

国际金融(双语)国际金融(双语)课程教学大纲(汪洋)1.1 国际金融(双语)教学大纲

国际金融(双语)国际金融(双语)课程教学大纲(汪洋)1.1 国际金融(双语)教学大纲

《国际金融(双语)》课程教学大纲课程编号:01Z23制定单位:金融学院制定人(执笔人):汪洋审核人:制定(或修订)时间: 2016.2.27江西财经大学教务处《国际金融(双语)》课程教学大纲一、课程总述本课程大纲是以2014年全校本科专业人才培养方案为依据编制的。

二、教学时数分配三、单元教学目的、教学重难点和内容设置1. 国民产出和收入核算教学要点:本部分主要介绍国民经济运行的重要总量、相互关系及其核算方法。

本章的难点是GDP 、GNP、最终产品、和中间产品等基本概念及其相互关系,在此基础上熟练掌握国民收入核算的收入法和支出法。

教学内容:1.1国内生产总值1.2 GDP与GNP的关系1.3国民收入的基本公式1.4 名义GDP和实际GDP2.通货膨胀、实际经济与经济周期教学要点:本部分重点在于分析通货膨胀的定义、原因和经济效应,并通过菲利普斯曲线说明通货膨胀和失业率的关系,最后分析控制通货膨胀的政策主张。









《财务专业英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:ABGS0519课程中文名称:财务专业英语课程英文名称:Financial English课程性质:选修课程学分数:2课程学时数:32授课对象:财务管理专业本课程的前导课程:财务管理基础、中级财务会计、财政与金融、金融市场学、财务报表分析一、课程简介《财经专业英语》是财务管理专业的一门专业选修课程。


