浙大远程 应用写作作业(2012版)
浙大远程-文学写作 答案
)(一)1、“现代”写作认为,写作是人际沟通信息传播的基本手段,是运用文字为主的推理符号来传达信息、交流思想以期发生相应变化的(B )A.个人行为B.社会活动C.自我表现D.人际沟通2、写作不仅仅是写文章,要考虑“写什么”和“怎么写”,而且要研究“作者”、“媒介”、( D )、“效果”诸要素,并从宏观上把握时代、环境等因素对写作活动的影响。
A.个人意图B.社会时尚C.文体选择D.“受众”3、现代写作的一个重要特征就是强调与( A )零距离,把注意力转向读者。
A. 社会需要B.专业岗位C.个人特长D.兴趣爱好4沟通(communication)是人们( A. )信息、思想和情感的任何过程。
A. 分享B.了解C.宣洩D.输出(三)1、元人乔梦符提出,文章布局应做到“凤头、猪肚、( C )”。
A.虎尾B.狼尾C.豹尾D.狗尾2、写作要“意新语工”,辞达情意,文字语言表达要做到( D )、简练、生动。
”好文章开头写法各异,多种多样,但归纳起来,不外乎几个类型,这里可归入( B ) 类型。
A.艺术B.平实C.开门见山D.别开生面4、下面的是鲁迅:《藤野先生》的原稿和定稿,其中( B )是定稿。
《应用写作》课程作业姓名:冯曦学号:年级:秋学习中心:宁波电大学习中心—————————————————————————————两大类题,各选一小题,共需要完成两篇小作文.(一)热点话题写作议论社会热点,针砭时事.题目:.自拟题目,请以下一话题就你感受较深地一点生发议论.☆微博上有用户这样说:“我每天睡醒,第一件事就是看‘围脖’,满目苍夷,各种不公开不公平不公正地事,搞地我心乱如麻,感觉随时可能崩盘.后来终于想明白了,是我关注地人有问题,打算取消一批忧国忧民地精英,加一批只贴自拍美照和美食照片、只担心明天体重是否会增加一盎司地乐天派,世界又变美啦.”文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习请说说你地看法,有真情实感抒发一二即可,不必面面俱到.要求:()诗歌除外,文体不限, 仅限文字表达;;()有积极意义地主题,可加副题,也可根据题意另命题, 字数不少于字.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习.用了微博以后☆我觉得最大地好处就是每天都可以很明了地看到粉丝们地文字,而且有很多自己感兴趣地东西,可以和大家比较方便,快捷地交流,微博里有一个发私信地工具,那天用了一下,感觉就像聊一样,非常快捷,可以交到真正志同道合地朋友.另外,里面地一个热点话题栏目我也很喜欢,以前了解一些话题还要去网站搜索,现在觉得就好像用订阅了自己喜欢地话题一样,可以学到很多东西,在网站上搜了大半天地东西一会儿功夫就可以搞定.而且,还可以用手机绑定,登录到相应地网址,同样可以方便地微博.以上三点是我发现自己最喜欢微博地地方,希望大家发现了其它好玩,好用地告诉我一声,呵呵…文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习请你记录生活小点滴,写三则情趣不同地微博.)[三衢石林景区是否可引些水] 常山三衢石林风景区总面积平方公里,整个石林景区景观典雅精致、曲折幽深,石林与藤蔓相互交错,景观类型多样,各种动物造型惟妙惟肖,素有世界上最大地“象形石动物园”地美称,其中地三衢长廊、紫滕峡谷、仙人洞等被中外游客称之为“江南一绝”.前段时间刚被评为景区,昨天我带着一帮朋友游览了整个景区,景色确实不错,但遗憾地是从山脚到山顶都没有水,到了夏天爬山十分干、热,为了景区地舒适性,增加景区灵性,管理部门是否可在三衢石林景区引些水呢?文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习()[商家应诚信] 小区没有围墙,为了大家地安全,前几天,我提议整个楼道十户人家用房屋维修基金合起来装了一扇保安门.可没到两天门把手坏了,找商家商量,怀疑我们自己弄坏自己修.过了三天,锁又坏了,我们再次找商家商量,商家说楼上有人故意弄坏地不在保修范围.天那,有谁会自己花钱找茬?商家后续服务质量真差、没诚信,真窝火!我们几个住户在与商家几次商量无果情况下,忍无可忍,决定到房管部门投诉.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习()今天,女儿老师打电话告诉我,说我女儿这次模拟考试考了双百(语文、数学),而且昨天写地日记很精彩,还作为典范供全班同学学习.我为女儿骄傲,同时也感谢几位老师地教导.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习(二)命题小作文先阅读相关材料,自拟题目撰写短文.题目:.我读浙大专升本.我上浙大远程,重回大学课堂在市场经济洪潮中,面对时代与社会地严峻挑战,我们克服了工作与家庭地种种困难,勇敢地重回大学课堂,来到百年求是园.多少艰辛,多少乐趣在心中!文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习☆“圆梦”:能够进入大学学习,是我们中许多人年轻时地梦想,但这个梦想却由于种种原因未能实现,从此,大学情结常常萦绕在他们心头,挥之不去.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习☆我们工作多年,很多已是拉家带口,当我们带着人生地梦想重新成为一名学生时,迎接我们地并不是一路坦途,而是充满坎坷地求学之路.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习☆当初上学时我可以说是现代文盲,根本不会电脑操作,可是我相信我自己.从买电脑、练习操作、学会上网看课件,到利用各种网络资源学习,我都在一个月内全部搞定了.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习☆工学矛盾是找们经常遇到地问题.找们地学习都是在一天地劳累之后,利用不多地闲暇时间研读课件,完成作业很不容易啊.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习……要求:()诗歌除外,文体不限,仅限文字表达;;()有积极意义地主题,可加副题,也可根据题意另命题, 字数不少于字.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习评分标准:记事写人地, 有真情实感, 有积极意义地主题,或有趣地、或感人地、或浪漫地、或令人震撼地并值得与大家分享地均可.有亮点、有情感、有细节可打分以上.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习议论评说地,针对一事或物来发表自已地观点或见解.能自圆其说即可.言之有物,给人启迪,言之成理,令人信服.言之有序,逻辑性强,可打分以上.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习不及格红线:抄袭或”粘贴”他作(报章书刊与网络均在列).立意不高、过于平淡、结构混乱、错字病句多.我读浙大专升本我是一个来自农村地穷苦孩子,高中成绩中等,为了能确保脱离“拿锄头”地苦海,过上“吃公家饭”地生活,按照父母地要求,选择了考中专.中专毕业参加工作已近二十年,工作、出差、家庭......忙忙碌碌,但读大学特别是能读浙江最高学府——浙江大学一直是我地梦想,常常萦绕心头,每当梦到自己坐在大学阶梯教室学习地情景,就会失声微笑.妻对我说“现在有这个经济条件了,既然读浙江大学是你多年地梦想,就去读吧,我相信你一定可以成功地”.怀着寄托和梦想,如愿地考取了浙大年秋季远程教育工商管理专升本班.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习步入大学,似乎步入了坦途,一切是那么地美好,但繁杂地生活锁事、繁忙地工作,很快使我陷入了痛苦,工作、出差、加班、应酬......,一天劳累之后,回到家倒头就睡.有人轻蔑地对我说“你还读浙大不?”,我暗暗责问自已“有时间学习吗?”.彷徨、迷漫,质疑、嘲笑......,经历了人生痛苦低谷,体会了人情冷暖后,使我深深体会到:脚下地路,只有自己决定方向,心中地伤,只能自己去调养.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来,我坚信一分耕耘,就有一份收获,学习地根是苦地,但学习地果子是甜地.“三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时”,无论如何那怕是凌晨,每天也要抽出个小时学习.同学对我说“读远程教育干吗这么用功,到时看看、抄抄及格就行”,但我不想去混文凭,既然读书,就要学点真东西.浙大优秀地教育模式、丰富地教学资源,使我吸收了最丰富地知识,体验最多元素地文化冲撞,感受最前瞻地思想熏陶,现在我已一次性通过了门课程,平均达分.近期我也当上了领导,使我重新拾回了自信、快乐和充实.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习非常感谢浙大远程给我这次学习地机会,圆了我读浙江大学地梦.通过浙大远程教育学习,使我懂得:不学无术、学无止境,我们生活中布满了问号,前进地道路中永远是逗号,工作、学习上永远要追求感叹号,永远不要为自己地成绩画上句号.大学是一个新地起点,今天地我已超过昨天地我,明天地我必将会超过今天!文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习。
浙大远程 土木工程专业《应用写作离线作业
观点明硧,论证清晰,言之成理, 语言顺畅;或主题明确, 叙述清晰,语言顺畅,有真情实感;要有亮点、有情感、有细节。
记事写人的, 有真情实感, 有积极意义的主题;或有趣的、或感人的、或浪漫的、或令人震撼的并值得与大家分享的均可。
《应用写作》作业答案一、单项选择题:1、 根据以下标题,判断其中哪一类公文文种属于误用根据以下标题,判断其中哪一类公文文种属于误用( C ) A. 杭州市西湖区政府给杭州市教育局的《关于在西湖区增建一所小学的函》函》B. 湖州市文化局给湖州市人民政府的《关于在光明街道建造法制宣传画廊的请示》廊的请示》C. 国务院给湖北省人民政府的《关于国徽悬挂问题的复函》国务院给湖北省人民政府的《关于国徽悬挂问题的复函》D 温州市卫生局向浙江省卫生厅汇报工作的《关于加强食品卫生检查、防止过期食品销售情况的报告》止过期食品销售情况的报告》2、根据公文写作要求,下面文稿的文种错误是不能为报告根据公文写作要求,下面文稿的文种错误是不能为报告,,应为应为( C ) ( C )关于要求增加××××年度澳大利亚铁矿石分配量的报告关于要求增加××××年度澳大利亚铁矿石分配量的报告国家发展与改革委:国家发展与改革委:根据我公司××××年生铁计划产量安排,需消耗铁矿石×××万吨,现已落实×××万吨,尚差×××万吨。
