

Books are the ladder of human progress.
- 生活就像一面镜子,你若对她笑,她就对你笑。

Life is like a mirror. If you smile at her, she will smile at you.
2. 中文翻译成英文:
- 知识就是力量。

Knowledge is power.
- 塞翁失马,焉知非福。

A blessing in disguise.
3. 中文翻译成中文:
- 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country.
- 海纳百川,有容乃大。

The ocean is vast because it admits all rivers.



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话不在多,说明白就行;句不在长,看 懂就行。 I’m returning the INV to you for your review. 简洁性体现在缩略词语的使用 如果英译汉,则用‚近文言体‛来译外 贸函电。例如:将‚We thank you for all past favor,and we are always at your service‛翻译成‚谢谢贵方以往的惠顾, 并愿随时为您服务‛:
Hale Waihona Puke 重量单位作为重量单位的‚吨‛,在不同的度量 衡体系中有不同的解释,有公制的公吨 (Metric ton),有英制的长吨(Long ton), 还有美制的短吨(Short ton)。

比如翻译‚请速开证.以免耽搁装 运‛.若译成‚Please rush your L/C lest the shipment may not be delayed”,虽然语 法和含义都没有错,但句中‚lest”一词文 学气味太浓,就不适合这个特定的语域, 应改用‚SO that”或‚in order that”。或者 ‚for fear that”。

语言魅力无穷,但要区分文体 知识+经验 尊重对方文化
例如在一些外贸单据中会使用名称、型 号、备注等等。 型号有:model;type;model number 名称有:name;designation;definition 备注有:remark;note;comment 在翻译这些词语的时候要用常用语,因为 很多事约定成俗的,已经形成了习惯用 语。

介词‚ex‛与‚per‛有各自不同的含义。英译 由某轮船‚运来‛的货物时用‚ex‛,由某轮 船‚运走‛用‚per‛.由某轮船‚承运‛则用 ‚by‛。例如:‚由‘维多利亚’轮运走/运 来/承运的最后一批货将于10月1日抵达伦敦.‛ 译文:‚The last batch per/ex/by S.s.‚Victoria‛will arrive at London on October.‛再如英译‚五月一日前装运‛.若 原意包含‚五月一日,应译成‚Shipment not later than Mayl‛;若不包含‚五月一日‛,则 译成‚Shipment before Mayl‛。虽是一天之 差.但如果翻译不准确,却可能造成严重的后
英汉翻译——翻译词语的选 择 ——以商务翻译为例
约定成俗 对于在日常工作、学习中约定成俗的翻译习惯 要尊重,并尽量不更改 简洁明了 在翻译时不要使用过于复杂的句式和单词,要 尽量用使用常用语。 准确完整 翻译要将意思表达清楚,不能丢三落四,不能 有遗漏。 符合问题要求