二、教学基本内容和要求1 Introduction to Financial Management (1)1.1 Financial Management and Financial Manager1.2 Financial Management Decision: Investment Decisions, Financing Decisions, Working Capital Management Decisions1.3 Risk-Return Tradeoff本章重点:Financial Management Decision.本章难点:Financial Management Decision.2 Introduction to Financial Management (2)2.1 Types of Business Organization: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation2.2 Corporate Structure of the Company: Shareholders, Board of Directors, CEO, CFO2.3 Objectives of Financial Management: Stakeholder Theory, Value of Wealth Maximization2.4 Separation of Ownership and Control2.5 Agency Relationships: Agency Problem, Agency Costs, Practical Solutions to the Agency Problem本章重点:Objectives of Financial Management.本章难点:Objectives of Financial Management, Agency Problem and Solutions.3 Interpreting Financial Statement3.1 Basics of Annual Repots and Financial Statements: Corporate Annual Reports,Overview of Financial Statements3.2 Balance Sheet3.3 Income Statement3.4 Statement of Retained Earnings3.5 Statement of Cash Flow: Operating Cash Flows, Investing Cash Flows, Financing Cash Flows本章重点:Interpretation of Financial Statements.本章难点:Interpretation of Financial Statements.4 Financial Ratio Analysis4.1 Financial Ratio Analysis4.2 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Cash Ratio4.3 Debt Management Ratios: Debt Ratio, Long-term Debt Ratio, Cash Flow Coverage Ratio4.4 Asset Management Ratios: Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio, Asset Turnover Ratios4.5 Profitability Ratios: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Total Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Return on Common Equity, DuPont Analysis of ROE4.6 Market Value Ratios: Price/earnings Ratio, Market-to-book Value Ratio, Dividend Yield and Payout4.7 Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis本章重点:Principle Financial Ratios.本章难点:Calculation and Signification of Principle Financial Ratios, DuPont Analysis.5 Time Value of Money and Valuation5.1 Central Concepts in Financial Management5.2 Simple vs. Compound Interest Rates and Future vs. Present Value: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Future Value, Present Value5.3 Annuity: Ordinary Annuity, Annuity Due, Deferred Annuity, Perpetuity, Nominal and Effective Interest Rates5.4 Valuation Fundamentals: Going-concern Value, Liquidation Value, Book Value, Market Value, Intrinsic Value, Valuation Approaches, Discounted Cash Flow Valuation5.5 Bond Valuation: Contractual Provisions of a Typical Bond, the Bond Valuation Formula, Bond Prices and Returns5.6 Common Stock Valuation: Common Stock Characteristics and Features, Common Stock Valuation本章重点:Compound Interest Rates, Future Value, Present Value, Annuity, Valuation Approaches.本章难点:Present Value of Different Annuity.6 Risk and Return6.1 Introduction to Risk and Return: Return, Risk6.2 Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Introduction, Financial Market Efficiency, Anomalies in Finance6.3 Portfolio Theory: The Expected Return of a Portfolio, Risk in a Portfolio Context, Modern Portfolio Theory, Diversified Risk versus Market Risk6.4 Beta and Capital Asset Pricing Model: The Concept of Beta, CAPM6.5 Arbitrage Pricing Theory本章重点:CAPM.本章难点:CAPM.7 Capital Budgeting7.1 Capital Investment Decisions: Nature of Capital Budgeting, Project Classifications7.2 Guidelines for Estimating Project Cash Flows: Incremental Cash Flows, Focus on After-tax Cash Flows, Postpone Considering Financing Costs, Other Cash Flow Considerations7.3 Investment Rules: Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index7.4 Business Practice7.5 Analyzing Project Risk: Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Simulation7.6 Project Selection with Resource Constrains7.7 Qualitative Factors and the Selection of Projects7.8 The Post-Audit本章重点:Capital Investment Decision Indices.本章难点:Internal Rate of Return.8 Capital Market and Raising Funds8.1 Financial Markets: Role of Financial Markets, Types of Financial Markets, Recent Trend8.2 Investment Banks: Advising, Underwriting, Marketing8.3 The Decision to Go Public: Advantages of Going Public, Disadvantages of Going Public, Different Methods of Issuing New Securities8.4 Cost of Capital Concept: Use of the Cost of Capital, Capital Components, Weighted Average Cost of Capital本章重点:Cost of Capital.本章难点:Cost of Capital.9 Capital Structure9.1 The Choices: Types of Financing9.2 The Financing Mix9.3 Understanding Financial Risk9.4 Capital Structure and the Value of a Firm: The Modigliani-Miller Theorem, The M&M Theorem in the Real World, Tradeoff Theory of Optimal Capital Structure, Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure9.5 Checklist for Capital Structure Decisions本章重点:Capital Structure Decisions.本章难点:Capital Structure Decisions.10 Dividend Policy10.1 Dividends and Dividend Policy: Dividend Payout Procedure, Types of Dividends10.2 The Dividend Puzzle: Dividend Irrelevance Theory, Dividend Relevance Theory10.3 Factors Influencing the Dividend Decision: Shareholder Factors, Firm Factors, Managerial Preferences and Constraints10.4 Dividend Policies: Residual Dividend Policy, Stable Dollar Dividend Policy, Constant Dividend Payout Ratio, Low Regular plus Specially Designated Dividends10.5 Stock Repurchases: Ways of Repurchases, Reasons for Stock Buybacks本章重点:Dividend Policies.本章难点:Stock Repurchases.11 Working Capital11.1 Introduction to Working Capital Management11.2 Cash Management: Three Motives for Holding Cash, Determining Appropriate Cash Balances, Investment Idle Cash, Types of Money Market Securities, Managing Collections and Disbursements11.3 Accounts Receivable Management: Credit Policy, Collection Policy11.4 Inventory Management: Successful Inventory Management, The Purchasing Plan, Inventory Management Techniques本章重点:Motives for Holding Cash, Determination of Appropriate Cash Balances.本章难点:Determination of Appropriate Cash Balances.12 International Financial Management12.1 Introduction: The Global Economy, Multinational Corporations12.2 Foreign Exchange Market: Exchange Rates, Currency Risk, Types of Transactions12.3 Exchange Rate Parity: Interest Rate Parity, Purchasing Power Parity, Unbiased Forward Rates, Inflation, Interest Rates and Exchange Rates12.4 Multinational Capital Budgeting12.5 International Financial Decision12.6 Working Capital Management12.7 Hedging Currency Risk: Currency Forward Contracts, Currency Futures Contracts, Currency Swaps, Currency Option Contracts本章重点:International Financial Decision.本章难点:Hedging Currency Risk.三、实验教学内容及基本要求无四、教学方法与手段教学方法:理论教学、案例教学、启发示教学、情境教学教学手段:板书教学、多媒体教学五、教学学时分配六、考核方式与成绩评定标准1、考核方法:集中考核(考核方式:考查)2、成绩评定:平时成绩(考勤、课堂表现及作业)占40%,期末考核成绩占60%。