特此要求特此要求, , 请批准。
×××××公司(盖章)×××××公司(盖章)××××年×月×日××××年×月×日A 请示请示B 请示报告请示报告C 函D 请示函请示函3、 经济合同中的“标的”是指经济合同中的“标的”是指( A ) A. 合同双方签约者权利、义务所指向的对象合同双方签约者权利、义务所指向的对象B. 取得对方产品而支付的价款取得对方产品而支付的价款C. 标题标题D. 合同签约人合同签约人4、新闻新闻((消息消息))中“倒金字塔”的结构模式是的结构模式是( A ) A. 按事实的主次排列,先重点,后次要,各部分之间的内在逻辑并不强按事实的主次排列,先重点,后次要,各部分之间的内在逻辑并不强B. 按事实的重要性来排列,先次要,后重点,各部分之间的内在逻辑十分严密分严密C. 按事实的大小来排列,先小后大至结尾按事实的大小来排列,先小后大至结尾D. 不按事实的大小排列,随意组合不按事实的大小排列,随意组合5、使用单位最多用途最广泛的一种公文是指使用单位最多用途最广泛的一种公文是指 ( B ) A. 通报通报B. 通知通知C. 命令命令D. 公告公告6、 行文方向具有多样性的是行文方向具有多样性的是( D ) A. 报告报告B. 通告通告C. 请示请示D. 函7、简报的结构分为三部分,即简报的结构分为三部分,即( B ) A. 简报名称、期数、编印单位、编印日期简报名称、期数、编印单位、编印日期B. 报头、报核报头、报核((正文正文))、报尾、报尾C. 导语、主体、结尾导语、主体、结尾D. 发送单位和印数发送单位和印数8、XX 省教委办公室2006年第10号文件的发文字号应当是号文件的发文字号应当是(A ) A. X 教办教办[2006]10[2006]10号B. X 教办(教办(060606)第)第10号C. [2006]X 教办10号D. X 教办教办[2006]0010[2006]0010号9、科技报告学位论文等编写格式已由国家制订了标准科技报告学位论文等编写格式已由国家制订了标准, , 这是为了这是为了( D ) ( D )A 强调学术论文的学术性强调学术论文的学术性强调学术论文的学术性B 强调学术论文的科学性强调学术论文的科学性强调学术论文的科学性C 强调学术论文的规范性强调学术论文的规范性强调学术论文的规范性D 便于交流与应用便于交流与应用便于交流与应用10、 新闻背景是指新闻中对新闻人物与事件的新闻背景是指新闻中对新闻人物与事件的( A ) ( A )A 历史条件和环境的介绍历史条件和环境的介绍历史条件和环境的介绍 B 具体细节报道具体细节报道具体细节报道 C 重点提示重点提示D 新闻价值交代新闻价值交代新闻价值交代1111、公文格式由眉首、、公文格式由眉首、、公文格式由眉首、( A ) ( A ) 、版记三部分组成。
浙大《应用写作》在线作业1. 《××省卫生系统1999 年工作总结》属于( )。
A. 文件式标题B. 文章式标题C. 双标题D. 新闻式标题2. 根据中华人民共和国国家标准《标点符号用法》常用的标号有( )种。
A. 7B. 9C. 16D. 183. 根据公文写作要求,下面文稿的文种错误是不能为报告,应为:关于请求调整报价的报告( )。
省物价局: 本报社为适应传媒竞争形势, 决定晚报改版, 增强服务性, 扩大版面并因此调整《××晚报》定价,自200×年1月1日起,每日报纸定价由0.35元调高至0.50元,每月订阅价由原10.50元调为15元,全年订阅价调至180元。
特此申报,请审核批准. ××报社(盖章) 二00×年××月××曰A. 请示B. 请示报告C. 函D. 请示函4. 公文的成文日期以( )为准。
A. 写作日期B. 印发日期C. 负责人签发日期D. 盖章日期5. 北京日报打出广告:“北京日报2003年专项分类广告诚征广告代理,期待着您的加盟!”这则广告词的表现手法是( )。
A. 描写式B. 悬念式C. 请求式D. 说明式6. 诉讼当事人,不服一审法院的裁定、判决,在规定的期限内向上一级人民法院提出上诉,请求撤销、变更原审判或者请求重新审理的诉讼文书叫( )。
A. 起诉书B. 上诉书C. 再审申请书D. 申请书7. XX省教委办公室2006年第10号文件的发文字号应当是( )。
A. X教办[2006]10号B. X教办(06)第10号C. [2006]X教办10号D. X教办[2006]0010号8. 下列文章体裁属于广告类的是( )。
A. 解说词B. 店铺楹联C. 招标书D. 特写9. 行文方向具有多样性的是( )。
A. 报告B. 通告C. 请示D. 函10. 总结,是从实践中产生的,其写作特点是( )。
单项选择题与文体写作题标准(参考)答案一、单项选择题(一)1B 2D 3A 4A(三)1C 2D 3A 4B 5A(四)1A 2A 3C 4D 5C 6A 7C 8A(五)1C 2C 3B 4D 5B 6A 7A 8C 9C 10C11C 12A 13D 14A 15C 16C 17B 18A(七)1A 2B 3C 4D 5B 6D 7A 8C(八)1B 2D 3C二、文体写作题1.(主要难点:时间怎么出新?重点即新闻价值在哪?)北京1982.10.17本报专电)昔日皇家离宫, 今朝园林旅舍--由世界著名建筑大师贝聿铭设计的香山饭店今日下午亮丽开业。
2. 方便快捷经济合理“××人出门更容易了!”眼下对于准备出门的××人来说真是一个欣喜的季节:长城航空公司搬迁到××,增加了三十个航班;从4月1日起增加了铁路××到上海、合肥、北京、厦门、深圳等地××班动车,还有××——杭州之间每天48班高速公路大巴等等,这使进出××的南北旅客由衷高兴。
3.关于请求调整成品油零售价格的函省物价局:为适应国际原油价格连续上扬高位不下的态势, 我公司根据总公司要求,决定调高成品油零售价格,自201×年×月×日起,93#汽油每升调高至6.53元,97#汽油每升调高至6.93元, 0#柴油每升调高至6.40元。
浙江大学远程教育学院考查课《应用写作》课程作业姓名:胡晓莉学号:714010312002 年级:2014春学习中心:绍兴学习中心—————————————————————————————釆写发生在身边的新闻:(一)要素(“5W+1H”新闻的六要素)齐备;(二)结构(标题、导语、主体、背景、结尾)符合基本规范。
评分标准:记事写人有真情实感, 并有显示正能量的主题;或有趣的、或感人的、或浪漫的、或令人震撼的并值得与大家分享的均可。
浙大远程 英语写作作业 答案
浙江大学远程教育学院《英语写作》课程作业(必做)—————————————————————————————Unit 1: 段落和篇章知识(Paragraph and whole composition)必做题1.What is a paragraph?A paragraph is a division of writings expressing one central idea. It usually consists of several closely related sentences. It can also be called a unit of thought. It is a unit in itself and part of a larger whole.2.What is a paragraph made up of?Paragraph is made up of a group of sentences which altogether express a controlling idea or central idea. It includes topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. The paragraph is the basic unit of a composition.3.What are the features of an effective paragraph?1. It focuses on one major idea. This major idea is called the topic sentence.2. It provides enough details to develop the idea. An effective paragraph does not waste the reader’s time. It doesn’t start something without finishing it. It contains enough specific details to enable the reader to understand the writer’s point.3. It is sensibly organized: An effective paragraph does not bore the reader. It is organized so the reader has no trouble following the writer’s progression of thought—so the reader can see three parts in a paragraph—1) the topic sentence; 2) supporting details, and 3) the concluding sentence.4.What is the topic sentence and why is it important?A topic sentence is a brief statement of the subject of the paragraph. It is very important because it determines the content of the whole paragraph. Therefore, special attention should be paid to it.5.Which sentence is the topic sentence in the following paragraph?My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others.6.The following topic sentences are not good ones, try to make them better.●There is much to say about any problem.