2022年人教版高考英语考点复习必修4 Unit 2 Working the land

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Unit 2Working the land

A Shepherd Saved Six Runners from Extreme Weather during

Deadly Ultra-marathon in China


A shepherd in northwest China has been credited with saving six trail runners from dangerously extreme weather, according to state media. Twenty-one other runners died during the 100-kilometer (62-mile) race on Saturday.

According to China National Radio, Zhu Keming was grazing his sheep near the high-altitude Huanghe Shilin Mountain in Gansu Province when the weather turned sour. He sought refuge in a cave where he had stored some firewood and clothes near the running trail.

“The weather that day was really uncommon. It was foggy and raining and windy and sometimes hailing(下冰雹). That kind of weather is really rar e, ” Zhu told China National Radio.

As temperatures dropped, runners started reported suffering from hypothermia(体温过低), while others went missing. Marathon organizers called off the race and launched a search party of 1, 200 people to scour(搜查) the complicated terrain(地形), in an operation that continued after dark.






通过了解文章的内容, 理解一位平凡的人做的不平凡的事情, 激发学生们养成热心助人的优良品格。


必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero; 必修4 Unit 1 Women of

【外刊概要】牧羊人朱克铭冒着危险连救6名马拉松百公里越野赛选手, 在得知山上有选手晕倒后, 他冒着狂风大雨坚持到山上搜救。他原本是最平凡的中国农民, 现在已然成了大家心目中了不起的英雄。achievement;

必修4 Unit 2 Working the land;

必修 5 Unit 1 Great scientists

Ⅰ. 一词多义(sour)

1. The stewed apple was sour even with honey. adj. 酸的

2. She made a sour face in his direction. adj. 不友善的

3. His dream is beginning to turn sour. adj. 令人失望的

4. The atmosphere at the house soured. v. (使)变坏, 恶化

Ⅱ. 佳句仿写

1. 孩子们正在操场上愉快地踢足球, 这时天下起了大雨。(be doing. . . when. . . ) The children were playing football merrily on the playground when it began to rain heavily.

2. 如果明天下雨, 我们就取消比赛。(call off)

If it should rain tomorrow, we would call off the game.

Ⅲ. 句式改写

As temperatures dropped, runners started reported suffering from hypothermia, while others went missing. (with)

With temperatures dropping, runners started reported suffering from hypothermia, while others went missing.

1. struggle vi. &n. 斗争; 拼搏; 努力; 挣扎

【典型例句】Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills. 那些失业的人们想方设法以支付超市的账单。


①They had to struggle against/with all kinds of difficulties.

②People struggle to get(get) the best piece of land.


③After 12 years’ struggle, people there are living a normal life now.

经过12年的努力, 现在那里的人们生活步入了正轨。


struggle for 为……而奋斗

struggle against/with 与……斗争

struggle to do sth. 努力做某事

struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来


The struggle for freedom was long and hard.


2. equip vt. & vi. (equipped/equipped)配备; 装备

【教材重温】He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. (P10)