《专业英语》课程教学大纲Professional English Course Syllabus.Course Description:This course is designed to help students develop the professional English language skills necessary for success in the workplace. Students will learn to communicate effectively in a variety of business settings, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and written correspondence. The course will also cover cultural aspects of business communication and professional etiquette.Course Objectives:Upon successful completion of this course, studentswill be able to:Communicate effectively in a variety of business settings.Use appropriate language and tone in written and oral communication.Understand and use cultural norms in business communication.Conduct themselves professionally in the workplace.Course Content:Introduction to professional English.Business communication skills.Cultural aspects of business communication.Professional etiquette.Advanced English grammar and vocabulary.Business presentations.Business negotiations. Business correspondence. Teaching Methods:Lectures.Discussions.Role-playing.Presentations.Written assignments.Assessment:Class participation.Quizzes.Midterm exam.Final exam.Final project.Required Textbook:Professional English by John Eastwood. Grading:Class participation: 10%。



2 财 经类 大 学 生 英 美 文 学课 程 反 思 与 设计
长期以来 ,大学英语的教学 目标在 于培训学生的基本语言能 力 ,测试的标 准就是 四六级考试, 大学英语 的地位始终是一种学习 工具。 然而 , 将英语学 习仅仅定位于过级是一种极 大的局限和误导。 英语是一个人文学科 , 它满足 的是人类求“ 的愿望。对于 以社会 善” 学科为主的财经类 院校而言 , 提高学生的人文素质显得尤为重要。 21 财 经 类 大 学 生英 美 文学 课 程 反思 . 财大最热 门的专业历来便是 经济学类和管理学类 。对 工商管 理专业 的学生 而言 , 人文 知识本 该是 最重要的学科组成部 分, 然而 实际情况着实令人担忧。 依笔者之见 , 我国 目前 的状况与维多利亚时代的英 国颇有相似 之处 。l 9世纪的英 国是中产 阶级领导的社会 , 是速度和效率最大化 的时代 。 与之相似 , 我们的学生现在缺乏 的不是“ 自由竞 争” 的信念 , 而是 “ 文化” 。必须承认 , 大部分学生选择财经类专业 的出发点是为 了今后 能拥有较优越的经济实力 , 这与整个社会对经济的密切关注 是分不 开的, 然而这里 面隐含 的功利主义倾 向却令人警 惕。柯勒律 治曾说 :一个 国家永远不会教养过度 , “ 但却很容易变成一个过度文 明的种族 。”威廉斯 9 ) ( 6 当利益的钟摆 向一个方 向走得太远时 , 改 善的唯一方 法就是一个相应的反动 , 文化 ” 为一个 不同 , 而“ 作 甚至 更优越的社会观念正是我们所需要的均衡力 量。文学作为人文精
摘 要 二十余年来 的大纲改革说 明, 大学英语教 学的 目标不 应仅停 留在培养语 言技 能的基本层面上, 而应该充分考虑对学生人 文素 质的培养。本 文反 思财经类 院校 大学英语教学 中开设英 美文 学课程 的必要性, 并就其教 学模 式和原则进行探 讨。 关键词 大学英语 大纲 英美文学 1 引 言 大学英语教学大纲从 1 8 年以来 四易其稿 。最早的大纲注重 95 培养学生对语 言的运用能力 , 目标是“ 以英语为工具 , 获取专业所需 的信息”黄滨 2 0 ) 19 年的大 纲修改稿则强调要培养学生“ ( 02。 99 用 英语交流信 息” 的能力 ( 黄滨 20 )然而 , 0 年 的《 02。 2 4 0 大学英语课程 教学要求》 试行稿和 2 0 年的修订稿 中, 07 将大学英语的教学 目 标进 行了新的定位 , “ 除 培养学生的英语综合应用能力 , 增强其 自主学习 能力 ”以外 , 提高 综合文 化素 养”被放 在 了显著位 置 ( 守仁 “ 王 20 ) 0 8 。二十余 年来的大纲改革说明 , 大学英语 教学的 目标应兼有 “ 工具性和人文 性” 王守仁 20 ) ( O 8 。英 美文学课 程作 为高校最重要 的人文思想来源之一 ,长期 以来只为外 语院系的英语专业学生开 设, 大学英语 的实 际教学情况与新大纲的要求相差甚远 。本文反思 财经类院校大学英语教学 中开设英美文学课程的必要性 , 并就其教 学模式和教学原则进行探讨 。
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《财经英语》课程教学大纲课程名称:财经英语课程类型:理论+实践课课程性质:公共选修课总学时:38 理论学时:24 实践学时:14学分:2适用对象: 各专业一、课程性质与任务(一)课程的性质《财经英语》是一门共公共选修课。