●Time is money●He found an old book in our library last Thursday afternoon1 There is much to say about the problem of unemployment.2 It is a shame to waste time in college years.3 One of his interests is to spend time in libraries.7.What are the requirements of a good topic sentence?1 A good topic sentence presents both a subject and an attitude toward that subject.2 A topic sentence only states one fact or one opinion.3 The topic should be neither too abstract nor too specific.4 Furthermore it is better to be placed at the beginning of the paragraph.8.What are the requirements of supporting details?1 Supporting details deal with different aspects of a topic sentence.2 Supporting details never say things that are irrelevant to the topic sentence.3 Supporting details should be developed naturally and logically from one to another.4 Each supporting detail should not be either too long or too short.9.What is the concluding sentence?The concluding sentence is the restatement of the topic sentence. It usually summarize the idea of the whole paragraph and to open doors to the next paragraph. Therefore, a concluding sentence of a paragraph is supposed to be the link between the two paragraphs.10.W hat is a composition made up of? What is the function of each part?1) Most, if not all, compositions are made up of a beginning, a middle, and an end.2) The beginning ( the introduction) rouses the reader’s interes t in and secures his attention to the subject matter of the essay or provides necessary background information. The middle (the body) gives a clear and logical presentation of the facts and ideas the writer intends to put forth. The end ( the conclusion ) winds up the essay often with an emphatic and forceful statement to influence the reader’s final impression of the essay and shows the implication or consequences of the argument.11.H ow many ways can you write your introduction ?A quotation \ Figures or statistics\A question or several questions. \The time and place of the event to be described\Relevant background material \An analogy \ A definitionUnit 2: 记叙文和论说文(Narration and argumentation)必做题1.What are narrate and narration?To narrate is to give an account of an event or a series of events. In its broadest sense, narrative writing includes stories, real or imaginary, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems.¨Narration, in its broadest sense, is any account of an event or series of events. When it is defined simply, narration is the telling of a trued or imaginary story.2.H ow many types of narration ?Matter-of-fact Narration : It is an exact account of what happened. In this kind of account the facts are stated in chronological or time order. Narration with plot: this kind of narration is used to tell a story so it includes enough details for clearness and some description to make the story vivid. It often follows a chronological order with one action after another as it happened and developed in original experience.It mainly includes travel account , news , biography , diary , essay , anecdote , adventurous personal experience , historic events , epitaph3.What aspects should you consider when you plan a narration?Purpose: when a writer begins to narrate, there must be a purpose in his mind for writing. He should choose enough details and design the plot of his narration carefully in order to let others to understand what he wants to express clearly.Organization: Events in a narration are usually related in the order in which they occur. That is to say, it is written in chronological order. But sometimes it is also possible to start from the middle or from the end of the narration with the event that is most important to arouse the interest of the reader and then go back t the beginning by using flashbacks. Generally, a narration is made up of three parts: a beginning, a middle part and an end. There is no need to make a concluding paragraph when the story is clearly told and comes to the end naturally. However, sometimes, it is necessary to add one or more paragraphs about the significance of the story or about what happens afterwards.¨Context: In narrative writing, it should be often made clearly at the beginning that “ when” “where” and “to whom” the action in the narration happened, which provides with a context,or circumstances to the reader so as to help him to understand the whole narration.