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The New Gingerbread Man



1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能看图复述主要故事情节;掌握字母“g”的拼读规律;能简单地改写故事结局。

2. 非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察、预测故事情节培养学生的观察力;让学生体会两个姜饼人故事的异同;通过讨论培养学生的想象力;培养学生大胆表达自己想法的自信和勇气。




1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事相关文化背景:

Gingerbread Man(姜饼人)

西方重大节日如圣诞节、复活节、万圣节都有做姜饼人的习俗。据说这一传统源自英国女皇伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I),她命令点心师把姜饼做成重要宾客的模样以招待贵宾。

本课故事中,Lee和Lin所读的姜饼人故事是一个著名的童话故事:从前,农舍里面住着一对老夫妻。有一天,老奶奶用面捏了一个姜饼人,并用葡萄干为他做眼睛,用樱桃干为他做扣子。老奶奶将姜饼人放入烤箱中,刚刚烤好,她就迫不及待地打开烤箱门。突然,姜饼人从烤箱里跑出来,一边跑一边喊:“跑!跑!快快跑!我是姜饼人,谁也追不到!”(Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread man!)


2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。

3. 全英文授课。


多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、单词卡(got, gingerbread)。


1. 导入(Lead-in):观看视频,了解姜饼人的故事


(1)教师播放The Gingerbread Man的动画视频(见课件),并与学生互动:

Who ate the gingerbread man at last?


Have you ever made a gingerbread man?

If your gingerbread man ran away, what would you do?

One day, Lee and Lin made a gingerbread man. Did the gingerbread man run away? What happened? Let’s learn the story The New Gingerbread Man.

2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察姜饼人是如何“逃


教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生了解关于姜饼人的故事,观察Lee 和Lin制作姜饼人的过程以及姜饼人是如何“逃走”的。

(Picture 1)Look at Lee and Lin. What did they make?

They made a gingerbread man.(指向图片中的姜饼人)(Picture 2)Lee pointed to the oven.(模仿Lee的动作)

“Put the gingerbread man in the oven,” he said.

Look! What did Lin get?

Lin got her book.

(Picture 3)“I got a book. Shall we read it?” asked Lin.

“It is about a gingerbread man!” said Lee.(指向书的封


(Picture 4)Lee and Lin were reading the book.

Lin pointed at the gingerbread man.

“He is running off!” said Lin.

(Picture 5)Look! Who were chasing the gingerbread man?

A man and a woman were chasing him.

“Run, run!” said the old man.

“Get him!” said the old woman.

(Picture 6)“Will our gingerbread man run off, too?”asked Lee and Lin.

“Let’s check the oven,” said Grandpa Chen.

(Picture 7)So they went to the oven.

Grandpa opened the oven.

Did the gingerbread man run away?

No. Grandpa got the gingerbread man.

(Picture 8)“He is hot,” said Grandpa.

“I will put him on rack.”(指向架子)

(Picture 9)They left the rack on the table.

Lin was worried.

She pointed to the gingerbread man.

“Will he run off?” said Lin.

(Picture 10)Did the gingerbread man run off?

No. But Button jumped up.

What did he want to do?(请学生自由回答)