三、教学内容及基本要求(一)教学内容Unit1 Money, Monetary Policy and the Function of Money1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the basic professional words and expressions about money and monetary policy2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsuseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the origins and kinds of moneyB.教学难点Understand the function of money and money supplyUnit Two Foreign Exchange, Exchange rate and Foreign Exchange Market1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the definition of foreign exchange2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsuseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know what direct and indirect quotations areB.教学难点Understand the three kinds of foreign exchange transactionsUnit Three Financial Instruments1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the concept of financial instruments2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsuseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the principle of economicsB.教学难点Understand how to apply the economic theory to practiceUnit Four Commercial Banks1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the development of commercial banks2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsuseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the concepts of commercial banksB.教学难点Understand the operations of commercial banksUnit Five Central Bank1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the history of central bank2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the concept of central bankB.教学难点Understand the functions of the central bankUnit Six Financial Markets1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the functions of financial markets2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the major players in financial marketsB.教学难点Understand the major roles of money markets and capital marketsUnit Seven Insurances1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the basic concept of insurance2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the insurance interest and insurance premiumB.教学难点Understand how to read a insurance certificate, and how to write an Insurance Policy or CertificateUnit Eight Inflation1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the measurement of inflation2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know causes of inflationB.教学难点Understand the controlling of inflationUnit Nine Balance of Payments1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the definition of Balance of Payments2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know what current account is and what financial account isB.教学难点Understand the equilibrium of BopUnit Ten the International Monetary System1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the various monetary systems2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know how to quickly obtain useful information from a professional article to test finance vocabularyB.教学难点Understand the professional knowledge related to international monetary systems Unit Eleven Payment in International Trade1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with the means of payment in international trade2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the procedure of Collecting Payment and the procedure of Letter of Credit B.教学难点Understand the advantages and disadvantages of three payment methodsUnit Twelve International Finance Organization1.教学目的和要求A.教学目的Have an overall picture of this unitB.教学要求Be familiar with main international finance organizations2.教学内容Relative knowledgeSpecial termsUseful expressions Skills3. 教学重点、难点A.教学重点Know the history of some important international finance organizations B.教学难点Understand the functions of these international finance organizations (二)教学基本要求本课程的基本要求为:能够适当运用基础的语法知识;能够听懂发音清楚、语速适中的的简短短文和对话;能用英语在财经工作环境汇总进行基本的日常交谈;能够读懂所学词汇和语法范围内的短文、图表与信函等;能够写出简短的私人信函、填写个人简历等具体信息;了解财经行业的一些基本知识,并熟悉一些常用术语的英语表达法;能够翻译与财经行业有关的简单信息和图表。