¨Selection of details: In order to help the reader know what is happening, the writer should offer enough details. But, there should not be too many details. To highlight the development of narration, the useful and effective things are only relevant details or things that contribute to bring out the main ideas of the narration4.What is an argumentation?An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical reasoning, examples, and research5.What is the organization of an argumentation?Title\ Introduction: Thesis statement\ Body Paragraphs\Constructing Topic Sentences\Building Main Points\Countering the Opposition\ Conclusion6.What is a thesis statement?1 The most important sentence in your paper2 Lets the reader know the main idea of the paper3 Answers t he question: “What am I trying to prove?”4 Not a factual statement, but a claim that has to be proven throughout the paper7.What is the role of the thesis statement?1 The thesis statement should guide your reader through your argument.2 The thesis statement is generally located in the introduction of the paper.3 A thesis statement may also be located within the body of the paper or in the conclusion, depending upon the purpose or argument of the paper8.Write a composition on the following topic.How Do People Keep HealthyThe Best Way to Stay HealthyAs the living standard improves more and more people are paying attention to their health conditions. Different people usually have different ways to stay healthy. In my opinion, the most important thing is to keep a healthy attitude toward life.It is true that physical factors affect one’s health conditions a great deal, but at the same time, we should not neglect the mental factors. Many scientific researches have shown that anger, suspicion and envy do great harm to human bodies while being optimistic can cure some small diseases. We have also heard of many people who live much longer than doctors’ prediction after they have been diagnosed incurable diseases. That is, because they keep a good mood and struggle with the difficulties in life. Compared with those people who suffer serious physical pain, we healthy people are much more lucky and therefore have more reasons to maintain a healthy attitude to life no matter what kind of hardship life may give us.People use all kinds of methods to keep healthy because they want to live happily. Then in my point of view, there is no other way than keeping a healthy attitude toward life can make people happier or more healthy, both physically and mentally.9. Write another composition on the following topicShould Raising Pets be Banned?With the steady growth in the country’s economy as well as the people’s living standard, a greatmany city dwellers take up the hobby of keeping pets. To their mind, pets bring great happiness and fun to their life. In reality, pets have become a member of the pet owner’s family. However, recently this phenomenon has triggered a heated discussion as to whether city people should be allowed to raise pets. There are people on both sides of the argument who have very strong feelings.The pet lovers claim that raising a pet benefits us a lot. First of all, a pet is a faithful and obedient companion to its owner. Pets are affectionate and cute. Secondly, they possess the inborn ability to entertain people, providing a rich source of pleasure and fun. They help people rid their loneliness and ease the tense life pressure. Moreover, keeping a pet does good to childr5en’s psychological development, because it teaches children how to care for others and how to appreciate life while helping them to cultivate a strong sense of responsibility. Pets also have some practical uses. They can be a loyal companion, a doorkeeper or a guide dog. In some special cases, pets even act as the protector and savior of the owner. In a word, there are many advantages to keeping a pet at home.On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly condemn this hobby. From their point of view, pets bring far more harm than good to us city dwellers. To begin with it is a costly and time-consuming hobby. You have to accommodate them, care for them and spend time with them. How can a bustling city person afford that? Moreover, it is very dirty. They litter everywhere and may carry some fatal viruses, which are great threats to human health. They even spread some infectious diseases to their owners and sometimes even those people around the. Last of all, they are troublemakers to the neighborhood. Some pet dogs or cats enjoy barking at midnight, which is an irritating disturbance to the neighbors. Pets may sometimes attack neighbors and passers-by. On some occasions, they cause some damage to other’s property. On any accounts, they are unwelcome and troublesome.Just as the saying goes, “so many people, so many minds”, it is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person. As far as I am concerned, it is advisable not to keep a pet in a city,because this hobby brings us more drawbacks than merits.If there were too many pets running on the streets, baking at night, lettering everywhere better give up this hobby for the common good.Unit 3: 说明文和描写文(Exposition and description)必做题1.What is an exposition?Exposition means explaining or expounding something, the purpose of which is to inform or instruct, to make the reader understand what he reads. It is a kind of writing that is used often by a scientist, a specialist, a professional or a college student. In expository writing, the writer may present a concept, a process or a fact, and explain it by using the ways of listing the elements or steps, which make up the concept, the process or the fact. It deals with processes and relationships mainly.2.What are the common methods of writing an exposition?a)Illustration by exampleb)Division and classification: The purpose of division is to divide a thing into parts and it is usedto deal with one thing.c)Classification is used to organize things sharing certain qualities and the purpose of which is togroup these things systematically.d)Comparison and contrast: a comparison means the way to explain how things are similar; butcontrast explains how tings are different.e)Cause and effect: it means a piece of expository writing which shows or explains the cause andeffect of something.f)Definition: it means the way that a writer uses when he wants to introduce to the reader a newand unfamiliar term or concept.3.What is a Description?Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object, or scene4.Write a composition on the following title:My favorite Color.When referring to colors, we have certain aspects of them. For instance, red may stand for passion, white for peace and purity, black for mystery, and so on. As far as I am concerned, blue is my favorite color, and there are a brief story and reasons behind it.The story could be traced back to my childhood. At the age of 8, I received a gift from my dear grandparents who paid their first overseas visit to Japan. It was a blue Mickey Mouse watch. The watchband was made of leather dyed in navy blue, and the watchcase was also of navy stainless with inside a cute navy-uniformed Mickey Mouse whose hands pointed at the hours and minutes. At that time, about 22 years ago, this kind of watch was rare and Mickey Mouse seemed to me a fairytale which I could only imagine instead of possessing the real object; therefore, every time I put the watch on, I gained jealousy from my peer and classmate s. In other words, this behavior satisfied my childish vanity then. However, since it was a delicate and beautiful watch, I seldom put it on. On one rainy evening, my younger sister, Wen-fang, had a serious fever. Having decided to take her to see a doctor, my mother had my brother on her back, held my other 2 si sters’ hands and asked me to embrace my sick young sister, and we walked half an hour to the clinic. After coming home, I found my Mickey Mouse watch disappeared. I hurried to seek for my lost watch in the exact path that we walked through, but couldn’t fi nd it. I was quite sad about it, but fortunately, my sister soon recovered under the doctor’s treatment. Till now, I still remember that lost blue watch vividly and from then on, I made a special and favorable impression on blue.Moreover, it is magical that blue sky and blue sea have enchanting and amazing power over me.Whenever I am depressed, I especially enjoy looking up the blue sky and if it is allowed, I like going to see the deep blue oceans as well. It’s a great relief to see the blue color, and i t really soothes my nerves. Under this enormous blue vault, I, myself, and my depression are too tiny to be compared to it;the peaceful deep blue seas with the touchable melody of which the waves compose is the best cure for my unhappiness or sadness.To sum up, my definition of blue stands for relief and freedom of soul. Though some may consider blue is a sign of gloom, since I am an optimistic and independent person, when I am blue, I will tell myself to look on the bright side instead of including myself into being over sorrowful. I favor blue for its fine distinction and definition as mentioned above. Hence, I consider that no other colors aremore suitable to me than blue.5.Write a composition on the following title :The Pet I KeptMany people have an experience of raising a pet. They may have different feeling and sensations towards their pets. No matter how they feel, the same feeling of having a pet is love.People treat their pets with love and the pets also spend their whole lives companying with their masters. When we have pets, we have to take care and love them. Therefore, keeping a pet is not a tough work but as a good learning experience to learn how to be responsible and patient.I kept a dog as a pet when I was in elementary school. Its name was “little white” because it waswhite in color. I got the puppy from my classmate because there were too many dogs after his mother-dog reproduced. He wanted me to pick up one from 7 puppies. I choose “little white”because it has a pair of beautiful and bright eyes and a very cute face. I happily brought it home and cleaned it and fed with milk. From that moment, the puppy became one of my family members.Few months later, when it grew up, it became a big dog with a short month, sharp teeth, bright eyes, a small black nose, fox-like ears and a feather duster-like tail. It had bad temper and was interested in biting anything, especially people. I was been one of the victims. Although it got a terrible temper, it gave me the unforgettable and happy moments during my childhood.After possessing “little white”, I could have a little realization about how difficult of being parents. The puppy could have faces anywhere in the house and I got to clear them up. The defecation smelt bad and made me feel vomitive. Every time after I cleaned the feces, I shout to the puppy to release my bad emotion of cleaning the stink shit. Besides, I had to catch the fleas, which are too small to be caught on the puppy. Moreover, I had to clean the puppy regularly. The puppy was so hated to be scrub that it ran away when it heard “taking washing”. Therefore, every time I had to chase the dog on the street and catch it back and then tie it up and give a rinse. Thus, cleaning dog is not only a hard work but also an exhausted exercise.However, having a pet did not mean having a trouble. Sometimes, a pet can play an important role in our mental health. For example, when I was in bad mood, the puppy became my royal listener and stayed with me and never could not “complain” because it could not speak “human language” to grumble at me. When I was in good mood, I played with the dog and shared my happiness through having good time on the playground or giving some special abundant meals. On the contrary, the dog also had its own emotions and would have many special method of expressing its feeling. For instance, when “little white” was in good mood, it would ask me to play with it by “throwing” its “toys”, such as the fake bones or some clothes it liked to sleep with. Also, the “little white” had emotional reactions and would show its feeling on face. When the dog was happy, it would not only shake its tail but also “smile”. When the dog felt bored, it would ask me to play withit by biting my pants. When the puppy wanted to go out for fun, it would scratch the door and bark.When the dog was hungry, it would bark like “begging”. Although the puppy could not talk, it also could express its feeling through many ways.In addition, the “little white” was also the security guide of family because of its “sharp nose, ears, and bad temper”. The dog almost barked at and bit anyone who tried to get into my house, including our friends, classmates, neighbors, visitors, and even the passerby except my family.Therefore, when the visitors cam e, we had to catch the “little white” and locked it into the “toilet”until the visitor left. After a long time, all my friends knew that I had a very bad temper dog.As a result, keeping a pet is not a tough work but a good learning experience to learn how to be responsible and patient. After raising a dog, I not only learn how to take care of a dog but also realize that “little white” as a pet is a life, which has feelings and thought as human did and spends all its life with me, and depends on me, and trusts me. Therefore, I shall cherish the relation between us.Unit 4: 实用文(Practical writings)必做题1.What aspects should you pay attention to when you design a cover letter?Whether mailing or hand-delivering a resume, always include a short covering letter. The following aspects you should especially pay attention to:Aspect 1: Address your letter to an individual, not to a title alone. .Although you may address your resume to Mr. Patrick Burns, Marketing Manager, don't address your letter (or envelope) to Marketing Manager.The employer may conclude that, because you were unable or unwilling to search out his actual name, you will demonstrate an equal lack of initiative on the job. He may be instinctively more sympathetic to the applicant who uses his correct name.Aspect 2: Stipulate the type of job you are applying for.If you don't mention the specific job or type of work, it implies that you are simply looking for "work." If so, you may not be the interested, motivated, and dedicated individual that the employer is looking for. Tell also what caused you to apply, whether an advertisement, the recommendation of a friend who works there, etc, or your own research, etc. Be direct and to the point. Don't waste the employer's time.Aspect 3: Be specific and factual.Mention any personal characteristics that may be relevant to the opening. Be specific and factual. Avoid generalities and exaggeration. Back up any claim modestly and succinctly. .Aspect 4: Be direct and natural.Write as if you were speaking face to face to the employer. Avoid ostentation. Stay clear of complicated grammar.Aspect 5: Be brief. Keep the letter to one page.Aspect6: Tailor your letter to different readers.Although you may want to send the same resume to all employers, you probably should vary the covering letter somewhat in order to emphasize different interests or strengths. Certain of your qualifications may be of more importance to one employer than to another.2.Write on Answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on thefollowing situation:You have heard that your friend, Jack, wishes to sell his walkman. Write him a note expressing your interest in it, asking him about its condition and offering a price for it.April 7, 2003Dear Jack,I have heard that you want to sell your walkman. You know, I want to buy a used walkman in order to do some listening practice. I want to know if your walkman functions well. And I offer 200 yuan to buy it. Please give me some detailed information about it as soon as possible.Yours sincerelyHenry3.Write a business letter to your customer to talk about the price yourcompany offers to buy his/her computers. You think that the price he/she offers is too high and you think that 5800 RMB for each computer is better for both sides. Now write a business letter to express this intention. Pay attention to the form of a business letter.English DepartmentZhejiang companyHangzhou, 310027ChinaMarkNewsweek International435 Madison EvenueNew York, NY10022U.S.A.Dear MarkI am writing to show my sincere appreciation to your advanced products. Our company is eager to buy your computers.Maybe the price that your company offers is too high and perhaps 5800 RMB for each computer is better for both sides.I’m waiting for your reply!Thank you!Yours ,Tom4.Suppose now you are a freshman (大一学生) in a college. You want tohave a part-time job. Yet your parents don’t agree with you and urge you to focus your time and energy on your study. Now write a letter no less than 150 words to tell them the importance and value of part-time job to a college student, ensure them that you can balance your study and the part-time job well, and therefore persuade them to agree with your choice at last.Pay attention to the form of a letter: the heading, the salutation,complementary ending , and make your letter as powerful as possible.December 12, 2013 Dear parents,It is true that excellent academic are something essential if we want to find a good job after we leave school. But on the other hand, for students like me who can easily get high marks in examinations, it is worth trying to find something to do in our spare time.Then w can get some work experience which is as valuable as our academic achievement. It depends on how to deal with the relation ship between working and learning.There is no doubt that take part-time job bring many benefits . Above all, It will make our life more enjoyable ,that is to say, it can add color to the dull routine of every day life.In addition, part-time job will provide my experience and learn knowledge ,which may put students in a favorable position in the future job markets.Undoubtedly, taking part-time job can not only improve my academic studies, but also help me learn gain much experience. Dear parents, I need your support!Hope to get your support!Sincerely yours ,Tony。
浙大远程英语写作作业### 浙大远程英语写作作业Task 1: Narrative WritingObjective: To tell a story that includes a setting, characters, a problem, and a resolution.Guidelines:1. Choose a setting that is either a real place or afictional one.2. Create at least two characters with distinct personalities.3. Introduce a problem or conflict that the characters must face.4. Write a resolution that ties up the story in a satisfying way.Sample Prompt: "Write a story about two friends who embark on a journey to find a hidden treasure in an ancient forest."Task 2: Descriptive WritingObjective: To describe a place or object in detail, using sensory language to create a vivid image in the reader's mind.Guidelines:1. Choose a place or object that you find interesting.2. Describe the appearance, texture, smell, and sound associated with the place or object.3. Use figurative language such as similes and metaphors to enhance the description.Sample Prompt: "Describe a bustling marketplace in a foreign country, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells."Task 3: Persuasive WritingObjective: To write an argument that persuades the reader to adopt a particular point of view.Guidelines:1. Choose a topic that you feel strongly about.2. State your position clearly and provide reasons to support it.3. Use evidence and examples to strengthen your argument.4. Address potential counterarguments and refute them.Sample Prompt: "Write an essay arguing for the importance of environmental conservation and the steps that individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint."Task 4: Expository WritingObjective: To explain a concept or process in a clear and organized manner.Guidelines:1. Choose a topic that can be broken down into steps or components.2. Provide a clear introduction that outlines what will be explained.3. Use logical order and transitions to guide the reader through the explanation.4. Conclude by summarizing the main points.Sample Prompt: "Explain the process of photosynthesis and its importance to life on Earth."Task 5: Reflective WritingObjective: To reflect on a personal experience, event, or idea and consider its significance.Guidelines:1. Choose a personal experience that had a significant impact on you.2. Describe the experience and what happened.3. Reflect on what you learned or how the experience changed your perspective.4. Consider the broader implications or lessons that can be drawn from the experience.Sample Prompt: "Reflect on a time when you overcame a challenge and describe how it has shaped your character."Submission Guidelines:- Each task should be submitted as a separate document.- Use a clear and concise writing style.- Proofread your work for grammar and spelling errors.- Submit your assignments via the online platform by the due date.Evaluation Criteria:- Clarity and coherence of writing.- Depth of thought and analysis.- Use of appropriate language and style.- Adherence to the task guidelines and prompt requirements.Good luck with your assignments, and remember to express yourself clearly and thoughtfully!。
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)(一)1、“现代”写作认为,写作是人际沟通信息传播的基本手段,是运用文字为主的推理符号来传达信息、交流思想以期发生相应变化的( C )A.个人行为B.社会活动C.自我表现D.人际沟通2、写作不仅仅是写文章,要考虑“写什么”和“怎么写”,而且要研究“作者”、“媒介”、( C )、“效果”诸要素,并从宏观上把握时代、环境等因素对写作活动的影响。
( A )A. 社会需要B.专业岗位C.个人特长D.兴趣爱好4沟通(communication)是人们( A )信息、思想和情感的任何过程。
A. 分享B.了解C.宣洩D.输出(三)1、元人乔梦符提出,文章布局应做到“凤头、猪肚、( B )”。
A.虎尾B.狼尾C.豹尾D.狗尾2、写作要“意新语工”,辞达情意,文字语言表达要做到( D )、简练、生动。
”好文章开头写法各异,多种多样,但归纳起来,不外乎几个类型,这里可归入( B ) 类型。
A.艺术B.平实C.开门见山D.别开生面4、下面的是鲁迅:《藤野先生》的原稿和定稿,其中( A )是定稿。
如李密《陈情表》、李白《蜀道难》、曹雪芹《红楼梦》就是其运用( D )作文。
A.一字立骨法,B.举纲张目法C.删繁就简法D.条贯统序法(四)1、. 新闻(消息)中“倒金字塔”的结构模式是(A )A. 按事实的主次排列,先重点,后次要,各部分之间的内在逻辑并不强B. 按事实的重要性来排列,先次要,后重点,各部分之间的内在逻辑十分严密C. 按事实的大小来排列,先小后大至结尾D. 不按事实的大小排列,随意组合2、新闻背景是指新闻中对新闻人物与事件的(A )A.历史条件和环境的介绍B.具体细节报道C.重点提示D.新闻价值交代3、新闻是被及时( C )的新近发生或正在发生的重要事实的信息。
六要素要求的核心是新闻要确有其事,实有其人,新闻事实的发生发展过程乃至( A ),都真实无误。
这里按新闻内容的重要程度,先主后次把最重要的事实放在开头,然后按事实重要性递减的顺序来安排事实材料,这就是应用最广泛的新闻( A )结构方式。
A.导语写作B.直接叙述C.“倒金字塔”式D.生动形象的描绘6、消息的基本结构是(A)A.标题、导语、主体、背景、结尾B.标题、开头、中段、结尾C.题目、凤头、猪肚、豹尾D.题目、开端、发展、高潮、结局7、阅读下面报道, 它成功之处在于 ( C )A. 形象生动B. 抓了典型C. 细节到位D. 平常中寓深意经济学家赶集3月4日下午,经济学家薛暮桥到北京北太平庄农副产品市场赶集。
其文稿写作 ( D ),争取消费者信赖,以十分醒目的文字宣传产品的高质量。
A.引证事实B.构思新颖C.简洁明了D.内容明确(五)1、根据以下标题,判断其中哪一类公文文种属于误用(C)A. 杭州市西湖区政府给杭州市教育局的《关于在西湖区增建一所小学的函》B. 湖州市文化局给湖州市人民政府的《关于在光明街道建造法制宣传画廊的请示》C. 国务院给湖北省人民政府的《关于国徽悬挂问题的复函》D温州市卫生局向浙江省卫生厅汇报工作的《关于加强食品卫生检查、防止过期食品销售情况的报告》2、根据公文写作要求,下面文稿的文种错误是不能为报告,应为(C )关于要求增加××××年度澳大利亚铁矿石分配量的报告国家发展与改革委:根据我公司××××年生铁计划产量安排,需消耗铁矿石×××万吨,现已落实×××万吨,尚差×××万吨。
特此要求, 请批准。
×××××公司(盖章)××××年×月×日A.请示B.请示报告C.函D.请示函3、使用单位最多用途最广泛的一种公文是指(D )A.通报B.通知C.命令D.公告4、行文方向具有多样性的是(C)A.报告B.通告C.请示D.函5、简报的结构分为三部分,即(C)A. 简报名称、期数、编印单位、编印日期B. 报头、报核(正文)、报尾C. 导语、主体、结尾D. 发送单位和印数6、XX省教委办公室2006年第10号文件的发文字号应当是(D )A. X教办[2006]10号B. X教办(06)第10号C. [2006]X教办10号D. X教办[2006]0010号7、公文格式由眉首、( C ) 、版记三部分组成。
A.主体B.正文C.文件D.文本8、盖章是表示发文机关对公文生效负责的凭证,应按GB9704-88“国家标准”规范执行,端正、清晰地盖在成文日期上,做到上不压( B ),下压成文日期年月日4~7个字,俗称“齐年盖月”A.主件B.文本C.正文D.主文9、根据公文写作要求,下面文稿的文种错误是不能为报告,应为( B )关于请求调整报价的报告省物价局:本报社为适应传媒竞争形势, 决定晚报改版, 增强服务性, 扩大版面并因此调整《××晚报》定价,自20××年1月1日起,每日报纸定价由0.35元调高至0.50元,每月订阅价由原10.50元调为15元,全年订阅价调至180元。
特此申报,请审核批准.××报社(盖章)二0××年××月××曰A.请示B.请示报告C.函D.请示函10、向上级机关请求指示、批准,用(C )A.函B.报告C.请示D.通知11、公文的格式有统一规范,通常是 ( B )A.红头文件、主体、印发机关B.单位名称、公文主体、文尾C.眉首、主体、版记D.标题、主送单位、主体、发文单位、年月日12、传达重要精神和情况用(B )A.通报B.通知C.命令D.公告13、公文成文日期应当用( C )标注,并将年、月、日标全,“零”写为“0”。
A.公文的基本组成部分有:标题、正文、作者、日期、印章或签署、主题词B.通用公文,又称行政公文,指各类机关普遍使用的文件,如请示、报告、函等C.通知的作者广泛,不受机关性质与级别层次的限制D.函为不相隶属机关间相互往来的正式公文,对受文者的行为没有强制性影响15、《××县××广播电视局关于向××县土地局申请划拨建设电视转播台用地的请示》,该标题主要的错误是( A )。